The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 09, 1904, Image 3

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Newsy Items Gathered froiuAII
Parts of the World.
(Icucral Itcvlcw of Important Happen-
)Ciil(.i Presented In it llrlcf unU
Condensed norm.
Tall iiiIimIoii to Pniianm will lien
TIlM jNHlllt'i UXpMlt I lit! llll Uf 1'Ott
Arlliui Pcceiubui 12.
(JiH'Wi Alexandra, of Kuglaiid, has
Just mUdiintud her Willi birthday.
l(iiHirltt Iihvh reached Ihu statu iIiv
pailineiit of h very uiwelllud statu of
affair In Vitner.iiula.
1 lilt Northern Pacific Hlllt (!llHl
Kn tlixrii rullriMtU HfH t'OlnMollllL' II
)iIhh to electrify llm mad thiutigh the
C'uwbiIh iiiiiiiiiIuIii district.
The last uiiinlhly iHirt (lit chief
of Mirnuii of the Philippine slums
that iIih In hII'i nf the tnmMi In the Is
Ininlii U oxt tiptloiiMlly Rood.
Jam It. Young, of Philadelphia,
llIN IwMlll HplMllllllul HlpelllllMlldelll of
tlitf den I Utlur department of lint mhi
IhI tHivlri, to llll tlm vacancy caused
hf tllUlltll of l. I'. MlhllMlt.
Tim iiiiiiuhI lepolt of llm general
superintendent of tint life saving wrvler.
aliow that during U year assistance
wild lendered to I,IMII vwtt.l. Involv
ing lh II of mom thiili 8, 100 Uiili
ami provmty t th, valHu of (7,000,
000. Admiral Piwy ha dHnl to he
roin a menibor f tlm Ntirih a ootn
iiiImIhi. I(wmvH l Hkuly to vllt thu Swith
awl roaku It m kiIhI In mwl Ilia
(lovoimir I'ardeu In working for n
California stale Irtilldlng at tllH I.ewla
dihI Clark full.
White In German IfctMlhwcut Africa
nit wmii1hI to Ihi III gleat iIuhxki ol
being HiinHMriHil.
All exhibitor (ram fnielgn countries
limy riMW M'tnl their ware lo Portland
for the IVHMk fair without t)iiK miy
Duvld M. Parry, priwhlmil of thu
Cllluim' Industilal HMHH'Intloii, says
the "oiHtii i-Ihiii" imiiemcnt In gaining,
hn Ik bIm. hi utgmilwtloii.
The Hint tiitliMitnl rHiVMtilln of thu
W. 0. 1. 0. I In nmUii In Philadel
phia. I'l hiiwlrtel ilolcguUf, rcpiu
scntlng evary statu and territory, aiu
In Mtlmiitiuin.
Tlm New York state court of appial
m itiH'UriNl iiiifoonlllilUoiml tho IbIm.i
law which prohibit a contractor fiotn
employing III until DMiro than eight
hixirii u ily on city, enmity or ntaU
Jmime urn making proKM i the
owwult on Tort Arthur.
Itinwln Iihn nwttttoil llm InvlUtlon of
AiiH'Mi-H to iiPKiillntit for mi nrhltiatlim
ltuwlix nml llrlUlu Utli nunl nn
Ainitrlciniollliitrcl high rnuk on tin
North mwi ooinmliHilmi
Tim Aiimrionii llnliliiK ornfl hnvolM-i-n
rolnil hy Ciinndliiii ollU'um mid lliuil
foi IIhIiIiik In Cuiintlhiii ntiri.
'Iho troublorniiMilhy 1'nriiitimy llr
liiK upon nn ArKitiitlim cruiKii Iihh Uuii
miltlitl liy thu furiii'riiiolonUiriK.
bis-rotnry of War Tuft, In Mm minimi
report, mm tlmt tho Inrlft rntin
churKI tho I'lilllpplnwi Ihi rwluroil.
I'ftul Morton, now ercrutary of tho
navy, may miwwd Koorotnry Hliaw, of
tho trimmiry dfpiirtuiuiit, If llm lattur
iIdoh not rumalii in tho rnlilnnl.
Gduninl KuropatUIn Iihh an autoino
hllo In which to tniTuI from onu part
to another of hi lln. II" wnnla aO
inoiii In !iloh to inrry ommunltlon.
