The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 28, 1904, Image 5

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Local bits
Wall pn pur ill tlite Met rill Drug Co.
l'or tliv liimotui Westum cocktail
o to The rjlllcu.
Three pounds of rnUiu for 50c
fit the City lSukety.
Mixed drinks ti Miwcinlly nt The
pffiiomiloon. II. O'Kitne proprietor.
Three lidlf-pouutl tHU-kngea of
count nut for 30cm the City llHkury.
I'.vi) tmnjc tn llie wnll mjer
line nt ieaouiil)le price. Merrill
wtii; Co.
The lftt liijti
UK.ui in Crook
pfluc talooo.
gf whiikhM iii(l
county nt Tint
Swictniy R. K. Oticr!i, fifth I).
I, U P. Co. airiyrd fiotu Portland
ln-,1 Tii"dnyl
!)r C Men ill has thimvouk
Jti.itid lit diuxytnre building to a
new of drub wint.
We lire in the wall prtjier IiiihI
Ichh and won't 1m itm!pr.o!d by
unjoin Men ill Urtig Co.
J 1' TdKKurt has tnkeu the stage
drue between Rowland (Rogue's)
md Silver l.ake hikI will huiif
After make hit, headquarter nt
IVter W. Chriitiiinnou, ol Allien.
Minn 1 linn decided to out hU lot
with the I lend country mid has
taken html in the 1). I. & !. Co.'s
tetf reflation.
H C. Caldwell, the pluitilwr, left
)Mtidny tor Albany, vhei he
lia-. home eontrnct work to flnitih
Ixlote trntMfmHK Id' intercuts
wholly to Iknd.
I.cwU McCallinter and Go,e II.
lVrktim. of Sitters, were Iknd
visitor Tueadav. Mr. Perkins
ha taken a homestead in the north'
pastern part of ifi-io.
I'uMtnaatcr Omni this week in
Malted 36 more lock boxc at the
xitnice, waking 64 in nit And
the in'W one Mre nearly taken ai
re, id v Tim growth of txwtftl buni-
neiH at llend U fully keeping pnee
4 udh i-'her developments here.
Now Check O'K .tie ..dead. The
little- fellow was much bra-cged up
nu by bw muster nnd ws toon to
, have hw varied accoiiiplWhmct'ils
exhibited to allow lib Mlriorily
ocr bin In others, but he woke up
dead It Monday morning. No
caiisc U known.
The work of binding holes for
new 'reeled pine telephone jkjUm for
the hrcal exchange is in progress
' this week. A heavy blatt at the
MuUiK comer yesterday wrecked
- the new sidewalk mid heaved rocks
about in reckles. fashion but didn't
c v en 1 rack a window.
lTule John Sisetnorc hns con-
f t luded to board at the Farewell
Iiud hotel, which wan recently his,
until spring, when he will ko over
Mo Jaiksou county and straighten
up his nfTaira there. Then he Is
kliLi.-lv to return to the Deshutes
country, though he has made no
di-huite plana looking so far ahead.
(hr in the new district two
mIiodIh were .started this week
one at I.aidhuv, UtiRht by Miss
(ir.uo Cook, and one at the High-
flower St Smith unwind, taught by
Miss Relic Cook. There are sev (htldren at ench place nud they
nreoo far apart to combine. I'rf.
itc buildings arc used nud the
iiachersviirc paid from prlvntu
I Hull Creek I'Int now comes up
jt pr rrORtiition as a producer J.
11 jMlw.inls, wno enters to tne
lit nd market most of the summer,
brings in a red wethcrsfluld onion
that weighs n pound nud a yellow
drivers onion nonrly twice as big.
These nrc not marvelous for this
country but they arc olTered to
refute the notion th it "they ain't
raise nothin' out there."
Pr II. J Whitney, John Dyers
itud W, II. Granger, of Davenport,
Wash, were In Ileud last week
JtjokiuK for investments in ii rented
lauds. They found the reclaimed
laud of the Deschutes could be (lis
posed of only in ifio-ncrc tracts nnd
that the requirement of$i nyenr for
water service, whether yaicr. is
tisid or not, would compel owners
to make use of their laud nud not
lfold it for speculation. "Its n
fine thing for tho country" they
admitted "but there is . nothing in
that to iudtico .us to buy nnd idly
Ijold for it rifip.'''
