m t r t' ( r ff GETS INTO LINE! Russia Decides to Participate In 1005 Exposition. WILL HAVE A LARGE EXHIBIT Ucllcvcd She Has Come to Time tic- cause the Wily J.tp Prepared Magnificent Display. Portland, IVe. 2. Kuselit stepped mtdilenly and unxHt,twlly Into Hue for participation in the Lewis nml 01 rk Centennial exinxitinn yesterday.. After ptAthitc at imp time thnt it would Ihi iiMjolble lor Kossitt lo artltipto, the riar's ministry of commerce sud denly reconsidered the matter and in order to Ihi sure at n space allotment rushed a cablegram to exposition head cmaners. The citblcgtnm was ill Intuited from St. l'etertautg nml ttas signed by Kdwatd GruuwntdtrVotiiicllor of wmimetce. The message wan os fol lows: 'St. Petersburg To Lewis and Clark centennial exposition, Portland, Or. Invitation accepted tltianee ministry. Wire space allotted for It us In. Cable mid re Kdgrun." The cable message wag tU-:iiipluHl immediately to Director of Exhibit Heniy Doech. at St. Louis, Iu order that it may be acted upon. With Ilussiii'a participation Ihepow cis of the world, as well as a majority of tho minor nations, will bo reprint ed at be exposition. Just wh.-u caused Itttsein change of lieart regarding the fail can only he surmised, but it is quite probable that the Oiicntal aspect of the exposition is what caught Jtho eye of the Itueslan bear. Th fame thing,' though, caught the eye of the wily Jap some months since, and Japan has arranged paiticiition on a big wale. It is surmised that IZumIu cannot afford to make a lower allowing than does Japan, ami there I, therefore, reason to look for an attract ive and valuable exbioit from the land of the caar. JAPAN AROUSED TO DANGER. Togo will be Unable Strongly to Op pose the Otitic fleet. Chicago, Deo. 2. Tho Dailv News lias the following from a staff corres pondent: "Slxiughni Japan it now thoroughly a routed to the danger which threaten her in the approach of the lUltie squadron. Admiral Togo has only four battleship to oppose the seven the iiuteians will bring against him The long service the navy has seen finre February 8 has seriously deteriorated the largo naval guns on board the fleet. All this constitute a grave Menace to Japanese sa supremacy. Iu view of the possibility that the transport rerv- ico may be stopped, the authorities are accumulating vast stores In Manchuria. The Baltic fleet is. expected to reach belligerent waters aliout February 1, ,amJ it is feared that it may at once seize the island of Fotinnea a a naval 'bate. Forotoea belonu'H to Japan, and is only poorly prepared to prevent Mtrh .aatfnn ihi the part of Admiral Itojtst- svensky." UEEP TOR AnMV. llla Russian Shipment lo Go from Portland. Y Omaha, Dec. 'J. Ono of the largest (orderanl ueel ever sent out ol the conn- 4try is how being flllefl by the Cudahy I'auking company, of Pouth Omaha. vho tonight shipped to Portland, Ol., .the firt-t consignment of an order from tho Knwian governuient, consisting of ,17 caih. TJio outire (yilfr will Oil ISA can of meat, and will be vh ppd u- rupidly as it can bo loaded. , lh moat is ci a good to the How Ian goverriment. It was cold throngh brokera. The fliipniHiit in iKickul in 'barrels weighing, when (llleil. alHit M poandi etuh. A -ar will cam ? arxait ISO Urr!. or Iti.OtH) hhiihIs 'Tltt (.Hiiro train of 1S6 cars will con- :talH 070.000 p..iindH of moat The , mt will rati, n an army of 100 0O4I fmen for six weeks. Canadians to Uulld Hatcheries. " Vancoom, H. C Deo. '2. It i 'olliuially announceM today that tho Domln.on goveinment haa it-Hiitxl ill JrititioiiH for tho ostablishtnent of two i large hatuherie- -n tho Northern coast. diii! in ine iiiiiciiitich win mi loeuieii ill Itlvers Inlet and the other on tho Sktena river