The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 04, 1904, Image 3

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T Malic Permanent Path ts Policy
of County Court.
Otegon City "liming lli lnt yeai
'tikniuiiR county linn expended 40,
000 In loadhulldliiK," imyw JiuIku Hy
ii, Tim policy (il tho county court
i to Imllil permanently when any plcco
of road In coiiNtriiotwl ul whero 4'io
fund uru available," continued Mr.
Itan. "This year Clackamas county
ha been enpm'laliy forlunatu In ltd
rnndbiiihllug. having fnnlN on hninl
with uh .It to meet ery warrant Hint
hail llBtftl iNfllril Oil tlllH HlWO'JIlt. In
our i imiI hul Itl I lift tlio court linn been
dUponed very generally to Mlovr tin
plan ol teduulug tliu gnido ol nil roads
tlntt iuii treated, iIihIIiik Hint .thin
courmi contribute much to the permn
nenoy ol tha Improvements tlml nio
Tim anuouiiremunt Hint Clackmiin
cointy roili will licit year ho experi
mented with in tint uo ol oil linn
aroused iiiiioIi iulrent. Judge Itjnn
ha received numerous Inquiries from
California producer, who l.avo offered
to del.vnr III" oil hero at mi greater it
Coat than It coat In CnlKoinln, Thn
court will plant Ihlnoil on nil of the
different kind of clny roll In tho coun
ty Mini detenu uu It valuu In road cod
atriictlou, '
New Phone Through Polk.
Independence Riley Craven, W. V.
Porchal null V. A. Mwanor have or
gaulied n iitock company to lot known
an thn Independence Telephone coin
pAiiy, tho purjioi-e lmlng to hold! a tele
phono linn (rnm Independence to Mou
rn tilth and olowhon In the county ah
dtwlred. Thn Unit will connect with
Him l.urkltmuto lino at Mnuiiioutji, und
la to work in connection wltti tho Cor
valltn, I'aIIm lalUCily, McMlnnvllle,
Andy, Perrydalo nud McCoy Mutual
line, already established. Tho com
puny will circulate paper mid rwmw
nlonk for promoting tho enterprise.
Thn privilege I" glviu by tho council of
Indtq-midetieo to piano the litin In till
city. Btep will he'lakon to obtain thu
Minn In Monmouth. Tho service for
liidHndt!iH'o and Moiimouth will Ihi
thuuigh tlm Independence central olllcti.
Pood to Gallcc.
Merlin Work haa liegini on the new
read to Gallic, und It la expected It
will Iw completed In ilx weeka. Con
aldorable fr1lit la hero nwaUingvlha
completion o tho rond, anjoug lta tarf;
mill for tho Hand mluo. TliOlt'
Towttnito company haa tf.atw'al" on
hand for tha conatuirifon 'of AeU
phono lino to Oall.oBBnoon an tho rond
i completed. It would ho in ojwirn
lion no, hut It wa deilicd to havo it
lollow tho new road, It la Intended to
carry tho llnu four mile leyond (lallce,
giving acrvlcn to tho Almoda, Itnnd,
IIIr lank nud other mlnra. Tho ex
penditure of n amalt amount of money
wilt alio complete tho new road to tho
mine named.
Coming Events.
North i'aoillc Uullntlan conference,
Halem, October 25-27.
Annual meeting Oregon Minn' a
aoolatlon, Portland, Novemlwr 14.
HiaUt liar anaoclatlon, Portland, No
vember Ift-HI,
National Orange. Portland, Novam
tvr 1020.
Convention of County Clerk and
Itecoidcra, Portland, November 25-2(1.
Poultry Hhow, Corvallla, December
Oregon Oood Itoad.conventloii,
Balem, Ieceml)er 1316.
