f, 1 - r: u h' it 14 rr The Bend Bulletin rrhusiuco nr.K vva by LUUUD&UANN A LAWKUNCti. SUlKCtnitON KATKSl t)Ktftit .. ..-.....- . VI v imalht. . ..-.-..... Th( tnoalh..w.... ..... . .... ... Ji FRIDAV DICC. 16. 1904 V Baud's special election will take pWce next Monday. The question whether the town shall be utcorVw ated is to le deckled at this electiou. 'and the officers to serve the pro posed new town are to be chosen. ptibltuhcd lit full, i.Uh tlio murtc Of U10 uiinor, m iivputi . ir. . TitoNAA SI Ai.ki m.v, Gludthiati, 11. B. Ukxkmas, Portland. W. 11. Cilinv ' Mland I).J)iCum.i. Portland. I. S. Du.S, Uui.eiM, Oregon. SOIL OF Till: BEND RUCHON. Who would be hit hairiest if Bend should fail to prosper? Who k most iutcres'ed in having the fcown thrive, and 90 organizing h powers that the but den of govern--stent wil bo the very lightest pos. nbk on everybody? '- The land tLieves tire now taking a sew tack at the Portland trial The prcteocc 01" chi'cd. stewl iuno Vcence, through which no amount 'of accusation could penetrate, ha& Htacn abandoned and we may now Viook for Mute of the nilest swearinv; '.that has been noted in these part for many a day. But will it avail? Who in Beud would suffer moat by any act or policy that should retard the progress of the towir VWbo wouMgan most by a poli y Mhat should promote the prosperity of all the people nd secure genera -advancement of the town? It" con Witious here are made unfair tb public will steer clear of Bend, anc u towo6tte without people doesn't bring much profit to anybody in this practical age. "' The taxable -alua1fon ill Bend school district this year is $136,040 Last year it was about J50.000 ami. the year before about Spn.oooi The coining assessment will show a vastly greater increase than took place last year, though the dittrict 'has been split In two. This did ssiou will show greater increase than 'the whole did last year. 'Pile school Aboard has a serious problem on it hands to provfde educational ac eoraniodations for the children in a community that Is growing m fast. "lnjt a good school it our most drawt lug card. Doubling Pilot Dutte Mill. ' At the Pilot Butte sawmill exten 'live improvement are Under wa K that will nearly double the capacity 'of the plant.' .The concrete sating for the new edyine was put down thw v.ak. The new bo.lir wilt be 'hore Saturday. A new steam -pump is beim; installed to flume. sawdust a distance of about an eiichth of a'ttrtle froai the river, where it will be burned. A steam feed K also being int tiled Jnd a ne-v planer roan buiit an I ue.v traca for the carriages The mill wil' ,4 turn, out about 3$ ooq feet a da when tneae improvement shall Ik completed. Oiane for History Students. PorlUad.Oiw.ioa, D-ombr 1, lO&l, .; Tit Oraivu So lily pi tn Bona of ih Awwlcaa Revolution m :n cruanhutiuir vaMd ol drsntrnd.tiiu of thoM wtm aaaktl hi fotiblui in Auicrieon iwlc--. wnoenc. Any in il '! ftt'Unt of mil. HwetUtt U U'fM to HftrniMion into th tiekKy. Ita objTtt, nrt; purely jmtrhrtl' ad ttUoricl. One of tnm Ut to tiiiiu Oat intert. in u- l.intory ..t the Amri- taut Kirvolotion and loyalty to it iiriwi isIHi. tor tl.w j)uriw tn6 S(ltty of. tun tbrtr jtriw of W (X), 18.00 and .fl0.f) rgtectivtly for il befet oiy .irvdtti bt any etudebt under twenty . tin yMurcf wo, in any public hjIioo! In v niton, on tniner 01 um iuwig iww Atrten i(voluuoftftryaljjtct4: V 1. Toe Qiijte campaign. 