The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 23, 1904, Image 7

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Mokes Its prcsenco known
by many signs, glandular
tumors, bundles in tho nock,
cutanoous eruptions, in
flamed eyelids, sore ears,
catarrh and wasting diseases.
Hood's Sarsapar ilia
Effects permanent cures.
Ilt Awful Jlliitulrr.
"H her, younic mm," ni! th -
clety editor lo the mw rii(irlr, "don't
Itt thluc Ilk tbla occur again,"
"Why, wrist's wrong?" ssked tin nw
"lu tut paragraph," replied th . .,
"ynu eny III Isdy was 'hslidaomely
draad' Instead of 'saying she wsi
'smartly gunutil,'"
" Mow's This?
W offer On Hundred Dollar Howard for
any f'alerrh thitl canuol m curod by
Haifa Catarrh t tit,
r. 4. t IIKNfcV A CO , l'ro., Toledo, 0.
We, tho underlined, known C J,
Cheney for Ilia ll Ikran, end ixtilcta Mm
tmtttcily hnni'f.l.U In all huiliieia trainee
(lime end nuaiirlillr able In carry out any ob
tlyalloni Inula by their nnn.
wr.r A Thiai. vvholrialo lirurgliti, Toledo, o.
V't.iiNH, Kiknih Jk MakVlri, nliuleeal Drug
iU, l.ilrtln.O
Hair t'matrrli Cure ! taken Internally, art
tf iiim ...lAMI.
Ititlmonlali Ilea.
lieMllreellr utin the bino.1 aim uiiipuue eur.
- . . .l. ' ... M. . ..!.
late, ui win ai.inni. i urn fire -nr ifutu-j
pom by all iirufilii. iciintioni
llall'a rainlly I'llli are the beak
A miti cannot hare an Ufa of perfec
tion In annllirr which he mi never lenil
tie or lu hlimelf. .Steel.
Tlic Pcrmu Alumnae In 8,000,000
Tin. reruns l.tioky liny Almanac linn
Ih'coiiki a fixture In over oIkIiI million
liouira. It ran lo obtained fmin all
druvulst Irrn, JUt sure to lnriilia
early. Tha 11)05 alumnae la already
puhliated, ami Ihn supply will aoori lie
-eihaushcd. Do not put It ofl, (let
one today.
Chlnri will work nluetren houn a
day wlthuut complaining,
Tak. lAi.llvr llrmm Uttlftliie TaMrla. Allilnic
et.M ittuiat th. lvr If II telle hi ni, It. W.
Or,. .Uttalufe I ihi eeh boa. ato.
Canada' total revenue In 1103 wai
IGU.UOO.OOO; ratlmatrd 1WM. $71,000,000.
Kor fiirtr yrar'a Plan's Cur for Con.
sumption haa cured coughs and colds. At
-druggists. PrlreSo rente.
Th binsn and the potato ara alrooat
Identical In chemical rumpoaltlon.
When a child I had a very severe nt
taclcof Diphtheria, whlchcamciicnrprov.
luj; fatal l'Knrrcorcry llieKiatidsof the
neck were crv much enlarged, ami after
the free ttie of iodine, the right one was
rcduceM to it normal site, hut the left
one coutlnueil to crow- very slowly at
first, until It wat about the suenf a cooe
cgK, which hesti to presion the wind
iie, causing diltkull breathing, and lc
came very jtainful. An Inclilon was made
ami a larijc quantity of pus discharged.
The gland wai removed, or ai much a
could with aafety he taken out. l'or ten
year I wore a little piece of cloth about nn
inch Ion? In rnv neck to Veep the place
oen. Durlni; thia time I had to have it
cut onen tv the doctor every time I took
cold or the opening cloeKcd. In the Spring
or early Summer of HS. I waa pertuadetl
by my wife to ue 8. S. 3., which I did,
strictly In accordance with direction!. I
took twcntr-alx Urge ImUIIc. and wni en
tirely cured, for I have not auffercd alnco
that time. II. S IUound,
Koynl Dig Mfg. Co,, Charleston, S. C
Only n ouiatitutlonal remrdv can reach
n hereditary dhtcane like Kcrof ula. When
the blood I reatored to a normal condition
and the acrofiiloua depoalti nre carried oil
there Urv gradual return to health, H.S.8.
ii well knowuAa n
blool purifier and
tonic. It U tha
only guaranteed,
atrictly vegetable
rcmedyaold. Ifyott
have any aigna of
Scroftiln, write us
and our physicians
will advise you free
Tbo Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Ga.
