BEMVPF VOI,,. U BKND, QRKGON, I'lUpYi DI'C 9. I9p-. NO. 30 THE bqUtBtik ) i REAL PSTATE IS UP Oliver Tliorbjornson Dou bts on kiul Lot. AII) 5450, AND SOU) FOR 5900 I'urcliruers nro llnJIy ft Stephens, Who Have Begun Canitruc- tlun of Sitloon 'lero. Alxitit four months ngo Oliver T-Uorbjoriisou bought of (lie Pilot lhittc company lot 7 of blpql; 10. tp lug nt the north comer of fiond mid .NjinncNOtn streets. Attiitlny of this week lie wild 'the, Kiihic 16t to Clark, Vv Ilmlly. of Tllimhck. for ifooocnth. This Is not on the main street of Hcnd, nor even on, tho principal crow street. It in at this corner of two secondary streets, diagonally a block enitwurd frpm the (mnk mul in 11 block whurc two saloons arc already established, Mr. Umilyatid George Stephens, pf Sisters,, have fomrcd n partner ship and will 11 w the lot purchased of Thortijortihon for n saloon .site. A new building 30x8,0 feet is al ready under conitructioti .here Lester & Siry having the contract. Illedsoe Makes, Mc-uey j Toq, J. W. Rlcdtpii yho lMKlt a few weeks ogq lot 10 of block o, pit Bond .street, and built bin photo graph sttulio 011 jwrtof it, this, week wild to J. A. Orngqry the nqrth half of the lot fur tlp price he tuld for the wiiqlc, $150. Mr. Gregory whqcoin,es frqnj Franklin, North Carolina, will bcRin construe (ion of 0 two-story hotol 3.1x40 feet jhc first of next week. There will : 13 rooms, and it li, exnected (lint it will Ij ready tq occupy the first of January. Among Mm Builders, Triplett Bros are having a fine sanitary barkers' caw unjlt for their shop a cac 14 feet long with niir rors, drawers, racks, shelve and so fortii. Thpv have qlso tnadc notable improvements in their lath rqqms and have an establish meiit that is fpt class in every re scct and a credit tq the town, l'ninter Iolxlull this week ndomed the frqnt, pf the shop with the woht attractive barber poles in the state. Die proprietor!) oi the' Minnesota Buffet have madp cousjdcralllc irn provements during the past, two yceks. The saloon mul Rob ert O. Smith's' rcMtiiuratit build lug have lxren moved nntl turned qiotuid so that now thoy face Wall street. There is under construction 011 the rear of the lot a building 14x34 to, be used ns an icp mid cold storage 'warehouse. T. W. T, rlplctl i contemplating the building of a structure' .o or 50 by 60 feet pu the north part of the lot on tyiich the Triplett barber shop is ldcuj'cd. If built this, will house the H. U. Smith rcstaiirant uud jiossibly a mprcantilc establish meiit below, and above it will be divided into lodging rooms tq be used in connection with the rps taiiraut. The Merrill building to lw erect ed alongside the drugstore will be 34x50 feet and two stories' in height. It will be on the same general style as the drug store. WPffc on ' wns bcKUii yesterday. John Rarucs, engineer at the Pilot Hute saw mill, ttiji wee: complet ed the construction "of n four-room I VfiF.HM feci on the west side of thfi river ju,st Mjqw "P luniber yarn. Hrqwp & Ii9tflc,ct, 0; AHinvood, have bcirtin construction of a saloon bttjdipK Kx4Q n.t the corner of lionil aim ureHOU streets, turcciiy across from The Office saloon. T. V. Triplett has purchased a lot 011 the corner pf Hawthorn ave nue and Tenth street, and wil begin the construction of a fivc-rpotu cot tage at once. Kriicst Damps is building ri two room cottago iqic feet nqrtlnvcst of the I'ilqt IjiUtc saw mill. Free Land in Oregon I$J Till? richest ijrain, fruit and stock spctjon in the world. Hundreds of tJiotisamls of acres nf laud ready for the settler AT ACTUAL COST 01' RECLAMATION' DEED DIRECT From the State of Oregon The cost of land avcragts $10.00 per acre. Death of an Oregon Pioneer, I,ast Saturday aftcrnqqq Mrs. J. M. Lawrence received wprdofthe critical illness of her father, C. O. T. Williams, at Orcgou City. She and her little daughter Jkfariqn left that afternoon at 3:30 aqij drove through to Shauiko iq tjirjc to catch the (rain out next mqrnltg aud were in Oregon, Ciy it) gbqut 27 hours af(cf leaving here. Hit Mr. Williamsiail died a)jqqt four hours earlier. Thp (jeppasccj wrtq t) Oregon niongprqt )$&. Hk was bprn in Maryland, nptl went to Illinois when n bfly aqij clerked in a store in Springfield .viere the Lincolus did thcr tratliUHi 'fie gold stories from (lie Pacific coast drew him westward and he drove an ox team across the plains with a party that divided at Port Hall, part going to California aud part to Oregon. Mr Williams was in the Oregqn party. After a year or two in he Will amette valloy he passed qq to Cali fornia aud engaged in mining on the Yuba. The riUh of f Ma to the l'loreucc diggings of Idaho carried him witli it, but after n year there he returned to Oregon City and set tlpij down in (lie real estate, insur ance ami general brokerage busi ness, Kor ninny yars he was city recorder He served one term as county clerk ami oiie term as state .senator. Jig took a prominent and wholly honorable part in the affairs of the community and commanded the