; I I ' jar-- f i tM . l . 1 tffBf i Tlmtier land, AM June i, HS. NOTICK FOR PUDLICA WON. U. $5. Land ONce, Lakevierr, Oregon August 9. let- Notice, U oeTehy glv" that l compliance wtlh th prosltlon? W the ct of Congress til JrfMe A, rtTS.enlRWl, ''Ai act rut I lie aaleoftlmhcrtamfs. (n tret wta of California, Oret n. Nriud. and W1hlogto Territory," cxtinded lo all the imbltc lVt State by Act of August 4. 19. Ihe loUoulnfMiamtd iwreou have thl da) tiled lu Oil omce. thtlr sworn statcmcuta, lo-wlt- Ontl Q. ITy, OT Albany, county uf Unit, state of Oregon; ri statement No , for the purhtufthe eX of unit-, sw( f MS. "Hof k) irc, l It t, r 9 c, w m. JohnO t'ry, of Albany, cottttly or l.lnn, print of Overrun, .worn utalemeut No i;t, Aw the purchase ofthe wjf of oc V. m?X of tf arc 1 of twfc; m' in, l)i t , r 9 e, w m. That they will offer proof to attow that the lend tght t mote valuable for It Unlw of stmie loan iot aarrrcnitnrai puipswsji, inn in estauttsn their claim to mM land before li R Wardnrll. than for aaTfewltural pur U. ft Commtasionrr at ftllver I.ae. 1 Saturday, la 49th day of October, 1904. They natoe a witness! J N Hunter, of Or chute. Ornratii Charles Orave. of Odcli. Ore- fota; J O fry. of Albany. Oregon. IJeo ltosrue, of Lava, OtVCONi tteitl W fTfi ol AllMoy, Oregon, Amy and all mtmhm ctolmlng Alveraly thr above described U iMate requested to Ale tacit (Mm In Ibbta on or before the mM Ui day of October, tf4. aat-04. J. X. WATSON. Renter. CONTUST NOTICK. Department of tbe Interior, U. S. Land Omce, The Dalles, Oregon. October 4, 104 A euttBnteat afMavit havine- been filed IHUMeOBMCOV Prank M. Tewkabury Of The Delte. Oregon, conteatanl. again Desett I4tud entry No. Ma, made Ma; 16, 10.U, for tcb; Km(ii,ii'KiK ami mw4 aecia. tpt?s, r II e . w m. by Dureatha Miller coolelee. In which It I alleged tlut muI land t not deaeil ! una wllhiu the meaning of the Act of March 1. ITT: that the ne,M Doreatha Mnlrr rm not made be annual exjjcnJIturr miuireil by Ian for the rrctaraaUon Of the land, mid parties ire hereby norlfted to aiiear, mpoinl and ffeTevedence toacbing mn allegation at leo'cloela. nt. mi No vember 15, 1004. befort J M lTinice. I' 8 Com wjrtuner.t hl ufike at Item!, Oregon, and '.. SiT. V ilMt nuai neartni; inn oe neM at lit 11 iok a m e December $. tea. before the KraMet ami Memlorr at the U. rt. land office In The llle. Oregon. ' The ad conteatant Iwelng In a nroprr anMa- elt.ftUtl October 1. mi. wt fotth rarta ubkrh Mtow tlut after doe diHgence ueranoaiaetelre of snet noucc raanai oc inaae 11 ncreoy oruerru and dtrectod that ocb nMic: be given by due and proper pnMamHon. eei-nej A.NNIK M. U,NC, Keccirer TtMber Land. Act Jane j. liyS. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Mod OBcv. The Unites Oregon, (Mober 15, I94. Notke ht hereby given that In compliance with the pcuvunoua erlhe Art of CungteM of Jane y lri. entitled, "An act for the nUe of timber land in lb ttatea of California, Oregon, Nevada, and wMagtea Termor. ealenaedloaa trie rmMie land Mate by Act of Anguvt 4. . the rononing-nnmea persnot nave on nememoer ik Mai, files in tbt eeVc their mo autement, to-xrK: IHank C. Wickenbm-g. OTMVtt rt. MUIMI mt IkPHMl ftiAi oTU'lt. QOman etf'-tileiient -Ho. i.ny forthepHri entw tne imx ana ejincH 01 ec i", ip 14a. rnt.w m. Onataf K Cattww af Tnrtlc lAke. couaty of Marron, atr ol Wi eanain. iirara tatement No itai. for the pnr cheof the bHbX and K ft ofiecro, tpu i,r toe., w. tu. ( . That they will afTrr proof to ahow that the land aeogtit. l more valuable for it timber or itanc tbaa for agncnltnral purpovei, and to evtabUth their dalma to aaldUml before J M Lawrence. U H. Commllorr,at hhotnceln Hend Oregon, en December j, Ia4. They name at wllnettet. loeph N. tinnier, Harry V lUater of ed. Oregon- (inrtar K. Ca(Joti and I'rank C. UHeLenbnrir of Turtle Kiter, WlMubdn; and WlUUm K. Booth of hU teri. Oregiw Any and all pejfn claiming adveraeJy the anoTf-maiiiooa iwi are icnncwcu 10 nie ineir ewlm In thi oSict oh or before the Mid Hth day of Deeember, nH, Mi-djj MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Kegiter. Timber Land, Act Junej, vt. