The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 28, 1904, Image 3

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lie In-
Chinese Spend VI. W, Japanese lrr Moulli.
Hrtlitin Tliu cost of living of Chinese
utu) JapaneHo laborers form it part of
tliu tiluniiinl ruport of Labor Commit
sinner O. 1'. 1 1 off nnil It In shown (lint
tho expeiino of tliu former In f7.ll) per
mouth nml of tho luttur 111.61) pur
month, 'llio inforiimtloii wan derived
from numerous rnlhtlilu sources mill
tho figure given nru tin average of tho
eallmntcn received.
Tliouxli tliu total dlflcruiico In tliu
ront of living Ih not great between tliu
two nallonulltlin, there In n great differ,
nine In tliu piopoitlon of tliu muimy
xmiiiIhI for American goods, A com
put If mi In tlnn Hindus
Of thu total cost of living for Japan
, 86 per tint In for food nml of thin
K7 ii i-iuil In Alni'ilnui product and 13
put rent foreign. Tho uxpcnntt for
I'lotluM In 16 ix-r it'll t of tlm totiil, nml
nil of thin In for American goodn.
Of thu total oo-t of living (or Ohl
iithtt, HI pur cent in fir final, nml of thin
lift per emit I for Ami'ilum goods ami
7ft xir rent for foreign. Tim expense
of clotlmn in III pi'r ivnt of tliu total,
Mini all of thin In for Amurliuin goodn.
Growth or Attendance fiuhc.n a
Chumje Necessary.
CoivallU An almost complete renr
ganiiatlmi of thn cadet Imitation, nml
itn ovoliillon Into a regiment. In a con-
neqt cm of tho largely Increased at
tiulaiini of ntuduiila at ill" Oreuoti Ag
ricultural college. Instead of nlmul
VflO men, tho rankn are now swollen
with about 3HU, ami Instead of thu bnt
tallon of two small companies In vogue
a few yeais aio, tho regiment will now
comprise four full companies of Infnn
try, a detachment of artillery, a signal
oorpn ami thn regimental baud.
The Infantry companies each com
prlxi 01 mm, or two morn than In tbr
iFKiilar United Btates service Mountn
arn provided fur tlm cavaliy dntnc.i
menl, comprlnliiK 34 men in addition
to officers. Two field pleon with ss
rdgnionnta of horses and 111 men and
officers constitute tho equipment and
fwrioiiiml of the artillery detachment.
Tliu slRiial rorjva huiiiImtb in men and
dtllrt-rn ovur .10, anil thn icglmeiitnl
laud, under command of a lieutenant
rolonul, thu officers boliiR newly elected
under thn ardor providing for tin? or
gauliatloii, and Issued hy Lieutenant
Athena Wheat Crop Shipped.
Athena llutlltlluiif Athena's lin
msuse crop of wheat rntunlun In the
warsliwws, with thu excepllun of that
purt'uniinl and stored huru by the mill.
An tliu Rinntur part wan void early In
tho season aud shlpMd befoio earn be
eumu srarcit, there remains but a nmall
part f thu urop to Im nhlppiil. The
rierlolfl'nrtou illlllllK eoinpaliy pur
vhnrol nbout 150,1100 htinliuln at
Ailnmn, Kantliiinl and Atliena, and have
thulr warehouellllul ti tlmir rapac
ity. The elevator rould not lw until
tllln m'onon owIiik to ItH uiilliilnhiil citi
ditlon ami laek of maehliiery. A noon
an powei nan l ii'ilnlniil a part of the
Itlun will bo tilled for Imiuwliuta im,
(iond (load to tlluc Itlvcr.
KiiKunc W. T. Caiioll, who ban
betn In ilinrRO of tho lmproeuient
work on thn n'ad leadline to llluu river,
ban completed bin work and ruturiinl
to Kiikvihs A foreo of men und teomn
ban tximt employed for two moiithn ami
a laruu amount of ool road aloiiK tbe
MoKetixlu river In tbe renult. Team.
