The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 16, 1904, Image 6

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    By Order of the Czar
A Story o( Russian Power
CIIAlTItR II. CMtlaard.)
I past Dr. Schleeman'a pitta and
mloni; the NevskL, shrinking under the
occasional jlare of a street lamp, and
Cftuplnc vrlth relief each time I leave one
behind met ami can proceed for a space
under cover of the darkness. Meanwhile
the black, rolllas clouds discharge them
selves, whilst the thunder growls aud
mutter after the fHckerinc flash.
1odc may the storm last, for if It
should cWr before I haTe reached my
place of refuse, faint Indeed will be my
chance. It the ateon should shine out
and Illumine my still waaderius- feet I
am lot-
Soaked through, with my shirt cllnng
te wy body coat I have aoac the wat
er running In rivulets from mj hair,
stacrcrinc. from side to side, almost
bMad and with a sickening dread of fall
lax In a fainting fit. I at length reach the
narrow doorway which leads by a flight
of stairs to Maruscba's lodging. Luckily
the narrow stone passage has no door to
the street, so I stagger la somehow.
The mounting of those steps U like
an Interminable nightmare. I drag nty
self Hp with long agoettJag pause bo
twees; step by step. There is but the
oae hope left aae sow, that of kxtking
once again oa Maroscha's face ere I die.
At last the topmost step Is gained, and
I see a bar of light streaming frotu be
neath the door. I lay nay head down on
the landing and listen. Her light feet
are pacing the floor to and fro. now faint,
bw near. 1 hear the sweep of her
aktrta against the door as she turns. Now
she sights, ah! so drearily. Is she living
throng again the awful scene of my
I'erhaa she U ntetHtatiag self-deMnse-tle.
Mantscaa cannot Hve without her
VlaJtaalr. I rake nay head and try to
aN her name. The sevtad I make
startles and affrights ate; H Is Hke the
croak of a rare! I haTe no voice where
wltt to call Mantschal
I am lying at her deer, where I cannot
remain. I crawl close to It. striving to
summon an courage to knock. h la
near me again. I hear her cry m de
spair. "Vladimir! my Vlidlmir! Oh. my
murdered love!" I breathe a prayer for
her asd knock. She has paused in her
walk and ttsteos.
"Maruscha open It is IT I croaked
desperately. I used te hare a man's
trag. deep relet; this could ncTer be
recoginized as preceedtec from any hu
man being.
Within I bear a gasp; but stIH she
or-ras sot. I must get it orer at once
at any cost! I strike the door with my
fist. She make a moire. Takes a quick
tep forward the key tarns In the lock,
and the door opens wide.
I cannot e ber dear face, but O, she
see adae! She see me when I crouch
oa her threshold, a ghastly risitaat from
the dead! I feel her eye oa, me. I
hear ber catching breath. She recoils,
asd catches at the table for aspport.
Tear me not. Maruscha! It Is I.
Yladinalrr She carers her eyes to shut
out the sight of me. "Maruscha 1 am
no ghost. I am indeed thy Vladimir In
the fieshr I croak in my despair. I feel
xay seaes fearing me. "I would tM thee
aM the wonder of H hut I die I I
sty Maruschar
I wake from a mug. long steef a
flees which hat been troubled with
strange dream, sometime gracious one.
fall of the areeee of Maruscha. w-Uea
- I hare fok the soothing touch of her
bauds. looke4 mto the dee blue weiU of
her eye, and ragueJy seen, fathomed
there, a wealth of love, and patience, and
pitj. There ia a detteious perfume of
rose ia the air, reaalndiag f of the
rosea ia the air, reminding me of the
bwue Ut Kiel.
Iiut I am not at home. My eyes haTe
began to wander from on detail to an
other of my surroundings; the dainty
toilet tabic with its gauzy drapery tied
with knots of blue ribbons; the hanging
book sheirea against the wall Ued with
brightly bound vohinet: the erinwoa
curtain of the portiere that runt along
one entire side Maruscba'a room U di
vided by a crimson portiere! The rase
with roses oa the little tabic by my bed.
I gare that rase to Maruscha!
There it a stir at the other aide of
the portiere", and instantly ber sweet
face appear at the opening in the cur
tains. I see the light of a great Joy
leap suddenly te ber eyes.
"Vladimir!" There is a whole world
of Joy In her Btterance. She hat my
hand lu hers, and our eyes meet in oee
loBi, look of uautterabU satisfaction.
"Jljr dore!" I murmur.
She puts her finger on her Hpt. Tier
face is radiant with smiles, and shining
Ilka the moraine star from the goidea
setting ef ber hair.
