The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 06, 1905, Image 3

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III a Condensed I'lirm for Our
IillSy Ill!il(l(!lS,
A llotumo of tlto Loss Important hut
Not Lot lnluroitliB Events
of tho Past Wook.
Trior) Ylhbuoff ha Iiwh raporlml
im itiiMttiK tin kilted In n riN'iuit llLtnl
to St. Polwidiiux
Tint iDi'tiiit rtdlrmiitint of Itttwr Ad
miral Plla Terry l tiwtilltftl In the
promotion of Captain .liMWpli K. Craig
tu It admiral.
Am oIWiw from mi F.ngllah nlwutier
Jiwt w4l Iiuiii Vlmllvtiitk y It"
Inn UirjMwlo IhmU have arrived there
from INirt Arthur.
Itomrt (mm point along th 'li.ttti
( Ukn Michigan Indicate tluil tit
damage mmlling (mm the tirit will
aggregate iHHI,lKM).
An unknown atnamrr hM nint
atramled In lltir Mult-, fl Cape Hat
(ra, a a wault i( tint storm raging
long tit Atlantic rNiat.
)l. A. Jlnywlurlf, a wUI lnl
agent, on the way lt Portland ti help
In lh land Irauil case, attempted In
coimtilt miklilo at Ihmver.
China warahlM an kwplng a vUm
wale li on tlw Uneaten war vraaeU ai
Hlianghal to prevent thlr ri or o(
th officers ami imn on them.
Two Ja)aiMn rrulaer liave lawn
elghltal olfl long Kong. It U Iwltovwl
try arw smiitlng vwmI (mm the Heat
wnt allr tlto ttuaalan Italllc jatiuadmn.
(lovitrnor I'anhw desire to have th
.MIiIih tyi o( arrliltrtm HMitll
tint In tin row mellow o( ! ( alitor
itla Mate building at Um Ihui ami
Clark (air. Tlwt work will atari aoon.
rVvrrat live have Imi bwt In Chi
aox hm a rwult o( the mtttrw storm.
Cmigres will Itavit to buy sllxer Iml
lion to muktt iiiiii'li nettled small coin.
The president I proMtdtliiK lilt Mea
on railroad height rata Uioniiwrmwiiimi
Vlro Aillnirnl ltnl Clmrht liar
ford will himuiiih wiminaiHl o( tint llrll
IkIi Mediterranean squadron May I.
Many ItHwIaM Itcllewt n hrlhgtcr
la) m in store fur their country when
the announced reform ar ait In pme
Ureal llrltnlii has assumed pmitntl of
tin legal and financial administration
of the Tonga Islands, the, iiathtt chief
T (' Powell, of Portland, U to I to
npixtlntiil I'liltwl rilatM inurnlml tit
Noiiii', Alnfkii, t miivewl 1'runk Itlrlf
artln, iwoiilty nniui'l.
Tli niivi-riiiiimit of lltillniHlniiiKiiini
M thai tli Htiuit iioiitmllty will Ut ole
MirMil In lior poIoiiIun an at limuu In rt
Kur-I to llio I'ur Itanium war..
A Hrltlrli tramp Mtwinr Im aMiara on
tin Atlantic roanl on I'lro Inlaml Iktr.
OwIiik to tliH utorm tlitt tNNwl will Ihi ii
total wn!k. Tlio mittrn vrou whh
l'rco priNHi, (riHliim oIiiin'Ihiii'o ami
oiiipnlwtry uliiiiiutitury wliiwtlon lmo
Immiii proiiilxtl In I(iumIi.
Tlitt Dauita coiiunlNtloii intya tint
rluliln of alMtrlKliiM Iihmi Ihhiii w pro
t(Httxl In IiiiIIhii Territory.
fiimm iHxipIn with klllwl ami night
otheri) IiiJiimhI in it wreck on tlitt 8iiitli
irn rullnHtil ntmr IxnilHvHIe, Ky.