2. The oo-opemtioii of the French, Jiow brouKht about and the rttulu. V- IStMye are liudted in lt-iiKth to twenty five hunJrd words, imut be written on legal cap on one lide of the paper in the studojit'e own hand writitiK and inuct ) 'ouooinimnM by tho certiflcafo of thu ..)rincil of UieKchool HtteixlM by the .jiiitaor, to the uffect tiiat the author 1m a lion fide tttuaunt in the Khool and has been iji attcndnnoo therein notleM than snix voeJa during the school year of 1901-05. Kwaainiidt be fopvanled to fhe chairman 1 lrf tho rotnin'itteo In titharco, Oenuial 'fliomas M. Andurnon, 25l iSortli.Tvcnl-fuurUi Htreot, Tort land, to aa to rca'fch hhn ot later than 'February 1, 1004. In awardiiiR the prizoH thp coinniiUue will bo govunied by those throe considorations: 1. Historical accuracy. . 2. Manner of treatment. .'. Orthography! urarainar, eyntax, land punctuation. .' Any additional information relative ' tp tho oomwtt. .ion whieli tuay hleaird will be cncerfuUy furn.ahed by the chairman cf 'he toa.inlttee. The imiy vilMi i awarded the first jjrU wiU be Will Produce Iheellent I'rtilt and Othtr 1'ariM Crops. No subject is pet haps ns frequent ly discussed In Bend as the tl r acter and xsiiib:litie.s of the hnd under the Pilot Butte and Ccmrnl Orecon canals Some of this hnd vvill lc farmed by -tilers during V e lomitiK season atv. the crops th tt urown will eivf 11 fitr idea of tier .alue for aKruuiltural purjoe-. This sod will no doubt prove .is productive as other land cilltivntfd in Crook county. Volcanic soil has or a loim time U."?n known to k irtile and we may therefore ex t:ct ours to yi-l 1 j-ood crops. Oursoil'jt finely pulverized and f excellent texture It doc not puiuilc nor bak but is easi; worked and will rt vlily lend itself to cultural tn.Mtnh-nt' for the con wrvation of sod mo Mrx It seems o he of the sjm H aracter to n -nklerabl pth .nd the submit .ixx not differ from that on the stir. .ice. Determination of the chemical cor-position of sols enables one u.ther to judge of their value a t.iev show wh:t t mounts of the . fferent plant food arc prrseiit V'e know of onlv two analvses of Oil from "CronV connty. viz: A .ample from Cros Keys and mother from Mr Mutziv-'s lan! on the wet skle of t':i Des'-htites r v.r The rock on aud about Mr Mutzi ' p'ace is the same a. that octur'iii;; on the plateau eaten inn from Hen.' '.nd Cline Fails to Powell lint. nre the soil h s tcry obvou-'v H:n derived from t!rs rock wr .re afe in cone!ud-nn t.i it the sample tntlyzed ts fairly rrpresentatvr of 'r.e soil on V is n'.. n The an-lv-1 s referred to shov. t? at thr v.i' ontains most of t'-e e'.vntial hum I constituents of plant foo -n sufficient quantitv. It is espe !''v rich in potash and is well supplied with l!m It is prior in phop' or c acid but the amount ftfi-sent is not regarde as itiMiffi' i-nt n a vrn oil. Like tte rls f jno4t p''i un plateaus in tie wvt it s -. fir ient in bnmus rr ' ivl ore-nni -nutter. This eftft . an rcidi'v le remedied lv the UM-of manure an' 'y croppn the 'nn. with ilfdf.i lover and other !