"My beautiful oner
"Thou must not talk, bet sleep again,
ray Vladimir!"
She is withdrawing her band, ami I
feebly catch at it She will Tanlsh, this
angelic vision, and leare me In darkness.
"I go but to get thee thy medicine,"
bo says, and stroking the back of ray
hand with ber disengaged ae; "Tblnlieat
thou I would leaTe thee? I cannot if I
would thou knowest I could not!"
I release her liugeringly, ami watch
her elide away, throwing back at me a
tender glance, aud a nod ere she dis
appears. I Ue quite still, listening to the rustle
of ber dress aa the more about. There
ia the faint chink of china and the it
at ray side again, raiting me with her
aft anna about my shoulders, whilst she
ruti a cup to my lip.
"Sow you must drink this, nor leave
a drop!" the says, with a little air of
1 do not object. If It were poison aud
held to tny lips by Maruscha, I would
swallow It; but It Is bouillon, and the
fumes recommend It to my stomach.
When I haTe drunk It. she deftly turns
no pillow and lays me back.
"Now thou wilt sleep."
iter mice Is like the coo of the teck
dare! She takes up a bit of needkuerk
from the easy chair, but gwe and sits
where she Is out of the range of tny
"Where I can se thee, I pray thee,
Maruscha!" I plead.
She bends forward. "Wilt thou not be
content, willful one?" she murmur. Yet
she goes to her easy chair, facing me,
though she shake her head.
At she sits before me, leading orer
her work, ami I gating at her. I see a
shy set come orcr her, such as I hare
nerer seen before. The rosy bludte dye
her fair 'kin, and, as If to bide thorn,
her head droops lower.
Ia my tore I am cruel anil think nut?
how the Mushes are for me, and bow
lovely they look. At length they fade,
aud I note that she look pale and worn.
and that there arc anxious line about
her aweet mouth, and violet marks un
der her eyes, Thec. too, are for ate!
Itcfore me hotantlr. blotting her out
from me, rise a rMoa from somen here
in my past. I lie panting, bruited, half
naked, voiceless, with a ghaMly mark
about my nock an object to turn from
with shuddering horror on her thresh
old. And after? Her brave heart
Aurod her dread' Sht took ax in. put
me la her own white bed. named mo.
A creat sob lifts my breast, and break a
the stlllne. She looks up startled, and
the needlework falls from ber Bnaer.
I try to strrtrh my hand toward her
see her I cannot for tears but It falls
powerless oa the counterpane.
"Maruscha." I falter, "let me lot me
kbM thy hand!"
She file to me. "My hand, my ti!
What thou wilt; but weep not. Vladi
mir!" She kivet me wildly, not thinking
what she does, but only of poclfyiux mo.
"Thou hast bee ill very 111: thou
mutt not excite thyself it U bad for
thee. Think not of the past, h Is orer
all over, and thou art with ! Think
how I have striven to nurse the well,
and thou wouMtt undo all! 1' c i thee!
Thou hast no pity far me!"
Talking thus, she take her handker
chief ami drie my eye, sweeps the
hair from my braw and lota her fingers
rest oa it caressingly..
She seata herself oa the side of the
bed. I possess myself of her hand, and
holding It against my Kps, my spirit
slips away Into the aweet oblivion of
dreamless sleep.
My life Is a sBcceslea of deep and
tranquil sleeps asd bNssfal awakealagt
to the discovery ef Maruseha'a pres
ence. And she it my willing slave In all
things save one. I may not even bold
her hand for long, or carry It to my
lip. If I Tealar oa the bitter, she
gently bat firmly withdraws It, easting
oa me such a look of fond reproach that
I am fain to blush Hke a school girt at
my temority.
Maruscha avoids all mention of that
awful chapter la my life, the subject
man so aalefal to her that I have
abstained from questioning ber, though
I am consumed with curiosity to know
how my sodden appearance out of the
grave, at k were, bad affected her.
She evidently fears, ton, that the dis
cussion of so painful a theme would In
jure me la my still weak state, for I caa
see that she has enjoined Iran the
only member of oar section beside r-er-seir
who knows of my existence not te
lot me talk of it to him.
Wheu I would speak ef It, he has
different ways of eluding me. lie will
ri4 hastily, as tbouah something had
Just occurred to him about which be
mut coosuk Maruscha; or he wilt pre
tend not to hear as, and pat a sudden
question, at:
"Hat Maruscha road thee Pushkin's
latest poem? No? Then I mutt bring
It te thee; it i glorious T
I feel inexpressibly sad to-day, and
Maruscha share my feeling. Aa she
sits betide me. her sweet, fair face,
downcast, orer ber work, I guess that It
I only ray presence that keeps ber from
weeping. Her swift needle glance la
and out of the linen she has on her lap.