Hturn bauilnR over thu road report that
i... un.t Ihim liffii iliinii In n mont nnt
l.furinrv manlier, and that It In now
an uxeollent mountain read. Tlm cost
to tho county nnd people contributing
la nearly f 0.00CU
Goats Tuhc Pair Prlica.
Monmouth lllddull Ilron., who aro
breuilliiit puro brd Annora jjontn, took
miiiik of tbulr ntock to Bt. I.oulnand on
teretl them In thu content for premiumn,
They woru nwatdord one llmt nweop
ntnko on doc kid and fourth on buck
kid. They bavu for yearn been lin
iiiovIhb tbulr ntock by addition of only
liuiii breudH until tbuy bavo a model
Spur for Loaolno Company.
Albany A now niuu of tbo Corvnllia
A Kaatorn railroad laboinK ronntiiietwl
nbovo Dotioit. It will run from n lit'
tlu nbovo Dotrolt nlinont to thu llrulten
buHb liver nnd will b onu mllo In
leiiKtb. H will run through ppleiidld
tlmbur nnd Is bolnji conntructiMl for tbo
bunoflt of tho OurtlH LnmberliiR . coin
puny, which will establish IorrIiik
camps aloiiK Its extent and securo logs
for 1U mills at Mill City.
UrlllMi Consular Officers to
formed of Subject's Dcutli.
Halmii Uovurnor Cihainburhilii bun
received from thu nociotaiy of ftlntu of
tliu Unllotl Httti-s a copy of a treaty lw
tweuu tlm Unltml Htnten ami (Ireat
llritalu, w heroin It Is iiRreed that In
cnu of tliu death ol a subject of onu
country whllu renldliiR in tho other,
ami leavliiR no huirn or testamentary
executors In thn country wheruhuilled,
It nhull bo the duty ol tho local autnor
ltlen to Inform thu nearent consular
olllcer of tho nation to which tho tin
conrod pointin buloiiRinl of tliu clrciim
ntancen, In onloi that tbo necoewiry In
fiirmntion may Ik) Immodlatuiy toi
wniilitl to purnonn liitmehtcd.
Actlnu Kecietary of Htulo fxiomln
htiyn that thu llrltluli nmlmndor com
plalun that thu Itx'iil autliorllies nave
fiiited to carry out tho provinlonn of
thin treaty ami that It ban Homutlinen
biieu louml liiiiKlliln to obtain reportn
from ndmlulntintorn in reRnid to thu
dlMrlbiitlou of thu Internlutu estates.
Thu d.ity of rIvIiir thu mitten npeclfled,
falls, lu thin ntiitu, upon county Jiiurcb,
who bavu ilmryu of probate mattetn.
rcco siiccp.
Iltioo Dros. Decline to Sell Any of
Their Holdings.
I'eiidletnn Hiikr Uron aro prepar
Iiir to feeil their 11,000 flu-op throtiRli
thu winter. Five thousand will be fed
on their farm east of this placo for
nprlnx mutton ami will bo sheared lust
befoio turuluK on thu market. The re
maliiiiiR -1,000 will be raiiRt-d on their
farm east of Pilot Hock and will be
hetil over thn next reason for wool.
Thu Kiirr hrothein havo nearly 13,
000 ncrea of land In thu mountains on
thu head of tbodiand Itonde river In
Union county for summer miijru and
8,000 acres between Ilircli creek and
Hotter creek, wheto they i'ii1 during
tho winter. Snow scarcly ever lies on
the ground at tho latter ranch, and lit
tin hay needs bo fed duriiiR tbe winter
Mr Kiitri says they bavn no sheep to
sell this fall, althoiiRh they would bavn
no trouble In disposing of them should
they no drslrn. Old ewen aro -lllli(r
from 1 upward and young ewea an
IiIrIi as f 5.7ft a bead, with a market
lor evory sheep. They will keep their
sheep until iprlng.
Cordwood Must Plnd New Market.
