The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 25, 1904, Image 1

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NOV. 25, 1 904.
NO, 37
I)r, Nichols Takes Flume
Across River.
I7(w niiirr OF PIIM! niicussaky
One IVnturc of Development
Kaiicli I'lirchtiioU 0 joint
Ur. W. S. Nichol, who recently
bought tint Siiwmorc ranch, itt pro
viding menus for CHiryitiK water
ucrois to the west tdtlu of tlmstruam
to water a cmiKirierahle area 011 the
Hat mid alo on the hlulT there,. He
hu$ already built ami laid a pipe n
fool in diumctur across the river and
Mink it above iwvcu triangular stonr
nlurs thnt wiy keep it safely moored.
Thin will eolt'vey water front the
doctor's own Irrigation canal on
the east sl.le to Ills Hat land on the
wufct silk, though nn additional 200
(ect of ple wiTlbu required, the
tube ncroM the attcnin beinjj 300
feet Ioiir.
The irrigation of the IiIrIi land
on the went wide prccutcd h profi
lent of considerable complexity.
The Nichol water right wotthl not
CHrry the wuttr high iinoilh. I'i
tally tha doctor bought from the
Pilot Iluttecontxiuy water Mtfliclenl
(or 20 ere on the Wet Jtidu high
lands and iwt about Retting itactoM
where needed.
Tlits water wns to Ik taken from
the Pilot llutte eaunl of the I). I. &
P. Co. Prom the rim' rock about
.10 feet hi k)i 011 t.lie east side the
witter whs to lc tnkwt down and
acto.wi the river and mimed above
rim rok 30 fuel high 011 the ohm
Kidc. The distance between the
it'W dotwminoil to make n
tight plank Ikk a foot square to
carry the water from rim rock to
rim rock and construction of thin i
now in projnH, the secticvt cro-
UK the river having already been
Hut tlw fuel tlmt.tjie low (mat
side ditch, M wlt nft the cant Hide
high Hue, is to feed through the
river pine to both low lauds huiI
high iaiuU oh the wet side com
plicate the matter. Itoth high
prcttrt? and low iircunire service
W to gu through the otic line acrm ,
the river. This is adjimted how
ever, by havltii; the two service nl
different time. When hv low
pressure service is 011 the'high pre
sure water will be turned off, and
vice versa.
This Hcrvicu will bring about Co
ncret) of highly productive laud un
der water lor next Sanson.
Church Notes,
Kov. Pather Hickcy, who it nt
prudent making his, pastoral visit to
I lend, will lecture tonight and Suttir
dnp night in the II. M. halt. The
reverend gentleman is a pleading and
forcible senker whom it will w a
great reat to hear. The lectures
are free and all are invited to at
tend. The subject tonight will Ik-:
"Indulgence" and '.SuiHsnttitioim."
Saturday night: "Can the priest
forgive sin" and "Is he paid there
for." Qu Sunday morning At 9:30
o'clock Pather Hickcy will celebrate
muss in the school house to enable
all his jwitiIioiicis to make the great
Jubilee and also thuir Christmas
The Rev. O. W. Triplett will
hold services at the new Hup tint
church next Monday evening in
stead of Sunday as previously an
nonncel. The Ilaptists will give an enter
tainment at their new church on
Saturday night of next week.
There will !e a varied programme
and plenty of divertismeut.
Free Land
in Oregon
IN Till? richest grain,
fruit and stock section in
the world.
Wire to l.oldlmv at Oncetflho Local
The Deschutes Telephone Com-
(mtiy will at once begin construction
of a line from Ilcud to Laidtaw.
This will Ik; finished in a weak or
two and it will greatly increase the
ufflciency of the Howl ottcjuiiif. i
In the past week the comjKiny
has bought wire, brackets and
brace for more than 00 milwt of
telephone line. 1 here arc now 36
telephone instruments 011 hattd.
The Deschutes Telephone Com
pany will supply telephones at resi
dences in Ileud for $2 a mouth and
at business places at fa 50 a month
until the number of the latter clax
exceeds 30. Then the rate will be
reduced to $j n month. After 30
buaiitew telephone are installed the
rate will lw only $-5 a month.
None of these pricea contemplate
portylines. All will Ue main ami
full metallic circuit. .
Man Fotmu', Suspended
Prom Juniper Tree,
Laborer nt I). I. & P. eV. Ilxpcrmcnt
Parm Token Ills Own Llfo--'
Nut In Ulxht Allnd
Hundreds of thotirmuds
of acres of laud rowdy for
the settlor
Prom the State of Oregon
The cost of land averages
f 10.00 per not.
PRIU!VATUR Tor turlal oroiic ytr
TrM (Imic l,rt lurntil mi Uml to
nil who imrchiK lie fore
Juumry I, l"J.
