If Timber Land, Acl June j, iBS. NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. O S. 1,0.1111 Ofllce, The Imllr, Oregon, October t. l4 Nollce is hereby given thnt In compliance llli llieprwilsbinsnflhi Ait of Ciingies. of June A, 1ST, entitled, "An acl for tlic iwU of llinlierlnml .liilieaWlesofOnlifiirnl, Oregon, Nevada, nml WMhlMlrtniiTcnltur)," as extruded l nil tlic public Wl slate li) Act r August 4. iv. Alice I. Heldii of 1len4.cjnunlyof Crook, Mate of Orrcaii, linn n eptnibyjg, 'Vl. Usd, I" lhl other her nnarti tleicnlNu. 4. (urthe putli.ie orthe ,'( kcji, tpiSs, r tic . w. . .tud will tiller urooi lu show Hint Ihetnud sought la more alunhSe fur 11 tlnil-er or Mime than far agricultural purposes, nml ti establish b r flalto lu said Iniul before J M l.nreju,c., ll 8 Commissioner, at lil ujuce luHcild, Oregon, im tUe jolh day of January, tR.. She name as witnesses O W Trtpjell. ol Piine-viHe, Oreom; MIlUntTrlptttl. Prank OUss. and Daniel HeisliiK. all """ Oregon. A.i and H person, cmlmlng adversely the lvtb?x.Tltcd laud are rrauwrnl In file their claim Ih thin oin.ee ihi or Infer the said ali day o January, Viu MICIIAKUT NOk.VN'. Register. Timeer LnmL Att jHlie J, tMf. NOTICK FQlfcpniljlCATION. V h. tMd Office, Th,e Ifalle. Oregon. Octider 6, ty!. I In romtdUnec v the Art of Congress or June a. ii net for the Mir of lliulier lauds lu IIh Mulct oJXallforuta. Oregon, Nevada, ami Washington Territor,"a extended to nil the mtbtlc land Wtn by Art or August 4. ISM- Charles II Hell. cifThe Onlle county of Wasco stale of Oregon. h on November i. f, rjlcd lu this office hl miTH statement No i. tft the purchase ol the V W K 4,w ) ami Kne'l of sec JJ lp 15 . r-ne, w m And. atll offer proof lo show Hint the ianil suiitht I more valuable lor It timber or stone than for avrtroNHrnl purpose, ami to establish hi claim t Mtkl html licfbre the Hegtticr ami HeeetTrTufllitaiiHkvat The llattra. tiregou, on the 4h day of Jatnury, vJ. lie aaaMa4wtH-";ltcnnle Joh,nwti. l'mt rkU V. HetK IUW MorrH and Nathan C lluhh. alt oTTAe Halt. Oregou. Timber t.aiul, Act June j. U?. NOTICK FOR PUDMCATION. t. 8 J.ml Offlce, The J)tc, Drrgnu, October ft, ivM. Nollce t hetehv Riven lliivl In coniillaiicc wllh ieiiraMooflliActof Coniiren of June A, lrs, eutlllnl. "An net for the Mlcuf Ilimier lniul; In theMRlexoCCBllftirnla. Oteaon, Nexmla, nml wntiMiiRiJH tctrmiTy,' n' cxitihicm iu km mc public lniul tnle ly Act or Aiiut 4i H8- VrcvlrlcU A lkll. of The tnlle. County orVnco.lnteofteBon. h on Hiiwujhf r l, I9i Rleil In thl office hi sworil MaVcilienl NO I tJ. Tor the liiivlinc o(the kw)f. wfe)( ami . (! of CJJ. lp U , r to e ,wr. in. Ami will offer proof In allow that the lniul Mti:ht lanmrctatuatile for ll tlmlier or ulune than for acrlcutluml purixwea. nml In etnUllli liMCinimtlo win lanti iKiore me nniici nnu KeceU-er of tin olHceat Ihc IMllcn. Urepin, on thelh tlayof Jnnuaty. im lltliatiicatrtlnre. IMvkl Mortl, Charlet II. Itcttt. William II UuttlMumt Hen H. joiiuon, nil of The Dallev Oreson. Any ami alt pemotn cUlmln ail-errly the n1ui-!Nirrllrtt Mini nrr tmiieteil lo file their f cuiin iii tun omcc Vi or ertne ine urn 4111 uny huf January i i"ij. pli MlClt.VUI, T. NOLA, KegUter. Notice l mrret kItch that In coHipttanec with Ik iwMoniM tne.etoi voiiKre' oi ji iM. witHkrd. 'A act rir thewle uf tlmlier Tlmlier t.mul, Act June i, lSf8. NOTICK R)H PUBLICATION. V H I,nml Oftlce, The l)lle, Oregon, May u, ivH. Notice I hereby nlteu Hint In eomptlnnre wllh lhepovlloiiiiflhv Act of ConutCM ol June A, iSjil, entitled. "All act fur the aiueof tlmlier liuuN In IhealaleaofCnlllninlA, Oregon, Nctmlit, ami Witihliigtou Tenllory," a elcmlrl to all the public lniul alnlen by net of Align! 4, lHoi, the rolluwlug-iinmril iwtwun lmc mi Jauimry , iv, filrtl In Hit ulllcc llikir vi Mnteiueula, to-wil l.iutwlg II. I.araen, of Sml)olut. rountyif Kootenai, lnf iff Mnho; nuotli rte'uleut No ant, fur the pitivlmiic of the ae) of ryee J, tp -J a, r lo e, w III. Willlflin 0 Ante, of Kamlpolut. vouuty of Kootenai, alnte oCtilnhu; aworn alatemcut No iih for the puminieol the iieti olaeo la. tit llvt Ve. wtu ' Ttmrr Iiuil, Acl Jim j, ttl). NOTICK TOK PUBLICATION. V. S. Vu4 OHVte. The UV, Oregon, May it. lM- Notice U hreli) glrtli thnt In ouilillnc wllh he prollou oftbe Act of Congrewt of June s, All net tor ine micoi iininrriaiiitt of June tuber Uli