'I ho News of Tiinmlo,
Tim Titinnln whiml niiiini hint .Mini
day nun iiinx, i;i'IiiImi 'i. Tlicio Here
live hiiIIh iiiihIIimI, iiaiiicly, Vina SI hi.
kuy, IVail llluliiouoi, A Hi i' U'liiinr,
l.iiiMtii'i Hmiili, hihI Wllnioii Hmlili.
SIIim lli'llt CiHik tif bililUw In (iiiiil(),vcil
mm fl'Hcllcr.
Mr. Hinllh.oftli.. lllKl.lnwm-Afliiillli
rnnipHiiy, with IiIh wlfo, niHiliiH Irld In
I'llimvlllii lwnt TuwUy, luturiiliiK on
Mr. hihI Mrn, linker, ft out .Iowphiii
(iiiiiitv, Mil' vIaIIIiik Hi tlitt Wluifrliuiliu.
Mr. Wiiuor U Shu. lUkur'm father.
'I lie Newn of l.ahllaw.
A lump tvn Kl'iry lioli'l IiiiIIiIIiik U he
lux trw'iil I iv V, W. Umik. It will In)
reililv fur ll-hj Ihe Hint of Om-eilllwr
at whkih lliiiH Mr, my.' (hiiiIIv fnuii
Wtwliltmlnn will mint! hihI tnkii liiii(e,
II. II IUtyliy Imn k iIhiUmIImI Imiiim
mimI hsrn 1 mi t nit liin farm two him I utie
half 1 11 1 leu wint of low H. lie In now mi
lilxHtiylo tfluoilko to Ih-Iiih imt hln
Itfldltiw imlille kImhiI ohiiiiI with n
Ifixnl MlU'iiilmn'i' lunt Moii'luy, with Minx
(IttMHtt'ook H lH('lll'l,
it. I KIiiiiiIOIIn Iinn iilvill lip tliejllVH
of rM 1 1 1 J flfii ftl lil'ivwl illtwi 1 1 in new
IhiIUIIiik on IiIh plnr two lnin won III of
.1. ('. 'j'lillar will ihjii Iikvii a rKiniy
llvory ntahli innii)nlMl,
Ml. O'lell UpllltlHK lip V eoUnneoti
hi town tot mihI will llvn'in town IhU
w inter.
kVivli'KH arhiilil over Hnixlny alter
noon at It ii'rlnrk by Iter, . I. ('. (leoriie
at t'ookU t'mnp. All ate Invited In
at leu I.
Hurt Sillier I uo inuvil into hU new
rwHeiKi on IiIh plant on mile mhiiIi of
tow n.
The firnt effort to dispone of
Hiwitge scientifieolly in Ileud is rep
resented by the sceptic tank this
week installed for the joint use of
theGueriu and Lawrence dwellings
and the GiMKlwillie buugalo. This
is said to lie a chvap and effective
manner of dtsosiug of Mwage and
if it comes up to the claims of the
medical ha!M who advocate it the
sewerage problem for Iteud is al
ready solved.
J' Okiujox, Oct 24
llditor Iltillctiu: Will you kindly
inform the eoplc, through vour
tKicr, that I will be in Iknd,
Nov. Qth prepared to do all kinds ol
dental work. I can only stay a few
days nud thoc wishing work done
please call promptly.
llAKOt.l) O.AUK. D. D. S.
