The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 28, 1904, Image 6

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After Eating
Nausea between meals, belching, Tom
lling, flatulcnco, fits of nervous head
ache, pain in tho stomach, aro all
symptoms ot dyspepsia, ami the longer
It Is neglected Uio harder it Is to euro it.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Radically and permanently our it
atrcngthon and tono Uio stomach and
other dlgcstlvo organs for tho natural
performance ot their functions.
Accept no substitute for Hood's.
I "I had dyspepsia twenty-Ore ;nn and
took different medicines bat cot no help
until I began taking Hood's 8arssprlll.
Have taken four bottles ot this medlclns
and can now est almost anything, sleep
well, hare no cramps In nvr stomsch, no
burning and no dlstrrss.1 Mas. William
Q. JHaarrr, II Olaoy St., Providence, U. I.
Hood's Saronparttta promises to
ours and kooos tho promise-.
The lloyal Color.
Turplo lias always been considered
Uio royal color. The Ill-fated Chorion
I. was. however, nt his own desire,
crowned In a robe of white. Although
he was seriously reminded that of the
two exceptions to this rule. ltlchard II.
and Henry VI. who wore white satin
robea at their coronations; both had
come to a violent end. one at Pontc
fract castle and one In the Tower,
Charles I. was resolute In his do-tilon,
and, when, twenty-three year after
ward, almost to a day, his body was
conveyed to Its Brave through a heavy
snowstorm, the superstitious could not
help remarking that the third "white
king" had suffered a violent death.
Could Get No Rest.
Freeborn, Mtnn, Oct.. 17 (Special)
Mr. R. E. Goward, a well known man
hero, is reioicing in the relief from suf
fering he has obtained through using
Dodd's Kidney Pills. Ills experience
is well worth repeating as It should
point the road to health to many an
other in a timilar'comlltlon.
"I had an aggravating case ot Kid
ney Trouble," says Mr. Goward, "that
gave me no rest day or night but using
a few boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills put
new life in me and I feel like a new
"I am happy to state I have received
great and wonderful benefit from Dodd's
Kidney Pills. I would heartily recom
mend all sufferets from Kidney Trouble
to give Dodd's Kidney Pills a fair trial
as I have txety reason to believe it
would never be regretted."
Dodd's Kidney Pills make you feel
like a new man or woman because they
euro the kidneys. Cored kidneys mean
pure blood and pare blood means
bounding health and energy in every
part of the body.
Monkey Eaten In Flrnzll.
The savage tribes In the Interior of
Brazil are exceedingly fond of roast
monkey. Humboldt estimated that one
small tribe of IXX) Indians consumed
over 1,200 monkeys during a year. It
is said that u.itll recently monkey
meat was for sale In tho butcher shop.)
of Itlo Janeiro. Mr. Wallace, when In
the Amazon region, had a monkey cut
up and fried for breakfast. Tho flesh
somewhat resembled rabbit In flavor
and bad no unpleasant or peculiar
The so-called ennuis of Mara havo
been reproduced by M. A. llnumnnu,
of Zurich, In tho cracks and tlasiirca
ippenrlng In cylinders uud upbore sub
Jectvd to great pressure.
An export of tho Itureau of Plnnt
Industry reports that the Sal ton Unsln
In California la actually better adapt
ed for tho culturo of the date-palm
than are those parts of tho Kahnra
Desert, where tho best exported dates
aro produced. It Is bellovod that Uds
part of California could yield dates
enough to supply the entire United
States. There are also places In Nova-
Ida, Arizona, Now Mexico, and Toxns
where this characteristically Orleutal
fruit, dear to the memories of all read
era of the "Arabian Nights," could, it
Is said, be cultivated with success.
The clectro-sterllltator of M. Otto Is
an attempt to solve the problem of
ozonizing water at tho homo of tho
consumer. The apparatus Includes a
Itttlu box containing a transformer and
an ozonator, with a commutator for
reversing about one hundred times per
second If the current Is continuous.
Thu ozone generated pauses through a
filter of wadding to an emulsur, where
the wnter and ozone aro energetically
mixed before passing from Uio spigot.
Tho ozonator may bo connected to nn
ordinary lighting circuit, and the cur
rent required Is about the same as for
a sluiplo Incandescent tamp.