HnllliiK Water Mitdn to I'ercolute
Tliriiuuli tlio Oriiiiiul llerry.
CofToo Nliuuld ho Kruiiud u nut'dud.
If ground too long lu iidvnnco It drlun
slid Iusun both Nlmfigth mid Iliivor.
IIoiihIimI colTi-o must bo kopt In n
dry mid nithur tyiirm plucu, covurcd
lightly lu a tin box, or bvltur still, lu
mi I'ltrllum Jur, It U onally Injured by
'old mid ilniiipnuas, Coffuo I not
iiiiulu lu Franco by tho boiling pro
ecu. Tim ground cofTco Is put into a
tiltor ami boiling wnU-r poured slowly
through It; lu this way lis full flavor
Is drawn out, without the acridity so
often uotlcenblu lu boiled coffeu.
A French coffeopot Is. the simplest
thing lu tho world, and If the few dl
rectlous given bulow are followed, any.
body cu makii good coffuo. The pot Is
lu two parts, the lower portion recelv
lug tho llitild nflnr It has Altered
through tho grounds lu the top. It Is
must Important that the wntur should
bn boiling. .
Onu tablfspoouful of ground coffeu
Is ullowed for each cup, although tf
mom than four cups nre madu, leas is
needed In proportion. For Instance,
for llvu cups four Inrgu titblpspooufiils
of cofffu will bo siiltlclttnt; for six cup
llvu tiilili-niioonfiila, mid fur eight cups
six tnblespoDiifuls would mnko very
alroug corrcc. On tho othur hand, If
but onu cup Is desired, two tnliloipoon
fills of cofTeo would bo rcijulriHl.
Wntur tillering too ipilckly Uirutigh
such a sinnll iiunutlty of coffco ns one
tableapoonful would not enrry with It
utllclent strength and flnvor. It I
slso nocessary to Iiato dlfferent-slzod
(K)ts for tho different ijuantltlcs of
coffee to be made.
llnfora placing tho ground coffee In
the filter, heat thii two parts of tho pot
with boiling watnr, thus prevent
ing tha chill which would enstiu
without this precaution during the
process of percolation. .
Measure ns many cupfuls of water
as you ncd cupfuls of coffee, and one
or two over, according to tho quantity
mndo, the grounds absorbing nt least
ouo cupful of liquid In four. When tbo
water Is In full ebullition pour It slow,
ly ovor tho grounds In thu Alter through
the small strainer on top. Keep tho
water boiling during the wholo prucem
by replacing It over tho Ore whenever
you have to wait for the subsldencu of
the bubbles which rlio to tho top.
Whun tho water has filtered through,
tha upper part of tho pot can bo ro
morod, and the cover adjusted on the
lower portion, In which tho coffuo may
bo served. Woman's IIouiu Cotnpau
there is n-gradual rctu
Garner of m lUnillU
italsull. Uio bandit who kldunped
Mr. l'ordlcarla and his Uugllsh step
sou, Is Mid to bo a very worthy person,
n good father, a faithful eon, tha hu
bund of a mtultuutu of Moslem wives,
and m thrifty and enterprising genius,
with n turn for commercialism which
has raised him above his former hum'
bio oatnto as a downtrodden pwisaut
,ln tho tolls of Jewish mouey-lmidors,
IIu and his follow villagers wcro fall-
ling over deeper In debt to tho Jews;
' Uio more Uiuy paid, the more they
seemed to owo, and they felt tho toll
closing around thorn. Then Italsull
had a brilliant idwt: why not burn thu,
Jewish village and destroy all ovldenca
of Indebtedness at due fell swoop? 1U
tried It, and his concciumit otnnnclpn.
tlou was tho beginning of n now life
for Itulsull, who Is said to be a second
Nntngay Dooln, a red-hcudvd, red
bearded savngo of gror' mtisculnr
force mid few scruples. 1I has pros
tiered In tho work of village burning,
and has an enthusiastic following, for
whom ho Is what Nnpoleon was for the
Old Otiard. Hu Is even likely to rtvnl
llu-llumnni, tho pretender, who mmrly
shook tho throiui of Morocco a you
ago. As llullnnmrn's following hni1
diminished, tho ndliurentu of Itnlsull
hnvo IncreastHl aud uiultlplliHl. Hnr j
per" Weekly.
nn la Htlll the IIoss.