respect and esteem of all. He died at the age of 73. Resides tho widow, three daugh ters survive Mrs. J. M. Lawrence, i of Rend, Mrs1. .C. W. Miller, and Miss Veda, of Oregon city. PERPETUAL WATER RIGHT FRftn WATBR for ptt it ofor ft r from Iliac II N limned en Uml to til Wlorturciitit before Jiiiunry 1, ifi. Irrigation, Company finder con- Ubl of ttie State Laud Board of Oregon Annjtsa Jphu .tLr lEKUTES IMPKOYEMEnr to. BEND, - UKKUUH .. " - a-poundcaiiqf apple or plum butter at :5c lit iietul Mercantile Co. Candidate for Marshal. At the solicitation of many busi ness men auc voters I have conlud cd to annoiihee myself an independ ant candiddle for the office of mar shal of the nrotxjscd city of Bend, and promise if elected, to discharge the duties of the office with strict impartiality and to the best of my ability. R. R. Lester. 2 impound can of apple or plum Witter 15c at Beud Mercantile Co, 0U WK pLECTP County on'f prqyWe Bap for pend. NOT UNfGU AUST(ALlAfS .AW New Juikc mid Clork Have peen Apnoinicn uy county ror Ull l.l this Occasion. The Crook count v authorities have concluded that the forthpom imr snccial elctiou at Rend docs not conic within th' purvjow of the Australian ballot law, apd that they hrjvc, pothing to do with the thai 'election, the ground taken is that tliat law does not armlv to towns of less than 2000 population. UndcthiKcqustrtictiontlcfyiuity cjprk takes iio'htaml rcsictiifg the regularity' 01 irregularity of the nominations made In.;.' wec;. It makes a free fje'ld for qll, pot re qilirijig the filing' of aqy certificate or Dctition. The election will bs held a week from next Monday. A special elec tion board lias lccn appointed iy ilm fntmtu rntirl In Riitvrvicp itiift election, consisting of J. I. West, It. V. Batten and J. M. Lawrence for jvvlgcs and H. 8. ijatclnypll and Henry edgiqfpicr. NVflspfl'WIpterstcllcr Uqgajjcment. The engagement of Miss Anna Winterstellcr and William B. Wil son, two of lcnd's qtost estimable young pcoplp, i announced. The weddipg yill lake place at thp Wil son family home iff" PqrJaqd on the 20th of JkcemW, tyjss Winter steller's Parpjjt-j liviqg in San dusky, Qhiq. Miss Wijjtprstollcr carne to Bend with he Gucriiu last spring. A few wpeKS. Jatef Mr. WIor c3"'6 hi from Portlaqd, hnying bceu at tracted by thp aqd development in this locaiy. lTe became super intendent of pqnstructjon qf the Bend-Rriueyiljc tclpnlinne line, tqok some larjd qf his, own under jhe Ueschpjes pqrnnany's tlitch and is, besicjeg, qovv superintendent of the GuerSn and Red field ranches and the janncy tract of 480 acres, in all 960 acres. Ho has a bright future and promises tq take an Important part in tlc (!eyeopo)C)t of this country. The ynilllK cquple will, ofcourap. rtjnkp lieirliomoatBcud. If Pijifle Humor is to be credited H,. B. jtfutilg's mission l?.ast is to tret a liride to bring to Bend; aud Wnicr Mestqn has gone 011 a similar errand- Wall Street Uankcr Tl pitch" Laud, M. B. Janncy. a banker of Wall street, New York City, has, with members of his family, takeu 480 acres of land under the D. I. & P. Co's. canal in sections 35, 26 aud 33 of U'!3i Thcvhavc taken im mediate steps for tic improvement of this Und. having sent money for ercoting buildings, buying stqck and clearing land. Thwy waul nt least j 80 acres ready for crop next season. This work has been put til chargo of W. B. Wilson. 1 " The sociable given by the Baptist church last Saturday evening wns a grand success. There was a .short musical and literary prografii, after which the names of the ladies pres ent wcro put on slips of paper aud numbered atid. sold to the gentle man bidding Ihb highest on each number, wild hud the pleasure of the ladV's company at supper. "Dad" West is to be couiplimcnted Upon his ability as an auctioneer. The best drawing card, however was the fish polld, wjiich was ar ranged iu foiir departments ranging in price from 10 to 2,5, cents. There was a large uttehduiice and all en joyed a good time. The receipts were $85.00. Minnie Rye cocktail at The Office. 4" Dry Goods Groceries Hardware. Bcfprc purchasing elsewhere get our prices on qHKLPand BUILDERS' HARDWARE and MA TKRiALS. We carry a complete line pf Ranges, Cooking and Heating Stoves, Wiqdows and Doors, piass, Paints and Oils. Ruberoid Roofing, Build ing Paper, Jarred Felt. ..IN.. FURNISHINGS wp ofjcjj: Overcoat?, Ifats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes, Gcrjijap Socks and Rubber Footwear, Overalls, Junipers, etc. OU&. GROjGEFVV DEPARTMENT is fijjj of new, brighf , fresh goods, both staple and fapcy, and prices as low as qlspwherc, quality considered. We arc agents for the John Dccrp line of Wagon? apd Agricultural Implements. The Bend Mercantile Co., tynd, Oregon, S5Tff mp m 1 "WW1' At Bend, Prcgorj, LUMBER At Bend, Oregon, qpHE mill of the 1 Pilot Butte De velopment Com pany is prepared to supply all kinds of surfaced and rough ; LuinbandShirigles at keasonable Prices Pilot Butte Development Company m6 ' 1 k i i I 1 1 1