The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 14, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 31
College Men Tate Hold of
Deschutes Lauds.
r t. .
May liKlalitlnli n CoMiptrntlve Colony
MtSroor l.csi oelnlItlc
In Pntetlie,
I Brook I'm 111 ww an wrlHnt In
Mtcrii ullure and udticstlon iiotsblti U
uiiw of lht prtiinhii'iii-o of tli wfwtiiit
(..mux lt with It, niiioiiic whom wen
Nwtlmnld IIiiwUmhiw, Uror William
t "tn Hi., ('barb A. Itona, (Imhv llljtli'j-,
Mnr-Htft Piillw, IbrasOrsiJam'
ItiOK.II lHfll, .hilm (I. Whttller and
lii'ln"' Story. It who NUrtnl in t H-tl , on
m farm at West ItMslmry, Mas. Tun
M'rtH later thu kkaa of Fourier, lh
Inn. Ii wcialUt, cr Introduced into
Hit. HiiiMiM4'init. Thu Hroott I'mm
AKw-lullmlltlv-l in IM7.)
A party of 10 voting men arrived
in Bond Tuesday mi; lit direct from
Shauiko, to work on the irrigation
lit It of the I). I. .He I1. Co. and
take reclaimed land and work it ott
h cooperative pUn. Most of them
are college ' The leader of the
company in I Irnry (icorge. n grad
Hie of the New Hunipaliire Agri
cultural college. Benjamin Weiler.
of Sedan University. France; K. M.
Lobdetl, of tltc I'lmeraity of North
Dakota, George Webb, of the Val
iMraiso (Inil.) Normal college:
Vrtti Dvcke. of Lud smith,
South AfricN; C. X Smith, of W,
North l)Al:otu; I'. I,. LoUlell, of
the Dsvcnpoit (la. J Business Col
Kg mid four other twme oris
txcrtciiccd in practical ami theo
retical irrigation are in the party.
All these men went to work
Wednesday t the tipper construe
tion camp of the I). I. flt P. Co..
near the crossing of the Silver Luke
Mont of tlietn know something
hIkxU irrigation lurtuiug nnd nre
conlidenl great things will lie ac
complished under irrigation in this
vicinity. Several of them hac
Imh-ii in Colorado working with
irrigation enterprises. The jwrt
Free Land
in Oregon
IN TIIK ni-hca grain,
Iruit ittul stotk section in
the world.
Hundred of thousand
of acre of hind redy for
the seltler
Ifrom the State of Oregon
The cost of land averages
f 10,00 per acre.
Irrigation Company uiidef con
trol, (if the State Lnrid
Board of Orejjou
ADqpnss TJIU
iirgatilsed in Portland, no fur as
itheicis tiny ornniiuulion merely
pledge to wotk together along
common linen. Only in a limited
aeiiM! do tl-y propone to ro-oiwritle.
Mainly ench fellow will lmve the
tentill of liin own lulxir, hut hy
tnklliK Innd Hdjoming eneh
other they will have ronilarnUly
body which they will in a ;reul
lintny teipect!i b tiled M in one
The idea of colonisation U not
Hiitirely foreign to the K-hume these
young men lmve entered tiX)ii,
Their enterprise tony develop to
n colony of considerable maguitudt.
lJn .Mtrrlll U Dvatl.
Little Pedio Merrill i dead. Ilia
brief term of existence on the
Doubled earth wua rather atremiotia,
partk'tilflrly thelnat week of it, hut
he might hnve pulled through if
hit curiosity hud not got the belter
of bin judgment and led him into
the iudivteli'iu of trying medicine
which grown uphunMtituHectwheu
tile)' don't know what aiUtlium.
The Merrill yoiingatem had
heap of Inn with little Pedro, but
they Ixcuiue punnetMed of the notion
thai little 1 doH hud a gcxxl a
right to look uflir themselves na do
little boya of the genua homo.
This ronclusioii wjs forced up-n
little Pedro when he found himself
sailing through the air 011 his way
to the ground from the second
story of the Merrill building. 1 1 in
arrival on terra fir ma caused him
much riixcomfort awl he acquainted
the world with his trouble. Next
day he got under J. N. Hunter's
wagon and the world was again
aware that little Pedro was tin
happy. The little chap survived
these grievous mishaps and was
learning to look out for himself
bravely when Fate, which had
IUmni campiMf hte tmil .some
time, nnauy overtooK nun.
Some of the pills which the doc
tor feeds digressed liuinnn critters
got spilled on the floor and little
Pedro inn foul of the hateful things.
He didn't know they were hateful.
Like Hill Nye's little dog, Kutomol
ogist, Pedro bud never eaten any
pills and be thought he'd try 'em.
Preseutl) Mrs. Merrill heard Pedro
giving tongue to bi woe. Going up
stairs to coiulort the little fellow,
she found In 111 ding. She rushed
down to the drugstore with him,
but it was too lute. Death claimed
the poor little doggie, and there
was s.idnvvs amug the children.
