DIlAiini.firm V lJ9.aU1AViMr. DO03 not lot gO Of yOU, whan you opply lotions or liniments. It simply loosens its hold for a whilo. Wliy? Docauso to got rid of it you must correct tho acid con dition of tho blood on which it depends. Hood's Sarsa parilla has cured thousands. WOMEN EAOYTO WAKE. Unlet Man Huts Uretltr Trouble In )toitliiK Mi from Tin Ir HI mil be re, "It I liuiiienatirably harder to awak en men In the tiioriilfiK tnan It It worn en," hotel proprietor Informe ine, enye a writer In the Ht. IxmiIs (Jlobtv Democrat. "A tnp or two at a worn, an'a door In the morning U sufficient. No matter how lain aha may have re tired, no mutter how exhausted she may hare been, no matter how faint the 'yen' that cornea from the bed In answer to tint knock, you can bank on It Unit within a ImlMiour or so that woman will walk Into the dining-room, brlght-eycd nnd cheerful; but with a Uinn well, It'a dlflYiviit. "A inn n limy leavn a cnll for 7 o'clock In the morning with tlm warn ing that ho must be up at that hour, A I ttilniitttai liitfjtrst. 7 vnii ilittnll n boy for tho purpose and tell him not to stop pounding until tho man awakes. The room may be on tht top floor, but you can hear the thump, thump, thump on the door 'way down in ihn mil..... n,. Mi man wnkf. with a faint 'yes' and scramble out of bed? Not he. The, boy knocks until his knuckles are sore, and then suddenly a stentorian voice roars rrom wie . ii mumm. h iv -" room, 'Yes, yes, what In blaxe Is the Hoard of Missions has erected a mls matler with you7 Do you think I'm elou on the Indian lauds. No one at-Ai-aA ' The Imv re llres. turns In his tends Ilia meetings. A few of the ....a -ft At.. ..!. .. ..,,... . n .... itkji v m Mir univ riiii vi w tnif bis bund In cold water. "Three hours Ister a swollen eyed Indlvtdunl, with wrtuklts In his brow, walks up to tht desk, 'I thought I left a call hert for 7 o'clock In the morning.' 'You did, and tht btllboy woke you promptly at 7.' That's a Uttlt too strong,' It tht answtr, and afttr you've argued with him for half an hour you haven't convinced htm that lit was actually awakened as bt tisd ordered. Ko It goes dsy after day. Tht women get up promptly In re sponse to a call, while tht mtn Inva riably turn ovsr to havt another nap." Veteran OrjtsnLU. .Organists are proverbially long lived, thouuh duubtless the olilrit orirantit Is i Mr. Oervaso Cooper, an Kiigllah mil- alclan. Ho Is iiiiirn than 00 years old. but still docs active service as orgsulst ot a Wesleyan church. He has been associated with the musical services of that denomination for seventy-five yesrs, and for fifty-eight yeara has oftlclated as organist continuously. Another notable veteran Is T. N. Webber, who played tho national an them at Westminster when Queen Vic toria was crowned and did the same tt the coronation of King IMwarl. He tins been organist at the parish church for sixty-four years. I'rinaln Oorlllae. The Tendon xoologlcal gardens are the possessors of one malt and two ftmalt gorillas. Thert Is only one other female gorilla In Kuropo, Hhe la at Ilreslaii. Tht London specimens art named Chtot and Venus. Tbt de scription of Venus, which Is 5 years old, Is as follows: Height, 2 feet 0 Inches; chest measurement, B(l Inches, bslr, dark and pntchy; eyes, blsck and deep sat, and huge overhanging brows; mouth, expansive, with formidable tttUi; expression, morose. Columbus, Ohio, May so, 1903. Six years ago I lisd a severe attack of Inflammatory Rheumatism. I waa laid up In Ixd for six months, and the doctors I had did mo no good. They changed med icines every week and nothing they pre scribed seemed to help me. 1'insllr I be rin thouwof H.S.3. Mr knee and elbow joiuta were swollen terribly, and at ono time ray Joints were to swollen and pain ful that I could not close then when opened. I wat so bad Uiat I could not dove knee or foot. I was-gettlng discour aged, you may bo sure, when I began 3. 