i& W TP 'PWAmr i ti , fj : lLd& lL La& III JJL vol. n IIK.N'J), OKHCON, 1'KIUAY, OCT. 21, 1904. NO. 32 T IKJFT IP R M EC? BEND iJu A Q (1, sisejioreoiitof.it .Sells Ills Ranch to W. S. NIcliol. Dr. WILLMAICIilT A I'KUITI'AKM ilO Acrcnfor $fi,(ll)07( Aero Un tier Cultivation mill Wntcr l'l)M0K4iluil (liven. The lilnturic old Siftciuoie pUce lias at length changed lmtiiU ikU John Simmiiihu ImmI Mnndnv .iid out completely to Dr. S Nuhol. who came to Ileud about 1 . weeks ago from Oklahoma '1 .! tule Include 340 acre (ex- jtiiig about mi acre previous!) .1.1 lo T. W Tripjett and A. I. Ii.xoii) anil the coHMderntioii i ,KI, l'oMeftlduU WH glVCH t I'tHUf. 1 no uoici huh iMirn imriiiv. l- 11 tented to A. I.. Stephen u u a tliivn prviouly. for the term ot i star. Dr. mnl Mrs. Nichol moved iti 'i tlie old StMrmorv homestead 1. .inn Mini they are enjoying quur lu rutic enough to be quite 10 9 iiuiilio. 1 I r isiciioi, miice purcnaftiHg trot r..'i. li, tia aoiit one acre lor j.jwi ..iil iiiiother acre lit bargained nt the 1 in- price, mxiecii oinor Heir j, i' 1 pnmeu in one acre 101 nou ntv ii . 1 ut $150 each. In ! Uck from the 'Mutf The aox lot I bey are u river on the front on the n.-r Die purpose of Dr. Nichol in p"hi thin ranch Ww to make a K ut f..rm of it. Alxitit 75 Bi-rcn V.- .in the flat on both aidra of the 11 -r, the remainder id more or htaa Ui' out VMtnaow cmsiiv ior uuiuer :. I critrlug. 1 uniocr lias own iuillbyUr Nlrlwl to tUt Pilot luite ti u milt much linn mreauy neen lXnn by Dr. ISichuJ. Two t'i iinuiid Mrawbcrry plants, two iwand betry Inwhea and a lot of U- mnl prune and other frtnt li s have leett ornereu ami win 1 1 m the wound thin fall. Part of t'.r laud will be devoted to vegeU' 17 - nt which line it Inu already dc m n-.trated it sitjieiiority. . Vl the Mild on t'ie Ik'hchlltes ! s H under ditch with water 1 WRnBMjTcPijaiirijea-twwfev in Oregon IN' THK ricliMt urain, Unit and stock section in the world. IlttudtedH of acres of of thousand laud ready for the settler AT ACTUM, 1ST UV UKCI.AMATION DEED DIRECT Irom the State of Oregon The cost of laud averages ft 0.00 per acre. PERPETUAL WATER RIGHT l"Kl!IJ WATIIU ft.r iifiMiifmir ytit t Muiii tlnif It U liltiifil 011 Unil lu nil hIiii iiiicliur licfiitr Jumury I, (vj. Irrigation Company under con trdl of the State Land Hoard of Oregon AiiimiiSH Tim 'Ij-SCllUJJES IHI'HOYIiMENT Uit 1UJN1), - OKKGON , V 1 iFu. UppfQ- 1 wculy two years ago Mr. Sise mine came to this place on the river, where John Todd occupied h log cabin mid viewed complacently the exmnc of Kr.itiy bottom laud. It just fitted the Siscinote eye and lie opened negotiations to buy t. When Mr. Todd tillered to Mil hia honicNtead tcliiiiiiiisliineiit fori, .pxi.Mi. SiH'tuore tixik the ofler. He hm fetted his xovetuinenl title mid held the place ever since, ndd uiK to it Mo nu 11 number of year later. That waa ipiite a Npular lewitl for travelers in the Deachulea country. The i'arewell Ikml lintel and the Slants plnce were luik cometitoiH for trad. .1111I Mr. Siaeiuotc at his own ex penae a numbrr of ycais iiro built 1 bridge acrons the Deschutes at hn place and preaeutvd it to the county in ordt to pull the county 10ml iikI the bulk of travel his way. That bridge is 38s feet loll); and -ost Mr. KUmore juit ?35. Tliough Mr. Sim-more has two ranches In the Koguc river valley, l.edoeaitot find it in hia heart to leme the Dcachtttea, where he has spent so many yearn of his life Hut he is now 09 and alone and eela the iiec easily for eaaing up a bit. He wants to buy back a amiilli i-orner of his old hotneatead audi -lay with the asuKUtiotifc of old. t 1'arewell Iknd. Water Spmita Uncover Cool. Adam Kotmaii Uhs 160 acres of leeiled laud aUnit 15 miles aouth if Fossil on which last Hummer' Atcr spoil Ls uncovered a lot of i'xcellenl coal. This is in the form if numerous fragment itud also in me plare in a mensure more than 10 ect thick, covtriug a coiuiikrable arn. Mr. Jvotainan ia about to undertake lU doveJopment. lit , ZZJZ Z& T ihok says there Ik no dotilk about til mamaj aaunuu cokliiR coal. Itond Taluphone l!clianj;e. The switcliboarxl for the Ileud telephone exchange has arrived .itid the work of installing the plant is under way. It will start out with 90 iiiMrumenU. The local service will have full metallic ireuit, though the long distance line is a single wiie. II. C. !r.Hi haa charge of the getting out of jtoIeK for the local iiics. Tlieae will be of peeled nine In alsiut a month the wires will be 1 retted and the instrument in--.tullcd lor service. Ilnnieas 1111J SnJUlo Store. 