Pedro' little brothers-Rag Pom
dexter, Check O'Kuiie. Mug Mor
nou, and Tike Laurence, being
very proper purs of high degree,
lmve been in deepest mourning
ever since that solemn Monday,
wearing somU-r suits of solid blocl-,
elicved only by small white cravats
and the whiles of their eye;.
Chmtitcey P. Becker liniught to
town yesterduy some Sicimaus of
the product of his ranch nu the
Columbia Southern laiid near the
Sw alley bt ide that proves that it
will grow mot crops to jkt fee tion.
He had a butu-h of parsnips rang
iuu in size up to 14 inches in length
and 13 indies iu circumference and
a lot of potatoes juit as they enmc
from the hill, not overgrown but
smooth and shapely tubers nnd of
generous yield. For 11 first year's
crop with only pnrtiul irrigation
these speviiuvus are very gratifying
indeed they beat tuuuy regions
not in the arid zone.
S. vS. Jolnihouand S. 0. Johnson,
of San Francisco, and O. S. Curtis,
of Clinton, Iomii, came in lust week
nnd aie with T. U. Uvuu cxamiil-
ing the huge tracts of timber to the
southward ol Bend, in which they
are intcrestyd. The Johnsons nre
iiiemberH of the A. J. Dwyer Pine
Land Coinsiuv of Minnesota which
has jnrge holdiugii in thin section.
In the past year they hnve .shifted'
hendipiarters from Minnesota to
Sn .'KraticiKco. ' KvldentlV thev
coutetnphitu lumbering ,fictivity ill"
this .ctgi.atiI .tricqiV.tb bek'ndy;
for'lHisinesu w'lierf thineu ohcii in'
iheir Hue.
Hand Needs to Look for
Belter Facilities.
A Butter l.ocntlon At ay be Hail l(
Present Utilldlnj; can bo
OUpiMiud of.
The tittle is soon coming when
Bend must have greater school
facilities probably before the end
of the current school year. These
cnu hardly 1 provided for in a
day. The voters of the district
have in otheir hands the adjustment
of this matter.
A suggestion that bus not) el
come formally before the board bus
been made in this connection. It is
to exchange the present school lot
for a lot better situated where a
new school house, adequate to the
needs of the district, may be built
This would be feasible, howevc, only
in case the present building
can lie satisfactorily disposed of, for
the district cannot afford to throw
away the present building.
The present school lot is a
little more than half an acre in area
But a part of that area is occupied
by a rock ledgt! that reaches
across the lwck of the lot.
The site that has been suggested
for a new school house is materially
larger in area and there is 110 waste
laud UKin it. It is between the
Baptist and Presbyterian church
lots, occupying all of the irregti-larly-ahaed
block that is not used
for church puroaes. This site
faces upon Oregon ami Tenth
streets stid natvlhririr avenue.
Thu aroa i.s nearly an acre, which
would Jiffbrd space for a goodly
To Pass Bend Botli Ways About 2 P.
' M. After October 20.
Notice has come from Washing
ton that the increase of service on
route 7.1,401. from Silver Lake to
Priueville, will take place October
so, when the six-time-a-wcck ser
vice will be extended from Bend to
Silver Luke. Under the new sched
ule the mail is to leave Priueville
after the arrival of the mail from
Shauiko, but not lutei than 8:30 a.
m. and run through to Silver
by 8:30 p. in. the succeeding day
The return trip is to leave Silver
Lake at 7 a. in. and get through to
Priueville by 7 p. m. of the dn
following. This will make the
mail from the north arrive at Bend
about 2 p. m. daily and from the
south it will arrive about .the same
This is a poor schedule. It wit!
result in making mail lor all
points south of Priueville a day
later than it now is, tor thnjv
fouiths of the time. It is out of
the question t to get the Shaniko
mail into Priueville by $;.o a. in
in the winter months.. when the
roads are bad, and a stac goiu
south at that hour simp.y leaves
the mail over till the next day.
Bend is by far the largest mail
patron 011 the route and its iuteiests
will not admit of holding mail at
Priueville nearly 24, hours.
Also the northbound schedule
invplve.s holding mail at Priueville
18 bourn. Mail leaving Bend at
2 p. m. will not leave Priueville
Until 1 p in. the next day. This
h intolerable for a busiuess com
munity like Bend and will force it
to' make other- armngeruciitii for its
mall. . . .
I Bossibly this (schedule b merely
temporaryto serve until the nuto
line to Bend getu in operation.
.tfltcVilot Btrttc Company this
wek, removed Ui'e 'pile' of rock that
for, souifcduitidfcdi: of years obstruct
qflWhll'strcct ia front of tile City
Mowers, Rakes, Plows,
Harrows, Drills, Wagons
Five-Year Guarantee
Order it for Your New House
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, etc.
Glass, Paints,
Window Sashes,
The Bend
The mill of the Pilot Butte Develop
ment Company has begun sawing and
hereafter will be ready to supply all
kinds of surfaced and rough
uli fi ii 1 tfnimmimme n 1 1
1 f