The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 11, 1904, Image 6

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Secret of tk Plundered Sfe
' 'L-iL'-.A-rr l)aa 1 III u J
CHAPTBIt XVII. (Continued.) , hnnds stretched out before him. nn If
Tho clown thought Hint nt last lie hnd shrinking from n phantom, lit' tried to
hit the murk. Mine. Knuvcl bepm to be
tray signs of ngitntlon. Ourc oh inndo
nn attempt to rlso from tho clmlr, hut
(t seemed as If hw strength failed her,
ami she sank back, forced to Ustcu to tho
"Finally, ladles ami gentlemen," con
ttnurtl tho clown, "the richly stored
Jewel cns became empty. The day
onm when the mandarine had nothing
mote to give. It wan then thnt the
yonng scoundrel conceived the project of
carrying oil the Jaiper button belonging
to the Mnndarlne I.l-Fo, which was kent
in a granite chest. Ah I tho mnudnrluo
resisted n long time. Hut her lover be
sought her so tenderly that sho finally
yielded to his entreaties; and the jnsper
button was stolen. Tho fourth plcutre
represents tho guilty couple, Mcalthlly
creeping down the prlvntc stnlrwny; cc
their frightened look see "
He abruptly stopped. Threo or four
of his auditors rushed to 'the nssistance
of Mine. Fauvel, who seemed about to
faint, nnd nt tho same time he felt hit
arm roughly setted by some- one behind
him. Ho turned round and fnced Do
Glameran ami Iiiigors, both of whom
were pale with auger.
"What do you want, gentlemen" he
Inquired, politely.
To speak to you," they both answer
ed. Ho followed them to the end of the
picture gallery, near a window opening
In a balcony.
The sudden falntness of Mme. Fauvel
had passed off unnoticed save by a few,
who attributed It to the heat of the
room. M. Fauvel had been sent for, but
when he came hurrying In, he found bis
wife composedly talking to Madeleine.
Not having as much control over his
temper as Itaoul, M. da Clameran an
grily said:
. "In tho first place, monsieur, I woulJ
like to know who you are."
on want my passport, do yon, my
lord doge? I left It In the hands of the
city authorities; It contains roy name,
age, profession, domicile and every de
tail "
"Yoo have Just committed a grow In
sult! What do you mean by telling this
abominable story In this house?"
"Abominable! You may call It abom
inable, but I, who composed It, hare a
different opinion of it."
"Enough, monsieur; yon will at least
have the courage to acknowledge that
your performance was a vile insinuation
against M. Fauvel?"
"Illesa my heart!", cried the clown, as
If speaking to himself. "This Is the
strangest thing I ever heard of. How
can my drama of the Mandarin I.l-Fo
have any reference to M. Fauvel, whom
I don't know from Adam or Eve?" "
"Do you pretend," said M. de Clam
eran, "to be ignorant of M. Fauvel's
"Ah, yes, yes, I remember. Ills cash
ier nrn off with three hundred and fifty
thousand francs. Pshaw! It Is a thing
that almost dally happens. Hut as to
discovering any connection between this
robbery nnd my play, that Is another
matter. If, unintentionally. I have of
fended the wife of n man whom I highly
eeteem, it U hi business to seek redrew.
Perhaps you will tell me he Is too old
to demand satisfaction; If so, let him
sent one of his sons, You asked me who
I am; In return I nsk you who you are
you who undertake to act as Madame
Fauvel's champion? Are you her rela
tive, friend or ally? What right hnve
you to Insult her by pretending to dis
cover an allusion to her In a play Inrctit
cd for amusement?"
There wus nothing to be said in reply
to Uils. M. do Claiuernu sought a means
of escape.
"I am a friend of jr. Fauvel," he
said, "and this title gives me the right
to be as Jealous of his reputation us if
It wero my own. If this Is not a sutll
Itnt reason for my Interference, I must
Inform you that his family will shortly
x3 mine; I regard myself as his nephew.
