The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 11, 1904, Image 7

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In wlmt it In mid wlmt It iIooh con
(alnlnif thu boat lilood-imrlfyltii;,
nlUiriitlvuiiml (onlo HiilmtaticoH iintl
rjfTooUnjj tlio innHt nt(li,.,il imd pur.
iimtimil (Minw of all littiiiorti anil all
rinUiiii mllovliiff wrolr, tlrod.
Inngillil fcollii, find building tip
tlio wlmlo M),ltn--1 trno only of
Hood's Sarsaparilta
Noothur tiiwllolnu act llkts it,
no nllirr iihhIIoIiib Ium done1 nt
iniioli tful, Hiilmtanlial kimm'i "
othar tniHlii'liiM Iiiui ipfttnrvtl IiomIUi
'(inil utruitKth ut mi little ixmI,
"I wm trvublad with rfulA sod
BMf loilti mr ereelght. )'r four ixeftib I
eould net e il Uttftttlaif. After tAklMfi
two bottles of Hood's ftrfttHtrtlla I cWHiltl oat
to walk, nml tkin I lied laktm tiltfttl Utile I
ohW m well a rur." Huu A. Hams
tux, Withers. N. U
Hood 'it 8rirnprrlln promlnc to
euro twitf hoopa tho promlno.
Not tip to lnm
"Mamma." MHht Hid prftty fluffy
tin I rod Mlrl. "I think I ought to go to
wokliiK clianl, itiin't jour"
"It Imu'i iim'wsary, my dour," replied
llauiiiothor. "I ran Ihhi'Ii you to cook."
"Hut tlmt would iiptit lo. mamma,"
pmttMtdl I tin fair (laughter, "you only
know how to rook the ordinary thlncs
that pmple really put."
The Paris "wn sre tit larcMt and
moat complete In Hi" world.
For Infant nml Children.
Tlio Kind You ilavo Always Bought
Olthuturo of C&14YS&&ZK
Hwrtary f tb Nary Marten It
feed sailor, lit novcr set seatlek.
Who mikn itilrk ui of tlio momenta
It a aroint ut prulHri I.aatr,
Thri hid of a cow makes twit m
much feather a Iliat nf a burse.
Admiral Schley Uses
In His
I suffered for a long time with bail
case of Catarrh, ami took treat deal ol
tncdlrluo without any bene fit.
I had n continual headache, tny diceki
liad ;rown purple, tny nose was always
tupped up, mybreatli had a slckcnlnem!
ll!iittlmi;odor,aitil I couched incessantly
I heard of your fi. 8. 8. and wrote you.
I commenced touto it, and after taking
everal bottle I was cured and have
never altice had the l lightest y inptoui of
the dttcate. M 153 M A RY I.. Stokm.
Cor. 7th it l'cllxSta,,St. Joseph, Mo.
Wheeling, W. Va., May ao, lory.
I had Natal Catarrh for years f or w lilcli I
cd tt. 8. 8 vfllh very gratify lK results,
I tried local applications for some time,
nd unlink' no permanent relief I came to
the conclusion that the seat of the trouble
was In the blood. Knowing 8. 8. 8. to be
a:oodblood medicine I began Its use,
ml after utlnjj it for some little while it
did awny entirely with the offensive niu
cut In the nottrils, and I did not have to
hawk and spit, especially in the morning,
toilltlodge the catarrhal matter.
1637 Uouth vSt. 1'Kitu II. l'MUSSV.
The filthy secretions and foul mucus that
re continually dropping back Into the
throat, find their way Into the stomach
ami are alitor bed luto the blood. Catarrh
then becomes con
ttltutlonal, and tlio
only way togct rid
of it la through tho
blooil. Write us If
you have Catarrh,
oud our phytic!
nswlll ndvlsc you
without charge.
Tbo Swift epeclflo Company, Atlanta, Ga.
Dr. C. Gee Wo
ThU nnililBl (.'hi
n ducior I llwl
trriki tiiit lit rurvi
rtpl wlihnut itr
ium thai tea nrn up
lo dl. I( IUIM WHO
Uiw wniulttnil (.In
iimi lif lb, nuu, built,
lrki ami vrllilM
Ihtl r ntlfflr un
hlllbWH Ml tilaillfkl ml.
rnn in inn ro inir. lliruuQ iii w .
Iltix hmniliM iriniillM llt Umuiit duclot
knnwi Ui union of ur to) dinrnl !"'
nllr. whlrli limarfforully u. la dlBrnl
ditrnart. IUfUinuit la cut ollih. M1
ma, luiif,. lluvm, iliruiiulUin. itciiu'i'
lumiuli, llTur, kuliitri, ici Iim liuiidrdi oj
IrilllnoilllilL (ImtiM mndfral. (-all anil
r. ium, I'aUfiut vut of Hi rur wrn,M
blunt ami circular. Hmt umu. CONHULc
The C Gee Wo Ciiluese Medicine Co.
