The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 07, 1904, Image 8

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- ""T T
Tlmtxf Und, Act June J, 187s.
U. 9, LtriHl Office, The. Italic. Oregon,
Mnyij, 1034.
'Notice l herCoy- siren Hint In compliance with
lite provHoneif the Act ff Cmigrea of June ,t.
iSij-S, 'ctilitldi, Att net M the aale of timber land
In the tute arcatifottii. OrcRnii. Nrvuda, ami
Vafiluitliirt Territory," extended lo alt the
iHitllclAiiamte liy Art of Aviciii-t 4, li, the
rallawittij named tTin have oil November .
lj. Mctf fn Hilt office their awotn UWmntt,
WttlkimA Laktlaw.
f lefllml, (07 WorceMer block) county M
Miil(aiviah, Maleof Oregon, unotn Matement
No. tftu tor the piltehate uf Ihe neyi ol rax 9, Ip
if, r lit, vr 111.
. , Tlltvma A Rutherford,
of rmttond. J 10th Mr!) county MnMtto
mah. Male of Orewm. tworp ratrmM No it,
wr the parch or the vet nvrtf rc ti ami nfe
ftejf e to, t I? . r ii e, w im.
That they will eTerproot'tortvow that the bind
fmtght l mote valuable for tea timber r tote
(hail for agricultural purpnae, and to etitblth
tbelr claim 10 mhi him octorc i necewcr unu
Receiver M Tbt ffctN, Oregon, mi October 1,
..TRey ttanw wittte- Thorn A Kwtber-
Srd. H L Cbaptn, J II Writ and Wintata , Laid Portland, Oregon. C V Pmllh.of Lumo
ta, Oregon.
Any ami 411 perow ctolmeH. Mtrer-t)- the
above oaatjrfhevl tame ant reuwM la Ar their
etatm la IhU office oa or before, lb antd jWnh)
or October, nM.
atou MICIIAKL T NOLAN. Kejrtoter.
Timber Land, Act Jon . 17.
tJ. S. Land Otter. Tbc Dalle. (KeoL
May it ion.
HMlret hereby Kir" that In campttance lib
the proeUiun of the Act ufCoagrc uf Juue .1.
My, nttttln) "Ah act for the t of timhrr
Umm In the tate of Olifnnrta, lrron. Nevada
a4 XfaabiBftOH Terrilory. at retcmlcd to all
the voblir tend Mate by Act of Auul 4. i.
Mm MtowtMK aaoMd perMM have on Aaf aat 14.
If. tod In Iblt oVr their awora sutemeau,
Michael t. htlly.
of MtaMOMlR (ija Oraad ttrcct) ceunty of
WemnMa.aiateol' MiaaeMiu. mi utrnMvt
IO.Ma,lur the oarchaae of the ii'iWH mil
aat H V of tec i.t i? rioe.wai.
Aathaae I Itwver.
ft MlaampoU. im HthUiKl Wnurjnxmly of
Haaaeaui. aaii JitaacvNa. iwwi annnnii
pa. taa fcc the parchaae of HnK s.H
tmft tmifK wV tec 11, la 17. r , ra.
That they win ooVr proof to (how that the laotl
aMght la aaar valoahfe tar tt Haiber or mim
lhaa fer aertntlurat porp.iarA aad to tablife
IhrlrchliiattoaakllaDdhHbrr the Rentier and
Keveteer at The OaUea. Ureguo, oa Uctoher 11,
They name a wttueawr Xatherlae Vwyer.
Taomao FllaaeraU. Mwhael J Mwtly, Anthony
J Uwyer. of UlnaeapnlU, Miaaeaata; aud Joha
It Kyaa, of PrtaeeUW, urefoa.
Aay aad all aeraoaa clalaniac adeerarly the
aha n diautlwdWaaaarercaaeeled to hie I heir
etalaw in thU odke ua or hr tare the aaid uatday
of October, loat.
MtOM MKHAXI. T XOUIJf. Rettatcr.
Timber I.anJ, Act June , lt;l.
U. Si tititl ORlcei l.abcvlcw, Otrgon,
July tli t4,
Notice In hrttby Riven lllat In coiiiptMiice with
the pnivklnuf the Act of CoiiKtr of June i,
!,', clillllfil. "An art for the MlenrtliiilHrrlniiiU
In the llc ol Cnlll..tiiU. tUriioii. Ncvaila, ami
Wn.liliiBlon Teirlloty. ' a ctcmlt to all lllr
nibllcUmlftalr ly Act of AiiKt 4, !!.
