The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 18, 1904, Image 7

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    1 '(
Invito Consumption
It wcakcni thn ilollciito lung tissues,
dorntifrrs tlio (HkchIIvo orntin, mid
trunk down ttiu Koncri.1 lionllh.
It uUuu causes liondnclio nnd
ncas, Impairs Dm (into, smoll and
!icarliif, mid nffuda tlio voice
llnliiff H coiwtltutloiiiil dUcaio It ro
quires it coiutlttitloiiul roinndy
Hood's SarsaparlUa
Itaillcally mid iuriiiitnfitly euro ca
tarrh of tlio noun, tliroiit, stomach,
iowol, mid iiioro dcllciito or'fuu.
Jtl'llll lllll lOXllllllllllllli.
No siihstlliilu fur Ilood'a net Ilk
Hood's. Do Hiiro to Kt llood'i.
"I nt troubled with catarrh 20 yenrs.
PtclliK statements of cures by Hood's War
taparllla resulted to try It. Kuiir bottles
entirely cured me." William Hiusmaw,
1030 Clh fit.. Milwaukee, Wis.
Hood's Onranpnrllln promises to
euro and koooa tho promlso.
An Insinuation.
"I wonder If III angel errr smoke?"
queried llateinnti, n In lllbd hi trinity
uii-rrieliniiin and applied a match.
"No, I think mil." replied Mr. Ilste
nun, "Inil according to tradition tin
tbr fellow ilu,"
'I'll NKtrniioutpr has heat iti'dinrliiK
device tlmt call detect lliflliltiliiial va
riation of leiiiperaliir and Indlcat th
lirat of MAM illatsiil million of mllra
from our earth, unit rliriiilrnl oiihiiiuiI
nialtlr to light that our eyes iir
can .
One-third of I lii uii'l urfac of th
loll U CuTrid with llt-c.
In C'tilni, nli en nn laferW peraon on
tmrnrtHiek IHff la a aHperlor. ha dUimiUUta
ami wslts until the litttrr Imi pSMd.
The IhiihIk of In I'lillippllie Islands
ro quoted higher llrltlsh consols.
Ill bet natlstawi steering clear of
the IseoratlHg rooks of prrMtHsl eouleo
tie n.
Oeore II. Wllllsm, Mayor of Port
land, Or., H'i years eld, w Attorney
laeral In (irn. (Iraat'a cabinet and
Unit! Htatoa Hrnator. In flic World.
Cream, Ark., Nov. 7(Hpclal) After
eighteen tnontlii suffering liom Kpllcp
ay, Hanksche and Kidney Complaint,
Mr. V. II. Hmltli ol tlila place la a
well man again and those wlio have
watched hi leturn to health unheal
tallngly give all thn credit to Dodd's
Kid liny Pill.. In an Interview rcgatd
liiK.hlucuro, Mt, Fmlth taya:
"I had been low lor eighteen montlu
with my hack and kldnaya and alri
KiltIay. I had takrn everything )
know of ami nothlnK seemed to do nn
any good till a Mend of in Inn got mi
to amid for Dodd'a Kldnry I'll). I
find that tliry a in the greatest modi
cum In thn world, for mow I am nhln t
work and am In fact an atout him
troti) a before I took alck."
Dodd's Klilnny l'llla euro thn Kid
nnya. Cured Kidnoya, clcnnio tin
IiIcmxI of all Inipiirlllva, l'uro blom
niHMiia kooiI hnallli.
Had niru riruic their fanlta, jooJ tnr
will Itav thriii. -JuhnaoH,
ITult Jnatructloiia Hent tiy Oovernmtnt
nllli Kvarjr 1'ucUuicn of Usruia.
A portion of liiociiliiUnjf imitorlnl na
It In nmlli'U to tlio fiiriuvr by tho kov
crntiioiit conalatN of tliri'o dlfTcri'iit
puckiiuox. I'lickiiKii No, 2 contiiliia
tlio cotton with ItH mllllotiN of dried
Hernia. TuckiiKOH 1 mid II nro thp mo
din or food by ini'iiim of which tho
fiiriniT cuu multiply tlio kitiuh. Tho
(k'piirtini'iit liicloHim iixillvlt limtruu
Uoiih how to luo tliu buclorlii, na fol
(Mothod pHtunlwl In order to emir
Hiiti'o tho prlvlli'Ki- if iiho by tho pub
lic. I .el I ith twill No. ".Vi.r.lD KMint
i'd .Miircli L".', 1IKH.)
