4 & ' 1 i 'A WNi ' ' i lC LOCAL BITS Wall piirnQhe Merrill DruCo. Vor Hit famous WtAiterii cocktuil j;o to '1'liu Office. MIllliTery t cost. Nv York Cnnli Store. DeschuUHt. r t If vo wait I to borrow money aec J. M. UawtciiCu nbotit it. Jolni HIom hits Rone tt to C. IS. 'Allen's for a two wuckM limit. Mhcuil (trllikft ii MK!cln1ty nt The TDIflce nuloon. II. O'Ktiiie proprietor. Thrwt Imlf-Jiohii'l wcknn of 'ohcoH-nitiror&ociit the City Hakery. , Uvpry thing. In tliu wall ,uir Jlnc nt rctuwunhle prices. Met rill UMijtCb. (Jowl much for utile, with nr 'rmigenieiit for it iTgntion. J. M. Lawrence. , The latest news of Mrs. Hmhe is leM favorable Mild cntivcM hur friend lietc intich nnxlaty. KejKirt.s froth up the river ore to the effect that lwwrs there are thick tut fJnn in California. We are in the, wall pnjwr buii ium mill woVt't Ixs tniilerwoUl by iiiiyoiu. Merrill Orux Co. Mm, l!arer hni come ovet 'from Moiitanii to nttenri her mother, Mr. , Wokler, during her quite riou lllnewt. ' ' To make room fur holWny good, entire tofk of Ml and winter , milliner,)- ut cwt. N'ew York Caiih Store. Docilities. J. V. CoUtrii has come over from Uiigeue Mini opened a cobbler hIk tin h new httildihg 8xi8 fact adJWlu tug the Mledaoe photo studio. l'rank Mild (.corgi! Itoguc mul 1 1). A. If iidlty brought down three Joath of hay drawn-by 16 horse "VetlnejHlwv for tlie I). I. & 1'. Co. . George? T. Hly, of Kolud, we 'fi Mend visitor this j;ek. He U iKJtiug bis wintcr'stlpply of jKta- toe front Jnnies Moffctt's pUcc ut Powell bntici. lion McCnllllin. VtygB dtivrr on ahc I'dticvlllc-Ilunjl line. h.n lwn confined to his biil with .AlcknaM for fiuVeml days jiASt, but U f mprov- iug nt prunoilt. Charltm A. Slnttbiirroiigh, feeling that he hnd not the time to Attend to the dutie Of school clerk, linn lOhigued, mid the Ixwrd has chosen Henry Hedges to fill tlw vacancy. Rev. W. P. Jinnett, jmsiar of the M. Ii. church. Of., Priiieville, came out Monday evening to iech the funeral sermon . of George Kever. He waa arcompaiiietl by . Mm. Jinnett and Mis I.iiic Ketchum. On TueMloy of Invt wtk I.ee IIouh;, one of ),i local spOrUmen, killed a fine specimen of black Iwir one mile aWiitHat of Nogtte's much, after being on. the trail but a few hours. The hide nieavured fix6 feet. One of the horses at woik on the ditch at enmp, No i fell oyer a i foot stone umhtmkmcnt on the cnuyon above the Sisetnore place Monday. The .holte -waa, blind, and walked oVor the ledge, but wna not lujttrad. The Pilot Unite QpHipany'a saw , hull will shut down next wc,ek for , repairs and to put in n iew engine aud acrewioricH that arrived thi Jveok. If in the meantime the new boiler which haUwen ordered arrive the mill will qloe dpwu for another week arid put that