UiiMiiiiiH Imvtt heon onlortnl to ro
inose tlio lioNpltnl ihlxt plitrtMl In front
o( their war !ili nt Port Arthur.
A ltiiHMtnti etlltor Iiiih Imhiii nrnwhil
for pulillNhliiK n Htory of hriital comltivt
o( an ollk'cr towitnl a convict coiiMty.
It. !!. ('iilvlti In in liisinnii L'ulmnil
iniiniiKer o( tho Houtlioru Patilllo rail
nmil In miu'cchmIoii to V, II. Murkliiuii.
A Konuml miow Htorm throiichout
(Colorado anil WjoiiiIiik, (oIIowIiik tntl
lunly an cxteiulvd purlixl of mild
rn'iitlittr, Ih likely to cuiimii roiiHlilonttilo
diniiK to nloc'k on thu opvnntnucN.
wlmiy Itcpuhllcifn coiiKrcxHiium want
(ho paitmiKo of tho inuruhaut mitrlnu
lilll MiHtpoii(Ml until uuxt hchmIoii, when
.tlioy would favor It.
PA urnnil Jury naya Now York liquor
finou Hond lnrgu huiiih to intlituuco U-kIh-llntion
at Allmny.
An AiiHtro-llunmirlnn admiral linn
fltoon cIiohoii itH tlio llfth mumhur of tho
North Hen Inquiry commiHoIon.
A rnnrcmintntlvn nf a Inrirtl French
lut.uil ivmiiiniiv In looklnir for uvnllahlo
Kilto Hfor thu cHtnbllBliinont of fautorlua
Pin the unitoa Ntaica.
nnvnrnnr Odnll anil ox.nnvornor
Illttck aro both tin Id to bo candidutcH for
United Btatofl Bonntor from Now iork
for Bonator lMatt's plnro.
(loorgo 0. llrownoll, prcsldont of tho
lout Orogon nonato, will bo called bo
fore tho federal grand Jury to explain
certain papers ho afllxcd hU namo to
its notary publlo, In connection with
tko land fraud InveHtlgrttlon.
Nlno minora wero imothorotl In n
jxpal mluo at Qarflold, Pa.
jB Many Japanese noldlora commit eul
iiilo wlion dofoat bociiih ut hand.
fllilncwn linvn joitortnd to Kumnntkln
li tlio japanoHO uavo iobv sujiuuiur
il, but tho latter ollam not.
Two Million Dollars Loio From Fire
In Sioux Oily.
Hloux Oily, Poo. 2H. A Ilro, which
reunited In tlio ilwilh of otio mini, h
iiioiiiilnry Iiihh roughly iwtliiiiiloil nt
lU.OUU.OOl), mid tho iloHtiuutlou of
mmrly two whoht hlookn, Hturted In
tint liiiHoiut'iit of the Pollutlur dupurt
intuit Hlore, In tlio Toy block, n (tlx-
nlory hIoiih building nt Fourth mid
.liickwiii MtreetH, nt H o'clock tonight.
The illtitrlct burnull over Hun In tliocon-
ter of tint buijIuttM jnirlloii of tho city,
and among tho bulldlnga woro ottvoral
of tho iiKNtt Hulwtcinllnl rdruulure In
thnclty. In thutto bulldlngH wort) lo-
oatod a Iarx numltor of largo Uirwi
ami iwvfiwl whnlanalo oatablWimoMW
and three natlmwl Iwnkti.
Tho Ilro Hlartwl In tho ImMtmimt or
tho rtoiii, but Ha omiibo In In doubt.
Tho man kllltal waa a twiaiit In thu
MmawliuHtt lilork, Mm JiiiiihmI from
tha flftli atory.