-. un-s. Wtb inte'lii i-nl use ( watr vi proper crop rolnt o t- present t' eifbty of the soil .- Wive t' ii rhes bur s i-n rirmed " orofit This an' I w-'i prob.ib' mri luce an excelleft q'' itv of f t t ..nl :t Is H'h in h w- " xp'-t pldms, ch'-rrt'-s :nd prtm-.-s to do well here. Ei.ua Ki VUI Crosk County Have an HxMblt at Taa Fair In order that the people m.-y ro'-e! ud decide u to whether t '.- de.i'w- to have t.e roures of .'roik county ex td t t;-i.t-isand Clark i i r 11 tos I Mcit-ljy rail a mevti'itt ,f the pi-ople ! ti . countv to rr.iit ..t the Court Alfalfn, tricatlow hay nud till kinds of grain. MuzIr it Becker. Bornx Wnslunu CJiiiniKjuml toe rtt Betid McrcittttUc Co. Wall Paper. Conic in ut)tl look, at our stock. If we enn't suit j-otl t6w, will have a larger line of snutphr tosalect from in a few days. Mot till Drue Co. , Bran, shorts ntld chdp. '& Becker. MntrlK I'oj) corn nt llond Mercanlilu Cu, 3 h)lml.i for 35 c. ,Aloncy Saved, By laying good ot UlletirctiU at Lylle, Orejton. few am) fie.i slock for he lowe.it pricei povtii-le ror cash. Kllen Orcutt. Propnetnss. Tho fn'iiioiM American Huntily, n new cocklnlljiist on', at TliuOlhcv. the jnliti I'lltm U'KunVnTlittOlli-r. jitnicli Hi The D end Restaurant R, (1. SMI III, Proprietor. Meols at all hours Short Orders a specialty. SERVICES riRST CUSS IN ALL PARTICULARS AND 1KIC!3 RliSONABLL BUND, - OKIH10N. j. . MHKKIUt.. II. It. SHKHAt.K. J. I'KANC SllUnil) 1 Bend Livery Transfer Company. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. General Delivery, Trucking nnd Trnnsfcrrlnjr. ft. tttwB MiBMl i;u llcml, Orcgau. Jrf7yTPsWfflaTtffBTrBKBrci' S BlffcfS' anftgagaagmgra (Wo, lor yd .if Trailo. Jio (icrys iii ih? Columbia" Moiithern ae teHtlen, very lavor.ibly nltuaied. Will be sold cheap or trad ed for town properly. Ktt(tilra at The Htillflin Officr .' ' ' " '.'T" P. A1ILO LOI5DI2IJ- SlliN WpiffiR. anil Stride Artist. Ail vurtMn nud Card WrilliiK a pt'i.liilty. anwlifl Hrtml M iftl HI i uhuUt ll . r v rook County Realty Co. Heal Ilshle SaHbl and Sold. Life aud Arcldrnt I N S U l A N C IH . ir mn in M-kMif ir M'nimK (. us 1 .j. . m.i. mttr soiuMr ADM mH.U kHHMt IX J. L. AlcCULi OCII, Altntracter and IUat nr r lilies. In I ar UiMk il A IUr (ut NM-MliL r: i.vitvit.l.K. OKI.OOS A. II. Llppman (ko. M. Meytr A. H. LI PPM AN & CO. iil:NI), OKIsClON FURNITURE Undertakers and Undertaker's Supplies. 1 Chlnaware, (Xassware, Moulding, t.lnottum, I'nlnts nnd Oils. Stoves and lnn;ai, Doors and Windows, Bedsteads, tattrexMS. Wc Can Purnish Yoar House Complete. W.ll MttH MKM. OKKGOS J. W. Bledsoe I'HOTIXIRAPMUK iiKMU. omcii.v All H0M I'tnttTrtt -! mp.c,i iwm t'nriti.i"i i 1 ir rm .1. A. LAWU1SNCIH, V. S. CUMMPUifUNKK. N'owry 1'ubllc. lusMtance. Townsliij i'lat for Upjtfer DeachuiM Valley HKNU. OKi:i4iK Tkipurrr Bi'irber Shop BROS. & Bath's Best of accommodation and Work jtromptly done W.u.!. St. BC.VD OKI'.C.ON Mou e in I'riucri! Orf.wi, Iec "tuber 24, 1904, at ro o'clock a. m Iwould mi 7 nest t:- it ei.ch precinct nolo