Itunnian innrlniM at Oih-wa ungaKl
In n mutiny ami aoldlina rallml out to
UII the illaturliBiiMi killed '-T and
woiindwl 100 otturri before piwo wan
Thu orar hna derornted AllaxinfT with
tho ordur of Ht. (Iuoiko, third di-Kno.
The American Federation of Ijihor
him io-ulootml Hnmuul Uompeia an prea
Tho ItimnlaiiN nl Mukden have do
fiMitid thu JapnuvHu In htinteKy and n
winter campalKii now booiiib liiipioba
Thu llUHNlau mipremo court flnde the
huUiiiu of thu lltltluh RhlpOheltenhnm,
taken tally In July by tho Vcndlvoatok
wiindron, waH legal.
It la ntnted Uiat If Booretafy Hitch
cook reiilBnii, William Ulehards, com
inlmtloiiur of thu Konoral land olliro,
will ho offered tho position of Bocretaiy
of thu Interior.
l'lro In tho Queena county court
Iioiiho, New York, cauwid dnmnKu ohII
mated nl 100,000, and for n tlmo
threatonod tho jail In which moio tliau
100 perBonu woro confluod.'
tlnllcil .Slulc.n (lovcrnintnl llu.n Nut
tli'cn orfklully liifoi iiud.
WanhliiKton, Nov. .'(). (iralllhil hy
(ho nplrll which Iihh aulmati'd thu ion
tinutliiK purtiiH In ntcitliiK to lntrutit
to it i'oiiiiiiIbhIoii llm ari'itrtalnmuut of
thu itinBtloiiH of laat comiiccIhI with
tho North rtm iiiuideut, the United
KIiiIih K"Vernini)iit will lordially uo
ojicnilo in the iminiMK of tho commln
nloii hy Hut iHlniitli)ii of olio of llH
lilli naval oIIIiuih iin a iikhmImt of that
body. Thu oiiteoniB In especially plmiH
liiK lo tli." ailminlHtratinii, follow Inn
ii h It duo m oloely on I'rvMldiiiit
Hoofitvelt'H Invitation to tuo povMim oi
thu world for a mvoiiiI Hbkuu loufur
eni'e. Thu Mipulni InipreMloii Iihn heuii all
ahiliK that Admiral Oeorno Diwey, tho
rniikluK olllctti In thu Amnrleaii navy,
would lnt lukwl to bo the Alneileaii ruji
iwmiliUIVH on thu I'ommiwilon, al
Hiiiiiuli oilni iiHiniHi linn iiIko Iwuii
mitutloni'd In cooiiiolloii with the ap
IKiliiliiiHiit. A d-illuii v.111 Ihi hhiuIiwI
piomptly aftitr tlm forniHl Invitation
Iium Iimii nsitlvul from tho KiimiIiui
ami llrltldi KovitrninooU hn to who
nhall l ili'tilKOiitiHl,
TIiIh fortnul liivlliitl.n Iihn not yot
hfon iiiiiivtd, tli two (uvtirniiiHiitN in
tint lii'XotlatioiiN which Iihvh liwll in
protfruM hiitween them autliiK onlltil)'
on thu pii'Hiimpllon that tho United
HUti would cheerfully kIvh Kn iiwiliit
a run and detail a naval ollleer
japanusi: OVCtt THU HtlN.
Itlvcr.t Will .Soon llcur the Wcluhl
of Transport U'uuom.
Toklo, Nov. UO. Nhwn imoIvwI from
thu Iihj-Iimi uf tho hlmkliM liilliat"N that
thu .lapaiHiH) IimVh Ihiou arroM th Hun
river. Further repot In are to tho
effect that tho ItuwUn oiitpontN on the
ilKht hniik of the Hhnkhe went within
9(H) yard of th Jmmii picket Hue.
l'riHiteiit iixeliniiK" of kuii firu (H-currwl
nml minor attack are ipiitu everyda)
Mffalra. I'ho rhera will imkiii m flown
iiltlcleutly to boar tho wiiIkIiI of the
heavy lrnHrt wboiin. Thu follow
liiK reMirt baa beii recolveil from Field
Maridial Oyatoa:
"Fiom tho niKht of tho Mill to the
motiilnic nf tlm SOth bodh of the
euumy'B infauiry attacked iin in tho vl
utility of HIkiiIiiUii, l'K"lk' and Shaotu
kail. All the attack were repuleed.