Put ono khIIoii of cIohii water (pro
fornhly ruin wuttr) In u cloiiu tub or
biickot mid mid No. 1 of tho liiclomnl
pHi-kHKo of xhIU (coiiImIiiIiik Kriuitilnt
iil HiiKiir. potHMiluin phoaphuto mid
IliilKlloallllii Nillplmto). Ktlr iX'Ciialou
ally until nil U IImmiIvmI.
I Cure fully upon pwckHKo No. il (con
ImIiiIiik biii'trrliu mid drop tho Ini-loaed
cotton Into tho Nolutloii, Cover tho
till wlili a pHpor to proloct from dual.
I Hint act llaldtt In it wnrill placo fur
tWKiityfoiir hotira. Do not htwt tho
Holutlou or you will kill tho Imclorlu
It ahoiild never bo wanner tlmu blood
After twenty-four bourn mid tho con
ti-nU of iwckHKo No. II (coiitjiliiluc urn
iiioiiliim phoaplmto). Within twonty
hoiirn morn tlio holutlou will hnvo n
cloudy uppoHruiii'o, himI la nwdy for
nan. To luociiloto Kfial:
Tako Jtixt oihhikIi of llm solution to
tlioroiiKhly lllolatoll tho M'Oil. Htlr
thoroughly that Mil tho aetata uro
toiiitml by tlio Mtlutloii. Kprcad out
the Nntila. In h aliHcly ploci until thoy
arn pcrfwtly dry. and plant at tin
HHiial time Juat aa you would iiiilrtMt
ml aTil. Tho dry culluri aa innt from
the laboratory will Ltnp for aovtral
moMtha. Do not prarn tlio Ibpitil
ciilluro uion than two or three ilaya
provlotia to tilt tlltlo when lit atd
are to tin troatod, aa the aolutlon ohcm
liiMilc up initNt iiaually lit UmnI at tho
ond of forty olislit lioura.
To IniH-ulati Hoi I:
Take ciioiikIi dry earth ao that thn
Koltitton will merely molxion It. .Mix
thoroiiKhly. ni that nil the particle of
iui am molatcned. ThoroiiKhly mix
thin earth with four or five tluioa aa
much, My half a waKonhmd. Spread
thla Inoculated will thinly ami evenly
over the Held exactly na If aprnadlnK
fertlllxnr. Thla aim Hid he done Juat
An Opinion of I.nirynr.
"Now, .llmmle, when you'ro on tho
wllni'HM Nliuid Imj Hiiro mid toll tho
truth," mild tho father to his hoii, be
fore tho trlnl.
"Hut, fnther " benn tho hoy,
who now conviction Muring them In
tho fnco If tho truth wim told.
"Hut mil IiIiik, my hoy," hroko In tho
pnreiit; "you tell tho truth, I any!
Tho lnwyer will do lying enoiiKh for
nil of umI" Vonkora Htiitoamiiu.
Tro Point of Vlnw.
"An Miipiy liarrrl Kirn tin loud out
aotilidi" anld thn pliJlMHjltr.
"Tlint'n hrn ynu K lanin,'' ri'iAn
thn Hlltli-laii. "Dorins llm political cam
tmlifii a Hi'linilrd Imr'l talka thi lainl
PmI Km'"
UNCLE SAA1 "A Remedy Tlmt Man
Such (indorsements Should
Bo In 12 very Momc."
a dlKt.'H Mrnooi. or tiir mniiKHr
CI.AM fwr f Usai, lclln. build
In fHl'MtrH-ih un nBl fur ci-
Tarm Uimon HonUmliar l,0)-i
juii.4r.nilHa xli uMlrx Vlprlt. IIm
mmI !rtm-l i.M i- I iur ) ( In la
hmtly pr I r- lmriinii.
rllwh" fj ! it, ' l . I. 'lli.-- rr III
Mmi.ln'.t ! . "t.-r I I im.wii li.r.
win, n,ri.-J.i.i. i;li A 0. tOXO, ro-OltJ. Ol
T9 I 1 aft H i N
w liJ m ! ssp
Wlirelln;, W. Va., Jlay 38, ioo.a.