Any ami a.11 permna ejfmlug alrerely the ulun -fkacrlbol InmU arc rtnmrttol to file Ihtlr claim In tMa offiix on ot-lxwrclllc alt U tlay (f January , 1, ol-dio MI.CIIAIIUV- KOUVN.RegUler. TtmJkrr Iml. Act June , iS?5. NOTICK FOK PUBLICATION. x tJN !. JvM IHtk. TetCtlUlle. Olegon, tMotwr , I94, NotkT W hereby eii Uuttlu OHOpJUnce with the prorUion oflbe Act of CtW(fr uf Jmw y :" rnltttisl. "Aaact be lmra)le(tiibrrlmi in tbctnteat CaHfimita. Uittm. Nevada, aad W blaglou Tcrrttury ' cxtamtet) V " tbc uMic laml -ialc. by cl of Aurtal, 4, tfft. )ahn J Kelly, of Detroit, eottiity of Wkjrnf,. Uf ot Mkblran. ha o ptcHiWklv 'fMx bM in thH oeVe b4 morn uteaMnl v li. lor the pcb4c t Ibe the is4. eiilltlnl lu the l.iteotCaUforiila. Oregon, NetW. ami 'ahlngt.oii Tetrltory." na extcmletl to nil Hie public lamlal.atcs.Vy act of Auiul 4. il. the KillnMlnnaitil ivtrvin bae tiled III thlaaflice Ithelraoni tntementa. iktIV " Angnt W Mohr of The IMIIen, ciiity of Vaej, lale of Oiegon, .worn statrineut No imi, flll Ieceiler II. iw1. for the piirehae of Hie nV, ofiiw),' ami wl of nej,' of cc 30, tp ii. r loe. w in. KkharJT Cloe. oflhilulli (7 ltat il atrect). county of Saint l.mil. utatcof llnneila. aworii atnlemeut No ., filril Augut it. lyaj. fur the purchatr vf Ibe ue!i of ue)( of act M, ")i of nwt; ami ae( of Hw'f ofc iS, tp IT a, r loe, w ft. That tbey will offer proof lo ahow that tW laml uuBlit ULluure -aloalJe lie lla Umber i alone Mhaii terarucivltural utipiw, and to etalillih their (UIhU lo mM laml lFfe I He KffV-ter ami Recetier, at The Dalle), Oregon, on Anicitiber V. lM They name a wltiieMn Ivdwant II Rraham ami I. K Atlinghani. of Warm bpriiig, Oregon. IMlrtcV. J Mctrrail. of Klngtley. DrcRoti. Klchn( I Oorman. uf The Dallea, Oregon, A I Dwyer Tmimaa ViligeraM ami A II IViwen, of Mlimr ai.JU, .MIuileola. ami ' O CWe. of lhtlHlh. Ilnnewta. Any and all txraott claliuUlg adversely the abuTH(ecribed lamia arc reuorMrd lo Ak their ctarma In tht oafke o or WUWc tkc aM utd day of November. i'M ntl .MWIiAU T- SOt,ANlHm.r sill offer proof Is above that the Umi m more vmlaabtc tbr H timber or stone awi. of sec tt. t taa, r lie w m Ami iwua-ht Is titan f,ie av4jcH(lttral purpoc. ami to estahUth hKclatm to mM tantt before tbe Register ami Krceikxrof Ibia sdke at The Dalle, (Hrgoooti the :jrd da) of Juttwry . i IU names as witn- Jobn O Kote, Thomas Twret. aH-J. N William!, all of The Dalles, Orcguai. 1 M Kclli.of KocLfoed, WashiugtoH aiul W It. Kent, of Heud. Oregon Any ami all persons claiming adversely the alove dcKriimi landsare tesuiested ti file theii claims la this onset on or bclbr the uU iy day uf Jannary, os; bu-ju IIICUAIU. T. S.OWN. Kcgisler. Timber Land, Act. June j, i5jS, NOTICK I-'OU PUBLICATION. V. ft. IamiI Otec,Ctt Dalle. Oregon, Octobers vs4. Notice l hercbj glrcn tlul iu compUaucc with the provisions otitic Act orCoiigirss of June J. a7. entHled. "An act wr the Kalcof tlniUrUiid in the state el CalUotnta. Oregou, Nevada, and WasblHgton Terrirary." aa extended to all the public lawl MaVcs. ty Att ol August 4, Ityl, ltariil Murri. of Tbe Dalles. comity, of Wav. stale ofOrreon has oa Novrmber 4. Isoi. bled in this ofHcr his swata suttmctit No, ui. for the purchase of incetiaws4,HCisw!i ami 11 J sec j, ipijs, r iocs m And will offer proof to show that the land amighl is more valuable far IU timber or stone i ban for agricaltaral uirposea, ami to establish hi claim to saMUmi before Ibe Register and Meceiser of this ofKec at The Dalles. Oregon, on thr 41b da) of Jauuaty, wi. lie names a wHacsxea. Hredrielc A. Iletts, lharletH Isetts. Nathan C liubbtand WIIIU M UuUm, all of The Dalles. Oregon. Any and all person claiming adversely the alurr-dascnbrd Umts arc rsymested to Ale tbetr ctatm lathis oce ou or Ufurc the iald 4lh day of January, iyJ, sm1js JIICIIAHI.T. NOIK. Register. Timber Laml. Aetjune j, lr. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. V. S. '.ami Omce, Laleview, OtegoH, August . ty4. Notice is hereby riven that In compliance with the prevtshmsof the Act of Cotigress'of Jhhc i, ijj. entitled. "An act for the sale of timber laml in the state of CartrWHla, iHro. Nevada, ami Washington Territory, ' as extended U all the public land stale by Act of .Hgut 4, tb, lleurr rtlovrr. ol RswlaiHt, couHly of Cruol,, state of Oreajsn. ha this day fileii In IUM offtcc til aworu statement No An. for tlye p-chac 01 the c)i as U ami n)i us), ace jj. tp 11 . r e, w in. And wilt oiler proof to bevr that tbe land sought is more valuable lor its timber or stone than far agtrnillitnil tmrtwse. and to establish his claim to said land before O. II. Watdncll. I' S. Comniissioner, at Mlver I.aVe. Oregon, on Saturday, the nth day of November. ly4 He name as witnesses Michael M Msifiibl. William KMayfietd. Harry Kramer, D A I'lnd Vty. of Rostand, Oregon. Auv and all iierson dalmlnr adversely the above-described Units arc rrquesled to file their claims in this office en or before sold lath day 01 .oveinoer, lyof s-y-utl J. N WWTSO.V, Register Timber Land, Act June J. H8. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. IT. S. Ijnd Otre.TUe Dalles, Oregon, Octolr 6, iyi. Notice is hertlnr given that In csmiptlance wllh Ibe provlssoH efthe Act of Congress of June 1. WJ, etttUlcd. "An act for the sale of timber lauds In the state of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as exlciidrd to all the public land aula by Act of August 4, ltyj. NatbaiiC llidtba, f Tlie Damv, county of Wascn. state oforrgoti. bason November 4, iv. filed in this office his swuru ssatemesit No. I47. far the piircliaseof the sseH.aeKswtfaud IH 4, sec jl. tp 15, rut w w. And will offer proof to shew that the Und songUt. i more valuable ft Its timber or stone: than tbr azrkulturiil purtioac, and to es tablish hi claim to aahi land Ufurc the Rcgltter and Kecvivei ofllila office at The Italics, Oregou, oil the rod day of January, iy). He name a witnesses. Charts II Iletts. Daiid Morns. W. M IIhIiIm. and I'rsdrick A. Iielts, all of Tbe Dalle. Oregon. Any and alt traon claiming adversely the aliovcHkscribed lands arc requested to file their claims In Oil office on or before the said Did day of Jauuary, lyaj oiS-d MICHAKI, T NOI.AN, Register. PNTIJ.ST NOTICK , sDepartmeut of The Interior. U.S. '.and Office. The Dalles, Oregon Octotr 17, t4 A sutfieJsfit conic! a(fidit liaviug been filed In this offiev by James II. Oreeu, of Ilcmt, Oregon, contestant, against II H No. 1 11 17 made Ie,ii. iTsi for the sejf, sec 9, tp 16 , r 14 e, w. in., by Henry C. Holcnnili, coutcsiee, In which II Is alleurd that the sabl ouuteslee has whoPy ulMudonrd the anid tmet that he has chaugtd bU reak(eiicc therefrom fur more than nix 1111,111 ll last Mst and that he hi liol settled Vpou and tullivaltd the said tract as required b) Ijh , and tliat audi alleged absence Is nut due to sen ire lu the army, navy or marine corps of Ihe ruitrel htate. n-tid pirtica Urc berrby notified to appear, rrMMiid and offer evidence lunching said allci-Atiou t lu o'clock m in Dec 6, 1904, Ufurc J M tw,rcncc, t' h. CommUsuuer at his office ut Ikiid. Oregon, and that final hearing villi le held t 19 o'clock a. in. oil Iec 16, Iyi4, Ii lure Ihe Uegltrr and Receiver at the I' h l.atid Olthx In The Dalles', Oreon. The said coutwtaiit liaviug. In projwr affi dai. filed Oct. l, lyii. Met forth fact which liow that after due diligence iCrsoiial senile of this nutloe cur not Ik uiade, it U hereby ordered and directed thai ancli iibtlc tie glienbydue and proper publication, WS-UJI . iUCUMlU X. NOfcAS, KejUtct. Timber IjihI, Act June j, isjV NOTICK FOll PUBLICATION. V A. 1 lid Otficc, The Dalles, Oregon, October is. IVM. NotkcU hereby given that Incompliance with Ihe provisions of the Act of Congress of June j. 117a. eiititleil "An act for the sale of limber Umts in Ihe states of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory." as extended to all the iKildk Und state by Act of Aucuit 4. iasi. 'be foHoTUBg named person have Tiled lu this mee their aworn atalemenl, tonlt. Albert Poulrat, of Ontario, csmatyof Malheur, stale of Oregon, .worn statement No 1.MA. filed hept. I. hsm, Kir ihe pnachaseof the se);swsf of sec , nMHwft ifseoaand lieKueff of sec, I p. uiriii, r. m. MkhaelJ. IlitU). of The Dalle, county uf Wascu. state of Oregon, iwern statemcHt No. ji, filed AuguM tj, a14, for the purchase of the aw(swK nb)sw( and uwS se;i ofsecji. tp las, 10c, w. m. That they will offer proof to show that the Und ought is more valuable for It timber or stone than fur agricultural purpose, and to estabHth their claim to said Und before J. M Ijureoce. I', s. Coniinistoucr, at III office In Ileud, Oregon, on. the 171 h day of DrccmUr. 