The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 25, 1904, Image 8

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Timber Land, Act lutie J, !:.
IL 9. Land Office, The Dalle, Otcsott,
October ;, ih
Nolle I lit re by Rlvtii that in ciiiilUticc'wlti
the pniitalonaorilie Acted" Cougte or Julie 1,
, entitled, "An net for lilt lr oftlinlitr landa
In the lte nfCnllfiH-tim, Oregon., Nevada, and
aliiiisict Territory," aa extended to nil Ihe
public laud lilc by Acl of Annual 4. i.
Alice t. .llcUlng.
ed" lteH,amitilvorcrtk, abate tf Oregon, haa
mi rptcinber 19. iM. filed I" till twnce her
itvuwn statement No n-'i. for the purchase of Hit
K(Witll'.Ht.W III.
And will oiler woof lo aliow that the land
MMtM U mote valuable fat lla timber or Mone
titan for agrictdtitnil irea, ami lu rtbllh
her cUrtulo mM land before! M. t.reiict,
U. s. Comtwlaaltmer. l lit" Otrtce l HenJ.
Oregon, on the I6ih day of January. tw.
She wmti a wttuee o W TTlpJelt. of
PrinerltW. Oregon! Millard Triplell. lruHkUU,
and DaHlel Heiilng, all of Hetld, tHeenan.
Any ami oil persona claiming adiciaely the
sbeet-de-a-TtU-d landa are reowerd lu nit their
rlaim Ih Ihl orSce on or hefttt the sM iwh way
of January, ifoj
Mll-lu "MJCllAKLT NOI.AN. KrRWtr
Timber Land. AM June 4. i7.
V. 8 kind Ofltce, Th Dalle. Oregon.
October 6, 194.
Koike la httebv Riven that In compliance with
the provision of the Act or Congrea of June ).
M entitled, "Ah act for the sale oftlmberlanna
ui the Hale nf California, Oregon, Nevada, a nd
Washington Territory." at extended to all lb
public land stale by Act of August 4. '
Charlc It. PHk
ofThe Utile, county ofWVWco state of Oregon.
Inarm November 4. I9e. "ltd III thh urate his
itiwa Matemctil No life, for the pnrehaae el tht
HwKantf.aSnwIfaisilaveifneJf ofstcsjtp 15 .
r if r. w m.
Ami will offer woof to ahow that the land
wucHt I mote valuable for It Manlier or Mone
tha h for agricultural purpoae. and to eMabttah
SB etaim to ald land before tht Kegialer and
RWciverofthi office at The Dallea, Oregon. u
the 4th day of January, 104.
He name a wltne. Keniile Johnwrn, Vrrd
lick A. Mttt. OirM Morn and Nathan C.
ItublM, all f The lUllrv (HtROH.
Any and alt txrsoin cUlminR adversely the
ahoeHiritedUitdiarereqitetrd to Ml their
tjWitw In Ink office ottertwforetheMld 4th day
MlCliAltL T. .OI.AN.KncWrr.
Timber Land. Act June J, ilrt.
Vt S. Iiawl Office, TKeDatlnl. CHtROn.
, October . 1904-
Nottee H hereby Riven that In comdlaiKe with
thewrvthmofthe Act of Cone of June y
pjL entUleV, "An ad for tht aateoftlmU-r Uh4
the Malta of California. OtrRon. Nevada, and
V4neo Territory." a extended to all the
DMbUe land tatt by Act of AurwK 4, IS'.
John J Kelly.
oDotrulWeewityor Wayne, Male of M WW Ran
kM on SeptcmVr 1 iom. Urd in litu otttce hia
wTorn ynnt No J lor the ufcna- of the
" V- tf ir lie. w m
And H1 offer tiroof to how thAt tty land
MOf W 1 Htorr valuable for Ita limber or. sue
tkaa for airtcnltural urpo. and to ttHih
ktodatM to utd laud before the KeiHer and
Receiver of thl oflke at The Dallet. Uresonon
the tjrd day of January, 19.
He immm a wttMee John O Rot. Thomai
Tweet. an- J. N WilliainwM. alt of Tht llle.
(roii. J. M. Kelly, of Kockford, WathmRtutt
and W. II. Xred. or Hend. OrtRon
Any and alt pron daiminR adventely the
br-d&iWd land are rrauetttd la file theii
atalmi in thia oAec on or before the mM ijtd day
ofjaunarj-, 195.
Hlldu MICUAl!!. T. NOL.VN. Hegiater.
Tlmbci lyiiHl. Act June 1, it?V
V. S. Land Office, The IVtUea, Otejun,
October 4. MM
Notiee U htrtVy Rlvtn that In com Balance with
the Mnvtoieat withe Act or Courtcm of June .
IS, eatMled, "An act for the ulcef timber lamia
in tfieaUttaolCallfcrnia, Oregon Nevada, and
WaaMat ton Territory.' extended to all the
aMtcUud Malt, by Act of Auct 4,
lavict Morni,
of Tht Datlea, county, of Watco, atate ofOrefnn.
hMau VartMbrri. 1001. filed in thia office hia
wr atalement No, 141, for the pure hate of
ltttHaK.eXiw!(aM Wl I )a.ipii,
r to e, w. m
And win oOtr proof to ahow that the land
totaght b more valmble for Ita timber or Hone
than for agricultural uurpCMO. and to blih
bXUImto wUUnr before tht KegMer and
Kacolver of Ihta one at The liallea, Oregon, on
the 4h day of January, 105.
nam at, wttaetca, Frednck A. MotU.
CkarWa U. Netta, Xathan C. Ilubba and Willi M.
HubtM, all of TV Uallea. Oregun.