A lain, niiiiilwr of alifllHmi frtimlMl
tha VIItlr ami otliw tora, ami It
wa with dllllculty ImUall manal to
twat (rom Hie liurnin Inilbllni. 'lit
llamm envrlopMl murii of tlw bulhiln
Utforv Um r dapurtimml rrll, ami
wm fiilt boyond wtnlrol. Fur tr
honra and a half, until tliey bl got
laiy.atd ramr nt Ut laa balktlnM, Urn
Haittea rarrlml uraryUiInf in tlwlr path.
Ikiih lalcKraph eompaiilwn wn iwt
out of bualtn-aa lijr nauun of Uwlr wlrw
UitiR afl lairmaJ otit, and Uw onVa of
the W'Mrtarn Ukm wm dMtnjrtNl.
AlUimiMh a great immbr of tatflfrfMNH
clftnilt wcra within 111 dlrtrhH, long
tllrtumw cIm-mIUi wr twMbllsiHNl Hlth
oulaioV point. 'Ilw r)r wa oom(ttrl
at 1 1 :W). ,
Prom ilia PeluHlftr atorw lm llatmw
KitHNul Ut the Maaaarhttaalla lititck. on
thit wnrt, a large nU-atory Iwikllng.
Tho fln mniIIihmhI wwrtwanl, ilrlnm by
a liriak wind. In the oownw of Uuflr
lllgiit, lb Warm -wtirw rommnukntwl
Ut a mmmi ot olhr IhmImm plaeM lo
ralal in Ut bulkllnfi wwt of llw Toy
Now Hainpthlro and Vormont Will Do
at I0OG Fair.
Portlaml, Dec. J. Varmont will 1h
r,toiiel at llw Imi ami Clark ox
HHUIMt by a reprixluctlou of tuio of tho
iihm4 valuable liiilhllii4, hi far an bin
tttrlcal viilutt gM, In the I'lilletl Klattm.
Word wan receUxl at itxHMitlon luwil
quartern yiwtenlay that the building to
Ixt erectetl by Vermont will Ik) a rupllca
of the o)d ('HHttltutiou Ihhiio of 1777.
In writing tint latler, Arthur V. Jack
turn, eommiiHilouttr for Vermont to the
l.ewl ami Clark exHMltl htatel that
a coficliuhm. bml Ihhu nvebed In the
matter, ami UhhikIi it cHild not
hllH.I, at prtweut, how larx the xlatn
appropriation would Ixt, It la autlcltat
cd thai Vermnnt will 1ki an well repre
sented at tho oxjHwItioi) n rhti uoi at
1st. Ia.
In thU nowtl exposition building,
Vermont will lane exhibit to hIiow
the rewturcenol that Mute". HiMorloal
public rccortlH, too, will he. there, and
by thix meana thu Mtato will idiow her
Mtrt In the upbuilding nf tho nation.
Modern exhibit will toll of tho pro
grcfa of Vermont from revolutionary
lit)M lo the pntaent tlmo. The middle
agea of tho atato will not bo ahown;
Junl tint mat and the prwont, with a
bint of the future. Tha building will
lxt nrrangrd In an attractive manner,
mid will, no doubt, lxt tho mccca of
thouMndit of vlHltont.
Now Hampihlro Step In.
Following tho Idtm of Vermont, New
llampohiro will ptaco her tahlbila In
tho rcplchi of a hlKtorlonl building, tho
particular edifice to lxt a repnxluctlou
of the birthplaco of Daniel Welwter.
Hero tliortt will Ik? on exhihitiou pub
Ho reciinla and data concerning tho life
of Webntur, and other men of Now
liampnlilrti whose uiimeM have gone
down to the ugcH. Tho buildingH of
Vermont ami New Hiimptthlro may nwt
in the Hanio vicinity with each other,
tliiiN giving to their particular it I ten it
decided hUtorlcal touch.
Dltgulted A An American.
