S fc mr. &-! f & i v. Sipn Timber Land, Act June J, tSjS. NOTICE FOR PUULICATION. I? S. Land Office, The tb)le, Oregon, Notice 1 lietcby given that III compliance with Ihe provbloiitcfUie Act of Collate f June 1 i,. cnlltlrd. "Au act for Die Me oltlWfcerbiub in ttjc ilnlti ofCatltotnla. t?trion. NeAuda. ajid W(nBii4'niloty," cletnlcfl to all Uie public laud i ale by Act of Aiirh1 4. l9i Alice I.. lleKlnx. of P.cn.cjmintyof Ctvok. bte of Oregon, ha un September i, i4( bled Hi thlt office her Hti .tateiiicnl No. M, forthe piirhneof Ihe e w ,J. IpiS. r llc.,w in. Ami Till offer imvf to alien that the (ami ought b mote valuable for It timber or tonr than for ngrlctiltunit purpote. ami to c'tahlbli her claim to Mid laml before J M Lawrence. IT s ComruMeiucr, at lil "HI '" H"W. Oregon, im the lh Jay of January. i She nam at wUnee i W Triple.., of Vilnev ille. tHeirou. Millard Trlplell. Ifaiik l.law. ami IMnicl Helling, all of Bend. Oregon Any and all ikwiw cUlmlng aUttmly the nbowdoctilied lamb arc reuueided to blj their claim. In Ihb unVe on ot before the mM mh d of Jauiiarv.. lyoj. hiijij MICIIAHLT NOLAN. Magbler. Timber Laml, Art June j, it. NOTICE FOR PUM.ICATION. V. 8. Laml Ofce. The Dallca, Oregon. Ortober A, i04' viu-. u he l Mm that In comnlMHCc with the pro'" of the Aci of CotiRte. of June t ). entitled "An act for the sale of limber lamb U IHf vW w Wliwrnwi """ ...,.". r Wa'hingttm Territory ," a extended, lo all the tmMIC Mud aUte b) Aet of Augul 4. VM ' Chatlea H Rett. JTI.. Iilt. namlv fOvii utatc ofotecon, hMmNwrtnlxt 4. i. Med I" hl office hb Mitten taletneui Jc w tor in pureua o. m nwf mK, n.Suw'f awl awl, nctf of ec At IP 'J r ie, w.m. Ami will offer proof to alrow that the land Might l more vnlwaWc for lt tlmt-er or Unr than for aatloHltural twrio. anil Jo ntanllih h claim IomhI laml li"r the Keulfler anrt Reverter ofthWoNkv at The JiaJk.. Cirejon.on the 4th l) of Jannarj . tyoj He tMtHM a llBee, llenale JuhnnvH. Fred tkV A. Bett, lr,l Mnrrti anj Nathan C. IUW, all of The IMlles. Orritrm Any ami all perwwi eUlmlux aileily the aliOTC-JeeriUi tna arrreqarXeil to hie their claiMi In thlt i ou or before the mW -tli iia of January, teJ oim(o MICKAIII. T. N(IL.N'.Kesier. TlmU-r Iind. Aet June J. 17 KOTICK I-X3K I'UIUiICATION. t'. 9. Land Office, The Dalle. Oregon. . ictahr , iM Notice U hertbr Rleen that In coHtpUaner with tlw peoei'hMH of the Art of Cotti rr of Jmh x. ttM, eMMI4. "An art tor the laleof timber lamb (h the ae of California. iHeson. Netraoa. a4 Winhlmttoti Territory," uetcmVrtl to ll the MtWclamiaUtcab) Art of AukuM 4. I. John J Kelly, of IXratt. county of Wnyne. utate of Michigan, tM tw SeiMetnbf 19 104. Sled In tht oAce bl wrn Matement No u for the prchae vf the iJof"c ji tptt rue r m. Ami wltt onVr proof to ibow that the land teucht I more raloablr for It timber or Moue than for ajrfcti'tiin' parpte. amt to fUMI llhcmlm to uM laul brfnrc the KeRMer and KMalnr ofthl- afire at The l)alle. OfTRonoo the tfnl day of Jaaaarj , iom Himkimii witnee John O K'W. Thoma Twrtt. an- J. X Wii:iamn, all of The lullea, Oregon. J M Kellv of Kockfbrd, WaihlnRton ud W. II. Kecd. of Bend, )rnc"- Any and alt wnwi claimlnc adeenely the baeetecrlbedland4are requeued to file theft iUwt In thh omcc on or twfore the aaiil Mid day of Jaunary, 190. nildll MICIIAHt, T. NOLAN. UejIUer Timber Land, Act June 1. 1;5. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 5. Land Office, The Itallra, Oregon, October i, 19M, Notice li hereby siren that la compbancc with (he prorttMn oftbe Aet of Cohrtcm ,of Jane f. )4gL eotKled, "An act for the uleof timber land (n the Ute of California. Oreton. Nenda, and WuMnttao Ternlory. ' at extended to all the nwW bud tatr by Act of AuRutt 4, . lurid Morria, of The Datle, county, of Waww, Male of Oreton, hM o November 4. 