The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 13, 1905, Image 3

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Tho only woy to got rid
of pimples and other erup
tions is to clcanso tho blood,
improve tho digestion, stim
ulate tho Iddnoys, liver and
skin. Tho medicine to tako is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Which has cured thousands.
Hunk Hulil nt A nit Inn In nil
American for ll,un(.
At Sotheby's recently tlnuo was if.
fered for umId mi Imperfect copy of
tint lllilit printed by II. lliiiUur In 1UIU
Iliu New Tcstiiiuoiit iIiiIihI 1(111
WillielenN incept for miinn MM. Inscrip
tions of mou or Ionn intri'sl. Tho
lllhlo belonged In V, Klin r ()(iteii, of
itimliolino. .MHlichiwter, wIiimiii gruiiil-
fill her. it well known collector of
books unit irliun, hniiicht It fur nrto
KrttlKii r two In 18.10, unit Inter re
fused S7ft for It.
On tlin revei ki of tlm lllln of Iliu
Now Testament In "Wllllniii Hhnko-
nMart, Hill," m nili on IIih end emr,
"Wlllm. Khiikapoin, off K (. A. (Klrut-
foidou Atoii). IiIn llllili. KIIS1." Them
tiro wxernl oilier liiftcrlptloii", ono of
I limn showing Hint fevelilien yents
nfter Nlmkiwjii'iuii'M iIohIIi It belonged
to John Pox, of Warwlrk. Tim entnl-
lielween Thulium Hull uii'il Jiiiihh
Hull, to whom, enrly In tho eighteenth
century, tho Illlile belonged, ii ml John
I lull, who niMrriiM Mliikenpetire'ii
laughter, lint no etidene on the
point In forthcoming.
Thi' pedlaree of tho hook wnn re
garded by ilenlerH ii h aallNfactiuy. A
to tho Hhnkeapenre signature, opinion
vnrlnH within wIiIk limit. Tho folio
unit Hlnrliil nt iihout fSSO, nml
MifiNni 1'omxin bought It on hrhnlf
of mi American client for JI.OuO
qnlli mi inili'h iin wnn ntitMiatcd.
Several oilier classics of tin unit
rtHim were, nln ImiiikIiI by private rol
ler torn for considerable aiiiu. "Itobln
on ('niwMi' wild tha "I'lirther Al
venture" nml "Herlou Hicollecllon."
threw volume, original if If. mndit
fl.Sflo not ory fur "hurt of thn au
thor rwiinl eatnhlhihed In It; tl.o
insSfollo 8hakiwiart, full, J.W $710
I thn hlKliiHit Hinn ever obtained for
It under tin liMininer-hiiiI "Thn Vlcnr
of WnUHeld." 177(1. published at I1.',
f I7fi. IiiiiIoii New a.
CITC "'"aawailljr 'Mit. Xmf nrmrM
(110 fWin4.,'.iwMnif kiiM'.iiim
"W .i.MirM'iraiiniitii.Miiir.iMs
III. It. II. Kllftr, I.M..MI Alt4l M., rUMll.U, 1'.
A Wreuknil 1,1 fit.
Wlnka Old (Irluie. appear to b nil
limkn up.
Jlliku Nn wonder. HID only mm playa
Ilia rare, aiul hit only daughter plays
Ilia banjo.
Why HtiouliJ His
Caer DM ya take a v a rat Ion till
year. MlkrT
Oirrlcan Ol did not. 01 wii out on
rtrlka fruiu May to Oeliiber. Puck.
Of Ilia tlilrty-olglit Kullana who liara
rilled tha Ottoman iinplro tine the cull
u.iiel ii f (.'ouMaullmiple hjr tha Turk.,
tlilrly-ftitir hare illnl violent dentin.
Tha rity of Hliemld char era SIO.RO for
cremating In thn city crematory tha
IhmIIp uf rrnMriita ami I'.'l fur tha bodlr
of llou-rraldrnta.
In a rrernt cae In a l'aria court It
waa stated (hat tha defendant, a rniini:
odl err of caralry, hml apuut flOO.UOU
lu tiro month.