. Next week, monsieur, my marriage with
Mile. Madeleine will be publicly announced."
This news was so unexpected, so
startling, that for a moment the down
was dumb; and now his surprlso wuh
genuine,. Hut he soon recovered him
telf. and, bowing with defercneef mid,
witll covert Irony:
"Permit me to offer my congratula
tions, momleur. Hestdcs, being the hello
to-ulght, Mile. Madeleine Is worth, 1
hear, half a million."
Itaoul de Lagors had anxiously been
watching the people near them, to ceo
If they overheard this conversation.
"We have had enough of this gos
bip," he said, in a disdalnru! tono; "I
will only any one thing more, Master
Clown, and that Is that your tongue is
too long."
"Perhaps It is, my pretty youth, per
haps It Is; but my arm Is still longer."
De Clameran here interrupted them by
"It Is impossible for oue to seek an
explanation from a man who conceals
his identity under the guise of a fool."
"You are at liberty, my Ion! doge, to
nsk tie ninstur of the house who I am
If you dare."
The clown stood by with a sardonic
urnlle, nnd after a moment's sllenco Mur
ed (Jlnmernu steadily In tho face, nnd
in measured tones said:
"I was the best friend, monsieur, that
your dead cousin ever had. I wus his
advisor, nnd the confidant of his last
These few words fell like a clnp of
thunder upon De Clameran. lie turned
deadly pale, and started back- with his
answer, to protect ngnlnst this .ismiiIoii.
but the words frose on his lips. His
fright was pitiable. "
"Come, let in go," said Lagors, who
wait perfectly cool.
And he dragged Clnmernn nway, half
supporting him, for he stnggered like n
drunken man, and clung to every object
ho passed, to prevent falling.
"Hello!" exclaimed the clown.
lie himself was almost aa much aston
ished as the Ironmaster, and remained
rooted to the spot, watching the latter
as he slowly left tho room.
"What can this mean?" he murmured.
"Why wns he so frightened? What ter
rible memory have I awakened in his
hnse soul?"
The clown threw aside his banner, and
started In pursuit of Mine. Fauvel. ,Ho
found her sitting on n sofa In the Innw
saloon, engaged In an animated eotrer-
satlon with Madeleine,
"Of course they are talking over tho
scone, but I hnvo nothing more to do
here." ho murmured; "I might as well
go, too."
He completely covered his dress with
n domino, and started for home, thinking
the wlil, frosty olr would cool his con
fused brain.
Th'e clown walked up tho Ituo St. La
xare and struck Into the Faubourg Mont-
martre. A man suddenly started out
from a place of concealment, ami rush
ed upon hjm with n dagger.
Fortunately the clown had n cat-like
Instinct, which enabled him to protect
himself against Immediate danger. He
saw, or rather divined, the man crouch
ing In the dark shadow of a house, and
had the presence of mind to strike an
attitude which enabled him to ward off
Uie assassin by spreading out his arras
before him.
This movement certainly saved his
life, for he received In his arm a furi
ous stab which would have Instantly
killed him had It penetrated his breast.
Anger more than pain made him cry
"Ah, you villain!"
And recoiling a few feet he put him
self on the defensive. Hut the precau
tion was useless. Seeing his blow miss,
the nxsatsln did not return to tht at
tack, but made rapidly off.
'That was certainly Lagors," cald the
clown, "and Clameran must be some
where near. While 1 walked around out
side, of the church they must have guns
the other and lain In wait for me."
His wound began to pain him; he
stood under a gas lamp to examine It.
Ir did not appear to be dangerous, but
the arm was cut through to the bone. He
tore his handkerchief Into four bands,
and tied his arm up with the dexterity
of n aurgeon.
"I must be on theMrack of some great
crime, since these fellows are resolved
upon runnier. When such cunning rogues
aru only In danger of tho police court
thwy do not gratuitously risk the thauce
of being tried for murder."