9oe. filed in thl oMec bit rn ttateMeM So. 14M. for the ptirchate of thcKnwi,ne'(tnad Lot J tec y, lp;J. rc, hi And wUI olTer proof to above that the land mo(M b more valuable for U timber or atone IhaHforaRrknllural Hirpoe, and to oUUiik hUdalmto Midland before the Krcbtrr and Receiver of thlt office at The ballet. Oregon, on the 44b day of January, ww. He name an vritneate Prelibk A BetU. Charb N HetU. Nathan i HnUm and Willi M HoMm. aH of The lll, Oregon Any and all peroont cblniinc adeervly the abmri datcrlbed land are reooetted to ftlc their afclnn inlhb oAre on or before the uM 4th day of January. iy-jh-4j M1CHAIIL T. NOUN, KrRiXcr. Timber Land, Act June j, S?. NOTICE FOR PURLICATION. V. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Orecon, October ( lyM--NvtJawft liereby ghen that in complbncc with (be pr orfaiont orthc Artof Cmiiren of June 1. ftji-euWlci, "Au art for the aalc of timber lamli in the adrift ot California, Oregon, Nevada ami H'athlugtsiTcjrUofy," a extemird lo alt the public land atatraHy Act of Agiit4, l9. VatbanC. Hubba. ofThe Dallca, county of Watco, atate oforexon, haaon Novemberi. tvot fitcl In thU office lib kvrorn tatemrnt No. 14b. for the purchae of the aHxff "liw'. and Lot 4, ec ji, tp 15 , r 10 e. '. m, And wilt offer proof to lioir that the Um! MMtgbt b more valualilc for lb timber or ktotie than for agricultural ,urpnea, ami to e taMbh hb cblm to aaid bnd before the Kcgiuer nd Ueceivci oflhbotnccatTbcfMlbt, Oregon, on the ul day of January, 194. He unci at witneuca, Cbarlea II lletlt, IM Morrb,W t Hubbt, and fredKV X llrtH, all 4"ic Dtlin, Oregon. Anjr and all peraont dalmlag advrrtely the leacrlbed tondtarereqmnaed to file tbeir limi in thb ofQec on or before the nli 2nd day f January, ls Mt-ift JIICIIAJU, T NOLAN, ketftter. CONTEST NOTICK lbartmiit of The Interior, I'. H. Mud Office. Tlie Ibtlca, Orroa, October 17, ir14, ,A aulfWent content afCtUvd having been filed I Id lliUortUw by Jamea II. ('.real, of llend, Oregon, eoiiteatant, aiiliut II. J. No ' IJIJT iiuide IXC 11, IV1 for the e!, aeco, tp 16 7r nc,. ui., by Henry C Holcomb, rontcatee, lit which it b albgrd tliat the aaid oontevtee hat vAhadly ubiivlanw the 'aaid tract that he haa ctuiufied hU retidewce therefrom for more titan )x liioiitlit Ukt pat and that be b 1a not aettled upon and cultivated the aaid tract a required by law, and llwt tuch alleged atnence b not due to kvrvlcr lu the army, navy or murine corpa of the lnill Statea, Mid part(ekrc lercby uotlfied to appear, rctuuml ami olftr cvkIcuvc tuuchiiiK UI nllrgallon at j oc.jck b in Dec 6,1904. bfore J. it Lnirreiicc, L h Cuiuiiil.tuiier at hit office at Jlmd Oreon. and that filial hearing will be held at 10 o'cloeV a lu on Dec 16, I.J4. before the Kegiur and Uecrlver at the I' r Ltuid Office In The Wallet. Urceou. Tlicaaid coiitetUut having, in a proper affi davit, filed Oct i. IV04.- art forth facta which how that after due tliliKCiicc peraoual nervlce of thlt notice can not be made, it It hereby ordered and directed that auch notice be fc-lren by due and proper publication. 3t-ajr MIC1IASI. T.KOLAN, XerUttr. W faaaaWjU """ 1 bj -- Ltor ,', . Wk ---iaaaaaaaaatiUgatMtg mTnmSS ii igygjrjfi fliiMmnumi!! 1 ,t s&, . w jmif - tiifgaiiiffiiirflaiMi;, ia.teiaWritfhii r r.i ri r , aTaTaffK m aTaTaTaTaTaTaTal II mm mimmn p .-Ji, h, . ... 3. JJTfJTikaTar mi. . .' ' Timber Laud, Act June 4, H;. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office, The I,aUr , Oregon, October jC, 104 Notice l hereby Riven lliat In wmplfancc with HicprhWouaorihcAclof Congteaa of June v ij. ciUltlfit, "Ail ml for the twftof timber laiuU liHIicatateaitfealUoiHta. u,itiati, NejHilf. 15ml WahliiRtitTcitlloty,"'a etlciulcd to nil the piibllcbtldatalcajiy Act of AiiriuI 4. IS' I'rclrlcW A Delta, of The Dalle., County ofWawi.aliiie of Oregon, baton Noeiiiler 4. tvi "led in llibniflrchb .wointlaleiiieiitNo H fbr Hie mircha.euflht Htb;, wKe ami nKw,f ''. P Ua r liie.. in. And will iffer ptoof to how that the laud miaul Iv more t.luablc for lla tlnllier or tune tlinfrrRtcultMtlmtliwt. rJnil In tB''i,,1J lib claim li aaid laud Iwfoie the Kcgbtrr and KeiTlver of thb I'lrkeat The Dallet. Orr-Rtn. on the 4II1 la)-of Jnnuaiy. ioj He name at ituee, 1MM Morrb. Chatlea 11 ii.ii u'iui.ihi II llut ami Wen S JoIhimii, allofTtielvatlet, oieifon. Any and all pcrtont clalmliiR aihcjwly the cIiiIhu In thb offhrc on or before the Mid 4th day 01 jMiimry. !.. oil MtCHAHL T. N0I..VV. Kegltter. Timber Laml. Aet Jnne i. iT NOTICE FOK I'UWiICATION. V. S. Laml Otflce. The tvallea. (lieajun. October 15. 