Aay a au l
above daajniUd I
Cteiau in no o
day of January, i
Aay d all utraona claiming adverotly the
nwat uaoa arc leanoHca 10 mi lacir
oace ou or aetore ine mm am
. l
oMja MICH AKI. T NOLA.V. Kcfler.
Timber Und, Act Jane J. .
U. S. Mod Omta, The Dalloa, Oregon.
October a, it-
?raHat I hereby given that in compliance with
e iifoetahiaa of the Act of Couareaa of June 1.
, enlWaal, Anact for Ibcaalc of limber laud
la ibcatatatuf CatMnrnla. Ortvan. Nevada and
WafciBjamTtr1tory."a caUndcd to alt Ihe
latMlcUitd alauM by Act of Auguat 4, laai.
' JJalhan C Mubb.
of Toe ImH, coaaly of Waaeo. atatc of Oregon,
na M Koecmber 4. , nled ill tab oflke hi
aavora ataUmeut No 147. for the purgwat r of the
Kaejf. Mii and Lot 4, ace Jl, Ip If a, r 10 e.
w. m.
And will offer proof to ahow that the
land aougat ! more valuable for lla timber or
etoaai than for agricullurul pnruoae, aad lo ta
labUah at eUtm To aaid land before the KeglaUr
aad Kacii of thia olfice at The IMltea, Oregon,
aa the tad day of January, 1995.
He uawe aa wtlacami. Caarle H. Hetta. Huvid
Morria, W. M. Ilubba. and Fredrick A. Nclta. all
ofThe IMtloa, Oregon.
Any aad all pcraoa claiming advencly the
aaovoHUieribad Mndi are reHueHod to nto their
elariiu In IhU olicc on or before the aaid MMlday
-I January, I9aj.
Mbaim MICHAHI. T. XOLAX, Hegiater.
llepartment of The Intefior,
U.8. Ijwl Office, The Datwa, Oregon.
OeWbtr 17, 194.
A aulnoicnt ootiteat afrtdavlt having been filed
in Ibb oAmw by
Jainta II, Ortcu,
flitud, Oregon, cuuteatatit, ajealtiat II. K No.
iJ7 Htadr Dec. 31, ifS for the aeK, eQ, tp l(
a, r 14 e, w. in., by Iltnry C Holcoinb. coiitcalre,
In which it U alleged tlwt the aaid omilrttec li
wholly aluiwlotuil Hie aaid tract that he Ita
chuuned hi rcaKlrHic thcrrfroiu for more than
alx montha lot pat ami that lie ha not aeltled
Ufwii and cultivated Hie aaid tract a tcquirrd by
law, and that audi alleged abnence i not due to
nrvlce in tliruriuy, navy or marine cori of Hie
I'litted nlMra, aaid partie urr licrcby itotifirtl tu
apjiear, rrtixtnU owl lrr touching
niil allegation, at lo o'clock a. 111 Dec. 6, ir-l.
Ufure J. M. Jwrencc. I h. ConiuiiMiutr at hi
iifSccai liciid.iirrKuii. and that final hearing
will ke held at JQ o'clock a u. on Dec 16, iy-4,
before the Keglatrr aud Ucceiver at the I', ti.
Land Office In The Dallta, Oregon.
Theaalil cuiilcataut liuvlng, in a proper affi.
davit, filed, Oct. . IM. "rt forth facta which
tliow that after due diligence pergonal aerviceof
thia notice can not be made, It l hereby ordered
and directed that audi notice be given by due
and proper publication, ,
oi-jjl AUC11.UU. X. KOLA:;, Uejl.tcr,
Timber tanil Art June i.lSjS,
U. a. Uttil Odke, The liillr. Orrgnu,
l)ctoltrr6, !).
Notlct l litrtbv rim n that In tuiiilillanre with
UitlirotNlOnaorilir otof CiniRte of June .t,
IS7S, tnlitltd, "All nrt tor Hie aaltiiflliilber lamia
in UicaUtraarCabtwini. Ottiuu. Ncvaila, ami
Vl)liiSloiiTAillr), a extended lo all IHc
VHiWIC'lauJ Uvl by Act ir AiirihI 4, Ifoj-
KievltlcV. A llttl,
of Tht Hallea, Cmitilt t Vao,Mltof OitRim,
lm on Nmemhtr 4. i'J filed In Ihlaolllcehla
otiialaltiiuiit N n for Hit liiitehaeoftlit
HV. wfeH and iiiiM f aec.U. l 1J.
r toe ,w. ut.
Ami will lTVr ror to hw that thttnnd
nglil la nturr valnaMr rttr lt tlinbtr or tour
than for agricultural prtxi-i. and lo etallh
hia claim In oatil land WTiiir the KegUltr and
Ktvrlier or thl rHocal The tmlle, Oren,
on tht4lh daor Jannarj, 190
lit nMieawltneK; IWivItI Mwtit, Cltatlea
II Hrtti, William II lliibhaaml Ittit S Jolinwin,
alt of The Dalle. Ilregoii,
Any ami all pcrton clrtlmliic mlteiatly Hit
atovr-dracrlbcd. Umla aie regtitttcd hi nte their
ctnimx in thl oce on 01 before the MM 4IU day
ir lAlllMIA. 1U0X
LWcsljo M1CIIA.MI. T NdUS, RtsUltr.
