The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 18, 1904, Image 3

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Movement on Tout Amongst Mining
Men of Eastern Orcuon.
linker Oily. Thuro l movomoiil
among Hi" iiilnliiK men of thin auction
of lliu iiluto lo brlmc about Hm rujn.Mil
of lliu Kihly corpornllon law. A poll
lion Ih belli olreulnlud unking tlio
Icitlnluturo lo repeal llio law. If It Ih
not possible to aucuro lliu rcpunl of
lliu Inw Hum It 1m hoped tho legliln
turo will no iiinuiul tlio proaunt luw iih
to rotlticn llio fees cluirKuil minim:
corporation!!. Tlio iiiIiiIiik muii '"
olijuut to tlio iimuml lux to tlio Htnto,
whluli ruiigtm fiom $i2G to f 200. It
U pointed out Hint ofton u iiiIiiIiik
company Ih obliged to Incorporate for
u luigu Hum mill nwult tlio aiilo of
klouk buforo tlio work of duvulupmmit
unit lit) pushed. Mlnllii: men y Hint
It not Infrequently happuns Hint u
inlnu Ih Incorporated mid novornl
yours ellipse before It bocoiuoa h pro
ducing initio, yut undor lb" prwtuiit
law tlio corpornllon Ih obllgud to pay
an annual tax to tlio alulo which In
uoiim liiatnnroa becotnea n hunvy bur
dun. especially to thu poor prospector
Tho petitioners nntuo that nn ex
ception should bo inndo In fnvor of
iiiIiiIiik corpornllotiH for llio reason
Hint It In necosanry to Incorpornto nn
developed clultiiN In ordiir to rnlno
money to oxploll thorn. A ittronif lob
by will tfuiibtloas bo sent from nil tlio
iiiIiiIiik dlHtrlctH to work for lliu ro.
ponl or iitiiuiidliiK of lliu present Inw.
.Surveyor MtCall Leaves Ashland In
Cliuruc of Party.
Medford. Surveyor J. A. Mct'nll. of
Ashland, nnd party hnvo loft for Hullo
Creek PrIIh to mnkn ihu rinnl survey
of tlio proposed rnllrond front thu
lltitlo I'nlU Milling Company' plant
to.Haglo l'olnt. n dUtnnco of IS mllea.
l'rtillmlunry HUrvoy linn already been
inailo between Ihniio Iwo jwltitu nnd a
permanent survey will bo inndo In
order to get everything runily for
grading, which will begin when the
stirvoy It completed.
Conatructloii work will commenco
nbont April I next, Thuro nro two
feasible ronteii from Knglo l'olnt to
Ihu Houthern 1'nclflo rnllrond. but ho
fur ua known the cholco hna not yet
been tnndii. Tlio routo from Kaglo
l'olnt to Mwlford la probnbly three or
four mile longer than to Con I rtil
l'olnt. but thu fnct thai Mcdford la
tlio common-ln! cuntor of the lloguo
rlvor vnlluy nnd Jnckson county will
go fnr townrd making It tho tunnlnnl
of thla road.
Lone Cottrl Gives lalr Money.
Kugono. Tho matter of nn exhibit
of Ijino county jrrodtictn hna boon dc
flnltnly awtlled by tho county court
making nn npproprlntlon of 1600 to be
upended In prupnrlttK a aitltablo tllit
play. Thla nctlon waa tnkutt nftur nn
argument by n comsiltteo from the
KuKcno Commercini ciuu, who nwivai
od nlrotiKly for n proper display from
tho county In order to ahow tho pub
lic Ha roaourcea. It I now tlio Inten
tion to mnkn nn oxhlblt that will aur
paaa nny. Thla In addition to tho min
im: oxhlblt from tho lllno river minus,
now belnK prepared, will cortnlnly
mnko Lnno county'a dlaplny nttrac
tlvo. Suit Over Valuable Tallinn.
La Ornndo County Judgo Knkln
Itcanl n motion to dliaolvo nn Injunc
tion obtnlned from tho county court
of linker county to Union county on
behalf of tho Vlrtuo Mlnoa Develop
ment Company, iiKnlnat Bnrnuat Dnlij
Owen, of Chicago, Owen bought nil
tho tnlllnga on tho property of tho old
Vlrtuo mlno. Homo of thoao had been
inndo by nn old mill boforo tho concen
trntoa woro anved. Thoao tnlllnga
proved to bo vory vnlunblo, fnr moro
ho than wiih auppoaod, nnd tho com
pnnv t trVni to Htop tho purchnaora
from taking thorn.