Some year aflo while at work, I fell
over a truck and aevcrcly injured both
of my ahlni. My blood became polfroued
a a rriult, nod the doctor told me I
would have niiinltiL aorca for life, and
that if they wore licaled up the rrault
would !xi fatut. Under thla dUcourauwu
report I left off their ticutmont mid to
tfortcil to the uae of 8, S. 8 Its effect
were prompt mid gratlfy-ln. It took
only a alioit while fur the medicine to en
tirely cure up the aorra, and I am not
daI aa the doctor! lutluiatett, nor ltave
the aorea ever bioke out )hIii. Home 13
ymi have elapacd ainre what I huve do
Milbed occtirted. IlHviii;beeiiaoainHlly
tiencflttxlby itauto I can hrarllly rvoitu
uicud it ns the one ureal blood purifier.
John W. 1'undiu.
Caro iklimutback Ilrewinj; Co.
Chronic aoroa atntt often from a pim
ple, acratcli, bruiie or bolt, and while
ealvca, wnahei and powder nre bencficlnl,
tho unhealthy mutter in tho blood mutt
he driven out or the tore will continue
to cat and aprend. S. H. 8. reaches
those old aorca through the blood, re
iiiovos alt Impuritlea mid poisons, liulliljl
tip the entire ayklem and atretitlivus
tho circulntiou. 8. H. S. is n blood
purifier and tonic combined. Contains
no mineral wnni
ever but I nunnui
teed purely vcfjet
able. If you huvo
an old tore write
us mid our physl
cinns will advise
without charge.
Hook on diseases
of tho Wood free.
Tho Swift Spcclflo Company, Atlanta, Ga,
CUIII ONItl ALL llil Kill. iru
Ilixt Cuuvb t);rui. 1'aiir (lout. Ui W7
lino, noni urarutfiui. r
eldencn. "Tlwro la an ongrav nc -t
a htackamlth'M hIhm' In ttni duiiim
rooml" alio aald. hyslortPHlly. "Vmi
can't expect me to oat my dinner thetv.
, I smell tho hoofs.
A similar crltlclom came from ono
who suffered not from ovorreHneiiieiit,
but from aomethliiK quite dllTerenr.
Hho was n woman of recently Heipiired
wealth, who, kajh the Now York Trll.
lino, went Into an nrt unllery and axk
Ml for a (mint In of n certain also.
"I have Just what you want," said
tho dealer.
lie allowed her n lHatitlful aiiliiuil
palutliiK. hut alio looked at It for n few
nilniilCH. and tbon alimik her head.
j "It won't do." he aald. "I want
thla iiliiiiri for mr drawlmcrooui."
"Hut It's it boNUtifiil thliiK," ventur
ed tho donlor,
"Not for u driiwIiiR-ronm," nnuounc
cd tho womiiti, concliiNholy. "You
couldn't hnvo n cow In drawing
room." A Nlnuulitor or liiiioonnta.
ImpulKlve, Hiimll Jiiiuok, Hoiuewlmt
out of bronth mid with bis tiluo e,o
fairly IiiiIkImk, ruslind home nfter tho
temporuiice lacturt mid threw hliuaclt
upon IiIk tnotlier,
"Oh, mother," ho cried. "Ilnd n siifo
plnce, (julck, nud hide the baby!"
"Why, Jami'Ml" doiiiHiidwl iiHtonlali
cd Mra. Hell, "what In tho world U
tho mnttorV"
"llldo her quick," punted Jiiiiim.
"Tlmt limn tlmt bilked today la com
liiK rlKht nftor her. Ho bonpls next
door, mid JiiHt iih hooii iih I honnl him
wiy: 'I liitoud to dovoto my llfo to
t-rndlcntliiB thn crying uvll,' I know ho
nioiuit our Imby."
