The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 18, 1904, Image 6

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jjBtiiMfa.saMawetiissjserss"issjazijii y
j Secret of foe Plundered Safe
In 1810 llod hi his ancestral ensile
ou the banks of the Khotic the U1 Mar
quis lie Clameran nml his two sons, IJos
ton nml Louis. They were tlie objects
of hl km lu tlie same measure as for
his hnte he vlcwetl his nelKhbor, the
Countcs tie In Verbc rle. Stem, old nml
nrroouit. she woiilil Iiiitc hceii the en
eral detestation as she vn thin Individ
unl one. had It not lieen for her beauti
ful nml pontic dauhter. Viilontlue.
The estates were separated only hy
the river, here narrow out swlrtly flow
Inc. It wan no harrier for hue. Valen
tine law Gaston, and from that moment
his Iiukkc filled her heart, lint so many
obstacle sepirated them! Yet they met
hnppily. until one fatal evenlinc. when
the saw her lover swim the tide at the
createst risk, and fall at her feet, al
most exhausted.
"la It yotiV she murmured, try hut to
life him up. "Then heaven has heard
my prayers, and had pity."
"No," wan his cUHHiiy answer, "heav
en has not been pitiful, for 1 am forted
to flee. Our hive Is the sprt of the
nifties, and to punl.h the Insolent I hate
nearly killed two of the scoundrels, lint
what doe this exile matter? Yon will
accompany me, and vharc my home lu
the. wilds."
"I cannot leave my mother, Gaston."
"llut If your mother knows we ure
married "
' "You are poor, and she Is deternill ed
I li nil marry a wealthy man, that flu
may end her days lu luxury."
"She shall have It." mM Gaston, bit
terly: "make her wait three years, when
I shall return rich, or you will lie free
' " " ""or
one reason to preserve her. She was
aoeu to be the mother of Gaston's child.
She had net revealed this secret to him,
but her mother divined It.
She was a woman for emergencies.
Bhe eseorted her daughter to KiiKland,
where the child was bora, ami left with
perrons hired to adopt It, without, of
course, knowing what an aristocratic
don they were fosterlwr.
The young mother, bereft of her son
nd of his father, returned home with
her mother In passive resignation. Shu
acrrowed for four years without tvcilv'
luc any Intelligence of either. Then she
learned Gaston was dead. Ucr mother
remained a marble (mace to her, but she
was alive to her selfish Interests. She
was alwaya looking about her for tho
means to rise from her genteel poverty.
and at this period it presented Itself.
They made the acquaintance of the
young banker. Andre Kauvel.
The first time he met Valentin he
was struck by her beauty, and after
looklne Into her large, melancholy eyes
his admiration deepened luto love a
lore so earnest and passionate that ho
felt that be could never be happy with
out her.
lief ore being Introduced to her his
heart had surrendered Itself to her
charms. lie was wealthy, a splendid ca
reer was open to him, and he vowed that
Valentine should be bis. lie confided all
his matrimonial plans to an old fnem
of Mme. de la Verberie, who had no
sooner breached them to the match-making
mamma than the alliance was ar
ranged. Eighteen months after her marriage
Mme. Kauvel presented her husband
with a son. llut neither this child, nor
a second son born a year after, could
make her forget the first one of all, the
poor, forsaken babe who hud been
thrown upon strangers, mercenaries,
who valued the money, but not the child
for whom It was paid.
Louis de Clameran was now Marquis
of Clameran; he was free, and compar
atively rich. lie who had never had
twenty-five crowns in his pocket at mice
now found himself the possessor of two
hundred thousand francs.
This sudden, unexpected fortune so
completely turned his head that he felt
fettered In the country, and hastened,
after disposing of nearly everything, to
Paris. lie plunged Into the aea of dis
sipation until the day came when he
dragged himself out on tho shore, penni
less, and glad to live quietly, while med
itating any mean to regain wealth.