Moaoow, Dec. '.'S. V. V. ClraxudcBky,
correspondent oj tho Uunrtky Hlnvy, liao
Jtmt arrived nt Ban PranoiHCO after a
long and hnxartlouH trip through Japan,
where ho tnivoltnl aa an American
JourualiHt under tho mtuio of Percy
Palmur. lie undertook tho journey to
uncertain tho real nltuutlou of nffulnt in
tho enciny'a country, taking tho rink
of discovery anil execution aa a apy.
GniiucHky had n completo American
outllt and nrrnngctl to huvo luttcra
forwarded from varloim cities In tho
United BlntoH.
Strnngled Grandmother.
Now York, Deo. 28. Wearing cart
rldgo beltn and huvlng their pocketa
filled with tllmo novula, two boya huvo
been urrcatcd in Harlem on chargefl of
felonlouHly uttacklng their gruudmoth
or, Htraugllng her into uucoubcIoubiicbh
and tlion robbing her of Jewelry and
money umountlng to moro than $25.
Beverul pawn tickcta wero found on tho
youtltH, together with u signed resolu
tion that they nhould never part and
that they tihould nuvor marry.
Ammunition Hid In Dalei,
Tckln, Deo. 28. Tho Chinese yoator
day Bolted 11,000,000 rounds of Husalan
rlllo r.inumnltlon near Feng Tui, in tho
vicinity of l'okln. Tho ummunltlon
wuh conalgned to n KuBahm firm at
Tlentuln, and wuh ovldontly dcHtlncd
for Port Arthur. Tho shlnmont wua
concealed among bales of wood brought
on tho bucks of cainola from Kulgan,
tho curavan being In charge of tho ngent
of u Gorman firm.
lluslnoss Is Very Gcnurally Sus-
IiCllllCll 111 I:ll(lillHl.
Link Boya With Torches Furnlih tho
Only Uoful Llghti In London
No 8ln of Pall LlfllnK-
IMidnn, m.2(1. There la aa yl no
atgn of tho lifting 0( tho fog which
ouvolops tho kingdom. Thu lwntt of
wind throughout Grant Jfrlluln Is nl
motit tinprecwlaiitojl, and moteorologlNta
do not oxiMwt uny fllwng In thu eon-
dltliHid for another 81 iHHim. (XHNild
urlrujt tha almoat liwnpralito difmnil
tlm attending locomotion of any form,
tha nninlasr of fatal aridfnt 1m been
rwtwraaoiy wnan. ,
Tim conMatton ami ana
bttainMM aro very gnmmil
limloii I romwnwd, tti
la iSikim
lata -Ihra
arw the only comMfm benHltW
tnair daily tratfta to reacbimi rororVt
A comitlioo raaeHiUling cIokh pre
rail !i tit imewl amrvt. All rail
way train are many Ixtom lata ami
many train bvtwttMi Incmdon ami tlw
atilmrb oec opy it tmnpla of Itonrs In
making tlw dhttMnr of eight mil.
Hail boat in all dimHioon are aim
llarly Ulaorganlanl. Only two veaael
niirrnl tlte port of Ijimlun ywrtanky,
a oondition of affaira anch a Ihm ih1
uccumal for SO yaarv. The montli of
llje'rlrer la Jawmeil w 1th reel loaded
with iteriamtbla ftaaMuffa of all de
rrltifHia. Ttw atrtota of Itodon praaent re
markable MMttw. Nothlitg la vliilhle
cetl link laiya' torchea ami the ocea
akiiMl Iktreof big creosote light which
the atitlHiritliM are Itvglnnltig toumjiloy
to nwlnt tmlllc.
Preddent Hay Ha Cold Wator for
Ruth to Port Simpson.
Vancouor, II. C, Dec. 20. With
tint Idea ttf preventing any mail to
Port fe'lnipKon or Knleu inland, C. M.
Ilaya, prixtldent of tho Grand Trunk
Pacillc railway, has publicly announced
that tho merit filing of plan with tho
railway department nt Ottawa does not
signify that either of those place will
bo olectcd as tho terminus of tho lino.
