f TI I u I . aM- iM vol; ii IIKNI), OKl'.GON, 1'KIDAV, OCT. a8, 1904. NO. .33 ripirwm y w 1"" lvf I B I u ,4 WHY IT WON'T DO Bend is Entitled io Belter Mail Service, HOW HUSINHSS IS (lKI)WIN(l And Mow Our mull Suffer 11 Delay of Two liny Without Any Ailoiimt Kwimin. Itencl nostofiice liecnit buslncaa it the 8th tluv of April, 190.1. Its first month mimI quarter wet, time Tore, eight days shott. Tltnt should Ik- held in mind while con sidering the following figure allowing til voluule Of Ktal btiai new here: Nt4 MMtlpU f 4J4 UrwM MvlpU. 11 qiMHvt ( J ll unarm . ... I . TAMf CANCKlkATHtftt MM 17 flUMtot ... TuMl .... f!44 ' TMI. .. . Ml M IKvkr faMIUtlv up Hi l4 MaM MHMMtrl MKOIttrKATtn ! ' rtar AwwanUrf mdapiMM kM wank it .irt I'or the .second quatter i.if motley order were iaaued for it total of $1403.55, which, of course, male tidily reduced the registration iHiai lieM. TIm fee on llteae onlerK amounted to $o.8a. Thirty nix money orders amount ing to $953.03 wr paid itt th ec and quarter. Till in the UtMittvM of a poat office that seems wholly igiioted by the government in arranging the mail schedule that went intooffect October jo between I'rinevillu and Silver Lake. Previously the Heud mail left at 0:30 n. in., readied I'riueviltu be- Jure tiOQii ntnl Shaniko the Mine night. On flif tot urn trip It tell Shaniko at night, reached l'rine ville the next morning and Heud in the afternoon of the sMtttc day. Now mail leave Hcnd nltont 1 a. in. arrive in Prim.ville at 7 p. in. and lie there until 1 p. in. the, next day before starting for Shaniko. Returning from Shaniko it reaches l'rineville initially after the depart ttieof the Mend atage (8:30 a. in.) and lie there nearly 3. hours he fore continuing on to Iknd. Thus racticill one ilay is lot inch way in transmitting mttl between Hcnd iKtziuuaB&xtmssrniximarg Free Land in Oregon I IN Till? ric.ho.it grain, fruit nttd stock section in the world. Ilundruda (if . thousands of net cm of hind ready for the wttlcr AT ACTt'AL ft COST OI' UKCKAMATION DEED DIRECT l'rotn tho Slutc of Oregon The cost of land itvcrngcs f 1 0.00 pur acre, PERPEf UAL WATER RIGHT PIU1H WATMR ftH; .rt(il .if one j cur fiom Hint It I' tilrntil nil Unit to all wlm inltcliiW Mot Jiinuarx ,Ji, VJ- IrriBntion Ooiiipntty under con trol of the State Muld Ilourd of Oregon Addkhss Tint IESCIIUTK IMPHQVEMENT CO. IJHNU, - OKHOOM to9?P7Mjrte,J5 ..,, fe and Hie, rulltond two ditya on thu tumid trip, 'I'M reni for thi in not aptwr eul that Ik, no tenaoti touching the welfnie of the public aervice l appntcut. Silver Lake or iwinU Kouth nru not benefited by il; in deed their aervice ia Koier by so much aa there ' neetlleaa deluy ut I'tineville. They now el 6-titnea-a-week service, it is true, itiKtead of the tii-weekly mail na liefore. Hut why could thia not have Iwen elTected by .simply makitiK the houra of ,the trl-weekly aervice apply every dj ? Then there would have been real improvement in the nervice. And there in no icnson umler heaven why the an me wchel ule, aa to hour, that formerly obtflinwl ahotild not Ik; iucreitacd to i.x tituea a week. That m, the in ceaw in ficqtieuty of the ttijw in no iciimxi at all fur chatixitiK the time wclietlule ski as to knock the whole thitiK out of joint. The mail Hinge carries moat of the MUuetiKcr travel itt this country. The predcitt Hchethile comjieU these aitHUKera to remain in l'rine ville over night each way from 16 to 23 houta. That ia very fine for l'rineville, but il uttcrifke the public K'rvice. Net receiil.s of lietid oatoffice luht (plotter were $43(1.40. The income ia growitiK awce. Il is not too much to My that the net income at the ISeud Mwtoffice now more than wya the total cost of mail carnage between l'rineville and Silver Lake. And yet this iui Krtaul mm vice must le fttiublel and ruiiiwl for the lnefit of l'rine ville hotel keepers. Head'. jKwtolricc income is already nearly as much iia -that of l'rineville. Vet Iluitd'a service gels no couat4leration at nil and l'rineville nets an advantage that is in 110 ciik legitimate that is wholly at the expense of the pub lic Mrvlco thte hUe. 'VkitQ wouhl be some setiK in making Ilcnd the termiuita of the line from the mil nxitl nod Mlso of the line reaching interior, for ita btuines ig iniLort aiit enough to justify that arrange ment and no part of the public .ser vice would Miner by it. Hut Heud docn not attk Mich .schedule. It doea, however, nsk for 11 reason ably expeditious .service -and will get it or know the reason why. The whole interior route will profit front the adjustment. Mail deposited in Heud potiloffice Saturday afternoon within btisinevi houra under the present schedule does npt leave l'rineville until Tues day afternoon following. Thus l'rineville. neglecting no opportu nity to knife liuud, tul:etttthis meth od of conijHslling Heud to support her. ' - - l MAUUII!I)n ( l'AKKUU-KlU'Mlf At the hbmc of the bride's parents, Mr. and f ra. J. I. Kever, in Deschutes, Or.,' Sunday afternoon. Oc tuber "33, Mr. Clarence Parker nud Mum Hlauch Kever, the Rev 0, V. Triplett oflielaling. A small company of the relatives and immediate friends of the con tracting parties was present at the pleasant affair. The young couple, who are well mid favorably known in Heud, will niitke their home on the homestead of the bride abotlt milt .southwest of lietid. 