in. . The Pilot Hullo ,ooniwny.ls . clearing the truty out of Mium'ta and Hand streets this week. A powerful capstan, chuiiw, a ten;n of horsea aud an axe me the liibtru- monts of this work -mul they make a clean job of it, pulling ovtr great niiiMi fmir Tiwl in (tlnmeter without difficulty, after the surface roots are cut. UMiim (iil,Artfimi1tttl . Umuk'C and Andy Huntor wore .returning" Trout thecoiuimjty'n farm yetnlay nftornooit their onnvi.mn awixy on Wall street. Mr. Rowlee. swung out at the Htnrt -and. -Mr, Ututter had the horses nearly u;ulct control when the brldlo Vrokc ntul he, too, had to jump forjt. It, wart,a .lively race but no otW was natch injured. . 1 Vt - Ir. G. M. . 13oQth FntBldjiig MMllAr 'IMu l.ll.w Arirlnl nTllnv Methodist ?8pii;coml ojiltrch .will H,ol(l services. Jit. lleud, either at he Wy Jlaptljt cJyireUoWtUUfcBi AJ. uatl, ou Wcdudaay evcilttg, the Lirtth, at 7:30 o'clock. It is expected that a MclliodiHt church will be organized and arrangemeuU com pleted for tegular preaching here aftur. The public is cordially in vited to the hurvlees. Mr. and Mr?. WIIHiim T. .Steph. ens Vettinied Ttiesday from their summcr'a sojourn nt Cash creek aud have taken poHictln of their cot tage at Dcschutew. The toll road ucrosa the mountains is still okmi but is likely to be closed any day. Mr. Stephens found such great change in Heud ill, the pant five months that he had to have a guide to show him through the town. J, W. Illudftoe's hew photo xal lery, on Hond stfeet opiKiaite tin- uuw livery stable, vill be opcii for oustuesH next .Monday ami lucre after oil Thursdays, I'ridays, Satur day n'nl Slindays. Monday. Ttnwdavs and Weducmlays will be devoted to oiUide work. Mr. Hledaoc's iiew st'udio in sox.o feet, very conveniently dcNigutHl and well cquljVped fbr the buMncsx. NOTICIJ. To Wilnvi it May,('hs:kh: Nutlrn lirniliy iivrii tlm llifn H'lll Int lirtNM'lllHil Ii, tin, llntnrnl.il CiMinty Ciiirt (ur lln Crtiiity uf CriM.ki in Mil' yiHlenl (Irryoii, at rrlnrvllli-, mi HitttinlMV, tin- illlli iImv h( NoVfiiitMT. ItlOl, Nt OllVo.k A. M.'tHltlll illltM lH-illtf mIIIiIii tin- MKiilMrNntriiilMir. 11MII. tiTlii if NHht Court), fur tlin i-oiifMrnttioii of lhl (olltt, MM iilU'MttoM liv A. I. (ilHHlMlll Mlbl ftlVft(it (IK) otlu-r rtllr'ini I tin.', Sulti i.f (lifjroii, fur tlif liM-oiiMirMllaHi of m i'imUIm imrl of Crook n'miiity, Omitom, Into m iiiiiiiIi-1h1 nrN- raiKHi. to lot known m me i iiy oi m-itu ; at MhI Uiiih llm atihl Court, will In- n IMfnlral to KTMUi Mil Mll'll unltTH MIhI to to all Mtri'li timniKr i.lliliijt n niity 1m iinfawary or iii utlHirtl or tt-iiilnil Iiy till) Uwnof (Ih ftflteiif Orrajtirtl fur till1 ornnlliiK of tliH 'prayer of hnVI b'0I-r-attoti. A Irur mm- of Mitt aiii'.licitUiiii'l Mri.HH.to.iirH: IKTIIHCOfStTVCOUHTt'OR Til COfNTV III' CHtMlR. MTATIt Or OKItOOK. In thr mattrr oflhr otntrollaH U.U . rt al utUrt itonHHf Ok lHcufMfttH of f rtlT""'"" -or j. OH M(tJ My.Mlte ) (.'own How A I. Oo.wll anil alto Iht !.