TO lJ b !l ; m it I I . ' i I NT ; Ml BLIZZARD J EAST New YorK In Grasp of Storm of Ice and Snow. CLAIMS TOLL OF SEVEN LIVES Many Persons, Benumbed With Cold, Fall and Break Bones Street Cars Blockaded. New York, Jan. 6. Nut in several years has New York been visited by a storm ml such proportion as. that which uniiiiucnesd wiitay and continued until eartv today. Nine ioekw of snow fell, paralysing UafiVr, ami brought untold sulteriug to tbe city s lr. Seven deaths In New York and vicinity www reported, whim maay parson, overcome by eoW, dropped to the street, some of them fracturing bone. Five of tbe seven men who met death from 0m result of the storm died from exposure and another IifMl oh the ley platform of an elevated station. Ml in frost of an approaching train and was wound to piece. The seventh, a conductor on tbe Pennsylvania rail road, biimied by the driving show, stepped in front of the "Congressional Limited" train at South Amboy and was instantly killed. It is estimated that the storm will cost tbe New York city railway com pany tr $100,090. Incoming ocean linen report a bliz zard at sea. Today 5,000 men were pot to work clearing the street of New York and tomorrow tbe number will be doubled. The effect of tbe tdisaard were felt at most points alone the New England and Middle Atlantic coasts. So far no marine fatalities bare been reported. In New York city traffic of all kinds was Impeded, trolley lines were tied up and the streets, swept by a pale driv ing before it fine snow that cut like rand and piled in great drift, were praetleally impassable. lUilroad train from all points were delayed from a few minutes to three boor, and tbe elevated lines were operated with tbe greatest difficulty, without repaid to schedule. At sea the condition must have been severe, but to far no disaster Itas been reported. AWFUL COST OF VICTORY. Facts About Siege Gleaned From Rec ords of Stoessel. Chefoo, Jan. 6. Some interesting statistics concerning tbe defense of Port Arthur were brought here by the flo tilla of Russian torpedo boat destroyers which carried numerous ehests contain ing complete records of General Stoes sel'e army. Originally the army numbered- M, 000. Klevea thousand have been killed, 16,000 are wounded or sick, while 8,000 remained in the forts, of whom, however, 2,000 were unable to fight. It is learned that, when General Stoessel wrote to General Nogi regard ing the surrender of the fortress be "I have 8,000 men in the forte, and 6,000 of these are able to fight. If you do not accept my proposal these men will die fighting, but it will cost you three times their number to kill them." During the siege 2e per cent of tbe garrison were put out of action. Thi remarkable fact was due to wounded men returning to the front. Cases have been recorded w here men have gone to the hospital tore tint, re turning convalescent to the forte. The number of officers killed was proportionately greater than in any battle known to history. This wai due to the frequent lethargic condition of the men, who, without food and with out sleep, moved only when led by their offieen. Tbe Hessians estimate that the taking of tbe fortress baa Japan $ 100,000,000. Crowds Cry for News. St. Petersburg, Jan. . The tamo at te admiralty and war office today wore a repetition of thore of yesterday, crowds of weeping women and children vainly asking for I let of the survivors of the Port Arthur garrison, which could not be furniehed. While the ltweefau military law U imperative in the lenubuweat that the commander of a fort run who eurrendeiB ahull be tried by eourt martial, the emperor will undoubtedly order that this form ality be diepeated with In the eue of Gestural SieWol. No Twne for Mediation. Pari, Jan. . The official view here continued to regard mediation between Russia and Japan as impracticable. Tlia Temps, fceiui-oJBcial, in a leading arJele, eya: "IJuesia will not consid er mediation at a moment when Iter silf-wteein in Buffering from the deeHt WMind and ltefore playing her strongest card, namely, the concentration of an overwhelming force under General Ku ropatkin." The same opinion