Hi?"! II The Bend Bulletin runuiiKu kvkkv rmY nv LUUDtilLMANN A LAWRUNCU. , sunscRiiTioN kAtiihi One) r .... ..... Ji w Sit months... ,. , ( Three meiithi ....... vj (ItiVntUMy In mtvwiifc.) !?RlbX.Y fcOW n, J904 Four yearh ago eight vote fot presidential electors were enst in 'lknd prccincf. Four of these were xcpubhciiti and four democratic Last Tuesday ido votes were cast. pf which j 20 were, republican and' 34 democratic. The democrat tc votcofthc irccihct increased 750 per cent while the republican vote .increased 312$ Jer cent. In other words.the democratic vote is Sj times n's great while "the republican Vote is 31 h times as gteat as int 1900. This indicate the extent ,of the growth nlill also its politi al trend. It will be interesting Rend' Jieople to know that yice. Presidentelect- Fairbanks",.. Senator I'oraker and W. 15. Gucriti, sr were class Inates in the Ohio Vcsleyah Uni versity, Delaware, Ohio, in the JatoV 'Go's, and that Mss Cornelia Cole (who afterward became iIrs. Fairbanks'), Miss Julia I5und '(aft?rwa'H.Mr5..Forakcr(, and Miss) Martha Reynolds (afterward Mrs Ciucriu) were mates in the succeed ing class in the same institution .The men have continued warm .friends from their college days, ami! the womeit were .chums in college ,'aud.through life, the death of Mrs. .Guerin four years ago being the Ifirst break iti this remarkable com pany. These facts, ,are ,thc more notable whcnJJ is. ujidertood that the youpg people came from .differ ent ports ot the state. . , u One incident pf the. closing days ot :tlie presidential camj)aign.v of more .than passing notc-r-the irct reply of President Roosevelt ,tp iersonal .attack upon himby- the 4emocratic candidate, J.u,dgc frkcr. . This .was quite unprecedented,, as was the condition .that called., it,, forth. .And, characteristic, pf, the, jaan, it came "straight frqm JieshpnIderf" pointed, uustudietf, v,igorpU9 and effective. It, ..was jqp , weaving of pretty phrar.es. fpr .politicians to juggle with. . Parker's statements were false and tbe.prcsident said so. bluntly and circumstAUtially. Then rParkcr took refuge, iil,.words and .tried to parrv.thc stiiutlmg blow b paying the president .bad ignored' the real points. I)ut .the" people saw- the points, if Pnrker.did not. Such .conduct as Parker,., was guilty of "entirely aside Xrom.thc partisan- politics ot the case, is .proof of 5. Very low standard , of .personal .honor, and the mpnt .plausible ex planation is that by the New York! iKun the voice, is .tils'. voice ot; -,Parker but the methods arc thost- pf -Dave Hill. - - Apparently with ttuc notion that' rit is justifj'ing the: Pninevilh .knockers, the PrJucville Review ..sagely and ambiguoiMly ob serves that "there are knocker everytvhere, even fight at Hend." If this is .so let us have .their names With that peculiar bias character-. isticof the Review, which never had a soul of its own and is never so amused as when thugs and scoundrels assault decent citizens and never so shocked as when1 decent citizens take fl.tens tb protect' thcm.selvee, whose every sympathy is wit 11 tue crooked and character 'less elements of human society, from the lowest dregs to the top most scum with that peculiar bias it doubtless regards the efforts Of Bend people to develop this country in the face of Princville hostility as most reprehensible knocking. Let US have the -names