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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1904)
.1 NINE DROWNED City Suffers by Breaking of Grcut Reservoir. .SEVERAL PEOPLE ARE INJURED Disaster Occurs nt on Early Morning Hour and 300,000 Gallons or Water Escape. Charlotte, N. C, Nov. 4. A twctvolr ot lint Municipal water works, located near the center of Wlniton 8tloin, N. 0., broke nt 5 o'clock tills nictnltig, musing the lota of nine lives nml thu Injury of (our or llvo poiBuut. . The nortli i4la tif tberetsotvolr, whloli It 30 feet high, tumbled ivor, falling upon the home ami barn ot Miutln Peoples. Thoio o about 800.000 gallons of water in tho reservoir, ami tlio stream tuahed to Hides pond, n distance of nearly hulf n inilo Four tenement houses wore writhed several hundred yards. The reservoir was hnllt In 1881 by TiO cttlxeus. IV'ii jortrs ago It and tho entire water plant were. Bold to thu city, Peon thereafter ten feel was added to the height ol thu locorvolr Thu eitv had Just had a largo aland pipe oomplotcd. It is full of water and the town is prepared to supply all demands. Tho thousands of gallons of water that Mowed from the retervoit formed a pond in the vicinity and It was thought that toxeral people might have been drowned In this Tho city council met and decided to drain thu pond In order to recover tho bodies. The roccrvolr was situated about live block fiom the center of the business district of the cUy and was tin rounded by a number of residences and small .tores. It is uitdetttnod tho structure had lieen condemned, hut tho city authorities liad failed to lemove it. MINERS DASHED TO DEATH. Carrlaflc Carrying Them to Work Gets Beyond Control. Wllkesharre, Nov. 4 Ten men were killed and three furiously injured ny an accident at No. 1 Auchiuiiueo thaft at Natitichoke early today. The men were moetly rll ujon tho mine earring to be lowered to working lie Inw. The tlgnal was given to tho en gineer who begin lowering tlm men. The carriage had gone but a few fret when tho tuiglneer loot control of his engine, owing to ties rovwso levore falling to work, ami the carriage, its load of human souls, ten in all, was dasliod betond trie Horn vein, landing neatly 1,104) feet below the sittfaco, and from there they were precipitated 300 .feet lutther into a ttump. w Those who may hot have been killed outtlght weie undoubtedly drowned In the sump, which is fuliy 60 feet deep with water. Up to S o'clock tonight no human aid could leach them. It may trqulro two or three days Ik fore any of thu dead can be recovered. TON Or DYNAMITE EXPLODES. Earth Shaken to rive Miles, One Man Killed and 40 Injured. Mount Vernon, X. Y, Nov. 4. The explosion of over a ton of dynamite under the Bond street bridge at 1 o'elrxk today thook tho city and the ui rounding country within a tadius of Ave in lies, probably kllltdat Itist one person and infimd nearly 40 others, two of whom may die. Tho man tup pottd to have been kilted was an Ital ian in (Largo of the dynmaitn. He was seen at his post of duty just before the explosion and no trace of him has dlnce been found. There were 2,300 pound) of dynamite atored at the side of the deep rock cut running from the western limits of the city to the New York, New Haven & Ilarlfenl railroad station, whtott wa uniI fur blasting a path (or additional traeka. The explosion tote a bole in the grosnd 80 feet deep that is now (ml of water from a hidden spring, wreekrd tho Itoml street bridge over the railway tiaoks, awl broke all tho winduwt within a quarter of a mile. The force of the explosion, asia uiml, waa tlnwn ward, but the upheavel along the aides of thecal hurltd Urge stones for block. Many houiea weie shifted from their fondatioas, walls were