Suld bo: "It simply supplies thu gov
ernment with information rognrding
what tho company may ultimately re
quire. " Mr. Ilnjs has again tlcclarol
that It may bo somo tlmo before defi
nite announcement can 1k made as to
where tho Ilrltlsb Columbia end of tho
new transcontinental lino will bo situ
ated. Ho said in an Interview:
"We have not definitely determined
the Western terminus. Wo always say
Port BimiHwm, but when wo make use
of thnt expression we mean any point
within ftO miles of thu place. There
aro threw or four inlets, all of about
equal merit, that wo might use, but
liefore wo reach a decision quite a nnm
lair of h)drographlc survey must first
Imi made. Nothing has lxen done along
tlmt line on the Pacific coast (or a
numlx'r ttf yours."
Aa for tho prairie section of tho line,
prepnrntloiiH aro well under way for
oommondiig construction at Winnipeg,
Ixtth oust and west, as soon as tho
snow gtxtt tn the spring. Mr. Hay
has stutinl that the flnanciut arrnnge
ments neccMHary to the successful llota
tton of the scheme lime all lxt'ii made,
and the outhxtk for tho satisfactory in
auguration of the big work Is very
bright. '
Sevastopol It Useless.
1 Headquarters of tho Third Japaneso
Army lleforo Port Arthur, via Pusun,
Dc. 2(1. During tho morning of De
cember 10 the Ilusslan turretshlp Se
vastopol was toriHtlood by tho Jajmn
eso licet, and Immediately listed 10
degree to tho right, remaining fast on
tho shallow shore at the foot of Liaotl
mountain. Tho vessel is considered
absolutely useless for further offensive
operations. The Japaneso bombard
ment of tho Russian gunboats and tor
pedo crttft in tho harbor continues in
cessantly. Dig Strike In tho Kootenays.
Vancouver, II, O., Deo. 211. A 100
foot ore chute, three feet wldo and giv
ing values ranging from 100 to 240
ounces of silver, and from f 10 to 00 a
ton gold, vlth three per cent copper,
is tho mining sensation of tho month
in tho Kootouays, Tho big strlko was
niada on tho I.A Franco group, La
Franco creek, fivo mile east of Kooto
nay lako. Americana own tho prop
erty, tho claims belonging to Chicago
Torpedo Doat Sighted.
St. Petersburg, Dec. 20. According
to n local paper a number of English
fishermen huvo appeared before tho
ltusslan consul In London and huvo de
posed to havo soon forolgn torpedo boata
among tho Hull fishing fleet. Their
depositions, It Ib added, will uo sub
mitted to tho International cpminls
sloii, now in Farts, tho clrcumstancso
Under which they woro obtained bolng
Oovornment Planning Dig Task Along
Oregon-California Line.
Porlhiild, Dec. 27. Harry Uolgalo,
legal advisor In tho UiiIImI Stale re
clamation service, In in Portland to
ntuud to matters connected with the
Klamath river Irrigation project, which
he status is promising, ami may result
in throw Imf open 2,000 Intuitu for h-I
"The land to h benefitted by the
project," sab I Mr. Holgaie today, "is
uxteitHivo ami lie wrtly In California.
In order to make tho matter a succco
route legislation la medd from ldh
Ontgitu and California, ami It Is fur
the piirjxwe of looking after that that J
have been aenl her.
"I havo Iteon to Interview Govermtr
Panlee, of California, rogartllng the
lauds In that state, ami he Is very en
thusiastic over the matter. 1 will re
main In Portland until after the legis
lature meet to nrge some action that
will bctiiHlll the project.
