BULLETIN. THE wi ' win i1 l IWNI), OREGON, I'RIIMY, JAN. 13. 1905. NO; 44 VOL. II 'n VHtrnl Qfcoi Cnnnl to Empty lUU. SYSTEM OP LATI2KAI3 LATMK I'rnctlcnlly lltitlro I'llej Hullo Scrc Kfltld'n Will lie lt'eclnliiicU by Sprint:. ' Tlw wcll-nmrkctl old river chan nel renctiiiiK "cross Central Oregon liulf wHy Iwtwecn Hutu! nml Prlue vlllc will iiK'1, carr' voltmifc of sixirktjiiK water next NiiiniiiQr For tfie fW time since mini Iim known thi country the "old river bed" will Imj h veritable river, bijj vtuitticH to flout NtemnlKt The Cntrnl Oregon canal, of the noclmttiH IrriKiition & Power Camwmy will be. completed to th old river Ix.il, 11 distune af nearly o milwi from the hewdworlw (UlwikiirinK the courw of the cnnnl) by May. Then, instead of carrying it across tile urm iano uvyoiiu, wie water will Ik: turiitMl lotm down the old channel and the constinctioii cicws will bwnd their anutfW to provide luterals in time for the veHHou' crop. And the water will riiali on down to Crooked river. mfreahiiiK the thirsty dert forth fust time in hwtory. Trviv will take the place of suid H.mmU. Completion of that ictlon of the Conlrul Oreeon canal and of the Pilot llntte canal through to Crook ed rlvr will water practically all of the original Pilot Untie M.-Krega.ion of 85,000 acres That Im the big job which the uurtcieM of the cone puny have len and arc now excrtel to accomplish. That will give room for large agricultural duvelop incut, and a more leisurely ce may be taken for the remainder of the big irrigation project. "Ucclatn aiqn of tlic first Vcgrcgatiou in time for next seuhon's crops is the mark now aimed at add progress has been made Q far thai there U no doubt that the mark will be reached. IMPROVEMENTS IN I90L Ut of Hulldlnn llrcctcd, and lliclr Valuation. Several corrections In the list of WilHdiiiRH publlshod Inst wuck have been iin.lt and nppor in the follow tuclx; PU-it Halle, MMHiittU, 4,'VX) K. b. UimMwHUV. r4dwMf, 180U Pilot lmt)itii"Ht)iit('o.lolk't l,4W A. M. Draka wM. to rwUlttore, 1,100 P. II. D. Co., lhtrii, . - H00 I'llot Halt, Urn, .. 100 Pilot lliitti's.. rlduiiw, 37A . O'KHtit'.NuUm A lHlliiKiilly, .1.A00 IIukIi riu, iwui, aw Free Land in Oregciii IN TIIK richeht Kraln, fruit and .stock sectinu in the world. Hundreds of thousands of acre.s of laud rondy for the Mttler AT ACTUAL COST OI' KUCU.MATION DEE& DIRECT l'rom the .State of Oregon The cost of laud nvernges $ 1 0.0b pur acre, PERPETUAL WATER RIGHT 1 Irrigation Company under con trol of the State Land Hoard of Qrei(ou Addhi.xs Tint DliSCIiUTiiS ISlPBOYIiMfiNT CO. 21KND, - OKIJGON IIiikIi (I'ICiiuc, whjoIhiud, lliili U'luun',(h(HlliiK, I). I. A P. (X, ollleo, I) l.A. V. IV. chili hoiiMW, a,ay 1,701 I). I. A P. Co., MnMo, aiidjiJiow, ,i I). I. PCo., nrHiuiy, ' !MM 7W I). LA P. (Jo., wiunhimit, I). 