The old man called his typewriter Into
his private ofllce.
"Mis Hammerloii," be ssld, "you
have been a faithful worker during tho
two years you hnvo been In my em
ploy, and I heller, you would msko a
desirable wife. May I hopo to claim you
as such?"
"Willi I appreciate your kindness snd
tha honor you do mt In making the offer,
Mr. Oldboy," replied the little azure
eyed blonde, "before accepting I wish to
sny olio word. As your stenographer I
hare allowed you to dlctntn to me, but
If I become your wife I ahall reserve
the right to do all the dictating myself,
and "
"I'ardon me for Interrupting you, Mlaa
Ilsmmerton," said the old man, "but I
think it will be brut for you to continue
In your prraent position. I shall add an
extra dollar to your sslsry, which will
enable you to drown In Ice cream aoda
any hopes that my words xusy bar
Reads Like n Miracle.
Moravia, N. Y., Dec. 12th. (Hpoo
la) Bordering on tho miraculous is
the case of Mrs, Denj. Wilson of this
pinto. Kuffurlng from Sugar Diabetes,
hIih waited an ay till from weighing 200
lbs hlie barely tipped tho Kates nt 130
lbs. Dodd'a Kidney Tills cured her.
Hpeaklng of her cure her husband
"My wife sufTorcd everything from
Hugnr Diabetes. Him was sick four
years and doctored with two doctors,
hut received no benefit. Bho had no
much pnln nil over her that she could
not reft day or night. Tho doctor said
that alio could not live.
"Then an advertisement lI me to
try Dodd'r Kidney Tills and they help
ed ior right from tho first. Five boxer
of them cured her. Dodd'a Kidney
Tills wero a God. sent remedy to us and
wo recommend them to all tufleiing
from Kidney DIsesHi."
Dodd'a Kidney Tills cure all Kidney
Diseaaes, Including Iirlglit's Disease,
and all kidney aches, including rheu
matism. a 1
The Duke of Sutherland hss Hned on
en of hie eatstes s road the public bsa
used for more than 300 years.
Ilrhlnf. Illlwl. IIItIih or rnrtruding ltl
mt ilrufitit will rfH4 umury If I'A.U OINT
Ml;.r Mil U cure yu In lu H d.ya. Kw.
The beat aclenci
from a cloudy day.
xtractlng suuihlnt
Bald? Scalp shiny and thin?
Then it's probably too laic.
You neglected dandruff. If
you had only taken our ad
vice, you would have cured
Hair Vigor
the dandruff, saved your hair,
and added much to If. If
not entirely bald, now Is your
opportunity. Improve It.
-I lni. ater' Vlrrfirr
thii am now II .arinMtiM liaeea htttf
,rowih or rlth lirnwu due, I IMnk,o.
Mas, it, A Ksits, n.lle? III., 111.
f I 0 a folll.
aiMfii. fun
Good Hair
Tliat'e What,
Stella I would rather wsd a man of
brains than ono of muscle.
Mollle Ilecaus why? ,
Btella Decause while a man of musclt
could chop up a beefsteak, a man ol
brains could figure out where the beef
steak was to com from.
I'll'H.SwanUit I wiil mj caah
for all xoodrellraof atone. Hn4
outllnfiof wh.t toii hare and get
tnv nrlrea AddrMi
l. HAMILTON, Two Wii-i, Wltcwiiln.
a oiruH rciiooi. or thk iiioiirkt
Cl.AHS eorpe of teaclieri, location, build
Inreiulpineot the UiU Head for eat
alofue, Turit-i Oponaflepteml)rll!.:304
fuieit, llibtt and ttronfat Ulnmp l'ollr
on III. inark.t. lit llnrM power on Ux
with twnbonM. Writ lor dmcrlptlt caiaJof
auil prlre. I
Toot at Morrlaen Street HertUnd, Orezen
best phlloiopby a contented !
