The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 18, 1904, Image 2

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Roosevelt's Plur
ality Unprecedented.
Even the "Solid South" Has
Been Broken.
Orcflon's Plurality Passes 40,000
Mark Idaho Gives Roosevelt
About 23,000 Plurality.
New Ycrk Nov. 10. Returns show
a eltudily inorvnaiiic Republican plur
ality ntul it now seems probable that
KoT-t-M'U'B (ilutnllty in tno popular
vote will bo, in round nuuibois, 2,000,-
00 1.
New Yotk. Nov. 0. With the elec
tion returns atill incomplete tho plu
rality for President Roosevelt In tho
nation, according to all indications,
will exceed 1,800,000 the greatest over
given Hti American candldetc.
Tliu nearest approach to this vote
was in 1800, when McKinley received
n plunvllly approximating 860,000, nnd
in 1872, when Giant received 702,901.
The interest now renters in Missouri
nnd Maryland. Late election returns
inclii ut- that the former etate it) in the
Republican column so far as presi
dential elector are concerned, hut that
Joseph V. Folk, he Democratic candl
dale, has been elected governor.
In Maryland the presidential vote
will proluibly be cast for Roosevelt.
Late leturns tonight indicato that
Thomas A. Smith has been elected to
congress by tho Democrats in (he iiiat
Portland, Nov. u. Klectlon retuma
In Oregon indicate that tho Republican
plurality will reach perhaps 43,000.
Complete leturna are not yet available.
The total vote foi piceident will fall a
little short of that for aupiemo judgo
last June, when 93,000 ballots were
cast for the four candidates of that
office. The number of votes in that
election was nearly 100,000, and the
number of votea caat last Tuesday
Pectus to be about 10 per cent abort of
that polled In the last state election.
Seven counties have adopted prohi
bition Gilliam, Yamhill, Jackson,
Denton, Tillamook, Coos and Curiy.
Sixteen counties have rejected prohi
biten Clackaiuaa, Columbia, Douglas,
Grant, Lane, Lincoln, Linn, Malheur,
Marion, Morrow, Multnomah, Sher
man, Umatilla, Union, Wasco and
Lincoln waa thought to have gone
"dry" early In the count, but pulls out
against prohibition by a narrow marg
in. In Linn tho result waa very close,
prohibition being defeated by 00 votea.
Twelve precincts, however, voled,
"dry" in the county, Including Haleey,
Rhedd, Tangent, South Lebanon, South
Brownsville,. Jackson has adopted
prohibition, and the "wet" majorities
of Medfoid, Jacksonville and Gold
Hill are therefore unavailing.
Gillam is a prohibition county by
34 majority. All precincts in Wash
ington cennty havo rejected prohibi
tion. Two ruecincts in Claukamas
voted "dry"' Garfield and Viola;
likewise 13 piecincta in Douglas, four
in union, two In Wiieelei, lour In
Multnomah, four in Malheur, six in
Umatilla, one in Clatsop, six in Ma
rion, three in Wasco, two in iShurman.
In Lane county Junction City adoptid
Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 10. Secre
tary Si. us, of the Itupublioan ttata
central oomm.lttee, said today that from
unotllaial reports from 80 of the 92
c'ounties the Republicans national
ticket had received a plurality of 74,
000 in Indiana.
Boston, Nov. 9, Complete returns
from the state give Roosevelt 254,652;
Parker 108,273; Kooeovelt'fl plurality
80,279. For governor: Douglas, Dem.,
264.311; Bates, Rep., 108,001; Doug
lav' mujoiity, 66,710.
Wilmington, Del., Nov. 9. Roosovelt
lias carried Delaware by about 2,600.
-Tho Republicans claim that they will
have 40 of the 62 members of the legis
lature on joint bullot.
Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 0. Both
Democrats and Republicans are claim
ing tho stato. Returns Indicate a ma
jority of 15,000 voles for tho Democrat
ic national ticket, and perhaps 6,000
leas for Frazler, Democratic candidate
for governor.
Seattle, Wash, Nov. 10. King coun
ty gives Roosovelt a plurality of 16,
000; Mead carries this county by 7,000.
Pierce goes Republican on national is
sues by 7,600, and gives Mead 1,760.
