The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 23, 1904, Image 1

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    V " J.7 'P.
7P1Z srr ri -f-
Hi voi,. ii :.
1MN, ORHOQKr..imiDA-YT DISC. 23, loafr-
NP. 4
,y1- .-, p ' - rr
To Be Mivyoi' of NcV City
Uf 'Bend.'
l.nwrvttcdufof Jtccnrdertnml Letter
' Mnrlin"-flnichcck the
Low Alan.
I'm IncfltiMjinJIuii ''
Atfulml lniHr)nitIon - -
Kor.Mnor,. ,...
k.L. UiMMjwMlIti -'.. w
(. ('1; . i ..
I'or AMerniHii (llrnt.fv oJwHhI)
0. V. Murrlll
V II. KrlrkiHin - -
J.I. Wuct - ' -' ' '
(. M. IIkIIIkM
I. A. HlttilhilliHit
A.C. Liltftifr
Mlllnrd Trll.jtr
A'. I. Iluiitor'
(enrn Moyur .
K. A. Hrttlu-r
I'ttr ifueordcr '' ',
J, M. liNWrPIK't!
A. Il.llruiil
Inr TirtiMirw
l 0 Minor
Kiir MniVliM'
K. It lUt-ter ' . i - - - 7(
I'ntiik Um '- -I!
T. W. Trlplutt -J
i Such is the brief story df lite incor
norntion election in llcnd.i. The
campaign was fairly nctive niul con
Mined no tunny unknown. quantities
thwt nobody could predict the re
suit with nny degree of certainty.
And when the votes wero counted
there were surprise." for everybody.
I)r. Merrill for Ttldvrmhn nud V.
Q. Minor for 'treasurer were .upon
nil the tickets printed, hud tollcd
practically the entire vote. A. II.
-Ornnt for recorder was 'also" upon
nil the tickets butrit avlnto' hour J.
M. I.nvrencc"tanscntef"to the use
ofhisnamefor' the office nud his
election was one of the surprises of
the 'duy. Another surprise was
that'Cfrocsbcck for mayor received
lowest vdtc on his ticket, (Sathcr
fdf uldcnnan having, withdrawn).
Ailothersurprisc wart that Lucas,
high man on the "Independent
Citicns" ticket, wan 33 votes lulder
the loV matron the other ticket. I1.
A. LvMcr'U vote for
innrslral "also was unexpectedly
Free Land
in Oregon
i IN' TH15 richest rrrtln.
C frittf ntwl titrw'l fc.ftfrtt in
the world
Hundreds of thousands
of n'crcs of land ready for
f (l the setter ,
(X at Actual
From the State of Oregon
The cost of lati'd averages
f 10,00 per acre.
n mux
.' PliV.lX TAf HP. for nfnhr war
1; ftgm lmr It IWuriKil oil UuU tu
A til who nurchttc dcbrc
ft 1 January ii lvJ. it
t TrrliraHriii f'oiiiniiiv under con
trol of the KLalc Laiul
feflife irimEHnr ci.
large, due to nil "nctive tcrfconal
caunmigu, witii tiautors for all the
tickets. . , i 1
The induce of election vercfj. 'I.
West, Ii. V, Batten nud Creed Mv
Triplctt, tho latter ln:iug swutu 111
to take the place o(f. M. I.nwrcucc,,
who had I wen apioiiited biitdCclili
cd to .servo because he had consent
cd to stand as fur iildcpcudctU can
didate for recorder. '
A large number of' Votcn rVerc
challenged, chiefly on the ground
of uou'rcsldcncc within the limits
of the proxscd incorporation. , In
some of these cases the challenge
was' not insisted upon after cxamin
tiou, some were rejected as deficient
anil the others were sworn in, One
bundled and seventeen men claim
ing ccsiilciicc within the proiOM.'d
iucorX)ratiou 'or 30 days voted.