a meeting ana mtikI as many reprcteutatives to this meetitiK as possible, and also select someone in each precinct to receive aud collect exhibits; 'and rtsconttnend their name to the meeting here Dtc. 24, 1904 Hoping that the people of this county will take an active interest in this matter, I remain W. A. Bum., Judge Crook County, Oregon. THKOUOH TROM UI-NI) TO SHVNJKO IN ONi: SHANIKO- PKINEVILLE PRINEVILLE-BEND S C 11 G D U L 13 DAY V STAGE LINE SOUTHBOUND Leavj Siianiko 6 p. nt. Arrive iViti- .!.c 7 a. m. Leave Prinevdlc ' 8:30 a. in. At rive Bend s:jo p nt r-- " ' NORTHBOUNlJ I.tava Bend iz:jop. m. Arrive Pnnerillv 7:00 p tn. lxvt Princvitlw 1 p. in. Arrive Shnmko 1 a. in. FIRST CLASS KQUH'MIvNTS POR TKAVKU.IN'C PUBLIC PA&SBKOICR AND PRKIOHT RATKS RIiASONALK J SnyWSgaa ThoNews of Laldlaw. Tmidlaw. Bur. U.T. G. Mulkuy,' of Hateim, IdahiJ, nhn 0)wih bO uor-8 of land two mile Kiutlnvmt at town in stoiin at I.oii'h ImU'l and will renialn for a low weokH. Hi- in iiiaklnK arrangi nii'iitM for ffiming and cle-iriiiK Ids land, DaniulGriwiihalKh.ofl'iillruaiuAWh., wbh in toiyn thin week uctthi.tnipiilivi for his new placo nuar white Bluff, - I- B. .laiiiuHoxiiMtufdi). family to nr. rive from Forent Uro'u nfx. wltik. Ho jiiHt received ntiotljcr Jarjpj-lot of goXl tlilH wook. Tho new bank l)(iifdinj?jinr- and wll hoon bo (jucloHud. ' . i Agent J. H. Cook oxnopt8fto imoiid ChrlKtuinn with IiIh failiily .n Puftfipnl, Ho vvill lw away for 11 fow wwkuft- I Cofoni'l '. fli(iiti liAfi; nofio .to Prlno Ville fo a fow weekttt .He rv Uu-uatimed with rortiid of the trrlji. ,' i a i jjijj i.iiiiii.iw rtiiuui w;n.iiinnjB0(yt lor or.n wiwk, whllu the kuIiooI huililluij Wai luiof eiwuro$t aau rtipairau. uxeesttsMKKticsttiasssxxiesssssaa MiLLARD TRIPLETT BLACKSA11TI1ING AND liORSKSIiOEINQ All kinds of wagon work done in first-class shape, Short notice jobs a specialty. ori'OsiTr. nciioor.iiothK iiknd, okkmin TXMKMrtUr-aMTxrym'iaCBmriTapnqrni&rr' We carry only the finest linos of WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS DON'T FORGET TO 1JKOI' INTO THK MINNESOTA BUFFET Shaw & Uuostjuuious, Prop's PRGD A. SHONQUEST, Mnnngcr BKND, ORliGON w K utmin.J.. (1UMKI.N & STIJINI-MANN al I.3 Attorueys and Cwieitors soTASik rtai i I'iMIItt U Malt imI l"l.i: Voait BKKD, - - riKKC.UN 1 r sntKHtr M i' CNa b l-no M I' lufetly IMfMvi.n. Drs. Dclkiyip & Edwards, PHYSICIANS ,i) Sl'WEONS. fKINfSVII..t! OHHdO.N MSr t Unr af Wlnarli' tttu( H.., A. H. GfcANT A(M f Liverpool, Loudon A (llohe, nnd Lnncnshlro flre Itleurnnce Companies. BI'NI), OKIK10N PRINOVI LLE hotel";:-'1 Tables and Boom always clean mil well .siipplietl-Ratea renwiiiable 1'KINKVII.I.K OKXC.ON SUBSCRIBE FOR The WEEKLY OREGONlAN IMMMMIIMIIMMn I AND -the BEND BULLETIN - " , 4lM4othMw&mM .oo3 L. D. WIEST Civil Engineer Special qualifii.ati.niH for Lnud Surveying ami Irri gation Work. IlulMiiiK PlaitM ami Hiits:ilicatlonM Mu.lu BUND OKIldON ManntnwBHMaana The Descliuies Telephone Company Telegrams I'orwardcd "to . any part of the World. Dirdct Telephone s p6inriumicatlon PORTLAND: PRINIiVTLLIv nnd nil Pacific Coaat cities Publlb.wPA.Y Station hANk" ituitTbici , I3end.v,,-.N Oi-ckoii