Tlmler Wa.ud. H Junr J, !,
V. S. I.antl OIRce, Tht Halle. Oitgvn.
OetotHT 15, icm-
Nolltt la hereby Riven that In coniilianrt with
the utovialoii ot the Acl ofConi;rea ol June ,
'i7, tiilllled "Ajb net. lor the le tiLtlmtwi
IuihU In the tale4 ol Calforiil, tVeiton, "Nevada
ami WahlBRton Tertitorj ," aa rvlended to alt
Hit mlWtc land alalra by Act of AuRiKt 4, lv.
the foMowtaR nameil yrMtna have hied In thia
nVe (heir aworu UtrmenK, to-witi
Albert llwUot.
of Ontario, counlv of Malheur, Mate of Oregon,
awotn Matemtnl No 1.10J, bbul tK . iyM. for
lhepMMhcof the ej(wi of aec , nHuwlf
of tec and 11c H K of e. tp. 14 . noe,
w. m.
Michael J lllckey.
ofThe lutltt. county of Waco, alale of Oregon.
Horn atattiutut .No i.iui. hied Augwt 9. low,
for the purvruae o ihe , t. hS) and
nwa Vi ofwejl, lp ia, lot, w. m
That they will otfer ptooftoahotv that the land
ouchl ' wane vuluatile for Ita limber or Mone
than for aMcntlural purnowa. and lo rMaMiah
their claims to aaul laud beloie I M Uawienae.
I'. S' CoHiiiwHei , at Mi ufner IH Hend. Oregon,
on t,tC Ilh da of Heeember, iv4-
They name a wilnee loeph N. HuMter,
MMhaelJ Mormon. lUwwud W Hobttl". hwh
ota smith, and FrhHt. a. all of IHnd,iegon.
and Kkhard cunmngnatH of Uver City. Idaho
Auy and all peraon cUlmln adveraely the
aboTe-deacrtbed Uudaaie rrueted to (lie their
ctaimalHlhUogk-eonwrbctotclhcMld inhday
of December, iso4-oti-dii
Timber Land. Act June 1, g7
V. 8. Land Qaate, Te VmHoa. Ottgofl,
October I). li
Notice Kherebj give" ' ,H compliance with
the proviaiona oflh Acl of Congee of Jnnt 1.
.; entitled. "An act, for the le of limber Iambi
lu tbeatatea of California. Oregon. Nevada, aud
WatfcluglOM Territory." aa ealended lo all Ihe
Kailc laud, aUUa by Act of Auguat 4 lr. the
KKin-aamed petapna baveoa September at
19a,. hied Ih tnt otfke their taorn aUtemenl.
l'rank C. AVkkcalasni.
of Turtle Lake, county of Matron, Hate of Wt
ronain, aworn tatcment No ljM for the pur
chaaeof thcabjnnK and aSnebj 04 14a.
r 10 e, w . m.
CuaUf K. Carlton,
of Turtle Lake, county of Harrow, aiate o Wia-
conain, wof 11 atalmM( .o. Jjai, ror ine par
cbaacofthenbiUwK audnhj ueK ofkecio.lpii
, r ioe..w m.
That they will offer proof lo ahow that the laud
ought la motci aluaMe for II timber or atone
Hun for agricultural pnrpOMra. and to eotabliah
their oUima to aaW land before J. M Lfwicwee.
V. t Comnilaaioner. at hi ornce Ih KenatOteflua,
on Itoccruber r "s4-
They name at wtlaeaaea. Joactah N. Hooter.
Harry I' Hunter of hend, OregtJN: RuMar K
Carlaon and l'rank C WkkenbutV f Turtle
Klver. WiKotttiaiaad WlttUm R. Hooth of Ma
ters, Oregon.
Any and all fri cUlmiug aelvefjely the
aboveieacrlbed land are reoueaiaal lo Me thatr
cUima la Ihw emcc on or before the mM s4h alay
of lecember. 104.
oli-dj MICHAKL T. NOLAN. HerbHtr.
Timber iAA, Act Juac , 17.
I'. S. Load Oatce. The iMlhm. Oregon
October to. ioi.
Notior U hereby given thai in compliance with
the proviaioaa of the Act of Cunwreaa of June i.
I7fl, eulilUd. "Aaact forlheaalcof timr laanis
in the atatca of CaUtornU, Oregon. evda. aad
Waahlugtou Territory." a extended 10 all the
public land utale by Act of August, 4. WX. the
following-named pertoaM have iled Ir Ihla
oAcc their aworn ataUutenl. lo-wif
Mnrgnret O'Connor,
ofThe Halle coualy of Waaro. aUle of Oreajoa,
sworn alatrment No. 1M. ahrd June iA, 1904,
forlhcpattchaacoflhcscK.aec jj. tp iia,noc,
w m.
Mary J. O'Connor,
ofThe Dailca. count)' of Waaco, stale of Oregon,
anoen statement No 1407, Sled July fa, 1904. far
Ibepurchaaa of the ttcK and total aad of
sec 5, ip 11 a, r 10 e, av m.
Thai they will offer proof lo how thai the load
sought I more valuable for IU limber or stone
than for agricultural purpose, aud to eatabliah
their cUtma to aaid Uwd before Ihe Register
anb Keeclver, at the laud oaVce In The Dalle,
Oregon, 011 the ith day of January. iy5
They name aa wilneate Michael O'Connor.
William S. Mason, and Martin Groundwater, of
The Imllr. Oregon, aud 1 rank Oruuadwalcr,
ofKlbta, Washington.
Any and all persona cuimlHg adversely the
above described la lids arc requested to file their
claim I n thU ohacc on or before the said lath day
of January, 19).
Timber I.awl, Act June j, 1I7I.
U. Land Office, The Dallea, Oregon,
Odolier IS, l'i.
