The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 09, 1904, Image 6

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r. i
By Oi
rder of 'the Czar
A Story of Russian Power
It I a patch of sunlight a tiny
patch, mi larger than tb mlin of my
hand. 1 dreamily follow the bar of glis
tening mote upward, until my eje are
arrested by the crated window of a prta
on. In an Instant I have sprung front my
low pallet, where God Is pitiful! I
have leen sleeping away th lout few
hour of my mortal existence. I at.ind
here on my prion floor. In full toese
skw of nil my faculties, feeling the
warm, swift blood coursing In my xeina.
I full to pacing the narrow limits of
my oll with rapid stride. A burning
Impatience of inaction I consuming me
t pressing desire to lie doing sonte
thine to bridge over the minute w liioh
must elapse liefore the moment arrives
vihen 1 shall stride to the scaffold, with
dauntte min. to meet my doom. My
acute sen of hearing delect the clink
of the trap In my door. A pair of eyes
nre looking nt mo out of a brown, beurd
ol face, I smile and nod affably.
"Good morning, Vladimir Alejandro
vlteh. I am clad to see you In good
plrits," say my otUchtl.
"Ami I thank jou for yottr good
wish, my friend." I reply. "Hut my
breakfast? 1 toll jou. I have a aerce
hunger upon me. Iterueniber It will ho
the last time I shall have the pleasure
of gratifying my keen appetite, until I
take my flrt meal of nectar and amhro
ala, ami they might chance to keep me
lens waiting for It on the other aide."
My otrlcial laugh. "Keep your mind
easy, jour breakfast comet; and look
you," lowering hi voire. "Jut because
I love a brare spirit, little brother. I
trill ileprire myself of some caviar I
have In reserve for my own relish."
Thank, my Christian friend!" I rry.
reaching my html toward him through
the trap. "May you never die hungry.
One minute. Tell me. If you know if
yeu bare cen him the lad keep he a
good heart?"
My tolco shake In my eagern.
whilst I rifle my pockets for my Inst
five-rouble note. 'Take It. It U all J
hare, or I would give you more. I low
bear tip himself? He Ii but nineteen!"
"I iw him even now." renli the
, man, as he seUe the note. "He doe
badly. lie eati not. am) his strength ban
left him. He lies on hi bed and move
At these words the. sweat starts to my
brow, ami the water to my eyes.
"Friend, good friend," I whisper
hoarsely, "see him again! Toll him that
Vladimir Alexandrovitch bids him be
brate! Tell him to eat he must eat
ere be go forth!"
"I.kten. I will take your returnee,
just because you aro a brare one, and I
like you." ,
"I embrace thee, my brother!" I mur
mur fervently; and h hurris away.
I nm alone again, and continue mr
walk: but now- my mind Is troubled with
a vision of the fair-faced boy stretched
jfn bis pallet, and anon I seem to see bis
writhing body on the callows. I shud
der ami smother a groan that rise to
my Hps, ami turn to seek comfort in the
rotitctkm that It will soon be over for
him. "He U sure to falut. God grant
Approaching steps In the corridor. My
doer Is unlocked, thrown open, and here
Is my breakfast and the caviar. When
the official enters I wear a sinlllnc face
again, ror I nave a character to sus
tain. No man should bar it to say that
he saw a cloud on the brow of Vladimir
Alejiandmvltcb Lubauoff on the morning
of bis execution. The official Is wateh
Ing me curiously.
"How long now before the play be
gins, my friend?" I ask between the
It gratifies, me to note how be fluliM
red, and stares at me a apace, as If taken
aback. Wore he stammers, 'Twenty
minutes, Excellency."
I laugh. The notion of an omVlal
thrusting a title on a prisoner amuses
' me. After another prolonged stare he
leaven me.
Twenty minutes! Half an hour hence
I shall be a lump of cold, senseless c!ay.
And that mysterious actuating essence
we eall soul, what of It? What will be
come of It, forced from the tenement
M'herein It has, for twenty-seven years,
ruled supreme? Will It, too, be oxtln
guhhed like a torch that Is stamped out
under the foot of man? Away rain Hpto
ulatlon. Let me rather, In these my
last moments, aum up the good that has
been mine. I have tasted as much hap
piness an this world can offer, and I
leave it ere It begins to pnll. I have
known the rare Mousing of true friend
ship. ".My spirit file out to meet thee, O
my friend, and clasp theo In a farewell
embracel" I hove I still rejoice In the
beauty and perfect excellence of wom
an's pure mid entire love!