Clackamas ul I lie rulr.
Oregon City. Tho CInckamna coiin.
ty court hna npproprlnted $1000 to be
expended undor tho dlroctlon of the
court In gathering and InatnlllnK nn
exhibit of ClncknmnH county product""
nt tho I.owla nnd CInrk fnlr. Uy co
operating with tho mnmbor" of tho
uonornl nnd oxccutlvo commlltoo on
tho Olncknmna county 100G fnlr exhib
it tho momhora of tho court oxpoct to
nrrnngo n dlaplny that will bo uocond
to nono other.
Aids In Hop Display Exhibit,
flnlom. Walter L- Toow, who Jms
chnrgo of tho hop dlaplny In tho Mnr
Ion county exhibit nt tho Iiowls nnd
CInrk fair, lift" nppolntod W. II. KRnn.
Julltia "Wolf. II. J. Ottenholmor nnd
T.-A. I.lvoeloy to old In tho work of
that dopnrtmont.
Sccdlna ot Weslon.
Wcflt'on. SocdltiK !"" boon undor
wny for tho pnat two wooka In this
Boctlon, nnd nlrondy tho wheat Ib bo
Vlnnlna; to npponr aboyo tho ground.
Althoitfh It-IB ft Hltlo dry, tho work la
bolng hurried to complotlon.
lftA.'1.t tfA4Ml
Testimony of cxSurvcyor Ocncral
In Warren Vullcy Cose
Hnlom. Tho douoaltlon of ox-Hur-
vovor (louornl W. II. HytiTa wna taken
buforo Frank livell, naalatnnt accro-
tury of nlnto, In tho milt broiiRht by
thu Htatu of Ori'Kon nKaliuit tho Wnr-
nor Valley Htock Company, to cancel
pntonlH laatietl to Hint company which
woro nllueud to hnvo boon laauod upon
thu fraudulent repreauutiitlon that
thuy woro awnmp lamU.
Mr. Ilyara tvatlfiod that ho aurvoyed
tho townahlp In which tho Krealer
mirt of tho Innd la altuntcd, aa United
m.ii.iu iiiiiinrliiiKiil Miirvevor 111 Auk-
uat, 187U; that nt Hint tlmo tho land
waa ao wei nun awmiii' n-
,..i run tin. Miirvitv ncroan It nnd
ho waa cnmpullod to moundcr It ami
return tho mini 'in innran; nw
.i..,i ,,. .mi lliu lltnm furl lior Into thu
.ivmiiii imi liml tn back out. owIiik
to tho awampy character of tho land.
that ho run llio meanuer uno iimru
rally iiIoiik tho oiIro of tho innrah;
Hint tho Innd In controverny, nt tho
tlmo Ihla attrvoy wna inndo, had the
nppenrntico of boltiR n pormnnunl
mnrah nnd wna covered wlUi n henvy
Ktowlh of tnll Hwamp Krnaa nnd tlnRa.
rend Dclwccn Rival Interests on
llanoc In Crook County.
Prlnovlllo. Two hundred alteep
weru abut down by n bnnd of mouuted
mnaked men 28 miles enat of Ihla city
October 1G. U. H. Cowlea. of liny
cteek. wna tho aufforer nt thv hntida
of tho unknown men. Tho raiiRo la In
nn Uolntod auction of Crook county
nnd tho news of tho depredation has
Juat renched this plnco.
Tho herder aaya Hint late on tho af
tumooti of October lu n doxen mnaked
men rodo up to tho bnnd of 1000 ahcop
nnd. pftor orderltiR him nwny, boRnn n
fuallndo on tho nnimaia. wnen
Cowlea with n number of hla nelRh
bors rodo to tho roacuo tho next morn-
. . . . ..!.... Aft hiiiIIiiii.
IIIR 110 lUIIUU IIIIUUl .VU llllliiuiin
atretched out on tho Krotind nnd tho
rent of tho tHind acnttormi rnr nnu
wide. Tho atrnKRlers were collected
with Rreat dimculty.
Orent npprehenalon la felt both by
tho initio nnd Hbup Interests nt thbt
renowed outbronk of hoatllltlcH
Thouannda of dollnra worth of atock
liny nnd fencon have been deatroyotl
In tho atniRRlo mta apritiK nnu sum- (
titer for control of KmtlnR lnnda In
Crook county.