Tha Increnaa of Cannita'a rtiMirt trails
In IWM with t.rrat llrltaln orrr lha I
Unltr.1 Hlalea waa 112.000.(100, lu 11)00. '
157,000,000. I
Ilavo Ixcu tuffertiiK from Impiiic IJlood
for many yearn, IiaWue; Jtoll uml other
Itniptlon. Havlui' heard of H. Si B. I de
cided to try it, ami am Had to ay that it
liaa dona me a ;rcut ileal of fjood. I Intend
to continue to una it, nn I licllcvo it to Iks
tho taut Wool Mcdlclno on tho market.
Cleveland, Tenn. W. K. DitTKHS.
1'or over fifteen ycnr I have mlTered
nioro or leaa from Imptiro lllood. About a
?'cnr ago I had a Imll apear on my lcj
iclow tho kuec, which wua followed hy
three more on my neck. I aaw 0. S3, ti.
odvcrtltcd and dccldeil to try it. After
toLliiL' three liottlcn nil Holt dlanppoarcd
ami i have not been troubled any since.
Gito, O. 1'IIKTIO.
114 W, JcfTeraou St., Iiuliillc, Ky.
Kcwark, Ohio, May 3j. 1903,
Trom chlldhooil I had been bothered
with bad blood, akin eruptions and boils,
I had boils rungln from five to twenty in
iiitiuiicr encu tcason. 1 no minimi; no
comnanviiiir tho eruntion was terrible,
o, a. i. aecmeii 10 do jusi nie mciiiciuo
needed in uty cam. It drove out all impu
rities and bad blood, nlvlnj; me tierina
ncnt relief from the aUu eruption and
bolls. This has been ten years p;o, and I
havo never had a return of the disease.
Mrs. J, 1), Ati 1 it i ton.
Write for our
book 011 blood oud
akin diseases.
Medical advice
or any special In
formation about
your case will cost
you nothing,
Tuo 8wlft Spoolflo Company. Atlanta, Ga.
IHatlOuuibSxrup. Tutv Uuoii. lit fH
In Una. Bold br druuiUU. Ml
M LS am.d.
Hillialilno of 1,1 fo that Mlnlit
J la IC11
jnjreil All lha 'I Imp.
"Hochihlllly U nil iIkIiI," lulmltteil
Iliiuhuo, "for thodo that Imvo time.
I'm too liuny u nimi to IikIiiIko. A fol
low IIiiiI'h ilrlvon nil ilny liy bimlntmj
liiian't n iiilntito to hu Hoclnhlo."
"hot'M mud nhoul llml," pornlHleil
WUIuiin, "you hllll tikn your con
ntlttilloiml from .MiiHMucliiiHDttn nvniuo
to thn olllco (ivory inoriiliiif, don't
"Iloiiml to; I'd lm too nnrvoun to
hUh', Thuro'H tho nil; If I took tlmo
to iMiltlviito my follow-innii, mm you
tiriti', I'd Imvo In lvo up Unit will It "
"I'll provn Hint you can ot tint,
walk mill tho aochihlllly too. Klrat, (
you'll meet tho niiiii iiiowIiik thn htwn
on tho (,'oiiiiiioiiweiilth iiviiiiiio pnrk-j
wny. You cnii iiimuiKM hi wiy, "J'Ih '
top o' tint tnornliiK to youl' nn you
piiM. Ilo'n n Jovial Irlilimiin, nml IiIn .
pithy niply will Ui'i'p you t'liucklliiK to '
yournnlf until you coiuo to tho eahiuuii .
In front of thn Vi'iidoiiio.
"Vou lake off your hat, nn HioiikIi
you mlKht Iin Kolnif lo wlpn your fori
IihihI, or inaylKt iimlio u Naluln, mid i
you tmy lu a inwiriy ioiik, '.rmri you
lueliy doKn In l nhlo to HiIh ovory
where, wIiIIh coiiiiiioii peophi llkn u.
havn to walk)' Mr If they ilnu't warm
rlKlit up to you. Vou'll ntlll ho rolling
llielr Juicy ri'tort uiiitrr your Ioiikuh
when you count to thn old man who
acriiliN the Immin of (ho luniiuinuntn of
Wllllaiii I.loyil (larrlaon and Aluinn
dor Hamilton overy morning. Vou
nliiK out an Ihuuuh you hml known him
all your life, 'Kowp Vm hmkliiK llkn
HlKitlean Town, eh 7' nml then atop ami
'unit lilui, ponlhlenthilly llkn, why hu
donn It. Vou'll ImikIi nt hln reply.