1014. They name as witnesses Joseph N Hunter, Michael J Morrison, lawowt W. Rolwrts, Nich ulasnruitli.aiid Vrni. OUss, all of Iteiwl, Oregon, and Richard Cunningham of nilver City. Idaho Any and all persons claiming adversely the jlnne-describsil laudsure requested to file their daliui In till omce on or before the said Jth da) of DeccwUr, iy4. oillij .MICHAItf. T. NOLAN, Register. Timber Mud, Act June 3. 1I7S. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. U. f. I.aud Office, The Dalles, Oregon, October 1, 1914. Notice Is hereby given Hurt In compliance with the provision otitic Act of Congress of June 1. 175, entitled, "An net fur the snlcoftlmhcrUuds iu the states of CaTiforiiia, Oregon, 2cda. ami Washington Territory," as cxtcudeM to all the iHiMic laud state by Act of August 4, isyi, the fullonlug-uaiued persons have 011 September 1st nM. filed iu this office their sworn staletuents, to-wlti 1'rank c. M'lckeuburg, of Turtle I.ake. county of Harron. state of Wis consin, sworn statement No. 194. fur the pur chase or the nHuvtfi and sjiucH olsecio, tp 14 s r to e. w in. Custaf It. Carlson, of Turtle Mke, county nf Harron, stale ol Wis consin, sworn statement No. J.w.t, fur the pur chase of the llhuw uud uji nejj of sec lo, tj, 14 s, r loe, w. 111 That they will offer proof to show that ihc laud ought la more valuable for its timber or stone than fur agricultural puriose, and to establish their claims to said laud Ik fore J. M Lawrence. 11 H. Commissioner, at his office lu ileud Oregon, 011 Dccciiilicr 36, iyt4. They name as witnesses: Joseph N. Hunter, Harry 1' Hunter of Ileud, Oregon. Oualaf R Carlson and Prank C. Wlckeubiirg of Turtle River. Wiscousiu, and William K. booth of his lers, Oregon. Auv and all iicrsou daimlne adversely the abuvc-deiKribed laud arc rtnuested lu file their claim In this office uu or tx-furc the aald atthday of December, 1004, on-dij MICIIAl',1, T. NOf.AN, Register. Advertise itl The Bulletin. Tlwt they will ulftr ptuolnalivw thnt the land uir ii. uu iKise. ami titeir cUlnis to said In ml before Ihr aotight Is mure vuliMhlc tor it. UtuUT or stuur tbnn for ngtlctillurnl putlHise-, nml To r-iuhllsh iur eiaim 10 sain mmi nriure itr njrcwiernmi Receiver, at The IMllrs. Ortstou. oil NoVcmber They nnmc n witnesses William C Ames, l.ihlnlg Mrseu and l.otil Mntrn, of S0111I polut, Idaho. Wlllluin t Mnsoii nml MUUnel O'Cuuner, of The IMIlts. Oregon. Any and nil ierou clnlnilng Adversely Ihe alnive ilesetileel Undsnre te-mimtrd lo file their claims lu this elhre mi or before the anld Mh day of Nu ember, im. atft-tiuj MCIMr, T. NOI.AN, RrgUttr. Timla,rl.aiuliActJiiii3ilM NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. V, 8. Mini Offlcci I.nkcvlew, Oregon, Heptemhrr 11, l?M. Nollce U hereby glien llml In cnmpllniicf with lliFprollimsii tlir net of Cnugirssur Jillie.t, l?H, eiitltled'Aunct Tor Ihe wile uf tlmliei lniul; III llie Slilieam .nuiuruin, mraoni ,.",,,", Washington Terillnty," exteiuled In nil the puntic liiuil sinie uy nci 111 vigui 41 i"i, Joint Olllietlsull this dny filed (h Ul nlftce hi nwiitn stnlrityil No. vii, for lite purchase of the awiftifaccrts of Ileud, county t'f Croyik. nlnle of Oregon, Im III I p. 11 a, rc, w. 111 And wltl offer mooT to ahmr Hint the lniul nought Is inure tnitinhtit fir Us tlmlier nraluiie than nirnglleiillurnl piillMiwa, niultu rataiiiiaii his ilaliu In S.1I1I lniul Is-ftiie I M. llwlenre l H Commissioner, nl hi ulllcc at llcml, Oicgmi, on the lotliilny uf lHrcfiuer lyt ' nlln II. tlfllllt AS' Htllvcr Jultnsoii, At ill 'Wtiiic, jAuue.nll of bend, Oregon. Olivet Tlintburnii, aipi iiitvuuie Any ami nil etsuut clalttilug nilvetely the ijanoicxirsvtiiirii iniuii arr ieiursiesi 10 nie mnr Pclaluislu litis ullKe On or beltti, "said Mil tiny TtutVcr ijiii, Arl.Jyitie A. 1R7S NOTICK FOR PUBLX'WN'. V. . Vnil 0nce. The Dnllei, Uf egon, May tvl, io4. Notice Is hereby Blieti that In niiiiiiliaiirr wllh the ptovi'hms or the Act W Cutigtenf June i, 17. eiilltleAl, "An act for the saleof llnibrt laml iu Ibe lalco( California, Oregon, Nevada., and wauiuiKimticitiioty, ' as cxitu.icii 10 nil Ine public laud at Atcn by Attof August 4. l4. Hie followlue.uamed person hate on Weeinber M. iwi, tiled lu this ollkc their anvru rjiteirieuts. to-wti T A Minnie II. Plumb, of Norwich, county nf Mclleiiry, state of North Dakota, sttorn atatvment No. ssav, for the line- chase uf Ihe sejf nel( arc iA, inj liw!