"iNtiore nun in up to i'ortland I
spent a few week In Klamath county,
looking over the condition there, and
it I my opinion I luU the trojert will
m a Kontem. It imdmln the dminiiiK
of iwveml lake and a ytm for Irri-
loy the laml thus obtain!, togtb-r
Altji taa ainmi
Ml l?U4m
aiuounl of otlir land, hy
from tlte Klamath
?JdBStf rjs
Portions of Lueln Cutoff Over G
Sat Lake Sink Nino Feet.
Homo, New, Dec. 87. Krery avi
abla laborer in tlte employ of the
Southern Pacific Ixrtween here ami Og
den I now at work on theliclu cutoff,
oo gaged In a leieraUi v'flort to keep
the treacherous line roM the neck of
the Great Salt I.ake ojnmi to the heavy
t rattle on the line. I -ate yesterday, a
few minute after the overland flyer,
uastbound, tiased over this road, it
sank nine feet. This condition Is not
for tint entire dlstanro, but in sitott
clear across tho lake.
Tho startling condition of tho road
lied was noticed in tlmo to prevent an
accident, and since that time, mon huvo
lxten at work, not to keep tho line
level, but to keep the rails in condition
to allow the trains to past over. Today
every mllo of the track across the cut
off, a distance of 30 miles, is patrolled.
Construction train aro at work hauling
material to build up tho sinking, road-
lxd, which now present tho appear
ance, in stretches of a mile or more,
of waves on an ocean.
Until yesterday the sinking liad been
It is understood that the company is
confident of yet lxilng ablo to overcame
tho strange condition in tlio lake, and
will sitare neither effort nor oxihiuso in
doing so. The big force of men now at
work will lie maintained until tlio line
Is again in perfect working order.
French Government Regard Situation
at Exceedingly Grave.
Farls, Dec. 27. Tho foreign ofilco
consider tho situation in Morocco ox
tromcly grave. Tho sultan' diemtaal
of his French and other military ad
visor has been followed by a number
of act showing his Intentions to inter
rupt the execution of tho French policy
Accordingly tho French minister nt
Tangier has been instructed to secure
tho immediate, withdrawal from tlio
Moroccan capital of tho French consul,
tho commander and all tho member
of the military mission, and all French
citixens, unless tho sultan vacate hi
previous oflensivo action and oilers a
suitable explanation. The Frencl
minister has been instructed to com
munlcato to tho sultan at tho same
tlmo ho notifies tho consul, military
mon and citizens to prepuro to depart.
Tho olllolul hero say that no definite
military or navnl atop huvo yet been
taken us these uwalt tho sultan's ro-
sponso to tho minister,' demand, but a
demonstration in force will follow If n
suitable explanation and reparation are
not promptly given.
Development of Porto Rico,
Washington, Dec. 27. Governor
Wluthrop, of Porto ltlco, today con
ferred with Secretary of Agriculture
Wilson regarding, tho development of
tho agricultural resources of that Is
lnnd, Secretary Wilson nssured him
of the earnest corporation of tho de
partment of Agriculture in furnishing
scientific assistance to tho
lticuu. Ho pointed out a number of
crops for which largo buidh aro paid
annually to foreign countries und which
should bo grown in tho newly acquired
tropical possession of thl qouutry.
Russians Advance Guns.
Mukden, Dec. 27. Tho lluBsiana
succeeded today In advancing tho posi
tion of thlr Blego guna four milea south
along tho wagon road, Thl wua ac
complished In tho fuco of a heavy ar
tlllory firo from tho Japanese, who fired
upwards of 100 Bholls, which, however,
old llttlo execution, only two mon bo
lng wounded. On account of tho diffi
culties of getting supplies bore, many
Chinese and refugees havo been sent
north by tho officials,
8100,000 Flro at Los Angeles.
Loa Angoles, Dec. 27. Firo today
destroyed a brick building occupied by
tho l'lonoor Itoll Paper company, on
tulllug a loss to tho building and stock
eatlmntod nt f 100,000. Tho origin of
tho flro la unknown.
Ifomt-Maiia Water Fountain.