Plenty of Wood for Salem.
Hnlom. That thnro will be plenty of
wood for fuel In Hntotn next year, la
Indicated by tho bids now belnK re
ceived for fttrnlahlni: wood for tho
atnto Inatltutlona. ThotiRlt the atnto
boanla will receive bids for n weok
yet, thero nro nlrendy more offers on
linml limn worn rrrotvod nltOCOther
Inat yenr. Aa nil the atnto Inatltutlona
hero nro controlled by practirniiy me
anmo atnto oftlcera, tho bids for fuel
fm- nil ihn Irmilttitlona nro ncelvol nt
ono tlmo. The atnto tinea 8000 conU
of wood a yoar nt Hnlom.
Kept Sweet Three Years.
Corvnllla. I'runo Julco kept In hot
Hon In tho bacteriological department
ni )lw rirni.nn A L-rlriltt llrnl rnlloea la
oxnetly tho antne nowa n the day la
wna put up. nottios or n Toconuy
opened woro found to have the same
flavor, froahnoM nnd sweetness aa
when It wnH squpoxod from the prunes
mid put away, moro than three yeora
nRO. by l'rofeaaor 1'ornot A low-torn-pernturo
proceaa of aterlllHtloii was
ttaed, nnd tho experiment mnkes It
....rfnin iimt ilwini la n wlilo fleld for
a profltnblo Induntry In Oreiion In pro-
aervlnR sweet cntor. ,
Uettcr Prices for Culllc.
linker City. Thero In n decided lm
provomont In prices offered for cnt
Ho over thoao of a month nuo. A
number of anion hnvo been mndo tho
pnat 10 days to M. McDonald or Walla
Walln nnd to Portlnnd nnd Senttlo
packers. With tho dopnrturo of the
cnttlo now bnrRnlned for, thero ap
pears to bo plenty of feed to enrry
tho remaining herds, of this county
through nn ordinary winter.
Prize Rom Goes to Polk.
Monmouth. Ily oxproas J. II. Haw
ley, who ownB n InrKO farm nt McCoy,
has Juat received n flno ram of tho
Lincoln brood of nhoop. Thla mm wna
purch a nod at fit. Louis, where ho took
tho Bwoopfltako prlro over all compet
Receipts of Land Office.
Bnlom. Tho rocolptfl of tho Blnto
Innd ofllco for pctouor amounted to
$20,928.G4. Thla sum Ib u llltlo bolow
tho nvorago monthly rocolptfl.
Wheat Market.
Portland Walln Willn, 83o;
bltteatom, 8605 volley, 8087o
Tacoma illuoatem, 80)iJo; club,
Colfsx 01ub,73Q( bluesteui, 76c.
Vladivostok fortification Has Keen
In Progress for Months.
Ulinfoo, Nov. I). As the result of
montliH ol piuparallon, Vladivostok Is
now atroiiRly prolccleil, scconlliiK to
Cspluiit llnlvoroeii, of lliu NorweRlan
ati-iitiiur 'Iiiiikuh, which arrived licit
live days out fiom Hint port. Hlio cm
I led 700 Ulilnerii roltiRi-ca, who were
tiniililo to live nt Vliullvoatok uuy Ion
ur, owltiR to tho IiIrIi price o' food and
otliei iieceaaarliiH, due lo llio war. Cap
tain llalvornrii rnje that llio Vladivos
tok tijntem of lortlflciitlouHtn-Kluiiiinny
mlli'ri outnldu ol tho city proper, and
Rrowa atiotiRor na the city la np-piOHulu-d,
Hhips laden with food, cnn.
nun, nmmtiiiltlon nnd nil Hirta of mill-tsrystipplii-a
fri-quontly nrrlvo nt Vlnd
Ivoatok, nccordiiiR to Ciipuin Hnlvoi
sun, whoaays that llvo sliipa I'ligBKed
In tiuloailliiK tliulr rnrRoea were in port
wlmn tho TiiiiKiis aniled. Tlio inptaiu
la tiualilii to t-atlmnto thu atruiiRth ol
thu garrison, but ho saya that wry
lioily at VladlvonUik aoma to bu t-itliur
an olllcer or nn ordlnnry eoldler.