She Is finishing a shirt for me to take
with rae, and there is not much - time
left bow. Ivan comoa tor me this even
ing, and we leave together wheu the
darkaest falls.
It bat been heaven te me, thb calm,
blifcsfal period of convalescence all too
short, and here la the end ef it. and the
beginning of fresh struggles with the
This move bat beea talked of for tome
days past, Iran hat been urgent, and
m) soul responds to bl wishes. What
ever Maruscha may aay, there la danger
la ray sojourn with her. Though the
situation wat forced oa ut by necessity,
ami accepted Joyfully by ray pure-minded
love, we feel that It it oae that mutt
be pnt an end to at soon as possible. A
sob escaped her, and In ray desire to
comfort ber I assume an air of cheerful
ness I am far from apprehending.
"This It no parting, Maruscha. I go
but to Iran, aud whilst I am there we
thall c each other dally. Let us not
meat trouble half way. And when the ,
parting comet there will still be the pros
pect of our reunion. The world It wide,
aud surely I shall find som spot under
a free sky on which to build n modest
little nrtt for thro and me. Think of
that time, dear heart. Hope for the
"Ah, If thou wast but safely out of
this terrible land, then I might hupel"
Maruscha sighed.
"I have great faith In tho future!" I
cry. 'A Man Is not snatched from !
very waters of death only to be cast
back again like a worthless weed. There
la some special end lu these sudden acts
of rrovklence. Theu wilt see this, my
aeoottd life will Hot be w rwtol from me."
1 sit down again and draw Maruscha
te my side.
"Maruscha," I continued, "I have lccn
thinking much of our future whilst I lay
there, and ef bow thou would! help
me to make It worthy. That other life
was art wrong. I made nothing of II."
"Vladimir!" Interrupt Maruscha, and
ber eye shine Hke star. "Thou gavest
thy life for the groat cause."
"A1 what hat It availed? Is the
work! the Itcttcr for my sacrlHre? The
tyrant still pptvc. Liberty still lurks
la secret place, and will continue te do
so. Ami why? llecae a a nation
we are not ripe for liberty. Oae half
la asleep, the other Is In the thrall of
consuming pasahms, and iMithlng at
tempted In the heat of pahin can have
gxx reHlt. Conviction must have ma
tured Into steady calm ere action Is pro
ceeded to. It has ever been a mad. blind
ruh at the enemy." j
"Killed with a noble enthusiasm!" imta
la Maruscha. "Oh, Vladimir, thou art
lmlic.1 changed. The cause, then. It With
lag to thee now?" She leoka mournrully
up at me.
"Not so. Maruschn. It Is as ever, ev
er) thing to me. 1 hire liberty more than
life only my opinion as to how to attain
h la changed. Hitherto I was at the
wrong end. Mistake thou not the lurid
Marc of pion for the pure name of en-.
thaiasn? I rear It I so."
Iran's knock and tigtial Interrupt us. '
Maruscha I tearing me to open the
door. I detain ber.
"Thou art disappointed In me, sweet'
lore?" I whispered, watching her face
with anxiety.
Her eye seek the ground. "I I un
derstand thee not." she falter.
"Yet thou cant trust mtf I breathe.
The blue, bewildered eye turn an me,
ami our glance meet. 1 see hers clear i
and kindle until naught shines la them
but pure, unmixed love. Then suddenly,
a If by an uaocrosmlable ImpstUe. she
puts her two band on my shoulder and
sHurmur, "Thou art my lery soul and
my cowciettcr. Vladimir! Thy thoughts, '
thy asftlratieos. thy Wed are surely
miner ;
She stoop and pree ber Mps to my
forehead, and leave we quickly to ad
mit Ivan.
He enter with a coat ever bl arm,
ami after greeting us, produce from bit
pocket a soft felt bat. which he throw a
oa a chair. Now he route and stands
before me, regarding me critically.
"How king hast thou been up to-day?"
he iBquirr at length.
"Only about an hour. I have hus
banded my force far Ibis evening."
Maruscha make us some tea, and
whilst we take It Ivan tells us the latest
newt. Fifty men ami women have been
arretted en suspicion of being Implicated
with the Nihilists. Three a..lutkws
of tyrant bar occurred lu dllTerent
part ef the country, ami erer)l"dy 1
talking of the daring "leader" In to-day's
isottc of the "Yoke of the I'eople." Ivan
produced the newspaper and read It to
And all Ihl fK fiat on me. No long
er can I rejoice at these things, they
oaly make me and. The day ha rfn
by wbeM the walla of a city could be
made te fall at the btaat of trumpets. My
heart I full of the approaching leate
taVing. and gloomily I watch Ike twllulit
shedowk creep np and close around us
I teem to see the roteutieM angel uf fate
pointing to the gates of my 1'arad!,
and bidding me depart Into the dark
uftlnewn region without, ami, alas! I
may not crew take with me my live!