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. C. M. Land 01ce, The DaUe. Orogpn, October is, t. ' Xatice la Wrfebr given that in cowpliancc with the prartlona of the Act of Congrr .of June 1, Oji, entitled "An act for thr afe of UMber Und in the ttatts of Oallfornio, Oregon. Nevada and Washington TerrUory.' czfrmled to all the rmbllc land Mate by Act of August, 4. tie', the fotlowing named perton Wave nlU lu thl Acc their eworn Ulemenu, to-nit. Albert Poalfet. (if Ontario constyof Malheur, Male of Oregon, tworn latcocnt No. UM. nted hept 2, 1904, for tbepwvchaearthe eBi! of ee to, nMnwf of KCTjaml HeKntK of aecjo, tp. 14', r lac. w, m Muhael J. Hlckey, of The Dallov county of VTaaoo, ute of Oregon, worn autetqent No. ami, bUrtl Augittt r), vH. for the ptirctme of the w!itwU, uhtvrjj and nwheiofect,' tp. ir-t, lac, w m. That they will offer proof tohow that the Und iougnt It more valuable for it timber or toue than for agriculture! porpoet, and to eaublith their eUima to aid Uwd hrforc J. M. Lawrence, U. ti Commumcr, at hi ofjlceln Head, Oregou, en the DIM dayof December, 194. Thry name witneuea. Joaeph N. Hunter, Michael J. Mortlton, KUood W. Hoberti, Nich MUnmitb,aadl'raHk Out, alt of Ileiul, Oregon, and Kicbard CuuHiugbam of bllrer City , Idaho Any and alt peyreuir, cUltniug odveiwly the above-described lard are reeAieate) to file their claims in thtenfnceou or before the Mid 77th day of Icccmber, lyn. Oil-drj MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Ktslttcr. Tlmtier Lend, AU June 3, ?' NOTICK FOR .PUBLICATION. U. S. Laud Office, The Dallet, Oregon, ' October 6, iy4. : l liereby yVe'i ! ft in cowtdUnce with, 'ittnitvpl tlic act of Congre of June X, lllcl J'An act for t&e talc or timber Uml October S, y4 Notice the proviioii mm. autitiwl In the hUtwf California,' Oregon, Nevada aiut Waahington Territory," aC extendeit to alt the ruuuc J.aua mite ny act 01 uguti 4, inyi, ' Carl A- Jolimon, of llcnd.conn(vof Crook, ,iAale nroiegon. Iu oil .sept 11, I9, iled, in till offiee 111 aworn lateuieiit No lite, for the pnrchae of the H aeii aud lot riindor'ttct tp l, r lie, w. in. And will o'Str, jirooi 10 khow that the land WMight U more, valcanr, fur it timber or tone fhau for qgrleiiltural )urioc4, aud toettablith hi claim to m'U IhivI I efore J M I,wrrucr, It S..Coinuilultonrr.'at hit odi'.-cit Itrii'l, Ore gon, on the at'Ii iiiVj of January, iys. He iimn.fj at wjtuOJM John bltlill. W If. lilaat. all I Jolm lr Welt of llril I, (IrrKOil, aud John I',. Lee ul ItilAjil,' Mluueaola . Any mid all pirotv4cUlijriifr;'Iif rjrly the alKive-dcacrilictl tarilt afc rtqurrfed tn iflle their ilaiuia tn thU c'ffire ml ur bcitifc .aid I Jtfi day ol Itnuary, ivlV ' ' ' ' 4WI-JIJ MlCHArtL T. NOLAN, egliter. I'll, r ) Advortie itj 'i'Jii Bulletin. '","''';" TTV kHi Tlmtter I.ainl, Act June J, i3;R, NOTICK FOU PUBLICATION. t'. 8. IiihI Ofllce, Tlic ,1mIIc, Ofcjou, ivUlerft. tvo4. Notice It hereby glx-en Hint In ronipllinw-e Willi me roriietn 01 llie rtci 01 vwniirw 01 mnr j, I1,-, entitled. "An it for thr snfenf timber lailil In thctaleor California, Oitaou. Nrxnda. anil Washington Tcmlor) n ,'Meinle.l to all the imbllv land mate by Act of Align! 4, ! l'reltkk A llelU. ofTlic llilteii. County orWBeo,laleiiroregeii, ha un Ntteetnber 4. l' fltcil In tlit office hl rnrorn itatenivnl No. 14V for thr piitchiiwof the M'W, 4vrt(r K ami n (n K u' ' .' l 3 r is e.,w. in Ami will oHer twoof In liow that llirtaml ought l more valuable for ttt timber or tottr than for AKriCHltural mrpoe. and lo eatabllh hinctalmato ll tnml (rfofr thr HegUler ami Receiver vt this offlceat The Hallra, iHvgan, .11 Ihe4lli dayof January. io llrnameaai ttnee. llavM VwH, Charle It Hetto. William It lliildMumt Hen 8. Johmi, all of Thr Daltea, Oregon, Any ami alt urrttni4 claiming adverarty the abmtdectil'el land are requested to Ble I heir ctaima in thl omce on or before the aatil 4th ibiy of Jnnairy, 1905. oiohIj MICIIAKI. T. NOI.AN, Kglter. Timber liitd, Act June I, H?. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. V. S. Land Omce, The IKtte. Otegm, May Jl. IOH. Notlee Is hereby given lhat In compliaHce wllh the proWon of the Act uf Congee of June f, 1070, entitled, "An act for the (e of timber tani In Iheotatea of California, Otego 1, Nevada, and WaaninRtoH Territory," a extended to all the rmbllc taml Matea by act of Aitgwt 4, l"9, the fotowvHK'Mamcd perimn have Aled In thin ollke their uetu utatement. U-tt: AuguH W Mohr, of The IMtic, count) of Waco, stale of Oregon: nam vtalement No 4, riled December ti, iaj, for the purchase of the nt ol nw nd wH MneM of ec , t it . r 10 e, w m. Klchant T. Cme. of IHilnth (ion; hat ittrret). count) of Saint Loula, otate of Minnesota, wnrn utatement Nu Ma. filed Auet 14. igoi. for the imrrawenf the ne!