and then we can form a better judgment as to the fa cts. Mlend people are for the advancement of this whole country, and their energy will eventually pull Princville out of the hole in Spite of Herself. We have no use for people who have not faith in the country; stich are but parasites wherever they are. We want no peiial colony, 110 person confined herd against his will People of clear -heads and sound muscles, who dp not expect of s. sprouting community thecharapter isticsofone gonctpiseeclr who have sense ajl'fnith'ili 'themselves and 'their bfeiherritnritLUha. cotiiiti.vinre ilie4ojjy..ve want, aiid thay arc not- 'iuoefcers. tun Nuws on laidlaw. New People Locating There, New Htllldlngs GoIiik Up. T.llll.tf, XlW. lt. W IiIDJ-'m (uiiiily, from Wnllflimvt "A'anli., arrival ltit mk U tuk I'lutivo "t tlilto now llOtl'l. J.C. Clwlnto U erect iny it youd-glicd imrn on nw lot, Mtalliirrvll, UhvotMrn.G 'I.. flin inniio. nriluil u few iIiivh into ami ."III timke 1 10 homo ullh her nunt UiU winter. U. llinelmw, briMhov Of Mr. .1. J. Conk, drove over jroni tint WUlwuu'ltv volley urnl will 111 0 oh lito Itiiul iii'nr v'llnc Unties. I'rvd Vllee. with lils wife Mild throe ilnlilreii, tlinvo in Ttivwlrtv cvoitliiic from Anti loj.o, ntul will live ml their lwlnl north of town. lti'liu'ioii erleei wro helil.evevy Sun vli itft)iniH)n nt thieo o'clfick O.V; our ri-iiU'iitin(uWtcr, Itev. .1. V. Oooinv. All tire invited to attend. A jwrt.V bf Willaniutte Valley iieople i-oimmHnisof W. A. UIihmiimI fitiniiv, (. Illn-lmW.VidxIii ltUIr himI l. M. (leonte ntul jNintly, Hnivetl n few dn itfii 11ml will nirtku their home nor Laiiillnw till whiter. Mm. .1. r. Tullum hikI children nre Iiith from WlMiiimin. Thin are Minimi with Mr. TliortH' ntul family until tlieir 'itiildimr incompleted. The fliar-Hi lme iiiicd into heii;liiow ImlMliijj, one nxim of which will Ih ueil hm Itnrlier xhup. Tumalo Items. TtMui, Om. Oct. -17 Mr. ,nml Mn. Ilillhtower nml Mr, limine lre ner to Laitllnw- luct SutunUy, mnl jMcihUiI ehmvh hi the nftenHKin. Mr. Iliahtower wmi jiiml to we the linroe menu nt tlmt itlttre. int' raw nun c1iHH.11 iiiiwii lor m lew ly lnft ttwk while the roo( wan liehijj Iniill. It Ik now all timler rover hihI in riinninit onler. Mr. ami Mr. I". F. SmitUilrove tip to tli hjiihw Creek eoiuitry ltt wwk. Mr. Ilhihtower Imn the fitumUtion Uil for litH ilwelliiiK niMl i-xiki'Ih lo lime it complete! in twoor thre week Death of George Kcicr'. George, son of M,r. and Mrs. John I,. Kever, died at ,the family home in Deschutes .uortly after noon Sunday, aged it years, 8 months and 5 (lays, after .viftering five weeks from typhoid pneumonia. The funeral occurred Tuesday morning from the new Hamist churchtothe Rev,, V. P Jinnett, of the Mclhodist.cjiurch at Princville, conducting thecrviccs. The bur ial was in P(jot Huttc cemetery. The .school o( w.hich the decenscd boy has leen ait nctivc niember,' waxlismissed during the time of the funeral aud-thc school l)ell wns tolled. The pall bearer were from imotig his school mates. The family expresses its thanks for numerous courtesies and the sympathy of the community as manifested in various ways. r One Improvement In the At nil. There has been a change made iu the mail schedule on two days of the week. Mail going south will leave bend earb Sunday morning in stead of Saturday afternoon as now, and the htac carrying this