Million J. UoIkiK.
of Deielmtre. eHiiityoJ Crook. Mate of iHcron,
litliiil llleil In IhU otnee hleaworn tale;
meiit No a,l7. fttr Ihe unrvhatc of lb l.ol 1 ami
1 ami if rh ami nelj c ev 1, l M , r ye,
w in
Ami will offer uroof to how lHat Ihe UhiI
omht i more valiwUc for it timber ih Unite
than lor ajirtcolttiral imrMMrt ami lo eelabllVh
hli claim to aul lamlbclote J M. Mrece, V
v i'imiiiUiouer. at Heml. IMeaoo. OH aalutuav.
the t day of iVtoher. iom
lie name wltMe J.wepb N llunler, HI
woo.1 W KitbetK. Mill Mih, Malty V llHMlrr,
vf IiechHle. Otrw
ny and all trMHM elaimlns adeeraely I be
alw.-e-leciilieit (ami are trieMeil Im Rle their
claim', in tM onVe on or before Ihe aid Jed
ila ofvietober, 14.
aiwft .1. N. WATlKlX, Heatater.
Ttml'er Iiml. Act Jnne , i?.
t. Land OhVr. UiheHc-, Dreaow.
NolWe hereby ateen that In compliance with
Ihe provtakm ofthr Art of Conareaa of Jnnt ,
1874, CHtNletl, "An act tut (he aale of limber lamia
in lb 4al of California. iHrion, Neeada aad
WahtaclOH Trrrilot ' aa ntemlcd lo alt Ihe
public land Male by Ad of Anguat 4. !
Jacob T Hume,
of Hem!, toanty or Crook. Male of '
ThatJvr Ind. Art Jane j. ).
V. S. Land Otnee. The Italic, Oregon.
May t 1034.
Notice I hereby gteea that in eoatpUaace with
the uroeiatoai of the Act of CoagTe. of June y
itA ewtitkd. "Aa act lor the aah? of tlatbcTlaa.
ia the Motea of CaUfcrau. Oreaoa. Neeada. and
WaaMagton Territory." aa cateaded tu all the
uofatic land Mate by Act of Angnat 4. Dor. the
Utowtay-amaMd peraoaa hare en Aagwat 14. ivu,
d la IM oaacc their kwora autcmcaU. lo-wfi
lhi -lay tied In thla oflke hi wwn atatrment
No j.. for the imrvbaae of Ihe H uwmt ace at.
and rS ncH mc 17. tp tt a. r v e, w m.
Ami Mil oArr proof lo show that the
au.l aoatght I more raluaMe for ita llather or
atone than for agricultural pnfpixea aad to ea
lablMb hi eteim to aahl html before I M. L
eiiee.t'. S CoaaHaatoaer. at He nd. Oregon, on
Mlurday. the ith la of (krtolarr. io-4-
Heiianm Mwltacaar Rwhard king. Fred
Marh.joeh N Haater. H H HuUlaaKmd. of
Bead. Ofeoaa.
Aay 'aad alt peraoaa claiming adeerarly the
ahum aciialbctthmlt are rrattcatid to W their
daiaw ia thU ofkre ua or In-fore the aaid isthday
of Uctoher. Iv4.
J. N. WATjoi.N. RegMer
Katharine Itwyer.
J4 HhthlBBd Aecaae. MlnnrapotW, coanty of
Heuarata, Hu of MiaaeMU: awom ttaumeat
pro. tea, tar the pwrchaae of the awf w arc
tt, whmK ami aejf a5f ee tj, tp 17 a, r 10 e.
, KitnMrat I.
af MluMaaooli. 1 ttt Polk, dreet) coontr of Ilea-
atfafa. 4ale of 3lineoU. twora atatcaaeat No
aaot, he the parchaac of the m( of c 14, tp 17
a, r te e, ir m.
That they wtu otfer proof to hor that the Wad
MMaght U more earale for iU timber or Xone
than far agricnltarat pnepoaea, and la eaUbliah
their ctalBM to aaid land befoee the Reaiater aad
Hacareer at The lattice. Otcmmw oa October 10,
They aaate witaee4 Rallntrlnc Uwyer,
Thoaia. t'ttafcrald. Michael ) HheU, Aalhony
j Dwyer. of MiaaeapoBe, Miaaoaota. aad Joha
R Xyaa, of PrtnevitW. Oregon - .
Any aad alt peraoaa ttntmhtg edeereelylbe
aboea daaeribed bade are reoacefrd to tie their
ctaiau ia that oMee oa or before the aaid otb day
of Oatohar, iya(.
Timbe !aml. Act Jnac J. Uf.
U. S. Uml Oaaee, Ukeeiew. Oreaon
Angaat 9. i4.
Nwiteai hereby gtn thai la comfdhutce with
UaeprmilDBi of Ihe Act of CXmgrr of Jnne .