"Ah, my Manischa, thou' art my only
regret. Could I but tnko thee with me,
lay dovoj My better soul! for I know
that without me thy life henceforth will
bo but a Joyless groping through a val
ley where there Is no sin."
I nm surprised by a tear on my cheek,
and dash It hastily away. Itoom! It Is
the quarter bell sounding from the fort
ress clock. I closo my eyes, and grad
ually a eellng of peace descends on me.
Now I can pray. My bauds meet and
"Spirit of perfect Good, forgive me my
sins. Fortify we and my comrudes In
our last agony. Let the evil we hare
done perish with our bodies, and the good
return to dwell eternally with Thee!"
I hear the tramp of soldiery approach
lag. at4 raise my head.
".ManivcliH, thou shalt not bltiidi for
me'" I whisper, and 1 fM that It Ih a
radiant face I how them as they eHler.
I advance to meet my eeviitltiner, place
my arms in imwIHoii and silently mil. ink
to lie pinioned. Not n word In spoken,
and In a minute we are ready, and pass
lug In file along the corridor to loin the
others In the hall of the prlon.
1 cast a swift glance from face to face
of my fellow marOrs, which Ii answer
ed by n flh of recognition and greeting
from all save one, and that is poor Vwdl.
He Is n sorry spectacle; his blue ixyes mil
vaguely, without speculation: his ashen
llptt hang apart. A gendarme is sup
porting him.
We are -ide by side. "Vnsll!" I whis
per. He starts as If from some awful
dream. Our eye meet. He gle a
great rasp, seta his llw tightly, ami piilN
hittMelf toother, and I am suddenly
wheeled round and placed in the front.
rhen our last walk begins through
the court, out of the gates Into the great
open .pace, where straight In front ries
the long platform, and on It the gallows!
Sudden as a rlaah. a shock of horror
selaes me. Only now. with my terrible
down liefore u.y seeing ejes. do I fully
roallto It. To W hanged by the neck!
Merciful God. stand by me! Itut as
sudden my soul cries to my shrinking
lMdy. "What! Art going to fall mm T'
and 1 check the shudder that Is alre.uly
hohllng me. draw up my Udy to Its full
height and march steadily forward.
The slejw to the platform creak be
neath my heavy tread. I stand high
above the headi of the people, and over
loog them. Their thousand upturned
faces are like the white wavei of a
troubled ocean. Which is Marwhn's?
M eager glances skim the multitude in
search of it.
It Is there! Quite near me. I could
slnioit kiss It by bending far forward. It
la white. Ah! how while! but firm. The
eyos are full of (eiHlenie; they are
melting with love unspeakable, but they
are strong! Our hearts meet ami min
gle for one brief moment, then I tear
mine away. I have a word to say Wore
I die. I step forward to the edge of the
platform ami cry :
"Ilrothers. I repent not! I dlo Joy
fully for the cause of liberty."
The multitude stir ami murmur like
n forest of trees swayed by the wind.
The drums roll out In deafening al.
Already the executioner's hands are u -mi
me. I cast one last look around on Ms
ruseha, ami up at the sky.
Something Is pulled over my eyes. I
am hastily placed In position beneath the
gallows. A momentary paus. I fetd
with one excruciating thrill of horror
the touch of the looe rope on my ueek.
A stupendous shock as If a crashing blow
a noise as of many rushing waters In
my ears a feeling as if my head was
bursting asunder before my eys n mill
ion whirling planets, whilst I plunge
madly for a footing. Yet 1 do not die!
I srm to suffer an eternity of agony
Wcrw It givas place to stupefaction, and
I pass away.
' However, tt Is my otio chanoj, I must
try It. Ah wo nro In summer when the
nights urc short, It must hu (tie dead
hour. 1 hnvo no tlmo to lone. I scrum
bio. out of th cotlln. 1 drop my stiffen
ed leg to tlio Moor.
I ivol Ilka a drunken mini I miiko
the half circuit of (ho table, reach the
window, mill seek with my slinking lin
gers, for button or Iih, nud there It a
rush of cool night air on my brow, It
r'vlut mo somewhat, and now for It!
I set my teeth, and raise mself with
my hands by the trace, thrusting out my
head and part of my shoulders. Then I
pause) lu gather up my force. Some
thing taps in.! croHU, making my In-art
leap to my mouth. It Is only the )
Ing bough of n tree! Another Uoieiit
effort and my shoulders stick fast!