"An you cmni Chnrh-n alrci't liny
two pnttrhi' for n nickel of tha anltiil
pHniiut mid fruit mini, and him a
cherry tlniii o day. Wavn your hninl
to tint children lu the nwiiii Uinta In
tho I'ulille Onnlt'ii, feinl thn dovii and
aiiulrndn on tho Common, Jolly tho
mmaboy at Park Mreet; nml let inu
know how It comen out."
"Kny, WJxham," thn kIuui man who
hadn't tlmo to lie iwlahle, Informiil
hi friend, an en kit aa a achoolboy,
when they mot for Inn eh, "I had two
mile of nuctabillly ami Kot to tlm of.
lien on tlmo. 7'hnt'n a until rnrlpo
of your, Hny, thn old codicnr anld tin
tloein't know why hn arruhn (Inrrinnn
ami Hninllton, hut hii1 It In Jiut to i
plain tho hoM." Thn Interior.
Arrunue Vimr Kll In Hue Hroaoii Till
Olvra I'u.llinc Air of Thrift.
If ono bcK'HiH, an hn ahuuhl, alx
month lu advance, to plan and pro
pttru for hi next auuiuinr or fall vu ca
tion, ho ran. hy Knnlual ami Nurreptl
tlou hrwinlliiK'. net toelher n rout
mmtdnhln cnuiplni; iulpumiit, ami no
tiody will uotlcii tint outlay. Tho heat
way In to mako many of tho thliu;
)oilrelf. Thin Khen your paatlmo nil
ulr of thrift, and propitiate the In re
nml pi'iintea by keeping you homo o'
llllllit, And tiieru In a wnnl of aolld
roinfort lu ImvliiK oterythliiit Axed Jiut
to ault you. Tho only wny to Imvo It
ho In to do the work youmelf. (Jiut can
wt-ur ready made clothliiK. he can exlut
In roady-fiiruhiheil nxima, hut n ready,
mndo cninpliiK outllt I a ileliulon ami
a nnare. It In niiru to ho loaded wlUi
Klmcrncka that you lmn no uo for,
and to lack aouiethltii; Uiatyou will bs
inUornblo without.
To ho auro, oven Ihoiuh a man rig
up hln own outllt, ho never K'et It qulto
to ault llllil. Kvery aenaou aeea tho
downfall of aoine rhorUtieil nchcuie,
tho falluro of aomn fond contrlvnuro.
Kverv winter aeea von nirnln fnaolni
'ovnr vnnr-.kit ii..ri,. n.i. .,.t,.in...
,,, .i... ....i it,,,.,.!.,,, Vonr wtia tvlih
'", " U ","' lll,l"K'olr WlU w,,h
l'0 mo ,',, Prohlnm of how to ruiro
weiRiit nun iiiiik wiinoui uncruicn or
'utility. All tlioroiiKhtiivil camper do
thin nn roKiilarly an thn hlnln coiuo
hack In aprlui:, mid their kind hmo
been iIiiIiik It aliivo thn world Iickhii.
It In Kood for un. If Home iiiInkuIiIihI
KciiIiih nIioiiIiI Invent n eauipliu; eipilp
tueiit that nobody could llml fault with,
half our pleanure lu life would bo
awept away. l'lehl and Stream.
ll U (iuoil Ailvluo.
Thn mnn IiiurIhmI upnmriounly. "I'm
n pretty licalthy-looklui; Hpeolmen, am
. not, doctor)" ho naked.
"Vou certainly are," muwured tho
"Well, ton yeara nRO you told mo
to preparo for death,"
"Did 17"
"Vou did."
"Well, I aeo no roanon to hn hllnrloui
about It. Thn I'm f-ood ndvlco nt any
time, Inn't It?"
"Vom, but"
"DooHii't your preacher kIvo you tho
aniiHt ndvlco?"