( of neh of ecii. nHof nK ami cK of nwl( of mc)$. tp 1;. r toe. w hi. That they wltloAcr proof loidtow that the bind ought l mole valuable for it timber or tone than for agncnltuml pnrpow and to r4abllh their claim to Mid land before I he KcgMer and Keeelier. at The Dalle, OregoH. on November They name iinitiiee ICdward H Graham and L litAllliigham..ur Warm hpring tregon, 1-altktJ Mrsiall, of Klnley, Oregon: Hk-hard J Oorwau, of The Dalle, Oregon, A 1 ttwier. Thomat lltrgeihl ilmi II lowet of Mlnne aim!!, Mlnneola, and W U Cloc, of Dalulh, l(HheoUi. Any ami all per-wna claiming advervely the ahovc-lecribe4 land are ieque4ed to tie their claim iHthUotnce on or belore I he akl ijrd day of November. lyM. v-HII MICIIAKL T NOLAN. tfiT Timber Land, Actjunc t. t?t. NOTICK FOlt PUBLICATION. V. S. Land OtBce. Ukeview. Oregon, Augnt it. 1404. Notice I hereby riven that Ih comollance with the provMon of the Act of Congee of June 1, i?. enrllled. "An act for the m(c of timber land In the Ule of California. Ufcgon. Nevada, and Waaklnglon Territory," a mended to all the public land tale by Act of AugiMt 4. laae, Henry Mover, ol HotUnd, county of Crook, ttale of Oregon, ha thl day filed in tliii oMce hto woru 4atemenl No tT7. for the pmeHae of the eM nw and iwH nw'f . tptt i.tlt.itM. Ami wlti.6nVr proof lo ho lhat the Und wMght'bt more valuable for II timber or 4one than for agricultural poruo. and to.iMablUh hH cl7lirl to mm Und before (. H. Waretwell. I s. Commtloner, at silver l.'ke. Otegon, on Satnrday, the IKh day of Nmymber, tM4 He name a wilaea Mkkaet 8 JUrfteul. William O ll,SrW. Jlaiiy Kramer. Il A find ley, of Holanil, Otegou. Any and all trwt claiming alretely the abovetetcrlbed M111I1 are refrnetrd to rHe their claim In thl office on or before Mkl 1Mb day of November, IV4- nn J N. WATSON. KegMer Timber Land, Act June J, 17 NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. V. 6, Land OfE, e at Lakrview, Oregon, Augwt . ie4. Notice I hereby given that In complMncc with the provihm eflhe Act of Congre of June 1, urr4. entitled. "An act for the aalcof tlmUrlandi in the tutrt of CaltfornU, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terntory,' a eitemted to a 1 the public Und late by Act of Augut 4, layi, Harry 1' Hunter, of Hem!, qodnty of Crook, ttate of Oreiofi, ha thi day Sled in I hit oHtcc hi aworn Hutement No mis. for the purchase of the K of aw'f and nK of tw y of sec 7. tp , r y e, w m And will offer proof to thaw that the Und sought It more valuable for It timber or stone than for agrfcutlurat purposes, and to establish hi claim to wk! land before j M Lawrence, V. 8. Commissioner, at hi office at Keud, Crook County, Oregon, oil Saturday, the 49th day of October, 1904. He name aa wltnewea. Jbeeph N Hunter. Kl wood W Kobertt Mlllsou J Kobert, Xicbard King, ortlerli', Oregjm, Any and atl prrnont' ctaimdig adversely thr abovc-dercribed UhiUnre ttquestnl to file theii ctilffliin thl omce on or heme the mM wthday of Oetaocr, mv. aif-ooS J. N. WATSON, Register. Timber Mm), Act June J. ily. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Und Offlee, The Daltea, Oregon, October I J, l'y4 Notke I hereby given that Ih compliance with the prevision ofthe Act or Congre of June 1, tM. enlllletl, "An act for the sale of llrulwr tamf in IHe state of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," a eitended ta all the public laiut state by Act of August 4, 191, Alice I,. Heising, of Hend, county of Crook, slate or Oregon, bat un heptcrahet 19, lyn, filed III this ofnee her worn ttruteiit No 140J. for the mrtbae of the scK sccjjrji rt, r ue , w in And will o"tr proof lo how that the land sought I more 4trfa ble for il limber or stout than for agriculliiral (HUiiosc and o estatdish her claim to Mid Ugd before M K. Hi Kg. IT. h Comuilssloiier, at hit office at 1'rinerTlle. Oregon, 011 the Jjrd day or