Kach will liavo a oapau Jty 20 000,000 igga a year. The liaU'lierifH will bo in operation in time to i nublo the olautH to leuuro anawn from next utjas.iii'H run of sockuiit in Ithe North. Coin for Hie Philippine Islands. . I Han Fraucisi'o, Dec. '. Tho lo'nl Jrnint will turn over to tho war depart intent today a largo consignment of jEhllippine money. Tho coin will go fto'the islands on the transport Lovan, which sails tomorrow. Tliero will be 800,000 pesos in 50-rentavo pieces; 00,000 petos in 20-centavo pieces, and 150,000 pesos in 10 centavoe. CZAR IOR PEACE. ' f l).ittl l lt....l.,. C...t. tl... . .... I ... ivuuv l "HVIIl. vHH.ll - IIOW.tHI from Japan. St. Petersburg, Doc. II. A report which cornea (torn an utiimpemiiiihlo sourco has reached the Pitlilishtiia' Prea correspondent that Ititiwln Is not only leady to rtcelvo any peace pto pna.tla Japan may liave to make, but that with the fall of fort Attbui she will be toady to Hue for peace That In the situation today, notwithstanding the swashbuckling attitude of thut-o who profess to frame- the ciuplie'a pol ley, and will I the situation right along, even if thl and subsequent Htalemonl to ttiia effect were olllrlally denied. Hefore tho irll at large Una slit cannot atTord just now to appear tired of the ttrttgyle and skeptical as to ila outcome, but dlpli.tlc elide are permitt.il to know the ttutli, and KttselnV representative all the civil lied world over hate received atrotig intimations thnt sincere and authori tative offetr. of mediation must not bo t rooted lightly in the future. It is therefore to lie assumed that ltiisla eouslilers that the eonllht is en tirely hopeless. There ate sure to be mine Hiisslitn viotonea In Muiichutia and the general belief is th.it they will come eooti, owing to the fact that Field .Marshal the Maiiiiis Oyama bni len compelled tn part with lame IxhIii of his men in order to hasten the lull of fort Aithur. Hut Itussia has Far Kastem Interests of much greater Im portance than even the ihhk'ssIiiii of fort Atthut, and as thct-o Intertvtr have Uen attackwl in the ast by Great Ilritaln and China alike, she is In diio need of an nlly. That ally will bo Japan, if the plans of tmlny do not miscarry. The Imttlei of today are lo be fiillowtMl by eloo ties of commercial and political union tomorrow. RECEIPTS AOOUT ilU.OOU.OOO. Concessionaries Ucllcved to Uavc tahen In Eijual Amount. St. Louis. Dec 3. While It will Ik. Iiiixmible to obtain the actual receipts and expenditures of the Louisiana fur chase exHHtlon iionHnv liefmo the middle of DeremU'r, Secretary Walter It. Stevens, of the W.old'n Mr, made the following statement to the Asiclat ed I'ies tonight: "From remrt that have Kn sub mitteil o the admir-rdon to the grounds wo estimate that the atlomlmro on "Francis day" will bo a few thoiirwrid in excess of L'OO.OtIO, and thnt the m- tendance tor tho Expoaitinn perils! will lie in the neighborhood of 1S.H00.000. "In round numbers the Exposition rompany has expended '.2,000,000 since the ineptin of the World's fair project, and tho expenditures of the several stales nml t-rritoiieri have reached a total of 10,000,000. The receipts slnco the opening day, Apr!' 30, have amounted to nlnnit 1 10,000,. i'00, consisting of admission and con region roaltiis. In addition to these nceipts were the lunds, amounting to aoout f 12.000.000. raiiod by suImm rip lion and appropriations tolmiUl the ex position." INTERNAL REVENUE RErEIPTS. Commissioner Ycrkcs Reports an In. crease of V-f, 1 03,070 per Year. Washington, De-.l. The annual ro port ol t ouimis'inncr erkes, of the Internal Ilevontie bureau, shows thnt for tho fiscal year ending June 80, 1001, the receipt ol the bureau wete 1232 OiM.004, an increaioof $2,103,070 over the collections for tho next year preceeding. The cost of collect Ions was 1.08 per cunt, as against 2 07 for the year IVOR, and 2.8.'