OieRon City Tho OreRon City man
ufactiirlitR compaiiy has compleetd tbr
Installation of otMiurnliiR tnachlneiy
at its woolen mills in this city and will
umi thin morn satisfactory and econom
ical fuel In tho operation of its large
mills in this city. Tho substitution by
iHith of thu paKr mills and the woolen
mill of crude letroloiun for wood as
fuel reduces to a IniRit extent thu de
tiiaml for coiiiwood In tho vicinity and
dealers will lmu to llntl another
matket foi their produce. Fully 6,000
ciiid of wood bavo Im-oii retpiiretl an
nually for thu operation of thu manu
facturiiiR limtltutlous that bavu within
tho last nix mouths arranged to use
exhibit Prom Clnchamas Schools.
OreRon City II. H. I.ynmii, sunerln
tendeiit of thu iHluratlomil exhibit for
thu I o v a aud Clark fair, will meet the
(inciters of Clackamas county at the
court house in this city when detalln
will ho arratiRetl for tliu makiiiR of an
exhibit of educational work form lltl
county at thu 1005 exposition. It is
proposed to have an educational exhib
it from this county nt thu Iwls aud
Clark fair. In thu display In tho edu
rational dopartmunt at thu tit. Louis
fair tbo exhibit from tills county coin
pares favorably with that of other
county represented.
The President Moves In Slocuin
Disaster Inquiry.
WuhIiIukIoii, Oct. 10. Tliu report of
tho United HIiUch commission of loves
iliinilnii liiln (lie disaster lo tliu Mcutii
r Uiiniifitl Hlf.iimi wan mudu nu'ilio to
day. In connection with tho Import
ant flndliiRn ol tliu commission pre
sented lu thu report, President llooso
vull, to whom tbo ruport wan sub
milted, ban written n letter to Hecrelnry
Mutcalf, of tho department of com
murco and labor, briefly summsrlxInR
Him n.niirL mill llliectlm III III to CSIV
Into effect tho recommendations of the
Thu president also directs Hint Rob
ert H. Ilodlu, niiporvlslnR lnstcclot of
Hie second district, sicamitoav innpeo
iIki mi.ivIph. and Jaiiien A, Dumotit
ami Thoman II ilarrett, Iwal
tors, In (barxo of tho port of Now
Voik, bo illncharReil irom tno service,
tho cominipnlon boltllnR them directly
NiiriiiHlhln fm thu lnxltv of thu sloiuil-
boat Inspection to which thu Klocuin
disaster wits dlreclly attrlbutnblo.
Appended to the report Is u repori
frntu tlm detiartmi'llt of IllStice Oil the
criminal pioeecdliiRs cnnectwl with
tho disaster ami tho lllu-pruturvei
Pncltlna Houses Closed.
Freewatur All fiullt with tbo ox
cepllon of winter apples aro disposed
of, anil till of tbe 7-ucklitR bouses except
thu Walla Wallu 1'imliicu company aro
cloa d, This o tnipaiy is packing n few
winter apples for FurRO, N. 1). Low
prices aro IhiIiir rerolvod for them ap
ples, as they aro Inferior In quality, bo
Iiir qullo wormy. Growers sprayed
faithfully, but conditions wore such
that there aro more wormy apples than
usual this season, llettoi prices than
usual were rccclvml by Rrowors, and
all realized Rood ptlccs.
Pall Worh Bcains.
Adams Tho past fow days of rain
havo enabled farmora to commencu
seed Iiir and baiiowliiR. Fully as Iiurc
nu acruagu of wheat will bo full sown
us was Rown this eeiiton,
Northwest Wheat liorkets.
Portland Wnlla Walla, 85o
bluestom, 8Co; valley, 8fio.
Tttconm Dluostom, 80'o; club,
Colfax Olub, 70o; bluoatom, 75c.
Pour Persons Lose Lives In a New
Yorh Tenement House.
New York, Oct 10. Four persons
ivicr.. !ifTiwnli-il iiul 1ft weio overcome
by smoke n a llro which Rutted n five-
story lirlck iloiililu lenemeni. nouso a
ir. Mx.,,. .tr.H.t. U'llliniiishuri. earlv
t nlay. Two of tbe Injured, a boy and
a Rlrl, prcbably will dlo. Incendiarism
is luspccleU.