( HmI ttm. rmh of wbum BMeiU bv M iHlHr Mrto lbl It l .iliftnl tlctiur of I'touk C'oHHly t)i lUr kt at ilttcwH. (h4 InMrMt MtOtlH lh If tutor hrf rlHtflrr Ml futth J ilfWflkrH. ami mhI itlr iay hl llunnf Mr CmhiI dtt imlrr inuii,Hi( the iHtl.ltrnlHm irf lt)lilknl,.i, Ih' aa-TiUlitiHg f lh nuiM lirrol (HhaMUtiU lrwllii within llir Uitiloiy hfitHKlltr Ml f.Mlli imI .r(iiW.I tli granliui ( Mi-Hrof rlrvtlH (" lh miim of urn UlHUttf Mhcthir or mrt Ike Imilwy Iwfclwiflrl iJfolhrt1 aliall hrromr liitHfaa(nt. anil Iht iHithtr (tanlliitf ut all aoch utlitr and fuilhrr IxiwrnlliiM. ami culm at may I riilinl ! fhri-a?llic hlalr ut Ott.wi rlatlii( l ih immtwiniion 01 iiiuiilHIHra t. hiikii mm iai air I.H.IMII at tlllr xtrulrf n (i?). tMi4rr one (II vf llir trvlwl atalutraof Ihrmalcof llircoii, Your iKtllloiirra IhMIwi rrmciil llial llirir ait tM.Mt llwtil our liutiillnl atnl fill InhalHIanla (IkallttoMti llial Ihfir KkImmiI ifutr (tuii'lnd iraMrHit; miiiiih in icifiKKjr rt'iriiniitr n irill Ihr 4m otlary ol whwli il Irriiiory to MmKl iiiioiHciHHorxini MiirMtinrnaa mwwi, Io-mH ailuiir m tlMlouoiy l o.ioV ami Male ofiHripm, ami mtrtr Mitu.iilaily ltactilrfil a loll.iwa IKcinBinr al UK ! iUllrr o.tii' r (K (' cur I i luiioH Thirty (wo (i). Towmhii- ocniirt tj) wiuin. Kinrf i wrivc ii; i i throcr wolh m the rart lliir of mi.) Hriti.nt Thirty Iwa(ji), Dor ihmtMH.t l',Kljr -rn ami iChrM llHHarrdlnad.at I?) trxt. throrr writ twu Thwwaml Ni llmnlml Twrnl) ! ami oorNlyMi llH4trHth li.it!) frrt moir i.f It tu a Mot .H lor rt lior of th ut itlir half J K l)(fMMIWlkm Thirty lwojj. IhrH.r autrtn Tw- lluodtrl orvrnlyrvrH ami I'nr Ttolrit ;; frtt oi.mi. l ti.tkc s.mjih ant cinrf of Iht Mufth r quaitrr IX W i. ( IhtlkuHthntt iwiir H 11 u(. thrncr wnt KlaHly.Htr Ml nrt. IMurr Nirtih riny uc X"'. &MV. Txrnlv l (Ml nuoulra rt ThowMwt I'ltr IIUHdltif Kll) attrn ami l'lr trttlho ( lJ? ) frrt Mtr or lra l a ikmii! Tlirrt llHMdrrtl I'Mlv or aitit TwrnU ht llHli.ltt.llln Ml nRt mmhn irow in n.Hin-wrx n W -ufHrt of Ihr Noith rot rnulnruiuuiirr r. ui I the Houtb.wrtt Ooartrr lit W Wl ' MM hrrliun Thlity two l.l). Ihtucc Nmili Tint llumliri l'ottvHir ami MU'l TftoHti- Rr llumlmttlit (in i f.rt Ui Ur hM Kotth hpM I N .: .. - ... ... ... I OMHrr ti inr Notthtatt Ootitrt IN It. UI uf thr Hutilh Hrtl Oui Pit itlltT P n. H. wifHor ttrt nine iiuwimi ftv l fret, mart or Im. In ihr Hunt or '.-.