8., 8., but as I saw It was helping me I contlu. tied it, and to-day I am a sound well man and have never had a return of the disease. 8. 8. 8. purified my blood and cured me of this severe case of Rheumatism after everything else had failed, I have rec commended It to others with good re ults. R. II. Cuawun. IJ55 Mt. Vernon Ave, The poisonous acids that nrodnce the In. flammatlon and pain aro absorbed into the blood and Rheumatism can never be con quercd till these are neutralised and fil tered out of the blood and system. 8. 8. a coca directly into the circulation and at. lacks thediscaie Itself, It purifies and re stores tht blood to a, healthy, rigorous condition. It contains no potash, alkali or stores tht blood to condition. It contains 1 sss otuer strong min erals, but U guar anteed entirely regetable. .Writ as and our nhvsl- clans will advise without any chanra whatever. Our book on Rheu matism tent free. Tkl Swift SbibIrb CiHiaay, Atlaata. fib aJtltatUBlaCJ...aBCl&JLiASsUB Ba'ltWtfiVtWlSftlt'bM ft UHInft. told br druxrliU. 11 KMWl.JlHU'l-i.Ji.K'BCJ am ADYINOnACC. Hno and Kos Indiana Will Hoou He To- !-,,',!",,.,,e,,. .. h nil hi ,, rZiiv hliirtiiliiNiilp or mi nlniost extinct rllic tlm one, powerful Ham nn.l Kox osm Imvn npppal. ed to Onvornor a ii iii in i ii kh, of lown, to select n c hlaf for thPiii. Iho profit chief, Itoali-a-to-iiolc, tho Hiica rind Foxes claim la not llit'lr own ciiniiinin, mil n WlnuubfiK", ono of their ancloiit foes. They want him removed and 1'OOSII K-TO MtK, another appointed. The Wlniibsgfes llvo on thn samo reservation, but the Hacs and Foxes, now numbering only 100, Uit remnant of a dying racs, ob ject to their presence. Tlit) Wlnnebagows art progressive. Tho Hacs and Foxes aro retrogressive. The former am attending the govern ment schools thn Hacs and Koxes think It Is a wasto of time and energy to listen to the foolish talk or tho pale facn trachtrs. The Hacs and Foxes will not work. Tlity hate tho whllo man, hato every mark of clvllleatloii, hato all that the government does all but the blankets and thn rations which aro supplied so regularly. They object to tho tilling ' '"" ,Ml ,1U" wn,,t t,,u ,c,,(,' uo1. lshtd For twenty-five years has the gov rrnmtnt been try In it to maintain a school for tho Hars and Coxes. Tht ' school was maintained, but no Indian would attend. The few boys and girls who did dart to learn tint ways of civ llUatlon were ostracised by the re- ' tjfnfllMII fNIIli1tsllMtlll women condescend to learn to sew, but Uiry uovtr makw use or the saul tary Instruction they have rocelved. A few years ago also Congress ap propriated $35,000 for nil Industrial school. Tht buildings were erected on thn most modern plans and tht school was fully equipped. For two yvars It has been In operation. No boy will attaud. He does not want to learn to work. Kducntlou to tht Iowa Indian la a sin. Ht does not waut to learn. Tht morals of Uio Indians are abort Uit avcrugt or tht white men txcupt