194. Notice b hereby given that In compliance with themovbhrntof the Act ofCmigrew wf Jnnr J, itf. rnlitleil 'An act for the m!c of limber lamb lu the Mate of CaltrWnb, Oregon. Nevada and Washington rerritory." a extended to all the mibltc Und atate by Art of Auiuil 4. ii. the fclbwlni! named pemona bav bled In lhl Ihce their tworn tutemeiib, t-wlt. Albert Pmilmt, ofontario, coMHty of Malheur, Matr of Oregon worn tatemeut No t.i)V filed pt 4 iwi ft-r the pHchaeof the etf'wtf f ktm JfHu ofMCWtmlneHiielf of arc jo. tp. it . riot. Michael J Ilk-ley. of The Dalle, ewtinly of Wifeo, Mate of Oregon. .Mil Matement No ijt, ttlol AuguX , ia4 for the mirche of the wtK, nSawH and nwi e of ev i. tp ! a tor, w m That they wtllotfer mooftothow that the land uoght i mote valuable for II timber or atone ittau for acrK-ulturat putp. ami to v4ablib their cUlifittuMHt bud before J M Lawienvt r S CmmlM.ner. at hHoflkc in Mend, Oregon. 011 the ?th day of December. i4 They name a wilnrwt Itetdt N lluwlcr. MicluelJ Mortlo, Hlwoud V Koberb. Nich obbinltH.amt hrunk. Okm, all of Hcd.,ou. amt RK-hard Canmngham of mlvcr t.H . Idaho Any and alt peraont cblmlirg adversely the aUvc-decrlbd bmlt are tiuetel to We I heir cblmt in thb olftcc on or beloretheaald 17th day of December. 194 oti-du MICHAKL T NOLAN. KegMer Timber Land. Art Jnne J, l7f NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office, The Iblbt, Oregon, October it, tM. Notice b hereb) Riven that In compliance with the poiont oflhe Art of Congr of June 1. ilrs. entitled. "An art for the wlc of timber bnd in the rtatea of California. iHegon. Nevuda ami VahlHgton Tetrllory." a ealemted to all tbr KiMtcbHdtate by Art of AnguH 4. ff. tb llowing-named pervont have on tbptember t ri, bled 111 IhM oMkc their awoen ttabmenb. to-wtt lraHk C Wlckenburc. Tulklilr ruUBlV uf HaTrOfl. ibtC of U'b coniin, wotn blement No. 4191 for the pur cnacollDCMnw4 ami anjBcn wnwipii r i c w m. CuMaf K. Cat t hi, f Turtle Mice, county of Darren, tlate l VVb conin, awotn rtabment No. im, for the pur chax of the iiShw(( and uS "K ofttt 10, tp 14 a, r to e w. m That they will offer proof to thow that the land ought b mere valuable for Itt timber or atone thin for agricultural purpo, ami to ctaM.h their cblmt lo Mid land before J. M Lawrence U. s ComuilMtoncr. at hit oflrtcln Heml Oregon, on December 6. iy4 They name a witnetea Jotcph N Hunter. Harry V Hunter of Bend, Oregon, buttaf R Carlton and I'rank C. U'kVcuburK of Turtle River iKontin. and Wlllum K Howth of u tera, Oregon. Any ami all peraona dalmlng advtrtety the abvelef1bnliandtareiiulad to fib thetr cblmt In I bit office on or before the aaid rtthiby of December. Wt ojihIjj MICHAKL T. NOLAN. Krgbter. Timber Land, Act June t. iT?. NOTICE FOR PUULICATION. V 8. Land Office. The Jbtlra, Oregon October , UfH. Notice b hereby given that In comptbnac with the prorbtonaofthe Act of Owiirni of. June 1 u7. entitled. "An art for thcMbof llmberbmlt in the atatea of Utlilornb. Oregon. Nevada, and Wathingtmt Territory. ' a ctlendcd to all the public bmt IKatoa by Art of Augu.t 4. Ubi, tfw folWwtHg-namrd iieraotvt have filed In Ihb office their worn autementa, U-wit- Margnret O'Connor, of The Dalbe county of Wa.ro. .late of Oregon, worn Maleme lit No, iliS. filed June I. l'4. forlhcpurchioftheKl,'. Cij. IP lit. rioe, w. ui tary J. O'Connor. ofThe Daltea.couiilyofWatoi, Ute ofOregon, worn atalcnwHl No atvT. led July 11. 