( per rent, tho average cist of col 'eel ion gco tlie formation of tho bureau. Tl.o estimate.1 receipts from all sources of internal revenuofor the fiscal ear ending June SO, lOftfi, are X0. 000,00. In 1H0X the toUtl prixluetioii of distilled spiiiis whs HS.XOtl h7A g. Ioiih; in 11)111. ISO A0 21-1 gn Ions In 100.1. In loiiml nuinlieiB ll-tonobiiO gallon" of tax-pail spirit Mere with drawn; Iu IW)I. 117 (Miil.iMH). Thr has been a ileertieMi lo the amount if tolmefo inaniifucturcl Mml ho IneriM. in snuff. Tbe-e was Mil ItHTHoe in thw proiliictiori of bi-er. t Cockrc'll to' Choose. Washlni:tin Dec .1 fe.,,utoi Coek- roll, of Jlisw.uii, ntlled tmlay on lrfi- dent Itoosevelt and had an extended conference with him. Tho president informed Porta tor LVkrell that he would appoint him as a number either of the Isthmian canal commission or of the Interstate commerce counnisiori. as tho senator mhrht el-ct Senator C'ockrell did not iudl ato to the nrisi- dent what ho mixht d-. rouardlni! the nroffer, and said he would not annouWo his d-cislon fiorhupa for several weeks yet. ' ' fearful Conditions In Mexico. , Ma&ithiti, Mexico, Dec. 11 liie reports from tiw northern part of this atato sav that fearful condition; exiit tin ro. Deaths range from 20 to -10 per day, owing to starvation ami marlaria In many instances ilia dead are. not given burial, it is said, hut aro thrown Into open ditches and canals, Tho au thorities aro unable to cope with the ltuatIon. OREGON NEWS OE INTEREST 1.IURARIES fOII PIIIIHC SCIIOOLSi Light Tnx Not llurdcnsomc In Ore. jjott Convcnlioti or Officers. Salem Two departures in puhltit school work ate ptuvini; very wiceeaelul wherever tiled and promise to become permanent features of the public whool system. They aie the common school library, supported by special laxatloti. and the convention of school olllcerr. Four coiintioa have levied the library tax, amounting to 10 rents per capita ukiii the school population, and it Is found that by this means the country schools are provided with hooks as good as those aeeowlhlo to thupupllHof town schools. "The tax, being one-tenth of I liiill, la not felt," ys Superintendent Alder man, of Yamhill county, "and It puts the boat luniks where Ihev do the most good. Tho liluury law has now bi tin iu operation two yours and has given complete slatisfactlon. While the amount that some ol the email districts get Is small, yet it la In piopoitiou to tho number of pupils. 1 consider the law a Imioii to tho country boy and gnl and I think It ought to l. made until. datoiy on tho county coinls." Conventions of school ollicere have been buhl this year at linker City, Dallas and McMlnnvllle, at tacli of which there wai a very full attendance of reboot directors and clerks. Ad diisHs were made by Superintendent Ackeimau, by the county siiwrltiteud ent and outside iwlucational workers, ami those present held diectloslona of topics of general Intertwt to school "olll rers. Consolidation of schools ami school ilistlicts was one of tho priuclNtl topics illwussed nt these convent Iihis ami the meniliers of h-1hmiI bonrds lea I lie. I the plan ami puriose of this latest move for tho Improvement of i ho rural schools. Urlggs Strikes It Rich Again, (".rants Pass David llrlggs and laiys, who were uiadu rich in a day by the fabulous surface wealth of tho Wound ed Iluck claim, on Upper Sucker rreek, have located a claim on Upper Chntro, away up in the mountain near tho Curry louuty line, ami will work tho rich ledge they have found there. They have had samples from this claim recently assayed