is held at the foreign office. International Salmon Commission. Victoria, II. C, Jan. 0. Local can nent have been advised of the intention of the Dominion government to mok t bo appointment of an international commission to invoetigate the fhhorieH on tho Pacific coast with a viow to pro viding joint regulations for the prworv- ing of tho fisheries, particularly of thel calmon uahcru-s. NOTHING FOR RIVERS. Small Chance of Congress Passing a BUI at This Session. Washington, Jan. 7. Memlter of congress interested in securing river and harbor appropriations are becom ing uneasy over the repeated wanting of Speaker Cannon ami other Republi can leaders tlmt the strictest economy must be observed from now until ad journment. While talk of this sort is always in evidence at the beginning of each session, them is more seriousness in the tones of the speaker ami party leaders titan usual, ami the fear Is spreading that they mean what they say. So far as waterway appropriations are concerned, the fear i not alone based on the attitude of the party lead ers, but the further ami very slgnlti cant fact that the rivers ami harbors committee, though it ha been in ses sion more than a month, has accom pitched absolutely nothing. Owe of its members declares that, notwithstand ing almost daily meetings have been held, not a single line of the bill hat been framed, not a single item agreed upon. He declares that in past scis sions, when bills were reported ami passed, the committee did more actual work in two days than it has done this winter in more than four weeks. This dawdling policy, this postpone ment of action, is what cause the real alarm, ami no member can understand what it mean, unless it is that the de lay is inspired by tbe speaker for the sole purouse of staving off action until it is too late to put throogh a river ami harbor bill. If it is found that this policy of delay is continued, there is apt to be a general revolt of members from districts w hich are sorely in need of money to continue the improvement of their waterways. With few excep tion funds heretofore appropriated for this purpose will be exhausted by July 1, ami unless a river ami harbor bill is passed, work will cease altogether. In many instances work has already stop ieil for lack of funds. The promise has been made that the rivers ami harbors committee will bring in a bill the fore part of January. This promise wilt serve to cheek those mem bers w ho are in favor of forcing the speaker to give Jh, but it will not serve for long. Men who want river ami harbor appropriation are growing desperate; the situation at many port and on rainy rivers is becoming serious and demand attention. DOINGS IN CONGRESS. Wednesday, dan. 4. Upon reconvening today after the holiday reeeee, the senate plunged di rectly into tbe consideration of the bill for the admission of two states to be composed of Arizona and New Mexico ami Oklahoma and Indian territory. I ley burn introduced a bill for the regulation of corporations, which was refered to the committee on judiciary. Senator New lands introduced a joint resolution providing for a eomml4ion to frame and report to eongrew a national incorporation act for tbe con struction and consolidation of railroads I employed in interstate commerce. In the bouse Representative Mann intodoced a bill to abolish the isthmian canal commiseion and providing that the powers now invested in the. prod- dent be extended until the end of the fifty-ninth eongress. Thursday, Jan. 5. Tbe Joint statehood bill again occu pied the major portion of the day in tbe senate. Senator Rani intrclueed two bill intended to clear away obstacles tlmt threaten to interfere with the construc tion of the Klamath rererve irrigation project in Southern Oregon ami North ern California. Senator iiaitey submittal a proposed amendment to tbe constitution fixing the term of office of the preeident at six years and making him ineligible tor re-election. The house committee on fortifications reported the fortification bill, carrying I6.747.SW, which is f 770,30V lees than appropriated last eeseiou. Representa tive Adams, of