( huHLbflhr DcMhotaaitrrr, thtiKT io Ninth- rotltrly, IUtril, amt Nmlli-rattfily rouitr aloMg tilt "Ml rtht or IUI hank uf thr mhI 1 chMlrtlWrr to a MhI uil the North llnr of thr nomIIi HaUH. Mlulllic rmin-r.iyiineri. it V)o(MctHMi Thlil)-lwo-jt, wW ilnt IIrc about Trty o- frrt hhhc oa Irat, ltnt of Ihr N(t4-Mt N W "Curiwr of llir Hoolli half H K oflhr Notlh-rait U'''l" NUM. Ihrrwr Hi Thlllmi llHIHlrnl- lyu-rrrt. Moir orlr. lothr Ninth rati -N K -rornrr of thr HuutU wrM UMailcr h W U of thr Nurlh-ratt OuaMrr-N. KxU-ofwUI HttiloH Thirty two II-- Ibruti noilh N luo liumliril iu (rtt. IhtlK-r IUt K Imo humlinl n frrt Uirlm Houth -ii Iwo humlint .- (rrt Io a uoiHt lu Ihr north line of Ihr Houth-at (Juaitrr Vi i(- oflhr Noilh-ratt Ulr-N l l of mhI mcIhhi Thirlytno i . tVtHcc Hat ItUtru lluutlir.1 Vrilt iiJo-frtl. more or i i rill) lh- rr-H It lrM la Ihr Nwlh-nm N. It torutr ul tlw MoHlhttOiiaitrr-H It I, ..r thr Notlb-ajtl ltf -tV It. H-- Owner NiHlh-.N-thiVv uwlrr.1 nily -,- frtl. Ihnir Hart two Iniiiil i4 Mo- fret; Uirnrr booth thirr humlirit lifly -iv (trt; tbHr ltl two bumlml ion -frrt, lhrnc" booth thltr hiimli.l fifiy i- f;t ; Ihrnc Wrl two IihihIiwI too -ft to the mI1 iimth-ra.t corner ol thrHouth rattQuaiUb '; W . Nwlliratt Uiwiltr- N It Vt -.lliriiccKoutli tine Thoimml Thire llumlinl Vonilmi anil Tlitee Tenthi I.JM J-(ri tu On Jlce or U- " Andyutir iwlltlonet rnrthrr iraiirctfully iirny I hut iiH.n Ihr lMtinlH of all ihkIi roomlliii lliatMht ttrtllory hereVnlwrnrr ilKrllir4 rhall lKilrlerlliicw.irllliitoijiiiiiUH'iil coior ntuni to hr Luuwil u Iht City of Itciul. A l,.OiMMlwlllle V. It. tlnerln. Jr Oro. C. IHrliitiiiailll I) Wlftl ' . o. Minor M.rt. Maynrkl It H. Metton Q. J'. Ilrckrr U. A. tlwr J M. I.nwirlite Chat. V, Mfillll It. I'. lHUrn I). MeMllltin J. I). lliHirymnii C. M.TlllifeU C.C Ttlplclt It II. tlurmait lltnry llrtlnei H.ll. MiltlK MHUrilTilpUU V. II. Wllmtii )(. W. Kolcil l. C. HjBwUe A. C. I.uca llitKli O'Rane ianirtrihuti W, ItuliUon ,olit. .evely IS It. Kmim", OlKerTlioiWolitniii 1'. I. Tuiiipkint Tumpl 1. 1. WhI C M. UnlrtcM Wni I.CnllilKtl A- ll.ilranl C. A. Olorrr ' 1' liulttrwnrth tiro M.Meyer i.H.rtmlth i'tfcl A. Hlioniliel I. II, tJirrn" I.. It. AlllliRlmm C. II. ltllWim A. M.Zr-vrty Unlih ftfilf 1(11. liiniiciui'u .)tlili HHtMotl JUIIII II lullirlliinlrU Win Will WHK I: I. . "' , -ti;, ' .tr;.m AUonioyiifornbijvoiiiuuixl timilicunl 4 a JUIIW!a!.liri:pu, lie Cental Oregon Capital Stock, $25,000 Conducts a General Banking and Trust Business I'oroinn Kxchanj(e Nought aud Sold. Drafts made on nil parts of the world. A ar - I) I K IJ C T ORS W. K. (itrKlilN. .lit., Phkm. A. h. OOOIiWIU.IB. Vica Phw, J. M. liAWItll.NCi:, KitTy flKKAI.I) (MtOKHItKCK 1'. (). MIXOIt, Cahiiikk MIND - Tfflrrreragsmiflsrera.'tir.rere rresn rruit ...BUTTER - THE CITY C. II. liHICKSON, I'KOI'KIUTOK Fresh and Cured Meats and Fish HvcrylliliiK