December, ia. he name a witnesses O. W Trildett, of I'riucvitle. Orcvou: Millard Triolett. I'raukfitas. ihi ifauiet iicising, an 01 iienu. iirrgou. Any and all person claiming adversely the abovc-dexcriticd land arc reuuestrd to lite their claims In thl office 011 or belore the said ajrd day o( December, iy4. oejlat MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Register, v NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Department ofthe Interior, Laud Office at The Dalle. Oregon, .V, October I J, 1054. Knii'.', I hereby given that the following-iiaiucilvrulca- ha fileil notice of his luteiitkin to makij fjifil (rif in supjwrt of hi claim, and that saidpruof will be made before J.J. hiiiith. County Cl irk, J 11 Priuctillc.Ortgoii, on the Mh day of IfoTcmbe''l ti4, lo wit 11 jnii;r' rl. Ll'ituu, ofrtlitcu.nrfgiiii.inf II 1! No 6jtj, for Hie , ofthc liejf 0lec34tpj4 , r loc. w. 111. 1. .1,, He name the followiiifr'Wituessr to prove hit continuous residence (jwn aud cultivation or aid laud, vlf 1 , I f.eorge II' Tuylor, W. T Jf 'iWllsou, John W, Wilt and H l; ftps rkty all oTnltr;j, Oregon. CJimid JHCIIAWI, T. NOLXH, Kcdttcr. v Timber Land, Act June $, l"(S. NOTICK FOR PUBLlCA'l'ION. 1 . Mint Oinix, The tullcit, OrcKott, My M, l. Mollee 4 liereby given Hint In mmtilltiiKc t llli the iiulloiinlllK Ail of Congieaa ol June .1, ilr, entitled "An net for tlirMicortluilierliinil In tliotateaitll'nllfoiula, iitemm, NeiitiU, and Wldugtli Tnrllor) ' exteiiiled in nil tlic iulillclHiidUU'l' act of Aiigml 4, ll, llie iiilloniiiK-uaiueil )loii lime 1111 Jmiimty iywi, uivm 10 mi oinev uicir ivoiu i "tiUeliicnl, Ion it. Lmlivlg II taraeu, nrSaudiiolut, county ol Koolnml, ttatr a( ttlalm, wirn Malenieut No 1114, lor the ihiicImm: uf the e)i of rc), t)i 'i, r mc. w lu, Wltlhtm C Amr. , of lt4Hdoliit, counl- of Kootenai, Male nrliUlto. woru tatemenl No m, for til puri'liaK ol the iteH ol ec 10, tp i,t , r 10 e, w m That they will urter iroorinlimv that the land nought l mote, valuable for It limber or tuue than for ag ifMllumt puriniaeii, and to rflwhlUh their (talma to uhl land btRue the HMialer mid Hnelver.nl The Dallm. oiegon, oil NoeemlHr . i4- They name aa wltneaaea William C Ame, Lmlnlg II Laraeit ami txil Mavra. of smtl tailut, Idaho, William O Mamui mid Kllchaet O'CoHiier. of The Dallva, Oregon. iu and alt neranna clalmlna advenelv il above deetlbril liindaie niutl lu IIU, ihrlr claim Ih thl brnee on or before the Mid 4Mb day of November. 1904. aia-ntd MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Kegtter. Timber Uml, Act June i. 'M, NOTICK KOK PUBIilCATION. V. Land omce, The Dalle. tHegon, May j, 104. Notlee I hereby given thai In compliance with the pruvihHi4 of the Act of Cuogteaaof June , irv, rmiiieu, -.n act lor tne mirnt limner lamt in me ttaic 01 lamotuiH, ureaon, S'riulji. Mlul ... ... .: ------. --.---..-- . .. vraaninatott Terrtiort." a ilemlett lo all the imbllc land vtate b) Act of AugwM 4, iei. the nuiowing-nanieit pcrott hawr wi Heceinber m, ivBj, nhrdlH ihl omce their woch atatrmeut. to-utf Minnie II Hnmb, ofNotwIeh. county of Mcllenry. Mate of North Dakota, watn utatement Nu tin?, for the ur rrueofthe eK ne'i ee i. wti nwb; and H )t of ec 45, tp 1 a, r 1 1 e w m Hvidtnand okerlnml, uf Norwich, county of Mcllenry. talr of Nmth IMkota, orn tlement No ifoi, for the pw chaw of the w-U y, n nwfc ec j ami w hck ec is, ip i a, r u e, w m That thry will offer troef to thotv that the land ough I mote valuaMc for It timber or Mone than for agrirullural pntnoaee, and to tablHh their claim lo ald land before the Keg ivltr and Hreeiver, at The Dalle. Oregon, No- vemoer f, 19U4 They name at wltnuM t'enllnand Oker- land. Kd llalvoraon and Minnie M Itumb, of .'inc, .orin inkota. jonu 1 unrtetn. 04 .Ml not. North Dakota, und Jehu MeMI, of Dv chute. Oregon Any and all pcraona claiming adveraely the aboelecrtbed Und are iene4ed lo hie their claim in thl ogtce on or before the atd Mth day of November. 1404 10-ni MICIIAKI. T NOLAN, KegtMer. Timber liml, Act June ). 