The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 16, 1904, Image 1

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. 4
vol. ii
NO. 40
.d ML M. Mms0-
Uend Alust Make a Levy
Next Week.
Statement of IMiihiicIkI Condition ot
tlicl)l(itrlt"'l'h- Atnlior
of llond.
Tliu Hand school district will 1m
called upon tlim itioiuli to levy
sKcinl tax for iwntttaiiiiug t !
oHiuolfi. l'or thin purpoac h apecH
school incetiii.' hits Umu culUsd for
Wednesday ex-ming. Uevcmk'r 2",
at the 11. M hall
Tills diitilrt fi woi king under tb'
disadvantage if titxnblc val
uation Ik uIkhiI u v - ir behind the
llhK)! deill'lllds. Tit" school 11
here now remt'rm.v: (. cililics for it
aoromniodatlo.t; tV lixible vidua
lipn that in hen now wijl yield
icvenuii until m or wore hnirc
The Ijoard in iul!ed iipu to provid
for the ptwettt new'- ol the shotl
utt of revenue b-ised on condition--u
yejir or mote ago For thin reason
n growing dUtin t 11 usually Mhri
of lunds, while 1' 'telnet thnt it fall
iug hick has plvtil. of tuntu-y.
The district fno-s the necessity
of providing u new Hcluxjlhoilne nnl
more teachers for next ycr. To
my for these out of t tie tax would
require a levy of 3 p. r cent, which
m, of course, hardly to be t-Miaider-Vl.
Thin' wliool expeiiM
ntn provided for. but fu next year,
beginning July 1. w must now
plan. The etimln of expenses
will run sQiuethnu: like this:' wtbtriwi Ct f l.nou
.Imiiiur iwrtW t ' I".
Vtlt't lOU
Wittr fi,
latnrtMt ? 100.
jrietdtiUdi 40.
Tnial &JM-
The taxable valuation In live dis
trict in h trifle over $136,000 tHi
year. A lew of 10 mills on the
dollar would yield ft. 360. About
1000 will piohaM owe from the
county and stak apportionment
That would iiive .ut income id
2.360 for the yri nearly $300
more than the estimated require
ments. Hut it should not 1 for
gotten that thu ..'Ijws nothing
for shrinkage through dclinqut-m
Free Land
in Oregon
IN Till', li-hest grain,
fruit and vto.k section in
the world.
IIutKlnwU of thousands
of ncrus of land ready for
the settler
lrom the Stair, of Oregon
The cost of limit Average
$10.00 per ucie.
PRIM! WATIIR for prKaaofonf ir
fiom tlm It U lumctl mi Uu.l lo
Hit wlo purvlwx Uforc
Jmtunry i. !
Irrigntiou Compuny under con
trol of the State Inud
Itonrd of Oregon
Adduhsk Tin:
liijNI),. - OttKCON
tnxea. Moreover, the diMtrict lias
(...Ml Mll-ltli.ft tiflilnli ti11 fnlfK.' .k
(iirllicr reduction in the amount of
irviiue for thlit district So the
10 mill levy will he entirely con
Mimed in cariiiic fnrllio Hend tehool
ifi the yenr boclnttiiu; next July.
That m the year for which provisihn
uniMt lie iiiiide in the tnx to be levied
thin mouth.
So niueli for miuutcunucc qf the
public hcIiooI here. Hut tliete must
he uii'i eased fucilitje, moid Mchool
riK.m, foe next year. Tie dintrict
i now p.tyiug $12 ,o n month rent
"i in primary whool room. The
li-i rjc-t will need a new schorilhouiic
lor 11. -xt year mid to build it will re
pi re money thai cnniiot enHily le
t 'si-d by taxation. The only al
tvuntiv Is to Immij IkiikIs.
On the present bisis of valuation
the dlHtrlct would be lermitted to
ixiifl Itself for $0,800 About half
H t sum, however, would be suffi
cient to attpply the needs so far an
'h-v thii lie forcseeii al thi time
' .S 500- Of this alxiut f3,ooo
siinuld ko into a new building.
Tnf diMtrict now has a debt of 784.
w'-'-'i must be pil before long.