Whcotincit Give Liberally,
l'ondlolun lon Cohen, who la di
recting thu work of railing f 5,000 In
thla county for the Op-n Itlvor nNcla
tlon to build thapor ajo road at Collin,
la meeting with ouccera and auya tho
neceanary amount of money can eaally
Im raieed in another week. Tho large
wheat minor In Iho county, who have
been approached, nro auhicriblng quite
I literally and already nearly half of Ihe
mount lift been railed. Mr. Cohen
ban ageuta at work in tho country, mid
they have been Inatructed to mako a
th rough canvaM.
No Instil ancc on flax.
Httleu Upon oxamlnliiH hi Inaur
mice policlei, Kugeno llooRU found thnt
hla Insurance on tho (Ins burned oxplr
wi a muimi ugu. iiiu policy wna lor
;i,i)uu. Mr. nonsu una tins yennr
crop of flax spread In tho field ir
stored tit Halo, so (hat ho Iiuh roiiiu raw
material witli which to start n linen
mill. Tho fire, however, will ciiuro
delay In atartlng tho mill.
Delegates to Commercial Congress.
Balem Governor Chnmberlnln haa
appointed J, K, Altoheson, of Portland,
and F. II, llolbrook, of Irrlgnn, ns del
ce.ate to tho trnni-MiialsalppI Com
morolnl congress, to bo hold at tit.
Wlicntgrowers tliive Money Willi
Wlikli to IJuy Tools.
IVfiillutfiti A luivellug niun for n
lending Implemuut company itnya thu
Implemnut trndu In thu uhent dlntilcta
of On'koii mid .WHHhlnifton la Ixtlor
I liln teuton thnu over hufore In tho hii
tory of tho two alaten. Mont money la
evldunt nmoiiK Ihe connra mid inoio
(null la paid for Implement; than uaiinl.
J'rudc In tliu commiinltlva In tho In
toilorol Oregon, whoru iioHiIuk hut
Block la rflliwl la Mow, ns Iho K"wcra
hnve not mo Id iiny hfvf iIuiIiik tho punt
two ytmia nt n prolit, conayiiuntly ready
money In at n premium, All are conll
dunt tho oomluK rcaaon will prove
profitable. Much atoek linn been tin
loaded nt the low priccn, nn It hua not
paid to hold mid feed, nnd at n reault
next yent will llnd fewer head of atock
In tho country and pi let will neccaaar
lly hnve to ndvnnco.
Orc.n rrom (Hue lllvcr Mines.
Kurciio At a tpeclal mrctlii of Ihe
KiiKene Commnrclnl club thu committee
wppolntvd to lok after nn exhibit of
mineral from llluo lllvcr mining dis
trict reported prornlioa ol onti for the
Lew In nnd Clmk exhibit nmoiintiiiK to
3H.000 jtoiiiida, and thnt thla amount
will be nwelled by mine ownera who
have not yat Uon a--ii to at lead -16,
U00 pound. The uilueia nro reK)rtel
na taking tho matter In hand with en
otny mid they mo dealroiia of lolri nil
In their power to further the mnttnr.
Tho oron will bo hauled to KuKeno yet
thl tall, in order to bo lendy for in
alnllntlon at tho Ik-kIiiiiIiik ol tho Lowia
ami Clark exoillon
Sowlnrj fall Wheal.
Albany I Inn county fnrmera mo
aowlnxn groat denl of fall wheat now,
mid from pictont iiroajK-ct the nun-age
of wheat cowii In thia county will n
three or four time n large a that
town Inatyear. Thcruarcrotcral u
on for thla. Jjint fall wna not auiplo
loua for aowlng grain, nnd tho acreage
wa numll, while thli fall ha In on a
goaKonp fpf ellng ntmioaet. The
pring grain this j car waa n complete
;..lur,t(and lta.pjlpwl.Id Mll&ShZERffl: $
year, J.aa "tUxUt.arffleriaWl'V'n-
pari pi .uio.atMto ajo." begin
nmnc In
abandon the pratlco of bow Imr at that
Logalnrj Road to Dc Uullt.