After the result of the ballot had
lecQtiic known the Bend Cornet
llaiui got itself together nud tharch
ed to the Goodwillie hutigttlow and
sercnatled the victorious Ucat of the
ticket. There were music,' remarks
aii(J other things suited to the oc
casion. l
One of the peasantries df the
strenuous day was the appearance
of a cartoon in.' which an artistic
caricature of the rival candidates for
mayor was drawn. I'. Milo Lob
dell was the 'artist, file 'drew the
picture 4h ' his shop, for his own
umiihcucut and Uhotographcr Bled
soe quietly got it away and posted
it near the polls.
- A- .- J.
SthwartAI his home in Lylle
011 Saturday uight December 17,
I904, f loin a relapse of typhoid
fever, William I Stewart, aged
38 years
Mr. Stewatt was born ill West
Virginia in r866. He was lifarried
to Miss Katie Giles in 1H95.
A wife nud' two smalt children are
ien. .v?; V'.
The funeral Acrvicts were con
ducted by thcMtev'. O'. W. Triplctt,
and the intchiient took place at
Pilot Unite burying ground Tues
day afternoon.
The deceased was well known in
Crook county. He was n brother
of the I'rfueylltc floiif mill man,
who provided every attention for
the sick' hinn that was possible
For n 'year und a lutlf he had lived
nt Bend,' for much of that time
being foreman of ditch construction
Until a few mouths before his
death he was n member of the
Wood Men of America but he had
allowed (its membership in that
organization to lapse. The attack
of fever was so light nt first (hat
not niucu was uiougni ot it. this
led to overdoing, which brought
on a relapse that proved fatal.
1 .,
Baunhk On Monday' liigbt Uec
ember 19, 1904, Cdrrtc May,
daughter of Mr. add Mrs. Ii. T.
Barnes, after n fo(r weeks illness
with typhoid fever aiid compliqa-
tiou, nged ti years 2 months mid
34 days. , , , ,' .
The little girl Jujd been .attending
the Bend school nutj the school, was
dissmisscd for the fultcrnlj ,yliieh
occtireM WcducSday1 3 p. m. the
He v. 0'. W. Triplctt officiating.
Burial was in the Pilot Uiitlc ceuie-
nry. ,.vt , , ,
., P. Bacon,, who boiyjhk the
Dudley -Myfield place on, tjle west
side of the river , n,bove the Pilot
Butte mill, , lias just, completed a
blacksmith ttlipp 18x39 feet nt his
place, AUhotiuh not nil of his
tools hnjVC nrriyed he, is, dojpg some J
business atid in a' fcV (lays will bcl
ready to do nil kinds of work m hi
line, , . . 1
Loyell, nrnVed in 'town, from Cql
umbujj, Oiiib,.MotKluy evening; nud,
u. J
M didn't Know of Bend's
Rapid Growth.
xy Lovcll, VYpl..Ycrv'?ni n'hej be
llhmo. TJipsf. IpfHpa will 1w
plcasatly' rtttmyijb$Jpd, ,a,s , IwyliiB
speqt -scyeral weeks" in. Bend-Inst
suhuifcr.'Eitcsts of Mh atid Mrs. C.
SWmii tho Ulvcr nl 'Ills Accustomed
Place find Then Found Hlmnelf
RlKht lit Town.
f 1 11
A 3-ycrtr-olu black bear niadc
the mistake of hiit life Wednesday
evening abottf 4' o'clock, when he
swam the Deschutes river just be
low Bend hud ''Struck out forsdmc
rendezvous On the eastern desert.
Martin Olson, who .happened to be
passing that way, saw bruin labor
ing in the turbulent currcift. He
ran to get it gtiu and the bt'ar saw
him nud would fain have gone
back, but (he rushing Water forbade
a second flwim immediately. Olson
hurried ton tciu occupied by B. II.
La n try and nsked for n gun.
Lantr'y frVcftlliccU th'd gtiu but pro
Ioscd lb use it himself. By that
time dbgS we're after 'the bear and
he Was 'getting 'away over the rocks
as fast ns lie could, considering
the ardor of the dogs. Soon Lau
try overtook him and got in two or
three shots that made bruin very
tired. He laid' dowh to rest and
give Up'the ghost, lVhei ."!. Reed
came up nud put a'lWlicr nbot into
the caYcnss. Then the bear wife
skinned and tlldltcaks divided and
the cxcit'cnic'nt ceased, but the dogs
were ncrvouipli, night.