I'crtalnlnt; VKST IJUII.DINO, Wnll FAREWELL BEND HOTEL. A. I.. STI-PMIiNS. Proprietor. Ki-wty I'nrnlahr,! ami I'ltlrd ami Vmlrr New Man(rmrnt Special attention to Crauaicnt Crnvclcro. Vale, St. 23 a Dae. $3 a Ulcclt for aJo.nrD nn& T?oom. llorr yxrnlt a ilay rach, fnl Kraln ami Umy. Minnesota Livery & Feed STABLE V Hond SYrmt, between MinnHwota and Okkgon Nrar TIIK OI'I'ICK Kaloon -I0RER, WRIGHT & CO. Prop's ftfi-, Feed and. Grain For Sale HAULING WATIvR and CKNKIIAL ORAVINC r Pine -Tree Store e a. sather, prop. Wall St. near Minnesota GENERAL MERCHANDISE Boots' and Shoes - - Gents Furnishing Goods SHELF HARDWARE DRY GOODS and a General Line of GROCHRIHS Remember to Cnll on Us at The Pine Tree Store GOOD CLOTHING If you nceil Clothing It will be to your xiilvjintajjc to buy Client of m 1. 'E. SIMPSON, PILOT BUTTE INN A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor Tables sitpliolwith all the deliateics of the season First-class Kqt(1)iitetit Ifine Rooms and Hetls Only Livery Unrn on the Deschutes, run In connection with the hotel. All stages stop nt the hotel tloor The OFFICE HUGM'O'KANE, Proprirtor. bdlCCOt xirnuOi of diflnvo ImpoiUoiKl Doinc.tlC intwo.rjcO , , JUDICIUM SScot 3nv dvooit Bowling Alley BilllartVsMh'd Pool ,'iw WM I 1 I I Banking & Trust Co. oArlilY I Now prepared to B4a J DEPOSIT I furnish complete facih IiOXI-S V hiec to customers. OREGON 0 ii riTiiiiiiieiW ,iliai n iiiiiii,''', iuair-ra,TT:r'WLfT. and Vegetables AND EdGS... ... MARKET to a Flrst-Clasn Alarltct St. IJI-NI), OKEaON J Prine.ilie, Oregon SALOON i ,. llrtt Hromlt of- striuobt, TWlbiCTico 011 the Market. S3oi and Service in connt. virow.vcnttfic Crab tcb(Ui Wall Paper. If wc haven't what sniu your fancy, will procure them 011 abort notice. Merrill Drug Company. Wall Paper. Come hi ami look at 'our stock. If wc can't suit you nowwiH hv a larger line of stun pies to Mlet from in a few days. Merrill Drug Co. NOTICK FOR PUItMOATION. DrjMitmrnlof thr Interior, MihI Ofltre at TtM IMttet, '".paw, oetothrr it, t ,14. Motlre M nrrentr lm ItMt'tb r.rwUlk namrH trtllrr baa Slrrfoofhtr oOtWlrt'. thwrf mokr final nrooT I Mptort jCW k' . Ml that aal.1 rW wilt be aUde TT. 1 1 MnMlt . .oonty Clrrk.tt, I'rlwrrlllr, OYnert . ..iithcaM' oay of No.tmlr, ran, la wH: Jarar .MhIo, ofMttrrt. (rnon,on II. K- X A fjrlbr)i of the ntt oftrc M. t 14 , r fat . w m. tlr namrt Ihr tollow-lHf wHitcwrti I" frtrrr tth conilrroooa rrahlroce Hp and'o'it-Mton of wnl la ml, rlj: Ororce l Taylor, W. T. K. (Tiii fe4tn W Wilt ami K. II bftttV. aH rt , Or'! 