He thought by enduring n grunt deal
of pain he might still uie his arm, so he
started In pursuit of his enemy, taking
rare to keep In the middle of the road.
and avoid nil dark corner. Although he
saw no one, he was convinced that ho
was Irflng pursued. Ho was not inltak
en When he reached the Houlciard
1 nlcrt, and wo must crush them Instantly,
or not nt till. I huvu mndo n mlNtnkf, I
hnvo been on the wrong track; It la nu
Accident liable to happen to nny imiu,
no mutter how Ititulllgeiit ho mny bo. I
took tho effect fir thu cause. Tho day I
wns convinced thnt n secret existed bo-1
tncs-ii iwuuil mill .lliuo. I'llUVel I tlioight
I held tho end of the thread that must
lend UN to tho truth. I ulmul,! i.,.v.
been nmro mistrustful; tli's solution Has
too simple, too natural Tho robbery, my
friend, has now bwoiuo n secondary
delnll. It Is easily explained, nnd It
tllllt Wero nil til bo iim-mniti.! I... I
would say to you, '.My task Is done, let
us go nsk Tor n warrant of nrrest." "
"Ah, you know Is It possible?''
"Yes, I know who gave tho key, nnd
I know who told the seeret word."
"The key must hnvo been M. Fata el's.
Hut tho word "
"The word you wero foolish enough to
plve. q hnvo forgotten, I suppose.
Hut unfortunately Oritur nnini,iiu.r.i
You know thnt, two days before the
robbery, you took Lngofs nnd two i.ther
friends to sun with Minium. nrn..i
Mnn wns snd, and reproached you for
not being more cheerful."
"Yes. I remember thnt,"
"Ibit do you remember whnt you re
Plied to her? Well. I will tell oii;
Mnn, you nro unjust In reproaching me,
for nt this very moment your name
gunrds M. l'mivel's snfe,' "
The truth suddenly burst upon Pros
per llko n thunderclap. P wrung his
hands dtwpnfriiigly, and criedt
it, oh, jes! I remember now."
Whnt nro your frkmls saylnu
about you? Tluit your i:niy
hair makes you look old?
Anil yet, you arc not forty I
Postpone this looklnt! okl.
lair Vior
Use Aycr's Hair Vljjor and
restore to your gray hair all
the deep, dark, rich color of
early life. Then be satisfied.
"Aiai'a lUIr Vlfor riti'.l tha natural
color in nit mai half, anl I am siaailj
li it ail Tiiiiriaiin inr 11
u. r,j. v
JIN a hoi I la,
Alt i1riit.t.
04ft, Ma
1,0 avsneo.
Inwall Ll
I Tho (llrtli or Mnn Inurtwafiia;.
An oii'ollout llliulintliili (if (hi) Villus
of record linn boon nlfiinU'il Intel, rn
guttling tho iinHli)ii of physical ilii;eii-trni-y.
A linn In Iho noilli of Uiittlituil
Inn 'Otupnri'il tho niciHiiii'iiieiilH for
clutlllllg IlltUtO two gi'lHTiUl'lllU IIKO
with those of to ilny. Hi" rrmiltit t.'iiliig
to ahow (hut chest mid hip nnMsiirit
uti'iitit nn now threo Inches mi tlio nv
erK iiiiue tlniii lhtv wero alxly year
ogu. Tho hhiiim loiii'liuliin la ivitolird
by tint uxiirUiii'n of tho rtmdy-inmlti
iluthteri. Tli!'t fnclH, whwtttvor timy
bn their geiuriillly, do not iiillo ills.
I i i no uf tho nntloii of ilogetioritcy.
I'hey nro wlinl wo should expect trom
(ho tiiuro abundant nnd ('hooper food
uf Hut people, their belter housing nnd
Improved minllury surrounding"; but
tho testimony regarding tho uiilltness
of recruits nnd prourrssivn lack of
Mniuliift In town, nnd mpcolnlly inmiii.
factoring, populations lannot bo tlUrn
gnrtled. The girth of iiiitu may be In
creasing, but. llko a fatting hog, U not
(orpuleney bringing clumsiness?