( and n) siejj 01 sec J, ip is s, r 11 e, w in. Vi.ll,.u.l fit .l..t. .t of Nornfch. county of Mcllciir), s'laloof North imkoia, sworn siaicmeni ru inn, lur mrpur chase ut the swli self, seU ir(i sec IJ ami wK ne sec 10. ip 19 s, r uc. w in. Thai, they will offer proof to show that the IaiiiI souxltl Umurc i Billable fur its timber or stone than Inr ogtlailtural tiuriaes, and l es tablish their cUmis. tn .ijd laiul Iwfmr the Rrg- Isler nml k,rel,er, at The IMIles. Orrgyn, No vember ij. 104. Tltev name as wltiiessrs' tVrdlusaui oker- luml, Ibl llalrorwi anrtOHHnle BTamb. of MarwKH, Norm Dakota; Jonn 1 rnslseui, r sip nut. North Dakota, and Jasin rtlvrdlTof Deo- enstei uvgwn iy ami all nerson tsalmli falescrllKsl Umls are reuses ilng dverel esjIW la) lie Ivlhe r their An ahov ctatms Ih this u-rVrc on or berWc the said th nay 01 .ovemHer. 104 auVni MICHAKI. T. NOIN. Register. Timber Mud, Acl June 1. 1S7. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. v- nf DeAeiiit-er, v) o7mi 1 N, W.TH0N,. Register. Tliii(er T,nnd, Ad June j, llvf. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. U, M, t.mul OlMce, I.ake er, Olegon, sjVrUjUi l,( imjl. Nollce I Itetthy given Hint lu compliance wllh Ihe provisions oflhc Act of Congress iff June 1, IKT), rulillol "An sit for Hie snleuf limber Umls lu the stale iifCalinitiila, Oreuoil. Neada, ami Washlngluu Territory," as rttcuiled lo all Ihe public laud stales by Ait uf Augiul 4, 1104. John Hnlisetl, 1 of llrml, county of Crook, nlnte ul Oregon, has this dny files III tin office hlssnarii statement Mi fata, lur inr puirunieni iiirwtse4.seiies), of sec Maud the sli(( ofsec jlp u s rye w m And will inter proof to show Hist the land aemghl I more valuable Car Us timber or Hone than ftH aeticMtlHral imiiihmm. ami to establish thl claim lo said laml btRne O. II VVrde1. f t) CommlssUHier at liis oibcc at lilver Lake Eotegtm. iHt'MetmU), the mil day olj November lie names as wlljies-te. J N. Hun tee. J. I' lobiisMti, rtssaiVe 'Anlie. and rhemlaf Aitae. all of lWmlv0rgVn. T Any ami nU llsfn claiming adinscly Ihe alsessitsSI talMls are lestuestrd lo nie I ben claims lu ! olTiee ou or berate Ihe nsl artli 1411 IMJIIU, IMCgllll, 1 Uses) jo, It'll. IIVJl Pus. 1' lie1 w.ift. llC lliliur the M 0TlllK wllliessuji 10 UU ceinllumtti revhlfiiee iiimii and tulllval snld Iniui; vli John K ifi!., 1 1wnm W, till.josepli K I Duller ailil Ralph Lewis, itvii.1, wivaveo 0141117 HjLICIIAI)!, T. N0t,AMi HtgWrr. Timber, aird. ,e Jutit x, ltr. NOTICK F0l( PUBLICATION. V. H. Mud Ofbce, Tbe Dull., Oivsmii, I r fK-tot-er J. lya Nolle l heieliy given thai lu ewmHt'V'V H,,,n. IhepiovH-onsoniie Act oTConjls f Jun K l7, entlllr.1. "Auact for llie sali of limber UmsJ lu the Male of vHllVriltt. ( ueWHi. HevmU. ihI' WaBlilHgtMiTHIIIary." s rVtrmled to all IC ,puWk Umi Male hjf Att of August 4, H I Keltic A. WiaVvr, of Portland. rouuty nf MnllniHmtU, !! of iHeg.ni, ha OH Oiioiwr N, 1004, tllnl Ih INI nthee Iter "m llnirril No. Ijai, fat tse' liuichasr of Ihe swnwM sect, siH ami uw)f self of see , lp j s, r lie.w.m Ami will offer proof to aliow lit I lheUu4 suoghl la Hioie valualile IW lis timber w sloaV man lur MeiHU iHm rmiisas, ami i ssmi I her Jalmfoaakl Uud bebMe tbf R'gMe riteeeiver s,i tw inihi, inrgon, h 8. Land Offke, Tbe Dalle, Oregou, May 11. Iy4. Noltce l hereby given that hcwiIIih with ine prmiwni 01 ine .in n i7, entltleel, "An act fer ir, iotc n.ir. .r, VMninni ,, Kim,. .. Washington IVtilory," as extended la all Ihe of Ctwgrcs of Junet. the sarrof timberUnds , Oregon, Nevada, and public Und stales by act of Augus( 4 issm. ic following named pefsou hate tiled It Ibl afhec their swot a slaUment. to-v.ll CynthU ClwiiTre, of Itirny. county of Juneau, state of Wisconsin, sworn statement No. iXj, filed Mareb 15, lv4, for the (Hiichascof the ) ufscc , tp ii,r c.,w m. Dal.yr. Dilslan. of CUrkiton, anility of Asotin, stale of Washing ton! swum statement No. is, filed March 11, luil, for Ihe pure4tae of Ihc afe) self and s), w)f ufscc J5. lp i;.r ic, w m. That Hie4; wilt offer moofto show that the Uud sought Is mere valuable for it timber or stuur than fur agrtCHltural purposes, and to establish their cUlmslosakt Uud before the Register and Receiver, at The Dalles, Otigon. 