1'M. for theimrchaic of the ViiieJJ and totaiattdtof hcj. tp 13 t, r 10 e, w. m. Tint they will offer proof to ahow that the Und ought b more valuable for lb timber or tone than for agricultural purputn awl to eitablbh their cbima to aaid bmt before the Krgbter anhKeceiier. at the bnd offbr in The tMllca. Oregon, on live iMh day of January, i'a. They name at wltueaMw Mielwel O'Connor William li MaMiii, ami Martin Groundwater, of The Dalle. Orrjtou, and Prank (liouuduater, of lilua, Wathlugton Any ami all pcrtont cblmiiig advenely the above deriblundt are requeMeil I file their cbima In thb office 011 or before thcaabl Priliday of January, 194. nildlj M1CHAIILT. NOLAN, Krgl.br. Timber Laud, Art June j, ijS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Laml Office, The Dalle, Oregon, October IJ. 17)4. Notice b hereby glicu that in cuwptbnce with tlir lirovi.lont ofthe Act of Congrant of June 1. iM.riitilled "An art furtheaaleof llintcrhiiidi In UicktateaofCallfurula, Oregon. .Ncvaila. mid UWiiiiKlo" Territory," a. extendel lu all the puMu. laud alatca by Act of Augutt 4, llyJ, Albert Comt, ifflbt Cram) 1'oil.a, county of polk, ttale of MIiimwU, ha on hept. 6, ly.i, flleel lu thlt office hb aworn atateiiietit No iii, for Hie pur chateof the nr!,' . t) l a, r lie, w. m. And will oflcr pruijf to ahow that the laud ought b more valuable for lit timber or atone than for agricultural purpoct, ami luratabllth lib claim lo aaid land before the Register and Receiver at The Dallca, Oregon, 011 the J.ird day of January, If03. He tiamea nt wlluettea Peter McCoy. Thomai McCoy, John Kcarnt, and Jaiiira II Ifiirlght. all of Ibtt Craml I'orkt, Mluiieaota. John Kbiill, of llend, Oregon, JametJ llcrrlcL.of llaycrrek. Oregon. Thonina Twcctaud ii. 11. While, both of The Dalles, Orecou. Any ami all pcraoiit claiming adveraely the abovc-deacribed laud are rwiit.tcl to file their claim lu thb office ou or before the tald Jjrd day of January, l''3- niljij WICJiAUL T. NOLAN, Rcgliter. Timber Land, Aft June J. 1B78. NOTICE FOR PUULICATION. U H, Laml Office, f)t Daltct, OreRon, May a, Hl Nqtlcc It hereby rIwii thai In ctiiiiplUnce wild lheproltliinnrtlie Art id .'.olii!ie nl June , IdyH, tiillllcil, "An ml fur Hie aaletif tliuber lamb In tlirtlalrtnrcallloiula, Oiegim, Nrvaila. nlul Washington Tcitltoty." wt tjtUllilcil to all Ihr piilWc land ttnlea by net or Augutt 4, 1M1 the biUow-llig-iiamcil verMtna Imvr nil January I. I9M. Illcd lu Ihb uTllce Ihclr awolii atAtcmciib, tow ll. Lvdwlg II l.artrn, of Ha m! point, ctiinty of JviMleual. ble nf Idaho awotn atalrincitl No J1I4. lot Ihe putcliaa ul the el offc, lp it.tm.ww, William C Aiue. of HainlHinl,coiliily of Kootenai, tlale or lilalui worn ktatcuirut No mi, for Hie putcliaar of Ihe lie),' of e id, tp IJ a, r 10 c. w m That they will ollVr piooflothow that Ihe land might bmoie valuable fur lb timber or Mtmr than fur HRilCiilluinl punnM. and to etnblib their cblm to Mhl laml befutc Ihe Heglaterand Receiver, al Tile IMIIet. Oitgou, on Navemliei ti. 104. They name at wllucaaea William C Ame l.iulwlg II Mreu nml Loult Mt)N, ot Sand (Mini, Idaho. William l) Maoii nml Michael 11 Conner, of The IMIlt. Oregon Any and all jierwHH claiming adverwly Ihe almvrdetetllieit lamb ate mji4rbl In nle Ihnr cblm. In thl oirnc nil or befbic Ihe aard (Mb day of Novemtier. iyM. tia-niH MICHAItl, T. NOLAN. Krgbter. Timber Land, Art Jhiic , 17. NOTICE KOlt PUULICATION. 11. ft. Land Office. The Dallca. Oregon. May t), i Notice b hereby given that Ih compliance with the HeoviMonaflf the Art of CiHigtew ot June i 174. entitled, "An act for the Mbuf tlmlwt laud in Ihr latraof CallfutHla, Oregon, Nevada, ami Washington Territory," ctlettdcd all Ihi public land bte by Art of AugMM 4 iaw. th rolkiw lug-named preww have on Decemliei ivat. filed in Ibtt oNWe their n (tslemenl lo-wit Minnie H llnmb. of Norwich, emiHlyiif Mellenry. tlate of Nmlh HaVota, worn Ulrmenl No ijo?, foe Ihe pur chateof Ihe )( nK ev . ")( nwandwb) ( of aec JJ. tp it , r 14 r. w m I'eidlnand OVerlnnd, f Norwich, ctmnly uf lellenr, Mate of North Hukota, orn latemeiil No laaR, fbr Ihe pur chaoeof thetwS e, wl( iK tecijaHdwH t( ec K. tp i , r 11 e. w m. That they will mTtr of In how thai lite land wntghl It more valuaMe foe itt limber ot tone than fur agricultural putuuwa, and to e laM!h Ihetr cblmt to Mkl land before the Reg labr and Receiver, at The 1Mb., Oregon, Wo