Hotbcriwlll find Mr. Wlnalow'a Hootbtng
Byrup the beit remedy to uio for their children
durltiK the teething period. .
b'V moet careful fanners Ejr
and cardenereTerywhrrH
A place confidence In ferry B
4laV Beeds-tbeklndtbatneverfalL V
Fren the keenest man
for a sharper.
must look out
y bTelentbeaUndardfor49yi
la viHIto t9 cold ai a
Mfr. acd nut Ii the cut of
bare been tbeatandard for 49 yean. ,
kumj mT9 noi an ziirinieDUi
ooiu vj an aeaiera. J vo.i nta ,
aauaai frtt ror ineaillDf.
Detroit, Mich.
TITC ''""an.nlljr Cared. No At. or n.rrooinr
(110 anrrittdir'iu,..fIr.KllHr'.(irrirT.
Ilniot'r. KfKAInt Krrlt3lrlall.oill.aiu1trrallui.
III. It. II. Kllut, U J,,ll anil hi, rblUdflhla, I -a.
People nho etrep
shut Uv lonseat.
with their mouths t
St. Jacobs Oil i
Dr. C. Gee Wo
llut wondi-rfot tbt
doctor u caUIM
trtvt lrai b nirn
lopt withotjt frv
lnn thftt r ffiT md
to dt. II tur with
hv won4rrnl ill
hrrM. rwu, lml,
!! and TfCtblf
t ar niirvtj .
mw is ntrtlirfti
ic in ttii toxmvtf Ibrouxti lb u
lhw bAtniis-M rrnMlU lbi Usioot doetof
kPttwa ik KtiM of o?r Mil dtfTervnt rvnv
hi r. which b u(Tmi1x o U 1iffri
A . Jl futuft a . to euro oitarb. svitb
ni. ir. throat, rbromauam. rroufnaav
lAtiiach. Mfff, kidnvja, ttc.i baa badrd oT
lfuniAslal. lbar( mnsjeraia. C-l and,
him. I'altfMit out mt lb citf wrtla tot
(lanes and drmlara. lUnd lampk CUNrtUeV
1AI1U.S H(KK. AliUKKns
The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
ParUal4, Or.f.4.
AU.r St..
You Can (let Allen's loot-Caae PUtlti.
Write Allen fl.Olrailnl.U Itoy.N. Y for a
free aamplv ol Allrn'a KoolJaie. It curre
weatlnr. hnlewollen. achlne leel. It makei
new or tight ahoee raiy A rerlaln cure for
enrni. tnrowln-tialti and l.unloni. Alldruc
flitaaetllu ate. Iwn'l accept any lubetltute.
The I.uton, 1-MB-, ehnmlM-r of com
niereit ha deeideil to offer prliea to acliol
srs In the elementary scIimiIs for com
petitive designs In hat trimmiiice.
' eocO.ea ind rwrea the wotat
. cimi. PrK 2Sc and 30c
H-M---H-H"M"H"r-l"ii-Hi :-?
P. N. U.
No. 81-1904
TT7IIEN Vrltlna; to aavertlaer plsaeel
TV tuenllun tble paper. I
Of Our Method of Extract
ing Teeth.
iss.-liDa-l r dn.Hi
mJ&t m
till. 1 I'
If your plate falls whet eatinc or talklnt
ty uilnsoiir taruum valve we can mate
Tuu one that will be lall.Urtory Ms do
work for -r-l from out of the city quick
ly, o that) on will nt laxielajml
neuorrown ini nriucv wori wimum
pain Our 17 yvara ex erleaee In plat
work enable ui to nt jour mouth comfort-
amy in nr.i ice enrrt( in ir.eena.
n bare frellnsiaa Dell aayou.
uiu ercninr til' Mindtra Irom to 1.
I'hoo aln3J.".
UK. W A. Idii.
WISE BROS., Dentists, Mttlhm'9833g&jast
"I followed th
trail from Tf
On the Trait
mUha Fish Brand IVVhh ukand
tiUcktr. uicd for
an ovtrcoat wtit n
col.l. telnil ccat
when windy, a rain coat whin it rained,
and for cover at nbt lit If we sot to bed,
and I will aay that 1 have (utten more
comfort out or your sllcbe r than any other
one article that I cvtr owned."
( Ta. a.a. tad J!rui .f tk
vrlt.r .1 mil aai.lliii.4 Ut
lit aujr I. k4 .a trrluill,
Wet Weather Oirnnnti for HUtaf,
Walklnr, Woiklnir, or
Th. elm .f Ik. VUh
A, J. lUWIilt V.U,
Boarox, u.s.a.