stripped"! pla'ster and furnlturo was splintered. Torpedo float Missing. Aiglets, Nov 4. It la stated that ono of tho torpedo boats of Admiral Itejestvensky's equadron Innilsulng, the toiedA flotilla having pul in at Una pert. Tills disputed. If found to be founded on fact, would neem to bear out the reports which have been cur rent lor fceveral days past that Admital K-iJetvcnsay fired ou his own boats. The admiral, In his explanation of the Dougor Bank tragedy, mated that one of the torpedo boats which ho fired on disappeared, and that may be the boat now reported missing. Russia Again After fleet. London, Xov. 4 The Chronicle has a dispatch from Paris stating that the Ilutslan government has renewed Ha efforts to buy Ohlenn and Argentine warship through William It. Flint & Co., of Now York. DOOM IS AT HAND. Port Arthur Must Poll Within a Very Short Time. Chcfoo, Xov. 5. "Port Attlmr Is doomed," Tho correspondent ot the Attainted Press hero hns received Information, the reliability of which la loyond ques tion, that, the Japanese now occupy po til Inns which place the east side of the town nt their merry. Japanese arriving from Palny today report that the Japanese have captured ltlhluiig mountain and Sunguahu ntonn tain, which lies twtweou the tiillread and Klhluug mountain. They nlmi ro pint that tho Japaucsv have also cap turod Kast Keekwau inmtntnin. The last ttnult hat gained for them positions which luttito their ability t enter the main forts whenever they are ready. It is calculated by the Japan w that if tho ltiiMhtir do nut surien der, they will bo cnml le of prolonging their final etaiul nt I.hiotl muuntalu and on tlm Tiger's Tail fot n month longer, with the metu hope id prolong ing the M niggle. Long liefotn the Sex oud I'aeltlc squadron art Ives the Japan mm ting will wave oer thu w looked cit adel. Thin will mid Viceroy Alexleff's dretim of an uuconiiueriible city. The Jatiauoee have not occupied the iiiiilu forts nud highest points of the mist hills, hut they occupy In overwhelming numbers positions whlih will enable them to dt he the Itussiaus back when over llioy desire. RUSSIAN OrPICERS AT PARIS Witnesses In the North Sea Incident Confer with Diplomats. Paris, Nov. 6 Three nlllccis of the Russian squadron, including Caj tain Clado, who aro the principal witnesses in the Nortli tea Incident, arrived to day from Vigo and went imint-dlntely to the Husiau emhaay. wheie they held a long conference. (.'piiiln Clado was on iKwrd-tlte tlag shp witlt Vice Admiral Kjivenaky, and was entrusted with the task of drafting tlw oMicial account After the coufereitet) thy oiHceia decllnetl to make any public statement relative to the afTaii until the report is delivered in St. Petersburg. Ilowcvet, It can to tatel their visit tmire than ever satieties the Knsaian autliorities that the presume of two Japanese torpedo boats was it positive tact, eye w Untie es maintainiitg that their identification was uiitnistakable. There ronttnuos to be an understand ing in IlHsetan diplomatia el relet that two report will be tent tepatately, otie fnxn Hull and the ether ffm St Poteitburg, to Tho Hague fot Until hearing. IMPOSED ON LABORERS. Swindling Employment Agent Is Ar rested In St. Louis. 