Notice U hereby given that in cum plume with
the iirovbaWn oftbe Act of CoHgrise of June 1,
lajo. eiilllM. "An act for the ule of limber land"
Ih the state of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory," aa extended tu all Hie
public laud stales by Act of August 4, isyt,
Albert Coons,
of Hast (iraiid l'uika, county of Polk, atatc of
Minnesota, ha oil kept. 6, i'n, filed In llils
office hi sworn statement No. 1 101, for the mr
chase of the swtf area, tp M, r 11 c, iv. 111.
Ami will offer woof to show that the Uml
ought U more valuable for ita timber or stone
thou for agricultural iirM, and lo establish
hi claim lu aaxl Unit before the Kegtstcr and
Kcceiier at The Dalles, Oregon, 011 the Jjril
day of January, l'04.
lie iiainea a wltuesHes. l'eter McCoy. Thomas
McCoy, John ' Kearu, and James II.
Kiiright, all of Hast Uraud I'ork.
Minnesota; John nteldl, of Ilenil, Oregon,
Jainta J. Herrick, of llaycreek, Oregon, Thoiuaa
Tweet and If. K. While, Ik. Ii of The Dallea,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
aboi-de.crltcd lauds are requested (o file their
claim In this office oil or before the said Jjrd day
of January, iy.
Uil-jlJ JJICIIAliL T. NOLAN, Kegl.lcr. ,
Tlmticr l,aiul, Act June 3. l?.
V. 8, tjiml omce.The DalleaOrtgun,
rleplenilier ). lyii
Notice I httehv given Unit In couiplutuce wllli
the pmvltlou of the Art iif.Coiigtew of Jmic t,
M' tnlltleil," All nel Hir Hie salt olllmurirUihl
InlhealalranfCaliniltila, Otrgiiii.NtiiWlf. and
Waaliluglon Tertlliiry," na extentlial ui ill) IVr;
public land stain by Ail of Anguit 4 Isot,
Jacob Kitmiiaii
of rhllllp, emmly ir I'rlre.aialt nf Wlitulll,
Imaun thlolicr 7, luai, filed in Ihl oilier hia
aworn alAtemrut No. i,l. Ir llir iiililiae ul the
V otaev AS, t " ' Hi" H
And will oOer proof tu almw thai Hie land
xtiigtilla' ninrV valuablt ftu- II Hwltet or atone
than tor aKilciilliiltHiMMira, and In tataWlah
ill claim to aaid Uml before the HegMer and
Kectlver ol till lct at Trie Dalle, oreRwn, n
live 1 llli, day A Hecriiilarij ly
lit lianita a wlUief" Sot" !.in, John
Wllmnl.Jr. Ilhna Hvefauii, liula Nelvn. Her
ma 1 Vumlerwatl. IMwanl Vanntrwull, h mil
Mvnn. laitcmle), 101 CtailbMH, AlWett Cheale),
John Raamilaaell, all of I'hllllpa, IHVHaln.
Any and all iieraona claiming adversely the
aUrltm-rlbtl land are reiiite.l to file their
claim In Ihia nfllrt on or berwr MtKlutailay
of Deeember, tuoi.
Tlmlr Laud, AeV June J, lT,
V. I,nil OUUr. The lvU s Oinru,
'oetober so. lssu.
Nalire la hettUy given lliat In eannidTaiiee with
iftr, eMltled, "An art for the leltlmlerlands
In tht atea of California, Oregon. Nevada, ami
Waahlngton Territory," a ei tended to all Ihe
puldlc laml state by Act of Auguat 4. .
Annie A Malloy,
of Madraa, county of Crook, state of Oiegon. has
on Mcpt m. 1904. men 111 inia omer lire w
statement No jsaj.for Ihe purvhaae rthcet(
nwH. nehwi and l4 1 and 1. secje.tpia,
r me . w 111
Ami will oflrr moof to how that the land
.aought la mauf watuable for ita timber or sloue
man rnr agiveiuiurai imrpuava. sou u eai
tlh are claim, to aaid bind befute Hun I' Hea.
I' h cmnmiaalune-, at liwnmee IH.iiaaraa, ure-
gon on the yth,day ul January, iwis
She name a witneaara Michael I Abteriaon,
of iMell. Oregim: John A l-alinet, JuMn ,
laVm, ami Laura laham, all of Madraa, Oregon.
Any ami all peramia claiming advetaely the
airaraCMreacriiaeal lisai pre laagwa-nv-M w wit inc.
chtlmalnihUoHweunoe lefore thcaaM ythday
of January, 19
u-de MICHAKL T. NOLAN, Ktgiiler.
Timber Land, Act June y ttja.
U. a. Land (Hake, The Dalle., Oiegoai.
May j) 1944.
Notice la ieiebjf given that incompl
the poia4o ofThe Act otCegr-a
l7, entitled. "Anact for the aavieuf II
1 given that tneompltaisw with
01 jane s.
timber laud
la Iheataleaot (...ilbrnta. Oregon, Nevada, and
UVhJoioH Terrilory," at extended lo afl Ihe
public Und stale by acl of Aueual 4, igul. the
fotlowluc named peraon have fled In Ihl ornce
Ihelr aword statement. In-wil
Cyathi ChaaVe.
of Klroy. t-vuuty of Juneau, stale of Wisconsin
noth atalement No IX bled Marth IV ivM
for I he purchase of the m', of sec M, Ip lis. r i
e ,w m.
Day '. IHisUH.
of CUrkaton, .imnly nf Aaotin, stale of Washing
Ion. sworn suiement No rata, filed Starch 11,
laai, (or the purchase uf Ihe K, seK and s) sa H
of sec ss, lo I' . r We, w. m.