Tliu Kurojicnii ri-aldi-nla ol Vlndlvoa
lok ahow their conlldenio in the r-ecur-Ily
o( tlio city by uvidcndiiK an titiwill
ItiKiii'M to hnvo it. II thu Jnpaueru
mako an attempt to rnpltiro Vlntlivos
Ink it Is tlio licllfl ol Cnptniti llalvoraen
that they will lint! It lo bu a recent!
1'orl Ailhtir.
The captain cny ho liellovi-H that
aitliuinrlno boats have arrived Bt Vlsil
Ivrmtok, but ndda that he la not posi
tive In thla hulinf, for thu n-sron that
nt pn-M-nt Hie Huniilnn unvnl secrets
are being mont clooely guardeil. Tho
linrbor of Vl&divncUik, he says, hna
Ikm-ii mined lot a ilialntico ol romo
seven milts. In (our mllea ol tlila su-s
contact mines have been laid, while in
the remaining thno in lies electric
tuini-a liavu Uen ptsntiil. Msil trains
arrive st nnd depart from Vladivostok
eery day, and there is now stored
there sit immense supply of coal taken
from mines in tlio noighboihood ol the
Japanese Arc Expected to Make Ad
vance Soon.
Mukden, Nov. 0 Quiet continues
hero. Thu Japanese nru still work
ing hnrd entrenching their front, which
begins to look like a continuous fort.
It is heliaed they aio preparing seri
ously to sihutice, making their front
ationg, pcssibly in onlei that it may
bu held by n iinall lorce, winio mo
heavier forcu engages In Hanking move
ments. Thu Japanese have learned by hitler
experience not to uxn-cl much by a
frontal nltnck. They arenbliited, bow
eer, I" maintain a strong front lo pre
vent General KtiroiHttkln Iron break
ing through their lino nnd carrying the
light to their rear.
There Is considerable evidence to in
dicate that the Japanese will make
etury cffoit to lorco tho Husslana out
of Mukden, not only for the moral ef
fect on I-.uroe, but on tho Uhlneso aa
well. Mukden la extremely Important
to tlieiu ss winter iusiters. Thu Jap
anese continue to receive leinforce
Sensational Choro.cs Made by a Del-
oradc Newspopcr.
Iletgrsde, Nov. 0. A great sensation
Iiiih lu-uii ciiiimhI Iiv tho statement ol tho
newspaper Nnrodl List thut it lias
proofs to the effect Hint the reglcldea
nnd consplratora are rptending ntrong
thu people the nscurtlon that ll was
UumIii mIiIl'ii desiiiil the removal o!
the Atistrophlle Olireitovich dynasty.
It is aliened by thu paper tliat a kuh
slau olllclal fiixjuently liad a confi
dential oiufoniico with the piincipal
actors of the tragedy.
It is ittiintcd nut bv thu imner that
overv ono of tho regb-ides has received
the Star ol Katngeorge, nnd the state
ment Is now tnnde that tiny nro soon
to lecelvu Home distinction from tho
nur l Itussln. The editor of the
paper challenges tho Puiviau ovuru-
ineiit to start net Ion upturn nun, na no
soya ho ia prepared to prove his state
ments in court.
Prooram of Irrigation Congress.
Kl l'aso,Tex, Nov. 0. The executive
committee of tho l!2tli Nutioual Irri
gation congiesa has mailed to all dole
gates an advance progtum of tho pro
ceedings ol the coming session ot tlio
congress to be hold in this oily Novem
ber 15 to 18, On tlio subjects of for
estry, engineering and mechanics, pro
duction by irrigation, climutolcgy and
tural Buttlumont, the program Includes
addresses nnd papers br 87 of the most
prominent exports in thulr respective
departments, ,
Hero Meets Death In Plrc.
Ny York, Nov. 0. Joseph Cappier
a hotel keeper of Chatineey, Wcstohest
ui county, niter saving IiIh aged niothe,
nnd father nnd three children from hla
burning hotel, lost his own life ently
today by rushing into tho llamea when
ho learned that his wife hud not escap
ed. Tho bodiet of Cnpplu mid hla wilo
wero found later In tho collor lying
sldo by oklo,- bumeil -beyond recognition.
Government Is to Have Only
Pour Buildings.