Maruscha scarcely speaks a word. Sho
stitches away at the shirt, ami when
she has finished It, bude herself park
ing some things for m In a bag. Aa
the shades deepen, Iran also becomes
silent. He g ever to the window and
stand with hi back to u, bluwlug a
tune through hi lip.
Maruscha cornea to me. I fold ber si
lently in my anas, aud this we reutiiu,
heart te heart, cheek Ip rheek. At length
Ivan says, but without looking around,
"We had better not let It get too late,
One long, silent kls I press en Maru
scba'a lip ere I release ber. "When
ever thou wtlt, Itsh," 1 reply, clearing
my roice, for It sound strangely husky.
Hearing Maruscha stir about the
room, Iran Judge that he may return.
I begin to get into the coat he has
brought forward fur me, while Marutcha
stand and straighten the hat. He
take it from her band, ami puts It on
my head, slouching It down In front to
almost conceal my face. Maruscha puts
up her face ami we solemnly kls each
ether. Ivan drawa my hand through hi
arm, and Maruscha precede u to tho
door. '
"Adieu, Maruscha." Ivan extends
bis band toward her.
She take It am awlflly, eye he It
aware of her Intention, she lift It to
her lips.
"Adieu, and Ood blest thee, my broth
er" she murmurs, with eyes brimiuiug
with gratitude.
I. holding hit arm. feel the shock that
thrill hit body, I t hit voice Is clear and
calm a be replies, "God bless thee alto,
my titter!"
Manitoba standi watching us a we
slowly descent) the stair. At the foot
I pause to ware my band toward her,
though her form Is swallowed up by .ho
darkness, and we issue forth Into the still
(To be continued.)
Proper Classification.
IlKsttts What klu' ob r dug " dat,
Mlsa Hncml.all?
Mis Snuwlinll Dat am a etpectnra
hint dog,
linstu What do yo' all mean by dot?
Miss Snowball Why, he am a aplt.
rt UislUs llreme Quinine Tablets. Alldrur-
UU riUml lit nwHi-r ir II lMi lu mi. - w.
Jlu's a I g n a I it r e It wi raeti bav, X4
Let tla Hope Not.
Nell According lo this pnprr utrla
arc now wearing collar aud cuffa
made of rubber.
ltesa-dixxl Kracloual 1 aiippoac wo
will b wearing rubber huso next.
A rontons .Seed House.
An Instance of roiuiueti'lnl develop
nirnt ami Krowtli to propoitlon un
usual Is cltod In tlio rnrrer of the well
known iced firm, I). M. l-'eiry A (Jo,, ol
Doltolt, Mich. HI lira ItacaUlillshinani
halt a century ago tlio company, fol
lowing out principal ol strict builnrai
Integrity and IttilMliiK upon uuiiie
Unliable tueilt, list alcailily grown un
til tho naino of Ferty'a Scctle it now a
household word with nvery plantar In
the land.
Kerry' Scedt aro famous for their
purity, frcshnrta ami reliability. The
greatest of raro It exnrtlrod In their
trowing and selection, and only seeds of
the highest poealblo standard are placed
upon the market. Hveiy package ha
Mi I ml It tho reputation of a house
whose standards ate the highest In the
ttade. A fresh stock, Just rrcelved
from tho grower, la tarried by dralcra
Alt fannoi and gardeners ought to
have a copy of the lUOft Kccd Annual of
the Kerry Company, ll contain In
formation ami suggestion that are In
valuable. The Annual wl'l bo mailed
ftco to anyone addressing I), M. Kerry
A Co., IMiolt, Mich.
Mrs. Henry IC. .Sheldon ha given S30
000 to the prvpissed uultersity of bucit la
Furoought ami eoMs there I no better
medicine than 1'lso'i Cur fur Consump
tion. Price 3ft reals.
Th IS-year-eh! daugatrr of Sir Chen
tnag IJaac Cheng, Chines mlulittr to
the United Stale. Is to make ber social
debut In Washington this winter. She
wilt be the tlrst high-born Chinese girl
to enter American seciety.
Hi nam
l'f aUr fitf 4. t" Mi r xtriuilim
alW 8l ' Of Kllw'tlifMt r?T
llWlit Hrl M rrB!tlftlariHUfell!rlla
lie. IL II. KM, U4..S! NH, rfeUaiMHMa, I'a.
