The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 16, 1904, Image 3

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Newsy Items Gntlicrcd from All
Parts of the World.
(leuerul Itcvlcw of Important Happen-
ncnlgs Presented In a llrlcf und
Condensed Kortn.
Mnny sheila cent to tint llunnlunn nl
Mtikilmi IihVi! proved (lulictlvu.
A hoii n( (It'iiiitnl Nogl wnr killed In
tlm iittiuk on 203 Meier lull ut Port
'flio Jnpmiesit Iiiivii mink nil ll.u Itun-
dlnu I nithnhlpM nml iirulrors rtt 1'ort
Jamil hnn slguluYd her wllllngncrn
to participate In n second Hnguu pence
Ho fur In tint l'nr Knslcrn wnr Rus
sia has loot 23 warships of nit elusion
mid tint Jupmus.t four.
Roosevelt linn abandoned tlm Iden ol
n special Hi'inlon ol cntiifrcsn In the
spring to consider turlft tcvlnloii.
A bill will li introduced In congress
to connect lliu run ii I .mm on tlm In t ti -intln
with tlm UiiIIimI Stales by cable.
Ktrretnty Shnw will urge congress to
liiriisiint tlm appropriation for tint Ta
oouin nl. He building from $400,000 to
I Mli) 000.
Tint handwriting experts In tlm Den
Vttr I'ltt'tlmi ftmula fotunl .vldeMrcs of
repeating for IhiIIi tlm Democratic nml
Republican tlrkrttt.
Kmitor Mitchell hn u llxht on ti In
Intuitu lost-cunt thuflmliiimuslilp of the
CAIIMl rOllllllltll, IIIMiIh Vlieallt liv tlllt
death of lluiniit. Tlm stund tin took
fur tlm Mearngtiau mute two yuara ago
It tint rmiNt.
I.llM'rnl apprnpriatlunn fat Coluinliln
river Jrlly art) assured.
Russian) Imvn lout 3,000 limn trying
to tolcke 2CS-.letnr hill.
Cmon ronnty w III ihiiiI 1 100,00 on
I owls and (,'laik lair exhibit.
A grand jury linn Imwi empanelled to
Invest Ignlu ill" Deliver election frauds.
Tnfl arktiuw ledge l.o inaden'mh
take In extending Diuglcy tariff In
nnl I'Miti Ht Panama iclubrnllou.
Senator I'lntt Mill Introduce n hill to
rnliicit tint representation of arvutal
state, pnitlcnlntly In tlm South.
A prominent rannrrymnti saya grcil
mid dcllanco of tint lw are ruining the
salmon Industry of tint Columbia rlwtr.
Tlm Jury In tlm land fraud rut a
tumid Hut of tlm defendant Kullly as
charged, hut cleared Mlta .Mm lit Wate.
Japanere from 203 Meter hill are
shelling Russian licet anil have mink
onn battle -hip ami set a mimlwr of
other ahliii on Die.
Germany la doubling her military
strength at Klitonohoil, tlm (Icrman
Kiit on tint Shun Tung peninsula, ami
sending them an experienced olllcor
from tint Admiralty staff.
Klghtcecti person were Injured, some
of tlntm seriously, in a New York lire.
Thutffectnf ptcvaillug hnil times
throughout Knglutid will html toward
u lean L'hrlnlmun
Tint I'orttnnil Ministers' ns'oolntlon
la miikliiK it atroug effort to havu tint
Lewis nml Clark lulr closed on Sun
tliiyi. It In nald llm laigu shipment of I mo I
from Oinahit for tlm Itiituiliin aiiny will
HO by way of thu 1'iikuI nouiul Inuti'uil
Jmin-a M. Tyncr, iiontiiinatcr (ntnornl
unilur I'n'aliU'iit (Irnnt nml itnlntnnt
Httorni'fy (tcnurnl until forccl to rrnlun
timliir tint icii'iit jidbIiiI Inuiil Iiivi'MIku
tlon, In iliiiil.