0. S. Livingston of Portland, came to Ileud this week to visit his iMUsiu, Mrs. C. II. Krickson. It i'litue to his notice that thu would lie a good place to put in a harness and saddle store and he Iisn ar ranged to okmi an establishment of that chatacter, next to the new livery stable of Poiter ft Wright, on Komi street. He execU to have it in operation by the middle ol November. In the case of C. H. Lytic against A. M Drake for a $3,000 com mission for selling thu irrigation interests of the Pilot Ituttc Develop ment Coiiimiiy to the Deschutes Irrigation ft Power eonimuy, at torney V. H. Oticriii, Jr.. appealed for the defense at Piiueville, had parts of the complaint .stricken out and the case, in the alMeiice of Mr. Drake, continued for the term. ThciilluKiitiou that Mr. Drake was the principal stockholder of the Pilot Unite Company was stricken out and the motion to make more definite and certain respectiiiR the I character of the alleged contract- that a copy be .set forth if it was in writing was allowed. A L. Leimati, who woiks at the Steidl ft Kecd sawmill, returned Tuesbay night with a bride who was a Miss Nettie Morris, of Hay stabk. Mr. and Mrs. Leiman have a cottage of tlicit own about ready to occupy 1 ighlH iKTiirc utidct actual prlntoii fot yeata. DIGS Water Shut Btitu Out of Canal. Pilot WILL M! DliY TWO WHIJKS In Hint Hi IW Capacj'ty l More 'llisn TralilcU Campti Shifted Will Tuewlay night water was turned out of the Pilot Hulte canal and the work of enlarging that channel be gau next day. It will probably Ik completed down to Jteml in two weeks, so the water service to the townsite may be resumed. Tin canal is to be made captble of carrying 150 cubic feet of water u second; now it carries about f cubic feel a second. A large part of the miscalculation in the tirst place is due to the sut prising teuton v if the soil. The excuvalion tint was expected to be done by the water lulled. The land holds upi .igainst il and must be dug n.t ' Aith scrapers, demolishing prct; ' eflectttully the old bugbear that the I Deschutes soil ia so light and !. , that it will not even give dircvti'i-.i to streams of water. 1 The camp which has been work ing near Porknl Horn bntte has bwtt moved Ibis week and li nlfi 1 into two ramps, one of whuh i1 located about H miles betnw H.-ml .nii the other about ia miles bc'.tm- , About Mo men will he in e.uii amp, engaged lit cnLrin, the cinal II is expt-. led to have all that work done by early spring, so the completed canal will ser next kupo nil thu segregated :aul to the nolawij. : WmkL.JBmiSUQn4 That work will not in any way bu dackened for the enlargement ol the Pilot Hutte canal. imctii-rii mf iMiMrt 1 IH.H IIMI. lJI lit. 111. 4)r. .Merrill to Hrect One Soon Next Ills lriigtrv. Dr. C. W. Merrill is formulating plans for a hospital at Ileud. Ho expects to have it in running order early next year. The new structure will proliabl) adjoin the drugstore on the south, there being 30 feet of sjwee be tween the drugstore ami the south edge of the lot. Ujioii that a two slorv .structure will be planned for hospital accomodations. It is jxm sible that the lower jmrt will be rented for some business not iiicom iMliblc with the hospital above, but that U not settled yet. The main idea is to provide a suitable place for surgical opera tions and serious cases of illness which are likely to call for Secial treatment. The size of the institu tion will dcM!iid much upon the growth of the community in the coming three mouths. . AUTO UNI! N12ARS BHNl).' (lrailos Will Ixe lliroiu;li In three Week Alore. The grading crew for the auto mobile line (Central Oiegon Trans portation Co.) is at work this side of l'otest's. It is expected that the grude for the entire line will In completed into Delhi within the coming thtee weeks!. This the news was brought by contract or Archie Mason who was in Demi the first patt of the week. That, however, does not mean that auto cats will begin running immcdiatclv. The road-machine work will be doile but there will re main tiic construction of culvert and biidges alid rollilig the road lx:d, and the tolling cahnot be done before the bjNVerts" and bridges are finished. So the line to lknd will not be in operation before December and the Priucville branch muy be a little luter. gmsiggj3a'arfflMg.Kgsaj JOHN DGBRE Mowers, Harrows, Mir PHOENIX .PAINTS Five-Year RUBEROID ROOFING Order it. for Your New Mouse rwMvwMnuMt Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, etc. Glass, Paints, DOOKS, n Bend e IV&& .BEND ft mssmxzu&xKimsvssEazxzjmmm LUMB BEND, Tiic mill of the Pilot Butte Develop ment Company has begun sawing and hereafter will be ready to supply all kinds of surfaced and rough LUMBER and SHINGLES AT REASONABLE PRICES PILOT BUTTE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY Aericul npkements hi Rakes, Plows, Drills, Wagons Guarantee ftai Mnrrms im WJndow Sashes, z .! WPifflWiH? Pi UiiW KtJWi -OREGON r nt- OREGON ER a 1 r B it &m 7i 1 : ft, 1 1 T j fci