81. Louis, Nov. 6. George K. Hall, of Kamas City, was today arrested by a deputy United fetatos marshal on the charge of having obtained a feu of $2 earh from 200 lahoiere for enuring them employment and then tending them to Alaska at their own ezpensu to work for a conttruclloii company that did not exist The specific ilmrge against him is that he used the mails to deftaud. It is alleged that Hall rep resented hlmsell to he an employer of labor for the Alaska Yukon construc tion company, that he secured -00 la borers to go to Valdez, Alaska, and af ter collecting $27 from each. $2 as his fee and $25 as transportation, it is said he tent them to Alaska. Inipoet ot llennett declares that when the laborers reached their destination they learned that there was no such com pany as tho one named, anil th-y made their way baek as be-t they could, after m tch guttering and hardship. Ex-Lcglslator Convicted or Bribery. St. Louis, Nov. 6. John A. Hlu-ri-dan, an ex-moinW of thu hotit-e of del egates, who was Indirted mi a brllry charge, oonvlcteil and sunienoed to the peoilentiary foi tiv years, it dtad at the Jefferson hospital, from tuU'rcu losis. Hheridsn was not taken to the penitentiary, at his case was appealed to tho supremo oourt. Another indict ment, hosrever, waa tHtnding against him, and his rase had been iet for trial on November 10. Kloven weeks ago ho wag taken to the hospital where ho died. Bandits Cornered. Cody, Wyo., Nov 6. Tho different binds of men hunting thu men who ktled the cashier of thu rirat National bank have the robbers practically tut roundod in tho foothills of the Owl Creek mountains, CO miles from here It is reported that a latge force of their friends are coming to their assistance from the Hole-in-tiie- Wall country, and a mi m bo r of men have left hole to re inforce the putauets. "HufTtlo Hill," with Indian stouts and cowboys, has taken tho trail, and a lively time may bo anticipated. Coal Prices Go Up. Pittsburg, Nov. 6. Prices of all grades of ooal have been advanced 35 cents a ton as a result of tho Inereabed demand fqr coal and the strike of en gineers in Illinois, SAILS THE AIR "California Arrow" Proves a (ircaf Success. AERONAUT WAS UP 2,000 I'EET I'lVlniJ Mnchlnc ut St. Louis Turns In Every Direction and De sccntls Eusllv. St. IauIh. Nov. it After eliding In every dltcetlnit at a height (if U.OOO feel above the Cascaded in tight of thou muds of cheering. euthusitHtlc tpeuta torn on the Wotld'n fair giinintle, A Itoy Kuahonfthoe, of Toledo, In com mand of the airship "CwlifniNla Ar row," today luturucd to the p. are fiom which he started over the tamo course that ho had ootno, cuNctltig thu three nitli and tt half nt the round trip under his own power and demonstrat ing tho claim of the Inventor, Captain Thomas H. Itahlwln, of Mm I'ntiiultco that thu ''Citllforuiii Arrow" is nut only dirigible, but that It can miiku headway aguiiiHt a moderate hieere. Kmibotithuo Blurted from the aeio natitio ciuirm' nt 3:37 P, M., and re ttirtutl after hi" remarkahU flight at 1:115 P. M. On the return trip thu air ship movod slowly ovei the exact spot from which It hud arisen 28 minutes previously, and glided about 100 feet further west, wheie It sullied giaceful lyto the ground. The descent ot the arishlp was the tlgual for a demonstration the equal of which hat not been teeti since the wheels of tho World's fall starttd last April lu response to the pressure of a key by President Uoosevelt. Potent of eager hands weru outstretched to giasp the frame of the airship and thu Hying itiiH'hiue with Ha darltu navigator was curried around the concourse iijkmi the shouldern of tlm tliMitiug men. Hate were thrown Into the ait, a ltd when KnaketttliHe raited for three theeta for hit home Wlwn they were given with a will, awl another round followed for KnaWnehue ami Italdwin, CIRCULATION IS INCREASINQ. Philippine Currency Legislation Is Proving a Success. WaslitnKtott, Nov. 