A Himtn Fo train wna luthl up nml
rohmtl lidtwcini I.uillow nml lW'tt,
Cal., uml tint 'xpnnt iiu'um'iisi'r wouml
til, Drnfta nml inonoy to thu miiouut
of 1 0,000 win mciiHil.
Thu mipvrvlMliiK nrchitovt will iu
coiiirnrnil npproprlntloiiM of f 100 000
nml H5,000 rrnpootlvitly for l-'i'ilitrnl
hiilliliiiKH ut Ori'non City nml Unkur
Thu fntlmr of nu Illinois footlmll
vlutim la umlonvniliiK to lmvo h Hlnto
hiw puMKAil prnhlhltlnu thu umno, Ilu
liua rcaiirml thu promlsu of u leljtulutar
to Introduce Mich u hill In thu Imllnnu
h'ulnliiturtt nml Iiojioh to oucccixl In
lllluoiH, MIiIiIkuii uml WIvcouhIii iih
filiiion I.uku, mi Invuntor, in hulldliiK
n siihuinriuii tnrpudo bout ut Kuwport
Nowb In which hu uxpecta to cromi thu
Atlantic Thu now vuhhuI Is to hu 8!i
fcut Ioiik nml proportlnimtoly lurgu.
Hhu will curry four topudo tubcH.
KxportH Hud innuy hntlota In n Don
vur precinct to ho IIIvkuI,
Hstmtor llucon, of Ocorulu.
dl&frnnchlBltiR nil negrooa,
Now tlmt tho cnptuio of 201). Motor
Mil at I'oit Arthur liua beenconllrmod,
tho Huaalana declare tt to bo nn unim
portant position,
Moniluy, December .1.
Tlm ahiirt mii-cI mi ol tint rHlli coniofiH
Hint ut I i! iiYli.ok. No hmliii'MN wiin
triiiiHiiHtfil In .Itln-r Iioiiwi cxniptiiiK
tint iimiul rouilim work of iimiliiK tiny
Until InuriiK iul.iifil riNoliitloiia of ruic
pre I In tint lull' Hkiiuioin Hour, of Mint
mii'huiti'tla. nml lluny, of I'vimaylvniilii.
nml llolr iiilJ'iiiiiniM'iit whn ii further
mark of rrnifii.
Tiicsdut, December n,
I'rcfldi'iit'it intHiiiit rind.
A iiiiiiiIhw of fi'Nuliiil inn lmvo bitcn
liitrodurid In tin' Iihuhu louklnn to n
ihmint In tint tnrllf Uwa
Thu prmdilfiit ntnt ii luritu numhur of
iippitliitumuU mid noiulniitlo'iH fo' pro
iiiiillnii In lint nrmy mul navy to the
A hill Iihm Im'HI IntriHluci'il in thu
ai'iiatn proviilliiK u iwiimoii o' 110 n
uioutli fur thu whlowft of Union not
illor, i-nllorr nml iimiIiicm,
Wcdncvluy, December 7.
Thu li'Klolutlvtt, fxi'ciiilvii mid jmll
i Itl npproriiiiiiiu hill, entry Imk 1','H,
HUH 700. win rt-portt'd to thu hoimtt to
ihty Thin i H4tl,IIH Icnn tlimi tint v
liuintit nml lU'lt.HHI moru tliun tin
runmit npironrl 1 u.
I'lntt, of .Net York, cmntt'd n nllr in
tin itfiintit hv iutrixhnirliiK n hill pro
vI'IIiik for M'iIih Hon ol tlm cotiurer.
aloiinl ri'pnni'lilnllim of thu noilllirrn
Atnteii, on tint roiiml that many of tint
cllUi'im of linden ntiiten nru deprlviil of
thu rllit to vulo.