mail soutljvill return Sunday even ing, bringing the mail from the touth so it will not have to lie over it Uogue's. Then there will be a stage going north from Rend at 6:30 Monday morning, which will onnect with the Shauiko stage at Princville so that matter mailed here Saturday and Sunday will go straight through to Shauiko on Monday. Hut that is the only day of the week that it will. This new schedule will commence next Sun day, s Telephone (o Forest's. II. C, Itllis, of the Deschutes Telephone Company, . -returned Sunday from his trip tto Princville and Fofest's iu the interest of a tdcph6ne line between those twinls. He nlacle arrangements for" the con struction of the line and the poles are already delivered along the route of 13J4 miles. Upon com pletion of the atlto road the tele phone will be closed between Forest's audHetid, thus giving two lines' between Hend and PrJucville. Water, Light and Power Company. , ' ' - m Tile Rend Light,' Water & Power Co. with authorised l capital of Jto.ooowas incorpdrnled'-by-A. T. Goodwilh'c, W. lh (Buerin jr., and Geo.C. Steinenfaun, this wjefc. Its objects are indicated by "its.- name. Its place of business 'of course, Hend. The new company will or- irauixe whcnthotforrafriitiiKt torHi- corporation lire coinplchvdruK will ga.t9-wprI.jifjiouce;ou projacta fori water and light acrvico. Vice president and General Mali ager Johnston, of the D. I. & J Co.,Onst his first vote in Oregon ln)lt Ttlcsduy, the family having decided lust Summer to make Its home here. Pie.sldeut Turuey, of the Same Corporation, Wednesday catue to the l-oiiclusioti that he, too, would makV his home in llcud, but it was too lale for this year's voting. Hitherto Mf. Ttfriiey's home has been iu ColUtilblfs, 6hio. The Pilot Untie company, dour iug a large tract of laud near the old school hoitsc for crops, has changed the road lending acro8 tile bridge so that it runs sIaIkIiI from the bridge to Wall stteet, pant theStickcl brick kiln. A lime to the old Desicluitcs road has been fenced olt. The I). I. & P. Co's buildings have been enclosed by a separate fence so the field to be cropped will not be Open on cither hide. The Columbia Southern Irriga tion Company has cloicd down for the season. Construction work has been pushed forward duriinc the pt season until now, ntul the water (s within a mileofCliue Kails banners are now on the ground clearing the laud and many of theiu have already sown grain. Water wilt be kept in the ditch during the winter when the weather will jier ink it. Next spring the ditch will be further extended and work will be coutinlied Until full. Cliue Fall Press. Mf. and, Mrs. J, O. Johnston and II. I). Turuey arrived iu Rend last Monday evening, driving. In direct from Shauiko. Since returning west front Ohio Mr. and Mrs. lohn- lstott hnvejuadc a visit to Alaska. .Mr. Johnston had extweted to re main iu jlJe'nd a considerable time but is called uwny by biihiiicas, and will leave .rfuijilay .jtior.iiing for Portland. W. lw Guerin jr., will accomtxiny him. Mr. Turuey left yesterday morning for Columbus, Ohio, on receipt of n message an nouncing the serious illness of lib wife u'ith typhoid fever. I'or Sale Cheap. vlalrof ponies, cither work or ride. Impure, S II. Dorraucc. Trespass Notice, kntlee 1 hvrohy Khen that I liiue tmreluiMil the well-know 11 Hlfeinure jilnee, a ultort illntame niiiiIi