MEANS A SAVING 0I1 i 1 2,000
That for forestry and Irrigation Is
Eliminated Money Needed for
Llgttllna and Incidentals,
Washington, Nov. 7. It lias been
determined Hint the government will
erect only four buildings nt the Lewis
and Clark exposition instead of five, aa
originally planned. It was found Hint
llio acceptance of tlio lowest bid, that
of J. K. Dennett, of Portland, would
leave only f 15,000 for wiring and light
ing the government bulldfnga and lot
Incidental expenses, otc. Tills amount.
In the opinion of Htiporvising Architect
Tnylor, is not sufficient.
Tho supervising nrchltect declares it
is necessary either to eliminate one
lullding or reduce thu size of tho main
building nnd alter tlio plans. Chair
man Hills, of thu government board,
and the members of the executive board
in this city, today concluded the best
thing to do would be to abandon tiie
supsrate building which was to have
been erected for forcaty snd irrigation,
saving I l-'.OOO. As this building was
to hsve been hidden by the msin build
Ing, its elimination will not slU-r tho
general appearance of the group on thu
peninsula. The board is of the opin
ion that with this building eliminated
there will still lie suflitient space re
maining for all purposes.
Committee Named by Hitchcock Will
Ucgln Work Immediately.
Ht. Iniis, Nov 7. Tho members of
tho commltU-o selectod by tho Interior
department to select tho exhibits from
the Alaskan building tor the Lewis and
Clark Centem.lal exposition in Port
land nuxi year are expected to arrive at
the Alaskan building and begin their
IsIhus today. The committee is com
posed of tho following: Assistant Bee
ictsry of the Interior Judge Thomas
Itysn, Kdwurd M. Dawson, chief e'erk
of llio Department of Interior, I). F.
Peters, chief clerk of the Navy depart
ment, and K. It. Ilurcha.
In addition to selecting tho exhibits,
thu committee will alto determine the
amount of space to be allotted to Alas
ka. It lias beeu stated that the Citi
zens ol the vni lout cities and towns in
Alaska nre being aw akened to tue fact
that the United States gaernment is
doing everything in its power to aid
them In the development of the terri
tory and to induce people to go to Alas
ka and locate, and they will do every
thing In their power to aid the com
mittee by forming clubs and exposition
societies to make a concentrated effort
to display tiiu advantages of Alaska at
I'oitland in tho very best possible man
San rranclsco Man and Ills Wife Lose
$2,500 Worth of Jewelry.
Fan Francisco, Nov. 7. Arnold Uun
dolflnger, a retired merchant, and his
wlfo weru held up in their apartments
at thu Hotel Dorchester tonight and
robbed of Jewelry valued at f 2,600.
Accoiding to Mr. GundoUlnger's story,
he and hl wife weiu dressing in their
loom. Hu lieaul a knock on the door
and, answering it, ho discovered n for
mer bell boy of thu hotel, James Gates,
at tlio door. Gates said he hud been
sent up to look at tho plumbing. Ha
was told that Mrs. Gttndeltlnger was
dressing nnd that lie could not ccmo
In. Ho insisted nnd wbb allowed to
cute! tho room. lie then drew a re
vnher and demanded that Mrs. Gundel
linger suirendet her jewels Mis, Gun
dolflnger said they wero in another
room, and ut tho pistol's point Gates
compelled Gundultlnger and his wife to
go into the other room. Mis. Gundel
linger then handed over n bag contain
ing tlio jewels. Gates then made his
Experts Do Not Expect Dottle.
Iter in, Nov. 7. The Lokal Antel
ger 'a Mukden correspondent claims the
most trustworthy authority for the
statement thut 34,0000 sick and wound
ed Russian soldiers were eont away af
ter tho Inst engagement. Colonel
lincd'-e, (lie Tageblatt's correspondent
with tlio Russian army, tolegiaphs that
the Russian positions on tho Shakho
rhor arc 'dally becoming Btrongor. Tho
possibility' bf a .Japanese attack, he
gaya,'la constantly diminishing, and
many experts do Vol expect n decisive
engagement before spring.
fc u - -'
Pined for Bringing In Consumptive.
San Francisco, Nov. 7., Secretary
Victor H, Motcalf, ot the' department
of commorco and labor, today Imposed
a flno of $100 upon tlio Pacific Coast
etoamsUip company for bringing to this
port on September 28, as a passenger
on the atoumer umauiia, uom Vlo
toria, B. O., a consumptive.
Russia Said To Have Intercepted
Japanese Message.