Ill thu nfteruiMju of tho Kith the
onuiny'N artillery of Tnalm hotly
ramioiiHtled u, but wo wiffnre.1 no In
Jury. "The irienter part of thu village of
ChanisUalmtin hn lrrn bnrmil by thu
CoiimiI Wluann Churacd with Glvlna
Improper Illll.i or Health.
I.lmn, IVril. Nov. HO. It In reiorted
horn that K I Martinet, thu Chilean
milliliter to thu Culled Htato. will re-
(pieiit the HlatH department nt Wiieh-
liiKtoit to caiiciiI thu autliorixaiiuii o:
Cbarhxi 8. WinaiiN, Ameiiean coiimiI al
Iiiil(iiit, to tako char;w ail Inturim ol
thu Peruvian connulat that place. Thu
Mxiiimtt. It In mIiI. will lie foil ml wl on a
rharKu that Mr Wlnami. ha k I veil lm-
proer billN ot bualtli to uteamer leav
lua liiitiie.
U'hl In tho pievaluncu of ImiIkiiiIc
plaKiiu ha not been olllelally declanol
in Chllu, it l aalil tlmt thorn are cbm-
that thu Clfiloan Koveinment dally con
real In order that Hteamerti may not
mult tiuii'hlmr at tiorta at which there
nru no mtultary nnutatloiiH. This nl-
Iccil anion la coimlilureii a greai prn
i In. I'uritvlitn ootiiit. l'anamn and tho
entlru country hotdurliiK on the Houth
I'aelflo ocean.
Sultan Grcutlv Alarmed.
Hulonlca, Kuroponn Turkey, Nov. 30.
The Unitarian revolutionary movo
muut Iibn recently amiuuiod auch alarm
Iiik proportlnua tlmt thu miltan i lend
liiK Narxlr I'iihIui to Halouica bh npecial
envoy with limtruotloiiN to taku nil
meamiroH necerHiry to mippren thu Hul
Harlan movement by thu ipilckeNt poH
Nlblu muthoilB. Ten battalioiiB fiom
Albania nru expected here buoii and the
Itedlf will bo probably nioblliiud In
order to affonl effective military pro
tection in every vIIIbku ol Macedonia.
rrcncli Cinbossy Uulldlna UclaycU.
l'aria, Nov. :I0. Work on thu now
French eiuoaeay bulldiiiK at WashliiK
ton will probably again bo delayed.
Foruliiii Milliliter Polcawo tiHked for an
Initial appropriation. MinlHterof Fi
nanio Houvler objected on tho kiouiuI
or i.cnnomv. hut finally conceded 'J0,-
000. Tho commltteu of the budget on
foreign affiilrB, howevor, eventually
Btruck this out, Baying the amount
would not permit of much progress,
and that It waa better to wait until the
lliiances permitted ol n more ample ap
propriation. N
Russia Will Copy America.
St. returflbuig, Nov. 30. A project
for applying tho American schemu ol
frco land for Bottlers In Siberia in order
to attract colonization from tho con
gested districts In European HiiBsIa Is
attracting much favorable comment.
Tho plan as proposed follows closoly
tho American homestead system.
House Committee Looks After
liivers tiiul llurhors.
tlu.vnctl ii .n One of Ihc Import
ant linprovcmciils Will lie
Talien Cure of I'
Wellington, Nov. 30. Thu Iioiisii
uoiiimlltev on rivers and harbor held a
preliminary meeting today to prepare a
bill which will bo ready for prwonta
tlou to thu boiKto bofoio thu ClirlittmiiH
r.'O). I'ho iiioHN'iri) was dlitciiiMid
only In a gHiiural way, but an agree
muni wan readied that tho muiu lm
poitaut proectH would bu tiuun care of
ltrl by tba oommilUu and the Iihm lm
pottant afturwanl. Iteprefuntatlvu
JoneN, of Washington, will look after
thu ItileietttH of the dlumbia livur, thu
fmpiiiveiiiuiit of which muaiiN so much
to hi" lonstituentN in WHfhlngtou.
MumburN of thu eommltte) who were
tttcii tixlay wuru of the opinion that thu
Columbia prujed propurlycamu within
tho claailllrutloii of Importiiut, and it
will Imi among thou romddori'd first.