An Ingenious Englishman, Harrison
Mart Indole, has Invented a radium
clock, which, It Is computed, could run
30.000 years If unlntcrfered with. It
consists of a tube containing a small
quantity of rndlum, supported on a
quartz rod In an exhausted glass ves
sel. To tho lower end of the tube Is
nttached an electroscope, consisting of
two long strips of silver. The natural
action of tho radium sends an electric
charge Into the strips, causing them
to separate until they touch the sides
of the vessel, Whereupon they are lu
atantly discharged and fall together
again. This operation Is repeated au
tomatically every two minutes, so that
each beat of this singular timekeeper
may be said to be two minutes lour.
Professor Klrod, of the University
of Montana gives a striking description
of tho treasure that his Stat possesses
In sspphlrca. The only systematic
mining for these precious stones In
tho United States la done In Montana.
The annual output amounts to -l.W.OOO
or 600,000 carats. Including the stones
that are suitable for cutting as gems
and those that are only useful for me
chanical purposes. It Is said that the
lapidaries In Helena do finer work
than Is done on the stones that arc sent
to London to be cut. Perhaps some
body will suggest that Montana should
be called the "Ocm Htate," In view of
tho fact that her output of precious
stones exceeds the production In that
line of all the rest of the United States.
arms, Mnh Belli Twin and anothor
woman came to tako It, and a short
struggle ensued between them and tho
boy, and Mining Yuit sudduuly his
nouses hihI fell heavily to tho ground
Tho two womou mado a dnsh for tho
little one, but, lo nowhere was ho to
bo found; ho hnd disappeared com
pletely, leaving no trnco behind
Tiie unfortunate man was carried
home by somo kindly neighbors, hut
ho whs a long time In lowering his
senses. The child was a ghost, and tint
man had been carrying nothing but nn
nppnrltlon from tho other world. That
It appeared real enough, tho two wom
en aro ready to swear, since they not
only snw, but touched It. It was no
smoke or vapor, but seemed to he
flesh and bono. As soon as Mating
Vun wan welt enough to explain how
It happened, a hurried visit was made
to tho cemetery In the hope of, per
haps, seeing tho hoy In the znyat. Hut
they were disappointed; neither child
nor cradle wua there, nnd the grave
was exactly as It had been left on tho
burial day, not In tho least disturbed.
Loudon (llobe.
Wr in MJiiA.nnK,girj?Tr32iaci'iJut'
Its TrntlifulneM Vonched Far by Two
Women autl a Mmi,
The latent ghost story Is record d In
the Prlond of Ilurmah, and It Is at
tested by several eyewitnesses, who
saw the ghost, not during the night.
as Is ususlly the case, but In broad
daylight, it happened In the Monytn-
zu quarter of Pakokku a few days ago.
in that quarter of the town lived a
married couple; the husband's name
is Maung Yun and his wife May
Nealn. They had a little son 2 years
old, who, after a serious lllnetM, died.
The baby was burled In the cemetery
outside of the town, his cradle serv
ing as a colun.
fnt, A 111 AM ana aa afcal WW al.fti.,'1
t ttl . :...,?- 1 "" '"' "" u"W rjn.m
tocT yoT tgoi your remedy the loss of his little one, and, un
has done me in a case of Contagious Wood
Poison. Among other symptoms I was se
verely afflicted with Rheumatism, andnot
almost past going. The disease got a firm
hold uponmysystem; my blood was thor
oughly poisoned with the virus, I lost in
weight, was run down, bad sore throat,
eruptions, splotches and other evidences
of the disease. I waa truly in a bad shape
when I began the use of 8. 8. S., but the
persistent use of it brought me out of tny
trouble safe and sound, and I have the
courage to publicly testify to the virtues of
your great blood remedy, S. S. S., and to
recommend it to all blood-poison suffer
ers, sincerely believing if it is taken ac
cording to directions, and given a fair
trial, it will thoroughly eliminate every
particle of the virus. Tames CtraiiAH.
Stark. Hotel, Greensburg, Pa.