HI. Petersburg, Nov. 8. The Asso
ciated I'ress has obtained official confir
mation of the sensational report that
an intercepted dispatch from tho Jap
anese minister at The llfl'jue would be
produced In the court of inquiry Into
tho recent North si-a afllalr totirovo the
existence of a plot to destroy the Rus
sian Haltic fleet. Theie Is said to lie
good ground for believing the report to
lm true, and there are many Indica
tions that the Russian government has
been long in possession ol strong evi
dence of a Japanese plan to interept all
of Admiral Ilojestvensky's warships.
This explains the willingness of itus
sln to submit the cato to International
arbitration. Hhe would scarcely have
proposed Hits course unk-ps convinced
she had a strong case.
It also develops that Kmpcror Nich
olas during an audience with Dtitisli
Ambassador Hardinge declared in tho
moat positive terms that there wcro
Japanesu torpedo boats in the North
sea. Apparently, Denmark was im
pressed by the same belief. Thu litis
slan dowager empress, who wan then
In Copenhagen, naturally did not fail
to communicate to her father the com
munication received by her from St.
Petersburg. This would accont for the
extraordinary precautions adopted by
the Dan Mi government in detailing
warships to escort the Daltlc squadron
through Danish waters.
Another remarkable story is current
in well informed circles to tho effect
that two balloons were seen hovering
over tho fikagcrack while the Kusaian
fleet entered tho North tea. Theso
were said to have been manned by Jap
anese, with the object of watching tho
Russians and possibly dropping explo
sives. No hint of suspicion is expected in
nny responsible quarter that the Brit
ish government was In the slightest de
gree or in any way responsible fnr tho
alleged machinations of the Japaneso
agents. On the contrary, officials cir
cles express the highest praise for tho
conduct of the Dritlsh government
throughout the North sea incident.
It is thoroughly appreciated here that
the activity of the British fleet was
necessitated by public opinion and was
in no wise Intended to coerce Russia.
Nearly One Hundred People on Los
Angeles Cars.
Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 8. In n t'er
rillc rear end collision on tho Long
Beach electric road today, in a denso
fog, nearly 100 persons were injured or
badly shaken up. That many per
sons were not killed outright is aston
ishing. A car loaded down with Mexi
can workmen, while running at a speed
of moro than 40 miles an hour crashed
into a standing passenger coach, which
had stopped to take on a passenger,
knocking it S00 feet along the rails,
and wrecking both coaches.
Tiie terrible impact hurled the pas
sengers and laborers into heaps amid
flying timbers, iron and glass. Fifteen
poi ions were rendered unconscious, bnt
miraculously nono is reported fatally
hurt, unless it be the motorman who
was operating the work car.
When his car burst from the fog and
bore down upon the standing passenger
coach, he threw oft the power and put
on the air at the time shrieking a
warning to those ahead. Although the
crash was inevitable, he stuck to his
post and went down amid crushed tim
bers. Tho cause ot tlio accident was tho
dense fog and the fact that tho passon-
grr coach was about ton minutes late.
A car bound to this city from Long
Beach was stopped opposite the wreck
and many of the injured wero placed
aboard of it. While standing there, a
work car which had been following it
through the fog bumped into it, and
more people were injured, some of those
who had received injtuies in the first
collision being again injured in tho
rocond ono. Both cars in tho first col
lision wero smashed to kindling wood.
and tlio passenger car, which received
tho Impact of the second accident, was
badly shattered, but was run to tho
Bids for Drydock Too High.
Washington, Nov. 8. The bureau of
yards and docks probably will reject all
the bids that wero received for tho
completion of tho big drydock at the
Mare Island navy yard. The bids are
considered aa excessive, and if the con
tract wore made ou the basis of those
figures the cost of tho dock would far
exceed the original estimate and the
amount available for (ho work. It is
probably that this work will be carried
on by yard labor, except in certain
parts, such as furnishing the loctrical
material and building the caisson.
' Difficulty Not wiih the Gun.
Washington, Nov. 8. Aa a result of
an investigation into the defect in tho
12-Inch Bholl used on United Statos
War vessels, notod during the recent
target practices of the North Atlantic
fleet, it has been reported by the board
of experts that the difficulty was en
tirely with the sterd bauds on the pro
jectile, and not with the gun, as waa
apprehended. This defect can easily
be remedied,
n 1
Uilu- l
, .(.