The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 16, 1904, Image 5

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J'or chicken lucd imo MmIkIk &
' Ik'tker ,
Milk for 8'ilc, deliver! Ilntry
. 3 K)iiiwN lu'u'i prune for 3j
at Iknd MttroaiiOii Cd
You until net o ' -on Ornpy Crrutn
at Ikml Mvritiii'l Co nt i j)c u can
Tlit Iinir.niiil iwrkflnos of
cn-oHti)itrr3j-iit tin-City Itokery
v C A Hutnhiti'i'iivh hna none to
Pottlntid to upend th ClirUtntHH
Hvuiy tl III" in tl'f wull ,HjMr
'lin at ltfnoiMi'l! prices Mvrrill
Dine. Co.
t'.ooH much for Ml, with ar
rnm' twin for if n,- itlou J. M.
( vntt wl jwmpthlwg nnlly In
hot- iumI can o run Kt it Ml
Hc.i'l Mercantile Co
Wr re in ' v 11 paper hind
lie. mid won ' undersold by
niP'Mtf, Mriri'.' 1tm" Co. ,
I'or SAI.W Two choice lots on
W.i' Hlrwt. TV tnk County
IU Hy C Bo' ttln HuiMliiK.
.init CI mi's t" . arrived, and
wrt nn n'leni1 ' i lie folks al tbi
Nt . V-trk ('(' Suhp, Desrliutw.
A n'cevnt'yl "r toys Mini Xtnas
ear sswl ra'tnlri- now on display
nt l1 ?rw York Store. De.sclmtes.
W K Kft tat Sun-
dav afternoon U w t hi wif mid
tlmij?' ter t Hi . on theit wny
lion: lo IkH'
A C l.ltcs4 ' ii W-lnrtl the PPot
iltutf brn lo V a ll Honk and C
If Hunt utit 1 -t Tuly T-rv
wl'i ear for If nns wit inms thtirc.
Yott dnrt't 1 ivr lo ' "ivl away to
Rtt vottr Vo'Miv noodi. Hen-'
MrfnittllftCo !" !lrm ill sUok.
' in lovg pim .itnl f'lns to U
the ittl foil
Tvrv Indv ti pj'il. and gentle.
ills" 10. m.iv '" i 'er lltcilie'ves
eli vkf to rcMtn1 ulr irtielu. to tlir
ex! ' .Hot of C t i'm-n lfw rivrn
hy t'e Iies Ai." Society of the
Ifvrmhav hu.-l level or I'tr
' bmh to HMtr ot buvoite nf
Chl tt Hfit' f tent levcler
or nturVr W re iisIiik h
of vto f the n I it P Co
Ibfwiini'Ol ''"it rfUfl It i piv'ntr
fir-' '-la t''. "t in CburksK F
Tr "Mi'" b l'-W1 b5 wHitfo
on TrlpMt"! .-ir hnp JJIunti.
imlni tl't lwn iii'l ''run trade tt
th wiv ftnm ft'HHto. A"X'
Hin'lp IVtnl IV,- nmi Mqttrvk
It n-V'i nii i - rtfiM'c. r-r
HiiKve ',' tl w!'l mnVe fH"
titti' mwtn for i ' o'i "erHwl.
T f)Vinnt Ttni''mtt I "J
con' M t'-itl t'n" tried V'"?
Co"l','ner T vr ii lnt '',
w-' on fctir' t.'ioMrueH ttf'on
iur t owinu In '' illiiewi of Mrs
H: r' pen elv vn unable in
HtP-ti I nt 1l itnr'l v About half
the fHtftiionv ' ,eH heart!
?. If iiitd H. I. IVrrmiW hnvc
Iwitir'! a eotnnli't" w alamo
mill f .i ooo Hulv rapflcily ittt'l
' wilt Install It at th felvin plaen in
tlie iiorlbem uurt of ifi-io. Tbev
cxjrrt to reach t'- Slaient, Chne
lffllU ait'l wrl r'. srrt markeU fiotn
that point, wb'rli '; in (lie of
h fine body of thnl-r
C H Rations r"ipj)arcl 'Piles
ilav iiiorninic uwler circumtniices
that vc his fpends jireat uueuai
neiat as to his safety. Since then
' no trace of him has lwon friiitid
thornih dlliitent senrcli has been
made. The dnv before he j;nve
awnv some of liiu cariwuter tools
and intimtilw! that he miht linve
no further use for them.