Tl at would make J?.V7-H4 to lc paid
nut. Hut sonifthiiiK ahould lx-a-aliartl
from .sale of ttic present
flioolhoivM.-. and it is oasonably
-tafe to count on enough from that
source to pay the excess $284 and
mHkegood tiulookcd for nhriukages
4tid exeusej incidental to iwue of
hiiuU. etc.
It will rccptirc'a special election,
iH-d for that purpoae. to authoriz
1 nt '. Hut the voter of the dis
tn t ought to have the matter in
-ilit I now so an to be able to act in
telligently in making the tax levy.
If tHey do not waut to ivaue to-year
bonds at 0 r cent they idiould votr
j lunivy tax now; for it is hardly
to lie contemplated that wc must
close our schools.
Withdrawn from Tickets.
Hand, Oregon, Dec. 15. Upon
examining into the matter of qtmli
Vntions far holding office in the
pfopoMHl incortKiration of Ileud, I
.itu couvlucetl that I, holding. a
hoiucatead outside the propohed
town, could not properly serve as
an officer of the new city, and I
tlNM'.-fore withdraw my name from
the Hat of candidate, for alderman
White doing thi I do not overlook
;h- fart that it would be an honor
10 00 upv the position for which I
b-ive been named and I thank the
people who have urged me fortius
office for their confidence in me.
A. U. Sttlhcr.
Caiullilnto for MnrsJtn!.
At tVe .solicitation of many busi
ness men and voters I have coulud
cd to announce myself nu indeitend.
.nit candidate for the office of mar
sha' of the proposed city of Ueud,
aiitl promise if elected, to discharge
thedutiet. of the office with strict
impartiality and to the best of my
.ihdity. lv. R. I.ester.
If you arc going to jwpcr your
house, consult us. We can save you
money. Merrill Drug Company.
Thieves arc now stealing window
cusiups -where they arc prepared
lor putting into new buildings. In
the Mtit week n window casing was
tarried away from the Debing cc
Whitsctt saloon building and one
from the Kllis dwelling, the latter
U-ing taken in the middle of the
day while the cnriKMitcrs were
: way at dinner. In each case the
thieves left the building.
Wortl comas from Richard King,
who went to Portland n short time
ago to have cataract removed from
his eyes, that the operation has been
entirely successful and the old man
uu see again. He is yet to have
glasses fitted and will be home in
the course of two or three weeks
ready for work. On account of Mr.
King's age, nearly 70 years, there
was some doubt as to the out come
of tins operation and everybody
will rejoice with him nt the return
of his eyesight.
Minnie Rye cocktail nt The Office.
2-pottnd can of apple or plum
butter nt 15c ut litettd Mercantile Co.
Idaho Merchant Building
in Bend.
Takes a Corner Lot on Wall Street-
'Other HulliJIiitr I'rogrbss
In tlm Town.
A. C. Chapman nid family ar
rived last week from Moscow, Idaho,
and have taken up permanent resi
dence here. This week Mr. Chap
man purchased a lot al the corner
of Wall and Minni-son streets, next
to K. A. Sather's and began con
struction of a two Mory building
25x58 feet to be tiled for a general
merchbudise M,ore. His own family
ami that of his non, Carl Chapman,
will also have dwelling rooms in
the building. The structure is
exected to be completed in alxiltt 30
days. A. A. Auluouy, wup arrived
irom Moscow n few weeks ago, has
charge of this work. The Chap
mans arc enterprising and trust
worthy jK-opIeand will add material
ly to the social' life a well as the
busiucas of the town.
The household effects of the two
families arrived Wednesday and a
building 24x36 feet was rushed up
on the back jwrt of the lot to cover
titcm. Later that will 1m used for
a barn.
II. C. Kllishasa two-story dwel
ling 16x24 feet nearly completed on
lot 5 of block to. at the corner of
Eleventh street and Juniper avenue.
It contains three comfortable rooms
on each floor all(l will be rented.
Fred A. Shonqucst is erecting a
building x feet noxt to the
Hend Restaurant, to t used as a
barber shop. Sam S. Reynolds, ot
Mhmcaftqmj, Minn., will put in
two chairs and be ready for business
in about two weeks.