Dark Hair
Former Senator Henry (J Dth and
his son-lu-Uw, Seustor Htepheii II. ICI
kins, have eontrlliiiteil tHX).(XH) to the
len v,. n . T, ,M,W- ., "I'l" !! Klkll lVdl,-e, J.HCopeii.d,
llieu you en n easily uuderstmid the it Klklns. W. Vn.
ymv hi too iK-oumirois went to
Mine. Fnuvel. ninl roiiinnllmt hrr in ..I.
up her husband's key; then, nt a ven
ture, placed the movable buttons on
the unmo of Ojpsy. opened the safe, and
took the three hundred and lltty Ihou-I
sand francs. And Mme. Fauvel must I
have been terribly frightened before she
yielded. The day after the robbery the
poor woman was near dying, and It was J
sho who, at tho greatest risk, sent you'
mi- ten inoiisnmi rrancs.
.- kll..V MP.I......W
i ciaui rLAXAntniLi
run ruLi, rAiVVLls
a n tMifltmiwiimilf.. ponri, A
Kir Joseph Dslton HooLei, said to lr
the greatest living botanist, hsi psaasd
his elllitr tith blrtkdsy.
"Hut which was the thief, Itaoul or S H'ch.1 I"" l t-i.
Clameran? Whnt nni,in. n. ...... .f,1t ut ivs.u viJ
.rl V, " -- "" '' " iisi !(. All alias in blast an.) itlranlol
tyrannize over Mme. Fauvel? And how i-l stluwaai waikai ptieai, wo.kl pumna
docs Mndrlelne come to be mixed mi ln'f,i'c"' ""'! tr silnuu, iiutih.r
the affair?" 1 1"'' ,"1 esuvsi bvlllnf. bu an.t rln
rl salranlia.! ilaular.t v,rouhl Iron flp
ii.ii lairanna.i
a, I llieb. I! pat
at ami salranliaJ
Montmartre he crossed the street, and as
he did so distinguished
two shailows
which he recognized,
Ho walked rapidly on, abruptly stop
ped, and asked somo significant ones
tions of two policemen who wero stand
ing talking together. Tho maneuver had
tho result he expected: Itaoul uud Clam
eran stood perfectly still about Utility
steps off, not daring to advance.
Twenty steps! That was as much
start aa the clown wanted. Whlla mik
ing with thn police he had pulled the
bell of tho door beforo which they wero
standing and the click of the lifted Imeh
apprised him that tho door wns open. Ho
bowed nnd entered the house.
A inlnuto later the police hnd passed
on, and Labors nnd Clameran In their
turn rang tho bell. When thu Janitor
appeared they asked who it was Hint
had Just gone In disguised as n clown.
They were told that no such person
had entered, and that none of tho hnlg
crs had gone out disguised that night.
"However," added the Janitor, ''I nm
not very sure, for this house has a back
door which opens on tho Hue Ht. Denis."
"We aro tricked," interrupted Lagors,
"and will never know who tho clown is."
"Unless wc learn It too soon for our
own good," said Clnmernn, musingly,
Whllo Lagors and Clameran wero anx
iously trying to devise some means of
discovering tho clown'a Identity Vordurot
hurried up the back street, and reached
the Archangel as the clock struck three.
Prosper, who was watching from his
window, saw him In tho distance and
ran down to open the door for him.
"What have yon learned?" he said.
"What did you find out? Did you see
Madeleine? Were Itaoul and Clameran
at tho ball?"
But M. Vcrdurct was not In the habit
of discussing private affairs whero he
might be overheard.
"First of all, let us go into your room,
and get some water to wosh tills cut,
which burn like fire. It Is n llttlo mark
of your friend Itaoul. Ah, 1 will soon
teach him the danger of a man's aim!"
I'rosper was surprised at tho look of
inercllc-ss rage on his friend's face ns ho
calmly washed and dressed his arm.