'i The bureau of insular affairs today tjave out a sure itteiit touching eomlii lulls applying to the Philippine ruMcucy. The etv Ury of war has received the following cablegram from Uih civil governor ul thq l'liltlpH. thowlHg the effect of the iitrrem-y legitlatinn: "The apt roaoh of Oettdnir 1, when the rtrst curreney taxing Ixt-iinni effect ive, cauted targe exwnt of .Moirn pesoi eoHimerciatly and largo Inflow o ppaulili-FHipIuo cuius Into the treas ury "In Boptomber 1, 187.500 Mexican Dfto were tx,K)rtel and 6HH.S22 hpau hh-Filidno pesos came Into the treat, ury and wore wiilalrawn from circula tion. Puiing 8uptenilcr the actual eltctilatlon ot now currency lncteail 1,1)81,000 pesos. In Octolwr to date l.OM'2, t(6 Kfoa, American currency. Mexican have been exptittel commer cially and 050 000 Fpanlih-PHIpIno by the insular g terntnnt for recolntgu. Have on hand Hourly 500,000 hpanlth Filipino ko for rerolnage Inerca-e of artual niw coins for October approximately 1,300,000 pesos." TERM IT WANTON. British Commissioners Investigate Attack on fishermen. London, Nov, S Four commission ers, representing the hoard of trade and oner. who were tent October 25, at the suggestion of tho lotulgn ofllre, to ascertain tho damage dono to the Nortli tea trawlots hy tho Russian Second Paeifle tquadion, have just returned and protended it verbal report confirm ing the tcHirt that tome of tlm trawlers wetu seriously damaged hy sheila and machine gun file, while others Hiiffur h) in a smaller degree. Trawlura mid (Idling geBr were destroyed or damaged, they say, ami fragments of a foiir-iui-h hell which buitt on the deck of the trawler Thiush and many other evl demos of thu "deadly and wanton" at tack wero found. Japan Gives Line on War Budget. Tokio, Nov. 2. Preliminary esti mates of the budget, covering January, February and Match, 1005. and tho Ur eal year commencing In. Apilt next, have been completed and will bo sub mitted to the Diet at tts next meeting, November 25. The war oxhuscs are estimated at $385 000,000 mid tho or dinary expenses at $110 000,000 It Is proHeed to provide for tho wai ex penses by Increasing tho taxation to $45,000 000. hy retrenchment in the administrative expuutei mid public works of $35,000,000. Chinese Bandits More Active. Harbin. Nov. 2. Thu activity of Chinese bandit is increasing nil along tho railroad, and thu region It s win til ing with Japanese sphiH In Hiisslati, Chinese and Koiopeaii disguises, who are offering largo rewards for tint Ch tiese engaged in supplying tho Kiisslau commisraries, hoping thus to ctlpplu the Rufcslan supply department. ISSUES PROCLAMATION. President Sets Aside November UA us ihitnltsuivlng Buy. Washington, Nov. 2. Tlm president ycttcrtlnv issued thu Tliiinkvglvlng day proclamation! selling aside lhurMlay, November 21, "to ho observed iih a day ut festival and thanksgiving by nil of the people of thu United Hiatcauthoiiit and abroad." The piuchumitloii was Issued from the ntiito department hyHeeiutary Hay. It follows: "Ity the President ot thu United Ktutc A Proclamation: "It has phased Almighty Ood to bring t l'U Ann rb mi people In taftty and h uir through another year, mid in HCcordHiicti with the lung unbrukeii custom handed down to us hy uur foro fatheir, Hi time Inn whiih when a speeial day shall Iih tet apart lu which to thank Him who holds all i allium lu the hulluw ol lilt hand for ihe meitiet thus vnuchtalcd to ut. During the eeuttiry and a utiiirtur of our nutlonut lite we as a ioph) have been lilwettl lie.Miud nil others, and fir this we owe humble and heartfelt thanks to the author of all Minings. " I ho year that has eloeed has been one of peace within our own liotdois as well as between lit and all other na tions. The haiMttt h ulxen ul'iind. nut, and tlume who wotk, whelhei with hand or biaiu are prospering greatly. Iteward has awaited upon honest effort. We liavn Ih-cii enabltsl to do our duty to ourselves ai.d to others. Never hat there been n I line when religious and chnrllahle effort has been nioreevhhitt. Much has been given to us and much will