Hcimlor llnht Intrixliirod n hill to n-
pllrn lh employment of vrvni-ln of tint
Unllitl Klntoa In thu tniiinMirtatlon hy
N' of nil "iipplltn of tvery (Iftn-r Ipt lull
foi lino of tho I'mmiuu I'nmil coiiiiiiIb
nlnii or ih" eoiilriictorii in tho eoiiHtruo
tlon ol the I'mimiiu cuunl.
Ki'imtor M"iKn, f AlalMinn, li
rlariM ho will oppuMt to bin uiiuoKt
tint pniwiMl chnuKtt In lint I'miainn
en im I from n lock to u pea Intel eatinl.
lie mtyn it In u m'lmuiu of tlm trnni
continental railways to delay the con
Mruclion of an Intlim a i waturwuv.
Thtir.vluv, December 2.
The KMmtu held only n horl ri'tolon
nml adjoiiioil until Momhiy.
Au attempt to reditu eoiinlilHriitlon
of thu puii) fiKxl law by Henalor Iley
burn wait dufcntiMl,
Tillman hroiiuht tlm cam of William
I). C'riiin. the i'oIuiihI man unminated
for eollector at Chnrlertou, H. C, into
piomlnemu by nkliii for n report from
lint iNiiuuiittett on jndlelary an to thu
tittim of ri'Cffn nppoiutiuent.
In the hoin-f the civil Mrtlru com
tiilralou wan attncketl Ixraure ol u pro
pnted IneremHt of l!:t employea to con
(lltutit the rural examinliiK iMwnl.
The pay of ntenoyrapliern to thu hnure
coininlittfii Iimr been nil ii cod from f5,
000 to lU.OOO per annum.
A proportion to Increaru the unlury
of tho Mcrutary of tlm civil rwrvlce
roiiituUilon wai dofrnted.
no orrcNDCR to nc sPAnco.
Hitchcock Will (Jo to the Dotlotn of
the Land frauds.
Waahlngton, Dec. 10. - An olllrlal
Ma emetit wua given out by thu In- .l..iui tfulai minmttif-liti.
tliu goveriiment'a purport to prnacrutu
itvittv guilty man in thu public Inun
Iraudn to thu full extent ol the Inw nml
teunrdleta of imaltiou in life. Thu
atitlement followa:
"Thu conviction In Portland. Oregon,
of five ieroiiH for land frnuda, wlilcli
will lie followed next week by tliu trial
of sovetnl otbera IndlctiHl for the aame
offemu, la but nuothur nlep toward I ho
rotimiiutuntion of tho policy entered up.
on hy thu scorctnry ul tliu Interior when
It Iktbiiio known nearly thtco yeara
ago that frnuda went being purpetrnUsI
In connection with thu public lnnda, to
run down mid proaecuto thu guilty onea
to tho full extent ol llm Inw without
rcgnrd to their position in lifo. Thu
department liaa encountered many ob
atucb'M whllii engaged in thin work, but
ban moved otendily onwiud nudluta bud
thu liriirty naalatnucu and co-opurnllou
of thu department of Juatlcu In bring,
lug tliu land crlinlnala to juatlcu.
"Tboau frnuda havo been more fur
leaching thnu thu country ban nuapeut-
ed, nml the tnek of uneiirihlng thftu
mid Hieuring thu neceaanry proofH liaa
been n illfui'iilt one, but tlmro baa been
no abatement of tliu Intention to ae-
euro thu conviction of nil land thieves.
Sensation In Panama Matters.
Wuehlnnton, Dee. 10. Itopresenta
tlvo rmucklcford, of Mlaaourl, who luia
it leaolutiou in the houao calling foi un
liiveatlgutlou of tho Panama railroad
company nciiuired by thu United Statua
governmont, la determined to fortu
thiough nu investigation, If it run bu
done. Filumla Bay hu la collecting evi
dence to allow Hint n member of tho
canal eonimiBHlon wua n member of tliu
railroad company It Is undutatood
tlmt aomu Huuaiitlonul cbargea will bu
nmdo In demanding u runrgnuttntlon of
thu proa cut canal coiumlaalou,
Will Prevent Running Ulockadc.