And now commences h fearful strug
gle. It is almost as bad as hanging
the sensations are certainly similar
Tour Kinds of Hliut U-a Hluiid
In I lie I'miiiI Itimk lor rle,
At tlio Illt'llli ill of glillll llslicrt iiihiiv
joung Tulk Will Ht once think of tlio
Hhnika, uniting will Ii. In. Iced, mo
liiliiitl tlio In i goat ovlsllng tislies. (if
tlio iiitiiiiu-iiua kllida of alintka n t
worthy on Nivouiit of their alro tin
nio four III llm front IH ilk; llicso om
tlio sl(cMr slunk, (In iiinii chIci
Hliark, the ImsUlng sliwrk iiml Hie
VtllHll MllHI'k.
Tlio NliM'tier sliHlk, whnne oclcntlnY
ImlltO (iltllllltMOM llllcl'iM KllllllllS,
iiiiMinltiK sleepy siimll liomlml UhIh
llta It mi mliiili-nlily, iiiiciiin to lime
ilovoloped Ita iMiily tit llio 'ii'iis in
Hu bruin, for It la n sluggish, sti-pui
glutton, Hbout six tlnira nh long us Hie
eei.ails starting, skull bursting, ami legs Hvorng' mat). Its liolne la In tlio Arc
Plunging almle-sl,. until a frantic kick i c MI,0I1II ,,, ,t Mimi.)lm.N lllMl
backward brings my M.t tiitMpectitlly ... ., f .. ih.Mi.i.,i..,ii-
In c.ntact with the edge of the lible. ami .""u HN fH.r ,7""', "H, M-itiH.
I Kwt ,, imr,.!,,,,, Oregon hiuI tlio llrltlsli IhIom. It la
1 strain eer slimw. There Is a crack- I """'y "',l l lIC Ollletly Ht tlio sur
Ing and crunching which I litis glue to be ' ftco. npuireiitly doting, hiuI la ohs
JwF . "t -.5x
Wii Ait .. -t-'5wr'i .
Another club woman, Mrs.
IIiimIc, of I'dKcrlun, Wis., tolls
how she was cured of Irregulari
ties and uterine trouble, terrible
mv shoulder blade, and I am precipitated i Hinat-ioil ly Xositela; but mmietlineti, !,, Mlt,i ,,..,., I,,, ii, ,.,. earning the window frame. ; x hen liutigiy. It niu,a Itaeir ami g.Mm lM,,,,S n,,U IMlCKIICIlt, ll UtL USC
fly Mttack tu i.yuiu i;. i uiuiiuiii a vinculum
won a craan to the ground, whew I lie. ( H)mro, ,)f .tTify fiercely Mttack
''tr-" ,::.""n": .t '" "! iJ.n..K
ellug with the trees and bushes that en- "''""'loiw of the great dliTmuicu Ii.
close me. No! what Is that? It Is the , ,ll,,r rowetlvo si sea.
faint music of trickling water! My ery ' (,M" ' "'e largeat. ami porhHi tli
soul longs for It! Mr swollen and parch
ed tongue makes a futile effort to lick my i
At length, putting out my stinking
hand, I reel the ground moist. Aimllier '
UHitenietit, ami )tt snollicr. and I come!
lu contact with a cool Inm tank! Still I
e desperate effort, ami I have dragged
Hunt formldalilo. of sharks la (be
"iimncator." or great blim shark
(CHrclmrtNloii i-nri'liarlas). It nmma
through nil tomiernlo itiut tropU-ul
sohs, mill Is cry where tlrfodtil. I (a
iimxltiitini length Is forty feet and Its
teeth nre three luclien long. While
in) self up by Its edge. My lingers are In i ":ero aro few nutheutlc rit-ortla of
sharks iiltucMng hliiunn beluga, there
( hnvo titidoubtislly lnin many cnshs of
ahnrka simply swallowing peiplo who
Imvo fallou ovorlMHint, Just na lh)
would aw allow- nny other food. How
onsy It would be for a man eater to
devour n person may In) Jinlgod from
tlio II ml Ing of n wlmle luimlrwl
ixiliiul aw lion lu the ntiimach of a
thirty-foot shark on the California
etmst. A certain iimn-eater. tlilrtyslx
nmt n half feet long, had Jawa twenty
Inches wide liisldo ami tenth two nud
n half Inchea long. j
j The basking shark, known also ns
tho elephant shark nml Imiiic shark
(Cctnrlilnus maxlititis) Is mi Inhabit
nut of the H)lar aia, hut la occasion
ally obsorted as far aotilli ns Virginia
nml CHllfornln. nml some years ago
was not raro on tho Kngllah ami Now
Kiiglatiil coasts. It reaches. n maxl
iniiin Iciight of llfty feet, nml la .