For the Heiid l.iturnry S: Debnt
iiiK society next Weiliiesdny eveniiii'
there will be n spedal jiroRfaiubie
of music and the whole work of
the eveiiitiK will hnve soniethiiln of
a Chrislinas flnvor Kor the pieet
iug January 4 the resolution that
the idealism of Hop llur iiiuders
mentnl and moral develojiijicut will
be debated by J. M. Uawrence and
J. II. Ovcrturf.
Preparations .ate in 'nroprcss for
' n bif? Ch'ristmas tree nt .the church
on Saturday evening bf next week
Cl)rBtuaH eve. Sana Clans will
' I there and pa interesting pro.
' granunc will be brcsoitlcd 111 which,
' of course, the childrci'i will have
' prominent hart, .The churclf.fchoir
Avill tHke pnreiil fi6Kcialnaio
rdV the ocensmrt. Evorybady iniil-
vtted to ttttc':U.
The Ladles' Aid Society of t,hc
church have 11 ))eautiful line oT holi
day glfls displayed in the Ktote of
The Ik-mi Mercantile Company.
Those articles were very kindly do
nated and the total raciptn are to
Ko towards the completion oi the
church edifice. Tills is your op
potluuity to piirchiific dainty and
ippropiiule Cliristmns piesenls.
The chief futtirc of lt week's
meeting of the lleud literary and
iK'batiujj Smit-ty was a talk by J.
II. Oucuurf 011 his visit to historic
scenes of old New IJiliJit'tid. Me
had rcat .iutciest himself in be
coming aupiHiiiK-d with the things
wc lead nlwut mid h was Jiotcoti
(rut to ace the surface and pus on
lie pried Into the musty old rtiords
mid imbibed sometliliiK of the lime
and jxoplc that executed witches
iiid made great thoroughfares from
primitive cow, trails lie was able
to touch but, .few points that had
excited his iuicjt and the Kociety
will ptolmbly purstiude him to talk
umber along this lute at another
Lost, Strayed or Stolen.
One Juihuy row. br.tmkd wilh a
club on Uit right hip. Itcward aid
for information that will lead toiler
John V. tatties, . ,
Ileiul. 6regon
Wnll Paper.
If wc haven't what suits your
fancy, will procure tin m on Miort
notice. .Merrill Drug Company.
80 acre of irrigated land for ren
cheap Come in and t1k it over
The Crook., CoitiUy Realty Co
Multctiii HuiltliNg.
Treiaa Nfltlc.
N'ollfH hi tr-by giwH that I iat
rtirt'lmil lli w, ll-knoun HUrmvrt'
p)i', a el'Wt "iUunif mmiIIi nf )f
m 1 1 I mi Hr't-itt',-. kihI that nil forme of
trMMM tb(i-,m. Im-lmllna liahbiK ami
I iiMlhw, r utrh'tlv trUi'lit umlcr Iht-iM-ttaWiMMtUht,
laa. I'artirolarly do I
nmh tit ai imblii' notb-n mid u tuning
tlil tlt taUi ntfir the rivrr Iwnk to
tho imrtliHunlol UiHrouhty ImIuIh in,
thirHHhitT an( i not owh to pilli'
uiw awl all MriNtM att .millonwl to
r(rln (rta mli tlut way.