Water Power Should bo Furnished
by the River.
FlTKHIoN, WlH., U-M!lWrfi. (KlMTOH
HriACTiv) KncliMKl lite I
for !Heiiwl yi-nr t( viHir jtK-p, which ar
rlvMt rtncuh'irly and If ri.ul with inu-reit.
I not ire iu yixir Ort-v-iii H'-wh tint
tlwr U a Water, l.iul.t A 1'ih r Ciii
prniy lm-..rnrat'.l at IVml, HhU-h I Ik,
lievti Mill 1m) a kihvI mihI nic ptoMititiii.
I hImi nottro in your In l i'i iI-mI ui
havo an atttoiiiooiltt hue uliuoftt yr.Mltii
lmtwevn IwikI an! nlimuko. Itot-i-urtxl
t me, that with the water jw.wer you
have m-Mr IIihI if uU1Im1 for ninniiiut
ttirntif oltH-trieity, an olwtrie rai) rood
frtni) IIiukI to Mfutiiiko would bv n pay
inv; tiroioltioii.
With the MiiHHiiit if iMtHMAiiiitor ami
(reiitht tratlU' there U 11 ml svill he U
Inwn Hond und Shaniko, there vhould
Ik- no trouhlo hi lloathiK hondii xullU-li-nt
to huild and iiin nu eliH-trii- r.ul rod
letwet'ii thtiHt piM't-n. For hrt tlin
trtiit'tM travel by tMlh-y road U j.iifi-iithh-to
MteMiu railnMMl, exiHx-ially in your
clitiiHto wliuro tiH-ti i-Krui'itnln'iiMil motit
of tin yenr.
I'niin iKTMnml olwrvHti.ui I know
you have itulllrient witter power iu the
UwehutoM river litwi' your eity to fur
iiImIi water for Hie prottvtinn and dome
tie iimt. Alw) to iimnufai-tiire elvtric-ity
KUlliviuiit to llidit 0111- eity with unrtii
ilnmuil aiHUrclliihtu, and uuiitiieUvtru
ntilroad from IU-ihI to Slmuiko. AUi
itiiother eluetrio raUroitd from Ww by
wuv of Slutern over the CtoH-ttdi-H to the
Willamette, Vwllev. Kleetrlr motive
lower Ik now lit'lnn truiitiiiilttitl LH)
iiiiluB iu your ueUihlHirilig Htute, t'ulifor
niit, Nun. Smith.
M. J. nnd I?. W. Roberts and
Klmer J. Merrill made a trip up the
Deschutes to the Klamulh county
border this week, to hunt and look
over the country and examine
timber. They returned last night,
bringing 11 number of ducks and
two huge swans. One of these,
birds measured 5 feet from beak to
tnil and the stretch of wings was
10 feet. Its weight was 30 pounds,
Itsbenk alone was 6 inches long.
It was in fine condition nnd wore
enough snowy down to stuffa pil
low. These hunters report game
as more plentiful on the river since
the flurry rif snow cnnle. A little
remains oil the ground up at The
2-pound can of npple or plum
butter 15c nt 13cud Mercautile Co.
Dry Goods
Jteforc purchasing elsewhere get our prices on
TERIALS. Wc enrry a complete line of Ranges,
Cooklpg nnd HeaUiiR Stoves, Windows and'
Doors, Glass, Paints and Oils.
Ruberoid Roofing, Build
ing Paper, Tarred Felt.
Wf offer Ovcrcoqts, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes,
German Socks and Rubber Footwear, Overalls,
Jumpers, etc.
is full of new, bright, fresh goods, both staple nnd
fancy, and prices as low as elsewhere, quality
We arc agents for the John Pccrc Hue of Wagons,
and Agricultural Implements.
lEe Bend Mercantile Co.,
Bend, Oregon. . ,, .
t '"
At Bend. I IIIRPD At ".
j 0"r LfUlTlDlultx Oregon,
npHE mill of the
Pilot Butte De
velopme nt Com
pany is prepared
to supply all kinds
of surfaced and
Lumber ami Sbingles
at Reasonable Prices
Pilot Butte Development
Company .
jmmLj ic
" ' .im.