Si, entitled. "An act for the aabof tbwbcr land
la the ataie of California, rfatoa Nemda. and
waabiagtiwi Territory," aa ratrmted to alt the
uablic toad hutca'by Act of Auaaat , iaa, the
Mlowir.g-uamrd peraone bare thla day tied
la than gtwee their imrorn autementa, tu-nlt
OcrticO fry.
of Albany, county of Linn, atalc of Oreeon.
worn atatcmtiit No saM, for the parchateuftbc
olfof nwf. mX of neVi Mb of telaecK, tp
John 0. Pry,
of Albany, county of Liaa, Ute of Oreaoa!
nail ialtant xn Jg7i. for the nurehat oiilitf
MiKof ncX. nelfof wl arc 9. af wf aec 10,
ip n a, r e, w m.
That thev will offer aroof to ahow thai lb land
ttnakt ia more ealnable for ita Umber or ticme
laaa wr agncuHurai purpaaea. ana 10 caoiian
their cLiim lo Mid toad before ii. M. Ward, ell,
V. . Commitahiner at nllver Lake, Oregon, oa
naUtrda) , the jotfc day of October, 1904.
They name wHneait 1 J N linatcr, of !
..&... ..VMunu. MUt fu mj Il
mwmgmmmt vw. .,w..ww .,. , . u.. uit.
aoa: J o I'ry. of Albany, Oregon, Oca Hogae, of
ira, nrrgon; ocrue y rry, 01 Aioany, iwrgon
Any and all peraoaa ctaitaiH- adecraely Ihe
above daierltml tanda are rineted to Me their
dalmi in thiaoaVcoaor bcibrc the aaid atahday
orOoUabar, H.
J. X, WATSON, Kegfcjter.
Timber Land, At June 1 17
tt. ft. Land Oflce. The Da Ilea, Oeegoa,
y it, ia.
Notice b hereby gieen that in iM.nplianre with
the proejilaa of thr Act of Couctcaa cf Jane 1.
IT"' entitled. " Va act tut the aafr of ilrnbcTUmJ
In theatalo of iaufurnui ureaim. Neeada, ami
Wxhlagtoo Tetrllry," aa citiwlcd lu all the
public laaa atotr by act of Aujtut 4, Ifyr, Ihe
wUoiac-namel ptnrnii hanr fled la UnaonVee
then wcm atotemeata. lu-wtl
Aunl W Mohr, v
of The thiuV. coni,ty of WaMataleofOregM,
worn rtateaacat No 104. tied latecii.ljcr i.
im for the parchaac of the n) uf awK and w !,
of nK of ju, tp 1 1 a. r 10 e. w at.
Hit-hard T Ctoac.
ofDutulh (aon? ljit iat Mretl). county of Aaint
1.0m iatcor Minaceou. awora auumrnt No
Jofl. (IImI Ami 11. iqmi III
tbcnclt of kK of eci4,nSof aK aad K of
V of KCJa, tp 17 , r toe, w m.
That they wilt oaVr proof lo ahow (hat the land
aoughl r more valualae for Ha Umber or aaonr
than for aKftntltural partraaea. aad 10 eaUbliah
their ctaiane to -aid land before Ihe ReclaUr ami
Hrceirer, at The Dalle. Oreaoa, on Noeember
They name aa wttnraiea Kdwani H Oraham
aad I. K Alanxbam. of Warm Mprhal. Oreaoa;
Palrlek J JlerTrall. of Rrnfatcy, Oregon: RicGLrd
I Ouiniau. af The Indian, areaon A I tlwycr.
Thoma PltHteraM and A II INiwrr. of Mlnne
a poll, .MlnnewU, and tt' O Cluae. of Dalulb,
Any ami -alt
daiaw la 1 hi oaVe on or before the oid
nay of Noetmner. 104.
av-aii MICIIAI'.L T. NoLAJf, Rcriater
Timber f.nml, Act June j, llil.
Vi Hi Land Omcc, The Dalle. )rron,
May J, iti4.
Nutlre I lirrrtiy clrrti Dial In compliance wllh
(lie pmrltlona of the Act of Coniitra l June J,
171 ciillllcli ''Alt art for Die Mlcirtlmtcrlitnil
In llirtnleof('alinHnl, O'ckoii. Nciada, ami
Valilnloii Tiltllmv." n eiirmlnl 10 all the
public laml alate by act of Atiisii! 4, 1 HI, the
folMlti!fimmiil petioii luiir on Jaimarv '.
iWl, fllnl In IHU uWcc llieir ioin ntaltmtiit,
I llilir 11 tjhfM
"f jtaiuttmiiil, count) of Kuotrnal, Mate' of ItUlni,
wvlli Malnnent No MM, fr Ihe puiehaae of Ihe
re) of m j. Ip 'J , r to e, r m.