Spokane is more than 4,600 stiong for
Roosevelt, though Turner carries the
county by less than half lis estimated
The state of Washington placed no
limit on its Roosevelt vote. Three
fouiths of the volora who oast ballot
for lilin might have stayed iw home
and still he would have eairied the
state. Though the stato count is still
Incompleted and Inaccurate, it Is ovl
d 'lit the Rosevolt electors have n plur
a.ity over Paikor of 70,000 or better.
This is 30,000 stronger than the
iwiiuesi iiej iioiii-nn estimates iiiniiu n
before election, and as much better
than tho llrst returns indicated. The
state was pinctlcally unanimous, for
tliospaiso 21,000 I'arkor votea out of
a total that will exceed when off-party
totals are llnished 126,000 la not to bo
seriously considered.
Ho I so, Idaho, Nov. 10. Returns
from the Idaho election havo come In
more slowly than any previous tiino
in the history of tho state. Those en
gaged in gathering flgtuca complained
that things went with such a sweep
that fudges and clerks thought there
waa no further Interest in it and sealed
up returns without taking copies oi
giving anyone elsuoppoituuity to do so.
So far 61,000 votes on tho Republi
can anil Democratic eaiullilatei lor
president have been heard from and
63,181 on governor. Of the presiden
tial vote, Roosevelt has 38,782 and
Parker 16.317. Roosovolt'e majority la
23,476 and his itorceiitnge of vote is 72.
Gooding has 31,744 votes and Heitfeld
18,437. Gooding's majority ia 10,307,
and his percentage 03
Tho vote this year has fallen far Ins-
low the registration. The latter waa
about 80,000. Two years ago the Re
publican and Democratic vote on gov
ernor waa 67,896. As nearly aa can be
ascertained there la an increase of 12
per cent on Democratic and Republican
presidential votes. This would Indi
cate a total of 04.800 for Roosevelt and
Parker in the state. It Roosevelt's
percentage of 72 bo carried through ho
will lead Parker by 28,500, while Good
ing's lead over Ileltfeld would De 10,-000.
Tho Democrats elect four members of
the leigslaturo a senator from Custer,
a senator anil representative from hi
morro and a representative from Lemhi.
Baltimore, Nov. 10. Tho olllcial
leturns received here up to a late hour
tonight Indicate that the plurality for
the prsldentlal candidates last Tuesday
was very close, itossibly only 100 on
cither aide. It ia piobablo that Secre
tary of Stato Tilghman will bo called
upon to decide which of the electors
will be entitled to cast their votea in
Washington. From the olllcial retuma
thus far received the indications are
that the Republicans have elected sev
en and the Democrats one of the elect
ors of tho state. Returns received
from 11 counties of the state give the
Republican electors a plurality of 174.
Until the canvassing hoards of the
several counties and of Baltimore city
shall havo examined and counted the
ballots, it will be Impossible to say
which of the presidential candidates
will receive .Maryland's electoral vote.
There is no chango in the congressional
situation, the Democrats and Republi
cans each having elected thiee members
of the next house of representatives.
San Francisco, Nov." 10. The few
additional unoflicial returns received
today from various itoints in California
do not affect the leaulta already an
nounced. The olllcial tount will be
j required to determine the exact figures,
but It is evident that Roosevelt a plur
ality in the state will approximate
115,000. The leglslatuie, which elects
a Unitod Status tonator, wilt have 103
Republican members lo 17 Democrats
and Labor Unionists.
Salt Lake City, Nov. 10. Additional
returns from Tuesday's election, cover
ing every county In the state, have in
creased tho majority for Roosevelt so
tremendously that it is probable It will
not run short of 27,000. Parker had a
plurality in only one county. In Salt
i.ake county, out of a total of about
31,000 votes, Roosevelt received 20,
100, and Parker 8,100.
Now deans, Nov. 9. Tho Demo
crats havo carried Louisiana for l'uiker
by a majority of probably 35,000.
Mcntgomury, Ala., Nov. 0. The
Democratic ticket carried with the
usual majorities, electing everything.
Jacksonville, Flu., Nov. 9, Tho usual
Democratic majorities in Florida are
indicated. The Democratic candidates
for congress are all elected.