"Of courne, but you aeo "
"Well, why don't you k nnd launh
nt him? 1 did only my duty by you,
mid from what I know of you, I would
nay that I enn't think of nnyono who
luiu nioro extouded prepnrathius to
m nUe."
"Hoinctliiicn," iniiHcd the man, aa ho
went out, "It Ih eiiNy to mnko n point
mid illlllcult to clinch It."
Ttin lluoknt hhop,
"Dnd," Bald llttlu HeKlii.ild, "what
la u buckot shop?"
"A bucket ahop, my boy," anld tho
father fcclliiKly; "" bucket idiop la n
inodorn cooporago establishment to
which n man tnkea a barrel nnd brings
back tho buiiKhole."
HpinkhiR of old time cumouis: Thero
Is thft of Kt'ttliiB tho wlndliiB sheet
and mourning refidy before breath haa
loft O10 body, Want Hint buck?
A (;lri docau't euro to bo everything
to mi cllfftblo youiiK mnn; bIiu U initia
lled to become his bettor half.
LosIiik your lialr? ComlnR
out by llio comhfiil? And
dolim noililnn? No sense In
that! Why don't you use
Aycr'o Hajr Visor and
Hair Vigor
prompily crop tlic fallliiE?
Your liolr will bcain to urow,
toonnd all dandruff will dis
appear. Could you reason
ably expect anyililiiK better?
- A,r. flair Vlr It a fl iwi ltli
m lr I lr lallhia irnl rr l""U.r !
llm II. ir Vinr .I'li'i I II il iw "if l'lf l
all ilaM " W, C, Uo.iiun, IJmli.r, C.I.
fl6a tmtlla. i r iTMo
I AlMriiyult for VTr'i'in fV"
NoililiiK Too (iooil.
In tha remote faxtiicunea of the
Koutherii mouiitalu thorn arc many
en bin in which miKnr, even of the tin
rellned variety, In unknown, Moat
thine cu iinawpcti'iind, but for oajie
clal occaaloun thero In rvavrved a Jiij;
of niolaiHHi or corn ayrup, known fu
mllhirly an "lone nweetenliiK"
It wan lu hiicIi a cabin that an Itin
erant preacher wan called upon to paan
tho nluht. 'J'ho miiiiutnluecra were tin
HkIiIchI nt tho honor of eiitertaliilui;
audi dliitliieulnhcd company. When
nupper time came, the iimiiiiI rrpnat of
hUciilln ami frlrxled pork waa Increan-
ed by (hit addition of Ixillcd potatoen.
Hut when It camn to pourliiK tho cof
fee, thn hoateaa wan lu her (,'lory. Hho
produced a demijohn of "lone awccteji
Inu," and lllled the mlulitor'i cup more
than half full of It
The milliliter viewed thl procceUlne
with alarm.
Then', there, my Rood woman," ho
proteated. vehemently, "that will do,
that will dot So more, 1 boj; of you!"
Hut "my kooiI womau" mistook tho
en line of hln protect.
"Iiway me!" ahr exclaimed. "Don't
bo worrited, lwrnoii, Why, all 'laraea
nlti't too kimmI far the tulnlater."
Mbtbrrt will DlHl Mr.. WlmUiW. Boothlns
Hyrup lb tctt icwedr !" tor Uislr cliliajea
tluilliK tha ttcltilue rirlcxl.
Alt' I'alr In ltvii.
Ml Million Ho you know Mitt Tip
top, tho belle of the aeaaoli?
Mr. HhnrpMit (after MIm Million'
heart, hand ami bank account) -Ok, yei
ah and I mora lu hi ah much th
same it.
Mian Million Hy the way, here cornea
M Tiptop now. V will mert her
fare to face. Why, al.o did not
rici'cnltu you.
Mr. Hharpwlt She alwaya acta that
ay whvu I'm with a prattler clrl than
aha la.
Iin Would l.lko to Know.
A Japaueao of an Inquiring turn of
mind haa recently addroaacd a noto to
the Vlflaeo Improvement Society of
South Ornnjje. N. J. Tho subject of
hln InwstlKatlon la 0110 that Is fa
miliar to most parta of the world, but
110 doubt tho community of which tho
Inquiry In mndo will feel flattered by
thin evidence of Its popularity.