I.a Grande The curveya aie about
completed for narrow-gauge logging
lalltoad from Hllgaid, eight mile weit
ol Iji Orande, up tho Grand Hondo
tivei about 30 mile, too heavy body
of timber owned by tho Grand Hondo
Lumber conijmny, of Perry, on the
alopca of thn llluo mountain. Tho
company ban been driving It log down
tha river for the pait 12 yearajmt It la
now becoming almoat impMalbla to get
a eulllclent amount of log by thla
method for tho aeaaon'a run, and tho
company ha determined to build a
road to tho timber. These mill em
ploy about 200 men dining the huay
Mine Promoters' Improvements.
Iji Grande Tho promoter of tho
Camp Canon mine, southwest of thla
city, which were teceiitly purchased by
a company of California cnpllallaU
with Jaiuea It. Klmeudorf na manager,
have made airangementa with tho
Grand Hondo Lumber company, at Per
ry, flvo mile weat, to build a good
wagon road up tho Grand Hondo rlvor
fiom ritarkey to Proipcct ranch. Thla
road will aborted tho dlatnnco to tho
mlnea Kveral mile and will cut out
several Bleep and bad grade, which
will boa great advantage to tho tlui
bermon in getting tho pine over better
roads, na alio to tho mining company.
Mdrlon Will Have exhibit.
naiem ai a maia mceiingoi cittzeis
"" lyra oi Marion county, held
tho cor rt house, it waa decided Ly
unanimous voto thnt .Marlon county
.aim II bo moimrlv
ronroeontod at tho
Lewi ami Ulnrk fair Tho mooting
was attended by representative citlxeua
from nil pnrl'n of Iho county .nud from
tho renmika mode by those who spoke
upon tho subject, it was npparout thnt
the people nr enthutluBtUnlly In favor
of making a good showing for Marion
o unly nml Its industrial resources:.
Northwest Wheat Markets.
Portland Walla Walla, 83o
blucstem, 80o valley, 85o.
Tncomn Blueatom, 80ti0i club,
Colfax Club, 73o; bluestem, 75c.
Grcul Trocl.i In Ktcrn und .South.
cm Orcfjon Not In Kc.ncrvcs.
Waalilnglon, Oct. 25. Uy direction
oi I bo iirenldonl, Heeretrny IlllcluouK
hna oiiiered reatorcd to entry a conld
emb o portion of thu wlthdinwnlrnado
with n view to creating Iho Kogoo
river, I.n (Jriimlo, Joeili liver und
Maury mimnlaln forent reaervea In
Oregon, Tho tentoratlona nro mndu In
accordance with thu new rule of tho
department, permitting tho immediate
rettlement on thn land, but not ill low
ing entry or Ming to Ihi mndu until
tiller n period of 00 daya' udvertlalng
by the local land olllcer.
ft I proponed to eliminate- from the
Hogue river withdraw. I 00,000 aerew,
leaving 1,271,000 ncrea remaining
withdrawn. From thu 1-n Urandn
wlthdrnwnl 20,000 ncrea will he elimi
nated, IbHving in withdrawal 206,oH0
nere, while 111,010 nurcn will m
taken out of the Joiepli river with
drawnl, leaving but 177,020 ncrea re
maining. The Maury mountain with
drawal, when 10,000 acre have been
lentond to entry, will embody only
6H,320 acre.
All the Inndn that are Ixilng re
aorid to entry have been found upon
nomination, not to w tollable for for
ent roaorvea, cither be'auie they are
not Umber landi, or If they nre Urn
iHiriMl, Im.tiim) they nro located with
lamla In private ownership, no It I
Impracticable permanently to roncrve
The elirnlnatln of theno land from
wlthdrnwnl doea not mean that all tho
remaining land will bo renetved. It
merely mean that theee are all land
reported by the foientry bureau that
ahould not ho Included . In foreat re
nerve. The general land olllcu la now
making It own examination, which I
exH-cted to ahow additional arena riot
dctdrcd for permanent retervatlon.
When tho land ofllco complete It ex
amlnatlon, ermanent reserve will be
created whore deemisl advisable, ex
eluding piactlcally all laud In private
awnerahlp, and restoring to entry audi
other landa now withdrawn a may not
Ihj reaervsd.
ncforms Visit of Toll Is Expected
to tiring About.