Pennsylvania, intro duced a bill providing for the establish ment in the District of Colombia of a whipping poet for wife-beaters. Asks Fee of S20O.000. Newark, N. J., Jan. 7. A fee of 1900,000 for James Smith, Jr., for act ing as receiver for the United State Shiiibnilding company was asked of Judge Lanning In the United Statu District eourt here Wlay. Loumel for the Sheldon reorganiaatioti committee opposed the application, ami sahl that the sum demanded wm eshorbitant. He tnid all the money Mr. Smith han dled in the reoeiverebip waa not more than 1,1 -It, 000. The credit for the resurrection of tlte eomjiauy, lie sahl, hi due to the reorganization committee. New Russian War Loan. Iterlin, Jan. 7. The prospectus of the new Russian loan of 181,000,000 will be hued tomorrow. Subscription lieta will 1) opened in Germany, Kits- eU and Holland January 12. The price of the issue in Germany will be We. The bunkers nyndicate has imid into the Ituseiuii treasury V0$. These terms are considered here very favora ble for Kiittiiu, inasmuch oh the holders can demand redemption at par after elx yea re. Another New Russian Loan. St. Potershurg, Jan. 7. Official an nouncement of the issue of a new loan is published here for the flrat time. The amount of the loan will be (115,- 750,00 bearing Interest at 414 per oent from Jinuary 1. The first call of Donon will not be made earlier than 1017. The whole loan will be extin- Iguinhed in 1085. IN HANDS OF JAPS Porl Arthur Gives Up After Fight ing Eleven Months. CAUSES GREAT JOY IN T0K10 Stoessel Confesses He Fouud Further Resistance Was Only a Usclots Sacrifice of Lives. New York, Jan. 3. Port Arthur, whose hills for months have run red with the blond of the lira vest of two warlike nations, has at last succumbed to the fierce tenacity of the Japanese attack. General Stoeel, most stub born in carrying out the will of his sovereign, has seen the sdvnnce of the besieging army gain in momentum and energy, until to hold out lunger would bare been a crime against humanity. Tbe conditions of the surrencder are not yet known, but in alt quarters it is anticipated that they are such as an honorable soldier may accept from a brave ami victorious enemy. At :15 o'clock last night the com missioner completed signing of the capitulation agreement. lloth armies had suspended hostilities five hours earlier. The city of Port Arthur Hill be occupied by the Japanese today. The authorities at St. Petersburg, in the absence of direct official notice front General Stieel that Port Arthur has surrendered, have not ermittel the news to become public. Kmperor Nicholas, is in the south of Russia, and his ministers are for the lime being in the dark a to what dispatches have been sent to him from the front. Tukio is the scene of rejoicing, people finding in the outcome eompuusatiun for all the sacrifice of life ami money that was entailed in the ten months' siege. - To what extent the fall of Port Ar thur will make for a rntoratim of peace is an open question. There is an encouraging note in the expression of Huron llayashi. Japanese minister to Imdon, of the "hope that in some way it v. ill facilitate final peace." Roth in lari ami London it is be lieved that the squadron under Vice Admiral Itojestvensky, which started from IJbau for the Far Kast three months ago, will have to retrace its way home, as an adherence to the original plans would invite disaster without probability of effecting a juncture with the warships at present in the harbor of Vladivostok. HALL IS REMOVED. Summary Action by the President In Land Fraud Cases. Washington, Jan. 3. President Hooeevelt has directed the absolute re moval of Jolin II. Hall, United Stat district attorney for the district of Ore gon. The action was taken at the re quest of Francis J. Ileney, who was been conducting, as the nominal assist ant of Mr. Hall, the land fraud cases in Oregon. The announcement of this action was made by Attorney General as he waa leaving the t hite house alter a conference with the president. Mr. Moody declined to say what the rharges against Mr. Hall were, if any, but did say that it was for