W Sichol. .
foUii U Itfrvbjr drao thut tbrrr v ill
W hil within tit" UutiUnf i'if Wrrflon-
rrt-lnailw wt forth awl " - rll-t uiil
..ti IWlfrthtlitjr i I).v-1..'., JWI, mi
h-ctlun, MniTi hi 1 ill li. , r .'i uirw
it lrt,'rinluiu.' , i.'thl i" tfriit.ii)
r.-ltKiitwr at-i toitl, imI d.-wrllwl
h .11 IxjOftM IBCOI IMMmUtlt Iji 1 iimiiil. I-
1 .'I rniiirnll a, . ! l. an h I
(Miy irf Ittuvl 1 ll friit4tinn mil. in inkl
tKtfttnd rwNM tftm , 1 Hy ih- Court
wUlwxt riMl dt."i 1 it. 1 to Imi S'll :
. M elcitjofi vi, il 'nrtl r
b (or the,MM v .I-i-imjt Uh
1! ira rwiub"t 1 I t '"- iiuifwrwu
hi nt of miiM'i, I '"i o..iw. TIh'fp
Ii lllKaialii. 1' . i 1 , dlx il ler
."it. i If nr ii t ti I and .1
lr r,'r, ah" ..1 "H rtKi"--
IVO ollh'f Ull ll 1 . 11 vImii tllrli -in--HIM
NtmH hf" nwi I 'r".,tKl itt
oiiMltflwl in a-cirt .nt w'ti-lit. Thr
friiUjry puin . 1 hi in 1 utct .umI in-1
rurain u " in i uana i
lea.-riUiil U1U0H-, -li
lliutt. In IS .L.y ..f . w Kmt tlr
ur,rai, RH4 mr iikm.' y v crlr4
f. Uo a. ii 11 ,1 iV ,-i ',u. H rurwi
(K Kcar)urr 1 tut .-r -'Xj''. Toiihlt
twiiMufi)) v .. . r T.l c(i Hm
ihrur toitih en l'- li' ,f Mid vtiuti
IhirtyTwo(w) - THn4wa1 ) wir-mn a
..vtH kitnarv.i.h.O J 1;) ri ihcot
1 My rtHHiwiirt t ! trvit lrnly-tn HH.1
rvnl) an Hiimif.tUM (.k6 ?b) fv.i morr ur
IrMtua iwim in tk- i llu, of Of HtM
hlf(h MloTtuMtl tiou IhlHy-TwoO') lh,u,p
mik To Hwuill 1 Vcl umI ft
1 mill, (m S) ir( 11 or., ur lm to th Vmlh t,l
otHtroUhr North W quaiirr (N W it), of
ihr Houlh-itt qur r ( K. W) lit. Hcrwr.l
MChly nv(5) ft Ibri'VC Nurih HI),-Mir (Ml
lglt, lrnl)-U (M) Millin,' t I Hi
TImmviiihI I'lvr HtmJna HIt-vH ul I tf
iruih li.S ) ft murt qr I.MIa t p-iinl Ylrm
llumlrr.l Vorl) our and Twtiity ft r lldnlm(lli
I Ml fr't ivuulh Iruin th Ni.rlli nrM IN V
rurHtrarOir North r.( o.iur tr r N I' K)tftlir
Ho.ilh wr.l OiMlUr W h) ur lultl ivrctlun
TIiIiIvImu III) lltfucr Nottn Thrr lliuitlrnt
Cofty-oiif mid Tciiy.r)vr lluHilrnlihi jii )
ft to thr hM Sorth HN (V W
hi 1 lie
Ii wt
OumtrrH V i). IIkiioc Wet Nine lluinlr.!