011 December li. l"4- They nam a witnesses. Mlebael O Connor, nillm 11 .Ma-on IMn JUItunaM ami Msrlln I'.rusuKlwaler. of The Dalles, Oregon, Juliu IMwss uf bsslers, (Ireaeui 1' W I lusts 11. of CUrkslon Washington, XichoU Mn(tli and M.atem I.e Page, of Desclinte. oiegou. Any ami all person cUlnilng adseesHy Ihe ..ore described Und arr restueaird e) file their daima Ih this oAfc on or Vstpttc the aald Irth day of December, 1044. aja-di MICIiAKL T. NOI.AN. Ket;lster. Timber Land, Act June 1. iXff. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION U. H. Ind Office, The Dallea, Oregon, October 7, .,v "Notice is hereby given that In csMnplkjiee with the provisions Hflhe Alt uf Congress of June 1 i?. entitled, "An set for the sale of timber lands In the stales of California, Oregon. Nesada, and Washington Territory," as extended lo all the public laud statea by Aet uf August 4, , Lauchllli McNeil, of IMIuborgh, esWHly of Walsh, state f North Dakota, has on May 17. iy, tiled III this nlbcc his BMuTirxtatriHCIil No J7. for Ihe purchase uf tliest.uwJJ. uclfuwK ami unMntW ofscc. ijlp la. a lac, w 111, Ami will offer proof to ahow that the land sought Is more valuable fur It timber or stone than fur agricultural purposes, ami to establish his claim to smhI land befure the Register and Receiver of this office at The Dalles, Creou. oil the iinl day of Decamlier, iu'4 He uaiiiea aa witnesses, frank fihepard, J Curry. Kalherln.e McNeil, of lenlralla. Wash liigten, and Joe t.rahain, of tilsters, Oregon. Any ami all person claiming adversely Ihe aliuve-dcacfllicd lamia arr rruuesled to file their claim iu this office 011 or before the said jrd day of Deeeuiber, I'M ol4-dt4 MICIIAI1L T. NOLAN, Kegllttr. Timber Und, Act June j, 187a. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. U. H. Laud Office, The Dallea, Oregou, October 6, 114. Notice is hereby given that lu compliance with the provisions of llie act of Congress of Juucr, mill, entitled "An act fur the sale of tlmlier laml lu the Stale of California, Oregon, Nevada and vtaiuiugiou territory, ' as cxicmieu 111 nit me Public Mud Htatea by act of Aukuit 4, Ity', Carl A. Johnson, ofllend. county of Crook, state ofOiegon, ha 011 He pi 11. lyiJ, fil.-d lu tun office hU sworn taleiiicnt No. in. for til purchnteoflbe aij lie;; and lot I au.l 1 01 avc 4 Ip 19 a, r li c, w in. And will offer prool lu show that the luml sought I more vain .uir lur its timber or stone limn for agricultural inirpoacs, and to establish hi claim to said land lu-fure J M Lawrence, V H, Commisdnuer, at In offu-jat fleiul, Ore gon, 011 the ith day uf Jauuary, I'aJ. He names' a wituessea. I0I111 Meldl. W 11. Wlsat. ail I iulm I West of Ileud. (Ireuon. and John J. Icofllcusoii, Mluuei'ula. Any and all ueraoua claiming adversely the alioie-lrscritieil lands are readeated to file their claims iu tljia dlllO 011 br liefurc said ijlh day ol jauuary, iy. ... ... nll-jlt MICWAItL T. NOLAN, Kcglitcr. The Ulillctiu givca the uevra. day uf NoveiuUt, tm( sit ns J N VATrtON. Itegtsssr. NOT Tlmlier Mint. ,al Uue 1, lJ ICK FOR PUBLICATION. l. X. I.swl Office. Tbe I Ml I, Oregon. Ovlotr , iou Notice U hereby given that In compUam-e with Ibe ptovtsrmitofthe Act of Loasstw) uf June t. 1st, enlrthnl, "An aet foe Ihe sab- oMImhet laml In the stale of OUhmhU. OcegeM Nevada, and Washington Territory." as etrrmd lo alt Ihe smMte land Mt by Act of Anan4 4. li. Charles X Lent. ofnealtte.ssHsMty of King slate of Washington has an Kept. jT jiHl, lied In this ofac hi swewu sutement Nsi, IDi. for the purchase of Ihe aw, see 14. lp M r U . w m Ami win after proof to show lhal Ihr Und sought Is more valuable for its timber or stone than Ibe agrknltur! Msruuses. ami In establish bis cUloi lo sant Und befoe Ihe Register and Receiver of this omce at The Dll, iHrg.m. on the Mb day of Jamsaiy. tos. He names a witness John II HowUnd. neorgc I'Mtl. Jnllu muger. and ltrnrl II Mot ion alloflttb, Waabiaghton, R J Ooftayaa. and D Nn4i, afthe Dalles, Orgsm. Any and all pajsou claiming adversely the above described limit, ate lestuesttd to file their cUlmslHlhls arWe oj. or lt(orc Ibe M )4h day of (anusiy. losj. otasls MICIIAHL T. NOLAN, KeglHrr. qQNTHST NOTICK. D4Mttmtiolhe Interior. I n VflOmee. The Dalle. Orgn. Oetwlr 4. iv4 A sufficient roHtest afTVdavit having been filed lulhWofhK hv Vranl, l. Tewkabury uf Thr Dalles, Orrtun, eonlslut.aglus4 Drsert Mini entry Nu u. made May n. iv. fW H set see 11. n Uswlf ami aHswIj sec 11. tit