Reno, Nov., Nov. 10, There nro still
about 70 precincts (o hear from In this
state, A conservative estimate places
Roosevelt's plurality at between 2,500
and 3,000. Yortngton, Rep,, Is elected
over Van Duser, Dem., by about 100,
Nixon, Rep., for senator, will control
tho legislature hy about three votea,
Columbus, ()., Nov. 10 Nearly
complete returns tonight show elosii to
260 000 plurality for Roosevelt and
Fairbanks electors. Only 18 out of the
88 counties in tho stato have been car
ried for Parker and only one Democrat
ic lougiessmau has been elected out of
21. State Chairman Harvey Garber,
tho Democratic candidate in the Fourth
d strict, has 1,000 plurality lu a dis
trict normally 0,000 Democratic.
Denver, Nov. 10 I). B. Falrley,
Republican state chulman, today
abandoned his claim that Governor J,
II. Pcabody had been ro-elected, and
tho governor himself conceded his de
feat. Adnma' majority over Peubody
In the city and county of Denver is 6,
070, and in thu entire stato about 6,600.
Philadelphia, Nov. 10. Complete
but uuolllclal figures lecelved by the
Associated Press from every county In
the state, with the exception of Alio
gheny, in which Pittsburg ia situated,
but from where a close estimate lias
Iwcn obtained, shows that President
Roosevelt's plurality in Pennsylvania
lias reached 491,962, probably the
largest plurality ever given a pteslden.
tial candidate by any state lu the polit
ical history of the country.
West Virginia.
Pakeraburg. W. Va , Nov. 10. The
olllcial returns for West Virginia are
not yet in, but from leturna received
Roosevelt's plurality in the state is
placed at 26,000 to S0.000. The Re
publican state committee claims the
election of W. G. Dawson, Rep., for
governor, by about 9,000 plurality.
The Democratic stato committee cou
cedea his election by about 6,000.
St. Lotila. Nov. 10. With seven
counties still to be heard from the le
turna show that Roosevelt's plurality
in Missouri stood at 16.766. Of the
teven counties unheard from six went
tor llrvan in 1000. Thnv are remote
and sparsely settled. With complete
returns from 90 counties out oi ill at
hnml. tho entile Rrmihlican state tick
et, with the exception of governor, has
been elected by pluralities of 350 'Mo
St. Paul, Nov. 10. Incomplete re
turns from all counties in .Minnesota
show that Johnson, Dem., was elected
governor by a majority of 18,000. Re
turns received here today show that
the next Minnesota house of roprettrit
atives will have 107 Republicans and
12 Demucrates.
Hut to, Mont., Nov. 10. The returns
from Tuesday's election thus fur re
ceived seem to give the Republicans
the best of it in tho next legislature.
The house, it la figured on actual re
turn), will bo Republicans 37, Demo
crats 31, doubtful 4. The senate from
present indications will bo 16 Republi
cans, 10 Democrats and 1 doubtful.
A Republican leglslatuie insures the
return of ex-sjsnator Thomtia II. Carter
to the United States.
White River Junctlon.Vl., Nov. 0.
Complete returns from Vermont:
Roosevelt 40,091; Parker 9,881; Rooso
veil's plurality 30,810.
New York.
New York, Nov. 9. Returns from
tho whole statu show that Roosevelt
has 171,000 plurally and tliat illggins
for governor has 80.000. The legislat
ure will havo 102 Republicans out id
160, and 35 Republican senators out of
Parker carried Greater New York,
with one election dlstrlut missing, by
35,099. Brooklyn was carried by
Koosotult by 1,080, lierrlck carried
Greater New York, with one election
district missing, by 80,025, and Brook
lyn by 6,404.
Now Haven, Coun., Nov. 0. Com
plete returns from the statu give Roose
velt 111,3110; Parker 72,107. Foi gov
eiuor: Roberts, Rep,, 101,703; Robert
sbn, Dem,, 78,187.
Austin, Tox., Nov. 9. Nearly com
plete returns show that tho vote cast
will hardly exceed 375,000, of which
260,000 where cast for Parker, (10,000
for Roosevelt and tho remainder twittered.
Topeka, Kail , Nov, 9. At 12:30 a.
m. Chairman Stubbs, of tho Republi
can Stato commiteto, claimed tho elec
tion of I loch foi governor hy a plurali
ty of 60,000 Roosevelt's plurality will
bo closo to 100,000.
Rhode Island.
ProvMonto, R. I., Nov. 0. Com
plete returns from Rhode Island for
president give! Roosevelt 10,8118)
Parker 2,92 1 1 Roosevelt's plurality 16,
974. Utter, Hep., will bo elected gov
ernor by less than 6,000 plurality. Tho
legislature Is overwhelmingly Republi
can, Wisconsin,
Milwaukee, Nov. 9. It Is generally
conceded that Roosovelt has earrUd
Wisconsin by 00,000. Both Republi
can and Democratic state chairmen
claim the statu respectively for Idt
Kollette and Peck.