ceisleil In alto by only threo or foil
inltiinla now nllve. I'nivhleil with
email teeth, It feed on Italics ami
floating crustacofitis. nml la not of tt
ferocious deposition, it s ilatigeroiiH
only bivnuso of Ita grenl bulk, mid
when attackiil Ita Miwerful tall onslly
ilemollslifs sinnll boat. The basking
shark was formerly hmitnl on tho
iaata of Norway nml Ireland for Ita
oil. It waa nlo sought on tho sloirts
water, my lips touch It
I take ah, what a draught; ami sink
to the ground again, whilst (ears I u
not check rnh to my v)v a erfeet
torrent of unspeakable relief. I scram
ble to my feet. That drink has won
derfully revived me. Ami a moment I
pau to lave my temples In the water
Wore starting on my kaaardnu Venture.
To get out from amongst the trees and
ascertain my whereabouts must be my
first step; so I commence In frl my way
along the wall until I turn the corner
of my recent prison, ami at length
emerge under the oeii sky, mi what ap
pears to the a gravel drive. I can dimly
ditcern tha outlines of things near me,
ami within a few feet of me the stepp
ing box of a watchman, which Impel
me to beat a hasty retreat In amongst
the lreM again. Now 1 begin moving
In a slanting direction, with a view to
arriving at the garden wall; and 1 even
tually come against It; but, alas! my
hopos of escape are on the wane again
It Is too high to scale! HsrHwl, but
still determined, 1 set my teeth, awl
follow the wall. 1'reseatly I enme out
oti a path, ami Wore me I n long, .ow
shed, open to the front. "It Is a gar
dener's toolsbed." I surmise, and swift
a light follows tbe thought: "Here I
shall surely Mm I something to aid me!"
I grope my way In, and Just then,
as if sent by a merciful I'rovldencs. the
mtori breaks through a clomlrift, .ind
shows me a gardener's light ladder, in
I "Dkah Mini. I'lNKIUHt A whllo
rtgo my henllh liegao to full Itecause of
female trouble. The doctor did not
helii inn. I rciticntltered that my toother
had used l,)lllll I'.. IMllullllin'ri
YoKotnlilo 'iiiimiiiii1 on many oo
caalona fur Irretfiilnrltlea and iiterlun
Iniiiblca, and I felt aum that It wmld
not harm ma nt nny rate to j;' It a
" I was certainly lnd to flml that
within A week I fell much better, tha
terrible, pilus in the lau-k and aid
worn Iteglimlng to cease, mid nt llm
tlmo of menstruation I did mil Imvo
nearly as serious n time mm heretofore,
r I eoiitlnuml Ita u for two imuiths,
nud at the end of thnl time I was lllio
n new woniuii. I really have never
felt better III my life, have not had n
iilck hemlacliM since, ami weigh 10
iMiuuda mora than I ever did, mi I un
hesitatingly recommend your iiicdl
rlna." Mna, Ur II All. k. lilgerloii,
Wis., l'reo. Hotiseholil IVoitottilcal'lub,
StQOO IttftH 1 ntiii Klsr ?
a moment It Is dark again. Itut 1 have 0f Mnasachusotta In tin- oarly part of
I'ahitiy. fearfully my spirit Is flutter
ing in and oat of the uYterled bouse
frm when it has Un drive, hncht
tain to go or stay, giving me tbe faintest
hint of my Identity, to leave me again
In darkness, jet returning each time
w-itl greater confidence, until It flu illy
stay to feebly spread Itself from heart
to brain, ami I re a Hie that I am I.
I try to move, though It costs me an
effort. My Udy feel as If swollen to
an enormous site. I am oppressed for
space. I strive to make cllmw room.
What la this? I stretch out my sthTeu
ed arms, ami come In contact wlOi my
collln! From nil my pore tho cold
sweat Is bursting. My brain Is on tire
as recollection rushes upon me the fal
lows, ray death agony, and tha appalling
conilctlon that I have been cut down
too soon and bnrid alive!
In my wild anguish I fight out madly
with I Kith hands; but. strange, I fight the
air! 'Ill ere Is no lid, then, to my eomn!
I writhe myself Into a sitting posiure,
and there dawns for me a glimmer of
hope. Cautiously I begin to few! shout
me, growing every moment mora mysti
fied, for my hand come In contact with
n wooden surface, on which the eolHu
evidently stands. Though I am lu my
collln, I certainly nm not lu my grave!