Ing for two vlcvs gambling and drinking. They art expert card play ers and after pay day they keep up tbt game of poker until money, blan kuu and even horses have gone Uit' rounds of the card circle. The Hacs I land Foxes do not swesr. They have no worxls or profanity In their own 'language, and when a drunken Indian goes on a rampage be must borrow from Uie vocabulary or bis whltt brother. lu thirty years there hat been no crime among tht Indiana or the tribe. They art not petty larceulaU. Tht chastity or Utttr woman is remark able. Uanltary conditions among tht Sacs and Koxes art execrable. They takt absolutely no care or themselves and It Is for this rtssou that Uie extinction of the race Is not far off. They eat dead hogs thrown from freight cars, and cattlo which die by tho wayside art partlculsrly appotltlng. Another decade will st tbtlr almost total ex tinction. oiaHOpTioiePH f. berry. MtthodUt rrtlalt Kltcttd Prtatddlt oi tbt Kpworth !.;. ntahop Joseph V. Kerry, who has been elected President of tht ttpworth Ltagut, haa been a Methodist clergy man sines 1674. For a number of year bt was associate editor of Uit axr. jos grit r. bcbbt. Michigan Christian Adrornte, nnd ht hat boon editor or tho Kptvorth Her ald alnct 1000. Dr 1 lorry waa horn lu Ajrlmsr, Canada, In 1M0, uud waa sili ca ted In Milton Academy. I.awrcnco Uulvertltjr and Upper lown Univer sity bare conferred on him tho do greet of D, D. and I.L. I), AtnuiKuouM, "And so you like Miss Learned, Ix)ulseJ" "Yes, Indeed," replied the enthusi astic Louise, who haa Just returned from an autograph-hunting expodltlon, "and you can't tell by talking to her that the has a bit of tonso, auntie." New Orltant Times-Democrat, More than Ouue, First Clubman (reminiscent!)-) Was your daughter married then? Second Old Clubman (whose daugh ter bat bttn Uirlce-espoused, absently) Yet, nowitnd then. Town Topics, Thert la something fine In the brav ery of new father who carries n baby through the strocts In bis arms. 1 MtasaKJsaH WaEn IN OHOOTWQ DIO OAMB IHniUr' llnllet Mar Not Blop " I Tho 1I sturtK" clwnciiU.i bunt.. W't r Mlnu.n or rhino Jim bee" ... , ,, ,.. niiiifr ,,t " '" " " " ",' ,.' "i:.nT..r . .uTi I ",u''Ul0 , If I wounded It """ ".'".". - .. Uma n .. MniC of owsn n (hri0 Ull)W1 m m m Mpwll.MC Uiweforo, , H)0U)U l))Bt.0 t, Wi.h.int first nnd i Wio t)rd Bfu,r u, MnAnuK, wJi)(,h u M forillMn,ff tho ,)tlff nm, , )lwon,.(i tlio bw n), ow UMa litivh ot UlW0 nIllim, i, danorou on different nnd Individual grounds; tho eli-pliant, UioiikIi Ium likely to clinrgo Uwn any of tho others, la terrlfyliiK becnttm of lila enormous strength, which Um at no obstnclo, and tho extreme difficulty of renchlng a vital sjot, especially If, wlUi trunk tightly colled, ho U co1"' lug your way. I know of no aeiwfltlon more awe some Uinn ataiwlliig anklo dwp In clluglng mud In deuso cover, with Uio Jungle cm sli lug around you na Uiough i ho entire forest wn tojijilliig, as tho cleplimit you have wouimJii! comes NiiinuiriK dm way in your uirecuou. Tho sclndsng Is dimgerotis partly bo - cauwj of tho thick Junlo ho weks wiion tviiiiwi.i Inn in.ir,. ,.!.,. Iniiv when uouiMlMl, hut more -Htxlally becnuso of hU treinemlous vltiillty nml his usunl, UioiikIi ix)t Invariable, habit of awnltluic tho hunter ou his trucks and cliarglng suddenly, nwlfUy and viciously, it require close and hard ahoottng to bring down oimi or these alxfoot siHtliuens of oriental cattle, The danger of tlio tiger ami of Uio lion la In their lightning activity nml feroclout strenirthj but you have tho shoulder, In addition to Uio head shot. If broodslde; or, If coming on, Uio chmt. all aurn to atop If well placed. Tho reason tho rhino Is so fonnldablo U becauao Um vulnerable spot are no hard to reach. lis brain Is ns small In projKirtlon st Unit or tho elephant, and may be renchul through Uio eye t'MJ Via, ISl RWUUl k4s.