Cheyenne, Wjo , Nov. 0. Roosevelt
has cart led Wyoming by 7,600 to 8,
000. Brooks, R-pilhllnui, has been
elected governor by over 4,000 over Os
borne, Di mouratie.
Detroit, Nov. 9. .Michigan today
was the scene of n verllahlu landslide,
Roosevelt and lalrbanks hsvo carried
the state hy an unprecedented majority
variously estimated at from 100,000 to
160,000. l-rederlck Waruei for gov
ernor and tho Republican state ticket,
aie elected.
New Jersey.
Newark, N. J., Nov. 9 New Joisey
was carried hy tho Republicans by a
bigger maturity than ever the muni sun
gulno of tl.o Republican predictions.
The state gave lu the uelghliorhootl ol
(10,000 fur Kooravolt.
Richmond, Va., Nov. 9. The state
has gone about the usual number Dem
ocrat it.
Chicago, Nov. 9 Tho indications,
based on tho return received, are that
the Republican national ticket has ear
rled Illinois by about 160,000. The
Democrats decline that the figures were
exaggerated, hut admit that Itoosetolt
will havo a plurality not far fiom 100,
000. Arkansas.
I.lttlo Rock, Ark , Ncv. 9. This
state Is carried hy Parker hy u slightly
increased uiajurity over the last general
North Carolina,
Charlotte, N. C, Nov. 9. The count
la proceeding slowly. Republicans
CnllcvMe Parker a good majority.
New Hampshire.
New Hampshire hss U-en rarrled
overwhelmingly hy the Republicans.
South Carolina.
Columbia, H. C, Nov. 9. Parker
has carried South Carolina hy not lev
tliHii 40,000 plurality. The Democrat
ic slat ticket has been oleeted without
8outh Dakota,
Hloux Falls, . D Nov. . Chair
man Maillu, of the DoKiocratle state
central committee, has issued a state
ment In which he concedes Roosevelt
(tolled 00.0(H) votes, Parker 80,000 and
Watson 16,000.
North Dakota.
Grai.d Forks, N. I)., Nov. 9. Roose
velt tarried North Dakota by fiom 20,.
000 to 36,000. This Is an Increase of
over 00 per lent from'McKliiltiy's ma
jority. The atate ticket Is elected by
probably 4.000 less. '
Dea Molnoof, Nov. 9. Returns aio
slow In coming In, hut the Indications
mi well-distributed reti'rns indicate Unit
Roosevelt's plurality will be 196,0011
and the entire state ticket w'ill lmu
about the same iiumhtir. Republicans
elect ten congressmen.
Savannah, Ga., Nov. 9. This slate
will send all 13 Democratic electors to
the college to mime the president.
Louisville, Ky., Nov. 9, Tho Re
publicans nt this timoooucodutho Dhiii
ocruts nearly everything,
Omaha, Nov, 9 At midnight the
indications are that Roosevelt has car
ried Nebraska hy a plurality of ,15,000
to 40,000. Tim Republicans have
eleuted congressmen in tho First,
Fourth, Fifth and Sixth districts. The
Second uml third am in doubt.
Portland, Maine, Nov. 9. Willi a
Slightly decreased vote Maine today
gave tho usual Republican majorities.
Democrats showed less Interest than
Republicans and many did not votu,
Jackson, Miss, Nov. 9, Iho Demo
cratic plurality le unusually largo In
Mississippi, having reached tho total
of about 60,00(1, All Democratic con
gressmen are elected.
slaVsbeaten Have Driven Wetfoe
in Center.
nciiiiiNU at Ainiiim nmicc
Jap.tTiihc Desperate (trances lliclr
Total tuMiultlcs, as llc.vilt of
Lute At tin Its, ure I.IOO.