vrmbet JJ. loot Tbey name a witnMe I'etdiaatnd OVet Innd. lid Halvuewn and Minute H llumb, nl Norwich. Norlti Haki4a. John T t'ndaeth. of Mi uo4. North Dakota, and John McMI. of De chale. Oregon Any and all pertont eiaimlng advertely tbt bnve ib.cribnl Umb are ituv4tl to file then ctoim iH tiib otfece on or before the Mid sb iby of Nimmber, r4 mVhi. MICHAKL T NOLAN. Kcgbbr. Timber Ind, Art June i. flt. NOTICE FOR PUULICATION. V M Und OMec. The Dalbt. Oregon. May . io4 Notkc b hereby given I Sal Incompliance will Ihe pravMou uf Ihe Art of CowgtvM of 1 laT. cnlllled, " tnart lor Ibe Mb iA limber bad. in the Ubaolku.ifornM. Oregon. Nevada, am WabingtVn Territory.' eilendrd lo all lb, mtMtCbndMab by art of AHgut 4. !. lb. followlHg named pron have tiled In tbu aMa ibeir aworu Ulemmb, to-wit CyulhU Chaffee, of Ittcoy. rounly of Junrau. Male of Wiiwintln worn Mttement No tu, fibd March I. low for the purchase of the a4 K wf , If H . r H c .w HI. IbityR PHttan, f Cbrkiton. ount) rfr Awtlln, Hale of Wadalng lun.aarviH atalement No! asM. Rbd March 11 iaul for the purchase ot Itte abj K ami )i m h ofec ts,lp 17 a, r lac, w nf That they will uffrr Moofto thow that the bw ought b more valuable for M tlmlr or !. than for agitcullural purpura, and Mt oMablbl, their cblmt to Mid bnd belpie lb Ktfbtr.iu Receiver, at The IhIIm, Orrgtm, an IWembei 11, lyut They name at wilneatet .Mbvwel U'Camwot William C. Mtwn, IMh MclnwaM and Martin lirouudwatcr.of The DaUea, OiegtM, John Rhna .if mXert. Oregon. I' W luM.in, of CUrktu WtbiHglon. NlihobalHuilb im MlitM L Page, of Dctchulca, OfCRatn. ny and all iwiot cblntlng adrrtly tbt .wvedeacribedlaaabMC rwiaa.lad tw Mr ttacir cbln fn thb umcc mi or belMe the mm Irth day of December, I'at. MICIIAUI. T. NOLAN. Ktrgbbc. Timber Land, All June i, 17. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V H. Mml Offbc, The !lb, Oregam, Ibtaber 7, mi Nelbc It hereby given that In mpMrMe wtlh Ihe provltbma ofthe Art of Cawgreaa uf June 1 i7, entitbd, "An art for the Mb of tlmberbnd in the ttatrauf CallfornU, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Tetritury." at eattnded lo all Ihe pubUc laud ttalea by Act of Augmd 4, , UiKhlln McNeil, of Iblinbargh. county of Wabh, late af North Dakota, fiat on May 1;, 'fit. filed In thi uflwe lib tworn alatcmeiit No J7I, fr the purcbateuf Ihe tVinw.tirUiiwif and nwi(ne!f uftec ijlp u a, a lac , w m. Ami will oflrr proof to thow thtt the land ought It morr valuable for Itt timber or nUmr than for agrbuttural purport, ami tu eublbb hit claim 10 Mid bud trtforr Ibe Hrgbtcr and Receiver of thlt other at The iMllet, Cirgon.on Ihe Jjrd day of Daca-mlier, I'M He iiame at wllneiea frank gheppnrd, J Curry, Kalhcrlue McNeil, or Ceutralb. ath ingtou. ami Joe (irali.im, of Hlttcra, Olegoti Any and alt ermna claiming ailreraeij the above-dracrlbed lamb are reeiueated lo file Iheli cblmt in Iblt office oil or before the tald ijtd day of December, UH oi4-.ll MICHAKL T. NOLAN, Regltbr. Timber Land, Art June j, iffl. NOTICE FOR PUULICATION. V. H. Laud Office. The Dalle, Oregon, October i, iy4. Notice b hereby given thai In compliance with the provition of the act uf CoiigreMi.f Juue 1, itjd, culltlcd "An art for the Hlc of timber lamb In thMitutct of California, Oregon, Nevaib and Wathlugton Territory," a extended to all the Pubric Mud Mate hy art or Augutt 4. I;', Carl A, Johutoii of llend, ounly of Crmik, atate ofOiegou, lu onrbpt i. I9f. fibd lu thb olflee hb tworn Ulemeiil No. 1131, for Hie purchateof the H uetf nml lot 1 and J of aec 4 lp IV 1, r 1 J e, w m Anil will offer proof to thow that the laud 'Might I more valuable for It timber or ttoue limit for agricultural purpotc, and to eitablbh lilt Claim t wild laud lie fur e J M. Lawrence, U. . Cumtnb.ioiier, al lib offbeat tltud, Ore gon, 011 Ihe Jjlh day of January, l'J. He namea at wltiiette. John rtteldl,- W II Ktaab, till Juhn I. Wett of Heml, Oregon, and John I'- Lee of llemou, Ifluiictota, AuyamLall pcraou cblmlui; ailvertely the atxre-dctcrlteil laiilb arc rcMuealol lo blelbclr