Mr. Jouea wa presunl tcilay. In ad
dition to earing for the Columbia liver
wink, Mr. June will control to a large
degree approprinl on for Improvements
in thu xtatu of Wiicliliiirton.
It ha lieeu dulliiitely dulermineil
that a rltor and harlwr bill shall bu
jmih-viI nl thu apptoachiiig sissiou of
congrcm. C'halimau Iluiton decided to
Kut hi I'ommitten together in advance
of tho convening of congies, ho iin to
complete work on thu bill and hnvt it
ready to prcHint to thu liouni Jutt lm
fore thu holiday rece. Uncu thu bill
it called ,up In thu Iioiimj It will take
but a r-hoil time to gel it through thai
body, ami it will go through in practi
cally thu thapu in which thu committee
reports it.
In thu Minnie, howexcr, there is likely
to ho considerable illiHiltnlon of vaiious
fuatuieN of thu measure, ami tberu is
apt, More thu hill rrauhes the senate,
lo Imi considerable i1Ih'iibIoii and
ameiidmeiit by the svnutu commltteu.
Thu renatu will, of eoimo, pass thu
bill about as it comei fiom thu com
mittee on rommeicu, with probably a
few amuiinidetiis, Increasing individual
appropriations. Then it will Ik) a
iiuiMitlou of holding thu cenatu Increases
in thu bill, and this will havu to bu
done by the combin-d effort of the
various members of delegations whore
states aru inteii'stiil,
Ilcrr Most Taken Into Custody by
ht. Louis Police.
Ht. I .mils, Nov. 0. John Mont,
alias llerr Most, amuchlst of New
Yoik, was arrested nt 11 o'clock to
night nftet a fruitless effort to hold a
meeting In St. Louis, and Is now a pris
oner at thu Four Courts, held for Chief
hor ten day St, I.ouIb detectives
tiave watched Mont. He Mas to have
mailn a speech in National ballon Sun
day afternoon. Nnvembur 20, hut tho
police piohibttcd it In view ol tlio ap
proaching visit of 1'iusident ItooHivelt.
He remained In St. Louis until last
Wednesday, when It was nunoonced hu
had gone to Chicago. Instead, It is
declared ho went across tho river to
Haul St. l-ouls, hu lemuimxl at
the homo of a friend until last night,
when bu recrossed thu livur. With
thu presence of Most in tho city, It has
do vol oped that an International con
vention of anarchists was held in St.
Louis foi tun days Just prior to tho ar
rival of I'lesident Itoosuvelt. Chief of
I'ollcu Kiely had a man at the meeting
who madu a complete report to him of
the proceedings. It is declared that
tho chief IiubIiipm) transacted nt the
convention, In addition to numerous
sperche on liberty and freu speech,
was a resolution binding each delegate
to usu his Influence to bring about a
strike of all trades unions In the coun
try next spring.
Ncuotlatlno for Steamer.
Now York, Nov. 30. Negotiations
are reported to have been nearly com
pleted whereby tho steamship J. L.
Luukunhach may eventually become the
pioperty ot thu Itusslau government.
Shu was fonnoily in thu trans-Atlantic
service under the uamu Saale, and was
partially destroyed in the great tiro
which awept thu Hoboken water front
suveial years ago, Thu steamor, which
Is now at South Itrooklyn, was rebuilt
after thu fire and fitted up na n caign
carrier. Rho la valued at $1100,000.
She will bu used na a transport.
Powers Urac America End War.
New York, Nov. 30. Tho Heralds
Washington correspondent says: The
powers are again urging America to
end tho conflict in the Fni KaBt. Dip
lomats attach great significance to
I'rlnco FubIiIuiI'b visits to Secretary
Hay and tho Interest of tho United
States In tho return of Manchuria to
China Is emphasized.
SI. Louis Officials Will llcflln Work
Wednesday at Mldnialit.
Ht. Louis, Nov. a. Promptly at
midnight next Wednesday, a force of
76 men employed hy thu Uonoral
Service company of the Louisiana I'ur-
clinsu exposition, will shunt 200 freight
cars, loaded with empty iiaeklng cum,
Into the wivural exhibit palates, and
thowoikof dismantling tho World's
fair will begin.
Piled at different parts of thu expo
sition grounds aru 1,01)0 carloads of
empty packing cases, while outside the
ground am others, aggregating 100
carloads moru. Tbesu will bo dis
tributed as rapidly as powdblu, and the
packing of oxhiblls will b rushed.