Forced to quit bis country, he was eigh
teen yearn abroad, living front hand to
mouth for tlie most of tho time, when
at a gaming resort he broke the bank
and thought that he might oe his home
one more, where perhaps the etil ha
bad done had not lived after his depart
ure, lie bad been twenty-live years ab
sent, but tho old tenants remembered
him, and warmly gave tlielr welcome.
' lie, the adventurer, the bully, tlio base
accomplice of Loudon swindlers, delight
ed In these marks of respect and venera
tion, bestowed upon him as the, repre
sentative of the house of Clameran; It
seemed to make lilm ouce more feel a lit
tlu elf)respect, fi rlf the' future' were not
One of the fArmera was eager to buy
a. niece' of land 'which' be had'rented'so
long that he almost felt that It was bis J
own; IamiIs disposed of It for ready
money, and, already tired of rusticity,
hurried again to tho gay city.
llesldcs, ho hnd learned the secret of
Valentino; he knew of the offspring of
his brother mid the girl who was now
tho wife of one of tho, most opulent of
Parisian bankers. 1otils meant to levy
blackmail ou her to Increase his store.
Time had dulled the remorse and anx
iety of Valentine. In tho gonial atmos
phere of a happy home alio had found
rest, and almost forgot fulness. She had
suffered so much at being compelled to
deceive Andre that she hoped alio was
now even with fate.
One rainy November day her husband
had gone to Provence on business. She
was sitting, gasing Into the bright tiro,
and thankfully meditating upon her pres
ent happiness, when the servant brought
her n letter, which had boon loft by a
stranger, who refused to give his name.
Without tho faintest presentiment of evil
she caretossly broke the seal, and In nn
instant wan nlnio-t prlrlllcd by tho
word which met her terrified eyes
".Madame: Would It be rchlng too
much upon the memories of tho past to
hope for half an hour of your time? To
morrow, between two and three, I will
do myself the honor of calling upon you.
"Till-: MAltQUIS Oh' C'LA.MKItAN."
Ahl she had hoped and believed that
the fatal past was atoned for, nud bulled
lu oblivion; and now It stood before her
pitiless and threatening.
The dreaded day came, and with It the
man. Her emotion was too deep not to
servo his purpo, and though she pro
sen od enough coolness not to place her
self lu his power by accepting his fictlou
of Gaston dying In his arms and consign
ing him to the care of his son, she could
not altogether shake him off.
On the other hand. the dared not con
fess to her husband, who would never
have contldetioe In her again, and she
refused the sympathy of Madeleine. The
girl bad divined that she was In distress.
and pleaded hard to loarn the eanse.
Tho plotter gave time for tho olon
to work; when he communicated with
her again, it was to ask her to call at
hi hotel. The poor woman. In the rolls,
dared not stay away. Hero another sur
prise awaited hrr. The marquis wan not
In the rooms. He who received her was
a cherubic youth, who announced him
self lu a sweet voice, which wrung her
heart, as Itaoul Valentine "WIUou." it
was her castaway sob!
This voice was so like Gaston's that
site seemnl once more to bo listening to
the loer of her almost forgotten youth.
It seemed only yesterday that Gaston
had pressod her to his faithful heart;
she saw him still, saying, gently:
"In three yours, Valentine! Walt for
Andre, her two sous, Madeleine all
were forgotten in this new-found affec
tion. She Imagined that Madeleine look
ed at her strangely on her return from
the Hotel tl it Louvre. She must suspect
something, but she did not suspect tho
For several day she asked embarrass
ing questions as to where her aunt went,
ami with whom she had been during
these lone niwenees from home. Tills
disquietude aud seeming curiosity chang
ed the affection which Mine. Kauvel had
hitherto felt for her adopted daughter
luto positive dislike.
She regretted having placed over her
self a vigilant spy from whom she could
not escape. She pondered what means
she could take to avoid the penetrating
watchfulness of a girl who was accus
tomed to rend In her face every thought
that crossed her mind. With unspeaka
ble satisfaction she solved the ditllculty
In a way which she thought would
please all parties. 8h would hae her
married and thus removed from her
path and her son's,
Clameran esiKiuscil her Idea, but want
ed to modify it; It was himself thnt he
proposed for the girl's hand, undertak
ing to shelve Ilertoiny, to whom she had
been tacitly engaged, and ha promised,
as a substantial Inducement for tho
banker's wife to consent to this change,
to transfer to Itaoul all the dower that
came with the bride.