U expected from us. "We tpeak of what has la-en doneliy this nation. In no spirit of hoastfiiliic oi valngloty, but with (ml and luwcnt tealuisliou that our strength Isaa noth ing unlets we aro helped from above. Hitherto we havu been given the heart iest strength to do the tasks allotted to us as they tevetally arose. Wo aro thankful for all that ha lrtt doiiu for us lu the Hnt, nnd we pray that In the future we may lie ttienglheued In tho unending itrogcitt to do mir duty fntr lemdy al hotiptty, with charity ami good will, with respect for aureelvwi ami with hero toward mr (el low man. "In this great republic tho effort to combine iiathmal strength with hiikw al freedom la itslug tried ou a teale more gifranile than ever before In the world's history Our tueretM will dhmh imuh not mily fot ourtelvee, but fot tlui fotme of til mankind; him! vry man ot wmimii In out laml sluaild feel the grave ret iNHielhility letting nm hit. ol her, lor In thu last analysis thla MKOa must depend upon the hluh KVetajte of-our Imllvblual clil.-nhlp, tiHiu ilie way In which each of us iIimm his duty by himself and hit neighbor. "Noa", tin rehire, I Thtwidorn Hooto velt, pieahhmt of the United HUlis, tlu hereby apolut and tet upartTliurnlny, the 24th day ot this November, to e uWred as a day of festival ami thanks giving y all of the people of the Unlttd Ktatea at home or abroad, and do recommend that on that- day they ecu mi from their ordinary occupations, till tut her in their several places ol wo ship or In their homes, devoutly to givn thinks to Almighty Und for tlm two ell is He lias conferred upon us as liidlvjttuitl and as a nation, ami to brtecch Him that In the fiituio Ills divine invci tnsy Ixi continued on ut. "In witness wheieof, I have here unto te my hind and ranted thu scat of Ihe United Hlatcs to J nlllxed. "Done at tho city of Washington, this 1st dar of November, In the yesr of our I old, one thousand nine hundred and four, and of the Independence of Ihe United States tho one hundred and twciity-riinth. "rilKOPOKK HOOBHVBf.T. "JOHN HAY, Hrcretary of htalo. "lly the President." China Refuses to Let Russians Sail. Chcfoo, Nov. 3, Tho ollliersaiid crew of Ihe Ityeshllolul, thu HiimIsii toiM-do boat destroyer, which waa cut ut of this luirhor August 12 last by tlm Japanese, went on hoard thu (leiniuii tieaner Vorwaerts tonight, ImmiiiiI foi Hhaughal, where they weru to jol'i the iilllcurs and crow of thu Unsluii cruiter Atkold. IU-foru thu vctsul, milled, however, tho Itusslans suddenly re tuintMl on thorn, thu governmeiit at Pit kin having at thu last moment rescind ed tho ixirinlstloii which had been granted tiiiun to proceed to Hhaughal. Caught Trying to Smuggle In Drug. New York, Nov. 3. Custom airenls In llohoken have am sled a longshore man lu thu act of removing from a dock u bag containing 3H0 ounces of u drug used lu lliii treatment of consump tion, which In said to hu worth In this country $150 an ouncn. Thu pilsoiuir declared the hag an handed to linn nnr the aide of n tleiimer Just In from Kur npe, and that hu was told lo carry It Imiueilliitely lo an addresM in Manhat tan, whmu he would hu well paid, Depot Con Intel this Been Let. Heutilu, Nov 11. J. D, I'nmill, as sistant lo Picahlfiit Hill 0 Hu, (),.t Northern nuliouil, reliiriicil from Hi. Paul htlay with Ihn news that tlm con tracts fur Hut union dtipul In IIiIn ully and oxleiislvo ImprovturiuoiH lo thu (Ireal Norlhutn's dock ihi ,,i. Il; refused to hIvu oili tliM inntrmtt price, riiuihijMd will ho hnllt hy n (Jlilrugo flrnii SIXTY BURIED Terrific explosion In ratio Coal Mine. Colo. I'lltE ADDS TO THE llOttltUtt Men Penned In Will In till LlhclU hood Be Is Hie Cause of the Dlsustcr, Trinidad, Colo., Oct. HI. The twad terrllhi hoi