XBi Aldtr At., t'lKlUiiJ. Oriud.
artlr u ti(
uuusu Djru
ii.liiooti'iJM H
MbrdrutrfUu. fl
iTJItrlli,T.l'nll JssMjJ
. IMnywrlKlit ((xplulnliig ikmv piny)
An tho tiro hiirKliim outer tho hull
dork nti1l(( 1 .Mniiiigor Which
oiip7 CMiIphko aiironMi'.
Mr. Joiiiw (roiiilliiK) AnothtT fli'rco
oiiKUHoiiimit In thu riilllpilii(i. Sin,
JoiiwWImt In It? Mr. JotitM Heliuol
tvitoliur nml iirmy olllcur. JiuIku.
Ittnployi'p Wmil to k IioiiihT Whiro
do you fwil III? liny IIti, sir, In tho
oltlcn. I giinrnt I'll fiwl ht'tt'r wIhmi I
got tlio 11 Ir on tho lmntdmll roiiud, (
'J'tiHiiny Pups, wlmt nmkwi you no
Imld? I'mw Oil, tlml'ii horaiiao my
tmithor tiatxl to itt 1110 wi miirh on tho
IiohiI for iMtliiK n good hoy Ally
Kktmr's MnIMIoIMrv. I
"(Mi, my frtniiilKt" oxrkiliuoil tim urn
'or, "It iiMk tn mil when I think
of tho diiy Hint nro irono, when I look
around nml mint tho old fainll'nr Tms
1 iiNod to slmko hnmla with."
"Wlmt wim Hit verdict tlmt I ho v ,r
oiutr's Jury r'lunicl?" "Wilful ii'int
of duly on tho purl of llie d" imI
Ho went out uiiHrmiwI knowing th" o'li
er fellow whs In tovu."Chlcngo Hi c
"I sro you ndverllao for a donkey,",
snld tlio innn who looked nn If he i'nd,
souiothlug for nle. "Oh. jo," Mid tho
buay mini, stopping his work for n 1
inlnuto to look up; "hut I wniit 0110
Willi four rgi."--TU-UltB.
'They thought ho whs dead, yon
know, rind nil the jnipors printed nhlt
unry notleos." "And tlieny Why,
Ihen ho tiirucil up, 11 ml since he's read
titone notlron he's too proud to pmik
lo nny onii." CIiIchro Post.
I'lrst TntvolopOh, yes wc rlsllwl
thu nrt gMllory when w were In DrtM
denl KocvtHl Trnvohir 'llten you saw
llsptiiifl's niHstoriilecw tUre of eourati?
Plrot Tnivoltw Yim, Imlwd. Hie "ix.
teen IlidhidoniiA," you mean?
"Wnltor, you nwy II11UI1 this piece of
pie, If you wniit It," said mother, "It
Isn't eiiouwli to snvo." "Mother," snkl
Wnlter, whou ho had tlnlsheil It, "a
lKy In the fninlly comes In very handy
when there Is a little bit over, doesn't
"You hair Un't wet," mU little Tom
my to Mr. Plyiir, who was calling. "No,
of course not! What made you think
my hair wns wet?" ho asked, vi-ry
iniioh surprised. "I hoard pn lull ma
that you couldn't keep your head nbovo
At a political meeting an cxqltod
Irishiiinii roso to express his sntlsfao
tlou. "Kit downP called tho man be
hind him, pulling his coat tails. "Don't
you know you're opaque?" "And that
Pin notl" cried tho other. "I'm
Mrs. Kpeuders I wonder what will
ho tho popular stylos In bonnets this
season? Mr. Hpotiilex Sly dear,
women's bonnets will bo divided Into
two stylo Hit seanon, as usual tho
style you don't like, and tho stylo I
can't afford.
Hungry Hawkins I)o yer mean to
say ytr got a sipiare moo I out o' dat
sour woman? Diplomatic Mike Hare!
Hungry Hawkins Well, yer a won
der. How'tl yer do It? Diplomatic
Mlkr When she opened the door I
set: "I yer mother at home, miss?
Philadelphia Press,
Toss A friend of mine wns tilling
mo to-day of a splendid seashore resort
on tho Massachusetts coast; I think It's
called Mcdford Ileaeh. Jess Oh, Pvo
boon there. That was whiro I caught
that big lobster last summer, don't you
know? Teas No, dear, I hadn't heard,
What la his name?