Thu llro orlRlnatcil In thn basement
and ran i p a dumb waiter shaft caus
ing tin rti.w.lml Hats to fill rapidly
with stiiokn. Tbo flames spread
through too uais on mo louriu uu
tHtli ilnr. and rsrnon for the lieirons
asleep there was cut off. Firemen and
police dl't heroic work anu noonrescucu
fiinr.. limn n iwiire. lft of whom were
almost nuflocalotl. ThcMJweru removed
to Ht. Catherine's hospital. Two chil
dren among tbo number were in a dy
InR condition.
One fireman In attempting n daring
rescue was overcome by smoke and had
to o carried out by bis fellows.
The loss was only about $3,000.
Soteisl fires occurred in tbe neighbor
hood durlnR the eaily hours today, all
of suspicious oriRln. They appeared to
), Iimim aiaitixl tiv thn Himo band as
all were dlscoverod in tbe baementa of
tenements. Only tno one noieu, now
ever, was accompanied by loss of life.
Japanese Shocked at Victory Von
Willi Such Shedding of IMood,
Toklo, Oct. 10. Thcru is a strong
anpeal lor peace In thu appalling trag
edy which Is now under enactment In
Manchuria, lloth armies have fought
ferociously for a week, and desperate
llRhtlng still continues. It Is probable
that the death loll will ho larRely in
ci eased Wore tho final shot Is fired.
The preliminary leports Indicate that
about tW. 000 nen on both sides have
been either killed or wounded, the
larRcr pot lion of them lieing Russians,
since tho aimien of tbe two itclllRerentr
closed in combat.
Kven tliu Japanese, to whom the
great victory Is ot paramount Import
ance, seem to be shocked by thonlauRht
er of their enemies. The Jupanero peo
ple aro receiving thu nows from the
tluld of battle calmly, and there can be
heard no shouts in thu streets pro
claiming tliu victory of their nation.
Few llagn aio displayed. Probablj
later on there will lie a procession with
thu consequent Jollification, but there
aro heard many expressions ot opinion
that no demonstration of any kind
cou'd 1ms bold. A prominent Japanese
raid to tbe Associated Press correspon
dent tonight:
"We have won a sweeping and a do
cislvo victory which may prove to bo
the salvation of our country's exist
ence, but wo regret both our own losses
and thu terrible slaughter which oui
forces bavo inflicted on tbe enemy.
Wo regret still mora tbo necessity
which forced us to engage In this war."
Pine Land May Dc Thrown Open.
Hoqulam, Wash. Oct. 10. D. II,
Shellar, suporvlsor of looitiy of the
Htato of Washington, returned yester
day from a trip in tho Quinault valley,
whero bo had been for thu purpose ol
examining several townships ot land
now In tho Olympic foreit reserve
Wbllo Mr. Shollar gavo no idea uh to
what his report will bo, tho settlers aro
highly pfttlHtk'd that with an examina
tion these lands will bo eliminated as
none but agricultural lands tiro asked
for. This elimination will open u fine
body of farming laud.
Plcet Dattcrcd by Guns.
Toklo, Oct. 10. It Ih outhoritlvely
reported that tho Russian fleet at Pott
Arthur is Buffering severely from the
llro of tho Japanoso laud batteries.
Reports of n recent attempt by the fleet
to sortie aro unfounded, as is tho re
ported capture ot another blockade
Newsy Items Gathered from All j
Parts of flic World. I
General fievlcw of important Happen-
pcnlgs Presented In a Brief and
Condensed Eorm.
Flru dostrojel several btislncs!
houses In Ookwood, Texas. Loss, $7fi,
A resolution d-anrirovlng of reel
procity with Canadi was adopted in the
Vermont hotiro without opposition.
Intense frg and terrible condition of
tho roads havt p it a stonti to all move
ments of the two armies scuth of Muk
Dr. Atkinson, who organized the
school system In the Philippines, de
clares the natives aro nit cnptli'o of
suit government.