17). IfrtMl f ".f OAK .,. - ,,.,t itJliUl I'lJll I'UISMUAl lUi. aaovaaTlHMKr. V. 8. Land Omce, The Dalle, Oregon, August 19. In. Notice Is hereby given that In eompilanee with tne piovtatons or me Act ol Congf ol June J. Ur. entitled "An act for the aU of tlmbrr Und In IJir state of Cnhfatnta llrvgon, Nevada, and WulngM TeeeiUsry." a rilrtujed to alt the public land statts by .ct ufAngust 4, it, i.lmer H Whkrton, of Itpokane. cuunty of nnukane stale of Wnsb lugttm, has on July it mi, Tiled in this ogsee hi worn statement Nu am, for the purchase of the cK netf and cM s!i ol sec 11. tp il i, r 10 r, w nt. And will offer proof to show that the Und sought Is more valuable for it timber' at soe than for ecrtcMltnral purpose, and to eatabtith htactalm to aaul tend before the HegMer and Keceiver at The IMtte. Otegon. on the mth day ef October, lyat. ... - ,. . .. .. . I, ,r namn as witnrs-- fonn I' lllffnr, lrcy A Wharton. OH Taylor, or npakiMe. WashiHg ten, laiaebeth Iotter. Charles A lattcr, of ispringdale, Washington. O Polndetter, W nrocK. at mind, oiegon. Any and all person cUlmlng; adversely the above-described land are relocated to Sle their efalmt in Ibis omce on or before thr Mkl mth day of October, iv4. ajo-oj MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, Kegitter. Timber Land, Act June J. I. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. V Land Office, The Daltea, Oiegon, lay it. ns. Notice M hereby given lhat Inrowpiianee with Ihe provitimM of the Act ol Congieaa of June t. iim, entitled, Anact forlbcsaleof MmberUmb in the states ol c.ifotHia. Oregoit, Mevada, and Wathington Terrilory." n ef lenaed to all Ihe public Und stale by act of August ). iat, the followloe named person have filed lu thtt uhVe their sworn sutemtnts, to-wit . fyntlin Chalice, ef Iflrey. county or fcueau, stale or Wisctmsln, sworn atatement No. irt, filed .Marcil 15, 194, for Ihr purchase of the sw ofsry, Ip Its, r le e.,w m. - . Daisy C, Duslan, or Cttkttofi, county or Asotin, stale of Welling ton, sworn staicmeut No. it, fileil lrch i. 1904, lor Ihe purchase of the aft sefi aud s, )( ol sec jj. tp 17 , t ta e, w m. That Ihey wilt offer jnoof to show thattheUml smighl Is inure valuaUc for its tlmlr ur stone than Vr agricultural mrur, and lo esUMIsh their tfalmt lo said land liefore the Register ami Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on December II. I4, They name at witneete Mlcbatl O'Connor, William O Mason Dan McDonald aid Martin Oroundwater, of The Dalles, oregou, John Hto of listers, Oregon, V W Dustan, ofCUikslon, Washington. NkhoUt HuiUh and Matm Le page, ol Deschutea, Oregon. Auy aud all tietsout claiming adversely Ihe i..ve described land are Mimesied tu Ale their eUliiis in thl office 011 or before the said ulli dayof December, i'il. y-dl MICHAHL T. NOLAN, Register. Tfmber Iiandi Act June J, 17. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. , V It. Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, j' October 7, ivm. Notlcr It hrrrlty glvrn lhat In compliance with the piorlikmsoftlic Act of Cougrrsa or June , is7. citltlcl, "An act for the sale of Hmber Ianils lu the tlalcs of California, Oregon, Nevada and WaOriiiglnn Territory," at ealrmtrd tin all the public land ttate by Act of August 4, 1 1 Hi .' Luiichlln McNeil, , ' or ttdlulilirgh, county or Walsh, stuif North l)nk,a, lias 011 May 17, tfn, fileil in this olCct hi aworn statrmeiiti No,- yi. for the puigiiasc of the alaiiw), nenW) 1 ltd liwucit' erjiec ij lp lit. a ion. w in ' And wilt oiler proof to show Dial Ihe laud soigbt I more valuable fyr Its ll'iipf r or tune Ihiil fur agricultural purifMes, and tu establish hia claim to said laud before the Register and Receiver or thl office t Tilt' Dallri, Crcguu, ou lliryjrdday of Drcciulrf, i''l ' ' lie iinnie aa witnessed I'rnnl: filieppard, J CVTry- Katherlne McNeil, or Ctiilraa, Wash. Iligtiin, unit Joe Oraliappi ortilstcrf, ll'irgoii. jiuy aud alt pcrsopj claiming adversely the aVove-dtricribed lamlsarc rrjpicsKd tu tile their cfJus In this ofll on or before the said Jjid day of .Deceuiber, ivh, ordl MICIIAKL T, NOI.AN, Kiglatcr, 1 ,'-, ti ta.t- The Bulletin gives the u'c'Ws. Tluil'tr LmuI, Ac! June i, tM, NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION, V. 8. Land Office. I,.ikevlcw, Oirgiui, Peieuilir it, iial. Notice It hereby given Dial lu niiulljici' nllli (lie iiiilalotif the Hit id Coiigteaa or June t, i vulltled " H aii tor the aalr nf tlinlf land lu thr atalr of