lwiiiinrnt f Thr lntrttof,
p. H. Una Ottrr. Tlw IIHm, Otfttm
A alfitanl ttHilett tllWtvH having tn flint
In INl(tMhy
Jnmr It OrM,
af Ha. Oirtfm. vlftBl, ilHt II V No
IJItf nimlr lw l. Iv.1 tor Ihr U . , tp in
. liir.K Hi . hy Hi-MryC llolmmli
iMwhkb HlolUicnt tlutlhr kmI ortU'if h
wholly Imm4i1 Ihf ,hM l'rt Itui l h
ctMHinl nl trl4ftt IhrfrflnM for iflfttr than
O wuHlhtUM pH nd th( hr hHt rlll-U
HaM,n4iillrlllhr um I,. I rt-juitf t l.y
Uw, ml Owl Mrh llf Kl atornc M H I'l' a
ttrttr In OKimt. My of 1 im c.i f Ihr
I' Mil Ml NtM UM MiHr ! lrfc by ii..lihnt to
ttirt I wiiu nil awl oflrr ,'t,n to.Khmc
M tlilo4 at i o'rlork a m l)c '
WlUr J M Mwirarr. I' I (-.MainlMonrr al h4
uArr al llrt iltr..ii, aat ibal hal i i aC
will b" Nrl.l al lu ailirl a m on Htc 11 i-i
htttm th VcKlalvr ao4 atni.rr at thr I s
IjuhI DHkt in TIk ttallra. lfiMi
Ttw Mlt KOMirataul havltn IN a ytvrr afl.
datl. atrd (MS i. i4. atl lUtlt la1 whl.t.
tat. h anr4M iti;inv i-rMl ff" uf
IhU HotM-r M nui b Mtdr. U l htrrhy ! r. .1
aHU dHrrtfJ that hh HwMc tar gltHtyUM
awl iho' tflipllcittttut
or nji HICIHIil. T. 't..X. KraMrr
TlHibrf Im.1. Art Juur j, it;.
if, H. t.awl tflic, Thr iMll-a. Orrnon,
UHubrr . Ivh
Notlar It hrtiby (IrrH that m cumpliaucr with
Ibr v.ini uf Ihr Act ' tvnarr of June i,
ia?a rutJtM. An Ml for lb. .lr urtlmhri UlxU
tM th Sr4(rillfbrnl, Orri. NtvaUa.aiut
WathlMtUm Trttliwy," at rilrndrd to alt thr
mUlM) lilll Hatra by Art of Auguat 4. Ihyt.
Chatlr It INHU,
of Thr lUllfi.WHIMly ufWwo .Wlr f fco.
h,o fyoirmlT . i'. Slwl in lll otSrrbU
awufn latfmrNt N' IJV for thr Mirchai ol lltr
r 10 e it W
AihI will offer m.xif to hw that Ihr Uml
WMilil to HUHr valHNbtr Jut ii.llintirr or Hour
IhHH ftf ayiknUiiral miaMr, i4 lu rotahluh
bU rial in Iuh0l Uml ItrfiMr Ihr Heiitalrr and
arorlvrr uriliiiofflrr at Thr iMlkt. Oiriou. imi
tlr 41 1, day uf January, liy
lie immim nilHra,HMHI JohniON. I'rl
titV, A .'WW, lUvitl tiMTi and Nathan C
lliil.t... artlir IhillM, OrrtMi.
Any mut all . lieraulu oIhIhiIiik Jrrrly tht
alwvriltllr.lUiH urrrroiH-rtnl ta lllc llirlr
ctali'it in Oil" oTicr 011 urlnfuit the Mlit thilay
or January, ii.
oil4tja MtCIIAm, T. NOr.VK.KeKltlrr.
Tlinbrr I.aml, Art Juur i, ltj.
II. S. I.ana 0 filer, Thr Dallrt, Otrcmi.
Octobrr 6, l
Notice It lirtrliy Klvcu that In cowkllacr with
Ihr mnvtaiuuauf the Act uf CMigreM uf June a,
l!, ttitllbKl, " An cl Cat the wle ufllmtxr U11J
In Ihr atatrauf CnllTiKiiU, Drogon, Ntvaila. ami
WanliliiKtoil 'rmllury," u rxtriitird to all the
putlc I nmt ttatr liy Act uf Augii.t 4, to,
Clintln. K I.civli,
ursralttc, county of KIiik, atate of Watliliiittou.
hnaoii h.lil 16. iulU. flU.I III lhl dfAcc Ilia
awurn tnUuiriil Nu, llij, fur the miclime of
iiicw) arc4, i o a r ij.. w. 111.