Thero are rumors of Colombian
troops gatberl ig i eir Culebin with tho
Intent I n of making un attack tl ere on
'oven bur 3, the first anniversary of
the secession of Panama from Colombia.
Thu llrlllsh army c nine 1 1 has IsoimI
an ordi-r whiih, Instead of enl s I g
three jous with the colors und nine in
thu reserve, infantry of the line will jn
the future enlist for nine yearn with
the colors and three In tbe reserve
For I he first time In the his o y of
the money order system, Uih number
issued during tin last fiscal joir read
,-160 000,000. The value ot the tl--
mestic orders issued was $378,778,48
and thu intcrnatoinal money orders Is
sued were value-J at 42,650, 6 .
Russia resents peace talk and regards .t
an a tnut Inoppoitune time to brcueJi
China's opiKisitlon to tbe treaty of
Great liilUln with Tbibet may upset
Drills!) calculations.
General Kurnpatkin has abandoned
bis headquarters at Mukden, remaining
with the troops in the field.
Since the lighting began south of
Mukden the Russian losses have never
been lets than 3,000 per day.
Troops and bandits engaged In a bat
tle near Mexico City. Thice men wcie
killed and a number wounded.
Fire destroyed tbe works of the
Anchor Rubber Tire company, ai Bet
ackot, L. I. Loss, $-'iw IK)0.
A dispatch from Shanghai rays that
It Is tettorted the Japanese sheila have
sunk the Russian ciulser Bayan In Uie
harbor at Port Arthur.
Tho Jury in the rase of Philip Wein
nelmer, on trial in New York for ac
cepting a bribe to fettle strikes, re
turned a verdict of guilty.
A general falling off from the attend
ance of last year is shown by tho offic
ial enrollment flguiei at Harvard uni
versity. The authorities attribute tbo
(U-creasu to som extent to the increas
ing rivalry of Western colleges.
A treaty of peace has been signed be
tween Chllu aud llolivia.
f Russia still realizes that the position
ofjiur Manchurlau army Is critical.
Flro destroyed a larxe raisin plant
near Fresno, burning 200 tons ot seeded
English war experts agree that the
temporary success of the Russians can
have little tfltct iu tbo end.
Hunters aro reported to have killed
a number of elk in tbe mountins of the
taaturn part of Linn county, Oregon.
Thu game, waiden is investigating.
Accoidlng to a Japanese official tbe
Ruislan forces engaged iu tho battle
south of Mukdeu consisted of about
200,000 Infantry, -!0,000 caxalry and
OSO guns.
J. K. Hennctt, of Portland, has sub
mitted tho loweet bid for tbe const! uc
tion of the government buildings at
tho 1006 fair and he Is likely to be
aw arded the contract. v
A field party sent out by the recla
mation Horvico to investigate the possi
bility of diverting the waters of tbe
John Day river to the Umatilla lands
In Eastern Oregon, says It Is too costly.
A rough estimate places tho expense at
1 1,000,000 forncaual.
Prominent Oregon men are likely to
bo Indicted for laud frauds.
All hopo of relieving Port Arthur
this season baa been abandoned by the
Kuropatkln Ib fighting doggedly to
prevent an utter rout of his forces.
The Montana mineral display will bo
transferred from St. Louis to Portland.
A Massachusetts commlssionei has
a'arled for Portland to select a sito in
1005 (air building.
A number of torpedo boats believed
to havo been built lor Japan have been
shipped Irom Newport News, Va.
A mortar battoiy oxplodwl at Fort
Banks, on I ho Atlantic (oast, killing
throo aitllolrymen and Injuring eight
Govtfrnmcnt Completes Investiga
tion of Eastern Oregon Canes.
Washington, Oct. 18. Tho Interior
dupfirtmcnt, acting under n sticniul act
passed at tho last session, has complet
ol an Investigation of thu cases of Hhcr
mnn county settlers who hate been din-pofsoist-d
of la. uls lying within the
limits of tbo grant to Thu Dalits Mili
tary Wagon Road company, In Eastern
Oregon. Tliu report of tho findings Is
confidential, and will bo submitted to
congress early in December.