A ray of light shoots suddenly from
behind me aero the gloom, revealing
one able of the rough deal shell hi which
I sit, a -trip of the table on which It
resta, nml facing me a door. I follow
with my tortured eyeball tho beam, and
sue that It Is the moon shining through
h small window. There I n diVir nnd n
window, then, lu my mysterious abiding
place! The hope leap instantly Into vig
orous being, nnd with It the determina
tion to escape, I feel strongly about
the second life of mine, that it Is a ill
vino gift direct from the hand of God.
To have to jlold It up now would be to
dto ten thousand deaths. My other life
I risked on a forlorn hope, and lost.
Thtre was Justice In It. I know tho
penalty, nnd had counted tho cost. I
suffered death In Its most degrading,
most awful form, nnd hnvo therefore
paid In full. I hnvo satisfied the low,
thcreforo this life I hold la nil my own,
and to the last drop of blood I will
protect and defend It.
I am In some outhouse adjoining either
a dissecting room or the residence of
sonio doctor who has purchased my body
for dlsdcctlon. There ore two mean
of exit, a door and a window, Tbe for
mer will be certainly locked. The win
dow I turn toward It Is a casement.
the ladder, and the darkness I Just what
I want.
It hi tha work of a few moment to
place the ladder In position, to mount
It, and drop to the other side. I lean
for support against the wall, nneonx inu
of errylhlag sate the overw helming
shock of (Mill In my bead. It U ny
head my bead! If only It fall me not,
I bare confidence In my legs, uncertain
tho Inst century. Hd many of those
sharks from twenty-tiro to thirty-eight
feet long were recorded. The liver of j
n large specimen sometime yielded
twolro bnrrela of oil.
Tho largest of all ftshei. the largest
of nil cold-blooded animals, nud tho
largest of nil extsllng whales, Is tho
whnlo shark ilthlneodon typlcus). orlN-
I A t,norr .Mnrrlntrn (.Vrciiiiinr.
i Among (lie Kherrlas of India tho
marriage ceremony I very funny.
Taking a small portion of the hair of
the bride ami groom In turn from tho
center of the forehead, the priest
draws It down on to the bridge of tho
noM TIioh. Hiir1ng oil on the head,
he watches It carefully aa It trickle
down the portion of hair. If the oil
runs straight oh to the tip of their
iHwe (heir future will be fortunate,
but If It spread over the forehead or
trickles off on either aide of the iwu,
bad luck Is sure to follow. Their for
tunes toM. generally to their own sat
isfaction, the eiHHHitlal ami Irrevocable
tout of the ceremony take place.
Klamllng up shlo by side, hut with
faces strictly averted, the brtdo ami
groom mark each other's fornhead
with with "almlitr" (vunullllou).
Wftiileit n I'lnaaaiil Kipresslon.
Mr. (Srumps (IomI owning. 1 you
tfcka lecture by the lualautuuewua v
tees ?
Photographer Ye, sir.
Mr. (Irumps Wll, this Is Mrs.
Gruiups, my wlf, yvu kutiw. I want
her picture taken.
I'hoiographer Certainly. Ilul arn you
Lttt taLft ll.u 1.. a.H a.. a 1. !!... f
mean to J. ' .Innlly discovered nt the Capo of Good y.rllcuUr about having It Instantaneous?
When I am able to open my eye I ope, hut now known In Japan, I Mr. Crump Of course. When yu
at once recognize the locality, for I am a ll-dln. South Amerlcn, I'ntininn, Call- set things ready, tell hrr to look pleas
familiar with St. Petersburg as a school fornln nnd elsewhere, n apiflmcn hnv- ""' ' ,,'M "" "" the machine be
bo with the Interior of his Ir r' tnir racontlr Iwen nlitnlnn.1 In I'lorl.ln ' ,u'" the eipresslon fade awBy. luu v.
' --- -..- ---., -- ..... ...... ... . --...... ..,, ,..
Alas, for toy broad shouldera; It U imiUl Knjfland,
IKHket. I am In the very heart of the
city. This Is the Nevskl Prospect, and
I stand outside the extensive ground of
I'mf. Hchleeman, one of the first ur
g rons we have, and second to few lu the
"And so you hnro purchased the body
of your old pupil tur dlwtlon, little
father!" I smll grimly. "And I am n
thief, for I am stealing It from you."