the good of the serv ice to dbipense with him, particularly in regard to the conduct of the land fraud cases now being investigated. Mitchell and Hermann Indicted. Portland, Jan. 3. Tbe Federal grand jury fulfilled the exctatlon. of the public when it returned indictments against Senator Mitchell, Ilinger Her mann ami George Soreneou. Mitchell ami Herman were indicted jointly ami are cliarged with having conspired with all of the defendant heretofore indict ed to defraud the government out of land situated in township 11 south, range 7 east. Soreusoo is indicted for having offered a bril of 15,000 to Dis trict Attorney Hall on March Xfi laH, when the indictment against the con spirators who were convicted In the recent trial waa landing in the Federal eourt. New Navy for Russia. St. Petersburg, Jan. 4. With refer ence to the report publislied in the United States under a St. Petersburg date that Kmperor Nicholas ha peti tioned the exuuditure of 80,000,000 for rebuilding the navy, the fact is that Russia's naval program lias not yet ben definitely decided or proiniil gated. All that Is positively known hi that the plane cover a long erkd of years. The absolute Heel I ty of a sea power is one of Kuesia'a latest lessons of the prwient war. Bay City Is Shocked. San Fruncisoo, Jan. 4. This, eity experienced a numbor of earthquake shocks today.' At 3:20 o'clock a severe nhock, which lasted for six seconds, ooeurerd. At 4 :-'fi o'clock and a few minutes before 8 o'clock tonight other shocks were felt. Tho plate glass in a few buildings was shattered. One of the small towera on the city, hall waa twisted. Officials at the hall, how ever, say that the tower waa faultily constructed. Cold Suspends Mobilization. St. Petersburg, Jan. 4. The intense ly cold weather whioh prevails in tho center of Russia has caused a temporary suspension of the mobilization and movement ol troops. Today the tem perature is 40 degrees below Fahren heit. SUMMARY OF THE TERMS. Russian Ottlcars Go Homo on I'nrole, Privates Remain Prisoners, liondou, Jan. IS.-The Japanese ley- tlon yesterday WtMlslied the terms of the agreement which served as the Wis of the capitulation of Port Ar thur. The agreement v,M signed by the Itusslan ami Jaiwnese com mission ers, representing Generals Stoessel and Nog! respectively, and later by the commander In chief themselves, tlte rinal consummation of II taking place in tlie evening of January X. The agreement consists of 1 1 arti cles. Several of them are of a mrely technical nature. The essential point of the other aVe a follows: The en tire fortress, with it surrounding forti fications, tlte ships still afiiial In the harbor ami the w recks of those sunk ami jiartly sunk, all arm ami ammu nition, the military building in tbe fortree ami fort a well a in the ohl ami new town, together with all other government property, are to be surren dered to the Japan. The latter agree to reepect ami duly investigate all pri vate right ami claim. The Japanese i weave the right of free action relative to their claim for restitution ami indemnity in the event of it becoming ktMblbhed that any forte, ship or other property were de stroyed after the sign lure had been affixed to tbe agreement. Impartial investigation of the report alleging such violation of the proprieties of lb surrender is promised, ami tbe Rus sian agree to co-ojierate. The plans of the forts still standing, lieetroyed or in the course of construc tion, the U'k of torpedoes ami mines, the lists containing Infortunium in ref erence Xn the placing of mine on land or sea within the confine of Port Ar thur, as well as tlte lit with the names of all military ami naval officer engaged in the late dWrtii-e, are to be delivered without deductions and eras ures Ut the Japanese. The soldiers, sailor ami volunteers, a well a the official under Ituaeian jurisdiction, will become prisoner of the Japanese. The officers ami official will retain their arms ami private prop erty, however, in accordance with the expressed wish of the mikado, a a rec ogintion of their gallantry in "Mending the fortrea. These oil it r and itArlal are to be