claiuit In thlt olllce 011 or before tald jjlh dy ol January, ii"5 nll-jlj MICIIAIiL T. NOLAN, KegltUr, The JJullctiu gives the uevrs. Timber Laml, Act June i, lM. NOTICE FOR PUHIilCiVriON. U.H LaiuHllllcc, IMtvlew. oreifiii, Hf HrmVer 11, lya' Nofice I lietcby glxcn llial In cvmpllaiiie Willi llippiuvliiliiiianr Ihe nit of Conniewnif June i l-ijK tlillllrd "All net fur Ihe tab urllnilKr latnlt liiiJie.taltaiir Viillfutiila. irgon. Nenula nml WatliliiuliinTeiilliiry," at ealrliiled In till Ihe liuhJIC ltlltil a(nte liy nrl uf Auglbl 4. !''' Juliii (lillirilHin, iiflbiul, cniinlyiif Cimlk. ttnle il Oregon, lint thlt day tiled In thlt nlllee hit iorn inlemrnl No nii, fur Uie piirclnbt ol Ihe an If of arc ty In tp, ak, rife, w in Ami will niter iitmif In hmr tjiat Ihr lain) ought b iiiihc vnliMible fur lb tlnilier 01 toiie limit for nierlrtittuinl ivmi ), iliullue.laliU.il bbvHiliii tn Mbl bud Iwfme J M Lawteiie II n Cummiwlouer, nl III. offu-e at Heml, iliagitn. on Ihe mill day uf December. Il lie lininr. n. wllne.ea llllvtr TliitlbiirMitl, Oilier Ju(inm. Anil Ague, ntnl llieoduie Aiiur.all of Heml, Oiegoli Any ami all iwiwint claiming adversely Hie alHvadewllbeil lamb are ivnooided lo file their cbliNtinlhla uMce on m btfmr Mbl nHInU) of Orvcuiber, ivo oH J N WATwflN. RegiMrr Timber Mud, Art June J. i7 NOTICE KOI. PUULICATION. V H Land OHlcv, Lake View, Oregon. fentaatW is, . Notice b hereby given lhal 111 .omphalic with the Arvlttn ofthe Art of CcmgreM of June 1 IMW, rnlllletl "Ari act f"l Ihe Mleuf llitlbei lamb inlheiiiateaiifCatiriitiiia oivgim, Nwada, aim Wathlnglim leiiilnrv " r.temled Itt all Ibe public laml vlatea by Ail id AuguM 4. iut. John llaiiwll, of Heml, cum HI) of Crook. tae ol Oregon, haa Ihb day Med 111 thbi orm-e hbawiwn blamenl N Mi.furlhv purrhaaeol IhewStetf.aeKacMi of ci jaml Ihe .S'.I, of 4$tp l ie Ami will olbr proof lo tbo thil the land ought b mine valuable for II. limber uf Monr than fdl agikullural purtawe. and In elabllah hbcblmio Mhl bud liaeiMe 11 H Waidwel' 1' It CommlMiouer al hit ie at Mlver Lake iregon, on Monday, the jathday uf November ian4 He name at wltnevee J N Hun ler, J P fohHMM, Oeorg Anue. and Theodore Anne, all uf Hand. Oregon Any and all pet wo. rblmlng adeerwly Ihe ibove-decrlrd lamb al lMe4Ml lo ale Ihtir btlm In thb oMwa wt M btfote Ihe hM Mh by of November, Icot iti nit J N WATMiN. KegWer. Timbre Mnd. Art June 3. i7 NOTICE l-'OU PUULICATION. II l.Hd Mfwce, The 1Mb.. OregtMt. ovlolavr a. ivm Nidbe I. befeby given Ibat In lompbaoee with ibe Htvb4ueM oflhe Art of rongrrw of June 1 ;a, enliltad. "An art foe Ibe ! of limber land u Ibe Matea uf California, orrgim Nevada, and VatHnfon TerrMoty." a r .tended lu all the imbllc bnd ialc by Act of Anguat 1. itaK. Chatlea K Lewb, if aalile. cmtut v uf King, tlate of Washington haa on kept at. . bd in Ibla tulkv hi vwotn tatement No. uii. for Ibe mtrciMar of b m( c 14 lp o t r y. w m And wilt uafve proof lo thow lhal Ibe land Mught la mme valnablr for lla llwber or atoaie -ban for agek-ultueal pnrtaawa, and tu UWW 11a cblm lo Mkl land bef.rtr Ihe Hegiater ami Receiver irftbt otfaee at The iMlba, Oreguu jn the Jlh day of January. Ivy He name a. wIIhm, John II Rowland 'leofgc foed. Jullna M 11 aer. and K-e. H Mr ion. all uf Mmfile, WatlrtnihbM, H J Ooeman and II tanliM, of rtw 1Mb. tHgow. Any and all petaont citlmlng adversely the bove-draerlbael Und. are liajni.bd b die Ibete blntt in Ihb aabce on or tWeWc law m4 ath by of lanuary, tya. uavdj MICHAItl. T. NOUN. Heil.ler. Timber ftnd, Art June J, ityA. , NOTICE FOR PUULICATION. U. b. Und Office, The Dalba tHegon, fMoberrt, lyol Notice la hereby given that In compliance wllh the peoviJoo oflhe Ait of Longieaa uf June 1 itra, rnltlled. "An act for the Mb o4 limber bnda in the abb of CnllfotHbt, Oregon, Nevaib, and uaahlugWttTenitory," aa rilcmbd to all Ihe oublM laml attic by Aet of Auguet 4, iyt. Ihe lullowlng-namedpeiMMiahave fibd inlhltoUbe ibelr tworn ttalemenb. to-wit Rithald King. . f Mend, county of Crmik. atale ofOregon, vrorn .1 airmen! No iMr, bbti I'rbtuary 41. I''J. fur tbc puubaae of the twWtwif. nhbw!