Tlio Oyear-old daughter of a certain
iinvnl oltloer wim unconsciously ludi
crous tho other day. Tho child was
sowing, when her older slated asked:
"Why don't you uso n pattern?" Tho
llttlo miss replied with a dignity great
er than her knowledge: "I don't need
a pattern. 1 iw by ear."
Olinrley White, who Uvea with his
aunt and grandma, noticed that tlio
regular black pepper-shaker was filled
with red pepper. This startled hlru,
and, turning to his mint, who sat next
at tho table, he said; "You better not
eat nny of that red pepper, Aunt Har
riet; gramma snys that red popper kills
Tenchor (In Chinese mission) I won
dir how many of yon know thu mean
ing of "mercy." (All lunula up.) Very
good. Now, you, Olinng, may glvo us
nn Illustration of Ite weaning. Chang
Mollcnn Indy gnvo Chinee lioy dWuw
to wash. Ono pinto fall on lloor; him
hlnko In thlousiuul fifteen pieces. Moll
can lady cly loud, "Oh, tncrcyl"
"My dear," wild Mrs. Newly wed, her
faco Hushed with tho excitement of her
aftornoon in tho kitchen, "I want you
to bo perfectly frank with mo now.
Wlmt would you suggest to Improvo
theso doughnuts I miulo to-dny?"
"Well," replied Mr. Nowlywed, lifting
ono with n slight effort, "I think It
might bo hotter If you mafia tho hole
bigger." Cincinnati Tluies-Btar.
immmm Pe-ru-na ifl
. apttjfwrfl-asiist! 4i AiJ'4imfrLi'i4AvAMvSt& ' l&Hfr&'&to. ,m '' ' &&&&& ' tHBJ8 V rl
''Jm Pcriinn Drujf Co., Columbus Ohio. ' f ' 19
Wm Gentlemen--"! can cheerfully stale ' - ' -SlHl
g that Mrs. Schley has taken Pcruna and - .SmTmmSSSmM
Wm ' huhevc with koocI effect." W &SSSSKKt
ngKatapg ;m - -- v- sssmM wL .Jli tftl i
EaUaWiacHPsisBssV " V "'&&$ iffil&? ffy&$"'- '
Battle of Santiago, Where Admiral Schley Made History
Ono of the greatest naial battles In the world was the
fight off haritlsRO. Never nlnco I ho dispersion of tho I s h
hss there
more en
boon a
och mak
ing victory In tho onwaid march ot clvllixstloti than In
thu notable event of July 23,1804, In which the gieat he
ro, Admiral Pchley, took a hading part.
Itwatftgicat navnt hattln. Without a moment's
warniiiK It legan. Quirk decision, undaunted ooursce,
excellent dleolpllnn, reolnt nelf confldenco theso com
bined In Admiral Bchluy to produce that dash and daring
so charautoristle of the American soldier.
A man must think ipilikly In theco days. Thero is no
time for slow action. New enterprises arise In an hour.
Old ones wts uwny In a moment.
A multitude of great thutnes rUmor for notico. A
man mtiet lake sIiIm for or against hv intuition, rather
than logical deduction.
One day this flgthlnesdinlisl rVhley, happened to bo in
with otli-
era wlio l AUNiKALi uiiniu.i ur tcku-iia w o r e
la I k I a g I ' i on m'
'" tnilrs of populrtr Interest. Tho subject of Pcruna
was ralpo'l Its popularity as a catarrh remedy, its na
tional importance, its extensive use.
One ak-d his opinion. Without a moment's hesita
tion, ho said: "I can cheerfully say that Mrs. Schley
has taken Peruna and I believe with good effect.",
Like tho battle of Pautlago, tho thought was sprung
upon hi in without nny warning, and he disposed of it
with tho same vim ir-.d decision as he did with the Span
ish fleet led by tho Ill-fated Viscaya.
His words concerning Peruna have gone out Into tho
world to be icpeotod by a thousand tongues, bcoausa ho
said them.
I.iko the news of his victory over Cervera, his words
conco r n
nn will bo
up by the
iug Peru
can g h t
Rl H 1 t I-
tildes nnd passed from mouth to mouth, across oceans and
Kxeept for an inborn manly Independence, in a coun
try of free speech, these wordt never would have been ut
tered by an o nicer in such a notable position as that ot
Admiral Schler.
Kxeept for a world wide noteriety and popularity, such
as Peruna enjoys, no ivmedy could erer have icceived
such outipoken public endorsement by such a man.
The tet liicJitum cuterfulmut
tsuip ranee.
To tlreak Inftew Shots.
Alwsjri (hake In Allf n' Koot-L', a r"il.
Itrurr tint, nrtln, aelilne, twollni lrt.
(nrr rorn. Iiiriwln nail aud Uinlon At
all itinoUl and iimi lotr,! Din'l arr(it
anytultilltula Kamiile rnalll HIKE. AddrtM
Allen a OlmtiMl. U iur, H Y.