fifty (tiA'il frl. mr ur In,, to tlir Ulit ir IUt
I1411L ulllir l)r-Khul ilri, thriicc hi n Kmtli
cnvlfrlv. lUttMly umI Nurth-trrly rut
4tuH tlie Mlltllit or l'.t IwuWut ti Mkl IK
chutip rivrr to (mint on tlir Ninth llnr of tlir
Sou 1 ii nan . hi ui tut Mum-ru.i utitntrin it
I HinyiHu ji,- win Hiiit p iiiji
y - J ltl iiiftir oi IrM. IMt nl tlir
Nuilli-wtal N W - curnrr nf tlir Smith Imlt
.-8 vi of Ih Nuitli.runl Ouaitrr- N l M
Oirncc IUI Tlllrtou llilliilrol Im frrl nunc
or lr, lu tlir Nurlli l -N I. -coriirr nf the
Huiitli wttt yunticr- H V 4 of the North-ratt
(JuiterN It H-"f lll hlluu Unity two
- jj- IhtiU'C North N two luimlml v
fftt, tlitiicr Hurt- It Iwo hiimlml ft,
thence Houtlt-H -to Ininilreil- fctl to a
lHiltil In tlir north line unite Mouth edit Utinttrr
-S II ) -of the NorlhrMt 0tter N It -of
Mill IvtUlon Thtrt)-lno jt , thenrr Kant
Hlcteit llutiilrcil Twenty- no- fret, more or
k, to the Nortli-ci,t N, It -corner ol the
South c,t l)nttrr-H. ) a o( the Nottli-eatt
Qimrtcr -N 1 i thnire Norlh -N - three
fiuiiitreil Brty -.-fret, thence Hunt two hinnl.
icil-w feel, ihcnceHoilth tlirce liuuilrcil HOy
ty feet, thtnee Itoit two liumlml- ja reel,
tltinic Hoiitli three Ittimlrrd fifty -jso reel,
llirnee Weit two hnnilrnl- joo-fect to the luiil
nottlt-ont totucr of llu boiitlwemlljiiitrter S, Ij
K-, Notlh-tukl OiiBtler N It M- .IhrnccBouth
One ThoUMtnl Three lltiiulreit Votirteen anil
Three Tmitli-l,ji j- feet to the jiUce of be
'guulne lly order ol tlifl, t'ouhty (Wurt oi
Crook (Souiiiy',. Orpgdn. I'thiuvllU. Ore
ton NovumbSr IWth, Will. .
J. Ji Bmni, County Qlrrk.
Vallpiper at th Merrill DrugCo.
Hiw n i ' rv .
l b 1 -&nsisiav 1. iMnn'nti
iiiu VvUiiim vivitmi
Capital Stock, $25,000
Gonducta a General Banking and Trust Business fij
v sMm44nWA"Mf4
Iorcin Hxchange B SAFbfY Kow 'prepared to am, ao,... DEPOsT I
UrafAa made on all I
parts bf the world. I iv)ALb
I) I tt V. t '. U KS:
W. V. OUKItlN, .Ik., I'hm. I.. (lOOl)W'Ibr.lf', Vick Pkwi.
J. M. LAWPhVfi-,, fiat'v
V ti. AllSoll ("tiiiKK
ui .Ji3annnrniTT1!TrwTTrw-riiKiyTi7'TTg
Fresh Fruit
aBBwaaBaBawaaaMMNMMa na aataiai inmnia
Fresh and Cured Meats and Fish j
Hvcrythlri; 1'srt.iliilnx to a I'lritt-CUs Alarkct -j
WBST fllMI.DINCJ, Wnll St., BHND, 0KB00N J
,!! Mm imimi aiwgl'Mlrr iMMittmm ni;will.'Ml.irja
A. I.. SI GIM i:.rS. Proprietor.
Newly I'Mrntlirl and I'll'- -'m! I ndtr New Munagrmritt.
Cpcclnl 7Utcntlon to jCranslcnt Crnvelcre. "Rate: 51.25 a an.
9f n tUccli Tor J&oaro nnO 17ooni.
Hot y rmt a day 'ah fed era In and hay
Pine Tree- Store & a. sather, 1.
Wull it. iwcr .Minnesota
Boots and Shoes - - Gents' Furnishing Goods
DRY GOODS and a General I.tnc of GROCERIES
Remember to Call on Us
ftssurcucsttu! QscrtagssEraKsaam
If you need Clo'hlng It will be to your
advantage to buy them of
DM ! falaMlfBlaTWffWnWMnaTBWyaai
A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor,
Tables supplied with all tlie delicneiott of the season
lfirit-clHh Equipment Fine Rooms arid Hcds
Only Livery Hnrn on the Deschutes, run in connection
with the hotel All staged stop nt the hotel door
kf iwwaAUavwaaratfttfimiaMMKjaa
HUGH O'fCANE, I , , , f
arffiot Propnotor. Strniflbt
MteJSnl) cot 36nr Service in 2!S5If0
aionis Grooli dountw o"21 &
liiiHrtamlI)ometU XHIftr?, OIO
""""r,,,,,, Bow"" Alley '?'