1, .1 P. Co., MiwiliirlmiiH, WMjk hew, tt. at pxpwlniwil farm I). I. A P. Co., Iwm, '' - C, li, Ui, ' rrtdtlmife, I'. (J. HmvWtit rttVl'Vo ' ' MuIxIk A IUwHw, nf, Mu mill A Hn'ker, Jiarn, 1 ' . Aral A line, rwldeiiw, i -Anil Aiiiut, Imrn, HM 000 MX) mo too 100 1,000 tUMI ROO (MM MX) Dr. C. )',, ty" wi'ilriHHi, Dr. Morrttl, driajdw", A. II. (Irani, roaklwie, lVMnllW, IhiIIIIi( - MllUnl Trip! It, rurM-ir, MIUanlTrlpliU, nwMcne, Trlpli-tlHnw.lwrlwalHip, - Carly Tril :l, rwMwttw, - TImiihuk Tr'.U'U, rfWe, nun 100 mn jM xi m 700 IWI TImw. Trilt' , rwVW'Vi ' 11. W. Tr1tk'', iwMumw,. .1. II.O'.fwH. nwalwtw, .1. II. O'Nt'il. rlHC, J. II. O'Xiil. Ith, P. A. SIhhmii. "t A: Co. Iwrlwr Mip, P. A. MluHMf !, hihmw wUllUon, KlM4tlw AM KhiiM,WkirtiiHliKlMi. W Italidt HIW"W. uwWtiiHW, - 100 Wlille ft I Mil, 4mfhlr lam, Wl.lto A Mill, hmmI martwl, Mr. C A. Jomw, nrnkkmre, " txrtlai. J. W. HbaUm. rwpfclrtiwi, J. IMwUw, 4iVirapli pUI7. IUI. Ilalntrww, rvrfiltw, YA. IUIvwtmm, rmf, 400 1,000 KXI 100 :ivi auo IAO .Vl 1.IKW .1,000 XjNM) Pilt. llMtUt Ihh, 1 lttk, ImlMlin, t VV I lluur4H Ir . rll4MMM. liM-liottM I wit. Co.. Iwni 700 J. P. .lohimm.aUM. (8 Uimi - I.IWO firfl Halitl chttivb, S..VJ0 IMIry AKIdiiImnw, (Wmmi, 0U Mrrtlll.HttfMaA Htrwul, llwry, 2.a (iurll OnMMltwk, rwMtwM, X.000 CaMMHIASalchwvll.vKm, - I .Hon (lid P.rlrkiMMi, rnfUtaram, 100 Tli mttlf tin IniIUIhk, U00 A.C. Cltapinaii, otif, 1,4W DttUiiix WliilMKlt, hihmhi, - l,:lw I!. A. Satlmr, mrf, 1,100 .loli 11 SlfHHior', Ktr, 1.000 P. I.. Toinpkhw, riliu, WXi J. I. Win!, lori, . WW II. M. Co.. Mar'loMM, W" IVlrlwiiet A llnnui, mIwhi, - HR0 II. C. Kllla, rwAlMHfi. Mo IJ. P. HattMi, rw4tlti, - - 2 (iwitno HrodnrlMUM, rwV1"! f .laniw Sharp, rwlHiM,i Ku IJ. It, l,ttKlr, rMMltnife, - -IB" J. II.Ovta-tNrf, reefctaw, 5 Carl AihIddhmi, notUK'. loo V. P. Hlvwarl, raafcltMc, !J J,0, Pry, rvliliwtft .""H) muni 1 uriilluru '., ttro, .aw J. W. HariitM, riMhloottK tM) M. A. behuiau, ru4iloiMiti, fttt A. M. 'lively, nn4ileiiBO, 1W0 Henry IIi-'Ibw, ruatdoiH't, 5M) vv. 11. st4u, a iMmrw aoo Svifit Dliin5, rwlilwHSOi S00 ItlilK-it Howwr, rrafcluni'iH - JaX) Ora llmilor, maMvwoi 17. II. A. JohiUHtu, raahloHfo, 0 Prank Ilium, tstta(e, HW Kva A. StMili1. Iwkitrv. 1S J. A. Hoyil, ivahlunou, - 100 Twrel llntlH"a, nwaloM. 7ft VVIIIiuni Po; 0, Iwm, ... 7a II. C. mv, Htul.ll A I SIMIV VV. VV Orel .lainiM ltw KlU'ii Orii P. It. IM: Mlwjflluuo 1 Iwni, .... 00 ml, Niuiulll, (Mr. tliiinto) 1U,S00 Itotal. l,100 WW ICO M ft,(HX .vsalunii uivd barn, ; htoro, for, itieliluiict1, ri'ilni otP, n)ti iwi.iiwe Iletiidoa these the Dchchutes Irrigation & Power Company has expended nearly $400,000 in the nurchase of riiihts uud i)ro.scctitiou of Its work iu i pal. Kichnrd I-iing expects to undergo nnqUiur operation tor cataract next .suiunier. Olie eye lias hucu treated and vision ho far restored that the old gentleman can sue to get about witliput difficulty. Hut the doctor deemed it unwise to operate on both eyes at one time, on account of the liability, in case anything should go wrong with one that would effect the other and result in destruc tion of both eyes. Hy taking one eye through the ordeal and letting it completely recover before venturing with the other, no uunecesbary risks im taken. Hut the relief already obtained, Mr. King says, is greater limit money couui uuy, Iu buying life insurance pursue the Mime course you would Iu busi ness. Oct your dividends ANNU ALLY. SoeU. Oi Minor at the bank before giving your application. SALOON LICENSE $000 So Decrees Bend's New City Council. J'AY f'OU PIJI.L VI!AK AT ONCI!. , New (lovcminciit Set In Motion l.nst ' TucudnySnlorlea nml , Honda I'lxctl. IIvuiVk uttW city government went into operation last Tueadny evtniiiK. when the following named officer wreswdru iu for the terms (Iralgiiatell, wtth bonds and com iMTiiMttiou as stated: Ai(iTiiirii, C. VV. lrrlll. Dnwan llrMlllmi aixl Priil MIkhkiihI n yi-ar narli: CM. p.rlikiHMi, ('. M. Htl-H-lil mal .1 I. Went, I ao yeaw wmIi. HwohIit, .1. M bawn'iMv, on ymr, IkimI IIVOO. iwy INOO a year. TiramtliT, P. O. Minor, on yaar, iMoal MWXl. jtay fUKI a war. Mntlml hihI AWv HW,it, K. II. I Iit, ltal fMl, jr f'o a uiunth. The council meeting w held in the ofik of th Pilot Ituttaf I)eiel onmeiit ComrMiiy. Mayor' dood- willte calll th meeting to order mid without any inaugural nUilretw or other formality proceuoeu 10 btiaiiHMa. As the law provide, th ahlei men drew lota to ace which should ervv the long term and which the short. Six slips of par were oremired. On thr the figure 2 was written and on th other three the fi i(ti re 1. The aldermen drew and the roll was called, with the result as recorded above. Sevornl formal ordinances fixing tire bond and com naat ions of th . . r . I ....I .I..I.. various aiacers wr lenu Hiiu.tiui paasod, there being no opppsyig votes. The most important ordinance was that fixing the licence of retail 'hpior Milooni a f6po jwr year, none to be grautwl for n less period than n year The reason for, IhU action, as dcvcloied in the informal dicussiou of the matter, is that it would be highly undesirable to have n lot of irresponsible Imuor sellers, attracted by the boom in this country, establish small places that would be diflicull to regulate The sentiment was that those now iu business here would not be in convenienced by the iey license terms, which would kgej qui Hit irrL'SDoiisible hoiLses. The new ordinance provides thai keepers of tMwily or uisorueriy nouses or places frequented by dissolute women snail not nave ucense, anu that no license shall be granted for a saloon within 400. feet of a school house nor in any locality where il shall lie obnoxious to the residents. A bond of$t,ooo is required p,fthe licensee. Rules for governing the proceed ings were discus! but formal action ujkmi them was doferred. AUTOS f Till! SPRINQ, Then the Trip to the Rnllroad, Will be Quick and Hasy, It was found impossible to pack the automobile road Uv rollinc when the soil was dry, I?or this reason the Heud end of the new road has not bcuii comnleted. The Portland contrnctat who is building the heay machine that is to run on this line is about two months behind his contract time. This is ftuqthef Cause for delay. Prom these I wo causes the road, which was expected ta bo iu opera tion bv January 1, Will not be ready for scrvico befoje April, Hy that time cvorythiug will be pre pared for regular traffic. Right of way troubles have con tributed to the delay but they are understood to be settled now. The machine building iu Port laud will have 40 horsepower and at one charge will carry gasoline enough for too miles of travel. The run through will be but 90 miles. The machine will have accommodations for a doxeti pass engers and n speed that will cover the distance between Bond and the inilroad within five hours. A lionvicr fraiL'ht machine for this line is now under construction in Sau Francisco. Lost, Strayed or Stolen. One Tersev cow. branded with a club on the. right hip. Reward paid lor uiiuuiHuiuu viuiv mo iv:v wvj wi recovery. John V, Barnes, Heud, Orcgou, Dry Goods Groceries