Ami will nirrr proof in altmv that thr land
oujjlit la more vfUmlilc for tla limlior or atuiir
than for nilcuUurat iiirtoa, nml to rataltlUh
hi claim lu aalil Unit lufurr Ihr Kriilttrr a nil
Kccclvoriiflltl iilfiar nt The lullea, Oickoii,
011 the slli ly of Jummry, tvj,
llruaiim n witiintt, Joint II KnwUnil.
(euruc ford. Jullu Bliiurr, nud Itrnrit II Mor
ton, all of Hrnlltr, Wiuiiiuiihtiiii, K J. Oorman,
mid I). Union, of Til) lutloa, l)r-oii.
Any nud all tirraoui claliitlne nilvoraaly the
aUute-dtcrlli(illiidaatcrriiiaroil to file llirlr
oUlnm lu tills utile ol or before the, (aid Jtli
day of laiumry, iw
OiSsljo MICtlAItr. T. NOLAN, Kcflntcr,
Wu ciin siijiply you with Ciitnlpa
cooking molnsHui a 50c 11 gallon, 11 1
the City Dnkory.
If you tire going o pajxir your
house, coiiMttll us. Wu can save you
money. Merrill Drug Company
Tlmlwr Land, Act June J, i7,
V S I.aiHt Otlhx, Thr Dallr, Uirnon,
October f, l'4.
Niitloc I lirreljy kImii lhal In oimiilliin with
lb lvtlofi lirth Arl 01 (.imitrrM of Junr 1
l7, riitltlnt, "An act for Ihr aalrol tliwbrrlanJ.
In thr latranrCalllnriiM
norma. ()r
H'a(ilnlin TrtilUH,y," rjlrud.-l In alt thr
tMIC lnt atalra by Art of AMRiiot 4.
MalhaH C liibb,
ol The llalln. nullity of W'aaro. alalr of '
baa oh Norrmlnr 4 ifn, fllrl In Ihla uhlir lilt
atorn alalrmriil No. I47, for Ihr iufcha' of lh
Mlf, r(vK hd IM 4, 'I' M r lu r
And will ofTrr roof to ahow lhal the
Unt ought la mvrr valuaMr lor It timber or
tnr than. for agticullural nittMra aiidtora
tabtMl M clalrt, to mM land brfar th- Hrglatrr
and Hrrrlrei of Ihla olftrr alThr Dall.a, iiff,..ii,
mi thr id day of January, iyo)
llr iiftH4a a wltn-ra, Lharlra II HtU. iMyld
Hotrla.W , llil.l, and I'irdrick A Iklla, all
of Thr DalWa, Orrgon
Any and all mimm, rtalmlNg adrrrvly thr
abotr)(to(,t llt.l4 air iruurated lo hlr llirll
ctalHMlM tbtaoMoroH or blot thr aald luduay
of Janiiaiy, !'(
4-t MlCIIWtl. T NOI.AN. Kegtater.
Timber Law), Act June j, i7
U. a. tBit OSkT. Thr Dallra. Oirgon,
( 6, !
Motb-r la lirfrby titrrH thai In conililianrr with
Ihr Hr4HtMhr Act of Congiraa of Junr 1.
i7t. rulltlrd, "An art for thr aal'iif llmlT Uiida
In Ihr ttilranl CallftMMla, oirgon, Nrvaita and
WaahlHglou TmlliHy, ' aa rtlcndrd to all thr
while land alatr by Act of Auguat. 4, lvl.
Ihnrbl Motlia,
of The llallra, cownty. of Waacq atalr of Orrgon.
baa ntl .Vvmlr 4, ivf , Htd In Ihla offlrr hla
ffiHH MatrmrMI Jlo, I4i. 'or thr outehaac of
thr . nrn'wlt iiu IM 1 arc jo,lia,
I lor, v in
And will orTtr ;i.f lo iho that thr land
ought la wwr valuator for II tlinbrr or Ume
than for agitrullHial ir, and lo ralaldlah
hlacUlMtu aald la lid Iwf'xr th KrKl.trr and
KcoHtrr of Ihla other al Thr iMIIra, ijtrguu. 00
thr 4tH day of January, )
llr namra aa tlneaea. I'mlrtck A Helta,
Charlra II HHIa. Nathan C llutd and Wltlla M
lloMM.allofThr iMtlra Ofrgem
Any and all prfaona claiming adrrraely the
abmr-atrarrlbrd landaair iroM4rd l file Ihrlr
rlaima tn thla olfWr on or trior c Ihr uk! lh
day f Janiury. 104
iAd MtCIIAItl.T NOI.AN, Regtrtrr
Minnesota Livery & Feed
IIoni) Stkkkt, between Min.vksota and Okkgon
Near TIIU (ll'l'ICIi Saloon
Uayt Feed and Grain For Sale
Pme Tree Store e. a. sather, prop.
