LOCAL BITS Wall paper at the Merrill l)i iik Co. 'Ilriiii, nliurtH mid chop, MuuIk lieckvr, I''ni HAi.x Two uliolcu lots on Villi .sheet. Tho Crook County k'.ilty Co., Iltilk'tlii lluildhiK. See the celebrated Walk Itnsy hrtf at the llend Mdrcatitilu Co.( Uonu'lhiiiK warm and coiulurluhlu. If you want aliol iuMlied .' iV. T. Mtciilivim about It. Jl llv. t PlSClltltO.I. Fred A. .Hhnsmiicfl hn bought lif KHtmiriiiit of U. G. Smltli, the nui-iffr tukiiiif I !(' Iflit Sunday. riie iiiMtitiUloti will continue an uti lolorttt Thofw German Mx arcjtmt the! I. - . T. i I iinu for tin weutlier, at the Ittud klei inutile Co. i Wantho Woman to do house Junk bv the day. Apply Ht The ilnllfiiu office. Nfit Kiitinie KdwartW arrived rdin lliowimvllle. Oregon. IftMt for thicken Decker. The John feed kcc Mutzlj; ik punch at I'limi O'Km.oVriieOnicu. White & 1 1 ill this week moved from DcHclmtoH Into their brand new market on Wall trot opposite the II. M. Co. Hun; they hnvu lacilitieH which they liave lonu needed for conducting a lit Mt cIum uiaiket. Tlieir iiuiUKiirnl dlaplay of decoiated curt-nan; whh a new thliiK for Cuutial Oiukoii, and diew much admiration, I'lfcen large larevea, and Hik mid uiiiltoi galore, leiiiiuded one of a largu I'ottlnud Jjiuikct at hojlday time. no unci oi lingnieu imiiii ior rem Tor Salo or I ratio. flo ni-ri's in the Columbia Southern aetfrcKiitlon, very favorably situated. Will be Moldcheup or trad ed for town property. Kuquircat The Bulletin Office. Ittillilerrt Take Notice We carry it full line Of doors, SIum, piiiulft and oil, putty rind all irnlft of hardware and it will pay you to get our figure before plac ing ordem chwwheie. llund Mer cantile Co, l.(if(t--I.OK Clliilll. On loud through Html, IhHwubii Trlplelt's blackaniilh ahop and DeV cln'ii)-Comt. in and talk It over. ewm nuitoffiue, Wedtwaday fore i lie U' v.uhi, wn, " ncxin, M gtKHl logMita.ug cliaiu Itulletiu Jluildmg. irfmiar nlaa roiwrt to C. M. Weymouth receim n papfr from hla lterr nl I'airbanka, Alaika, the new and llouilaltiug camp on the T.iiiaua river half way J. R. JIkkiiam. ElUHUUiUSCSSS The Central Oregon Banking & Trust Co. Capital Stock, $25,000 Conducts a General Banking and Trust Business .Foreign Kxchangc Hotight and Sold. Draft made o:i all parts of tliv world. I) SAPETV DEPdSlT BOXES isow prcjwrcd to furnish complete facil itius to eufltomers. I It Ii C T O 14 S : .. M. MUHl-.M I.. Mw'r K O. MJSOIl, CtHIIIRR BEND - OREGON Vine VtSTM. Mmiey Xavotl, Jly buying gonda ot Itllen Orcntl between Dawson and I'ott valdea, ,nt J,ytlt, Oregon. New and freah which ahnwa that modern umtitu I atock for the lowtt price poaaiblc lion have penetrated that far for cakh. Itllen Orcutt, I'ropt'tetrea. country Thia per. to aemi- -W- weekly, the tyw ta et by machine, ! Wall l 'a per. it haa plenty of freah telegraphic I Come In ami kwk nt our stock. new, and I decently timcci. iin ifw in't uit you now. will have agiJffJlluBiaTiiiaT'rTiaBT3xiriifW Fresh Fruit and Vegetables ...BUTTER AND EGGS... j S.itiinlny and exjU to make hen J't half the aie of The Hulletiw. ! jBrRer jMe of ' moles to acted Horn- wltli licr DrtJtlltn, K. I. and -i"'- j .,w -.r '--, iromni a lewuays. Aiernu 1rugv.o. ilogh Kdwardft. Mr. Weymouth in tne vukott mouth, $) year noeiit ix veara in me vUKon'. uf. ... i.. iu u..u .w.