of Do M'hutoM KMt-ollU'e. ami tlmt all forniH nf treMfNiHti thoreon, Im-linliiit; lUhiiii; umi hiintinx, nre ntrlrtly forlihlilen UiHler the IteiiHltiiii nf the law-. l'mtlculHrly do I nifh to Kiv Hiblic notice himI WurniiiK tlmt the iwtli alum; the river Imnk to the iiorthwanlof the county hridae in no lhor'ti(hfarqulHl l not on-ii to jHililic um uihI nil tKirwuiri are cnulioiul to refrain frin iio-fiiik' tlmt wn. H. N'icilou, A. M. Llppman (leo. M. Meyer A. H. LI PPM AN & CO. BUND, ORIiQON FURNITURE UnderlalSrs and Under.ak(fr' Supplies.. ChlnaWnrc, (Jlnssware, Moudlnj:, Linoleum, 1'nlntn nnti Oils. Stoves and Ranges, Doom anil Windows, Ucdstends, Mattresses. Wc Can Funiisli Your Mouse mimmtmevBBmt MILLARD BLACKSMITHING AND HORsesilOBlNQ All kiilds of wagon work done iu first-class shape. Short notice jobs a .tpccialty. OITOtilTIC RCIIOOr.llOUHK IIHNI), OKIKJON rtaoata-atfoaSMMata M I DON'T We Carry only thd ; finest lines of , WINES, ' j . LIQUOR t i and I CIQAR ! Uifm4nmM 'i ""' The best lino or whiskies utid cigars iu Crook colluly ut The Olllce saloon. We can sttpptv you "frith Cntnl(n cooking mobiles nt 500 a gallon, at the City llakery. - If vott ate going to paper youf hdiise, consult us. We can save you tudUey. Morrill Ding Coiniwiuy. I'or Sale or Trnde. 80 ncteri in Hit Coluutbitt Son'thum st'grdtrttt'lo'n, very fiivombly Sltimtcd. Will be sold chelo'r Wild od fbr town property. Kinltilre at The llullutiu Offlcb. ItmWfl I.t, Alt Jttnr i. IT'. NOTICH FOR 1'UMjIUATION. V S. I.khJ ()HW. Tlw 1MIM, OifM, IMolwr it. If4( Nnll la lixrbv kIwh lh( III cwtll4ltKi- t illi tb imloiMof tht Art of ConkIim l J mm j. iM. rnllllrd. "Ah act hx Ihr ult lf llmtl UhiI. In tlir.UI. ofCullAHHU, tlptgoM. MrU.ot.l WmhlilKlmt TrfilliMy." lrtt l H Ih tmMk tuna (It by Art of Auciut 4. Allwit Cm. nrilt riimi.t I'nikp. tvHHly ( IHU.MI at llliiuf--li. Im u Kr4 , iwh, aiol Ih till atftcnliMMi .Ulrmtnl N 1101 fat lit Hr clm.t ol lli nif ! v ft. In I . r it r. w m AttJwltl otT.r tirour In .how lht lh Uwl Mhi-UMHM rluhU for n llwhr or Hwh lhn for roillel pufpaor wl lo ttIUti bltcUlm to mM Umt lHfn ih KMr h1 Kmltrr it Tkr Hall, lHfM, on I Mr )i UyofJaiitMfy, iu). IU Hmt Hhih r(f McCoy ThM McCoy, JtttiH KtitM. ul ) II KHrttlit. all of H( Un4 ISmV.. llHHrH. lokH Mlll, of HrHl, (HtOH, JamrtJ llMrVk, of llavctrvk. iHnun, TbMia rwrriaiM n. K. nunc, mnr oi ic ixh. Otr(4)i, Aoy ami all iii (Ulmliw a4rtly IU aWtrtrKf lll Um.1 ho uor.Toil lo Ut lhl( ctolmi Ih lit), wlk m or btatc Itx tM iyl 4y of jatuMty, ft HHjlt MICIIAkl. T NOI.AK. (. Tlmlxr l.aml, 4(1 Jhhc J, ! NOTICB FOR PUBLICATION. V H. Uml 0(H. The tlUf. Hki OrtoWr f. lyM .Volk la brttby Ivh that Ih complMMr Mlh Ih' ktMii. ut Ih Act of Cuniltw l, JHH i. rtH. ' iitlllnl. "Ah( lf tli'MWuf llm,rUH4i In Ih tlatraof eallMHla. Ill, Ntii. bik Waliiulwi Tcnltory, at Uull lo all lh 1H.WIK Uwl Slatti liy Act nf ,itt 4. . Ih (IWwIiifiMitwU yxtMw. in.- flltit Ih Ih altUt lhlr awfHH UtHnil. lu.wl MaiKlft O ConiHi;, ufTH IMIIa coMHly of Wmo ial .'