Wall St. near Minnesota
Boots and Shoes - - Gents' Furnishing Goods
DRY GOODS nnd a General I.tne of GROCKRIKS
Kcmcmbcr to Call on Us
((you need Clotltlnjr It will be to your
nUvantaj;e to buy ttieni of
A. C. LUCAS, Proprietor
Tflblus sttptdied with nil the delicacies of the senson
m a. aiai 1.1 in. -mi 1 m pmpaiai ianw mil ni 11 all awa taaaaaai a
I? Ktjuipmoiit . Fine Rooms and Ilcds
Only Livery Hnrn on the Deschutes, run in connection
with the hotel. All stages stop nt the hotel door
The Office Saloon
Choicest brands of
Imports nnti Domestic
Best bar service iii Crook
C 0 U N T Y
mmmmmm0mmmw&MmmMmammmammmf am hm
The Deschnles Telepb-one J
'I'ilcirraitiaforwiirifuil to
any part of the World, 3
Direct Telephone
and nil Pacific Const cities
Public PAY Station
Bend - Oregon
Acres of Land
I' Kim to those who will pay
from $5 to 515 per acre for
Perpetual Water-right
I.nntls located in the Das
chutes Valley, Crook county,
Oregon, Water now on land.
Send for descriptive pamphlet
251 Alder St., Portland, Orcp.
nt The Pine Tree Store
Prmevillo, Oregon
tlUQII O'KANB. Prop.
Host brands of Straight
Whiskies on the Aturket....
IIONI) ami I.1I.I.AKI)
iMrouTin wuiSKiits
Tlmbor f4HKt,AUHtir j.ttrt.
U. H. J.and Otfttr, Thr Oath, Oign,
Xy . "M.
N oiler la hrrrbr glrrn tltt4 romptlotaor with
Mir iorlaliHW Of Ihr Act Al Cflxgrraa of Junr
171. rntiiled, 'An act for Mar lc of Umber laatda
in ihr alulra of Calfforma, nrrfon, rada. a ltd
Waahlugt Trrrttory," a atixlal to all tfre
outilb laiad Malra by Ac of Aogaat 4. Mof, ihr
lollowln mmrd tarroonahave fKed in thla vmim
rhrir awcirit atatrntrnia, to-wlt.
Htflirri Wrbb,
f Thr Tlallrf , roomy of Waavw, atgla f OrH8(
worn aiairwir ni no na, mm ore wmrr jaj,
ma. Mrd I
J, fr Wi- ponhaae of Ihr nnH of
i 7. Ip l)
a, r me, ar m
NHtlr V. rarimr, .
of 'rfce rmtlra, i.,umy of Wax. aa( jf Orrgrmi
wetn a4alrmrnl No. 1917. fltrrl Jaalr i, aval,
l-f ihr purtht.-vf thr awtf tA(,-wt(ar M
M of arc i, Ip 16 a. r loi,w .'
Thai thry will '.lrr oroof toa(aw fcrt tbrmmi
..iitii la mi.f v-i.nlj for it ItijlUr or Maie
than for agrtnilii ral pur raea), ajkd l rataMlth
lax-tr lalma u, m) Und brmtr Mm RejrMcr tMwt
Mrrrlvt, at Thr IMIIra. Orrg, cm B(iaH(
jt ir-4
Thry name aa wltHcaoaa- Orotte Watata, )Va
atr Am,1 Alter Wrhb, Hff Webk, MMbart
0 iminM William n Vtm tad I log rfMfr,
of The ti It'-a, rrgon.
Any and a'l petaoaK rlahnlac adMtfety Uk
al.TrVwTitd landr an rmoraied lo 6c Ihdf
Ha. ma in ihla offleir on or briber the mM Mat Kf
of Xoveaober, ih.