( and nwbj f)( of aec af, lp I , r 11 c. w m. Juhll AlkiHMII. uf fiend, rounly of Crook, able uf Oregon. im abment No ntsi, ttleil I'fbtuary ji, ij, for I lie purclwae 01 1 He ueij ui face , lp iv a r II e, w lu Tbatlhey will offer iroof lo how Ibat Ihebnd viught i more valuable for II timber or atone Hun fur agricultural purpuaea, ami lo eatabllth ibelr cblmt to Mbl bud Iwrfmc J M I.Mriicc t; H Commlmuer, at lib uffkc at llend. Ore gun, on the Mill d). of January, !'. They name nt nituatvea J N Hunter, Jamea Hulilrr, W II Hiock. William Marilt Dtvid Hill, It Marah, Richard King Mary Alkiiiwn ami John AlklHMin, all of lie nil.Orrgjiii Any and all permit cblmliig advenely the abivrleavrlbed lamb are rciclr,l to lib Ibelr cbiin lu Ihb office on or before Ihe mM itlhday of January, 114, mi Jij MICHAKL T. NOLAN, Urglttcr. NOTICE l-'OR PUULICATION. DrHirtiueiit nf the Interior. V. H. Laml Office, The Dultc,Orrgiu, October i), 1784 Koike b Itertby given that I he fullmvlug lined arttler liaa filed outlet uf brr llitrtillmi iiauifd arttler tun filed notice of her luteiilloii to make final uinof lu aiiiiiiorl nr hercluliu, ami lo make final utrtof III uiw.M nf hercluliu, ami that aaid proofwlii be nude bffore J J blultll. Countv Clerk in I'lliievllle, Oregon, un llie jd dy of Nuvember, I944,tnwil. M Alice Webb, ofriltbia, Oregon, nil If. It No. U.Mj, for Ihe uwi of arc lo.tp 16 , f me, w. lu. be uaiuri tic followlu'i; wiliiettra to prove her coutiiiuou reldruccupoii and cull Iratl'in of aid, land, lo wit John yv. Wilt, Warren Par. Ihiag, Robert Hmilh and M. J. Wilt, all of Alt ler, Oregon, , ... 014. "IS MICHAItl, T. NOLAN, Reflller, 7, iafcfi 1 nf f - 'jSkMi iafftjjr NOTICE VOM PUULICATION. Iicpattiiictilnfttie Interior I! H, Lfinil Olllvc, Tlir Unlit, Oirguii, iTcplcJiiber HI, lbM Not lit- b lirrebv given Hint Hie fnlluwinu naliiril rltter lina died imiII.t uf lib liilrulluii in iiialr filial piouf In tupHiij uf hi (Iniiii, nun Hint .did pllKil will be lliaile iK-lmr J M ),an it lire, I' h Cuiuuilttlunri.iit hit iilllie lu llend Oieguu, yil November a.Mli. lyal. tin llreirge llinabhm iiflleud. Oiegou, II It Nil II, , fnr Ihr Inl 4 aec ,li)tli lirKnwb; ami in)jn)(eH 41, lp 17 a, 1 i,t 111 llr imnlea III followlHg wllliMft In plrtve hi routliiiMimi lcmeKe Man and culllvalloli vf Mid laiifl, vft John K 'llihrk, Thmiln W Trip 111, jineph f Hunbt ami Ralph I.enb, nltuf llend, jlitRuh. 014 hi; MICIIAJII.T NOLAN, Regl.br Timber Mm), Art June 1, itya. NOTICE K0 PUULICATION. U. M. Mud Oltwr, 1 be Dalit, Oieguu. Octolwi 7 iwi. Notice It hereby given thai III rwmplWHee wllh the movWona nHhe Ail of Congiew id June t. It7, ruutleil, "Anart lot the aalrofllmhei bimi InlbeXatraof Calllin'nb, orrgem. Nevmb, nnd Waahlnglon Trtiltury, a rib-mled lo all th pulilK Wrtd Mate hy Art uf Augual 4. I!, Nellie A abater, of I "oil la ml, counlv of Multnomah. Male uf nirgon haa uu iMobtr to, iva hlrt mini, other tu-l awnfn ktabment No ItvA, fiw Ihe purtboar 9I Ihe awfcnwh, act 1, "h"' '( ami HH et( of are 1, lp, , r II e . w m And will uetrr ptmtf In ahow that the laml ought I more valuable fin lla umber or atone than for aarleuttuial prpic, ami lo ralabllth her claim M Mbl laml Iwfote lew RrgMer and Hrrrlver al The Dalle. Oregon, on Ihe Ivlh iby ol De.eml'r, IWH Hbr naiiirt a. wltMeae llaete W MrDonald and Mary H Tlehruue of lb .k.ule, liiegun, Abbtel, WbUbnamll' t Whlto.i oll'.elUtuI Oregon lhuvMbllb-d lamb ale tvaiueefcd In Kb ihe claim In Ihb etnbv oeiut Ik-unc bbee-.iU lytb day of liecrmbr. -oil-ill MIUIAJU. T. V LAV, NekMer. Timber lnd. Art June t. ba NOTtCIt l'OR PUULICATION. II Mud ONic, fAkrvbw, Oregon, m pi u iH Ntdhr b hareby given Ibaf In nunplbmr wllh MoviaUMM of in Art of Cotiarca of luue v mr. enillbd "An art fur lb ab uf umlwi bmb In Ibe Male of I'allfutlib IrrvgoM. Nevada, atot Wbluglon Tetrllory. ' a ralembd l all the pntwre land Hain by Art of AuguM 4 lvJ. Untb K Le. ol kHilierwr.eemnty of UiwgtoM alair i,f Vi ,. court" baa Ihb day filed l thbulf.. 