CO., Limited
Oouih Syrup. VulMUoodt. ba rJ
In lime. Sold by drunlit. 1
r-f TTi.Tir.a t irTirsa
I'llllllllO WlllllDII.
1'roui tho Hllpiuo Census Itciort
this Is taken:
"A very iiotlcenblu characteristic of
thu iieoplu huro I tho OKKresMlvoness
illspluyed by tho feumlui and their
evident Htiperlorlty tu thu mules In
bunfut'ss cupnulty. Whenever a fuiu.
Ily rises from thu lower rtiuka of so
ciety to a position of comparative nf-
llueiico utid social liuportniiro It Is
usually found to bo dtiu to tho tart,
euerKJ' ntul closo attention to btislnuss
of tho fiimiilo member of tho inutrt
inonlul purtiiurstilp. Tho women nre,
when so Inclined, heitvlor Bittnblcra
nnd uscrH of luloxlcuuts, and moro
prono to resort to pemonul vlolouco lu
setUlnu their differences thuu uro tho
mon." ,
lllwh boclcty.
Mrs. Vim Nuwport I auw you In
court thin morning.
Mra. Dakotit Yes; I am trylnjr to
atio Tom for broach of promise-.
Mra. Van Newport Ureuch of prom
ise? Why, ho miirrlwl you.
Mra. Dakota Yes, but ho solemnly
promised to apply for ii dlvorco two
mouths of tor. tho ceremony, and now
tho deceiver wants to wait a year.
The City Ourdciier,
Van X. So you have a garden?
What do you expect to raise?
Da Q. Muscle, Detroit Tree Praia.
Miss Alice Bailey, of
Atlanta, (la., escaped the sur
Rcon's knife, by using Lydin E.
IHnklinm's Vegetable Compound.
"DnAit Mns. risuiuu: I wish to
express my (rrntltudo for the rcntored
health nndlnnplnossl.yillu 12. IMnlc
lium'a VK0tnl)lt Coinpouml has
brought Into my life.
" 1 hod nu (To rod for threo yearn with,
terrible pains nt tho time of menstrua
tion, and did not know what tho troublo
waa until Uio doctor pronounced It lll
lluinnmtlou of tlio ovaries, and
nroponed an operation.
11 1 felt so weak nnd stele that I felt
sure that I could not survlvu the ordeal,
and so I told him that I would not un
dergo It Tho following week I read
nn advertisement In tho paper of your
Vorrotablo Compound In such an emer
gency, and so I decided to try It, Great
was my Joy to find that I actually lm-
firoved after taking two bottles, bo I
tent taking it for tun weeks, and at tho
end of that tlmo wan cured. I had
rained chrhtcon pounds and was in
excellent health, and am now.
" You atiroly denorvo great buccc9,
and you hnvo my very boat wishes."
Mian Artcn lUuxv, SO North lloule
vartl, Atlanta, Oa. tsooo fvl 'tit If original
of atom Itttur ptevlKj t4nulntrnti cunnot ee pro
auctd, AH slelc women would bo who
If tlioy would tnlcoLyrtluU. Plnlc
linm'H Vctfotublo Compound aud
a 8
The A. H Averill Machinery Co.,
Write for Catalogue
and Prices
awawawawaBfcsiir eeeeeeeawawBL A ' ml I J I I H'
eBBBBBBBBBHwa&9BBBaleK3P" S aeBBBBVre"flr afl'eaPePVt Bi
awawawKataaaaV tf TilPff wWl Vil wl" 1 TlWiilaP '
CawawawaSratraaLawaV'Vl?T?nlaBf 88yj!t 3ttif "jylnmi & v EeeriMr I
BwawaeyBwHsBBBHiawaVaBBBBBBwawVC i tfliwr ri -Tff 111 fnEprWKS
Alt Your Qrocer
ll NO'l carried by local grocer, wrlto Wadhaiui A Co., who will advise vrhore obtaliiabte.
Color more good brliht.r and falter colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors illk, wool and cotton equally well aid la guaranteed to
f tv perfect reiulte. Aekdealerer w wUlsend peat paid at loc a package, write lor free booklet bow tody duck ana uuscd colore. MUMKUU
DKUQ CO., LalMVlil. lUlooli.