"Now, Prosper, we will talk as much
aa you please. Our enemies aro on the J
the affnlrr
"These questions, my dear Prosper, I
cannot yet answer, therefore, I jKttt
pono being the Judge. I ouly ask you to
wait ten days, and If I cannot In that
time discover the solution of this mystery
I will return and go with you to report
io .si. l-amgeni an mat we know."
"Are you going to leave the city?"
"In another hour I shall be on tha
road to Ilenucalre. It was from that
neighborhood' that Clameran came, as
wen as .lime. Kanvel, who was a Mil.
de la tcrherle before marrying."
"Yes, I know InjHi families."
"I must go there to study them. Nelth
er Itaoul nor Clameran can escape dur
ing my absence. The police art winch-1
Ing them. Hut you. Prosper, must be'
pruuent. rromise me to remain a pris
oner here during my trip."
All that M. Verduret asked Protper
willingly promised. Hut he did not wish
to be left In complete Ignorance of his
projects for the future, or of his motives
In the past.
"Will you not tell me, monsieur, who
you are, and whnt reasons you have for
coming to my rescue?"
The extraordinary man hmllnl saillr.
and said:
"I will tell you, in the presence of
Nina, on the day before your lunrrlnge
with Mndoloine."
Onrc left to his own reflections Pros
per began to appreciate lh powerful
assistance rendered by his frieud. He
had the good sense to follow the rerom
meditation of his mentor. He remained
shut up in the Archangel, not even ap
pearing nt mo windows.
Oh the ninth day of his voluntary so
elusion Prosper began to feel restless
ond nt 10 o'clock nt night set forth to
tako a walk, thinking the fresh nlr
would relieve the headache which had
kept him awnke the previous ulght.
Having reached the Orleans railway
station, he went into a enfu near by,
picked up the Kolelt, and under the bead
of "Fashionable Oosslp" read the follow
ing! "We understand that the niece of one
of our most prominent hankers, M. Fun
vel, will be shortly married to the Mar
rpils Louis de Clameran. The engage
ment has been announced."
Ho called for mn ami paper, and, for
getting that no situation can oxuiim. the
mean cowardice of an anonymous let
ter, wrote in n disguised hand the follow
lug lines to M. Fauvel:
"Dear Hlr You hnvo consigned. your
cnahler to prison; you acted prudently.
since you were convinced of his ilu-hnu-osty
nnd faithlessness. Hut even If he
stolo money from your safe, does It fol
low thnt ho nlso stolo Mine, Fauvel's
diamonds nnd pawned them at thu Mont-do-ieto,
whero they aro now,
"Moreover, I would, before slanliu; the
marriage contract of Mile. Madeleine.
Inquire nt tho Prefecture of Police and
obtain somo information concerning the
noble Mnnpils do Clameran.
Prosper hastened off to post his Jot
ter. Fearing thnt It would not reach
M. Fauvel In time, ho put it In the main
letter box, so ns to bu certain of Its
speedy delivery. At that very hour M.
Verduret was taking his sent In the cars
ut Tnrnscon, meditating upon thu most
Advantageous plan to bo adopted in nur-
sur.uce of his discoveries.
For ho had discovered everything, and
now must bring matters to a crisis. A
ho had predicted, ho hud beun compelled
to senrch into the distant past for tho
first causes of tho crlmo of which Pros
per hnd been the victim.
Tho following Is tho drama, ns lie
Wrote It out for the benefit of the Judgo
of Instruction, knowing that it would
contain grounds for tin Indictment
against the malefactors!
(To be continued. t
Heer will umko you utceny nnd cocoa
si whola.ala pitraa Wu u lor eUr aanU
its lirlaallon Mania a
KtlsrsM .MKblnsry (.., Pm.
In tha II
lanJ, Ortran.
Posifivt, Comparative, Superhlki
"I hs.s uiaJ on aft.ur Flat. Orans
dlleava fee fl.a tsars anil now want
raw ona, auaa ana for frlanj. I
would nat ka wlihaul ens fir lolaa
thacutt. Thar ara Jutl aa far ahaatf
of a comman seat aa a amnion ana
la ansa- af nslhlng."