That they will otter proof lo show that the land
sought l mora vuluaaie for la Umber or stone
than for aa-rtradlurat putajoaas, and b eatablMi
Iheir eUrm to aaid land before the HerMer and
Receiver, at The lUUea, OregaMi, am llaeesnber
u. I9ii-
They name a witnesao Michael O'Connor,
William U Maaon. Han Mclmnald and .MaMla
I'.roundwaur.of The ImU, oiegon, lohu IUom
of suaier. Oregon. V W Imatan. of CUrkatoa,
Washington, Nk-holaa hmUh aad Mate l.
Page, of IKrwrauie. Oregon.
Any and all petsmas claiming adversely the
ove dtaertbed lamia are reauealod lo file Iheir
cUima In Ihl seace on or baiotc Ihe said itth
day of tecmber. 1904.
s4a MICHAKL T. NOLAN. Kajl4er.
Timber Land, Act Jane A. lafa.
V- , Uad IMor, The Dallea. Irregon.
iKtober X, la.
Notice I hereby given thai tn compliance with
the ptuvnuona uf Ihe Ail of Congress ol June 1.
17", entitled, An act for Ine aaie ol limber laab
In the state of California. Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory,'' aa catenated lu all Ihe
K bite land stales by Act of Aaauat 4, Iter the
tow lag-warned person i have fled Inthlaoosee
weir sworn smteminis, iwhi
Hie hard King.
cf Hemi, coualy of Crook. Mate of Oregon, sworn
Maiemeut Mo ii, filed l'etruary ti, ia. for
Ihe purehaaeol the sw(aw(, nHaw) and nnb;
sctf of sec 10, Ip i , r 11 e, w. m
John Atkinson.
aifMensl. counlv of Crook, stale of Oreeon. sworn
statenaeat No. ifcai, filed I'ebrnary ji, lyaj, for
the purchase of the urj of sec. m, Ip 40 s r 11 r,
w. a.
Thaltbev will oner nroaf to ahow that Ihebmd
sought I mote valuable for Ita limber or s4me
than for agricultural purpose, and lo eatabliah
laeir Claims 10 sam iaan nrnnc j m iwrence
V CommUHtoHer. at hi Unce at Heiwl, ore
gon, on the ith day uf January, lyaj
They name aa wilmacs I N. Hunter, lamea
Hunter, w II struck. Wtlluim Marsg navM
Hill. H. Marsh. HKhard King Mary Atkinson
and John Atkinson, all of Hend, Irtegoii.
Any ami all persona claiming adversely the
aiMHe-aieacrinaai mm are reafueaaeu iu nie inetr
dalma la tht oasce on or befute Ihe said J6th da y
of Jannar), 190s.
nujij MICHAKL T. NO LAX. KegiMer.
Timber Mwl, Aft June A. 17.
U. H. Land Office), The Dalle. Oregon,
October, 1904,
Notice 1 hsrsbv eiven that lu couililiaiiee will.
Ihe roisions of the act of Cong res of June 1,
IfTt, viilitleil "All act for the sale of timber landa
lu the Stale of California. Ilinmi. Nevada and
Wusliliigtou Territory," a rilendtd lu all the
I'ubllc Laud Mate by act or Auguit 4, 1I9I,
Carl A. Johnson
oflirud, comity of Crook, stale of Oiegon, hat
on Kept. 11, lout, filed In t hi office hi sworn
statement No. I 111, for the urclieoflhe K
ueft ami. lot 1 and 1 uf sec 4 tp 19 a, r I! c, w. m.
And will nirer iirnol to show that the laud
sought Is more vuliuhlc for it 1 1 hi her or lone
than for agricultural purposes, ami tursialnlali
III claim tu said laud before J M Lawrence,
II. ii. Commissioner, at hi office at Mend, Ore
gon, on Ihe islh day of January, 1914.
lie names a wltiiesies John nteldl, W. II.
litaat. au I John I. West of lleud, tlregou, and
John K. Lee of llcuson, Minnesota.
Any and all person! claiming aihersely the
abovc-deseribed land are requested In file their
clalina in thia otflcr 011 or before said ijth day ol
January, lyoj. , ,
lill-jlj MICHAKL T. NOUN, Rrgl.tcr.
The LuHctitl fjives the hews.
Timber l.aud, Act Jum , l?,
U. , Land omte, taVtvlew. Otrgnii,
He(teniber 11, ivm
N.illet I hrrrbv liven that lit winpllatu'e Willi
lliriiiivllniiul Ihr-art r CnngltMiil Ji lie 1,
lite, cnlltled "All ait fiir tilt sale in" 1111111 lamia
In Ihe mules nf Cnllflirnla. Oiegnn. Nevada, and
.....I......... . ...1. .., Mktwii,l.l lii all I lie
11 nailing'"" miiiii'iji ,,- .-..."--. -
iitit.lic laud alnlrahy Niluf Auguat 4, I.
, Jnlin llllliellaiiil,
urileiid.aiiunlyiir Ctnok stair nf Oiegnn, ha
.. , . . ... .1,, if. ,.i. ..nb. i.i .awn i,.liriil
ini liav lliaai III IMia winw .,"' "... -.......-...
.No au, lor tne puK'iuit in me ""n wi .i
111 tp II, I e, w 111
And will 01 tuonr tn show thai Hie laud
.,,1,1 Uiik.ii- tutiiaMr Its llialwr nr sltuie
than for agneitUMtal tiutHea, nud lu rsinbllah
hiaiUiniloaaldlaiidbeforr J M lawieiice V
n t'ominlaainntr. at ll tit ai ntni, wiravii.
011 the milt Uy of December, 1 .
11. iixitiMa wllne4ei Ollircx Tlullilmwill.
oliei Johuaim. Anil Ane, and Theniloie
Amu-, nil nf Hend. OreguH.