sent on parole to Kumka. As a guarantee of goi faith, tin fort at Iteeahan ami Antushau, togeth er w ith other fortification still stand ing, are to be surrendered to the Jap anese not later than noon of January 3. DOES MUCH DAMAGE. Disastrous Fire In Plant of Union Meat Company at Portland. Portland, Jan. 4. Fire raged in the plant id the Union Meat company, Fourth aand Glisan streets, from 11 laet night to 3 this morning, complete ly gutting the building. ! cm the structure, which was a thre-tory brick, is estimated at 1100,000, ami on the content f loO.OOO. Thi is partly covered by insurance. Heated lard is believed to have start ed the fire. The name burst out on the third floor, directly over the engine room. When the fire was first discov ered by Night Kngineer John Sleight, the fiames were leaping in every direc tion above ami streams of ammonia from the cold storage plant were drip ping to the Hoor Imlow. Close to the Fourth street side of the building, on a track id the Southern Pacific, stocd several freight and refrig erator ears. There was also a ear of fuel oil. It stood where tlte flame wore the hottest ami for more than an hour It was tlte fear of the police ami firemen tlutt it would explode aand ileal death in every direction. The name leaped ami bunted furi ously overhand around the oil tank, nut after an hour of -heroic work the fire men succeeded in averting the danger ami saving the ear of oil. Those who hud to fight ehe to the danger ground breajthed a sigh of relief when they drove back the flame ami were able to turn their attention to the building projter. Ready to Mediate. Washington, Jan. f. President Roosevelt has decided tlmt he will offer bis good office to bring about peace Itetween Russia ami Jaitaii whenever either party to the conflict shall request Inmtotloso. lie ha itereiolore In sisted that both itartie must request hi good office liefore taking any action. This view lias been modified so that eltther can secure his interttosition by asking it. The president doe not think any step In the direction of (teace will lie taken in the immediate future, probably two or three months. To Relieve Sufferers. Wei Hal Wei, Jan. 6. The Rritish stoamur Andromeda sailed for Port Ar thur this morning carrying a large quantity of medical supplies, appliances and comforts for the Russiuan sick and wounded. The Andomodu had on board two surgeons and eight tons of stores, including 300 bods and 100,000 pounds of provisions. Her cargo was shipped on hoard last night, following the receipt of official permission to sail on the errand of mercy. Japanese Occupy Forts, Toklo, Jan. 6. The Japanese took possession of a numltcr of the forts of Port Arthur today. The Russian offi cers an oflioials will be jcnnltted to re-' turn to Russia upon parole, the officers retaining their side arms. ATTEMPT 7 BREAK Seven Convicts at 1'olsoni Make Dash (or Liberty. THREE ARE KILLED IIY GUARDS Four Are Fatally Wounded and One Slightly Two Guards Hurl by (Juliets of Comrades. I'nlsoni, Cul., Dee. 31 A break that ww clever in plan awl Isdd III "xecu tion took place at the inllwitlary hum this afternoon. 'Ilieguawlsitlteyed tbe standing order ol the warden to shoot repanllea of the langr to fiee men, ami a a reault seven of nine convicts, who had planned to get nwv, were almost riddled with bullets, three being now ilead ami three In a critical condition. Tbe break was similar In general phut to tlmt of last July, but tlte fact that It was mad within the range of the gun of seven tellable guard, all dead abot. ami one of within W) feet, make it more bold ami iletmle. The convict who engaged In t lie break were alt employed on tbe n-ck crusher, where Sf6 of the moot desper ate prisoners weiealwork. Captain Murphy was acting a general overseer about the rock rusher, and four oilier attache, I.. Daley, M. Ilogan, Charles Taylor ami Charles Jolly, were employ ed a "pushers" to keep the mm l work. A Urge sledge hammer was thrown into the crusher, nosing the ptimlernu machinery to com lo a stamMill. This allraclMl Captain Murphy, Charbs Jolly ami Taylor to tbe place Immedi