The light of a street lamp shines full
on me. I retire quickly out of It radia
tion, nml pause to consider my next
My object has been, since quitting the
shady retreat of my collln, to make for
the quarters of nif friend Ivnu Ivano
vitch Kolinsky, there to Hit lu hiding
until I should have sultlcleutly regained
my foreea to fly the country! now, how
ever, I must change my plan. Ivan
Indites fully three vend from here; to
reach him I should have to trarerse
many streets and run many risks, even
if my strength held out. I nut a hand
to my raging temples, mul pass In review
tho different members of our section. In
tho urgency of the cn I may not In
dulge preference; the nearest must bo my
designation. It I none other than Ma
niHchn! Yes, to gain her lodging U my
onl) chance, for I ran gain it lu twenty
minutes If I am fortunate. My hive lives
nt thl end of tho "Itnxar" over n fur
rier' shop.
(1o be continued.!
Largest Foot In (Jormnny,
Thoro U a Now York hurbcr who
wears u niinjlmr 11! shoo. Ho wiih n
Horgonnt In tlio Gorman nnuy, noted
for his nubility. Ho Iiiih u brother In
tho old country wIioho foot In so hljr
that no rcudy-iuuilo shoo onii ho found
to fit him. When ho nccda a now pair
of allocs ho Iiujh n n!do of leuther urn
Hondn for a ahoemnkor, who faahloim
his footgear at homo, Hln foot hi tho
largest In all Germany, ubout No, 17 In
Alfred Capua, n Parisian play
wrlght, says few If any real dramas
aro written la the United State or
tnir rocontly
This ahnrk la sold to nttaln n length
of seventy feet, and la known to ca-
coed fifty feet. Ht. Nicholas.
"flnry," until tho hnahful youtli nt
tho corn husking, "If I tluil n red cur
I'm n-goliiK to Htoal n UIhh."
"Hezoklah," responded tho rnndld
Kanth) "If you atcul n klsa you'll hnvo
two rod en ra." Chicago Tribune.
A Poor Provider,
"1 npprecluto your fooling for mo,"
assured tlio nnaomlc poetcsH with deep
emotion to tlio young nmn bidding her
ifood-nlfht at her iloor, "hut I can nev
or rot urn your sentlmonta, I um nmr-
rled to 'Immortal Verao.' "
"Ho doean't aotim to bo making
much of a ltvInK for you," roturnod her
admirer, who clerked In the corner gro
cery and know; "you'd hotter jcot a
divorce from him ami como on with
mo, Ioabolla." Now Orleans- Ilea
ynnc. Iter Voontlon.
II You ay tliat nho Is a bUBlnens
women, Uiw friend of yours. Whut
buainesa Is who Interested In?
"iarerybody's." Detroit Freo Preso.
gutter ba qillcker'll llglitnlng.
Miislo. Heavenly Staid.
Hostess Won't you play suiiislhlaf
for IK, MIm Keynote?
Glfleil Amat-.r Certainly, If It I
your desire. W'tat would you prefer?
HiMtiHM Oh, iiiythli)g, only so it Isn't
loud enough to interfere with the couvsr
sat leu.
Wooed no .Mnrrlmt nml A.
Mrs, Gadd Oh, have yon heard the
liewa? Mis 1 Ledger ami her father's
Itookkceper wero secretly murrliHl six
iiKinth ago.
Mrs. Oabb Dearla tuel How did It
luak out?
Mr. Gadd Homo one overheard them
How II Happened,
Washington, Hr. What, you younij
rascal, do you tiiunu to aland up there
and aay that you cut Hint cherry tr-el
Washington, Jr. Yea, dad. I didn't
mean to toll the truth, but you didu'l
giro mo tlmo to ha toll out a sultahlt
Sir Michael lllcksll.sicli, who hit
been n member of the llrtllsh Horns of
Commons mure than forty yrnrs, will
leave public life and may be offered a
Around the World
J! I hjv used your I'lrii
llrsnd hllcktrs fur years
In ths Hawaiian Island
and found them ths only
article that tultsd. I am
inow n n,, country
Alflca) and think agrsat
al cf our cuati."
(aiui o amwAtiOH)
The world-wU rsputa
tlon of Towsr's Walir-
''" wiuining
7.""t.u uyr ol ;
the poilllva worth ol I
II (armcnU bsarlna- J. .on
this Blgn f the pith, ''XliW
Boston, U. 8. A.
Toronto, Canada
ineworia-wldsrsniita. -tHTFtm
tlon ol Towar'a Walr 'VJvILhS
nrnnlflll..! ri..n.i .
--i fsliai fSWft
-, x3. ,S