The honorable of tho South Oranges
aro asked In what way they rid them
selves of him tho much troublesome
mosquito? How do they approach him
In his houao amonj; the reeds and
marnhen, ao an to remove him effec
tually from tho dangcra that he does
to people of good mlndn whno akin
he numt puncture? All this I would
like so much to know.
ltrhln Hlln.1. Illmtlnc er I'ntlnhllff I'IIm.
YMinlruialwnirtfUiMlMMHy If 1'AO OINi
MIUoT lau lu cum )i lu M II U-. two.
Hlruolc Tlirmiuh.
Ilorr Ari;ehiuder waa ono of f!er
mauy'a must dlHtliiRUlahed aatrono
mora. Ho was greatly lovd mid ad
mired by tho younger generation of
ttidouta, both Cernmii and foreign,
ninny of whom wero proud of buying
had him na their preceptor.
Among them, nay a Dr. Nowcomb In
Ida "ItomlulnceneoM," wnB Dr. II. A.
Could, who loved to toll this story of
tho profoMHor's wit:
When Dr. Oould wna In Oormany as
a student, ho hud abundant hair but
no beard. On his return there from
America, yeara later, ho had grown 11
board, and had becoiuo complctoly bald.
Ho entered Argolauder'a study unan
nounced, and tho professor looked
blankly up.
"Don't you know me, Herr Trofos-
6or?" naked tho visitor.
Tho professor looked nioro closely.
"It's Gould!" ho cried, at last. "It
la Clould ink his hair atruck t bronchi"
For the Study of
Is Important. We ,
can show results,
for every one of
our graduates are
Write for our Catalogue
A Little Lesson
In Patriotism
At HennliiRtnti, Vt., on tint Mth of
AuKtut, 1777, John Htnrk, Kcncml of
tha American forcoa, won n victory
over tho Hrlllnh no
decided that It de
termined tho war
of tho revolution In
that part of the col
onion. Hy hln per
onnl Impetuoilty,
by hli confldenro In
hln men, by hln dar
lug bravery In ac
tion, wan tho vic
juniT srinx.
tory won.
At tho flrnt aouml of too bnttlo.
Htnrk, who had been In the main body
of tho camp, ninlied to tho front, cry
Injf, "I'orwnrdl Now, my men, there
aro tho redeoata. Ileforc iiIrIiI they J
uitiat he oura, or Molly Htnrk will bo
a widow." j
1'orttinately for the country, Molllo
Htark wan not made a widow '
In hln command at West Point, nt
HnrntoKa, lu Jthoi'o I a In ml, lu .Sew
Jeraey, he wan diligently employed In
thn aorvlce of llhorly. Aiiwhk the In
dlvldunlttle of tho revolution few aro
more utrlkltig than thl aturdy ludo
pendent mnn, whine uprli;htuei mid
honeaty atand out even In a picture of
uprlicMner. anil honeaty.
An a rojiroauutatlvo of tho faithful
mountaineer who en me at Ida call
and who never faltered under hln
KUlilnnro and who followed Into the1 Not only do they milliliter to tho epir
caiinon'a mouth, ho will ever bo re-'hual and Intellecutal nccda of tho
meinbcred by a country that hln bat- clmrcoa committed to their care, but
tlen helped to make. Ill very eeeen -
trlrltle only hav- milled to his repu-
tntlnn; for Paine loven the ntron char
ncterlntlc that marked John Htnrk.
Vermont ban done well to honor tho
memory of tho man who wan a nig
Kcd aa are her own mountain.
ATrn 111 01 trio Wat.
Tho crew of a certain llfe-aavlng sta
tion on the New Rutland Coast has
many time proved Itvelf brave and
efficient In tlmo of need, but of lato
Its skill nnd bravery have been into-
les. like so much treasure locked In R
vault. There has been no wreck, Tho
soa has boon kind na a big dog.