WlllUm c mt.
of iamlNiut,eUHlr of Kmttetiai alal1 of Idaho.
ooii taitmrnl No ij, (t Ihe puuhateol
the nrjf of ec 10 tp 14 a, r r w m
That the) will otter proof la hw thai the land
uwiiM I more valuable for II Itmbct or alone
than for agitrMltural putpum, kim! Hi -tahlMt
I belt claim lo aM land Mote the Heeilt and
Neectver, at Ike lialUa, titegou, un Nu.rmlwt
l vH.
fhey name aa wltnriei'i William C A me.
Lrtdwlt; II l.atwn ami I oul Mayea of Kami
poiul. Idaho. William (i Maaon aud Michael
O'CouMer, of The 1111, tlreoii
Any ami aft perauna elalmlag adverarly the
above daaeribrvt Uada are leoueobnl to Ale Ihir
etaim In thfl oAce on of Wrote (be Mbl Mb
day of November, tv4
i-ai MICHAKL T. MILAN, Kegiatat.
prraoa clatmlne adveraeiy Ihe
laud are rrnaiaUil 10 ftto their
Timber Land. Act Jaae j, xtj.
V. S. Land OaVar. The Datlea. Oregon.
May ij. ra).
Notice U hereby gleea that la complmace with
the proeHhttM of the Act of Cuagreaa of Jnac J,
law, entilMi "An act for the aale of Umber laada
la the Male of California, Oreguo, Neeada. aad
WaaMniilOH Territory," aa eitewded la all the
Mtblic bmd aUIca by act of Aajrnat 4. lloa, the
followinaMmed penona have awd in IhU ottcc
their aworu atelemcaU, to-n:
Cynlhia Chaffee,
of Klroy. coanty of Juneau, ute of Wtwnln,
aworu aUtenMrnl No U64, lied March 13. 194.
for Ihe purchase of the awtf of aec A, Ip H t, x id
e.,w m.
ItaiayG IhiaUn, .
of CUrkitOH. county of Aaotia, Hale of Pl'aahtog
toi;wfH tataraenl No Mot, filed March Ji.
im, for the rbatc of the th K and !f aw if
of mc j(, tp I7, r Ke, w m.
That they will oaV r proof to ahow that the land
Timber Land. Act June j. i7f .
V, , 141 Ofttcevt he IMlka, Oregou.
Augtut 11, aaf.
Notice ia hereby rivetf"' hat in comidiancwielth
the proeiaiannuftaa'Aft of Cdkigrca uf June J,
M entitled, ''An act lor the aale of timber bn.IV
In tlUt(of'lifomla, Oregoti, Nevada, and
WaahrHitOH Tarrillry." a aauudni la alt I He
pubftc kind) aiaVt by Act. of Auguat 4, ivj,
1 M IUlvofii,
of Worvrtcli. rotinlyof Milfeitry. atateof North
IMkota. ae on Oeeewtwr 1, l')l, filed in thir
office hUaworu atalemrut No. Ji, lor Ihe pur
chaj)i' the h nwli '"' w '"X ci, tp
i,r uc, y in. ' .
.Awl will oaVr proof to abovr thai Ihe Unl
ought ia more ihtluable firr ita timber or atone
than for ngnctifturaf purpose, and to e-lalibiji
hU'daiui to aUbCUml nrfore J M Iiwrrnee,
11 m. cori-ieiMionrr, si m ornec al lieiiu, ore
Hon. ou the z7tb,'iay of October, hh.
ilt lumen at Mritlieaacir IM J4ro4terlun Al
bert C.f.ucue, John U I. IHlcr, John WtWI, of
BeiKl, Orcgoii
Any and all peraoni daliuinif mlterHely Hie
abyrlwrr)lod lauda arc rt'iuoetnl lo file llieir
ltun In tlilr of)e. ou or beiwrc Die aUl 7tli
t18;r of OeiuUr, ifyii. .
afifWif UWUAJ4L T. NUIhUT, rU.laUr.
ought I more valuable for it timber
than for agricultural purpoae. aad lo eaUbliah
their claim to aaid laud before the Healater and
Hreeiver, at The Dalle. Oregon, on iltcmber
it. I9"4-
They Hme a witnee Michael O Connor,
William C Metou. lian MclioMalil and Aattin
C.ronndwater.uf The Iwltee, (Hegoa. John Moaa
of oWfrra, Oregon , I' W OuaUO. of Ctorhatou,
WahiKat; Nichola nniilh and Mascm Ia
Page, 01 Dexhulea, Oregon.