Catirutula, Oiegon. Nevada, and WiKldngtou Ictlltiiry." a eilrnded l 11II llir public bind ime by net uf Ailguit 4, Jullii lJIUeiliiii, ,. of llend. riHinlynf CinoV lle nl Oregon, lia H1I11U) filed lu till ofnee hi wwn atiHemelil Nit. rM, for thr uirtiae ul the wK ufec 1 lu tp fi , t Oe, w. 111 And will uirrr titixir tp iiIhiiv Dial the lud might I mure taliiable for it lltnhrt or 4ont than Air tigrichllural lurHiea, Mini to aalaUIIli hi claim 10 aaht laud before J M (.awrenre I'. M. CummlMkiner, at hi olflee at Mend, Oiegon, oil the luth day OfDerembet, l. llritam,eM HltneM Oliver ThnfhfstfaM, Oliver JoHiimiii, Aiut Auur, add ThtinWie Auue, all uf Neml, Oregon Any ami alt per) claiming adi-ertely the ahovr-tlrcttbed laud air (educated to Ale their claim In thl ofnee ihi m before at4 loth day uf Pevembtr, iwh. o;da J.N WATHON, MeghMet. Timber Mml, Act June j. i7. NOTICK KOI. PUBIilCATION. II. . Land OWce, Lake View, iiregtHi, mptember ij, 194, Notice I hereby given that in rqnipllance with the provisions eflhe Act of Cotigreea ir June J, l7a, entitled "An art bw the sale of limber land In the state f California, oregun. Nevada and Waahington Terrilory," ealendnl lo all the imbllc land stale by Act of August 4, iaaj, John I Ian-ell, of Hvml, etmnly of Crunk, state rat Oregon, ha thl dy Died m thl oanre. hi saorn atatement No Mia.fot Ihe punhaseoiihewSsrt4,se4seM, of see M and the sw KswK ul sec is lp at t rr w nt. Ami will oirr pnvif to show lhat the land sought I more valuable for it timber or stone than for agricultural pufpissra, and tu establish hi claim to said land before o n Wartiwel. I' It Commteatoocr al hi ofHie at Nlver Lake iVregon. mi Monday . Ihe ilh day of Novembrt im llrxames at wltnevww' J N Hunter. J P tuhuaou. Oeome Auue. and rhntdore Auna. all of Hend, Oregon Any and alt persona tiaimlne ad wisely the abwvosieacrtbed UtsAa ale lettneated tu file I heir ctalmi bi this omev on or bafotr the said atth day of November, 1994 4Vtt I. N. WATiVOK. HegMr. Timber laand, AH June J. iT. sN'OTICK VOll PUBLICATION. HIIADV'NItTtnKMKN'r V A. Uml Office, The Unite, Oregon, June i. ipet Notice I hereby given that In cumptUace with Ihe provtaion ofthe Act of Congress of Jnae J. I7. entitled "An act for the sale ufllmber Und In Use ttate of Calitot nta , 1 wegon Nevada and Waahington Territory." a e tended In all the public land state by Ait of August 4, it. Thedphlle M MKbsl alyal Itwil, ttate of Otvavm: on aeBicmher ii. ivei. Bled In thl okice hi worn statement No 1 10. for the purchase of Ihe nwtC of sec J4, tp 19 s, r iue, w m And wilt otter proof to show lhat Ihe Und sought I mote vatswMe for Ifs timber or stone than for agin-nllurat purposes, and lo eatabtiah Hi culm to sent Und Istfote J M Mwrence, t' it Cnmmlssinner, at hia unVe al Hend. Otegoei, on Ihe totli Uy of Nswtisbvr, itsH He names as witnesses tbntrge Hale, of latva, oregun. WillUm II Htsals, of Deschutes. IHe' gun. Joseph K Hunter and Plank Ittatson. of Hend otesnsn Any and all peisdmt claiming adversely the abswt described Uwt are reuaested lo tie Ihetr esalmsln thMssmeesmor bteatclhe saMiathday of Nottmber, I9t. saj-ntj MICIIAKL T. NtJLAX, Regtslcr. Timber I.aa-1. Act J due j, i't. NOTICK JCOIt PUBLICATION. V. H, Lamt Office. The Dalles, Oregon ly 4J. r4 Notke la hereby given that In rompliaace with the protiatoo of the Act of Congress of June j i7. enlltled. "An act foe the tale of tlmbrrlamis tn the state of CallfotnU, Oregun. Nevada, and Washington Terrilory." a etTetwted In all Ihe public Und state by Act uf August 4, 19, And will oner proof u show thai the la ml ought ta mote valuable for It limber in alone than lor agricultural purpose, and In ratals- Ktlis II West, of llenstee. counlyaf Latah, stale of Idaho, ha on I'ebtnary . lyat filed In this oNsre hi sworn statement ) MI. lor the purchase of Ih ncK of sec 11. tp 1 t. r 11 e, w m lUh his dalul to said land before Ihe MrgMer and Receiver of this office al The, JmIIc. Oregon, on Ihe llth day of Nbvembrr, lyst He name afwtlurose John K bhcrtdan.of Deschutes-, Oiegon. Kdward (( Uisia; fl H Camibell,of Millwaler, Mlhneaota.PianknUsa, of Deachule. Oiegon Any and all paison claiming adversely Ih above-described UmU are laHuasted to Ale thrtr cUlmsIn thUoMJteonof liefvre thesatd lllhday ui Tiovemuer, 194. 