-J ((JV1IIWV UVIUfT and Just In front of or Juwt behind Uio base or the car, according to your J IHj.iwuu iur a auu uuudk, ALPINE GUIDES. The Alpluo guldo frequently risks his he I Ui. strength, even his life for portions who may havo beeu Uicui- soIvm Uie cauto or tho peril encuun- temL Tho ijualltlrt or a first-clans guide, says the auUior of "Adventures on Uio Hoof of Uio World," lncludo not only aklll Ui climbing, but tho ability to form sound conclusions In moments or dmiger. A ce.salu climber tells an anecdote which bears on Uit Impor- tanca of Uio guide's powers of Jud," mriiL A member of Uie Alpine Club waa ,, , , ,., akcWHllng a peak In company wlUi an Obcrland guide. Part or Uielr course lay over a tuow field which aank grad- ually on ono side, sharply ended by a ; proclplco on Uie oUier. Hie two were walking along not far from Uie ttlgv .... , , . ., ,, ,, , or UlU precipice When Uio Kngllah- num. UilukUig Uiat an easier path might bo mado by going sUll nearer tho edge, diverged a HtUe rrom his companion' track. To hla surprise, Uio guldo Immediately caught hold of htm and pulled him back with more vigor than ceremony, well-nigh throw- Ing him down In Uie operaUon. Wrath- ful, ami not disinclined to return Uio compliment, tho Englishman romon- ttrated. The gulde'e only answer was to point to a small crnck. awarcntly like scores or other cracka In tho neve. which ran for tome distance parallel to Uit edge of the precipice. The traveler waa not aaUafled. but he was too wise a man to argue whllo a desired summit wa- sUll some dbv tanct above him. On Uio descent, , when the scene of the morning's lncl- dent waa r.ched, tho guide pointed to Uie crack, which had grown pcrcep-i Ubly wider. "Thla morka," he aald, "Uie placo where the true anow field end. I feel Tie Got night Up. certain Uiat the Ice from here to tho It la a thankless aud sometimes dtffl edgo it nothlug but an unsupported cult task to wake a aleepor In the cornice banging over Uit tremendous morning so effectively that be will get precipice below. It might possibly up at once, yet it may be done, safely have borne your weight, though I don't and effectually, by any ono who will think it would." Thereupou he struck follow a simple plan recently described the nevo on the farther aide of tbt leu In the Rochester Herald, sharply wlUi his ax. A hugt matt tin- A man put up for tht night at the mediately broko away, and went roar- leading hotel In a small town, and be ing down the cliff. fort retiring left Instructions to be The travoler waa full of amatement called In time for an early train. In and admiration, and thought how the morning he waa disturbed at an there, on an easy mountain and In rr,Z hour by a thundering tattoo upon amlllng weather, he had beta very near to making huntelf into an ava lancbe. Proposed In I'roper Korm. Old Friend So you have at last con sented to marry someone, llow did It happen? Miss Flippant Well, every man that una ever proposed before hat Mid, "Will you be my wlfer Hut Harold asked