Fainful swellings in thegrolns, red erun
tlons upon the elcin, sores in tho mouth
and loss of hair and eyebrows, are some of
the symptoms of this vile disease. 8. S. S.
is an antidote for the awful virus that
attacks and destroys even the bones,
8. 8. 8. contains no Mercury, Potash or
other mineral ingredient. We offer $ i, coo
for proof that it is not absolutely veget
able, j ionic treat
ment book giving
the symptoms and
other interesting
and valuable infor
mation about this
disease, mailed
free. Our physi
cians advise free
those who write us.
Tbt Swift 8peoU3o Company, Atlanta, Qa,
able to repress bis grief, went to the
cemetery two days after the burial. It
waa about 8 o'clock In tho morning.
At the entrance of every ISurmeso
burial place there Is a zayat, or rest
house, wherein people gather and chat
and smoke and take shelter from the
sun or rain whenever they accompany
a funeral. On entering the graveyard
Maung Yun was not a little surprised
to aoe his son, or at least some one
looking exactly like his son, playing In
the zayat, near the cradle. He was at
first horror-struck, but paternal affec
tion getting the upper hand, he ap
proached the baby, and, to entice him,
gavo him one pice.
The boy took the coin readily and
offered not tho least resistance when
the father took hlrn In his arms and
narriod him away, Maung Yun could
make nothing out of It but that the
child had been buried alive and that
Homebody, attracted soon after by the
sounds coming from the gruvo, had
dug him out and placed him In th
zayat Full of Joy, he carried his
treasure home.
At tho entrance of tho town, and
about a call's distance from his house,
he mot a neighbor, Muh Keln I'wlu,
who, wondering at what ho saw,
screamed out; "Is that you, Ko Yun,
carrying homo your little aon?" Aa
soon aa the child beard the voice ho
began moving about iu hi father's
Nw Metalllo Prooeaa-i-it.
Tho Kngtueer gives publicity to a
new proccM of galvanizing, which has
now reached a commercial stage. It
Is known as ".Sheranllzlng." The point
of Interest about It Is that Iron and
steel can be coated with a thin, even
deposit of zinc at a temperaturo below
the melting olnt of zinc. Tho find
Htep In the process Is to free tho Iron
from scale and oxide by any of the
well known methods, such na dipping
In nn acid solution or sand blasting.
The nrtlclos (o be rendered rustless are
then placed In a closed Iron receptacle
charged with zinc dust, which Is limit
ed to a temperature of from MO to 000
degrees K. for a few hours and nl
lowed to cool. The drum Is then open
eu and the Iron articles removed.when
they are found to lie coated with a flnc
homogeneous covering of zinc, the
thickness depending on the tempera
ture and the length of time of treat
ment. It will be observed that the tempera
ture required to bring nbout this re
sult Is about 200 degrees below the
melting point of zinc. The low tern
perature required makes the process
cheap aa compared to the process of
dipping In molten zinc, and lias tho
additional advantage that It does not
deteriorate Iron or steel of small sec
tion to the same extent as hot gal
vanlztng. The whole of the sine Is
consumed; there Is tio wsste of zinc
as In the hot galvanizing process. This
new process of dry galvanizing Is not
limited to the coating of Iron with
zinc, bnt It has been successfully ap
plied to coating Iron with copper,
aluminium and antimony.
aa-a .. ; wvm-j-..' i!tii
PLT'FMa j&& tare &ml. jljft;
sy w .
ASl'Cclablc PrcpnrMlonTurAs
almllnllw iticFiXKlntutltciJiitn
ling the Stomachs nnd Dowels ol
Promotes Digcsllon.Cltfcrful
ncasnminost.ContalnsncllkT Opium. Morphine nor rlincxal.
Not "Naiic otic.
UyJii JW-XrX-v-x
Iiy nnr.
Aperfecl Hetncily forfonslirw
lion, Sour Stotivch,l)lnrr1iH'fl
IK-3S flihl I.OHH Ot Sl-EI'I".
Facsimile Signature of
tXACr copy or wha wen.
Forlnfuntn nnd Ohlltlron.
MMssMsswisMssasssssM i s .s) sis saa ssssssssssssji mmmmam
The Kind You Havo
Always Bought
Boars tho
fj tu
For Over
Thirty Years
TM MMMMf. Ufa otn.
0kmI Juke t Churuli Fair, A Hon rtiiwui-nttou.