Her Opportunity,
Her I have often wished I were a
Him How would you like to be me?
Her Oh, I'd like It Immensely.
Him Well, I know a minister who
will make ut one.
IV. I . rttuntmm me ha it and
W .. m w ,-- mattou and aotlm merit mmn'ii S't.flO Ow- C-
r. . tf
-. js .. d ma a eoe
mi fa. IhaiUt liOtl,fr !. r
frl.H. l rmttf fll'Unf n4 mrer -mwT' ( q -1
aM ittAtlat lanr faV
L.rTtlillh t.Of I 'sr l Ikfl
H-mmI r W U U'tiriu !''-" Jf f
lefr, si4 Ariof crir Ir'r nt- tfl II o
ftU (ef ! ?
W LlxKi(iuiurAtrii''tiru:.ttir -
BtlDOal ffloVV 9U i$Hjr lilsUIWIwlHWrVTitl -)
f l ""f lj",WfrflH.llMitl'init a s
katM.UL. nm tJaoaMitri-;ui.
, team m . i
tiJUlot (''-7..
, liil I' M
. i'. jiu'Mirt'i . r
.Mir,tkvlf,,,t II l.i Aim.'.
VT. T IIotisIs ue ('nrnpa Collakln In
ll.e UUCtl J aicui vaiuvr 4ilir, I .... -mir , im hi. u".a iH.nrifi
W. L. UOUOLAS, Urvckton, Mmammahumotlm.
Ask YoorUrooM
If NOT carrttd by locat ncrs. will Wadhsau A Co., who wW tdvls whr bUlustOa.
For hard colds, bronchitis,
asthma, and coughs of all
kinds, you ennnot take any
thine better than Aycr's
Cherry J
Cherry Pectoral. Ask yout
own doctor If this Is not so.
He uses It. Ho understands
why It soothes and heals.
"I ludi tsrrlsl ewfli fr Tata I
lk Arsf't I hirr I'mIomI sh4 eafr as
Intllla ralilfUlaif euia.1
,.... I II II. h. ...... M. .....I. .....
HM . ir.nruHiN, ni..i.pH, nKR
Wi a SIM
i f ayaaro,
All "fHtfyi.1.
'11 M.,.
You will hnton rooovsrv hw tnh.
Inn ono of Ayor'o Pllln at bedtime
"Huh!" rtelalmrd Oruwell the cither
etching when h cam hums, "I sea r?.
drum of crooked work around her dur
lug ihj absence."
"Why, John, what do you mem?"
asked hi atnlhnl hetter half
"Oh, you can't deceive we, madam,"
ha retorted. "You hav tsrii try lraT to
drlv ualis."
No circumtaiKes cau repair a defect
of character Ifcwersou.
oinnvr uoitiii in soKfinwmr
Iaps4 -mi,4 fttw a vf fi'a Alfo'alM, ll.a
a4 ieaeeiMl Hnti (' t'"d
tfrrT t fa lr.aM.M I
aiui uui: i tiMii?Mtru!i
-!U-nrkt ,j I a'r II n i u " ( Ihs
Mill, 1 Mi t ' li I ' ,
oiitat v.!r,J.l3 ,ci A b LlXlv. fs-tjaJ. 0
& Am ati1
A JttTl CaJifaeU
twi uww aura trrcj.
au e SRaU hub mtnK
Russell bohers
High Grade
ss Machinery
The A. H. Averill Machinery Co.
Will l.rf CUlafu an4 ltk.
aotlm mem mmn'ii S't.flO fOw
af aa eaLi bh W rt . af . saasBSBBBBj
- t - i 1lfi !. IHwnfM U l-Mftf tllfI iU
. t. If I f M fl. -I"iini4fn Ui u U.I
Mi.a I t.
l' h r m y e 1.1 , it il u lul f
I i .. t . t t 4l'f i.i, r t l-f.r, wyi
j ir M i4 OA U uuli-l WU;,bu4 br U
r It t tt r aiiip r t aat trt wrtvi
lu (io ava4 tcka tbM(Wca. uittxl
lv, ItIU Utl ttn tmrt ' 1.1
. a.. km4 I a.
III Bl-BH alio. Cjrmn) "II I cinreile-t ta
1 j ivt ' ifffSIIsassCal
1 Mtrttr ttiasias asaVEssasasrsassa9sTl
Uf ee oviutT - nSJIsasasasaWWiil
6 Meat Kin "- KJBasaTsar-nV
M m a cta-rvaY njllK I'lV
5T'- f s
l ' ""t - nt