here, and, while they do not give tho returns tho Wounded Iluck quartz has given, the proposition apH-rs tery promising, ami tho lucky family will move their scene of opnrii tiiHis from the Upper Sucker tn the Chctco. The Wounded Iluck is under ImhhI to a company for a conaiiforeiloH of 1100,000. Government Gets Site. Itaker City A deed has ln Hied with the county recorder from W. A. Houston to tho United States for 100 feet sonar on the corner of Main street ami Auburn avenue. This was the site selected for the government building Soon to Imi erected In this city. Tho deed calls or f -1,800, tho amount ap ptopriat d for the purchaio of a site, white, as a matter of fact, tho property broimht over double that amount, tho balance havlrut been raised by adjacent projierty owners. Wind Puts Crops In Danger. Weston "I ho grain is In a safe condition yet, hut If tho high winds ooutiuue blowing it will diy out what mnisturo there Is In the soil, ami, mi lena tain comia aoon, would seriously interfere with the grain that la sown," says Jamoa Kirkpatrick. "There Is always a tendency to ralae a cry of ills treat as to the fuliiio outlook of the crop, and, in ts tills, wo have never stwn It seriously injured yet, provldemio always providing at tho needful time." Electric Companies Consolidated. I.a (irandi The La (irande electric cnmiMUiy lias consolidated with the Covo I o ver company, and thoy have incorporated under tho name of tho Grand Hondo oleotric company. The directors nro Walter I'lorco, J. A. Thomson. T. II. and Clarence Craw ford and T. It. Horry. Tho norisollda tion waa effected beianse tho l.aOrandit plant needed more ower. Tho power from Cove will have n fall ol 8110 feet ami win reuuire ;i,wu icet of plpu to convey it to the power station. TJio force will irealo 800 horse power. Oregon Supreme Court Reports. Brflem Voliirno 44 of the Oicgon an preme (ourt reporta Is out of tho hind ery and the books have been delivered at tho ofllie of Secretory ot State Dun bar lor distribution to the lllihres mid district attorney)) and to bo placed on saio to inose who wish to buy. The state sells the reports at cost. ill. fin. and those who get tho volumes by mail must incjose 'it cents lor postage i.AJkAJmA.i! PLAN TO RAISE PORTAGE ftlNI). Prominent Umatilla Men on (.oininU. tec to (itnvnss the County. 1'onilleton At a iuiism meeting of business men and prominent limners thcsubjetlof raising Jn.OUO as Umatil la count)' portion asked by the Opm Itiver aMmiallon for the portage toad was iIIscii-mhI iiiiiI plana decided upon. A coiiimitteo was appointed to lake active charge of the work and is com. pmaxl of the following: George I'at luger, M. M. Wyrlck, W. I'. Temple, T. J. Klrck. oxlenalvM wheat raltra, ami County Commissioner Horace Walkar. The comiultleo will niako a thorough catiVHiw of the county. It will U the plait to divide the county Into district and eajli momlier ol the oominlttee have charge of the district he may ehiHHe. In this manner It Is believed the entire county can be n.vcied in m lew da)H and the dealiml aiiiiHiut raised without dllllctilty. A large Mirtloii of the amount asked for has nlicady btn-n donated, Timber for Lund Hunters. Grants Pass it Is ipille evident that there will Ki grand rush for the wixsls when the llnul aiiunuuremeiit Is made of the telvaso of the forest lauds of Southern Oregon, which were with held from entry seteral years ago, but which nre soon to bo thrown open to buyers, settlers and splatters. While the lauds are not the regular forest re serve, they rover it large ortliiu of tho woll-tlmhorcd section ol Jnephlno. Jackson ami Curry counties, K.Hilhein Oregon, and paitr of Siskiyou nml Del Norte counties, Cnlifiiinla. A gieat