) oa irmcalit)
Da sura yaa dan't gal ana eflhe earn.
mon alnrf (Mala tna .r
mark of eitallsAse. sjUTfgJlJ
a. J. Towen co.
SOITSs, V. hi.
teaosra, cum
Utitft f Wit Wtjtktr CIHklif mm4 Hti
P. N. V.
Na. 4i-l0
WHEW wrlllnf los.laHUaravl4Ua
luaiillon this f par.
Other men's sins are before our yes
our own srn behind our imek. Kenera,
Cured Her IHieiiuiiill.Mii,
Deep Valley. I'n,, Out. 31 (Npeclal)
There Is deep Interest In Orweii
county over tho rum id Hut llttlo
htugliler o! I. N. Wlilpkor id llheiims
tlsiu, Him wns it giral suffnter for lltro
or six years ami nothing seeutnl to do
lift nny good till she tried Dodd'a Kid
ney Pills. Hlie hojin to Improve al
most at once and now iho It cured and
nu run and play as othor children do.
Mr. Wlilpksy, ssyst
"I am ImltHul thankful for what
Dishl's Kidiiev I'llls have ilono fur my
tlaughteri I hey raved her from twlng n
cilppls perhaps for llfo."
Jlixld'a Kidney Tills liavo proved
tlnl Itlietiuiatiiui Is one of Iho insults
ol dlieaied Kidneys. Itheutnallsiu In
lausad by Uric Acid In tlio blood If
tin Kidneys ara right luero can be no
uric Acid In the blood snd coueeijuriit
'v no HiirmiiBtlsnt. Dishl't Kidney
Tills make the Kidneys right.
A Village of Klttltha.
Near Tripoli, In North Africa, Is a
village called Amriii. the llko of which
Is not to be found In any other part
of tho world. The place Is Inhabited
exclusively by thoie exercising the
calling of smith.
I'rom early morning till the last
thing at night they are hard at work.
the aged member of the community
alto taking part. Those no longer able
to handle Uie hammer occupy Uieiu
selrra by blowing the bellows.
lit majority of the people aro ar
morers, who aupply tha Arabs wltb
weapons Indispensable to the mix of
the desert, who are too Indolent U
make for themselves. These weapon
art exported aa far aa the Niger, where
they aro In great demand.
Ho who loses money loses much; ho
Mho loses n friend loses more, but ha
huo loiea Ida spirits loses all.
By Our Method
If taws h
fjrtjjr " I
2fc S
nn i t wist.
Wa araehaliU.1 1 ntiaol lium ona In St
leclh si una tllllllK. ptMlly a lot almi
Itnalr ul.'houi pain ur lsit ailsr aftecu
! pa In itallraia Health na1 tiaa no
fear asettrmalbod ot eiri-lHg la ia
tltri)r aafa alnt ali.olulely palnle-a
AO.ulula rlaanllna.. tautir miilto
Wvi..vruMii sud Itililsa work tllhtil
pain liiir IT yrara' ax eilrnre In pis a
SV tiis tnablea lit to nt jour would J 1
.yjaw Us I. a to freriiisa sa wall aa Jim sssssW
asassataTaTafl u afalilnsa lU KumUrt Irora Ut I sassssl
lslv l-huiio Main J."j. ,,.
WISE BROS,, Dentists, nvmi&
Il.i ..
mi ajrTl vl ' wEtSftXTiSK
nnrattrai XJ1Wraja JffijSt
rlto for Catalogue and Prices
sssssWB3Ia.r. a- MHbsw ' .rHK&uSJmttBNialM&i&m
SSSBBBBBsHOftlssV ' SSSSSSSsBsj!1 381131 TjI 21 M'
IsissssssssBMsKV - .WsVifSbSssssssssssssli
Jttilf Vaii laruuia
liatef (Airtea or mksj (looors, wilto Wsdaauu Uo wtia wtU s4vt wnsra obulnsoia.