The evidence collected will be suffi
cient o enable congress to take final
action for the relief of I Ik-bo settlers.
It will show the terms on wheh tbo
Eastern Oregon Land company, the
successor to The Dalles Military Wagon
Road company, is willing to relinquish
its titlo to the disputed lands, and al
low then to revert to the settlers. It
will alto show tbo state- of improve
ments which tho cottiers matlo on these
lands while temporarily In possession.
Congrcsn mint decide whether an ap
propriation shall be matlo to buy from
tbe company its title to tbo o lands, in
order to restore them to tl o sett lei s,
or whether It is better to reimburse tho
settlern for the losses they sustained
by reason of bting dispossessed.
The Und company, It is said, is in
clined to deal fairly with the govern
ment in this matter, and will waive ita
title to these lands provided the govern
ment pave; Its price.
Many years bavo elapsed since these
diiputcd lauds were erentually awarded
to the laud company, and in that tlino
a nutnler of original settlers have dis
appeared. These few cases cannot bo
reported upon. All the facts obtaina
ble have tx-en collected, ami congress
will lx? able to compensate settlers who
sustained losses thiough no fault of
their own, but rather through a faulty
decision of the land office.
One Nan Is Dead and Piflcen Oth
ers Injured, Two Dadly.
Pneblo, Oct. 18. As a result of a
bead on collision today between tbe
east bound California limited passenger
train No. 0 and a west bound freight
train on the Denver & Rio Grande rail
road a mile and a half west of Portland
this forenoon, one man, J. E. Duey,
was so badly hurt that be tiled tonight
and 16 others received injuries two of
them perhaps f.itally.
The accident was due to the failure
of tho freight to take the siding at
Portland nnd allow the passenger train,
which wan running on schedule timo
and hail the right of way, to pass.
Both locomotives were completely
wrecked, the baggago and express cars
were telescoed and piled up in a heap,
the forwuru end of tbe day coach wan
smashed and fivo freight carp loaded
with merchandise were demolished.
The Pullman cars were not damaged.
Tho passenger train was running
about 36 miles, and tho froight 20
miles an hour, when the collision oc
curred. Great confusion followed tho
collision, and exaggerated reports le
gardini: the disaster were circulated.
The injured were taken on relief
traiii" to hopitals at Pueblo and fc'alida.
Torpedo Doats ftullt at Newport
News Transferred at Sea.
Newport News, 0"i. 18. Two of tho
Lnko submarine torpedo boate built
at the shipyards hen, und believed to
be destined for the Japanese or Rus
sinn governments, were holsttd on
board tbo Keuneltec today. According
to the foreman in charge of the 200
men engaged in blading the craft, tho
Kennebec will sail for llojton beforo
daylight. .
It woi Btated on apparently good au
thority tonight that the Kennebec will
be met up the coast ny a steamship
now lying far at sea, and the big float
ing derrick, the Ox, from New York.
The Ox, it in asserted, will life tho sub
marines from the deck of the Kenne
bec, and transfer them to the waiting
steamer, which will proceed with them
to their destination.
Engineer to Investigate.
Washington, Oct. 18. Chiof Engl
neer Newell, of the reclamation service,
has referred to Supervising Engineer II.
Savage, at Spokane, the pro) odtion ol
tho O. It. A N. Co. to remove itstrackfi
from Wrtshunac Coulee, iu Northern
Idaho, provided tho government will
bear the expense. The tracks now oc
cupy lands which tbo government
would like to use for a reservoir, but
unless they nre removed the project
must bo abandoned. It Ib probable
thu cost will be bo great that tho gov
ernment will not be justified.
Plood Still Delays Trains.
Kl Paso, Tex., Oct. 18. Thn Santa
re road still baa a washout of about
12 m let) between hero and Albn
queiquo, and it will be several days
beforo trains aro running. All othor
roads are running tralus regularly. . It
Is still rainy here, however, and the
IMo Grande river is rising slowly.
, i