I Billiards and Pool
General Commission
tArge and commodious warehouse
Prompt at1
n paid to tlwse
. '.". 'Jtf W
i .i! ... t. ir l n. V.
dcuuuuz u hum Vio t
- arair- ji m m wvarT- ri
DKPOtlT furiiiahcoinitlctcfacil-
ies td customers.
and Vegetables
iiawaal II wmmwwmmmMmwmmmWmW aaaaaiBiaaaasiB
nt The PJne Tree Store $
Prireville, Oregon
imn atai jaiiiimmTTT"
im a tBPAwvmaMwaiiia.Bwajiwpiiini !! iiiiafivfc
Forwarding; Merchant t
favor rue wflh their BtronAfr
iTnL L.
.T . ."T . t 1
vc enn suppl you with Catnlpa
cooking ma)tMM at 50c a gallon, a't
tlie City IJakery.
fmi'ier tAUti Att Jbh j, idyl.
U. H. Other, m Illri. Otecoii,
Hvftmhr i, 1)4. ,
'.otter h tmrtir gfrr tHrt m mmtUtme wfth
hr prortftH nrtKr Art i" rnHfttrt ut Mm i.
f,l rntltlMi "AN art Ow Mir oMtmibft-
idiiiM rv iac Htir itt CallfbTti'k, Ortgo, WaaaaVi
aiel tvwiilnaiuM r .rttery. ' ai eaxrndad ! alt
iM'inibUr laMd lte by AlI of ASat 4. ,
attha I, Orl, ,
nX I fewUn, roiimy t iraoli alatc of Orrgan,
I-,, .it pt. It iyii tlrd In I III i nOaa hrr ,wora
rjii i,.,nt Jo. im rr t He ainttww tftkcMK
tr t,t,iw anrf Hnt u( . , tp.
n t i iir.w m.
A.'.IOI Mftr uroef to twwr Uktl Mk latwl
. .i It. U tnutr vjhuWe for ttn ttaar aaatoar
n I-Jtrkdliural pmtfj: aaw toaaMtMlart
IT rlaini U. .W lalMI Bf.rr J.M Mlliai, C
A mimi.4oMt, at kla nfUrt at aHaat. Ura".
m. ih' Mh4oy of l'bnty, ijoy , ,.
. .- Miln wKiicaaca Mary T. IfBier,
Mi ry V lirokrr JJ ,.h M. ManUt. aMaMi
K inmillui! latin I. Wat, MLHataMI,
.1- .,y M rd, and A II tJ f Dw
ttlul', ' ,'Ott. , , .
Anr bhJ all ptrvma eUlmlwc 4ntV lite
41. . 4'.riirl I nda are riirtW to M ttMtr
'uviHthH(kc9tt4r before the Malhdiiy
' I l riaary i' ,
rtiVf.i MIC.IARt. T NOLAN. KfiiMar.
Harness and Saddles
(klrftK of All Klndc
hnJ t'lrst Clsfii
arfctaiiaaxa aw i taiaiawii pa
On Bond M eeirt I riw llirry brm,
JEM), ounao.N.
Cofliractor & Builder
Iv)tiniatti, I'lnirsand Ppoa-
ificatiotw furnished ., T
Leave orders at Pilot Butte inn
Scaled bids viU bo re
ceivod until December
20, 1904, by John B.
Wimcr of Tumalo, Or.,
for the clearing cf50
acres or more of 3ae
brush land; brush to be
cleared and piled. Right
reserved to reject any
and ail bids.
article Ii
Come in taks a look nt a
beautiful display of
On the counter you will
also find catnlotf HIus-
of useful
IP you want the
very bcstvnlucs
for your money
! BiUTffV?.i&!H!D6
1 TOfTmrj.LirrJ'8 F!l UAuimJMuiC
V ,, alf
il .1
( '