Komo people any running li xo much
cinder tluin It tiHcd to he. Ktlll, If n
farmer (Iooh Ills duty, oven In theso
duyn, ho knows ho hua a Job,
JBIvI v.
l3JzfJ) rjyn
'A mm
hi: Wl DBWV
A. J. TOWtn CO0TO. MAI., 0..A.
Ec& irrigator
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
win. tii'ir linn miTiny .. ii..m .....
1 rili lb M-al of lli iIImhimi. Cuturrli la a
I OMMilirri.UtMtloiil ilia a), and lu iitrlo
1 ruio It ymi in ii t lain Inkiriial rNio4l. I
Hull (Uftli ( u lrn lltlllll, n,l
I'taitlie. II jr on llm lilixxl nlmiituur'.
lla.l'Al amirh I u'l 11. t it ijunk ihmII.Iii
It utm I'lt-M-fll-il ,y oliv nf II lo.l pliytli Inha
III llili tuiumry Iur yraia, nii-l I a li-Kiila tt"
iftitlon. It la mi 1- -t of tho lMt toiilr
knuttti, tiUiMrtt vtlili lb l.wt blooil jmri- . x-tltiK ll-(y 011 llm rfiiinmia aurfnti-.. I
1i twrftx I romlilu lH nl llm twullifirllnli
la Mliat prlur ii' li wmiterliil rrtulu la '
cuilny I'alarrli. Mamlfor ullmiiiUl lre. I
P J 'li:f v A 1 i. I'i luMt.,0.
How ir.tiMui. .rii7v.
lUU'a ramlly liln am I ho Ut. I
Tlir clirck which Kbit IMnrard of
KliKlanil uara fr hl ptirat IiuIom are
drawn on lit innnml nemuiit at
(.'oiilt'. Tim alcnaturi la "Kdirard It,'
follow ed by a small royal crown.
Itobliid thn Itiira.
"The aliKk Milwr," ri'iiinrkrd the mor
tllf4tr, "ifln II ml It dinicult to mak
Uilh rinU uivft."
"I trurM that's ritilit." remarkfd tli
iFHHirallsvr; "hut th chrck ralr It
nnuly always sure of I1I1 board and
Mlhrrwlll flrxl Mr. WlHilow-i Hoottitn;
Prrup Dm l-t taiMCxty tout Iur thair ctillUrcu
ourlaic th tltilu- octal.
Koiupwlint DirTrroiit.
Tom Did yn ever uxtlm with what
lyl- and a-raudrur Ml Klutlclk'h swvpa
lulu a rwoiiY
Jack Yea; but wlnfl It comes to
sMM-pliiE 'ot a rim she lo't In It with
Ur r old mlhr.
l'or forty yr's Piio'a CHr for Con
sumptUui ha ntirxl eoiiKhs ami ooldi. At
drugKl'ts- TrlmM cents.
Ilia I'olnl or 'lnw.
Vlfe AcntrdlNK to th papers drrs
gnmU will ewHie much higher thla avaivn
than mat.
1 1 Mb lid Well. I am (lad of It. I
never did apprur uf the dcollt co
, tuoi.
A a
v( SBfmU
li f Iff 1 T ssasTlWHsTlfsTri
SvrS'MXy SI?! "y Tjfit-r
Election Returns That Interest All Parties
A Neat Jloimckorprr.
I'eililler I'm aelllnic the nun, pstent,
hrdnoui fire eaeapna, lleht, ortabIe,
'julrkly adjusted
Hllklna Oou't want It. Wouldn't lu
of any ue.
"Hut. air, yu may bare a fir at any
time, and "
"Siiikmi we ahould? Huppo I ahottM
buy that thins and tnkn It home. Th
tlmt lloie my wlfr- wut to aKtin: thini
to riithta, aka'd put that euntriraore into
aome pier corner where It couldn't b
found la sereoti-ea hours."
Worlliy of Kinulntloii.