ately. Thereupon the desperate rm vict rushsd to seise Murphy, Jolly and TuylM They succeedeal only in catch ing tlw twit first mentioned. During thi time the scene of trouble wa under cover, ami the guard on the outside cuuhi not see the struggling men, al though they soon had an intimation that something wa wrung. Five of tlte gang sumnindrd Captain Murphy ami two other had Jolly. The con vict had knive in pittiou for tmme dial exn-ulion, should tbe guard at tempt to free litems I v. Tbe convicts were very lhl a they aitprtMrhl Guard Harris, who stood ready In act according to tbe standing order to shtMtt regardless of ntusMpieoces. When within 40 feet of tlte outside guards, imo id the convict gave lb commaml: "Hand out your gun, or we will stab Murphy to tlte heart. Intad of I tamling out his rills, Har ris 4ot a bullet inUi tbe fellow's Ul) ami lie fell to the gronml. In quick surcMsioH Harris fired at each of tbe remaining convicts, who were trying to shield themselves behind Murphy and Jolly. In the meantime bullet, from other p4a were Nying thickly altuut, many of them striking the convict. Captain Muridiy wa struck by one id them, a slight wound being inflicted In tbe leg, ami Jolly wa struck in tbe rteek, tbe bullet coming out through the cheek ami inicting a very serious wound, though probably not a critical one. I wo ol lit convtcta, nametl CamHM-ll ami Ford, intended joining tbe others, but their courage fulled them when tlte shooting liegatt. Moors Commit Outrage, New York, Jaan. S. In a garden id a Itritish subject, only on mile from Tangier, a bohl murder lias (men com mitted by Moorish roMwrs, according to the Herald eorrutudent of Tangier. 1 He .Moor entereii tlte ganteu ami car ried away four cows belonging to tbe Itritish owner, after murdering a Span lard working on the place. One of the robber was severely wounded by lite wife of tlte Spaniard. It i rumored from Tetuan that the garrison there It deserted ami fled from tlte town. Two moNthe' pay wa due them. Want Horses for Army, Seattle, Wash., Jan. . Iiu-iflccoAt stockmen will sin have an opportun ity to bid on 1,000 head of horsea to be furnislted Uncle Sam's cavalry and ar tillerymen now stationed in tbe Phil ippine, word to that effect beiiur re ceive. I by Captain F. A. Grant, of the local army quartermaster s office. Slur- incatltu a to the kind of horse de sired have not yet Iteen received by Caitaiu Graut. Thee are exirteil by man irotti me ipiarierinaster general within a few lay, when the bids will Ihj culled for. Storm Destroys Jelly, Astoria, Or., Dec. 31. Five thousand feet of Jetty suertriii!ture wa carried uwuy in an 60-mile-aii-hoiir galu off the mouth of the river yeateriluy muni ing, leaving only fi00 feet of the outer end remaining. To repair this work, together with the jHtrtion that was curried away by previous storms, will take several months, so tlmt it is un likely that there will Ihj iiiiv extension of the jotty until late next summur, If at all during thoVoiiilrig year. Tried to Reach Vladivostok. Shanghui, Jan. 2. According tn nrl. vote advices from Basel) received hero today Commander Pelem, of the Una. slan toriHNlo 1tiit destroyer Hiistoropny and another officer of that vessel liavu been identified among those on lmurd tho captured Ilrltlsh steamer Nlgrutiu, FIND THIi TRUTH, Dnnvtir Election Frnudi lo ho I'rohod o the Unlloin, II. ........ I I fll r.iliiltlm. It I I 'I'll I I'll ui. .-...-.. n Mn INIft mi h to east a shadow over every miuii and wonmii In any May linplintUd i ithitioii frond In the idly and cotiiily of Denver, on, hehirw or after Novcm. her H, Hie supremo court hits nrili.,., an Invesllgrttloii mi sweeping in u, rn'ope tlmt every plmso of the cht'tluii may Imi seriillulied and everything im Uwrs iisin It In any way limy ho i,isi8 known by Judicial Inquiry. Alva Adams, Peimteratk' eaudldm,, for governor, who appeared from , returns lo Itave Iweii elected, hut wlw ho ilMchued that he due lint want , nlllce tainted with fraud, askid u court UmpeH every !iir Iwllnt u,Si Itut llie itriler of the court go,- u l( the mere eiattiliMthtu of the l..ii,,, ami ptovldes for Hit liiv-t tgut i.m . i tIB registration list, the camimigii nh. dlUirte. and, in brief, all iI..i,.hi maiUTK. SUSIIWI " l-n"i'i, nimiiM.y .. U I 11 IL.1I....I .... lor Adams, ni Henry j inimi . . . .. , -.i... i, i.ti -i . . .. lomey ior in iw-""i"-" ii n court to make It order id sueb l.i. . 