Aay and all 0100 ctolmlag adeeraely Ihe
..-ove deacrilicd land are rcnuealed lu file their
claim In IhU omce on or before the Mid wtb
day of December, 1904
Timber. Ind. Act June J. 17.
U. S, Umi Oflkc, The Dalle, Orcifoa, ,
June 4, I9uj.
Notice l herchy given that ia eempltoaec wl'b
the provteiAH orihe Ad of Cottar, uf Jna 1,
l7. cMilttod, "Aa act for Iheaahr oi limber towf
la Ihe Xalee of California, Oregon, Nevada, aud
W'avbhintflH Territory," aa eaUrndod to aft tfr
tmtilK Mud Mate by Act of Aujruat 4, ifi. the
foltowiuK-immed priMm have Hied Ih IhiaoaVrc
their iworn uumuu, to-wit;
Aleaapder M. Drake,
of HiiJ, county of Cfook, alalc of Oregon : weorn
kUtement No .' " filed Hay 1 j, Ivu. for the
purcluMeof Ihe awU e aec jj, w), Httf ami
K uvill aec , Ip 17 a, r 11 e. w m.
lohu H TltumiMOtK
'ifKiinuyalile, county of Yakima, elate of Waah.
mgioii.Hworii (lairujrui no ur, nicd My ia,
trM. for the imrclwHT uf the H ',i aes 18, tp 11
a, r lo e, vr 111.
That thev will offer Lroof lo ahow tbdt IbeUml
ought U more valuable for Ua Umber or atone
than for agricultural purpoea, and Ui eaUbiUh
their claliua to aaiil laml U fore J ,M Lawrence,
0 b. Commluiouer at hi ofAce at Mend) Ore
gon, 011 October to, 1904.
They name a wlturaae' lotetili V Hiiritar
Arthur LCoodnillip. John JI Overturf aud i'.tla
A Hunter, of Html, Oregon, John llliw. Williuiit
K ixkiiii ami Alexauler fcmltli, of tiUtera, Ore
gon, Maxrui Lel'aife, of Denobutca, Oregon.
.Any and all ptroii cUimlug adverely Hie
ttioveilrtcrlbcdjandiare rrueTe4 lo file IhcfiL
cViliu lu thintfe oil or before the aaid MhUay
ei wtioixr, 1 i
Timber Ijimt, Act June j. i7t
U Land Ofltce. The Dallee theaon,
May j imj.
Notice I hereby given that in compHance with
the provHotw of the Act of Congrr of Juae J.
IOM. eMiitled. "An act for the aale of timber lamia
in the UIof califiirnu. Oregon, Nevada, anil
Waahiagion Terrttury," aa caUndrd 10 all the
public land etaUn by Ail of Augaat 4. 191. thr
kMioMrtna-oamrd perauna hae 11 lieeember 1.
ma,l. Bleu in iMla ottke their awora atateutcnt
u . Miaate H. Itamb.
of Norwich, county of Mcllrnrv. atate of North
Dakota, worn Man-meat No i7. lor the pur
chaatr of the oV m U aec . ay mm and H
aw M of ec n. tp t a, r it t. w m
Petillnaari Okrrtirmi
of Norwioh. coanty of Molleary Male of North
DaVotai aworu atatrmeal No. 1, for the pur
chaarof Iheewh rU. -W ea-W aec ft and wM
netf , tp i. r ire. w w.
That they will oaVr nrraf lo ahmr that
the land auanbl la more tafnalAe ti it iimhvi or
atone than for agricultural purnoac. and lo e
tablian their .lalm to mbl land l fore the Rev'
. r aad Mrvvteer. at Ihe Ualtc. uinaa. No
ember ,. 1904.
The name aa aUanaie Parrilnand nker
land. Kd llalvurwm ami Miuai. II flumb, of
N.rtwkH. North HahoU. Joha T t'n larth. of Ml
not. North HahoU; aad Joha m. MM, of De
chutce. Oregon.
Any aad alt peraoaa rialraiug adeeraely Ihe
aUnre-deacrtbed laada are rnpteaAd lo Ate Iheil
cUlmialhUaaV on or beiure the al4 $yt
day of November, iu
eio-ata MICHAKL T NOLAN. Reglater.
Timber Und. Acl June j, 11)1.