Chicago, Nov. 9. A apt cm' lo tint
Chicago Dally News froin Dilny, No
vi inher, (I, via Kobe, says:
"Alter three days of continuous
bombardment of Poit Aitlmr. whlih
caused great destruction to llin Mioju
sail mid Nlryusitu forts lulhe west
center of the Russian Hue T ilefeiiMi,
mid also to Kukwaii fort, the light
whig nf tho Japanese arijiV ni-s.iulliil
Sojiiwin ytnlcrility alloriinWT Having
earned these approaches tiMhal height,
the Hssiillauts Intrenched tin mselves III
the glares of the forts. In (In- evening
the left wing dellven d mi aault ou
Kekwau, fighting Its way inAfhe lower
parapet. Th-ro the Japnuise held
their ground stubbornly lu Hie face of
a Bosnian counter attack
"Having been relulniccd during the
night, the Russians charged down upon
the Japanese, and desperate hnnd-to-hand
conflicts ensued. Iho Japanese
lcat back the enemy and dtsiro)id two
cnciod positions lu the front moat.
A Japainwe subxtltuto lieutenant with
3D volunteers then surcrednd in making
his way to the rear of the furl. There
he Chun ued In n ixominitl eonlllet with
a Busniau olllcer and killed him. Hav
ing destrojnl two inure deiennw lu the
rear of the moat, the uhilttitt lieu,
tenant withdrew his (one with a 'loss
of two men.
"Ijtler In the night the advanced
HMiinu of the JapaniM wa taken and
ruliikeu twice. The besieger rtH-t-ved-ed
In holding the approach, ami con
structing ticuche. count Unit I hem
with Hie army's (rent strnllel At
dawn iiumhei of dwtd were vlrlhln on
tint slopes. Fort 'P.' north of the nnw
and old batteries In tint leU center of
the line of the defense, was captured,
aa a result of the severe lighting of tho
"These operations have successfully
dilteti a wedge into the Rusolan renter.
St-vere explosions and extensive tires
have otciirred lu the foilren within
Ihe taut few days. The lots! camaltlre
of the late attacks by the Japanese
went 1,100. Over 600 were kllM up
to October 29, The spirit of the men
ia magiiltlceiit. 'Ihe tiring of all the
guns Is wonderfully iffrctlvn "
ornccRS arc CAUto out.
Russia Will Meet Deficiency Result
Ina from Recent Baltics.
Ht. Petersburg, Nov. 9 The litre"
slty for olllrera for H-rvIre at the front
has resolled lu the mohlllaalUHi of all
reserve olflcers lu HI. 1'elersblirg, VII
na, Warsaw, Klfff, Odes. Mw-oow,
Kamn ami Ihe I'auraittis. The los of
ollli era at Man Yang and beluw Muk
den was alsHit I.. KH). The mobilisa
tion, while iuUndrd to rnpply the do-rh-lettcy,
la also ners4ltalml hy tho
viand realo m which the wai In' the
Far Kast Is to lie prosecuted.
The news from the front Indicates
that General Kiiropatkiu Is (leveling
hla attention chlelly to keeping the
JuHinet buy along the line of their
fortifications ImiIow the Shakhe river.
Tho llumians apparently are enjoy
ing some superiority lu the matter of
Wyomlno Officers find no Trace of
Cody Bank Rubbers.
Casper, Wyo,, Nov. 9. SliMilff Webb
ami jNirty returned to Casper this after
noon from the northwest, where they
went In pursuit of the bandits who at
tempted to hold up the First National
bank of Cody uml killed Cashier Mid
daogh. Not a trace of the outlaws was
dhooveied, and It Is Ihe opinion of the
olllcers that they ImvooliM'tuallyoscap
ttd. Nothing was seen of either tho
Feuton, Slough or tho Johnson county
posses, Sherll Webb may lake the
trail agillii lu o few days.
Must Loot No More.
Denver, Nov. 9. Judge Marshall, of
Ihe United Stales court, has inndo per
manent the temporary Injunction ie
ceiitly Issued restraining members of
Ihe Cripple Creek Mluonwiiers' asso
ciation umPCItlsens' allium o members
and others from Interfering with the
owners and umpnlyoa and property of
the Interstate Mercantile company, of
Montana at Cripple Creek. Tho store
of the company was looted August- 21
Issl, and its employes dopnrlod, Tho
decision gives the company tho full
protection nf the con
A Bout Ready tor Tuft.
Wa"lilngton, Nov. 9 Tho cruiser
Columbia, having completed Its equip
ment at New York, has sailed for Pen
sucohl. Flo., to awnlt tlm nrrlvnl nf
Secretory Taft and party, who aio to
make tho trip from there to Colon to
curry uio president's message .of pcur.o
nnd good will to President Amador and
uio peopio oi Panama.
Ml 'i
Mi &