((, intatiiHt No, ijS, filtU ln !, I. tor In piintiaM uflh (. JJ. t If I lor. . in. . , .. - . Maty J O Cornier. of Th4Vit, futility of Wawtt, alatc n(tfi, MoluaUtrtiiriit No iiwi. ill July if. lvt. for Ihfimirhavr oflh Snri( aurt Wt.an4lf J. IP IJ. r tar, w m Tint they kUI alTrr tHwif to ! IImI thUHd II affrr IH. voidable I ought It iurr valuable (or IU Unit or Mour than for agttrHllMral Nil' lltrlr t4aiuii In mW laixl bwfoi mn. ai aH4 la oMablUk c Ih MralMif anti Krtrlv.f at tlir laHl oflw Ih To Oallra, itKii. on the IMH May of Jauuary. tta ThfrnaHU-a. IIhmh. ll.bal (ICohhot William (I Maw, ami Mania liim-a-twaltr. ut The rallM, ui(oti aitl 1'raHk OiwMKKf, ofltlma, WhlHitH. Anr ami all tKiaonl rulniiM alttrly Ih I lamUair irur.i4 tu Ml thir bo ilcf ib.l rlalmtlu thi. oNUcuu ur IkIuc. thr mm! iMh.Uy ijaHuaiy, If niijlj MKIlAia.T Nul.AN KrMir mmgrnemmrngmmfmemmm Complcle. Wall ltrl li; N OKI .l oi TRIP LETT FORGET TO JJK01' INTO TIlU MINNESOTA BUFFET SiiXw k. HubsTitKiious, l'rop'd "V V ';. -- ' - - PRGD A. SHONQUnST, Malinger BUND, ORUCON ' ir -hi rill ii'mii i li .ii in' i ii ii inn. TlmlKr X.ainl. Att Jltlir j, K;K. JMOTICI'J l'0H PUIHjICIATION. t(, S. Ullitdinet.Ylir l4r(lirBHil. Null In ltrirliy tltrii (hal In roiiillaii(f wipt the t!l ti.innau in rtji in (iiigiwa in ntltl-l. "All act for Hit Half oTlllllIx icl HT riiiunnf ' JH'ir , Air Hit U oTllliilxfrlnMiM In Hit !! MrCnUfBrnla. llirHi l"7". NmlA. aud in rutfiiOril in Jill In. lul.l Uml tUlf hy Ait f Aiiuuf' '. VaMiliiloii TrnltiHy Jacoli W.iiihkii ri,lilUlM,nMinly f rilw.Mal pfl!iilil. Iiaim iVtclHT J. low. 6I1 In U"A rtlj , liH awtMit .lf wml tf l to, fur III Hitf hThI IH K of H$, l t . r II . w in. Ami will niln lrr lo lio,Hal lilt lawl wH.ia U hih alitiW Mr IU IttttWr ih- iUmw llUt. lor tlvHllutil HtHifw. JH Ih JipUMW lik claim f Mll laml ("tirt IH Hrirfitct amt lrclvtroflliHiiirtWl Th IMIku, Oltimi, on it llllt ly ul lift Hitwr, Ml II tiatiif lln tn Uimii, Jbhh Wllmul.ii , UHiltrMi( I.ohU Ncrfiil, !! ma i Vamlriwall. Kilanl aH4(tlt(.IMN M Until, l-at CtirUv. I'll Cmllurt Mlxitl,CJily. jolni HftimUMtii.allKl I'IiHIIm. WImoihIH. Any and all iMifcuta olainiliu ailfi;ly idf alMr-lr-iltil MikU at rililtl lo lit their rlalm in ihla uMlcr iw f Vtoi' MhlutlnUy ui iHxrmlitr. ivl o?-. MICIIAItl. T Mlf.AS. IU(lr r -rrrrri Harness anti Saddles iMrnrfof All KlmU ntul llmt ClimH REPAIRING- MMMaWtMMMoMMM JQ. S. LIVINGSTON OH HwkI HI h vt lo Nrw IWrty Mm, IIIINI), URIUION. J. Al. LAWRlaNClU, V. M, C0MMIMIOKMH. Notary I'tlhllc, Itifttirnncc. Towtuhid PltAt - or Upper Denchilte. Vnlltty. HHrill. OKKflON TRIPLd'IT BROS. Barber Shop & Baths Ret of ftccouuuodntioin ami work prouiptly dOu Vai.i. T. JlKNI) ORHCdW W. U.OinlH.JIir- (iuUKIN v tt. C. HrtnlMIMIAM STIJrNl!MANN AHomcs ami Counsellors at Law NDTAHtllM l'1'III.IC rraktbr III Malt aiHt 1'ijtral tj'OHtt IJI.NI), - i. "dKKGON. II. IMIkLICharM t. CM,a, h. IIHMaKiMM.il. Drs. Belknap & Edwards, I'HYSICIANS AND SUKGIiONS. I'KINUV.I.U 0KIK10N. Olftrr at Hft of WltiHtl'a IHut Molt. NOTARY I'UBUC . INftVHAMCK A. H. CRA'lVT Aoral r j Liverpool, Loudon fie Glohc. and IjiilciiHliIro Hire Insurance y Companies. IH'M), OIUUION PRINEVILLE HOT'Etfi:;-!;-"1"" 1 1 Tabic and Rooinu nlwnyn clcnil and well Htiplicd--Ratc raiisoiinblu l'KINI(VII...I. OHItaON C't).. WIEST Civil Engineer SjH!cinl (jualiflcnlions for I.atul ,Si4ri'eyinj and Irri gation Work. IlniMltiK Plint urnl riiMvilU'iitloiiH MhiIi- IIP.NI) ORIH10N TIioDcSclnfies Telephone . Company, TctoK'niiiiH PoFwiirtlJd to anypart of tllo World. Direct jrjqpiio'tie Coin.iminlcatlon rORTLANI),iIIWIJVIIJH nild.all Pacific Qoast cities Pulfllk &Xfc rstatlou vllANK.mjlI.D(NU . liclA. r ...Orejion ;i , '"bo' - n ai a ii ' ii i . .. "i.JI. Mhm. "& i -- - .fflBMmmmmu if Jr