U. H. I, ml Ofllcd l.akcvltw, Olftoin
Hrptrmlrr ii lvM
Nollfc In hrtcliy given In roiupllatire wlllt
IlietHiitltJoinuf Ih acl of Vimgirf June I,
itW VlillUr.1 " n act fur the ! ol llmlr Mn.N
liL.IMtle Of CallfotliU, Otrgvi'i J.",.',I
ililntwiTttllot)," ri flrlnlM IB all llir
(iiiMU laml (talc by act of AugiKl I, iyl,
John llllbiloii,
iifflriiil.coMnlyof Crook Hale of OratfoH. Iw
lljify Hied In I III olfl.e hi 4nitn Aalrmriil
No 1911. for Ihe piitehate of Ihe wif of e l
In Ip tt . r i r, w. hi
Ami will offer pewf la ahow that Ihe laml
viik M,i mvir vafuaWe fbr II llmli m atour
than for aikiilliir mitpiMea, and In e4abllh
hU claim U aahl laml l-M J M Mwrence I'
a Commialonet. al hi oMee at Hand. otegoN,
oh the nab day of Dtvemhec, 1904 -
lie name a nltucear oliret Ihoebroraon,
Oliver Johnom, Ami Aune, ami Theowote
Aaue, all of Rend, IMvgun
Any ami alt prrwn claiming advetae'y the
abovJHrlll laho ale tveaien to me ineir
claim Ih IhU ufaV on or befotr aahl mlhday
of lletembet.
J N. WAThON, KegWet.
Timber Land, Act June j. 131.
V. Load OoVe, The Oath-, Oreaoa.
Augut ia, 1904
nee with
Juae 1.
In th4atcof CalMaraka. Orrgoo, Nevada, and
Waidelngtua Tcrriloey," aa estended lo all the
public land atalea by Art of Anguat 4. taut,
Wmer R Wharton.
of afahaoe, mray of hpohane. 4aU of Waah-
i e i
Notice I bereliy five that In compllem
Ihe provtatoaa of the Act I Cuaujraa .1
I;, entitled "An act foe the aaleofllmu
HepaHmeal of Ihe Interior.
Und OMee at Tat Dallee, Oregoti
Anguat 14. ia4
Notice la hereby given that the following
named -etller ha "Vrl n.Klee of hat iBtealmai lo
make final proof In anppurt of bw tlalm. aad
that ahl fvroaf will by mwlr lfor J M Law
reme, I' h kummlaaioner, at htaoffiee IN Read,
Oregon, oa October M. iW vi
Molirn (I lanraer.
of Lava, Oregon. II K- No 14414, for tlreH
nwK.uwW H ate 1 ami aH eK ec M. I m
,r me, w m
He aamea Ihe Aillowlng wllneaatt to prove hie
eoHllHUow reatdenee upon aad caltlvallaat of
mat toad, via
Joph WbltaeM, William T Taa4evert Ototac
Maiea, IMetd Hill, of Lava, Oregon,
iimiier i.aun, Act jnnt 1 l(n
&lfllfl ". V 11111 ....... "'.
wuriuu vvn ruiiiiiCA1
U.N, Land Oflite.l h ii
J nut t
Nonce i iirrrny Kivrn Hint in ,
llir pniYlflbiit of lliti Ail nl Ciiii,irw
l"r". rIH'ri, ,np wi .it llir i,i
III IH' aUlrU uf t'allfi.rilln Hi..
. '.! HilMl I
1 .1. J
1 1
Timber Land, Act June f. iPnt.
U. . Uad OlRc. Ihe View . Oregon,
hepumber i), iga.
Notice I hereby givea lht in (ompiUar with
the pml BWB j of ihe At of .mgreaa of Jun 1.
1 ay, eatrlled "Am act for im. U of timbre Uada
la Ihe atalea of California, in (..n Nevada, aad
WaahUigtoa Terntucy. ' - ..i..led lu all Ike
public wad alea by At f gaat . i.
Joha IUrrl!.
of Rend.coualy of no.., .v.i. of Oregon, haa
iMa day filed ia Ihw of.- hiror ataleauenl
No I9r.for UNgairihaaofibraUjteK rSH.
of me Mand theaw4w't u'i tylp n a. r 9 e
l All or
tl'..lll,l,.lM.l ,llu.
public laml ()) by Ail ol
following namati wrii h.
llieir wottt italemeHl. to wti
trtheUu t Au.l,
nf l.alMilon rouniy of
h lalagieni No. rtaa ni
the purenaae of the l.oi 1
rx 1, tp :i a, r ie, w in
llmma It Mail ,
of Hllfl'. rmiuly of ii,,k
stiilH ilatemenl No jni fit.
tbt puiehaae ul Ihe H 14
14, ip m , r !' r n 111
Warren l
of Warren, nrnnty of Maih.i
aula, woiHataOtnenl No n
lH, for the purehaar ol Hi. 1
WV of aeca, Ip 14 . r 1 . r ,
That Ihty will offer 1000I i.,
ought M mote .aluablr .
than fir agrhultuial pm -.r.
their lalmlo mid lan'l . f...
of Cruuk County. l Priooltl.
per 1. 194
They name aa wlim-.
MerabN Audnwat M w.