At daylight, Pccwnbor 2, another
Inrut! force of men will liugln to tear up
the walks that concent thu tracks alwut
the exposition ground. Thuy will
nhu) tear up tho hwltrliwi In thu rear of
thu Stadium and lay tracks contacting
the lino with eacli ol Uiu exiiiou oiuiu
a iu.,..i lm Ik im fllml with the Unit
ed Statu govurnment, through the
Treasury department, by thu World's
Fair terminal railway comtwiiy, man
lug it a common enrriur, which will
f....llli.ii.. Id., nf till) exhibit.
as freight cars can bo dispatched d rect
from the exposition grounds to ineir
With thu exception of Germany, In
which ciibo special permlMlon was so
cured, not a slnglu exhibit has been
withdrawn nor will be allowed to bo
withdrawn until tho new month has
begun. Only a few of thu German ex
hihls have tit-en taken awny from the
WoiIiI'b fairgrounds, ami they were
shipped diiectly to the Imperial jalace
Ht Potsdam.
P. i:. Phemegor, of Seattle, ha been
appointed general superintendent of the
(iriioral Service oorr ny, ami declares
that all exhibits will be out o' thu ex
liosltlon grounds by March 1.
Eastern Orcaon Irrloallon Project
May be mocked.
Washington, Nov. 20. Just as the
olllclals ol the reclamation service wele
preparing to make contracts for the
construction of thu Malheur irrigation
project In Malheur county, Oregon,
after having completed negotiations
with farmer whose land will bo re
claimed under the proposed canal, an
unexpected otmtacle arise which
threatens to forcu the abandonment ot
tills attractive reclamation scheme, tho
must promising now open to govern
ment adoption In Oicgon.
The grant made to thu Wlllametto
Valley and Cascade Mountain Military
road company travcreta the area pro
posed to bu Irrigated along Malheur
river, and emlKxIlea nbotit one-alxth of
the total Iniagblo area. The govern
merit, after persistent efforts, procured
signed agreement from all farmers
.... I..,. UiwIh iii tho Irrigation arint, by
which they pledge themselves to pay
their proportionate snaie oi uie coei oi
building thla great pioject, namely,
(30 an acie.
ti l.o.l 1 vi.i.ii ihhiiiiiuhI that the Mill-
tniy ltoad ihm)iIu would lm willing to
enter Into a like agreement, iimmucn
ns thu constiuctlon of this Irrigation
project would greatly enhance tho val
ue of tbult lands and make them leadl
ly saleable. At present tho road com
pany' lands aru aeant, unimproved
and practically valuelef. It turns out
that tho assumption of thu department
wa Incorrect. Thu owners of Military
road land, now residing In Paris, do
not look with favor upon tho govtrn
inent'a proposition, and ate unwilling
to contribute anything towards build
ing storage reservoirs and canals.
The olllolala of thu reclamation sol
xlco, who had banked so much on this
project, and had expected to see it
........,1 In itnrlv rnilllllotloll. llm VITV
much disappointed at tho turn aflalrs
have taken, iliey are inciiueu io o
hevo that tho Military Road peoplo
who nre- opposing thu government'B
plan are not dclng It In a spirit of ani
mosity, but because they do not undur
stand what .tho government proposea
to do.
Russian Ships at Suez.
Bum, Nov. 20. The Russian battle
ships Slssol Vellky, flagship of Rear
Admiral' VoQlkorsam, and tho Navarln,
arrived here today from Port Bald.
The flagship exchanged salutes with
the Rrltisli cruiser Heimioo, whllo tho
luiml nt tlm Nnviirln ulavrd thti Itlitisll
niithem, followed by the Mataollalso
and Khedivnl hymn. Tlio rest 01 tne
division followed at short Intervals and
tho wholu of tho division la now audi
oreu In tho Suea roads. Thu transit of
tho canal was without incident.
Hrlnrj on Tort.
Toklo, Nov. 20. Tho geneial attack
on Port Aithur 1b progressing, but tho
results Tiro unknown. Generals Naka.
mum and Salto, leading specially
trained bodies of swordsmen, charged
into tho Russian forta and engagod tho
Russians In a hand-to-hand and bloody
encounter, Tlio result of tho charges
has not boon learned.
Jflpiinese Officinls Insist Port
Arthur Be Taken.