W I A t'
the home of V.1J! Querin, jr., ifa
Bciid," Vedncsday morning, De
cember ii' 1904, '.by Justice J
M.Lnwrencd, Miss Annn L Win
tcrstVlfcr and Mr. William B.
WilsoiL "' '
The wcinling.of these young peo
ple was n very aimplentid homelike
uffitir. It had bcei planned to
have the wedding cercUiony per
fonriea' at Princvilfc'!or Portland,
but upon the fctury 6t Mh, Gttcrin
last Sunday s'llc, insisted that the
ularriagc sjiould' take place in her
owti home, ' ybcrc (lie bride had
been almost since childhood. So
it was nrrangc.d accqrdiugly nnd
the ceremony wap icrfprmcd by
Justice' La wreycci n fetv minutes
nftcr 8 o'clock Wednesday morn
ing. A modified, Kpiscppalian forp,
introducing .lnf ring, was cm
ployed, little Miss Mary Guerin,
fcrviug aa mat'u pf honor and the
couple being' Qthenyisc unattended.
Immediately nftp- n, wedding brink
fast wus, scryed, Mr. and Mrs. Vil
son left for Poland, drivitig direct
lo the railroad. Tlie only weddiug
guests were Jr mid Mrs. H, C.
lUlis, May9r;vlcct Gpodwillic nud
G. C, Seiuemauu.
Thisocounlc. starts out , upon n
career of cixtfptioual promise. In
Mrs. Wjjson'jS fprmcr lomcj Snu
dusky, Ohio, , tlie local 1 papers
made uu'tcht'.of her . .ejigage
ment'td, n wealthy , .Portland,
ratlclicr," rT Vilson,b now sup
erintendent ot 'tlq development of
aboit 1000 ncrcil of irrigated laud
near; Bend. It will bd manya day
before Bcild has another bride so
pretty, f
$20 for Crueltvto Horses, .. ,
I). K. Dooliii. who snvs hfc drovb
throuuh td iIlmkI from Rcd.HlutL
0- -,-, ri ., - ,,, .
jat., )'Cf,, arrjetc(l( tas.t Saturday
night jon a wajrrant c,barguiB,cru
elty to animajs. He hndibceji lying
about tlie,,f,lIodus nnd .Jeaviug his
five wrfttchcdlv.txior horses tied to
the. wagon,, without Jied, or,tVntr
np.d vj)ttixhnjr,iiesfl on for two or
threp day j. At, first ,bc pleaded
not guilty bdt subr.eqttently chaug-
cdhntxtOfilMity nud pa,id a fine of
$0,fln'drtall,',cost8, taxed agaiiist
turn oy j ttstice itawrence. lie uaa
to sclbtwfpihorses to pay out.
I 1 ' ,U t'Tiii . i
iJfiyou.wnut sofuetliiticr hobby in
hsits atid' caavvott can net it at
1 t
Before purchasing elsewhere get our prices on
ji'KRIALS. We carry n complete line of Ranges,
Cooking add Meatlnjf 9tbves, Windows and
Doors, Olass, Paints and Oils.
RuberoW oofi. build
ing Paper,' TarfedTFelL
. -
' ' ;. &-j I
we offer Overcoats, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes,
German Socks and Rubber Footwear, Overalls,
Jnmpers, etp. v f
is full ofiitiw', brTght,; frcSh gbbds, both Staple and
fancy, atid prices as low as elsewhere, quality
considered,... . 1 . . ,
We afc agents for tho'Jobii Deere line of Wagons
i and Agricultural Implements. ,
IS Bfend Meircantile 67i
Bend. Oregorik
At Bona,
yeIoptn om
i?a"X s Rfiepared,
0 supply aJlJkiAds
of, surfaced arid
; , '- .....-
rough .. .. . : :
Lumber ad Shingles
tit Reasonable Priced
Pilot ButtEfevelopment
At Oend
w u papr ri t,us uerrm urug k.q,
Bhni Mcfcatitile Co,