Hunter, loarph N llunln mi.i
Rami Oregon, Jenny Au.1,,,
HemlnekaiNi.uf l.lwn.ii mi.
of nMeri, iWegrm; r it l.
oreaon Maty fin.ujgio 1
of rrinevlll. Oirgun 1 ,,,1.
K Alllngham, oe A i.ut..,.,
td Petty R IMvIa of rvia. 1 ., 1
Any and all pet..... . l....
bnvewlearrlbael laud or ..)...
taint la IhU idhve oa ut in f..i ,
oftJetouVr, ivl
Timiwr uian. act jui.r . n-t.
U.. LaadOnV l.i
u g
Notice la hneby given Oioi
le MovtaMO ot the A' t . 1 1 .
iftya, enlHtou. 'An art for ii.
In the eta i .f Calif. 1
Washington T.iHiy, .
paalle land atai. by A. t .
lea. 1. 11 .1
afWrpheu i"H J a .
aula, haa i. .iv fit .'
atateaavHt ,.. 4. 1 1 .
eehj, nct4 ', I. .4
And will . trVc, 1 ,4 .
taught l lo .alMi! '..
IBau I ' aik i'.i. !' ji.1
aw ctaim .i 1 Umf 1
Inrit.i ,1 l r,, 1.,,
yth day ol it '' , l-.'
II naiH. . . , 'mr, r
And win aater pmtf t that the laud
aoaght h) more ealaable for it limber or atone
than for grtelirl puip. aad to r.iWih
huetaimto ald land r-- 1. O. R. WaidatH,
I' a. Commtaaiunt at hi ..litre al ftllvee Lake
Oregon, oa Monday. Ihe th .lay of November
He aamea a arilareac J N Haa ley, J K
obn. Oetege Aaue. and rhvodore Aaae. ell
of Rend, Oreaoa.
Aa) aad all jamoaa rlaimiag advererly the
above dean lhof laada are r Murated to file thrir
Utgtoat. haa oa July 11 1
Ma neorn elauntenl No
ivoi. filed ia
w. foe tan naitii T
lac eyt nepj ana ci K W at M, Ip It a, r 10 C,
ar m.
Aad wltl ortrr proof to ahow that the laml
uogal U more vafaaUe foe ru timber or atone
than for aertruliural parpy. ., and lonubttah
hi claim to l land hefoi the Rrgudrr ami
Receiver at Tbc UetU. uregua, oa the th
day of October. 1914
.. Ifll.lJk .a. ... f k.... "
.w... ....w w.r, vnarm a rovier. oi
pmoae. waaniagtoa, O PUaocater. W
nvvrw, 01 nemi
He name a m linear. Joha P Hume Laci
, Wharton, r. H Taytor, ofnpoluae. Waahiag'
t. KUaabeth Putor. Chart A rotlcf. oi
Aay and all prraua ctauaiaa adeeearly the
above-Vrcribed laada are rrqueeieej to file their
cuiav la IhU oaVe oa or before the aaid aah day
of oeaober, 1404.
aetoee MICHAKL T NOLAN. KegUter.
Timber Land, Act Jaae j. My
V. ft. Laud ofiVce. "The Dalle. Oregon,
May ij, 1904.
Notice i hereby given that In comHiance with
the provUloa oftbe Acl of Coagreaa of June j,
HC. entitled. "An act for Ihe alcof t.mbertonda
la the etalce of California. Oregon. Nttada. aad
WaahiBgtonTcrrttory.'-aaeateaded to all the
public toad atalc by Act of Augu4 4. mat, the
following-named rr.oa have fled In IhU oWrc
their woin ttatemeat. tu-wii
Robert Webb,
of The Dalle, county of Waaco, alalr of Oreaoa;
worn tatemenl No. r, filed Deoemher It.
lyaf. for the purcbaac of the nwK of aec 17. tp 11
a, rioe, wm
Nellie T Parmer,
of Tbc tulle, cooaty of Wamm, atole of Oregon;
worn UaUutcMt No. itrr. filed January 1. ip44,
for the pnechaae of ihe uK e. whTneU and
eK 'H of aec 10, tpi, r 10 e, w m.
That Ihey wlU oafcr proof Ui ahow that the html
ought U more valuable for It limber ut atari
inan roc agticniiurai purpoeea, aad to eubluh
I heir claim lu aaid Und before the NrgiaMr and
Ncceivrr, al The Oaltca. Oregon, oh Novemllrr
Jl, l(Mf.
They name aa wilneaae. Oevrge Webb, aVa
vie vTcbb, Alice Webb, Hay Webb. Michael
02Mlltor. William O JUaai aud lluah lluuar
of The lUllr. orrgoo.