Certain That Stocsscl Will Make Hie
Assault One of Hie Costliest
In World's IIIMon.
Washington, Nov. 28. Tins Awoef.
alod I'ntHi lea rim on uxielltttit authority
that the Japanei army lias reeelved
orders to renew It attack on Port Ar
thur and to take the main fortfftattlnmi
at any cost.
Prepared for Had News.
St. PeteislHirg, Nov. 88. There is n
lack of news from the front today. The
report that the Jajmnei are corKn-
trating tlreir eoerglea for a desperate
assault on Port Arthur, in view of the
approach of the itallic winadnw, fa
(iiile gniieially creilitwl InoltidalqaBr-
lei. Hiiiili a move has Iwcu exoteu
to transpire as toon as the Jains
Iearnel that the sounJron'a trip wan
a reality and no mere demembration.
The uuthorlliefl are preiHreI to hear
terrible rejxjrtM of tliO projectU assault.
White not lisr.nrding a gue whether
the fort rem can bo carried, for the be
sieger aru utterly reg4idlua of life,
thuy are confident that General SloeMel
will i: ablu to make such an attack
one of the costllet in hirtory.
Russians Lack Ammunition.
London, Nov. 28. Tho Post's
Shaughfli oorro-poiiilent chIiIm that,
according to reliable infoimatlwi re-
ceiviil there, the guns at Port Aithur
have l.ei'ii silent for tho M-t fnw dsya
owing to lack of ainmunHioti. This
sudden turn for the worm In the oon
ilitlon of the defenders of the fortress
has been caused by the recent blowing
up of the most' imjiortant magazine by
JapaneM shells.
Sassuns Population or Turkey Is in
a Terrible Condition.
Wwdiingtoii, Nov. 28. A story ol
sickness, hunger and starvation ban
comu to thu stale department from Mr.
Noiton, the American conful at Har
pool, In a report upon the condition of
the Sshuii population in Mush district.
Thu consul says that of the 10,000 sur
vivors of the recent massacre, few Imvo
saved anything but their lives. Nearly
every hnueo In tho region was ransuckeil
and limned.
Kxtractn from the report wore made
public at thu state department today In
thu hoie that the sad story may bring
relief to thu unfortunate Sassunti.
"Worst of all." Mr. Norton says,
."their (locks and herds, praotkally tho
only source of food, raiment ami in
come, were swept away.
"Them unfortunates, after receiving
foi a short time an allowance from the
government of 1 cent per capita pur day
foi subsistence, are now without food
and without a prospect of food for thu
coming winter. The diseases usually
following upon fright, exposure, ex
haustion and inmlHelont food are rap
idly becoming epidi mic.
Drltaln Dcllcvcd to favor Rc-Enact-ment
of Olncy-Paunccfotc Treaty
Glasgow, Nov. 28 The Glasgow
Herald comments on the fact that the
mutual acceptanco of the Anglo-American
treaty was announced on Novem
ber 0, but that it has not yet lieen
signed. The paper conjectures that the
delay may be duo to the inclination of
both governments to bring about a re
enactment of tho Olney- Paniuofnto
treaty of 1807, there being unmistak
able evidence that the advisability of
such n course 1b being considered.
While tho treaty of 1807 may not fit
present conditions lit its entirety, it
would be an easy matter, the paper
says, to change it accordingly, retain
ing, however, thoso piovisions which
aru largely In excess of tho bonds cre
ated between the United Slates and
other countries by tho various treaties
now pending. If this course were
taken, the Herald nays, war between tho
United States and Great Britain would
bu almost an impossibility.
Urucs Russia Make Treaty.
St. Petersburg, Nov. 28. Tho Ilourso
Garotte revives tho question of n new
commercial tieaty with tho United
States The paper saya it notea with
Bitisfaction that thu negotiation of
commercial treaties forms a part of
President Roosuvolt'a program for the
coming admiuistrqtion, and that tho
consummation la grealy to bo desired
between Russia and America. Commer
cial wars, tho Garotte adds, are in tho
long run almost aa costly and disas
trous as armed hostilities, and equally
useless nml unnecessary.
Switzerland for Peace Congress.
Borne, Nov. 28. The president of
tho Swiss federation has informed tho
American minister that Switzerland ac
cepts in principle President Roosevelt'a
invitation to bo present at Tho Hague