- u...: (.it your rubber goods at the country, .going in jut before the big ttim tHi wo.t jw unfaioUl by ml Metcautile Co.; new atock l boom of 1897. I anyone. Merrill Drug Co. THE CITY MARKET C. II. KKICKSON. I'Koi-fciKToc Fresh and Cured Meats and Fish Hvcrythlujc I'ertalnlnif to a I'lmt-Clin Market WBST IJUII-DINO, Wall St., WIND, ORHflON 4angaBgga&Mantagaa3tr'"iw'1 '"niii 11 1 waiHjimuwngs I 1iiub.rI.Rn,l, A tilll J. M N'MH Ii l-'iiH ITWilCATJON h I.dixl rjfio-, ih IJllt.Ofnon, Narmtl 1. rH. hk- ui hrth)r jth Dial mmmp'i-x wii im .u.i.i.jmauI tn Art f V'v ((. t Jnt , "7; c.iitu, An Mil htr IR j' " 'rhini. t v-.l. i.l lnulwttlM, lt r. r 1(1,111 iMiHi.k,..i Inriiury," n ,. . i"l I" oil lh public ...... Main ny At uf rt'i" 4, i j, tt m.iii(M.iiit CbHiujr ..( KMil' iiiii.ij" fldnhii .. iiii..jr nicuut Im oui' In iii Mji. h.iii ..., 4W, lur in,. iii ... .i ii,- tHr', .i :-, ui rc. 4, ip u . r i , w in AB'I will offrr pfe to h..w lh Ih. .. a..tiii m it.vr viiwt.iv ir it4 tin, rer o ' ' ... Ulm ij auKJ w.,M lwf.,l In RrN ,UriiHl RMHtr, fOiin )rt Hi- lulki, irrgunjfi At tilttmf ol ,fvi., Iy, .. . . MM4. tii. .a.., Mmon lw. HiMiuuiimi.tl I Ik fa,u ir.Kn. hi. ! I.. I IIHII, HIMI WWHUil. AIM i.ll-ani. taunt, tumno. Ai. .u all wroM duUninc ml-, t-1 ih. h.j.. ii.-riio i.iMir rtifk-tm i, ii 'kn .Ui.... , ,ut amca o Mor thr nl i. 1) f Mai lit, iwi). r-"7 MH.HAHU T. Mn.AN, H-feier. .1. deuterium' warm ox, Vork Cah Store, Dichutea. A 1510 I'OOTHI) LION. Hell liiHt arrived. Thftc will bv a meeting of the' khoea, overalla, hata etc., loilfin WiHMlmeu at the II. M. iaii nmuniay nmui 01 next weex ml it i sKt i'dly deaitvl that theie In,' a lull filtvmiance. Lint your property witk The rnok L'nniilv Itmiltv Cu.. Kulleifn JUlildillg. The Roberta brothern made a in over to their - Siwteri ranch glovex, at Niv Ifvouare going to jwpcr you bonne, consult u. We can .save you money. Merrfll Drug Company. Clearance ale of Xmas toyx, card ami calendaiR, New Vork Cahitote, Detchutct. tfs&WBac&s&zx&i&texiti&xixezm&zv of whiakie county nt and The Cmiiu user the Northern Kocka to nee lleml'rt (Irowlh. ,at Saturday night Carlyle Triplett'a dug had a frantic tint a little north of hi cottage' mt the be first of the week. Tmrv report ; Cotter homcted. 'I rlplett had lull-, tu.HtlHmr mil ham alvill lha Hem ! HI rillfir lltlD 1(1 mild 11 tl fl amcant llend. i iuniiier tre in that locality a lewlki of Ktnln. MuUig & Hecker Ifyon wantwmfort tbesechiny I '0.U" E5JMLte"JK The f.mon. American Beauty Ln-gctone o, tho. good over- 2 ."l-kUiUJin-o-l. .lTb.Ofc Tne beef line oigtirt in .Crook Omceaaloon. Alfalfa, meadow bay and all 8 Pine Tree Store e. l satio. ivoP. Wall St. near Minnesota GENERAL MERCHANDISE Boots and Shoes - - Gents' Furnishing Goods SHELF HARDWARE DRY r.OOD,S and a General J.ine of GROCKRIHS Ucnicmbcr to Call on lis at The Pine Tree Store ft waraataatCTsmaapaBcog .lawWEnciaTOjauuutaaaBajazaaaigjsaS XOTKK WK lUri(ATIuN. ItpiMMcat Of Um rtnor l Uaduatcc, Tk Halir. OTifcm. HurtrtntrT yt, , , N'.li.rU htr.t.jr glT tt Champ Siiiiib,ni Tiix-Mii. . otcf-'. f n'xic of in -i4Kn . ,r prouf um tut ammttx laud Halm '.