This time tho creature In his talons
presumed to rebel. He left her with
fear that his plan were not working
smoothly a before. Clameran had cause
foe fear. Mine. Kauvel' determination
was not feigned. She wa firm In her
resolve to confess.
"yes," she cried, with the enthusiasm
of a noble resolution; "yea, I will tell
Andre everything!"
She believed herself to be alone, but
turned around suddenly at the sound
of footsteps, and found herself face to
face with Madeleine, who wa pale nnd
well-eyed from weeping.
"You must obey this man," she quiet
ly said. "I despise M. de Clameran, and
shall always regard him as the basest
of men; nevertheless, I will marry him.
I will not suffer dishonor to fall upon
this house, which Is my home, while I
have power to precvent it. Am 1 not
Indebted to you for more than life?
What would I now be had you not taken
pity on me? A factory girl In my na
tive village. You warmly welcomed the
poor orphan, and became a mother to
her. I It not to your husband thnt I
owe tho fortune which ezcltes the cu
pidity of this wicked Clameran.? Are
not Aiel and Luclen brothers' to tne?
And now, when the happiness of all who
have been loving nad generous to me Is
,at stake, do you suppose I would heal-
Then began 'struggle of sslf-sacrlflcs
between Mme. Knuvel and her ule
to which should be tho victim, online
moro sublime, because each otTereder
life to the other, not from any eitcn
Impulse, but deliberately and wlllltr.
llut Madeleine carried tho day, llrfri
ln. was bv that holy enthusiasm o(c-
r I lion whlih Is tho sustaining olemobf
"Have coiirngo: wo two can llghto
world and sllcnej our enemies, fjj
shall ho saved, aunt; only trust In J
Tim M omuls of Clamernii was ii-
nbly surprised that evening by reoujg
n letter from .Mine. I'auvoi,
sho consented to everything
linvu ii I It t In Hunt to enrrv (It
A line from Madeleine, at the bottq?'
the letter assured him that alio funjri
curred with her mint. f.
Poor girl, she did not spare her.
Tho next day she took Prosper '
and forced front him tho fatal pro"
to slum lur In tho future, and tff
upon himself llu responsibility of til
ing their engagement. Ct
g by reooK
d, sayluglt
ng, but fjt
out thii
After leaving Valentino de ljr
hrrle Gnston underwent grout peril1
dltllcullv In effecting his eseapcW
! for his experienced and faltlifulfoj
.Mcttnui no never wotuu nne sutvri .
lu embarking. '
Having left his mother's Jewels i
Valentino, his sole fortune ihiiisIsIol
not quite a thousand francs, and '
this paltry sum lu his pookct. a fugll
from Justice, and with no pntspeit
entiling a livelihood, ho took pawngo t
lloforo Gaston had been on luxtrd t
Tom Jones forty eight hours ho saw tl
chalice had cast him among a rollret
of tho most depraved bandits and c
throats. The vessel, which seemed
have recruited at all points of the co
pass, possessed a crow composed of
cry variety of thievish knaves; re
country had contributed a specimen.
Hut Gaston's mind was undisturbed
to the character of the people w
whom his lot wns cast for seve
mouths. Tho Tom Jones set sail I,
Valparaiso, but certainly went In
roundatoHt way to reach her destlnath
The real fact was that Captain Wat
proood visiting tho Gulf of GuIhom.
Gaston saw that he was sorvlilg I
apprenticeship on a slaver, one of t M
many sliln which made lmioene ft
tunes bv rarrvlng on tho slave trade.
though this dlxoivery tilled Gaston wlf
ImllrnatloH and shamo. he was prwlcj
enough to conceal his Impression.
When Gaston had been with Capt
Warth aliout a year tho Tom Jones rtt
ped at Itlo Janeiro for a month, to J
In supplies. Ho now decided to lea
tho ship. He iwmcsed twelve thmim
francs, as his share of the profits, wit
h landed at Hraril.