If ba might bare the honor of being my nuiDauu. Detroit Frea Press. Didn't Nnttl to Hay. "la Itangum In town?" "No." "Why did ha leaver "lit didn't atop to aay, but his ac count art short" Cleveland Plain f Dealer, Whtn Haa U WIm. A man may brtak a woman's hsart Wfetn sht la young and giddy, But good for nothing it his art Whsn sht btcoatt a "wlddls." Illinois Butt Journsi. Iron frtra Mat;aetto Sastria, A company baa bten formed to ob tain the Iron from tht magnetic Mnda ot Java. VyBk ilss Onrinon, Scc'y Dclrolt Amateur Art Association, tcitS I yoUflJf WOIHCn Wllflt (0 do io avoid pain and suffcriag caused by female troubles. "DxaiiMiui. ViXKiUUt lean con aclenllouslv recommend Tvilln I!. J'Jnklmm'M Vegetable Compound to thowj of my eUtcra suffering- with icrnaio wrnunoM ana me troubles ! which so often befall women. I auf. "red for months with peneral weak- ncai, nnd felt no wwirjr that I luid hord worktokc,pp, Iha.lahootlnpalna, u WM uttJ.rj miserable. In my dls' tress I was advised to um Lydln I". IMiiIclmm' Vc'ctaMo Coin- pound, and It was n, red letter day to V","', l . ".. . ' Ior that tlmo my restoration bcean. In tllf trtlI I Willi ft. rfifinrfa! wnmin perfectly well In every respect I felt so elated and happy that I want all women whoaulTcrto fret well as I did." r,?,'s ntriLA Oa!xo, 353 Jones St., "c."" '." g""."c 7 M,,u " titi' Wlion one. cnnNlilem Hint Ml Ounnon'fl letter is only ono of tlio countlasH htimlrcdfl which wa arocontlnuallypubllshlnjrln the news- .""UJlLVlJ'lwfV'S of .Mrs. Plnkhaui'a medicine must bt Emitted brsvlL Con.lderalile. "lie waa me mom awKwara aancer tt Uio swcllest ball of Uie swell water ing place, and she the most graceful. After they had literally bumped their way through a waltz she smilingly re- marked to a group or admirers that sbo had danced since tbt was a little tot. "Don't bo discouraged,' be answered In a kindly tone, "you'll get the knack or it yet" " TO CURB A COLD IN ONG DAY T.k Iai.u. iirwno inin T.w.t Aiidroc tSJSTu "ZVSV W' Foreigners nowhere. Foreign Hultor I Itj st your r coronet and a castlt with a long fttt A rtnt roil. 1 arj sure you caaaoi 00 usurr ,bn0.i!liV PiJ...,, v ...., n American lleauty ion natter your- M,f ir 0n, of ,uori ,, , Amer. Mn wll0 Mn, cosl In wlnttr aud let lu aouimtr. " To Dreak In New Shoe), Alwsri ihsk In Allen's root-E.rowdr. Itcute. hot, iwf.tlns. sfhlnf. swollen led. furr.corm. lncrowlu nIU and bunion.. At !" V.V,,?m.,.,n 'hwi "orT.!'5sS:o?n'l!?''rt Alien 8.oim,ted, uitor.N. Y. Coal Mine Hat a Chapel. One or tho most remarkable places or worship In the world Is tbt Miners' thapel In Myudd Mlngdd colliery, Swansea, Wales, where for more than nft Jears the workers have each morning assembled for worship, This sanctuary I situated close to th' bottom of tht ahart. The only "Kht Is that obtained from a solitary nT aafcty lamp hung over Uie pul- P't from tho celling, and the oldest tn,ne,r the colliery Is generally cho- n to oIiclate. , " ' ,,,,0 ?U8,om ,n wme otMor PIaccs for f0?' n,ln" t0 fa,her together at ", . , .',. . ' f, ..". ...B! th? Ilkp-,bt ' MJ "t this Is the ,' ,. - . . -'"r","".. ment Is fitted out In a coal mine aa a chapel. bis door. "Weill" be demanded, sleepily, and not very pleasantly. "I'vo got an Important message for you," replied a youthful voice from tho corridor. The man wai up In an Instant; bo opened the door and received from the bell boy a large envelope. He opened It hastily. Inside, on a