Inaction had Inevitably bred aoft
habits of life, and tho Idle crow had
given tho summer visitors much to
Joke about. Their aatlrlcal comment
were rather ungrateful, for tho prac
tlco drills of the crew were a part of
the entertainment of Uie seaside re
Twice a wyk the crew pulled out
the brnaa cannon, shot a rope over a
dummy inn at which In act up on n
Klnt of land, and then practiced slid
ing down In the breechea buoy. Tho
small hoya of the place were glad to
play the part of rescued mariners, and
nltogctlier thin serious drill, required
by law, waa a pretty holiday ;Kirt.
Ono rainy day at the apfvolntcd tlmo
tho crew failed to nppear at practice.
The summer bonnier on the hotel
veranda waited in vain for the exhi
bition which should vary the monotony
of a dull day. ITnally, one of them
went over to the quarters of the crow
to learn the reason.
"I say, aren't ru going to practtco
to-day r
"No. slrr
"Why notr
Then the brave life saver, hero of
many rough seaa, made an explana
tory gesture toward tho weather and
"Wlmt, In this ralnl"
Gauge to Mrnauro Vor.
A correspondent of the Monthly
Weather Itovlow IMng In San Jllcgo,
Cal., make a auggoatlou that nn In
strument consisting of n wire frame
work bo contrived, which shall collect
fog imrtlclcs, conduct the drops Into
a rolu-guugo, nnd thus make the mows
uromout of fog possible. The object
of thin meaNuromont vould be to show
that In such n region an southern Cali
fornia, where tho mlnfnll Is small and
where thero Is a good deal of fog, tho
fog deposit Is a considerable ono, and
Is of noteworthy Importanco to vegeta
tion. In his commonts on tills suggatlon.
Prof, Abbo rightly points out that It
would bo dltllcult, If not Impossible,
to nrguo from tho catch of a fog screen
to tho catch of nu orchard of trees;
that tho "fog depositor" would give no
posltlvo information as to how much
tho leaves and stems of plants collect,
or how much of tho water falls to tho
ground In such 11 wny that the roots
of tho plants may utilise It, nml Mint
the chief benefit which delicate plants
on tho California coast obtain from thai
fog Is probably In tho protection w'ueh
tho fogs nfford ngnlnst tho heat of tho
Druaa Aooortlliitf to Your Work
Correct dress Is that which Is suit
nblo for one's Htatlou lu life mid tho
work or pleasure 0110 haa In view lu
any caso It should ho an durable,
graceful nnd becoming ns possible,
whether It bo for tho street, U10 con
cert, or U10 kltchon. Tho Idea that
"any old thing" Is good enough to
woar whou doing housework Is a great
Could Pifturo It Out.
"now long Imvo you been out of
work, my good man?" nsked the hwul
of tho housohold, as ho parleyed with
tho rusty-looking caller.
"I was born lu 'GS, sir." Detroit
Freo Press.
Hero Is tho mark of ono who boards;
Search him, and you will And some
thing to oat In bis pockots.
& Uses Pe-ru-na for Coughs, Colds, Grip and Ca-
mill H UUIIglBbblllclll ! LbllBl.
Ma09v - Siil
MSSm &$$. rail
In every country of tho civilized
unrhl Kialnr ni rlinrilv nrn lrrinurn.
jthoy nlno tuinUtor to thoir bodily
With so many children to tako caro
of and to protect from climate and dig
cam, thoco wiso and prudent Sietors
havo found Peruna a never failing safe
guard. Dr. Hnrtman receives many letters
from Catliolic Slater from all over tho
United States. A recommend recently
received from n Catholic institution in J
Detroit, Mich., reads as follows:
Dr. S. H. Hartmnn, Columbus, Ohio:
Dear Sir: TIie young girl who used
'the Peruna was aiif ferine from laryn
gins ana toss 01 voico. 1 no rcsuii 01
the treatment was most satisfactory.
She found great relief, and alter
furthcr uso of the medicine we hopo
to be able to say she Is entirely cured
Sisters of Charity.
Tho young girl was under tho caro of
the Sisters of Charity and used Peruna
for catarrh of tho throat with good re
sults as tho above letter testifies.
Send to Tho Pomna Medicino Co.,
Columbus, Ohio, for a free book writ -
Dlrncultle ofAuthorahlp.