Jlorlln, Deo. 10, According to n ilia
patch from Tokln to tho I.okal Anxelg.
or, tho placing of heavy rnnnon on 203-
Meter Hill will enable tho Jnpnnuao to
flru on and sink junka nnd other craft
bringing aupplloa for Port Arthur from
- '"AAAALAAA4imAi4tttAttttttAAtl
Coming will Sec Uupld Ad
voncc in Irrlrjulloii.
Kcho I ho couilrw K-uaon will mark
more luiprovomeutH nml oityrjirlft.' in
IrrlKiitlon for Kcho uml thu vicinity
trihutary than over buloiu experienced.
Not only me thuruluinioui'uoxtunaloun
phiunml for old ditcheri, but now ouch
nru buiiiK lOiiHtriieted, nml land lyiiiK
umlur both old dllclieM mi I proponed
illtchen If pruparitl for cultivation for
tint t'oiultiK year.
With tint liopit of hnvliiK moru fav
orable Irrljittion Inwa pnaand In the
coiiiIiik leKlnliiture, thomt who linvu
Im-ch plmiulUK prnji'i tn me ImvIiiiiIiik
nctlvitfea Iferetoforu thu prenent lawa
or thu Inek ol Inwn purtHluliiK to witter
rlbtH huvu inturferuit with thu devel
opment of llm country. U'ulor Iihh
been In dlapuiu. IjiiiI Imn been in
lltltfntlon, uml thonu who havu Iweu
mixlmm to Heu thu betterment of Kcho
ami Hit rplcndld Inmi have henllnled
in flaking their nil In project a tlmt
inliflit ut any time ni tnken Into cotnt.
Thu llutler crtuk water comjnuy bar
purihnred nn elevnlltiK K,nt'ef nnd boa
coiuiiiencud wlilutiliiK nml atrutiKthen
Iuk their ditch. The Cold nprlni? Irrl
t:aiion comjimiy in prepariiiK to uxterid
llm I'ompuny'a dlicli nrnM to their
liuiilr on the north nldn of thu Uiimtllln
river, mid n company ban heen lormcd
to luilld n aiiiall ditch to wntut n tract
of laud of 100 acrea ndj ilnliiir Kcho,
now In iwKehruMh. Thu Maxwell ditch
pimple nru iiuprcviiiK nml enlurRiim
tlmii ditch until it will reclaim nearly
8,000 acrea of land.
HfHidea thenu dlliheo ainalter onea
nru uontmiily being built, and In a
few yearn tho entire rectiun of waate
laud will hu hotneit for faimera. Thin
aenniiu a la'e nuutber of laud holders
me clearing laiKu trncta of land vary
itiK In fixe from 'JO to 00 acres, nnd
will aow to nlfallii.
Turns Out Many Urlcka.
Weaton Clark Nulaon, uinnnner of
the Wee ton hrickyaid, linn returned
from The Dnllea, where hu ban heen on
hualnean connceted with hiayard. Thu
new I O. (). F. t uiili, for which hu
fiirulabed brick, ban luat been complet
ed nnd will be dedicated ut an early
date. 1-oiir hundred thnu'nnd bricka
went ummI In ita conattuctlon. While
in Thu Dnllea Mr Nela"n cloel a con
tract for thu calu of 300 000 brick to be.
lined in the construction of thu new
bank to bo elected nt Condon. Thu
brick will not be dcllveied until the
railroad, which ruiia from Arlington.
to Condon, I completed, which will
be early in thu epritiK.
Land Sales Tatlcn Off.
Bnlum The 6 per rent land nalea
fund in Oregon thin year la $04,602.24,
aa compared with fUO 135 24 lant year.
Thin fund la received from thu United
Hlatun ami in ft er cent of thu recelpta
lro,n ,, !,. ol government bin.