"What," asked th youth. "1 the re
cret of jour hapui and coateut
"I manaite to b Juat deaf enough not
to bear xitne thins and blind enoaj;!i
not to at soia uthtrs," anawtred th
I Hon or a ftamural.
Admiral Togo was third son of Togo
Klcblzaemou, an admiral of the clan of
Katauma, and tho father gave him the
name of Hclhnchlro. He wns born at
Kogosblrna ou the 14th day of th
10th moon of the year of grace 1857.
The gracious period of Mcljt (which by
Interpretation means th era of n
lightened reign) began In 16S A. D.
That was also tho birth date of the
new Nippon. After the sacred tradi
tion of a samurai family, bis mother
took him to the shrine of a guardian
deity and placed blm upon the altar
aa tho offering to his country and to
the sword, that be might defend the
land of the gods. I.Ike many another
boy of a samurai family, bla military
training dates back far beyond hU
memory. Century.
ar4p r ajiaVal
the Ortmtft Conditioner and Stotk I'Mtttotr known.
HORSES do more work 00 Iraa feed. COWS Iflft raar and rlahcr
milk. HOQS grow and fatten Quicker If tirtn t bit food.
Iht lxa la!- -riMin auxk rsaa K aar Uroukbrva Id. Ii rtM
ta arfliu M .m u ilnrnr. laKatHadlt tnat4jTa vltkMt
ten tIU r. W. UtUXOIZ. Irin. Sab. '"
rnuUa Inatlr C, St. Nil. HUi.
Itb Miat
tun,,!).: r.r..ti. rntt, as-p... it.nd nook.
VOKTUNU SKID OOm rorUaaat. Or OomI AcaU
Jlmri Xh
RUSSELL engers
"fcu High Grade
thstaR Machinery
The A. H. Averill Machinery Co.
Writ tor Cataloju and lrki.
jb W. L. Doualas mnfroa and mtltm mow wiw's $a.fO CCw
" f;oo than any ottior manufacture In tho world. ",
a 1
Tliereston . IIVna MUMthociamtharwatei.wtlsrttn tkawnM Is "aoa of tbrir ex eU
ntiilvrar niiln and nipt T -rinquli if. .If I e-uld almwT ail VnantlMaUi
1 iiiaalnniT fsA'rr a' 1 l . f t"irrir.atfutl!iVib-r.,lfi hrraud.TiiiuldBDdf.i
nU lir.W. I- lkusia s " iio.eoi.nior to i -av"':r." J ; ' fw1'", .' " ".1 -l,r.hl
l.rli lfin' dlim IIIAtl AliTf HIT BA.V Un V M4 HW l'"i-l , -
l.iliKP. lliil uro nf arrata
W.L. lHuiIsvigbariilr -ith. r .1-rttypttii 1 n tu Uilt d4 prltO OH Iho btHtOUU lO0k0rr-
Uku iw hiLm Uu.o. NjJ by Uo dMi crtrw lr
mhbb r &... .. ir w n.u.i fl aa m r.M. ru M.f Ffc. Mara ari'ja nHP'kH
laHEH v. jui.i'j. (... S4rV'if .;-: A."V'f ,'!".'"' '''' '"1?
laaSaH Mjl.l:,il-li. a. JA-i'i K. ltrn. Cl.. l.JS. M. futtnue,,J, lu.
RPh 1 1 1 1 nC TBBBstiH W. T Insl'l romp, ('..II.LIii In III tf.". SO lij'..i I 'ru ," la concoUfd to
I 1 1 1 1 1 1 OO Wm V) Imi tlto llliwt l'utout .ealiir JuuiUv. lut lolur 1 rlil. usrtl rsvlul.aly.
S2 JQ iv, l, UQUOLAS, Brockton, faaaaachuavtta.
tXTIIKN wrlllntr tomUcrtUaraiiloai! y ' " -i- ' ' -Sllrfr
war iitditiitiii ! nnisair.
Atk Your Oroou-
ta lN
ikii mMm v ia oivk. aaj wU ..Im ut n ju.ia...
1 .innn miaul agi wa oj.; i,ai.iiiaijai
0 ... iilMBBHJ
- jmtft-nfmi