There are plenty of acquaintances la
the world, but vry fow rati friends.
J. V. Da via.
Uotbmwlll rin-l Mr. Wtnalew'a Roottitag
Pyrup lha bil ruin el x luua (or llmlr ebUdrto
durlns the Utlblnt irloJ.
MUs Klcl!e lteol, auperlutendent ot
all Indian tcliool. receives (3,000 a year, '
the hla-beat tatary paid any woman lu
ths iroreriiment turrles,
TITO Itnnantnuycvrva. noSMorntrroutnaat
r 0 anrnnlday'iMunr.KUii'(lrINMT
H4oir. H ml rur FrrStrllbelllndlrtU
br, U. II. KUd. Uii.-Ut -ncb hU. lljllml.lrhl, .
Kmperor William will not learn to play
cnlf nor wilt be permit Ids ministers to
play. Prlnes Henry plays a good dsal.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
wtlhM1CALAITl.lCATIONfl,aa they eannot
rch ihe al ol I he dlca. Catarrh I a
IjIikhI or con tllntloualdl. ate. and luunlrrlo
rut tt you muit laVo Inlurntl rrmedla.
Hall' Catarrh Cure It taken lute mally. and
aeutllrei'lljr on th blood and rouruiiurlaei,
Haifa lalarrhCute W Out a quack tutdlrlne.
It rat iireicrllird bycinaol XYe loll fhyiUltnt
Inthliniunlry lor) can, and laarcKitlar pre
erliUon. It I couiimkiI ot tho be it tonic
known, combined with lha bent blood purt
licrt, actlnir directly on Ilia roiieotis ur'ce.
The parlorl etxntilna Inn ot tho twolugredlontt
la what rMliire tuch w.nnlerlul rraull in
cutlUK Caiarrh. Band (or teillnii.nlaU Ire.
F. i t'llKKKY A in . l'ro., Toledo, 0.
Bold by ilruimliu, ptleo 7V.
Haifa Family 1'llla aro tbo beat.
The Crown Prlneets of Denmark Is ths
richest and tallest woman of tier rank
In Kurope. She Inherited nearly $15,
000,000 from her maternal crandmnther,
as well ns the bulk of her father's for
tune. She Is six feet tnlb
Vor coughs and colds there Is no better I
medicine than I'lao'a Oure for Consuiup- I
tlon. Prico S5 cents.
Ho Is Always Htiy.
"Ths only difference between poetry
and poverty Is the letter 'v,' " remarked
the aliened punster.
"Yes," rejoined the wise guy. "and,
Vi MUlfV, IUV I'l'V, 1IV.1I ..MM M ,,
Atk a Man From
About the reputation of the J. I. CASE
PLOW. He will tell you it IS ALL RIGHT.
n 7-iV-- -xU JM.- t T-sri,a
It a triumph over ail competition.
We guarantee it the
Send for circular telling all about tt.
Is limply perfection, that it alL We have
tbtm in Stubble. Scd and Stubble tad Tim
ber Land styles. Wc say, and authorize our
agents to sy, "Try a Cite Plow. If not
right bring it back." It shows OUR confi
dence. WE knsw they won't come tuck.
They never have.
Made in two and three bottom
styles, with or without riding at
tachment, Stubble or Sod and
We don't hetllate to say to any
reatonab cand unprejudiced man
"Take it and tryjt. If it is not
Ihe belt Steel Walking Gang
Plow you cveruied,wc will take
it back, and p.iy you for taking it
out and hauling it back " Our
acen't are authorized to say the
tame. THIS IS STRONG TALK, and you will notice it b well bickeJ.
NEW CASE WALKING GANuS timely can't be beat THAT'S ALL,
And vou need a puardiin if you don't try one on our proposition.
are in the i-une class at the other Case Plow Gooit, and at the head of the class.
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver CO.
First and Taylor Streets
mj -MBjfyj isTy' "-"
OfiiiriMiwsTrrTnTTrrTi " ' '""i"
t. Jacobs Oil
Known tho world oxer at tho
promplett, ouiett euro tor
Rheumatism and Neuralgia
Culo mnrsKoa'a brighter and faa'srcolora thin
. . - - r - -m . v t rr Culo mnracoa'
w- v Tnn ow t a rani n a an a b --i mm. a . l. .,. .,!-............ -nt.
PI A VI rA.UcLcoS U Y co ;T-5r.r...T.:vur:
m - m - ,.. . .to (J.vo p.Tieci
send pott P1J at 10c packav.
eve ncrirct retju. Ak ueaur or wi wm
Write tor fre booklet how ta dye black and nili.d co.or. MONKOB UtUU CO., Uu oavlUe, Illinois