0rrKn, The va, ,03 WH(I tt ,,,
. ...... ...
1 In
hi in pur
one In public hud Ihisiuhm In Oieiiou,
due In 11 Jnipu dcitrcu no doubt to thu
uoiivity of men who went peciirlnK tim
ber hind through thu incdiutnahin ol
people who bouidit it mid soon there
ufler trunaferreil it tn thu meii who
furnlahed thu money for thu deal.
War on Scabby Sliccp.
KugetU' County 8tiH-l: Inpector A.
U. MuthuwH la now in un at
tempt nt purlfvlng tliu aheep of thu
county, ropotta having been received
fioni Boine aeotlona that acub hua been
obnervetl. Mnthowa went nut to the
diitrict nortliweat of Junction tn inven
tlgutu reporta of atockmen driving d.a
enatd aheep on tho county road in vio
latii n of thu law, uml expectn to tnaku
ainie arrenta. One nrieat nnd eonvlo
tlon for tli In offense liaa been made.
Will Chop the Alfalfa.
Kcho Itoliert Htnnfleld, who teaidea
on llutler creek, 10 milea weit of here,
ban received 11 largo liny cutter to chop
alfalfa liny for winter feuding. A gar
ollnu engine aupplloa thu power. In
feeding tho liny tinrhnpped tho large
Hteiiia remain uneaten nml nru wasted,
but by chopping tlie atnek eat thu liny
up clean, paving n largo per cent of tho
hithorto waato.
New Shipping Point for Coal Mine
Coqiilllo Tho Confine Coal A
bet company has rented jmrt of the
llcnvot hill bunker nt Mnrahlluld uml la
now nhipplug coal by tall to Coos bay
whom it goes to Snn Francisco. John
Tnweo, manager foi thu company, la
working n five-foot vein of conl of good
quality. A largo contract for machin
ery liaa been let. Delivery will occur
in tliu spring.
Eugene to Springfield.
Kugono -A project Is on foot to con.
uect Kugeuo with tho bustling little
city of Bpringllold by n six-foot aide-
wnlk, lho uistnuco liotweeu tho two
cities In tliroo inlloa, but only n little
over n nillo of aldownlk will have to bo
built to connect them, This walk, If
built, will be u great convouienco to
bicyclists and pedestrians.
Conareas to bq Asked to Make Use
of I'ldiit Already Installed.
Kiikuiiu III view of thu uncompleted
condition of the bar imj rovurnent at
thu mouth of thu Hiualnw river, prom
inent citizen of this county are now
inteiented in hririKlriK tno mutter txs
luru tho river amid harbor committee
of coiiKreaa, hoping to make It clear to
tbut body that thu continuation of
work on tiiat harbor would hu wliw.
Many yeara ngo the government be
gun thu Improvement of the Hiualnw
harbor, ulter nbumlmit report a had
been Deemed from englneera regurdlnK
lint propur rnelhol of deepening thu
water on thu bat The plan adopted
wiih thu jetty ayatem. (-mall appro
prlntloua wuro made and thu work
jitogrem-ed to tho extent of tho funds
available. Then nil would rent until
another email appropriation would be
nnde. Thu Jetty naa only fairly und.r
way and jiml beginning to ahow what
might ho done, when appropriation!)
ceaM-tl to cornu,
Thu hutdneaft of tliu liatbor liaa been
Iticrcnalng ami now nmountn to outlaid
etabiu, ami burlm-fg men of Florence
and Kuganu hope to prevail upon con- to go ahead and tliiiah tho work
now well begun. Tho government baa
a plant with which to work mid could
in u abort timu deepen llm channel
Mivuriti feet by tliu coufliiing of the
watet to thu channel.
Wood for fuel Is Getting
About Pendleton.