Auy and all peramt claiming advyjely Ihe
ahtiveatistiihrd land alt i(aueated Id file Ihelr
.-.. i .!.,.. ..U. mu or lr,i sabl u4MitsV
of D.itmlier, 114,
07d J. N WATIM1N. KegWlet
Timber Laud. Art Junr j. t7.
U. Mnd Ornce, Lake View, Oregon,
Ketmber is, I9i
Notice I hereby giveH that in compliance with
the itrovitlonaorthe Art of Congrvsa of June Ji
itya entllleil "An ail for the sale of limber landa
tuthetate(CullfoniM, oiegon, Nevaiia. and
Waahinatun Teerilorr. as exlemted lo all the
I public laml Male by Art of Anguat 4. iK,
onii iisnan,
of Heml. ctmnly nf Crook, stale id Oiegon, ha
Ihl day lUeal H Ihl urate hiaswartH atalrment
wo Mia, aw ine puriioxae uunrn,nwii,
ufser stand the swliaNl ol set x Ip II a rr
And will othrr tiroof to show thai the land
strnahl la more valuable fur it limber in Mone
laaie lor 11 iinxner or aannv
I puipuura, and Inealahtlsh
Hd beime 0 H WaldweH,
rat hl ornce nf Mtvcr t,ke
than foi agricultural pi
hi claim tn said land
t1 u I'ommlaaloner at
OreguH. on Monday, the Man day of, Nuaember
Henamea a wIlHtaae J N Hun. (el. I'
lotinaun. IVeorgr Anne, ami rheutore Anne, sit
of Wend, Oregon
Any ami all peraon claiming adaertely the
above Oettlbed land air reajuaMH lu file ihelt
clrnm lu Ihla oasce oH or Wfore .the sab! jfcb,
Aj mmt Vfnaaiii tiaif aaaasl '
" " m - a 1 "
J N. WATlaON. MegiMat.
Timber lind. Act June J. 1I7.
V. ft. Und 0(are. The Dullc. Oregon.
tKlobei a, 104.
Notice I hereby given that tn eoaanllamre wHh
Ihe ptovMonaof Ihe Act of Congrea uf Juae 1.
171, enlHIed. "An art for thr aale iiftlmber Uisda
In the ttea of t'alifiwnw, Oregon. Nevada, and
Waahlngton Terrttui v " aa tatcadcil to all Ihe
public mud Matt by Art of AngisM 4, tail,
thalte K laa,
ofneallle r untv of K Inn, Male or Washington,
ha on Kept . loaa, filed in thia office hi
aworn alalemenl Mo. itn for Ihe parch of
Ihe swH c 4. ip tw r 1 1 . w m
And will o0r proof lu show I hat ihe land
aout ht 1 mere valuable fur it timber or Moat
iiiaii for agricultural purpuaea and lo sMalillae
l.ia rlaim In ald Uad befute Ihe HegiMer and
kicrlver uf tril ofilc at The Dallea, tHegon,
on Ihe Mh day of Januaiy, ias.
He name a wHnenei, John II Haaaland,
oeotge Vorst, Julius aiiiger, and KraeM H Mot
Ion, allofsaeallle. Wtiinghlun H J liotman.
ami D Huton. ol The Dalles. Org .11
Any and all prtaotta claiming aderevetv Ihe
sbu deaerlbed land are reoueMed ha lie their
elalaa In thia oMce on or befiHe Ihe M Sth
4y of lanuary, Mag.
oea-dse MKIIAKL T rfOLAN. KttlMer.
Depaitmenl of the tolersar,
V. H. Ind Ogace, The ttalbro, 0gn.
tariohor 4, icaa,
A auaacient roMleet aaWavii havtaf awn Ideal
in Ihta otaet by
Prank M Tcwketmry
ofThe tsallea Ofvgnn, eaaleMani against lleaert
Land ralry No . nsade May i, ia. for aK
self e ti, nwHwl and eaatl sec II, Ip 17 a,
iiir.n a by Doeeatha Sillier, xaalaitaa. In
whh-hilla alleged that sanl laml la at Wt
Und within ike meaning ,,f ihr Act of Marra 1.
177. that the srwd Doeeaiha Miller ha not made
Ihe annual expenditure required by law rut Ihe
reclamation of Ihe taad. aaidparl'is are hereby
iiollfiaai to appear, respond aad oeSrr evrdenre
luurhlng satdsllrgathin at mn rlork a m M No
vember it, luai, before J M Lawrenre r a Com
mta toner i hia office al Hend, 'regno, and
lhal Anal hearing will he held at i clock a m
on lleeemhcr J. icl hefirtr thr MrgiMei and
Heceiver al Ihe U a laud oOke In The Dalle,
The aaid coaleaiant having, la a proper aaVla
vil, g ted October 4, 104, set forth fact whwh
show lhal after doe diligence perauaal service of
Ihl notice cannot be made l hi hereby ordered
and directed that soch notice be given by doe
and proper pabllcalloa.
U mj ANNK M LA NO. Receiver
Timber Land, Act Jaae j, ifi.
U. a. Uaai Otaee. The Dalioa. Oregon,
'Mober 7, io
Notice Is hereby given that la roeaatianer with
Ihe proaiaiooa rtae Act of Coogreaa of Jnae j,
t"7, entlllrd. "An act fur Ihr sale of limbrrUuda
In lae Male of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Hashington Terrliuty," a e tended lo all the
public laml Males by Art of August 4, ituj,
Lauchlln McNeil,
of Kdlnburgh. rounly uf Walsh, Male f North
Dakota, has on May 17, Ivor, filed In Ihla
office hia sworn statement No 171 fur Ihr
purchase of lhctinwf(. nrlinwX and nw Knell
of ate. nip 1 j a, a tut , w m
And will oiler proof lo ahow lhal thr land
sought la more valuable for lla limber or aioar
than for agricultural purposes, and lo rMsblteh
hia rlaim fa aaid land before Ihe MtgbMtr and
Heceiver ol Ihla ornce al The Halle, CrrgoN, on
the jird day of December, 1904 '
He name a wllne I'eank bkrppard, J.