Panama, Oct. 36. Modification of
tho IIayIluuauVaillla canal treaty In
several Important respect, ami nego
tlalioua iMitween tho Waihlngton and
Panama government for a supplemen
tary commercial treaty granting to
Panama Important concession I whit
tho Panaman hope to realiui a a re
ult of -ecrrtnry Taf'a mlaiion to the
riaaian rulnite;
v ijinigion. r ' ji -T, t "
''VVIdcaiireadenlhuiiMtn Iib'b. been'
BtornT-r4--" ; .2
afounod on th lithmu,'' .raid the
minister, "by tho publication of Presi
dent Hoonevell'a letter to Secretary
Taft. President Amador baa cabled
mo that he haa proclaimed thla letter
throughout tho Isthmui, nnd tho idea
of tho grateful feeling haa already
turned in favoi ol tho United fitote.
Preparation! have liccn begun for a
grand reception to Iho Taft commla
alon. "Popular a la tho Ameilcnn minis
ter to Panamn and tho governor of the
canal tone, there mo a number of quea
tiona of vital importance to tho isth
mu which have not yet been nettled tn
tho satisfaction of tho Panaman gov
ernment. In tho foromoat of these
aro tho problem which Secretary Tnft
will lie aked to aolve.tbe postal regula
tion, tho queatlon of custom dutlea
and Ihe far reaching qustlon of juris
diction In tho terminal cltiea ol Pana
ma and Colon, Tho Panaman govern
ment decline! to accept tho interpreta
tion placed upon tho treaty by Mr.
Ilunau-Varilla, which practically take
away all the laud In llioeo oitiea not
now actually covered by resident.
Panama nnd Colon will prosper rapid
ly after tho canal woik has started ;
tlioy will need considerable territory
over which to expand. Wo aro confi
dent secretary Tatf will bo quick to see
tho justice of our contention."
Uomb Outrage In Uarcclona.
Haicolona, Oct. 2, What Is believed
to havo been an attempt upon tho life
of Minister of Agriculture and Com
morco nnd ol Public Work Salaxar oc
curred today. A dynamito bomb wa
exploded in the eticet while crowd
were welcoming tho minister, who had
come hero to prcaldo at a meeting ol
tliu chamber of commorco. No one
was injured, but tho hui'diifg In Iho
vicinity of tho scene of tho explosion
were damaged, and the crowds were
thrown into a panic. Sovornl arrests
wore mado,
Trains Meet llead-On.
Vlcksburg, Mls Oct. 25. Three
aro known to havo been killed nud n
numlior Injured in a head-on collision
between a north bound paBsengot and a
freight tinln nbout midnight, three
miles south of Fayutto, Misa., on tho
Yaroo & Mlssianlppl Valley railroad,
Tho dead nro two firemen and au on
glnoor, Tho wreck is reported burn
ing, Aisistanco has been Bent fiom this
Newsy Items Gathered from All
Parts of the World.
Qencrol Review of Important Happen
pcnlg.i Presented In a Urlef and
Condensed Eorm.
Tho great New York aubway has
Ixjen opouel for trnfllc.
('lilneno at Mukden expect severe
fighting and aro closing up their busi
nwt nffaiiR.
An Iudlaim woman admit poisoning
her slep.iliiuglitei nud gave tho Judge
her cmi o fl on to read.
Tho kiper of a Hwedlch atemner
decluicfl that hla vessel waa chaaeed
and filed upon by a Hunsiati cruiser
proviou to the Hull affair,
Thu Japanese uimy in Manchuria
have red limed tho offensive. Tho Hua-r-laua
ore reported to have lot a rium
Iter of Important position.