1 1 Twenty .subscribers (0 lite local telephone exchange htt've been ob tainedthe full capacity 6f the first switchboanl, Tlitae subscriptions are at $3.50 a nionthi ir more join the rritc for all will "be 1 educed 'to 3 and when there are' 30' subscrib ers the price will be fttftheffedttccd. 'l'lut will be 0110 tolonlione 'lit UK Nichol's (Si.semorc's) nud 'another at Stunts s, so the exchange will cover n L'ous,tdcrablc area. , V. Ij. Oiferirl, jr., A. f. CJbod' wlllie and W.' O. t Vlli.s left t6lay for Madras on hu iiumection trip Ho see if it is rulvUUfcleUto liliilil n telt photic line from Hetut to that placfe, Mr..Gtleriti(wil,!ilqliVeni,polilcal speech there tomorrow wHeruooui WHAT DOES IT MEAN? jra&BtBLaXfcMMMBi Is it. Railroad for Central Oregon? C()UNTrtV is KRCONNOITBKRI). Agput of Men Supfvdnctl to Have Op lion on CorvnllU & IJnutern Vlnllallilsl'lclil. A couple of weeks ago William II. Holabird, of J,o Angeles, visit ed Heud nud apettt three daya here looking about the town and talk ing about the natural resource of the country, lie drove across the mountains from Detroit, the pres ent terminus of Hie Corvallis t Eastern. He wanted to .see for himself aoiitelhing of the quantity and quality ot the pine in the Des chutes timlier lielt. -mi from Heud he went southward into Lake county. I'rom there he went across to Hums and then out to the railroad and on to New York. Mi. Holabird is a capitalist him self but the chief significance of his visit to this country lies in the fact that he is the professional advisor of heavy eatem capital in the western investment field. He has Iwen a prominent factor in the organisation of a number of large institutions, from licet sugar plants to important railroads. Most of his activity hitherto has lieen in thcMMithwcsl but lie has n good working acquaintance with the Pacific northwest. Crossing the mountains by a very unusual and hard route he was a close olserver of the physical char acter of the route. On the way to Hcnd nothing escaped his attention. Mo wo -onroft.1 to sua what the country was producing, he exam ined the soif, ascertained its depth and wrttchel the effect of irrigation upon it. He made close inquiry of settlers about the climate. When he reached TVnd he had a pretty comprehensive and accurate notion of the region between us and the mountains. And he -also had a good idea of the general character of the deseit. Since then it ha transpired that negotiations were on foot for a transfer of the Corvallis & Kasterti railroad to people who were already heavily interested in Central Ore gon and who are likely vastly to in crease their holdings here. As an indication of the trend of affairs, an order has been placed here for a cattle ranch of ao.oooacres no less is wanted. The recent change in the Hooth-Kclly Lumber Company is understood to be in furtherance of the railroad aud big develop ment for Central Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph II. Cald well cauic down from tlrcir Paulina prairie ranch the first of the week aud- left immediately f6r Walla Wa,lla, Wash., wheiu they will spetld the winter. Mr, Holabird was not here for his health. It is practically certain that he was here in the interest of heavy capital looking" to this field for investment. Whether such in vestment has becli a'cUially decided 011 is, of course, unknowti'but in dications point to 'a viry large movement here withju pie year. The Held Literary and Debating Socity. last'. 'Wednesday night de bated the Rlisslb-Japhiiese war and decided that Japan vafc justified itt her course,' nQlV!itnstniuling" t)e strenuoiis argument of H. J. Over turf and , J.,' M. Lawrence. Th.c affirmative' was debatVd by J. II. Ovcrturf nuct T.'K. "MeCker. W. J. Cttthhert' gave 'inY interesting sketch of tliecoiinfeno:? he' ' hod visited iu his thive'ls' dvdr the world. There wcrc 'ricitatiomi by "MdYi garet Wrest audi VeYn. Johnson att& adugs by Miss; Iva West aii(TMts Mdriqii Wiest.' The qttestfoli tof i!ico-rjjditttog Heii-u,lirbeVlelbd(il a wcekiroinUejit Welluesday tllL'ht. JOHN Agricultural I H S PEERE mmemen Mowers, Rakes, Plows, Slarrows, Drills, Wagons PHOENIX PAINTS Five-Year Guarantee RUBEROID ROOFING Order it for Your New House wmnfimiff Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, etc. Glass, Paints, Window Sashes, DOOPLS, OILS Th I Mercantile BBNE-1 - -OREGON - mtyii vramemmm ?jjt m m LUMBER -at-i- BiEND, OREGoKl The mill ot the Pilot Butte Develop ment Company has begun sawing and hereafter will be ready to supply all kinds of surfaced and rough LUMBER and SHINGLES AT REASONABLE PRICES . PHOt iTTE DEVELOPMltltt EOMPlNY l-T:.t . &("&.' awmmaai gfe-.- siswegs: & - k4W9 BHET I i A! A 'J-'