1 1 t tltal the court need not tpt anvil n,t In tlie Inveetlgatioii. The ...mi .,) tlmt was wlial It meant to .!., mi l m sirucieo ww imj"" i" e" "I" ii wonting of tlte ottlcr, and prvsciii a u, tlte court (or srpoval. Chief Justice Gabberl said that while llie petition did not stale ta-uB entitling tb tiiliner to sin ft an m vnstlgatiiHi a propi-scil, the cmin liml tlecbletl that an investigation inl(i,i end In discovering tit guilty iw who wet resmsliilr for the k-ii.iih. ion of llie giuM frauds that N revealed In llie colttempl pr-ii.lii,i. Tbeie must Imv Itii s-me h r,.i.s 1. himi tlte eMH'lloo iimreis ani "U.r who commitleil frauibi, the i-nutt I. Ilevetl. GUILTY ONES DISCHARGED. Dall Cartridges Among HUnks Ar Traced lo Kin Packers. Valiintgm, Jan. 4 A the ri-nall of invrwtigatiou mad by illrrvte.ii of tleneral Crorier, chief id oidlisn. .-, it ha Imnu ascertained ttuil aim.i.g lh 1,760,000 blank caHrblgr l-ur. Im( sumnssr to the regular and litta trt-qM which tdc part in the n.ipti. ers at Manama s, Vs., ami in t'slif tins. two bull rartriilge were found. t tbe Virginia ramp and tlte ..ll,. r i California. Tit priu win. i-.,. txi the California cartriilge w a by tlte initial on the li ami was mpt ly dlcharg-)l. In tbe Virginia ir K wa impiw-atble tit Ami lite nffi-nd- r As an additional iifecautioii, all lbs blank cartriilge cases at the I rm . k. l.-cd arsenal hae Ix-en o-irrhaulKl ahj weiglteil, with tlte result that nm lull cartridge wa found. In that i-- lb Olson who packed the ra was dis charged. To guard Against the pjmibilitt of such an irf-curruure, (ietteial ('"ir ha dlrwctml that mch laix ! bUnlc rarlrblegs shall Ite weigbnl ll.ri mol ing. Tlie lues-ence of a ball inrlri-bja can be eaily detected by this mell.-l WHIP WIFE.DEATERS. Watlilnpten Grand Jury Adopts Ihi Prnsldsnl's Su;gesllon. Washington, Jan. 3 The I -l graml jury In making it final rrH for the preent term of the supri-MU court of the District of Columbia l-Uf ri-oomimmdeil lite wtablishiitt-ttt f wbtpping-poH In the distrnt Tru question ha been hiih Ii agitated tier since the preebient in his last unmul tuemage lecouimemmil rrral piiinxb Ment for wife-healer in the Dioln.t of Columbia. The reiiliiiiietidatin of the jury was as follow "Tlte enlcary of eatablntbmg tbr whipping-post a a mcaits of i..ihi-l,iu ife-bratera ami ttty lancny i.h. nr luut lien InvestigMletl by tlilsUl. awl the majority id tit no-mtH-r are of lb opinion that It wioild prove very eff-'ct-ive in reducing tlte number of the reprehensible crime." Dandlts Are Sunremo. Paris. Jan. I. Tlte hihuuim templateil by the Irem h goveriitmat JKj iot wis security ol tit m the towns in Monxvo haeli..t et ln compleleil, jutrlly owing to the fct that there ha not yet Ih-cii the tnoa nereaaary for the turNie sim-i- I raw Aret unih-rUMH the tak. and iartU ) cauee many matter of detail n n.."i. be sett ll when the 1'rrinh nimm ill ative, M. feint Relie Taillander, iieb) tlie sultan at Fes at the end of lit month. Oriental dllatorine count for something in the delay. Uho Coal for Russian Fleet, Iknnhay, Jan. -I. Russian ngciili here are emieavoriug to i.ureliuw 100 fUttut of eoa I and to charter vessel h carry it. Up to the present mi sbi ment have lieeu made, hut it i ! Ilevetl that the Itritish steamer Hi nry Rolekow, of H.1U tons uet, nwiiiil by tl' RuiiiUy A Persian steam iiaviagtien uoiiijmiiy, liiiiitoil, of lloiuliuy, ln lieeu sold to Russia. Shu has sailed heni'ii in liallust for Huiunn. French Cochin China. Two Cruisers Return. St, Petersburg. Jan. 4. A renort that tho urulsurs Orel mid Iziiiurud, ' tho Hceoml I'nullla squadron, have been ordered to ruturii Is current hero, but lacks ofllelal oonllriuutloii. If tho ro iwirt should provo truo, Vko Admiral Itojestvensky may ho obliged to nwnlt relnforeeiiif.iita from thu Third Pacific squiulron.