small slip of paper, was written In largo letters: "This Is tht time you wauted to got up, - W - H - M"M - H - M - - ST. IAt;01J? OIL - m PUTNAM FADELESS DV E,S Color ssort food brighter and Liter colors than any other dve. On 10c packazt color. .Ilk, wool and cotton equally well and It luutntJ la rtv p.rl.ct roulti. Aikdaaltror w wlllicnd po.t paid at IOC a package. Writ (or (r booklat how tody black and oUicd cotore. MUNRlS Found at Latt. Ifenaley, Ark., Dec, 20tli. RpcclnI) That a sure euro or Itnckacho would Ito a prlcoloM boon to tho jtcoplc, nnd especially tlio worncrr of America, is ndinitt,l by alt Interrfiti-d In inwliml nntte.rs, and Mrs. Huo Willlntns of this )dnco is certain slio litis found In I)xU'n Kidney I'llla the lotiK-Iookwl for euro. "I am 88 ycara oM," Mrs. Wllllnma fays, "and liavo sufforel with the llneknclie very miicli for thrco or four years, I havo lK-nn trontcd hy jj.kxI pliynicians and ot no relief, but thanks to 0(xl, I Imvo found n cure at last nnd It Is Dodd'fl Kidney Tills. I havo taken only one lxx and it has done mo more good than all tho doctors In thrto or four years. I want nil sufferers from Ilackncho to know that they can get Dodd'a Kidney I'JIls nnd Ret well." liackacho Is one of tho first symptoms of Kidney Dlseaso. Guard against ',r'Kbt' Dlseaso or Ithetitnatlsm by CU,I"U u wlu' Do,J,1' KJdncy I,in- At It fhonld lie. He had Just proposed, but his pov erty was too much of a handicap, "A man without money," sbo said, might as well walk back and alt down." "Oh, of course," he rejoined. "He naturally wouldn't bo in a position to rldo back." CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. IflB KlnO IOU HaVO AlWaVS BOUght " Deara tho S"TV ,rZ T n!TO.rf CAjLrtrTJZrtTTAs . o'B11010 TVA fC&CCXW I'roper Thin a". "In society." said ibe young bud. "the gentleman Is always presented to the lady, is ho notr "Yes," sighed the heiress who was ,j0in. j,cr second season, "unless bt happens to bare a title, then one must pay for blm, I suppose.' I Tito's Cure l a Rood coach nedldn. I It has cured couchs and colds for forty m.uiB..v., !...,.. Failed to Borrow. Dlnruis Old fellow, It's th stmt eld story. I'm In ntd of Uttlt financial succor. ' fitiadbolt You'll havs to hunt f artier. I am not the little financial sacktr I std to be. Chicago Tribune, A aUARANTGGD CURE FOR PILES Ilrblnc mind. IllMjInf or PrtXrtidlnc Pile. Year droctiit wlU refund mooey U PAZO 01XT MK.fT UlU to car 70a la t 10 It dart. Mc Oolng One Hotter. Mrs, Bbarppe I'm going to stop trad la' here, an' deal with Lightweight & Co., tht new grocery Ann across the street, Ht lets bis customers guess st the number of beans In a bag, an' glres a reward for tht correct guess. Mr. Qulcksale My dear madam, If you'll continue to give us your custom, we'll let you guess st Uie number of beans In two bsgs. riTP rermaaenUr Cored. KoBUornerroajeeu II 10 anerflr.td.r-anMornr.Kltnv'.UreaiMerT !'.!?'?.' Jff D1 S rTr trial bwtleand IrealtM. Dr. 11. H. Klloe, Lid.,Ml An u, 1'bUadelplila, J'a. LIAj In New York. nurrled Editor I must bars aomi ont to belp on this at once. Where U lilnksT Wlwre's Scribbler? Where's Leader Boy They Is all downstairs gettln' up a list of folks killed last year by electric cars, csbs, wagons, subway explosions. gss, sn 'lectric light wires. Editor (despondently) They won't get through for a month. Mother, will nnd Mr,. winsloWs BootMng Byrup th tx,t remedy torn tor tbalr children during ths