IMirtlon of them Is tovend with tlr ami pine, with considerable sugar pine, Hammond Company's Tlllc Clcur. Astoria A deed Mias been ftlwl for miird whereby the Sim side Spruce I.umler company stlls to the llninuioml Lumber company X.IHI 07 acres ol tlui-la-r lands iu the Nivanlciim river .11 trlcl. Thoptico is not made public and the consideration nninixl In the deinl Nil. The transitu- Is iiudetstiMsl to have Imjoii made Iu connection with tho settlement of the claim held by numerous persons and firms against tho Msisiuo coiiiHtny. Iheo claim have all been ret lie. I and tho mill property leased, so that it can roiitue operations at onae, uf'.ei a shut itosn lusting foi several month. Trapplst Colony In Linn. Albany A colony of Trapplst Fath ers has been fonmle.1 in Jordan allev. In tho noithern rt of I.lnu wrtiiiiy. Having been forced to lento their boine In France beraiwe ol religion M.rciitloii, a numUr of those TrappM Fitlheisbavecoino to the Unlte.1 Statee. ami six ol them liN-ateil iu Jordan vol. ley. about three months ago, with the ultimate object in view of founding a Trapplst colony theie. 'Ihey leccntly purchased considerable land, and are preparing to make exteiii Improve, uients, In antlclwtlou of tho arrival ol more than 60 of tho same older from fraiiiy next spring. Heavy Rains Loggers' lloon. Astoria The severe storm recently, with the HctooiHinylng MrKB rainfall, has had honollls that many do not nal le. It ha Imiiii a Isoon for I he log gers, and logs have been floated out of some streams that have Issen on their liauks for a couple of vears. How many feet of Ioh have cotno out ol tliMi streams lo tidewater cannot yet lo ottUmatod with any ilrluiteuM, but It ia fully JNl.OtlO.lMK) feel, ami It nmy lie double this auiMiut In the Limor Columbia river district. Epidemic Among Hie Chickens. Albany Several different citiums oi Albany and vicinity have loet u nuinlior of chickens recently, (hey hav- niu' iin-ii suuiiimiy from somo unknot n oatiso. One Albany cltlumi hnt all Ihh chlnketiH in u few hours, and a fanner named Cary living near this olty, a fow weeks ago lost III) chickens iu a short time. Tho fact that only n fow Hocks belonging lo citizens living far npait luivodled, mid that where miv dl.ul nlliiost all tho Honk ded, lends to the Hiippositlon that iloittii was. caused by poiHoncd wheat. Power Plant Almost Rcudy. Milton Tho fliiuio for tho .Milton city power plant has been completed and workmen are finishing the powoi house. Tho plant will bo completed about December 16, Northwest Wheal Markets. Poitlnnd Walla Walla, 83o: blue stem, 88oj valley, 870. Tacoma JJIueatem, 8005 club, 880. AT AWrill. COST. Japanese Continue Tliclr Alliuli on Pott Ailliur. London, Den. I. According to n Toklo dlspuliii to the Maudaid, thero Is an olllitlal rumor thai Hie .liiwuimo bate IiiiuIhI large caliber guns to the top of 20H-.Metet hill, wheiico their lite has a sweep of Hie whole harbor. I IiIh report doubtless goes beyond tho facia; but various illspM title Indicate the progress! (he JapaneM ata making In the ledtictlou ol fort Attbttr. Japan ese bete explain thn gieat llnportiinie ol the capture of SU.I-Aleler hill, which, iN.able giting command of the haritor, will ette as M wide bleach made ny the wvdge the Japanese had pieviously driven in between Hie KU group and the ItiiMlan' last letreat In theravlma of Untie mountain. They deelaie that retreat to I aotle will be effectually cut ofl, and it I not unlikely that Uitle will lie slluulUiieoiialy atlarket in (he final aaeaiilt. Heiuiett llurleigh wlioe In the Daily Telegiaph from Che7irtlmt In the last attack the Jaaieee I ml 10(1 ine.i In one hour's lighting. Tliey claim to have captured two more ol the north eastern