The Tribuna.n leading Italian paper,
call Hojostrcncky a lunatic, and adds
tint if complete and prompt satli! c
tlon Ir not given, war will bo Inevita
ble. Hpaln will allow tho Russian war
ships to remain nt Vigo long enough to
mako nocer-eary repair. The others
failed after taking on 400 tons of coal
Fire on the Hrooklyn water front do
atroyed a pier 700 feet long which was
atonil with cotton and general merch
andiso, A steamer tied to tho pier wna
also destroyed. One fireman and one
po'Iceman nre reported missing. The
loss in ertimated at $600,000.
Postmaster Vancott, of Now VorV, I
Holh armies in Manchuria continuo
to re-t.
General Kuropatkln has been mado
commander In cblet of tha Russian
Many of tho Hull fishermen belle vo
the attack of tho Hunsian fleet was pre
meditated. The town ol Kerkoley, Va., continues
under martial law. The authorities
aro fearful of a rare riot bieaklng out.
John C. Haddock, a New York Inde
pendent coal mine owner and oiierator,
declares tho coal roads havo ruined
Arrangements are almoat complete
for oiHtnlnhjc achoola on tho Island of
Guam. There nru 2 t30O -native chll
dreS otvthsjiland. .
ftSSttM-OtfifcnerJAln chargea. tho.
?oinrhlloner o, Iho'gcnergfjV .PifiS0,
wiiii iuuro mi Keep promioe in ivgWir
to lien land In Oregon.
A new Russian loan of 1270.000.000
haiv irtually been concluded. Half
the loan haa been reserved for Germany
and tho balance to France, Helgium
and Holland.
Eight Japanese warehouses on the
Yalu river at Antung, filled with ra
tion, clothing, ammunition and the
pi Ire re- tiled at the battle of tho Ya
lu, have been burned.
The weather In Manchuria is very
cold and theio i great scarcity of fuel
lly a sale just mado, 340,000 aore of
land in Mexico haa been told to a Mor
mon colony.
Tho Standard dictionary received tho
grand prixe, tho highest award, at the
St. LouU fair.
Many Japanese on the Pacific coast
are leaving for tholr home country to
Join the army.
Jamea F. Cooper, associate Justice of
tho supreme court of the Philippine
Islands, haa resigned.
Fire at the plant of the Now Home
Sewing Machino company, Orange,
Mass,, entailed a los of 100,000.
It is probablo that the Mississippi
will soon Ira dredged, as engiuceis fear
tho great river will soon become cog
ged and useless as a waterway.
The Huaslan minister to Great Hrlt
aln had a narrow escape from violence
at tho bands of a mob who would
Avongo tho death of tho Hull fisher
men. Ho la now guarded by police.
The armored ciuiaer Colorado la the
fastest In her class. On her trial trip
lie mado 22.20 knots an hour. This
Is slightly in excess ot speed called for
by tho contract.
Tho pcoplo of Japan nro reported to
reiunt tho suppression of war news.
Tho armies In Manchuria mo fully
rested mid u battlo that should prove
decisive Is looked foi.
Bcntlmont In French governmental
quarters is g towing moio favorable to
tho American proposition to cull n eoc
ond peaio congress at Tho Hnguo.
Tho Russian admiranlty council sit
ting in review of tho Vladivostok prUe
court, has decided that tho Uiitlah Bhlp
Allanton, sotted Juno 10, and her cargo
must bo roleased.
Russian Oolllc I'lccl .Sinks British
rishlng Vessels.
Hull, Kngland, Oct. 25, I, M.Jack
noti A Co., solicitors for tho ownorM of
tho 60 Hull fishing boats have notified
tho foreign office and admiralty of nn
attack on the Hull fishing fleet by tho
HtiFftlan Pacific fleet (commonly desig
nated nn tho Haltlo equadron).
Tho official information la that norm
after midnight Friday the Russian
Hjuudron fell in with the Hull flailing
fleet In thu Noith aea. The firat por
tion of tho fishing fleet panted safely.