(endlet4.n Fuel denlera of tho In
land empire nru of thu opinion that the
day ol wood burning in soon doomed,
hh coal la rapidly replacing it. Tho
IxM of cikiI from thu Wyoming ImxIb Ib
sold at Una pbieu for 8.ft0 n ton, and
the coal fiotu Jlritlsh Columbia and
Washington beda la fast becoming gen
erally used, both In Oiigon nnd Waah
lngton. At Katneln and Meacbain, from
where Walla Walla and Pendleton draw
the grtater part of their wood, there
tceuia tn bu Immensu quantities stacked
in ricka for shipment, but cuuietent
judgea of fuel say that but about 25
pfr cent of it la cleat, diy, green-rut
wool, aueli na commands thu high
prlcea. Bo cloeely hie thu timber aup
ply Iteen cut away tbnt two trlpa n day
haule aru being mado from bick In the
mountalna six and eight miles. Al
though apura ftom tho main lino back
In the mountalna might easily bo built.
thoy will probably never bu built, aa
coal will be much cheajwr than the
construction of a road.
Safe Cracked at Hood River.
Hood Hiver Hobbcra cracked the
aafu In tho Hood Hiver poatoflice ami
gotnwny with 227 in atmupaand $173
In money. Tbete la no clew aa to the
thlevea, except thafa crowbar and oth
er tools used in effecting an entrance
cuinu from tho railroad shops here. On
discovering his loaa Fostmaater Yates
immediately wired the poatal inspect
ors nt l'tirtlnml, who will mako effort
tojipprehend tho culprita. Common
black powder wne used in crackim; the
aufu dooi. Ouu or two persona aleenlnu
ruHr by clnim to lmvo heard a alhrht
explosion during tho night, but paid
no attention to thu noisu.
Dig Business by Sugar Plant.
In titande The whlstlo of thu tteet
augur factory bore has sounded tho last
cull foi its employes nnd has shut
down niter one of the moat successful
runs it has made nlnce Its imtnblinhnient
In thin valley, It having consumed
something over 21,000 tors of beets,
which yielded over 66,100 pounds of
sugar. Tho entire soaaou's run was
made without a bitch, much to tho sat
isfaction ot nil concerned, nnd tho ninny
persona who embarked In tho raising
of augur beets expicsa themselves as
well satisfied with their venture.
Indians In Uettcr Health.
rendleton Dr. T. M Henderson,
who has been In attendance upon tho
caaoa of diphtheria among tho Indians
nt thu mission on the rcaervution, re
ports that no others have tnken tho ills
e:ue, nnd that thoao affected are rapid
ly lecovoilng. Only onoof thu patients
lifts died, the otbera having been inoc
ujnted with toxino in tho early stugoa
ot tho malady.
Coming Uveitis.
Poultry shows Salem, December 15
17; Portland, December 20-20; New
tierg, Jnuuat) 10-18; Albany, January
Oregon Good Roads convention,
Salem, December 1315.
Oregon Htnte Dnirytnen'B association,
Decon.bor 20-21.
Inland Ktnplro Sunday School Insti
tute, Pendleton, January 30.
Northwest Wheat Markets.
Poitland Wnlln Wallu, 83c; blue
stem, 88c; valloy, 37o.
Tacoma Bluestem, 85o; club, 88c.
Near East Considers North Sea Alti
tude a Oackdown.
London, Dec. 8. Alfred Blend, who
ban Just roturnod from an extended tour
of the Near Kast, whero be camo In
close touch with thoao directly con
cci ed with tho future policies of tho
llalkan states, said to tho Associated
Pieaa today:
"llrltlsh preatlgo baa received a "se
vere blow in tho Kalkans, consequent
upoH what is there supposed to Imj a
diplomatic victory for Kuasla i;i the
Dogger bank affair. This feeling has
k-eii created largely by colored dis
patchen repre-cntlng that there was a
llritiah backdown. The direct reanlt
liaa been largely to reitore waning con
fidence in Kti'sla."