MtCMAXL T. NOr.AK. Mg4llfr-
CKHSK. In tlir canntjr court of I'M fltotc orOravM tW
Vltftk xiunl)r
Ih tk matirr of the apfitlotlcHi of Ift
A Miaiiouraa k Co for a mail UajtariMteH
t B'li.l Crook cuaintjr, Kan of tsaM:
Tathr Honor a Mr CotiMy CHirt
W thr Ufutfratajfacri. IcRal 4tt er TtemJ
i.tavlun Crw.L couiitr. "'0f rtavtfoHv
prlltiuii ihr llonnabr Count). Cantrt'af CraMK
aunly Watr or Orrgoaj, lu grant a Ucraac la
I'trdA rbauqiaa4 Ik Co torttfMttifm,Bfak or
n.oiia liquoia or (crmrtilecl ttdrr, ! utaan.
nt ra than ottr cation, lu tkr pfaelact r hfmA,
Cotinljr vl Cruok, tCatc rtOrtfrm. lr Ihrlefm el
Iwrlrt muni ha.
I r. w.Im
V ICtorVkU.
'. C Miwmion A. L
. II ('.rant J I. MaUfattan
- M Tripktt WawrH
H I Mruck dm. Jt. Msfer
'I I-otntlrxMr K r VtiJr ,
K H Mnltlc A JWe . .
C Utacaa I tlTaHhU l
" A iittmH J A aaatti
Kalph hafi AttfaMt Lrwkfl
v M tyj ChM-AMal
M H Marfttld K.C.'HHkri
H llniaoa "Vft ft. CaXtakM
. A llawaoa CbM. Krofk
I'rauL iftTUtl 1. O. aW
John Kluarlta Ttaaw. iler
' W X'r-lMw H. r. ptSh
W J MtU M C. Uawr
V Aunr AaUoa Ar
Jaa OarrWfl V. II. Oavla
I si iina( WW. MbtHc
II A Hill Jokta HUtt
S W Wartr Jatawa Utttetef,
JaifiMrarlrr I A. hajajr
I C Yanorll St V. C4c
K II Wot W. A.Varihn
a Orbtnc W H.Cfie
I I HfoamhoaH Vaa.OliplrH
I W Noble J K.rtrk
1 J llaitMNi lyC.V. Stewart
V Uakrr . It. Itrlfrtafc
1 H llrlfnch Mufatwk Xlnkenflr
I rank Hhrranan II. A. U'ltarr
1 W I'attmoti J LTtedatt
I. lluoler II. I'. ItatBtrr
.) It lUnur IMtbrrt llagan
I I ll.adam Orltrnt I.Iw
) T llumr W ll.ltnatUor
Marion Cartt-r llttary Stortr
rnrodorc Avne Otorcr Aubc
I I tobnaon O. V," Orrterr
tut lint Hufh O'Kanc
Matter la brrctnr (tru that thr abort rxlltloa
Mill I w rarnlrJ to Ihr llonorabtc Caunty Court
of Ihr aiatc of Urrien fcrr Croak eettnty at the
t rrtcvUr trrm llitrrof. to-wlt, on Ihr Jd day
INanmtirr, 1994. or at oom thrrtavflir aa thr
.k! Cuurt ran bear thr una, ami win then and
'irrr jk that Mich iirtttien I craatrtlnada
H.riiK br taatirtl to the MM Hrr! A. Mbetwurtt ft
mi, to xt rrtriluoj. matt and Ttnoaa llqoora
and fcrmcntnl iHrrln tra qiuntltlra than not
k .Hon al Ihr prmnrt of Hrrnl in Crook county,
irrgon f.r a trim uf tutW.-irnnUiv
lVilcd thia I.Hl day ol (xplrmtxr, vyn.
If you want the
very beat values
for your mpney
Merrill Drug Co'py
t"f Ja.f 111 illaaLaCb&l'j aaadtftaaVAM'aRb
B Come In take a look at a
IA beautiful display of
rlaBtKtlrkOn the counter you -will
c Htt also flrul catsni( ''us
1 h ff$WmbS thousands
J w!i Poetical