Hardware. Before purchasing elsewhere get our prices on SlIKLI'nnd HUILDKRS' HAROWARKandMA TIJRIALS. We carry .1 complete lino of Ranges, Cooking wl Heating Stoves, Windows flfld Doors, Glass, Paints and Oils. Ruberoid Roofing, Build ing Paper, Tarred Felt. FURNISHINGS wa offer Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoe;, German Socks 'and Rubber Footwear, Overalls, Jumpers, etc. OUR. GROCERY DEPARTMENT Is full of new,bright, fresh goods, ixrth staple and fancy, apd prices as low as elsewhere, quality considered. Wc arc agents for the John Pccre line of Wagons and Agricultural Implements. The Bend Mercantile Co., Bend, Oregon, LUMBER At Bend, Oregon, npHE mill of th Pilot Butte De velopment Com pany is prepared to supply all kinds of surfaced and rough , t f , . , , lumber and Shingles , at Reasonable Prices Pilot Butte Company NEW HOME BAKMY Having ''ecidctl to put in a first-class bakery will be ready for business about Jan, 10. We then have our building and oven complete. deliver all bakery goods to Deschutes. Watch for the wagon. A 'phone will be us up aim we wui iiunver your door. Bakery opposite Baptist cluire south side of street. ..IN.. At Bend, Oregon. Devplopirnt any part of the cil NEW HOME BAK in the building, so your urvim unu v3i A. I,. STEPHES. wH'iA if 'FW wmsmp lw1rmf22x -w mo f jaBM-f fnm.kwii. mmi jxb jr tctMai Mihi tian.: . wj.ic.an U )? ail TW0 "'- jfl . raaaiBBM ! . art .-' rt . r it. " W. n. Oviiix, J. O. C 8tal.VEA.1.1 OUERIN &. STGINEMANN AKorneji and Counsellors at taw 1 NQTARIKS rOntlC rrlke In Mate nod 1'edrrnl Court BUND, - - OREGON". 1141. MTATK IKrt'QKT A!t KlLU. MOrttTT. J. L, JYlcCULLOCH, Abstracter and Examiner ef Titles. Ind nl.Te lookfd Aftt for NoaiKcildenU. PKiNP.nr.r.n, ORI500K J. M. LAWRENCE, U. B, COMMISSIOMKft. Notary Public, Insurance, Township Plats for Upper Deschutes Valley. J1KND, ORt'.OOM. NOTARY PUBMC INSURANCE A. H. GRANT 1 A rent for Liverpool, London & a lobe, and Lancashire Fire Insurance 1 Companies. BFND, 1 ii OREQON II. r. BtLKXAF M. D. CltAH. S. Epwaim it. D, Cogatjr rhjticUn, Drs. Belknap & Edwardc, PHYSICUNS AN0 SUSfiEOSS. PRINBVILLE - OREQON. OfTkf at Rrir of W'nnek'i Drui Star. J. Wt Bledsoe PHOTOGRPHBR niC'D. .... ORKCOJT, All .Nt(lrt r-rrcrrr! ind Dupllute flcturtt FurnUkcd at Any Tlmeji Crook County Realty Co Real Estate Bosgbt nx4 Soli Life and Accident INSURANCE. orrtpf vf BCLUrrnc bcsuuho cxo. oroon v TRIPLETT BROS. Barber Shop & Baths Best of accommodations and work promptly done Wall St. BEND OREGON Miss Grace Jones TEACHER OF ' . 1 1 1 Voice & Piano Ready for pupil about January to. For particular nqufre of MRS. C. A. JONUS Crook County Realty 'co., DUMD, OUv ' ' . . ,... T WEIDER & LOBDELL Practical Painters AND Paper gangers ESTIMATES ON , ArPLICATION Wall Vapor aj Portland Prices 4tudlaBond St, next to ntedtoc'i photo tUer PRlNgVILLE Hf t rj I 3.c.A.wcDowi V 1 E jLf Proprietor tables and Rooms always clean md well suppJied-RJites reasonable RlrJHVtT.Ui . ORHGOK rgnln. acres, com ree miles from Ciook County vURE ! Civil gjineer I m i ' ?Pc?.l itHons for il .' JIarnesspjSa& f . M mmmmmtwm j T am c .gy MV$mjLms TtT : RF.WfflNft 'LW '.1 -..,. yB hril(,Jfiy livery baru, mHII M Wl AJgfoW iwiiiwmmJ tuHl Jt ' m i 1 WOStBX "tf '!Mi!&F"mm"TTT7!m ;ess. man ptlce ii 1 r HI m