i; s, r 11 e . n m by Dutcath Miller. enles4e. Ih whkh It is alleged that sal. I Und is not itr-sett land within tbe meaning of Ibe Act of March v, in. that the said Dorealha Miller has not made the annual exoemlltare rnHiied by Uw h r Ihe recUmatiuM oflbe Umi. sahlimrtwr are ln-rliv notified lt a pprar respmtd and offer evttl.mr toudilng sjinl allegMton at 10 o'clock a m ou No vember ivj. Ieel M Lawrence,!' n Com ai HI Mbcc at lien.1 iiregsm, n 1 m and Dalks, Oregou. (The Hid conlestaul bsvlng. In a proper aaVla vil.Ahnl tietabert. tW, el forth ImH wbarb how that aAer due diligence personal ssentfe of mls.luurf. that final hearing wM be held at 10 u'ctock a on iHcrmbcr J. I'H. lierWe the Register 1 Receiver at Use IJ. , biml office In The Dal tbi nosHc can not be made, it I hereby orders! and ilirrctrei llial aslch nslMe be itIhm bv tine ami proper puWtcalloti. Oiinij ANNK M. LANfl. Reasdeer Timber Land, Art June J, 1I7. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. U. at. MMU Office-, the Dalle, Oltgotl, tktuber . iv. Notice Is. hereby given that In rompllauce wllh thr provltbm of the Art of Congress of June 1 i7, rntllled. "An aet for thr sale ol limber Umi lu the slate of CatlfotiiU, orgou, Nevada, and Washlugluu Territory," as extruded to all the public Uud stale by Aet of AugU'l 4, 101. th fotbewlug-namrd iersan have filed luthnumve their sworn statements, lo-wil. Rlcbard King. cf llrml, fsHinly of Cro.k. state of Oregon, swsmh lalewent No i4J, bhrtl Kcbruary 11. lyu. (ae thc purchase ol llie sw(s), iiliw)( and Mw sc) uf arc iy, t 19 , X It.r, w Itl. John Atkinson. of lleiid.cutuily of Crook, stale ofOiegou.twurn s4aternciit Nu. latr, filed I'ebtuarir II, 1114. for the tmrclwseoftheueKof see tt. lp w s, rile. W lt. That they will offer troof la slmw lts( the Uud sought U more valuable for il timber or tuue than for agricultural purpose, and lo eadaldUh their claim lu ld Uud bcfuie J. M. Lawrnc, U. H. Coiuniissluiier. at Ills office at Ileud, Ore gon, ou Ihe lh day uf January, 1014. They uauieas Hllncsses. J N, llunler, lame Hunter, W II brock, William Mniili, iMvId Hill, II Marsli, RKhaid King. Mary Atkinson ami John Atkinson, alt of Ileud, Oregou. Any and all person claiming ndicrsely Ih aWe-drserlhcd lamU are requested to file theit cluiiua lu this office 011 or before the aald iCIhday urjanuar), I'. niijij MICIIAHL T. NOLAN, JsegUUr. : . . , ira, NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Iltpnilmtiitofthe lulrilnr I' H Lniul Omci The IMIlc. OirHnu, Htptember m, '''! Noll.e I hercbv Illicit llinl Ihr following liameilsfllbi hni tiled not lie ufhl Inlenllon lit liinke fimil ptiMir in niipinut uf IU ilnim. mid thslk'iul prtMil will be nimlf Inline J, M Law leliee, tt A (.uiiilillasKinri. Ut lilnUUM III llHWi Oregon, yu Nuvembvr ijl'b vl vim tlctirge lliuslttliMin aiflhiiiil. Dirgnil.ll H."Nii. ll Jt7ft)r Ihr lU uwii nun linjiuvii sf,ai,iir- lu pnive hi valloiiitt Trip a allMj nslaldlsn' the ifl$ n the tUyul Dnrmbsr, ivt Mlis names a wllue ml Mala It. Ttehen-. of CUtskanl. Ihesui. Aldtie I. WhiIKH and I' C. Wblllen uflUHlUHn, Die Harry W. Mrtoisbl 01 1,11 AHy and ill itersons cUlHtlng airs, lbs aUseMberibed lands are raiet-d tn Aut their ebtlms lu this srfste wn or befste tbrsnM tath lilayof Dttember. "' ouaiisi aiiv.i Air,). n i,ani -"" Timber Umi, Aet Jhhc a. 17. NOTI.CU IfOR 1'UMLICATION. V n Mnd OMae, l.akevltve, OregsMi, M. llrsaH 74liee Is bereW given that In rauauHa aiilb the provisions ofihe Act of Congtesa af Jaja J, 17. rmlthst "Ah t for Ihe satfaf limber Wanis lit the stale of Cnlihwnbv. urefsm. Xivada. and. Washington TefTH.Hy." a elewaVd la all lbt publieUndalalssby Act nf Angn4 4. itke. Inbi II L, ol tsnpettof esntnty of IWsHtUs. atahr afWU. emssln, has this iUv Died In Ihwosfsre has kwai aaiment Nu lasii. har the pnrcliasjr nf the n M of snK see I ami' nK W HsX ssrt)a. , r y, w m Ami will offer jwnpf la sham- tltsl la asast ssmght U must vafnabl foe II tlnt.Wt at tiling Own fur agitraliuA usmmm, and b astabHsit hi cuius to aM Una Mm J. M Lawrence, I' M CmstmiasstMier at li oaVe at tasmt, m. gun. on the a4s .Ur of Xr njber, 104 lie name wltneaai Mltlssn . Haawrts, Kttwsiod W Hsmrrt. Jasetdl N. HsIMser aef t'red Marsh, all ut Head. Oresa Any ami all pr.soua csalMlna; adversely Ihr lussv describes! lands afe leuiMiated la lb Iheif eUiHM in IhU afike an nf before