Irrigation Company under con
trol of lite State I.and
ijoard of Orcjjou,s Tii
iirciiiiTi-p iLitiiimrruruT eft '
LOiiun;j iiniuurtmiiiu wu.i
. - n-
Cfinlk Talk,
A chalk talk by V. Mllo I.oudell
was the feature of the mectiiur of
I the Ileud Literary and Delmtinic
Society Wednesday night. He
showed great facility at drawing
charactet istic faces and objects and
scenes, usually giving n humorous
turn to each.
.Mr. i.oiMicii win probably give
an entertainment under tile-auspices
of the debating society or the Deud
Magazine Club within a few weeks.
A committee has been appointed to
arrange the matter. The object
will be to raikc funds for tho rending
roomv which is expected, to be
opeuuil noon. The chalk talk is
entitled "PhaseH of fuccs" and will
consist of the rapid drawing of
caricatures interspersed with hum
orous sketches, musical and other
wise. The specimens of his work
presented Wednesday night won
citthusiatic applaiuc and bespoke a
large patronage for the entertain
George Wis'ner, a Uohpmiau
lslorcr' about 30 years old who had
IrecD employed at the experiment
farm of Hie I). I. & V Co- about
two weeks, committed suicide Tues
day morning by hanging to a juni
per tree at the farm. Justice Law
rence empaneled a jury to inquire
into the cause of den't.h and the jury
brought itt n verdict of suicide and
that the dce'car-cd was probably not
in his right mind at t,he time.
Wisncr came t,o Hend about two
weeks ago with Anton a,
who had known him a few months
at Scio. He obtaiuotl work as a
lolorcr with the D. I. vt P. Co.
He was very quiet and his fellow
workmen never got much acquaint
ed with him. At the inquest An
ton I, iikn testified that he had
often thought Wtstier a Utile queer
and last Sunday observed that his
apparent mental unbalance was
greater than he had lefore noticed.
Wittier talked about something he seen in a lioiieman paper
touching n t licit Irom it certain
ritatc in Hohemia and expressed
fear that, it would cause him trouble
with the Ilohcmiau consul in New
York. IJska then told him he was.
1 he men sleeping 111 the taut
with Wisncr toMified that he acted
quccriy Monday lilght. 11c rose
about 5 o'clock Tuesday morning,
put on his best clothes, including a
jwit of brand new leggings, made
a break from the tent and hurried
to a tree about 40 rods distant.
The indications arc that Wisncr
climbed the true about 1 s feet, put
a uoone of ordinary clothesline
around his neck,' fastened the other
end abotit'thc tree and slid down
until strangulation resulted
One arm was over a limb, which
bore part of the weight of the lnxly.
In the absence of the coroner
County Commiasioucr Sterns tele
phoned to Justice Lawrence of HcuU
precinct to hold the inquest. The
jury summoned was composed of
John Siscmorc, Chaunccy P. JJeck
er, James M. Pattou, Theophile
St Michel, Nicholas P. Welder and
Praucw W. Cojwiaud. They cut
down the body and heard testimony
and reported the verdict of suicide.
Undertaker Meyer gave the corpse
decent burial. The deceased left
a young wife at Scio, but had no
other known relatives in this
Don P. Ren of Madras is spend,
ing a few days in Haul.
Mr. and Mrs. Low gave a danc
ing party iu.thiur hall Thanksgiv
ing night, whioh was largely at
tended and enjoyed.
An invitation ball was given at
the P.M. hall Thursday night. There
was a goodly nttetidaucc of congen
ial people, the music was excellent
and the, affair was in all respects n
pleasant party. Dancing continued
only till midnight1,
-A Dr. C. K. Coocns, father of Mrs.
W. S. Nichol, arrived yesterday
?tld will spend some time in Iknd,
robably taking permaneut location
icre, . ...
The team becoming uttmanagablc,
a workman at camp number three
was badly cut and bruised about
the head and face, Inst Saturday,
being kicked by one of the horses
he was driving on a Bcrapcr. He
was brought to Dr.Merrill for trcat-
mcnt.but was able to return to'
camp the next day. W f 4
Prank M. Lovelnnd. in drilHn
well on the Uarnelt ranch at Culvwj
rati into a stratum, of sand thatrjs
said to yield pcttoleutu. A depth
of 215 feet has been attained and
there the work hiills until the nr.
rival of better.aprpTauces for dealintp
witlijt. An oil gusher is expected
oy, -some nnu uiey, wish 10 proiccjr
the ,coutttry from.rtlevastatiou when
it breaJcsJloosc,
Agricultural Implements
i-ivn-YUAU quAJMNrnn
Order It for Your Neyr Homo
Hardware, etc. Glass,
Paints, Window Shades,
Doors, Oils . . . . t
The Bend Mercantile Co.
1 At Bend,
H Oregon.
At Bend,
npHE mill of the
Pilot Butte De
velopment Com-
pany is prepared . ;
J"'4lf s
'to supply all kinds
of surfaced and
rough ., . '
Lumber and Shingle
at Reasonable Prices
- -Jk...
Pilot Bufte Development
' as1
' V..wi . v. f,fii l"j0nt
i-.vv5- - . .V
Nv. 1 w N.J
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