(, .vrin ii avii a) l arc 7aiKlw wg( i. i- 1,1 ut.t He,r. l . In.f"rr j ii,ln .wii. l .kfa,at TaYtllr, ii-oii. -.iillirMti a; ui .btuarr, 'Wi Mr um, ikr fallowing witiieawi tn ymvn th .Mi,plic irriaUuii awl iciMHiati.ii i.l awl iBtin C ni itftxll, nmut J tim, -l llr .. muaa, all of rrRlllc Orrgon. Colou-I I ani. rt. of Laaioau, urr.on ijvr.t MICHAKI. T. JOI.AN. Rr(ittr KTITJOK FOR I.IQL'OR LlCICVSK. tt ctxtmty eomn o( tkc Mate of Orrgvit foi L r.A ivaat jr. In the mailer of Ih application of Hugh. J'fc cforarrtailtfcaorltcxitolallenlpreiact t. , cusatf, atal of Urrgoa T I .r Honorable Count). Court - W I hr aoorga4 Irgal voteM of H'ti't prr imi, Lroao couuljr, Ortgon, mprnfully pfti m Ihr HonoraMc Coantjr Court ,.f Orou. oai.lj. Male of ttrgoM, tu grant a lirrnmr t. lal O'Kaac l mU IrMuoa. ntaK o. la. Mianrt, or Trrtat atari ddr. In leu mtn ilk I an oa gaUon, in the precinct at jteatl oai i if Crouk, autaof Oregou, (or (he trrta ui ik i ttu from the ) th day ofjanuarr ia .MU.IIH. .tend MercantdeCo. "TTu 11 w5-! MiM Klra M. King, of Ittlling- ed, but lit barked in hi dreams It.tnt, 'ah.. arrived in llend but that night. Saturday aud haa taken a petition lint the next day John Young. i Mtrnok-rabhi'r in the law office of who bad noticed the disturbance. I'.utrin K. SteinemaMU. I wan over on the ridge and wa livery thing lit the wall neran ' mawl l0 find lh frwh track oi l.nc .t tentonable pram Merrill ! mooter cougar, which hi. crept !rW Co j up to within I on feet of hi li'iuat. .,' .' , The pud of the beaat'a feet wore a I Mim Matmn Wle-t ba taken a ,, M ,ell MlKKr. The lui)ie nMinni hh Uiokkeepcr in the taiuk ), rockv thtll lw? trai, ,,,, , u. ukI MmI Maliel Hunter baa be- 'i,!,,.! aaiia.rtnr.K. i.m n.. ....ii.r .Mill feed ti-is' per Mutig und Hecker'. Office. hundred at Minnie Rye cocktail at The Office ;.ruc the rfl-w anaUtanl in the prt- 4.,pcte have come in front the Jilue the change dating from hut eMt,r Hrnert and wua doubtlc i ucMiay. j I 'or the MiiMticrAdc bull. fine lvirtnieiii of niitikl. Call and cet oitrcboicu at New York Caah torrr Dcachutc. C.cWral Manager J. 0. Johnaton, invntigating the locality when tlc dog'a uproar interfered. Mvitletit ly he wan an old tinier which had not bern to Mend iccently and he wtuat have been urprici und some what diacoiKerted to Hud a city here. The track of the beaut were aaxa. n aa.aaiai.aiaataaraaaiiaa i mo ii. i. it -r. uo arrtveu ia loge to ,,e htMi whete the bear Saturday front the Most atwl will ww alain two week ago, and it ia poaalbU' there waa an odor that attracted the big cat. iiuiin for a time reviewing and Sr mu itei Tlieltesdiules Telephone Company Telegram rorwnrded to any part of th World. Direct Telephone Communication PORTLAND, I'RINKVIJ.U and all Pacific Coast, cities Public PAY Station HANK IIUII.DINO Iteml - Oregon THE DliSCHUTIfS TLllil'HONE CO. ITe OFFICE SALOON 3boicc0t r.nuD0 or XUlinco aiiD liaurtaid Ouuiedli Vrnportcd XUbtBlUCe HUGH O'KANE, Proprietor. 