Here I a water fountain that will
answer Oio purpose aa well a would
one purchased for a dollar. Cut out
a round hole In the lower part of an
obi (In can; now cut oxoctly in two
(tart an ompty can such a chipped
beof Is put up In, an empty tomato
can can be cut down to the right
height, also If tho meat can 1 not at
band. With the home soldering out
lit, solder the half can over tho open
ing In the can, a shown In the hut
part of tbe cut Helect a cork that will
rlt tbe toil alr-tJght. If It doesn't make
a tight Joint, wrap a Wt of wet cloth
water rot;jTAtH r n Yovvrpr.
about the cork Wlfen nVd. the foW
taln will let the water 'down Into the
drlnklnir cun a fast ax the 'owl o
chickens drink It and tliero wl).'
be no
fouling of the water.
IlliC-lloneU Hleera Not Ileet.
There was a time. though It was
many yean ago, when the big-boned
teer that weighed 1300 to 2.000
pounds, wa looked for by the buyers
or Deere, but now me animal wai
ought by the butcher Is one tbi
weigna irora j,-am io j,wu pouuu. vj
We have long since found out that
the cheapest meat la made onyoung
animals, and the money thus Invested
Is soonest ready to be turned over.
Not only Is the money tied up longest
In old animals, but tbe cost of pro
ducing meat on them Is eo great that
our best beef feeders are uo longer at
tempting to do that The method now
Is to keep the animals growing right
along from birth to the period when
they weigh, what the market demands.
Btcera aro now ready for the market
at 2 years old or under. If all the ani
mals shipped to tbe stock yards were
of this kind there would not be much
complaint about poor returns In stock
breeding and beef-making. A. good
many farmer are still trying i make
profltablo beef on old steer. But tbe
young steer Is the only animal that
give us any promise of a profit Ex
change. Plan for Farm Barn
j '
Ammonia In Manure.
Land plaster or gypsum ha un
doubted value In holding the ammonia
or nitrogen tn stable manure, although
some scientists uispuie una. mm
1 kalnlt Is so much better for this pur
1 pose than the gypsum that It Is a won
der any of tbe latter la used. It Is
jt -w -
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5- tMiSafm 3s tl h YiW.
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Forto'true kalnlt Is more expensive In first
COSl, UUl U4CU II UU1 u 11I.J uvuua uio uiu-
monla better than the gypsum, but It
adds to It a desirable plant food which
gypsum does not
If one must, for any reason, store the
stable manure for some portion of the
winter, the bulk of it value will be
maintained If stored In pita with ce
ment bottoms, so that the liquid por
tions are retained and the mas treat
ed with kalnlt occasionally during the
winter. The cost is small compared
with the Increased value of the ma
nure. Try It thl wtnter and you will
become a convert to the practice.
t.... ....... , t ...1 hLla I.A ..
l-eaxttaa Milk to Poaltrr,
Farmer who bar more or 1st skim
milk and a generous svpply of tour
mtlW mii ft hnth nmfltahlv to lav
ing hens during the winter. Milk I
should be given at other things are
fed. with a view to having aa much
variety vs possible. While the fowls
rarely tire of the milk. It generally
brings the bsat result It the prepare-
'Uea U U k aoaawhat tW. F
ixamplo When tho weather Is cola,
give the birds a lot of warm milk In
the morning, putting It in a trough.