"Hsd a great time at the church fal' I "I'sps," tail luiU Arthur, after his
last lllghtl" .Hitlier liail tuiliWirl bliu, "will Juu tl'j,
'Hn vii w. .iniM-v timetlilng for tnsi"
.V?7 . . dolBB "U'hst I. It ,u wsntl"
They had some strawberry short- .-M,rr, .i,1hhIj el.e. snd I'd wlih,
cake, and I nearly laughed myself tolTnM tiek out grsmlms, l-csuie she'
desth thinking how I fooled 'em. I alwsr kind to iu." C'lursfu lltronl
didn't eat It." I lUrsM. m
WanlcU an Owl fur Ho up.
They are comparing note and tell
ing amusing Incidents of recent trips
abroad when a charming daughter of
the Kracrald Isle, who was sitting
dreamily In the corner, apparently tak
Ing no Interest In the conversation,
suddenly chirped In with the follow
ing: "All of whlrh reminds me of an
Incident which happened while I lived
In Cork. There poulterers' stores are
scarce because of the proximity of tin
country , but a coal heater of my nc
(ualntanee, owing to tho lllncs of hi
wife, wns anxious to secure a fowl In
a hurry; so he strolled along Patrick
street In a forlorn hope of some sort
of success, and when he came to a
taxidermist's whose window displayed
sn owl under a glass ease, why, poor
I'addy thought that here was the end
of his quest, so he entered nnd In
quired; "'How much for the flat-faced bin
In the windy V
" That's no hen,' the surprised shop
man answered; 'that's an owl.'
"'Ycn-ali,1 whispered Pat; 'suure, I
don't care bow ould she Is, 'tU for
soup I wants herl' "
Quaint Htorjr or Victor lingo.
In the diary of Sir Montstuart Orunt
Duff the following story Is told re
garding Victor Hugo: An ardent ad
mlrer once said to Hugo:
"The nation has never treated you
quite properly; no street has been
called after you; there ought to be n
Hue Victor Hugo"
"That will come, my children; that
will come," aald the master.
Then another disciple took up tho
running and said:
"A street! That Indeed would bs
nothing; a wholo quarter of the city
should be called after you."
"Thut will come, my children; that
will come," aald the master. There
upon a third disciple Joined In:
"Paris should cease to ho Paris, and
be renamed CUy of Victor Hugo."
"That will come, my children; thnt
will come," salC Hugo, serenely,
St. Jacobs Oil
The old monk cure, strone, straight, sure, Isoldes
Hurts, Sprains, Bruises
The musoles flex, the kinks unlwljt,
the soreness dies oul. Price 26c. and Oe.
P" ' fjijL
By Our Method
V rnrMMt hi rtif Irmii nn In 1
lrtti at i-n UttlH. -iiiM ii,t .-..
luulr wIiImiui tti wr '! 'lr rflrl
I i.l III ili-llfi linllti bate Iw
(ear utir wrllKxl nl rslrailtns It m
lively tl awl alxnlutrly lolnlr a
A,. alaaLtllllaMa la ...I, U...II..
Meiliieruwn anil tuliSs nik wllhMH
I-aill iur ii J'mir ri lllir ill
ork naM-a Hi In fit junr tnmitli ,
iy ion mil I- me rhrairai in II
We hate Irelllis- M well aa )uu
u atriilug- till t tMinit-ri tluio
WISE BROS.. Dentists, MMIF"'" 'WSttsttiSsa-
4. ,. , . . r,,,..
MidnlKlit Hun.
"I mighty glad," said the old colored
Inhabitant, "dat do worl only turns
roun' once In a day. Knzo cfever till
turned In de nlghtUmo lilt would or
kotched mo nt many a henrooa'." At
Junta Constitution,
Tho average woman of any ezperl
enco knows men no well that no male
can deceive hor, unless It lu her son,
from five on up.
Write for Qtalogi
and Prices
The A. H. Averill Machinery Co., "'S
ilncf curled by local rroeaii. wtlu Wuihami av.. ..h. um ..,... , ..........
..--. . . wh niu .vitH "Hill vnww
-- rr-.
ir ! i ', ) ill L - flUWsl
s auMMaMrasasss4atMMsttMHaHnHyHH