Curry, Kalherlue McNeil, of t'tnlrnlia, Wuth
ington, and Joe Oraham, of naMera, Oteajon
Any and all person claiming adversely Hit
alsavt-daascrlbeallsmbiaic rogneawat lo Me Iheir
chum In ihl oHwr on ur before ihe saht snl day
of December, 194.
oilt MICIIAHI. T. NOLAN, Resisler.
I)eMrlmnl uflhe Inlertor,
U H. Mml OKee, The liallea. Oregon,
Novrmber s, i.
Nolkc I hereby given lliat the fulluwliig
imiiinl settler ha fdetl notice of her Intention to
make final proof lu upHM ot her claim, and
that said proof will l,r iiihUc before J. M Law-
. I, l. ,.,... ...I I;...,... (, I., tl..... I
Oiegoii.un the 4lh day of Dcceiulier, I'rH, lo-wlt
Itiiueula I. Wlitttrd.
r DeMlmtea, Oregon, on li. It. Nu iiAui. fur Hie
H of Hie ue)f sec JI, IP- ?(' He., w. 111.
hlie iiniut Hie following ivlluesea In irure her
aiutliiiioii reslileuic Ukiii tun! cultivation or
wld laml, Ill-wit: llriirit A. tlrllfiu, and I'rnuk
illuaanf Hend, Hurry Hill nnd I, til 0. Wlllltrd of
lieacuui, iirgou,
11 lS .1 7J MICLAML T.NOLAN, Krgister.
Advertise in The Bulletin.
Thnljcr Land, Acl June J, lln,
U fl Hlnl tUlltt. The Italia, Otrgon,
tk libel 1 lv.
NnUre l liei.liy nlvrn thai lu itiuillauce wllli
Hip iiiiivlMnnaorihe Ail uf Ciiligte nf June j,i
IN7, litllleit, ' 11acirul the safe nl llintiei laiiu
111 lilt Slave Ul " anioMIIS, nrTmm. nim
WahlUMlull Inilloiy, ' a esleudeil In all llia
iiiiWlMflnlMl'ahy Art f Angnl 4, lay'.
N.nie A. nhaver,
of 1'orlhinil, u n "I Multuoiu ih. stair of
n 11 Ii., ,111. Il.liilnl Ml. .ll. fitaal III tills
Vltlie liet snoril si..', no III Nu IMM, fi sr
puli'haar of thr sajiowf ee 1, stnevj ami
iiwK self ul see I. tp n s, 1 11 v.. hi
And will "Her pionl I" hnw that Hie laud
sought la 11101 r valuable tin II limbci ut slum,
than lor agiliullural pu;mes and lo rslalll.h
hei rlaim lo said lend lajfotv Iho Meglslei smti
Heeelvei at Ihe Dallea, otrgon, nu the lyth
itay ul Itrivmbel, t,
Wheliamsan wilmisea, I tarry V Mrlmnild
and Maty H. TMliamaij of Clnleknnie. oreg.m,
Abbie 1. Whitten W V v Whitten afivittaml.
Anv ami all lujraona claiming adversely Ihe
alveswlrdUHdaieiemnfei Ip file Ihelr
clalmalnthl orTlce ontw hefoi the said 19th
dal oT trecember. ir -
oi4ti MU'HAXt, T. H H.AN, HegiMer.
Timber Land. Art Jgne 1. ta
V. . Mnd Urnce, l,kevew, Otrgati.
fispt. Ivii.
Notice I hereby given lUat in ceunptmnce wllli
the pioeiMowa na At ol tmgres of jnne 1,
lava, entllleil "An act fin Ihe saletrf Umbel landa
in Ihe Male of California. Oregon. Nevada, s
leads, and
Washington letrilory, ' .is etiendrd to all Ibf
public land Male by Act of AuguM 4. iv.
Lmil P Lea-,
ol HupeinM county u" Ihygtaaa, Male of Wis
raiiMH. ha Ihl day filed in hMnNste hMamrtl
Matmriil Nu fi. Ibr tin pnrehaae of thr wi nf,
swH see and n .' nut, aecialp i a, W ,
And will iutM tartnf lo ahow thai Ihe Vand
aoughl is more valuable hu It limber or alone
than for agtHTUltuiat Mirpjrs and to eatabliah
hia claim to said laud before J M Lawrence,
V a. CummlaMuoel , at h oaftce al Hend,. Mr Ihe aMe day of November, leal
He name a wllneaata Mitlaurt I Holwilt.
KHwtmd W Robert. Juaelax N llnn'er ami
Kred Marsh, all uf Hvud. oregmi
Any ami alt oersou Maiming adietsrly lh
above uearribed Uud am lsauriel to Hie their
etaimatn IhlaoeMe on ot be(te sold aMh day
of Nov a. tar. 194
41-nii J N WATfiON. Kegialer.
Timber Uml. Art Jnne . 17.
UMdrraVreat UVevww. tleegtw,
OetanWt s- ltt
Notier i heteny given lhal In exntdlajM wHh
Ihe ptoviatos) of the act of Coogre-ia of Junr 1,
17. ealtlleat "An afl foe lae aale of limber tamii
ha the Male 04 fatllornla. Oregoa. Nevada atnt
Washington Terrilory," ealended lo all the
pontic lage! Mate, by act of Aagawt 4. Ii.