plosion lu Ihe history of ci al 'iilu'ng lu Coliirailn ociirrcd nt Mluu No. 9, of thu Itokv Mountain Kind A Iron uoiiipaiiy, at Turin, -II) miles duo west of Trinidad, al l:0 this alter iiuuii, and the uumlxir of deid Is vari ously ulaeed between 80 ami 110 men, allhtriuh tlm lattet, ft Is bellevwl, Is the must corrtmt wstlmatu. Thu num ber ieNirtnl hs having gonu Into the mluu this morning was 17 miners and four company men. This afternoon many mora miners uie known to havu gone Into thu mine, and the exact milli bar of dead may never Imi known, tin the iiilnu Is burning and In all likeli hood the Inxlles will he cremated. A largo uiiiulMti of mine olllcials left hero at toon as word ol the aruldent was tecelviil. Company dot tors weru picked up all along thu line, at well as all other available physician. United States (linettiineut Hlia'k Inspector V. J. Foreman was at Terclu when tho ex pliHilou occurred. Thu shaft In which the atoideut oo curred works e'O men, and It Is lxdlcv-, til that at least (H) men weru lu the mine at the time Newt of the ex plo sion Untight aMittarire from the adja cent cam pi and tonight bundled of men are trying io get Into the mine. Deadly fumes overeowtt the rtsteuers frequently but their placea are Imme diately taken hy other reedy to rttk their lives. It Is net HtaWKht iotlbln that any rum in the mltte ran naeapo ttath, If they are not all dead already. It Is Impotetble to teeuie mimes of the dead ami Mured loutght. Nearly all the miners eruplojed are Mavs. Ihe mine Is a new owe, opened only a yewr sro, and extended X.VOO fret Into the hill. The nxpletlfln III wpteicil to have leeti caHl hy dutt. Only otui Inely has Ik-cii recoeiel, that of T. Duran, a driver, wlm was Just eitteilng the tunnel when tlm tixploeliiiincourrwl. Hn was torn ami hunted almost lteypnd recognition All mines within a radius ol two miles Iwve Ikhiii shut down, and the miners will assist In ictculng the hodlea of tho vlellnis. 03 TAIR RATE IS MADE. Railroads Will Charge $43 for Round Trip. Ht. Louis, Mo., Oet. 31. Tho Trans continental Passenger Tiallle associa tion dlsH)sed of Its dooketetl huslnrs yesterday at the Jufferton, and ad journed last evening. Ftir the Iwls and Clark exposition at Pmtland, a rata of $45 tor the round trip from Missouri river Mdnts and Ht. Paul was adopted by the association for four or five days dining each month. From points rait of tho Missouri river and Ht. Paul, a rate of one faro for tho loiind trip will bo made up to thoeo points, '" These rates will ho adopted as the basis for rales on account of several t (inventions to hu 'held next year on tlm Pnclllueoasl. It wet decided that lu ull'casea where Hi. I. mils exposition llnkets fur oxhlliltois have, expired im fnre tho close ol the fair that the re turn limits shall lie extended, Jewelers Bilked on Emeralds. New York, Oct. 31. Huppotrdly high grade emeralds, w lib It they have been Importing from Paris, have been dlscrvorci! hy rovernl wholesale Jewel. era here to he merely doublets of qiiartx cleverly eoloied The Import ers deelnio they havelwin paying many times the value of the itimri. The fart was learned lu time to tavu tho dealers from serious embarrassment, iih In it few days more Ihe Imitation gems would havu leached tho retail tradii, Northwest Lands Restored. Washington, Dot. 31. secretary Hitchcock today ordeiod 58,000 aerea ellinlnnled from the Walla Walla for est reserve withdrawal n Northeastern Oregon mid Huulheastorn Washington. ' Intnl.. I....... I.a..h f. ...... I ...... .ti. ...... i..,,.in mh,u lll'UIl IIIUII'I lllinilll- ah'e fur forestry purposes, Thuv will ho subject io settlement Immediately Mild hocninu subject to entry after 00 41 1 Ml ujra mivuriiKuiucni, u.iei - 'v . "I