'i' .wuru eaatment 4o J i, foe IN purrha. f II,. S l w i tec nd at, tT nwi. tii 0 r e. w m And will oae pear' let how thai ibr land ougbi ! atoee vafaMM' foe 11 lli-il--i .a nuae I ban fur agti nllural jwi'iaaua, ami ! elabhh liU Halm In Mill bM before J M lwe-ne. I' Cmnmlaatuaiet al hi iMNrv ' Itru4. ur gon. on Ihe day Notanwm yi lb namea a witneair Mlllaxii I K.berU Rllweajd W Mutwiia loaeph S llillitfi ami Pied Matab. all of tarnd. iMrgM. Any and all Miami, il.'iuing advu. Iv lb bow 'b-tih4 Umbarr-,, infc4 10 )' then rblm In Ihw oUVe an 01 lorfore Mid rath day uf Nor Mbti, iy ) H.I j y WAfltON Mrglalee Ttaivawr Lata. Act Jnmr j, 1.7a. NOTICK FOR PUULICATION. Land lga al Lakevwm. Otegoti, nelaaWe i4 Naaaae b bte4tj gbrailital ba ewaap'uuc with Ike plu.VW' ttf tbc ftf of tottgry. of Jane 1. drk rHaiM,Au afi fir lla? aak of limber b4 la Ure Mob wf C-lemb ute-aa Nrvaata akni wHurttnt Twliawy." M ld. I to n the aaeJlEu- mbr hy act of Auguat I, ai llaille P Mie-tbr uf Mfptkaue, etwatt f at'Xaac ntle of Waabiag imm kA ihUeta aTlad lu ibu ejiface ber eam Utrtartri No ijt, foe lb MtcKa ..fibres .-..wtfolMwH , ar 9 ui re Marff i f lp 11 . r 11 , w And wfil oft ptnaaf lo ahow lhal Ibe bnd ought b mom vulttaMe foe 'I 'Im m ur awe ikon fa agriaaiVlatnl tavM. anal la caiablitb Her cJalm hi aaM laml before J J nmiih 1 ouuty l UreV uf vruok cmiatyal Prlarlbio gna. on Ivalaiday Ihe Ait nay of Itecrmbrr. in NtrrMamraaa wliaeaaw W W 1 lla. I I Alltautfuaa. R C Mve, and KIU k Miba all ..I raevilb. nnaaa. Any and all lierwai ctalmlag adetely Ibe buv-a)crlbd bail ar ictiurata,! lufib Ikele rbtatelHlhta orW oa before Ibe Mid iim dayvf J teaa be 1. 14. Ml da J X VATIMJN, Hegbbt. TlmUr luta, Art June y 17. NOTICE FOR PUULICATION. WltA!rVl(RTIKMHr If. li f.udOaVr. The flalka. Oregon. Jna- I. 104. Nmicc It lieraby given thai In romplbm with the l.luo l Ike Art uf Cuttgieot ui June . i. enillbd "An art for the Mb mfliinbet bmb In Ibe ebt of Callfornb, Oeegou. Nr.ad ami WatbiURlsn Tvirllory " a eiiemlr.1 lu alt the pubtk bud 44ba by Al uf Augurl 4 iS Tfeeotmlb W tlkrbel. uf fieiul, camnty of t look, talc of (Hrgon ha on Heptember iy root, tiled In ibl ,.c hi mMH alaleatrM No 11". f f Ihe purchase id ihe nw)( of.ee if. lp l. r 10. w nt Ami will offer pttmf lo thow that the laml aoughl la mute valuable- for 144 limber 1 alone than for ngricull irat purp-M-, and tnrnatdlab hb eblm In Mbl bnd before J M Mmtwe. I ft Commltttoocr, al hi ttf.cw al Men i, Oregon un Ihr j4Ii ib- 'ii Npvember. ivnf He name.. velnara lieort Halra, of fjiva, Oregon. William II !, of Dtai'mb. Ore mod i jiMjrph N llunbr und nana iimiwti.uf Heml. Oregon Any ami all iwitant gblmlng mbaiaety thr ahovrHlracrlhrd lamb ate tciuralrd to Ale their cblm In lb. aft.' c on ur brfoltUn aant Jathday of Nnvemlwr, 14 atui Mlt-'IIAId. r. NOLAN, Ktftbter Timber Land, Act June i, iSf NOTICE l'OR PUULICATION. V. A. Laml OUkc.TIi Ibllea, Oieuon October a, oi Notlr b hereby vivaHl Hint In cuuiplbtirr wilh llic iliiilUii. oflhe Ail ,-f CouarcM nf Juuei, 1H74, eulllli.l, "An act iVr 1 aabof lluiUrlaiiib in Ihr .Utraof Callmri.M Oirguu. Nevaib ami Waaliliiglnn Tctrliiery.' " taUinlcd lo all Ihe public land able by Ait 1' Augnl 4, ii Juhii T 1.. miner, of Cat Mke toitnly of 1. o.t, tateof Mlnneaolii ha 1111 blurili 9 i.i, I l.i In ibla oflice hi worn labmriii No ifcM fur Ihe purclute of tin hnwj und l,ol land 1 arc 4, t p l;a,t lir.w 111 Ami will offer proof to how lint the laud auuglit I mule' valuable lor Itt tlniUr ur atour than for ngrlcullo-iil poior, ami In, rvtnbll.li their claim lo Mid laud before Ihe Hegi.ler ami ltccvltrriiflbituillcc.it The Dalle, Oirgou uii the mil day uf January, ioaj, He name a wltritM-a Michael O'l'aiinor. TboMut Twrel.l. W. Kiioolt and J11I111 McTag gait, all ofriie Dtllet, Oreguu Any and all ticttou claluilug ailvir.ely the abivr-detcrlliedliiiiibarcreiiucaleit to file thelt claim lu thb Qlflic on or licfgrc llic uld jitd duy of January, iv.j ojWy MICHAItl, T. NOLAN, KcgUtcr. Get The Utilletin f8r the news. ..aTafcvJfe '- I .' if t