36cst 36ar Service in Grool? tlountv). Bowling Alley Billiards and Pool JP-t 1. iikU vl Stratum "CiHb is lues oa tin- Mrkrt 23ond and Xlllar?, v9I0 Crow.ljcrnutagc Crab Orcbar& MMani &S2&rVLA;7tfrm MILLARD TRIPLETf BLACKSM1TH1NG AND HORSESHOEING All kinds of wagon work done in first-class shape. Short notice jobs a specialty. orroniTK acurroi.uorAK ting affairaof the big frHgaliou uinrimration. . The' new Klora-IDora cocktail It 'It- Ollicc al(Mn. 1. I,. Tompknm haa rcaigned the atahierihin ol the I). I. ft H. Co ;'. A. Hierman, of CotttHtbue. Ohio, S Im came out to llend M an expert uditor. 'become ' cakhier. Mr. romprtin will remain (u the office or a time. I Call apd ace the great bargain it left over X man good at the New Voik Caah atorc. Ieachtile f lvout 300 of I'red Smith'. aheep ire ri'portefi to have been killed at wiek near Paulina, 50 milea up CrHketl ilver from Prinevdle. vl.iakcd men bound the heider and jW and scalturcd the baud uf f iKor .Sali:-Two liounea and lota. Itii(uire of The Crook County Realty Co. I Last Saturday Richard O'Mulluy .v.ts tried before Jtwtlce I,nwrunce 'or iiiuiuli wUhlidnugerotus wutipon, ilfiijamiii Weilr. .being the com iliiiuiug witiicaa. lie vis ilia barged. Tlie trouble arow oveh 1 diaputc about it naw in which Htp liKd owiiurahfri. . ' Chrhtnina toyn nud ganioa, for STew Vein's prenents, 11 1 cot at llund Mercantile Co, Dr. U. C. Coe, graduate. of Hit; , tiuve ratty .01 .Mlasourl unit tlie 'Ccluctio College of Cincinnati. trrivdd in Heitd .lust Tueduy and insicoucluded to muku permanent ocatioit .Jicru.t ' He him taken a vase of two office rooms over the bnnkNoc a ferm hf thtee yearn. The Rev. U.- M. Street, who vn iu l!uii(l Inst week from his Mctoles jrauqh und jjchopl, snys Mis OWcc Merrill, who iiJ tench g for lifm, ijiud n very acrlouy iuio of it uftennrriviiig there. She (oicliilU;tlibyi the long rftlb ntyl iuffcrcd-rtn nttaclCvOf iuMtiiHintory .i...........!i,... ii..... '.. ..:.i- i..jit.".i. ,)u,iiumu;im y)itv iiiuiiu uui vM(L Ksa tui mice wfUK. vino una ic- 'oycred, boveveri Ittr JJalo or Rent. Mvery atabte with 16 ulU, harncoa room, and granary. Apply 10 II. K. Iomb, Manager I)va chute Improvement Co. HHNI) HANI) tlLUCTlON. 1 1 BKND. ORKOOK ft iiiu 11 wiRrirT!w . ctrtll 1) McMillaa : TaoralhaaHe I n Mayajtld co M Mayan id lUlrarann t. U Carman M. Trtplrtt K R Lratrr j. II O .Nell K A hatbrr , X Maalrr Kd DrurftatM 'rtn BroatrrbraM 4 K. Kgglcataa Irnry Lartrr little H.rwtll J. A Kcajroa latfh Nbrklan Ca A McKiaaoa OWKrtckaax J. W. BI9ao Will Rate 'feo A Hapiaa I. T North I. p Tararr V. HrlSM W A VajOer jlM Piarcc C. r llaytrca 1 'nittt llmrr fttthak O. V. UiviiitoN C. Si KtrUaom K. A Brown Ph A Waxawr S.T (itcca A Aanc t H MctrlU C r. Mxkrf OU'cr TaorbjarnKin John r JoUn iohii llarwoR . IrUag W. Jari J.W l'MUrtofl A. N. ri B. II. Kaadir A. A. AnttKMiy tl. II Cftlot UN. C iHclBacragun V. J O'Connor V. C. Kowl I,. K IcCorJ I. V. Clrck! JL H Lowlt O. K. Hauler CM. Kolftcht IMIaKldrr A. K. Grant tletsssr Kraak Xrthol frafl A lihonqnut A. W. Itowrtt a OMl W. Whitrlt,Jf. Tfcao P Ca41r Rarbri 'harp J. W. KoWton jaawaAlMrp rTw CopefaiM Wtb. KNapp W. H. Ut rtabt. W. R. WIHen AlHwartx Poagtaa Allen Ul. Ijtle J. t Joauaon ! if 11 Iran UrMas h . Jivrrr.il MwtML1 . 