fort and a thlid, w lilch I iert of the Weal Kekwati fort. They nnssrt, .Mr. lbiile(fli add, lo have It lel a lislgmetit at I'lgton laty, tlui tuitiliig the foil on 803 Meter hill, ami that they are now tunneling I'oio the gorge below I aotle hill, width they Iiom lira! to damage and then lush. The disiatlch loot I lines: "Deerate fighting Is prta-eediiig dally, ami the hss are admltled to be exreeelve, but llie Japanese lult that I'ott Arthur must fall wllhiii 81 days." Tho .Morning 1'iwt's crresMHideul at Hlmurlisl telegraphs that wlrelee communication has Imh-ii ie-establlhed between the Kuselau consulate at Che fiMi and the Port Arthur gairlsoti. PLANS GREAT tltHIIMI ARMY. tMtclicncr's Rcorganlrutlon Si heme Greatly Enlarged. LotidiHi, iHr. 1. The warnlflre I In piwuwloo of the full details of I old KlUiietter'a si my reoiganiaalbm s heme. No swiet I made of the l t that pedicular mention ha been (all to point which world offer convenient neuter of Kuwlan Invasion in (he event of hoatllllie and in view of the recent imbroglio the original plan waa considerably extended. The keynnle of Its reorganisation, which will entail ex cndltureo to tho amount of ,M),IMM),(KM), la to secure thriNigh war trulnliig a great army In t.ino of peace, and to plaro the trtam not only where they can obtain wich Instltictlntis, but where their presvnti will be of iwriimucnt Mlrategit! talne. With this object in view Northern India has lorn divided by ullel line lulo a number of aieaa wito their upper Mlnte Mwvergl.'ig on the fron tier, ami llo'lr reictlve liesrH well down In India. Were the order lo mio blllte given seven or eight rhdd lorrr. each from lft.lKHl to fn ihh) strong, eon Id, in a few hour, ho concentrated on the borderland from eet to weet. TIRE ON TOWN. Strikers ut clgler, Illinois, Send Ill SOO Shots. ItontoH, til., Dec. 1. Igler waa fired iihhi et night from sundown lo daylight. It ia intimated that no less (him ftOO shots wort Hriil at the town. The town was oomplotely surrounded, and thu firing SMine I10111 eveiy ipiarter. IlivpiHise to this fusllade was mnile by four (falling gun placed at various points nbout the mlno biiildinu. As- slslaul Adjutant (ietioral Keeew and the CailNiudale uillltla nomMiny arrived at elgler tialay, and (ielioial Iterce will remain several days to Inveetiuale the sitiltoi. It Is thought that still more troop will lie hrotivht Jiweph Uller reachoil 'elgler today with itioie miners from Chicago. Kf. amliiatloii of the gtouml till morning how et that the mini who were firing have powerful gun. 'Ihey wen- sta tlotietl from one-half to thiee-ipiarler of a mile fiom the town. Ainowt a bushel of empty shell of every mIm were lottiei In the wimhI. A trail of ldtKl was fmitulo u rail fei.ee, and from this It is supMXed at least one Hrsou was w minded ! Hi ther trouble Is aiitlcipMteii. Troops Rushed lo Arthur. Ht. Peletsbiirg, Dec. I. According to Information which has n ached thti tvnr olllcti, Meld .Marshal Oynma'a slieiiglh I tiltich smaller than' hereto foto believed, londliig to con Or in tho tluaiiy that a largo force haa been with drawn to assist in stunning Port Ar thur. This Information is to tho effect Hint not much mure than 1150,000 men aro now confronting General K 11 input kin, but that the Japanese Hue mo heavily futtillod In order to cheek nnv iigmcHsivo iiioveiiuuit which Kuropalklu iiiKot iimiuriaKo, Culls Wlliic.n.ic.1 In Sinotit Cose. Wlislilligton,' Deo, 1. 'St-'natorllnr. rows olntlriiiuii of (ho cninmlitcotou irlvlhges mid eluctlons. Im limn,.! a.ilip9oii!jfor20 wltnesses-tn the Sinoot Invest Igaton and fixed Monday, Decern, bur 12, as thu (Into for their nppcaronco heoro thu committee. Neurly nil those wl. nouses nro In Utah.