Halite X. firadlet.
of Hpokane county of npukaae Male nf Washing.
lun. baa 1 hi day
in Ihl afltce her aworn
Malemenl No lags,
far Ike pan-has of the K
ufiK,ta(DfaJ(, mK of nel( sec 7 Ip l s.
r lie.
And will otter oroaf In
show lhal the Uml
aoogbt it more valuable for
ihl it more valuable HM 'l Umber or Msnc
1 for grk4illural purpose, and lu eatabliah
claim lu said land before J J Health.
l Umber or Msnc
inau lor
her clan
Coonly 1 Irrk 'li'r.k nmniyal Pvlnevitlr ore-
gun, on aaisiiday Ihe 11M day ol December. IVM.
nbrnameaa wllnaaaea W W. CaaUna. , K
Altlnghani. R 0 Mone, and Klla C Mile all of
pnnevillr, oregno
Anr ami alt ueisan cUuailmr sdaetaelr Ihe
aboveaaescrlbed land rMgaaatsxt balle tkrif
claim la ihla onset an or before Ike said j
day of lieeembar, laag.
stl-dtl J H. WATWirt, H'tMer.
Tiasber Uad, Act Jfioe j, rtT
0. . Uad Maw. The liallea. iVegon,
Jnae i. iwt,
NotHK to Hereby given that In cwrapllauee wlll
Ike sMMsaisMs of IH Act of Cooar,-.. nf juae x.
firi, vmUIkM ' Aa act gar Ihe aale of umber
landa in Ihe Male uf I'alibM ni . reacsn, Neva
aad Waeblaelon Trtrll.HV. ' a l tailed lu ,
Ihe public land Mate by Act uf AuguM 4. ,
Thenohilr M Michel
of Hend. rtmnty of Clooh Male uf liregoa ha
on nernrmUr l". filed in Ibis vfiare til
sworn statrmrnl No ii, .,r Hi pure base wf Ihe
salt of see rr Ip 19 . r lot. w m
And wilt oarer proof allow lhal Ihe Uad
sought I more its limb at Motw
than art aartrnllnral p'M , and b eatabliah
1 fosatd laud I- - J
I laud I- - I M lawrtuce I'
Comwlaasuaer. al hia 'fee at IsMeL Oregon,
oa Ih Mh day ot Noni 1
He name aa wltnetae rirint Hale, of Lava,
Oregon, H IllUm II HUsta of rniaAisXaa, Hee
go). JusaphN l,nsvle
naaw. OlagOM.
ler .in rt), wooiqii.oi
Any aad all ri gUnalHg adaeraely the
atac daaTlmtJaa4i ar r laeajod U lie Iheir
cUlm Ih Ihl ugsotaw or sotlst aaid Mh ilay
of Novomber, 194.
Ueparlmenl of '.he Itilerlor,
Mad orHc at The Dalle, oregoa,
Ikiotarr u, 10M
NoHoe It hereby given that Ihe Ibliow I un
named setthrr has filed notice nf hU Inleulinii lu
make final proof In aopport of hia claim, ami
that aid pruul will U mle before I J nmilW
Counlv frtaevtlle, Oregoa. ott Ihe "-in
day of November, 1904, hi will
Jam . Llaton,
ofnisteia, oregam, on II K, Mo. fistA- for Ihr K
oflh nK ofsec 4. p 14 a, r tae,7u m.
II name tht fiiMowlHg wliur to prove hlc
enwtlnuoua ivaldaaac upon and Mltivuiion nr
mul land, vti,
lieotge D. Tairiar, W, T. It, Wiimm. John W,
Will and IC, II. igMlka, all of aloteti, Ortgon.
tii-nil MICHAKL T. NOI.AN, ItegMcr.
Timlarr Mhd, Acl June A. 17
V. M. Laud Office. The Dalle. Oregon,
October A, Ivui
Notice i lieithjr given Dial In compliance with
tltc ptovlaluiia nrilie Ad of Congrea uf Junrj,
lit, enllllecl, "An act for thr aale of Umber land
lu IlicsUtea of California, Oregon.'Nrvaila, and
Waalilugtoii Tenllor),"K exttudnl tu all Hie.
publKbtmlitaleeby Act of AuguM 4, tbyl
John T tltritiier,
rifCa I.okc. county of C., state of Minnesota,
haa on March '), l't. fitid in Ihl oilier hi
auorii sUlriuriil Nn. iMi lur Hie putcliascof lite
ahjiiiv) ami Lot mini 4 iga.r ue.w tu,
Aud will offer proof In alii)w that he land
amighl I mute vuliul.ic for 114 lliulur ur stuue
I ban for agrkiiliurnt puroae, and lo ratabllili
Ihelr clulnis 10 said land lieforc the ltrgller ami
ItreelveriifHiUolliic al Tlir Dallea, Oiegon, oil
the ud day of January, 1905,
He iiamea na wlttieaiea Sllcliatl O'Caiiiiur,
lliiuuatTneel, I W KuooK and John McTng
g.iH, all nf The liallea, Oregon.
Any aud all iieraona ilaliiilug ailtrrsely tltc
abore-ilcscrilird laud nte ieilmted to lilt llicll
cUlmaln thlaolnce 011 or lfutc the aaid nd
lay of January, ivoj. ,
oiatljo MICHAttl, T- NOLAN, Kegltler.,,
' Oct The BUlIetiu foi- Ihe iicwS.
1 . .r '
k - -MsMUmtmKmmmKim? 4?
t: "?
. i' . "i