Struccllng Author Kldora, can't you
keep that baby quiet for about two min
utes? Ills yells aro enough to drlva on
Wife No, I can't. Pvo got to finish
the dUlic, and knrad th bread, and
mend Tommy's clothes.
Struggling Author Well, anyhow, you
can make Johnny and sis stop tbelr
racket, and closo the windows ao thtra
won't bo ao many smells coming In from
the neighbors, and lock the doors so thoss
heartless bill collectors can't get In to
annoy me. I'm writing an artlcl on
"How to Be Happy, Though Poor."
For bronchial trounies try riso'a Cure
lor UQiMiimption. it is a roou cougn
' drugglnts. price Si cento.
A Small Favor.
Young Wife (time, midnight) Quick!
Quick! Wnko up! I hear aoma ona
down stairs. 1
Husband (sleepily) What do they
seem to be doing? 1
Wife Hark! Hear that! They'ra !
In the pantry. I beard my cake boxj
Huibnnd (wearily) Tell them to'
pleaao not die in tho house.
Tk Iillv Ilnmto QalMlarTabltU. Alldruc
ruu rfMBt It) Hy If II tall to rum. K. W.
II rove" aifiMlura l ea raeh box. Sic
A Abbreviated.
Said a young phyaiclmi named Proctor,
"I thought I was my grocer's Dr.
Hut according to hi statement by letter,
It seems that I am ouly his Dr."
a outi.'H school or tiik hioukst
CLAtweoriuul toohrt. locullim. buUd
lux muliuont lha U11. Sond lor cat
ak'Kiie Torni OnMNSoptoml)OPlB,1904
kgO mot careful formers gtj
Ty placo conlUloiK-o lu Kerry' 43
4LW Booili-tbakludtbatnaverlaU. VW
r. uato oeeu uioaiuuuuruiortv ycani i
4k Tlioy nru not an x riiiivuUW
Bofil by all (lculvr. 1U03 aU MM
ajs Aunual frte for thoukhig. AW
WjB. 0. M.FERRY & CO., Jt-
ucuoii, alien.
Tln Jtfa w
J ten by Dr. Hartman.
Tho following letter la from Congress
man Mcckison, of Najioleon, Ohio:
Tho Peruna Medicine Co., Colutnboa,
0.: Gcnltemen: "I Imvo used several
bottles of Tirana
and feci greatly ben
efited thereby from
my catarrh of tha
&& i"?jS couraged to believe
that ita continued
uso will f"1lv eradi
cate a dlscaso of
DavM Meaklaon thJrty ywri. Btund.
ing "David MeckiKon.
Dr Vartman, one of tho boat known
phyaiciana nnd surgeons in tho United
states, was the first man to formulate)
Peruna. It was through his genius
, ,,,.. tiltt, ., wa. introduced
1 , .,i.i f,.: n.i, ,,,.
tho """N601 F"f'n of this courv
, lr
11 you uo not tiorive prompt ana sat
isfactory results from the uso of Peru
na, writo at once to Dr. Hart man, giv
ing n full statement of your caso and
he will be pleaded to give you bis val
uablo advice gratis.
Address Dr. llartman, President of
1 the llartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0.
I'll'tts anted 1 will pay cah
lor all tooJrt Ilea of tone Knt
oullmnol whUToubaraand (at
mv Drlreii Addrmt
II. P. HAMILTON. Two KUa-a, WUcoattn.
"I ai utcd yur FISH DRANO
Sllekir for li ytars and can truth
fully tay that I nevtr bava had
anything- clr m to much com
fort and laliifactlon. Encloitd
find my ordtr for anothtr on.'
(ami amo uoam o wuun)
You can dsfy thn hardest ttorm with
Tower" Waterproof Oiled
Clothing and Hats
" " "' " 1
.,. it m -
Writs today lor Iroo IUutrale4 booti.
loth and Johnou btreau, foriland.Ora.
PNU No iton
1 1 Wu..T;'!lr.f,.to ?.isrt p4.j
. . -- m...m .-W(V.
High Grade
The A. H. Averill Machinar Ca,
Wilt for CaUIoii aad Prka.
lOffjatTaflsBsflslir JltTlB
ZJSV 'a iti S
Rom Ml BssaaaKS