Then thn Russian ship turned their
carchUghta on tho Hrltlsh venwil for
some time arid a little later opened
Tho steam trawler Crano waa sunk,
and the decapitated bodies of her skip
per and mate have been brought to
Hull, Tho hoatswian and other mem-k-rn
of the crew, who nre understood lo
bo seilotndy wounded, nro on board tho
missing ship. Tho only slightly In
jured members of the crew has ai rived
at Hull.
. Thu ateam tiawlcis Moulmeln and
Mlno have arrived at Hull nnrlnnnlv
damaged by rhota, the latter having 10
uolea In tier bull. It ia feared that
other damage waa done to trawlers and
that at least ono mora waa loet with nil
Indian Durcau Desires They Dc
Educated at Home.
Washington, Oct. 20. The Indian
bureau In the interior department is
decidedly opposed to accepting Alaskan
pupil at any ol Its echoo!. It la the
opinion of thla bureau that Indian ap
propriation aro mado for the sole
Iwncfit of the Indians of the United
Ktatcc proper. Proceeding on thl
theory, the Inlilan office I endeavoring
to eliminate from all Indian schools all
pupils other than truo Indians. The
Alaskans are In the excluded clasnee;
t o Indian bureau doe not regard them
a Indian, though tholr exact classifi
cation ha never been finally determ
There aro but two Indian school
which have Alaakan pupils Chemawa
with half a dozen, and the Carlisle
rchool. In Pennsylvania, with 50.
The Alaskan pupils at both aehoota aro
to bo eliminated giadualiy Irom the
classes and returned to their homes
unices congress intervenes' in the mean
time and authorizes their retention in
these two big Indian institutiona.
Secretary Taft Sent to Panama at
Minister's Request.
Washington, Oct. 20. John Barrett,
mln liter to Panama, will be. unable-to . VkJ -
4111 Portland and cant: Ida vole "jvext . "aW-
mum... iuc "'jiJndent fiiiiv"iiVii crtc" - I'-Wr
him to Hart Ujtfn . vZTSWaiTri
W.- . " ."" "!" .'"".: ...u-
Tie pare for, the reception cd.
Secretary Taft a week later.
Secretary Hay took particular painn
today, in talking with a group of news
paper men, to make it plain that tho
sending ot Secretary Taft to Panama
waa in no way a teflectl n upon Minis
ter Dairett. The secretary said Barrett
had been unjustifiably criticised by
Borao opposition papers, and It had
been hinted that the president waa dis
satisfied with hla conduct of aflaira at
Panama. Secretary Hay went so far
as to say the reverse was true that tho
president was entirely pleased with
Minister Barrett's work, and was send
ing Secretary Taft to Panama at Mr.
Barrett's suggestion.
Arizona Will Not Accept Statehood
on Those Terms.
Washington, Oct. 20. The annual
report of the governor of Arixona to the
secretary of the interior Bays tho terri
torial population has Increased materi
ally and tho total population now Is
between 105 000 and 170,000. It ex
presses a desire on tho pait of the peo
ple of Arixona for statehood, but rays
that, "finding themselves confronted
with a plan to unite tholr ten I tory
with New Moxho, tho people of Arixo
na have protested vigorously nnd wHl
continuo to do so until they havo de
feated this repugnant scheme.
To Cement Tics.
Yokohama, Oct. 20. Lieutenant
General Prince Fushlmi, special imper
ial envoy to the tit. l.oals exposition,
Bailed today with hla suite on tho
steamer Manchuria for San Francisco
amid great enthusiasm. Prince Fushl
mi waa attended from Tokio by officials
ot tin imperial household, the Amerl
can minister, Lloyd 0. Griecom, and
ttio entire American legation staff in
uniform, l'rlnco Fuuhlml embarked
in tho presence of an Immense crowd
and amid shouts of "Bunxai" and
Mexico Will Send Delegates.
Mexico City, Oct. 20. l'tits govern
ment will send delegates to the irriga
tion congress to bo held in 1 Paso next
month. It is said that a $10,000,000
bond Issue exclusively for irrigation
purposes will bo Issued hero. Tho
government for some timo past has had
engineering parties In the field studying
plana for redoeming arid lands.