1. W Mtr K. O. Stttith C II. Hrkkwi Otrrr If. Rrcl R. I.Hdrrnl Kate TMatamt llago Marer SllseVJrrhrjtea Ce.Tii?rtt Jabs Htair K.J. juck V.k A. Jl.Ztvt) O. Haimloxtcr J. I. Wct J. M. MKKKIUI., It. K. SKKJ1AI.K. J. rXAXK STROUD. Send Livery fc Tsfer Company. New Officers ami luliv1lio IHrktiHl tlie llorim. The llend Concert Itatul met Monday evening and held their aemi-oudunl election of officVrs. alao reviaed and adopted a coualittttion and by law. The following officers were elected: PreaWnit I'M. ItrtrMr-rliiMi". Vic-ur'l.ltintl'. Mil.. U.UU-ll, flwrnlary P. I.. UiUIrll, TrMuairir--t'. M. Triilett, lliwbit'rui manager Ora I'ointlt'xton The ivreaeut instrumentation of the baud ia a folknvu; Solo lib iimifl t. M. 'I'rtplftt, let llliroini'ta UuIktI (llu nix I I'. L. IUIt'll. !ihI llboirm-t (Inoit ltvck, Int llli t'larliwlf-K. M. Im.IhIi'II. IniIii Altir Itdllltiy l,t'slr, I at A I to-Curly I 'IVIitrU, )IimI Alto Urmit Hraakftt, lnt Tt'imiVfNlrlitiliia Wulilcr, Vint Tcimr I'M. lliiihlurlnmn, ItnittniK ('. .N. SiiiIUi, lib TiilNt-ClmrUi) llmwn, ,l)riun Dm l'(ilinliti'r ami .lulm MfltWal, C. N. Smith wi appointed in structor. A tt it NT 1 on. Ve dblivcr ajl goods iu our line at your door every morning and evening. Watch fbr our wagon nud give us your order. Pies, enkeu, cookiqs brown and white bread will be kept constantly oil baud. Pies, cukes and bread to older and deliVered at your door at fir,ht prices. Ho'iihj Hakory opposite lhtptist church olt soutlt.side. Vlli;,op'eu jibont, Jan. 10. A. I. Stophons proprietor V, --W . I V,- ijl 4' Wall Panor. r 1. .. 1. .. 1 ' ,H wuiwenc'iVvntit. sutts yQtvri, fitucy, wilt iWiireAheiti hn'Shortf tsotite, Merrill D-Urr Company. .on I la8BBagITlaTS7-ri16r.3M''nTlrMfrifaftl vajBosxnasxsa For TT0 i-irs Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.. General Delivery, Trucking and Transferring. Notice w herrbr gira that tha atxnvpotUkm will he prrwntedto th llontnUt Oaanlv Oaart of the at.itr of Oregon Oar Cvk eouatJ attar aeitt rrgular term thereo, to- tt. an Uw 4)4 dt) w. I.RWHJ, i. mm MamimrfNirr aa ui. taw uan can acar tac aaaat, there ak that wen Mtitlou Hcca4 be ward tu the hM llaeh tFKu. ta tell HNntuoaa. atalt and Weans jlaaars ad f.rmruied cider la IcMaaaatMas ll.n orn gattaa at the arrctact of Raii. lir CnraV ftrBB tr . Oregoa.tura term af ia taaallM. baled thU xtd day or IVcemtKr, iai. HUGH OKANR r .'I - .. T TTT ' I utn can acar tac aaaat, aud wHt thtti am. be gfliBtedaM BoaiUbtet, hetXM MlMHtaoU aad Oregua, Class "i FIRE -INSUR ANCE ''Coll on. m mwtmce OB PRINTING The Bulletin Job Office Will do your COMMERCIAL PRINTING On short notice. Type is new and of latest de call ana see signs. tf a samples. ,Brrttt:iM;TqgrTTrBT1gl ' !.-," " awarawiaiMlna M .aaV V LflWl ! M Wff itfVi v rrTaaaaaatTaaiaTjf-rr aaaaa afe I lT aT Tartar 'frt tfilu i rf n IMHair -, rn htaaamaaaauaaatat yf vf. i Jmi-v ?va??l I ' gt grggagggg I air BaaaaaYarX K 1 1 Come in take a look at 3 beautiful display of JEWELRY yOn the counter you will aiso una cataiotf Illus trating thousands of useful . and practical Gems If you want the very best values for your money . BUY HERJ3 THAT'S ALL vNMcvaSJ(iw Merrill Drag Co'py- BEND, OREGON . J,.