As a proof that tho stave trade wj
repugnant to bis nature, he left I
slaver the moment he itosnoMed a lit
capital with which to ojiler some
httliics. Finally, after toll and s
gle, he was worth a million In gohl,
sides immt-nse tracts of land.
Arranging to return to his native In,
he wan taken III ami dM, but loft l
fortune anl Inst rue timis to it is raitNU
cousin MchmiiI. The latter came
Franco. An Iron mill was for sale u4
Oloron, ou the borders of the Gara;
bought It with the Intention of utlttsl
the Immense quantity of wood, wMi
for want of means of transportation, w
being wasted In tho mountains.
Ho was soon settled comfortably
his new home, and enjoying a lm, u
tlvo life. One evening, as he was roti
dating over the past, a sonant browg
him a card, and sahl the gentleman w
wfiltlng to see him. He read tho ns
nn the card: Louis de Clameran, wl
hailed him as a friend of bis brother.
"We will have, to do the Iwst we MM
ho said, "and keep house for ourolv
We will live together like two old hr.e
elors, ns we are. and ! a happy ,
kings: we will lead a gay lift ami enj
everything that ran lie enjoyed,"
A few days after MpmoiiI was taki
111. He had a sort of vertigo ami wes
dizzy that he was forced to He down,
"I I'.now what is the matter," ho sal
"I havo often been III lu this way
Itlo, A couple of hours' sleep will om
me. I will go to hod, and you can st
some one to awaken me wbwti dluner
reatly, Louis; ( shall be all right by Ik
At the same time he ordered MabtH
his old servant, whit had till
with him for ton yuan, to prtre ht
some lemonade, i
The next ilay Menoul apitoared to
much better. He ate his hroNkfast, hi
was about to take a walk, when I
pains of tho previous 'day suddenly
turned in a moro violent form.
Without consulting his cousin, I.oi
sent to Oloron for a physician who
wonderful cures hail won him a w
reputation. The doctor declared tli
there was no danger ami merely l
scribed a dose of valerian, and n hlUt
with some grains of morphine sprluM
ou It
(To bs rontlnuad.l
Unspoken Hinpatlijr,
Mra. Ofillwy You forgot to congrnl,
ulnto tlio bride, didn't you, John?
Oldboy No, I dliln't forgot It
may be wronjr, nnd I hopu I am, but
didn't fool ns If I could conurutuluti
licr without poalnjr ni u hyiwrlto."
Mrs, Oldboy Why, Jolitil wliut li.
tlie name of common hoiiso do yot
Oluboy Hhern tnnrrlwl to n youna
tnnn who not only mnokon dgurott
nnd pnrtH hi a hair lu tlio middle, Uu
ho ulbo tilaya a mouth orc'in.
As ICxplalnctl,
Irate Customer I tlipiiKlit you said
that parrot I !otilit of you luat weoH
wan on educated bird.
jjeaior ho i did, air. ii
Ira to Customer But he can't hpcnlJ
i'Vord. . .
LN)aiei-or course not. lie was etlu
cated In a deaf antf'durnb asylum. '
Tenant Points tlio House.
A mini tocoiitly took n liousu upoii n
Iriian In a coilnln croscout In Loudon
without oxiiiuliilng tlio tonus of hi
nurr-fiuont its olosoly iin ho should. Af
Jcr ii tliuo ti, tmitllortl culled upoi
mm nun pointed ,,ut Hint ho wns
bound to do nil tho iiulslilo painting m
oortiiln Inlorvuls. Ho protested, but Ii
wna "so iiouiltmtod lu tlio bond." nml
thoro wna o help for him. After n
fowl of thought ho hired II.
Iiiiliitora nml directed them to puln
..... ...,..,.. or mo rront of tho lions
rod. while ami blue -In stripes.