04-U4 MICIIAKL T, NOLAN, Rrgitltr. Timber Land, Art June J, lrl, NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. V. H, Land Office, The Hattra, Oregon, October rt. ly4. Notice Is Hereby gltcn Itval In rompllance with IheprovtsisMsofihc Art of .Csmgtfts of June 1. i7t. eiitltlMl.T AH art for Ue saJVf timber land. In the sla'ra of California, Oiegon Nevada, ami Washington Territory." at ralemled to all Ihe pubtk Und state by Act of August 4, toat, Annie A Malloy, of .Madras, county of Crook, stair of Oregon, baa on Het 49,1904, filed In this office her sworn stalemeutNo tei. for the imrrhasc of the self nwf , ne)(swh; ami lot 1 ami i sec j, tpits r lo c ww And will offer uroof lo show that the Uml sought I more valuable for lis timber or stone than for agricultural wrtiose4, ami lo establish their claims to aaptlaml lieloie Don I' Rva, t.' H Cummlssloiier, al hi oflrv III Madras, Oregon. on ine 9111 uay ui January, 1913 ttbenamraaa vntnealtai Mlcbatl I. Morrison of Odell. Oregou John A Palmer. Juhtl A Isiuiiii, ami i.anra laiianr, an ni aiaurat , trrrgen. Any and atl persons cbilmliig adversely Ihe alvcHlesrllieIVuhlt are iMjuvated to file their etaliuslu this ofnee oi 01 baforclhcMtd Mh day or January, lyoj 1 4 ' ojh1io MICH.tltLt, NOLAN. RrglsUr NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Department of Die Interior. I'. H. Land Office, The Dalle, Oregon, (KloUr 11, i4.' , Notice it hereby given that Ihe following litnicd aettler Ann. filed liotlie nf iler liitclilluu to make final (roof hi aupixirt of licr flaliu, and that tald proof will lie made lifpte I J rimllli, County Clerk lu ItIic,vII(c, Oltfou, on lhcjjl day of November i'ifi-wi', , . M. Alice Webb, of rililfia, Oregon, 1111 11. It Nrf. u.Stt, for lie uwf ufsec lo.tp 16 a, r tac, w. 111. ' ' . rilie iiauirt the following wiliiestet lo-iirove Iter routliiuuUt rcaldrijcc utaiirtiuil iiiltlvu'iii of saiu iami,iiwn: iliiiil . vt d lain, I ng, Robt lliliil W. V 111. Warren J'r tiling, Rolictlrluiltll and M, J. Wilt, all uf fill'- tcre, Orrgon Oct The JJulIctiu for th? k:ni. NOTICK VOli PUBLICATION. Ufillnirnl(rtlie lulrilur V H l.uilil OIDk, Tile iMlle. Olrgnil, aridnnlK r , iv". Itollre I h'rrhy given thai the Pittiotlug linttied Miner li1llel tiolkr of hi M1I1 i,u..ii Tit iiirthe nual pniof in uiiHitl of hi t la 1 in, and 111 il Mid iiinnl will lie mail Intel I M Law uiitf. V. n Commieelimei, al III nlnrc In Moid, Oiegon, un Nnvvinb! Mh, 104, Hi 0 Vlg IHiwtttli&ut ( tr lltnd, Oteg"1". M K No. 11, oft, for the lid 4 m. y, lot i, neKHwK ami Hwhffiejf ate. jl, lit, 17 , ur w m lie name the following wIlneMeg lo nrove lilt rtiiitlnuoua reMence upon anil mltltalloM of Mkl land, rli John H HrncW, TlimnM W rrli. lell.joaephrt Itiinlct and iilph Unla, alio! IKrHif, oregoH. 014 hit MICIIAKI. T NOI.AN, Rfgl.lrr. Timber Ud, Act June Mr. NOTICK 1T0H PUBLICATION. u . Uud OtBce. The Delia. Oregon, ncttfker ?, lyM Notice 14 htrehv given that incompliance wllh the ptmieloua rthe Art or Congrcaa U June ti inT. eniiuni, .tnaii lor ine siirw iiiwiwr isrsi lu the Male of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Waahlnglon Terrlhiry," aa vatrWUd lo all Ih puldnj Und state by Act of August 4, itui, Nellie A Miavr. of Pottland, county of Multnotttah, stair of Oiegwi, hat on 1 Ht idr to, iu4, fill tu thl ogle her sw.ru siahnnant Nu iyi, for Ike purchass- ol the wl tec I, Hnrlt ami nwt( sel of ev 1, lp 1, r ue , w m And will offer niof to thow lhal Ihe Uml ought la mm valuable for lu tlmtier t slime lhatt Ibe agitimltural purposes, and lo raialdliH her claim lu tab! land bifore Ih Rrpier suit Hcceieer al Iht Dallia, Oreguu, on Ihe tvth day ul Doivnibit, 1904 heuamttas wilntsaea Hairy W efrlimisld ant ndM ibMe Mary h TU-heuvr, of ClatoVanl. orruuu, Abl 1, w nuien ami p. v. women ai i-onwmi, t Auy and all persona cUlmlng adversely ihe abovettest rthrd land are lenueatird to Ale their eUima In this ugtce on ur brforv the aunt lyth day of Ihrceinlwr. " uiislia MICHAXI, T. X I,.N, Register. Timber Ijtmi. NOTICK I'OR Act June 1, im PUHLICATIO.V. D. It Land Omce, UVevtew, Oregon, it il Notice I hereby given that In eompilanee wllh the bttrviatun e A4 of t uttarees of luue 1. It, entitled "An art lor the aalenf limiwr tsnd Ite lk J.lM h! IiAmm,m IbaaaHU. Umm.1. KhJ H'asMagtoa TerTtlore. aa raiemied tu all the public Utsd states by Alt of Angtsst 4. 