s4d Mb oaf of Nov mber. ifVH sej nn J X. M'ATirtV. Keg Mee. Timber Land, Art Jimr J. Ml. NOTICK FOli PUBLIOiVI'ION. lauitimeeat Lskevmv, Oraaajsu lleloVr J. Iy4. WatUe U hereby aiini lhat In win pits ate wftfo, InlaWstmVa nf Ctslfins, Urrgsui. Neesdrfaml Witntsin TVtrbey," as rutin.! lo all Ub tssiMIe html state by act ( AUgnt 4, lH. w llaltle II. MNHtlcy, of nsmkane, eostatv 1 f npoVane aiaje of Wash a f. ion, mlht))r airst in tut pwie ntf worn in I tunaseoiimf e). n m her sssurn 1 of lb e W mrK sec 7 lp 11 s, laaaestid in Ilk I sVlf 4 before Ibesaa Jiat state incut Nu. iJ0. fo utswif liulav,', , r lie. w m Ami wllf nffei proof tn sjssvw thai the Umi suugM I mot lbte for ! 'maaai or stsne than Inr agrstnllural SMrvwsr. amt b e-eUbiDb her claim la said Umi riefoee J I. mwHh. Cimul) CtevkofCtawk esmutval PlineVttte ittr. gun. on (Saturday Ujw 11st day u( Imiinlnf. lrt. abe nansss a wllUjX.es W W CoilVvs. I, K Vliiogaiam. R 1 ntone, and Mb. C MUea all 4 I'limrvllle, lgo. Any ami all tsrrsna. ttolmbsg aisty U)4 ebn-l-cfibd Urvd are iaaae4id In file Uest rtalma In IhU oasa on 04 day of Deecmbtr. 104. 4i-di4 j. x, WATaVaK. HesrMer. Timber lain1, AM JoHOJ, 17. NOTICK FOR PUUIilGATION, RIUilTHRTDJIUIItNT 0, H. Umi Qrftfc, The lUUrsi, (Megtm, Jane Nk IfN. NrdUlt Irrreby given lhat 1st asmtjQUHe with; Ihe ru tsiuav or Ihe Act or Contra ai Inn i, i7 rulllleel "An aet for 1 bf sale f llmbii Umi In the state of California, Oresmu, ttavada ami Wahlnglwt Tcithory," as exlernltsi lo ail the H,blk laml Male by Act of Anjtnat 4, Svf, Them.ltlU HI ilhbsl. of lleml, KMHly of CiuOk atalr of Orvasju, ha. on Isenltmber u. l.i, Hied In this W Ms) worn statement N., una. fW the pHraba.eof Ibe hwK nfse. tt, lp Iy a. r lot, n tn, And will offer uroaf lu ahaw Hut Ibe lamt . .: : . j:.. i .. . -. ..- t - ., Bungru r wore miuaasr par Its limber or stone man suragrsenititrai inirtwsss, ami in elaMsli his cUlm ti sMl UudUfl'ir J M. Ijiwremje. I', NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Deparlincni of Ihr Interior. I' H. Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon, Octolcr it, 1504 Notice I hereby given lhat the following named aelller ha filed police of her liilcnliuu lu make firm) proof In auppoti nf her elalui, aitd thutsuiil proof will be luailc befnrej J. Hmllh. -"ui,i. vkik , in riiiirviuc, ireguii,ou llie day of Nuvcmlier, 1904, (o-wit. , . M. Alice. Webb, ofrtlslers.orrgoii. 011 It. No. ia.8s, fur tlic iinjf of arc 10, tp 16 a, r 10 e, w. 111, niieuamrt tile following Hilnessea tuprnte her coutluilutis reldeice iliioh and ciiHivallun uf sin isiki.iu win 101111 vr viu warren Par thing, Robert rliulth ami U, J, Wilt.all of sil ler, Oregon, 614 utl MlOHAliLT. NOLAN, Kcglitcr, M. CsmiHMeuHrrr. at his unW at ilemt, Oregon, oil Ihe i4n day of Nu.ciaber, 194. He name aa witness Oeuree BoUa, tvf Lava, Oregtmi UIIIUiu ll MaslA, of Iksebules. Oie gtiti: Jovph N liuuter ami frank Ilvdsun, or Ilcmt, Oregou. Any and ell prr-soua tlalialiig aiasveaiesenbeii lamt ate Ulislllg attrcrsely tb rMHrated I4 file I heir leforalbc aald iWhiUy claims tn tbi ulltsj ui or bl ornuveiuber, 1904, Xi MICIIAHL T NOI.AN. RtgUtrr. Timber Mud, Acl June J, ibsf, NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. V. H. Mud Office, The Dallea, Oirgnn, Oatober. lw. NotlevUhereljy given that In tsimplUuer with IhepiovlsloiKortlFe Aet of CougteM uf jMtiel, 7. eiilllhxl, ''An net (5ir IU iwleoTtlinberlauita iHlhealalesBfCallfuinU, Oregwii, Krwh. im U V.?1 W"." TerriDwy." a parciife lu all the public Wild aisles by Aet of Align. 1 4, itsji John T. Oardiier, of Cat Mkr.eouiily of Cu. slnte nf Mlnnetn, ha uu March 9, iyi, flLd 1 11 Hits ufficf Ills sworn Mnlrinciit Nu 1M1 tor the puichasc ufllia sMuwIf and Lots jan.l 4 sec 4, lp is, r ll e.w. m, AimI will offr proof lo ahow lhal the Uud Hamight is more valuable fur ll timber ur atone uu fur ugrlciittuml purtios, uud In ratibllsli irlr UIih t sid U.ul'lssfOiejlhrJtrglsteriitiil MeceitcrurihUurflie at The Dslle. Oirj!.Hi,uu 111 juil dny of Jauuary, 199$, vi1.!.' ui wilnesses. Mklinrl jJ'CailUHr, gnit, all of The Dale. Ilrrvuii. ' Any and all persona cUlmlug giUcruly the nlwviMnrllniliquiWnrcreuiiird to I le tlielt claims lu ihlmuTee nil or before Hit aahi jui US of January, itj. , 11)8 dyi MICIIAHL T. NOLAN, Itrglster. Gel The HUUttltl rot the hkwi. 'MMHlWciiglWfZJhv WHsCSB i Si X V s ,