Uethlng rerlod. Often the Case. Customer Catchem tt Cheatem art announcing another big drop In prices. Merchant Well, there's plenty of room for their prices to drop. "DIDN'T HURT A BIT" Of Our Method of Extract ing; If Tur plate (alii when eatlnr. or talklug by uttnr our vacuum vaUt eaa make you one that will b latl.iactory We da work for people from out of th city quick ly, o that you will not b delayed. ' do crown ana brldg work without pain. Our 17 year.' x erlenc In plat work enable, ui to dt your mouth comfort ably. The bed it tht cheapen la tt end. hart I eellnta aa wall a you. Upan (Ttnlnr till . hundaya from la U Vhont Ualn 3HS. Kttkead UK 1. I Wl.i,. WISE BROS, Dentists "CYCLONE" THRESHERS Wlrd Sisck. re, FeeJer.. Dora IMw r--Surpl'e. THE A. Ii. AVERILL Wrlto for Catalogue and Prices W - K - - W JgSMBL - rr - K - H - l - H - H - h WW aK 1 lfAi-W'l lip A Great lawyer's Careletsnett, Orest Criminal Lawyer I workt4 vtry hard to get yon off, but 1 falld. Convicted Murdertr (hotly) Ton rnlxlit 'a' known you would. Thrst o tlifm tnrn you 1st on that jury was rt spectskle. MALLEABLE IRON STUMP PULLERS I'mImi, lljhlMl mt Mrnncml Mump I-ull.f mi Hi mrkt III llnr po"' nn I'1 WP with inn hnnm. Writ, for dmwrlpilr mtalns oitmsofrMA"cTiiNnKY co. root of Atsrrlton Strt.l I'ertUnJ. Ortxon Ifroawsnt tntttIM Ugtnt rctura. for 70t) f I.Mr sua jour rounn, t roil no t nura ys lo pl.nl. ulblof bat FEKRY -tb .uiMj.nl .ft.r 4f jr Iml Tbtf miwtfm prwloct In l.rint .ad .amt cro. All QUimrw wn iD.m, i'ar ii Hted Aanaal frM en ftqant. O.M.FsnnrAOo OfTSOIT, MICH. THE FISH BRAND SLICKER A VALUED FRIEND "A (oo4 many jtin ap I boajnt a FISH BRAND S!k!icr,an4 it lu. prorta s tjW rrieml for mxaj s ttormy .y, bat now It It ettinf oU ami 1 mot hart another. Ilcuc tend rnc a price-fat," (Tie a.B. f 111. w.rtar Jerfer, eMIred I U Ml la iil Mfl. .f mtuUf, will W (In .pflkitl..) a. j. tower co. crtwnr uton, U.B.A. " w TOWER CAHADIAH tUMi-Arir, umiua .m. Toronto, Canada T1 m" WdWctherC1otMnr,8olta,aiid Hats lor sO kloda of wc t work or aport OFFICE POSITIONS Are filled only fey competent persons. There is a demand for the reliable and trustworthy, those who can do things, We fJve thorough instruction, for all kinds of office po sitions. "Write for our Catalogue HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE T.H.CA. BUf. rORTLAHD. ORE. rr " Dr. C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT Tht. woadrrot Cab m doctor H eaJ!d C real bCM b cr prep" wllhool opr 110 thai ax glf. la dl. II nm with Ibo. wftsd.rfal CbV- im b.rti, roou, boaa, brka aa4 T.ff.ltl itat ar Urir -kMwi 10 medkal ad. ec In thu eoualrr. Tracuti ui lata harmlna nrardlM Utla funoo. dodo know lb acuoa or oT.r WS dlSm.l ra ntln. which h .areeearollr im la dia.rM tiaeaw. II. runiUM la car cauaib. uUr ., lo.r, isroai, rheamaU.ro, wrromiiit loraach, lle.r, Kldatr. M&i ba buodrda r mumoalala. Chart modwaia. Call aad m bin. rall.au M t lb el If writ foe blani. and circular. rMndaiaap. CUMtUte 1AT1UM yilKki AllliHIUM The C Gee Wo Chinese Hcdidnc Co. ISi Aider St.. extriiaaj. Orfa, asrM.--' SPM. p.rc a ri. SJ ! H HETf writlnr toa4Trtlnpltl Hitjaiiuii tun ysprt 1 IS WHAT THEY SAY Teeth. UK. W A. Wide. ari!&"jg& "RUSSELL. ENGINES Tract I or rartabl Simp or Ccmpaua4 Wood or Straw Uu ners MACHINERY CO. PORTLAND, OREQON The Old MonK Cures for Pains and Aches of tho human family, rellevat and cures promptly. Pries 25c. and 00c, JT m .ik i,Vi& tl?J8i i i tflfc w