194, s Loot K lee. at tslperkar roonly of Douglass, stale uf Wb eotwtn, has thia day filed 10 las onVe his sworn stalment Nu i. rut the panrhaae of the w h) of H sse and uH of nW secjii 11 s. r 9. And will oMri proof fo those that the Uml sought ta mine valnalde for Ma Umbel or sluae ht ta mine van than fot agruullural pnrpra 1 fot aaruutlurel ouriawsw. and la 4ablish his cUim lo sold Und before J M Lawtemr. r It lommfosiooir. ol RM aVv at lirml, tire gun. on the tM er of Wosemlwe, iom He name aa wuuste Wilhwn Jf Rolwitt, kllwtaial VT Moberts. joarph N llnuler and Pied Mart, all 0 IV od. iHtgwo. Any and all psreunt daimiog adversely Ihf above dswetibed lamas at fonuastesl so it Ihetr ctalm In ihU uCMt on or befot said atth day of Nov mbttt, lost siiOtj J N WATSON. HegMer. Timber Und. Act Jan j, toj. NOTICK FOR I'UltlelCATIOtV. LandOsVoeal Lakevtew, Ottgon, ' October s. test. Nntife oeleW eHon tatttt Ul oowttttsspc with lb pigetitiini sf I be t sM Qbgt se of Jane 1, tori.tteMoH Pn aft for VKe sej iiiatserlsusls U Ihe state of Cairo utt, rtreg , Nevasta ami Wasblagton Trmtory. ' aa eitended lo all the pub! la ml states by act ol Astgutt t. rf4. Hattle It Niadley. oftspulane esmnlir of Hpoluine ttale of Washing son. rse inta nay nsrti in this sUltee her isstH statement No lM. of swlf, swy of nwK 'i Uk poet hasrisf thefts awtf of uetf sss 7 Ip ti t, r 14 e, w m And will ofler pronf to thow that Ihe Und saua hi 14 ht Mntir valuable for Ha Umber or titue than for aaTtraHutel pom. an esUbsliM her claim lu uatd Und before I 1 Until h. Caumy Clerk of Ciook nwnly al I'rlnrvtlW Of e gon.on rislinday the jiat tUy of Dreember, ! Hhe namea tt wHnessea, W. W Cotiut, I. K. Altlngltam. R C Move, ami Kit C. Mile all or PrinevWe, rneoo Any and atl persona etatmtng adversely Ihr above trthd laud ore imraeattil la ma Uiir claim In IhU woVr on or before Ibesaadtist day ob DweMber , 19N sri-dij J. N WATnON, Register. PltTITIOX "OR LlQOOK LtCKMBK. tn the county ruuit or the Mate af Oregon for vroos, louaiy In the, matter of Ihe tnidVatfou of neestt irewng mr a 1 stall ibpior llwaar m tseudpreriurt. Crook ii)ly, stale ol Oregon To Ihe Iftnurabie CoswtyCowt - We. Ihe ufntelsigne4 legjil voteta of Head pre cinct. Croak rotsniy, Ongou, respevt fully (,. tfoti Ihe HanoiuMe Coonly Conn of Ciuuk county. Male of Oregon, to grant a Ueense la nevert utmitg to sen smmnsHH, mart ur viuuu lk,uot. 01 rermrninf cider, In test imm IllbM than one (.-allon. lu Ihe psim af Hend, ruuHly nf Crook, stale of iHvguu. for llie trim ul sta months ft- ru Ihe 9th 'U uf November, 194 J R. Henbam C. II. ttwalWy .ieSjr as OVrttOH UlUrt Hagsn 0 Johnson W II. Davit Oliver Thwbtontsou 1 D Tauter A l Lnaa W I' hlrwart johuMrbtl Si tt Majaebl K M nwaltey obr l.iKksou Oeo A HawsoH fird A lmniuest Anton Auue T fit. MUfsel lltnryTwset A. llbranl A. W. I'M Cba. Htaal- IJ. Meesl C. M.TrlisVall war ten lilaie J T. Hum lhl.,lwutitsunt W hosebush J Vt, ratios lilt) Auue toigr IteMlHg Win. Moore I'll A Wtguer J.H bmllh I R.ltrtttk w. I Wtcwlf John J. Dokken 1 lAtka rant Kh X. V. Wa CHiesoec , WeUar I. 11 HnelMaH 1 . I,. Marsh jamas lljsroe fl. Raboitt laemlmilr lohn nltbeitaon lltury Mater Citsl firvanl I, II, tttstsmi 1. 1 KtMlh i,C Slltktl TlicuilMf AliiiB HHgliQ'h'aiieT W A. Vaughn A Anne Hrury Twret I O Merit F. It. Rtltdorfrr H II West Oil as I,. Hltmut' O W Miuslioiiiie al 11 ton vwiug h . I. Johnson iro llroaterhotit J. W. Rubisoii Ii. J. Hnnsoii It. A, fialhrr tieorge M. Meyrr Win M. C. Kuwait ltd. lilll Oemgr I. Hre I W. II. Itudlcy , A. W Vaucey John C. I. lildei H A tlfllf Is 1 j nrtu Knllre la lirtcby glveu lhat the alioir ihn.nl wlllle tlrcsteiiti laje.nl yiilaMc wtrr,,i td I'tlHt HoiiurHble Comity Cimr ! Oieir'lll fot Ccib i-oiiii! si n. of Diet licaKrv crin i;,rr-oTi ifWii tm (hold rlay VLNoveiuberi.tout or aa tosti llji-rcKllfittlhn Mid Luuit foil lirar IbbMlitaaliit will t,i.rii ami ftn'' Ittiicil do Ivitrrt'lUerHiiK. to itil ipltt(iiyns"iu or rlintlt lliuiort and iferi inrnlrdclilsr'lii less ountflltlca Tliau aur tllr.t al Ikciiirrcluci if lleui,mi Crooh counl) on ""lUlfilHlc 50l)l.)ayo t'pl,nl.lWj'W,4"M' UVHJtt JJUU1N0. VnB! , :: M