Mr. Hlead raya bo found Itoumanlann
rejoicing over Ituaaia'a defeats In tho
Far Kast, and Ilulgarlans and Hervinna
Ix-glnnlng to oclleve it was lime to look
for another protector. He says tho
Turks were delighted, and even allow
ing an attitituda of defiance toward
"A month ago," Mr. 8tad says,
"Great Britain could havo dictated tho
jvollclea of the Near Kast atatea, but
today a attong reaction has set in."
In the cotirro of his tour Mr. Htiad
waa received in audience by King
Peter, of Servln; Prmcu Ferdinand, of
Huigaria, and King Cliarles, jf Ron
mania. Hu Hays all three of these
mnnnrt'hs discussed the poeslkillties of
a defensive alliance of the three coun
tilea. While their vlewa were ex
prested with thu utinoet caution, it was
plain Mich an alliance was uppermost
in their minds. It is evident, Mr.
Stead raya, that they expect liritish
ayiiiathy, as Lord Lansdowno't oicy
is similar to theirs. They prefer to
follow wen tern policlcn and Ideas rather
than those of the Far Kast, the present
policy of Russia and Austria being, if
powdbto, to prevent audi an alliance.
Mr. Stead pointed out that the United
HAIkann could muster over 1,000,000
soldiers, and thns becomo an effective
bariier to the ambition of Kurocean
powera to extend toward the Mediter
ranean. In tho meantime, Auatrla is
condnct'ng her propaganda in Mace
donia and Albania more vigoroualy
than over. Mr. Stead continued:
"I Was impicssed moat fa vol ably
with King Petet. He la ruling Servla
wisely. In fact, while he has not
turned out the reglcldea, he has not
advanced them in rank. This is con
aldoied thu beat itollcy, because it at
least prevents them from hatching
further plota against tho Servian dy
nasty. However, I am positive that
King Peter will retlio the regicides aa
aoon aa he liaa the support ot other
strong patties."
Mi. Stead raid some of the regicides
are physical wiecks from remorse, ant!
that thoy do not associate with otlier
military officers or civil oOlcers.
After Visit Home They Expect
Show at 1005 Tair.
Seattle, Dec. 8. The 68 Jgorrotetr
now in Seattle on the way home (torn
tho St. Louis exposition aru enthusi
astic over (bo prospect of returning lo
America to attend the Lewis and Clark,
exposition at Portland next year.
Kvery native in tho crowd uudetrtandg
tho plan and even those who havo
mastered but a smattering of English
tell ot their hope of returning to Port
land Of course, the Igonotee nru glad
to go homo. They want to ate their
mountain province again and they
want to tell tho other natives of their
trip. Hut it is only a visit to Luxon
they welcome.
"Just go homo for visit now; back
to Portland nei t year," one of them
explained today, and the bright little
Antruslto added for the party: "All of
our people havo enjoyed our visit to
this country and havo been pleased to
meet its people. We expect to be as
happily treated noxt year at Portland,
and to leain us much more as we did
this year. These visits will help onr
peoplo loo, foi we will tell otheiB the
atory of our trips."
Chid Antonio echoed the sentiment
and others, in bidding visitors good
bye, promise to meet them at Portland
In 1005. While only Antalio and
Julio spoke English when the party
lett Lutou, moat of the Igoriotes have
a Binatturlng of the language now.
Sellling Down for Winter.
Headquarters of General Oku, Dec. 8.
In the villages near the actual Jap
anoto lines houses are being built and
repaired, scores of wells are being dug
and villages are bolng denuded of trees
and fuel is being carried. Kvery indi
cation points to tho intention to lomain
on the present lino during the winter.
The cold weather is not affecting tho
Japanese, although tho temperature has
already fallen to n few degrees above
rero. There are very few sick men,
and they aro woll caied for in comfort
able hospitals.
Japanese Cruiser Blown Up,
Moscow, Dec. 8. A special dispatch
from Vladivostok eaya that a steamer
which has arrived there from Shang
hai roporte that the Japanese armored
cruiser Adsuma boa been blown up ami
sunk by a mine.