The next night feed them a warm
mash, but mix the bran with mlllsln
stead of water Thl 1 an excellent
way to use the sour milk or milk that
Is too thick to feed atone. Another
time cook a lot of small potatoes. Chop
them fine and mix with the soar milk,
then feed warm creamed fwtntoe in
a way. One ha no idea how laying
hens enjo such variety and what a
decided difference It makes In tho egg
Three Acre and a Cow,
Tho term "three acre and cow,"
which wa at ono time quite prominent
In Kngllsh farm discussion,' was or
iginally suggested as a remedy for tho
lack of employment among mechan
ic and laborers. Tho Idea was that
If each workman could secure posses
sion of a small place, ho would Ii
eeme. In a measure. Independent dur
ing a period of bard time. Tho actual
suggestion was three anil opo-.uartcr
acres, the one fourth aero to bo de
voted to an orchard In which the cow"
could graze occasionally. The rest of
tho land he desired to- dovoto as fol
lows: Potatoes, one-half acre; turnips,
one-fourth acre; winter vetch, one-half
acre; spring retcb, one-fourth acre;
barley, wheat or oat, three'fourth
acre; clover and gra1, three-fourth
acre. Ho estimated that the product
of thl land would bo worth about $100,
and would keep the occupier nboro ac
tual want
The lluttcr Kye. t
A yellowish Ungo In the skin is con
sidered a point of great Importance In
Jersey cattle. How much foundation
'tliore may bo for It ha never been
satisfactorily determined, but there 1
an Impression among certain breeder
that'tho presence af an orange clrclo
r ground tba eyo la Indicative of tbe
ability of the cow possessing it to not
onlyTodnco a great yield, or butter,
but Io gJy butter of good quality and
tbe highest t!Tor.
Cheap tftep tJAr.,
lllustratloti'ahowa a cheap,
tepladder. vt need "tost but
very. Utile, at .is
Igh and
la most conv
In the nouie auri
cleaning Urn and
out of doors at all
time. During the
fruit picking tea
son It la almost In
DDDt. dUpensable. Tha
ladder proper Is made of 1x0 board
with tho steps of tho same materlaL
Tbe two opposite legs are 2x2, prop
erly braced. Tbe board on tho top
should be of good Inch board with
at least two cleats underneath.
General Firm Note.
Be systematic In tba training of
young horse. " '
Sheep to thrive well require frequent
change of food.
Marketing the products. In tho best
possible condition la where 'the profit
aro made.
numi "
ft i j-
A 4-4 ftaa-am..
plWrV If thQ trbm
ulsV f vh-
Mtfltot rest! oc
HBCJItHl ijl. -!-
WTaffiha Spivs' v '!
cither ground or soft feed and
IffiZ I' ad'iV 'He 'l;Kir
mXt 1 y 4 JBm
.a'nfesr., aw. .jbi
vainJaW?liW4iiK $' "9
tlaA atBfTMMsftJtami V jfflff
ftjJroBJBiisOTsBslslwMj L'jmbM '
) inBujnHrs w"
nlflF' -
A sheep adapted to every section aael
to every breeder' surroundings cxaaot
be grown In the same animal. t
The best method of Improving tiw
soil Is not to plow too great a proper; v
tlon nor pasture too closely.
Tbe horse that contract bad habit ;
readily la generally one that car, fc
taugbtitbo most useful trnlu wiUi't v
Icastftroubfi!. ',y .
t'oultry Note. " ' '
A good egg will einkvln water.
Sitting hens should not be fed wkate
on the neat j fo
Growlnghlcka should be srocct4!
iruiu mo buu.
Tbe nest must occasionally
uewed and kept clean.
Road dust, with fine sifted
makes a good, dust bath. &
Cleanliness sua vigilance
beat preventives of disease.
Poultry in orchards destrof
and keep the tree In a good
Water la aa Important aa re4saat
should be supplied clean and free
Gravel should always ba pplVt
fowls being fattened la conaaew, v
Una is a purtBar aaxt wtWsUi
used onen aa a waa is oaofa, axaMBa
Equal part of sklaasaad
water warmed will remove f i
from varnished wood woric e
There la no economy ha buying ,
or musty grain. Aside, fsa tW j
uai iui uuuiiu.uh n pwfiws
cause ot slcknta. es4lly aM,
the young stock. Rettar pay a tfetel 1
price and get good souud. grala. 1
deaojeac to taa sad.