When It was llulslioil tho uolghhoi
hood-It won rather a riishlonnbio pur
wna up In arms nml tho landlord
wits frantic Tho tenant politely vs
philuod to him thnt thoro wna uothliiL
lu tho agreement about tl... ....i..
thnt red. white nml blue. In stripes
wna his favorite combination, but ho
thought ho might, porlmps. be bottoi
plousod with the painting f the back
which no proposed to color green, with
yellow spots.
The landlord, who well know thnt
not another limine could he lot In tho
crescent If ho curried out bis threat
Hourly had a fit at the Idon, , wll,
In it week tho tenant had n now loose
Give nnitiro ilirco helps, ami
nearly every case of con-
simipiion will recover. Fresh
air, most Important of all.
NonrlshliiR footl comes next.
Then, a medicine 10 control
(he couch and henl tlio luiius.
Ask any jjooil doctor.
" I (Wit ui.t Ay!'. I'litrrr l"lislM imii
S li, ,., Lull,'. , ,, of hill iHt,
4t, rtt.l j ji am i..r -III. mil n
ALSSur II, II. milium. lUllslU.
zto.Me ftee. . ,v-.w.
' .Inn ui. r i . ii Y, '
Hnnllli l,tn...i .,,.. ",B
.. i """"". unity IIOIIOII Or tlio
OowoIb. Aid nnturo with Ayor'a Pllli.
A .ew llettiilllon,
"Say. ps." qiirrlo.1 little Johnny Ilum
prrnloklr. "what l a high ohiirrh?"
"A high eliun-li," repli the ol.l m,
"Is on lu which the right hand of f..
I.twshlp Is vitflidrd uu a leva) with the
I Untilase1 Crltlnlsm.
"What would you do, Noni," atks.t the
young Isdy of the houietusld, "If you
could play th piano lh ssme as iu)'
"Sure, an' Ol wouldn't be afthrr rt
tin' dUcoaraged at all. at all,",
Nora. "Ol'.l kape rolght on larulu' UU
til could plsy dsrently."
ricc Prcs. Milwaukee,!
man's Association, is
million women who
to health by using-
Vegetable Compound
rrled for several year and no children
huil a complication of female trouble
Iom I could bo cured. He tried to cur
sral mouths, my husband became die
wl testimonial of a woman who had
fh tho iio of l,yllii 13. rinkhnm's
it ami iHiught a bottle for tne. 1 used
months, Imprtivliitf steadily In health.
ao. I cannot fully express tho Joy and
ir home is a different place now, aa we
orllt Is dun to Lyillii K. IMiikluitn's
si nee rely, Mus I, ( (lutVKii, OH drove
., Mllwaukoe lluslness Woman' Aae'n.
)Ilt Iiy tho nxprrlnnrn of tliojic. tyro
oro cured of tlio tnitililivs iMititno
rtalnly will Lyilln K. IMnklinin'a
a who Mtifffir from woinl troiililoa,
nuy trotililoi, iturvotiN oxcltulilllty,
miibor lliut It Im J,ydlii i:. l'liik
: la curlutr moiiiuii, nud don't ullovr
I olio III lift pluuo.
of a "Wonderful Curot
"DgAii Mus. Pihkiiaui It la a pleasure
no to write nnd tell what your wonderful
lolue baa done for me. I waa alck for
a years with change of life, and my
ilolnii thought a cancerous condition of
womb. During' these three yeara I
ired untold ajfony,
"I cannot Olid words In which to ex
a my bad feelings. I did not expect to
see another well day, I read some of the
monlala rreoinendlnff your medlclno and
led to wrlto to you uud sIt your treat
t a trial.
1 llefore I had taken half a battle of
lu IS. Plnlcliiim'a Vr-trotnblo Com
ml, I begs., to aleep. I nave taken now
ottlus and am so well I can do all kinds
urk."-Mna. LUm IIinuLe, Balem, Ind.
ciiho nliottt tvliloh you would llk
tn. JMukliiun. tilio uia surely JHolp
in ripoiik front ii wider uxiierluuuo
lu Lyjui, Musf j hor udvlco 1h free
'lib prwlo lbs otlf Ins! Uttsrs sad IfnatarM A
uts Ibtlr sbtolst itaalnsusii.