01 all MICIIAKt. T. WOI.AK. RtfiWrf. TI(ohr IjimJ, Art Jimr ', I NOTICK FOR PUIMICATION. V. S.' I.aW OfRr.'e'lMIlM, Ortj; . Mr.l' Noticr U betrrnr lm thotifVomHaiA ' w.h thr twwrktona ofl Ihr Art of CtmrMit W 1 -, J, 17. mtlllrri. "An aH far tbr .air of Una- !.; In the Matrt of CalHornu, OrrrMi, Jfrmvin ,,r.il Waahlnf ton TrrrHory," a ral'oaVfttf to . t e intblic land atatrthy Art of ArM 4, -j lue I'lMonlnr-iHimnt orttotit bare OMIut t.fr ts Ihrlraworti tutrmrnlt. lo-wK: Kotrrt WetaVi lira. roontJ' of WaKv, Ulr of Ot .nt tnttrH) Vp tt. Clrti llrBuafcer -. he Hlrchate X tbr Bwjfor rfo;, Ip II KoWrt Webb. or The Dalle ttrorn atate oat. for the t, r m e, w i Krlllr V. Il.rr.fr of The H4l, eoitaty of Waearttale of OregMt tworn ttairintNt no. nri. niea jjiry M. ift. for tbr MtrHrote of the hk tM . w n)( m rK mk of tec 14, to it, r ir, w in. That they will orTrr mmT to theitr ttwt thelawl oaM It mote raloabir for M timber or MMte loan iot (ncoiiHrai porioatt, awl im tHaaaa thrlr etermt to .aid lattd before tbr RetlatanBI Receiver, at The IHitlre, Orrcaa, on MretaiMT 11. fH Thev nanx at Mltattte. Oatf't Webh, ate Webb, Alter Wrbfa? Hoy WtMt, Mta (l-Coonfr. William IJ M.mm artd llach ir 01 THe imm, urttoH. Any aint tt miwh rialmtot 4tiy the ihote dcaeHhed Undt arc rroot.inl to Me IhfJr cbimtitilhitanioeunor befofc thetaW ntiy f Nottmotr. vh .-Hit M1CIIARI. T. .SOt,.N. KrcJaW. TtMber tetti. Act Jane J, ., . tfnnun.1 Trttl lift til Trt t fVAt U. 8. Land Olfitr. The IhiHrt. OrrEon, Oetober . tvi. Nvttac It twieby rl.ro thai In rompllart wth the btrl.MHa oftbe Art of Cotter of Jwte J. iftr-. enttlled, "An act for the ulrtl tlmbrrlaoaa In the atalra o California, Oregon, Nevada, aixl AVatMoKtoaTrrrtlory," at ratrnded Is an the patdle land flateatqr Att of Aogutl 4, lrt. , A"l A MaHoy-. . , . ofMattrat rovnly of Cf ooV. Mate of Orrcaw. kat on Kept. to. ton. fllrd In Ihit o(Ttc hrr worn autrinrnt No. jo. for. the purj-htjr.oftrMK aitH. nrni1! tu io i auu a. an ja.rp, rite., w. m. . And trfll elTrr proof to tliow llmt the und ought ( isere raiuatdc for lt llmbrr or atone tlhtn for arrlrullnral DortMni. and to eatab- llth hrr claim to Hid land before IMii V. Kc, i K. lenniMiaiK-, at mtomcr iniaorat, urc Con. on thr 9th day of January, 190JL Khe iiamn at tritnnura: Michael 5lrrraj. of 1 Kit II. iKrten, John A. ralmer, Jha A. Ithaid. ami Laura Itham, all of Madrat, Oroa. Any and all nmni cUlmlng adrerMty thr 1 ! abuve-drwnhrd Undt are re4iietted to file., their I claimt in I tilt olSr of Jatiu.ny ii" 101 tIare trie Mid huay 0S I MKIIAIt T N(ttiA.T, Kcgltter. 'On the counter youwlll ntau iiiiu ciiimiu IHU3- irnuiiu thousands dfusetil iTirnctlcal oems IP voi "vant the very iieikt values tur yuur iiiuiicy BUY HElf THAT'fc ALL ,hA HeliHD'tHg'Oo'py BBND, 'OREGON m ir lift klRi i I ir''fT,aW' T JUiaiBlKr In Come in take a.Iook at a ltl beautiful dtsnlay oP I X'4J f.1-1 JT "' .- I I KiV .inWTiY.TJV 1 iiWt ' 1 Ti R V 'J ffisa ll v;JC2Srl3S:, 9 'A sm