Any aad all beraouC rtolmine advrrlv llu-
bove-dexribvd laud are rrjn4f to file their
eUiniHthio4ficeouor Uforetbevahl tlat day
of November, 1994.
Depai tmeut of Ihe iHlerior,
U. H. Und OaVe, The Daller, Oifrrm.
Augual 9, iifH.
A wmclent conical atovit haviuif been fileal
iu IbUomac by
Charte I. Wimer
of Deachutea, Oregon, couleataul, again home
atead entry No. 4y, made Nov 10, lyu, for M
K, eK ejf aiuf .cli hk aec. ja. Ip. i. r 11
e w m. by UU I Cramer, eoulealte, la which
il I alleged that the aaid eoulealee he wholly
ahati'loned the Ir-.l that he ha changed lu
rratdcure Iherefroin Pt more tbau ale rtUHilh
lett poet, that the rant tract 1 not ectllett utm'
ami cultivated by !! pally aa reimlied by law,
lluit tin aahl alfrged abaence I not due to em
ployment in the urmv. imvy or mailucroriM of
the I'niU.I Male a private aubller. oilicer.
eumaii or marine during Hie war with
hpJiii or duilug any oilier 'war
In Vutch Ihe fulled Hlatee may
I iiftel, Mid partlce are beieby nolleilfii
appear, Itejauid ami affer rWiltnce touching
uul allrjaffrni al luo'rlock a III 011 October I,
IVM. Iiepife I I llHIMife, I' U. CoiHHlliiiii(-r
wliulautluiril lu Lake llir trslluuuiv in Hi.'
caw at III onWr at heud. flrrgoii, ami that final
lienrlug Hill lie held Mf fa o'clock u Hi oil Oct o-
lierio, i4, 'urfvre Ihe HruUlcr ami Krrclvcrnt
the L'liltcl Hlatea Land Oflice In The Dalit, Or
ClfOll. -If
claim ia Utu oaVe on 01 . hefoee the mbl rath
day af rruvemnvf , rt
)! J N. WATRON. Reglater
Timber Land. Ad June y lyi.
C. R. Uad fMRor. The tajltaa. Orearnn
Hay n. raa,
Natlae to hereb given thai la nmatjiaei wtth
the peovhaoaa oftte Aet of c. aafafii ofjnao ft,
leya. iWlvd. "An art foe the aale ofbeelaaaC
In Ike viatc of California, tircaon. Nevada, aad
Waahiagtoa Trrrtiory ' a rTemtrd lo all lae
public land Male by Ad of Auet 4, ifite,
kllta II. Meat.
. f Ocacaee, county af Mu.h, tele of Idaho, baa
n Pebraary aa, 19x4. fiud in thl ofik hu mvotb
Ulement No 444. lor lae paiclaue of lae aeV
of tec 11, tp it, r lie, w m
And will offer aroof to hoar that the toad
onki u mare valuable for Ua Ueahcr at atoa)
purpuw, aad lo eatao
land before the ttaaaaer
ooare al The tlaltom. flu ana
oa ine ilia oay or novemner, 1904
He name a wtlneaare Joha K Ihirlfiaa. of
ituawn, .n-egooi i.awarn r, baraoa, i K
Dampbrll. of Millwaler, Muiaeauta, Kraak Otoaa,
of DoMhutea, Oeegoa
Any ami all pcrm tl.imlng adveriy Ike
abate dcartihrd lamia are t.uueaied to ftto lltrtr
clalaM la IhU otkre oa or b fore Ike aat flth lay
of November, 1904
MICH A ML T NOLAN. Kegtnfer.
than for agrituttaral
Itok hi claim to aild
and Receiver of tbt ofiV
Timber Land, AM )ae j, ityt.
V H Uml Office, The Datto, Oreaoa,
Jaae m, 194.
Natlr I liereaur given that in compliance wtth
Ihe twovtaioaa or the Act ol l.mnn. uf 1
l.u" lu . . .r . : r
toad In lb atea of Callf..rma, Oeegoa. Nevada
and Waaklagtoa Territory, aa e leaded lo all
ine pnotK wnn ataie ny aci or AtgM 4 iayl,
Tkeuuhlto HI. Mwhel.
of Head, coualy of frr.h. Mie of Oreaoa haa
on Replctaber M. i'i. Dlvtl in IhU omev hu
worn ataumeat No 1160, f.jr Ihe ptuchaeeof Ihe
nwf of Me n. Ip 19, r 1... wm
And will oater proof lu ahow that thr land
ought U more valuable for h timber or
man fin- agricultural purp.. . and lu caiabluh
kU claim to aaid laml liefutr J HI Uwrture, I'
H hi oWcr al lk-ad, Orcgoa,
on Ihe roth day of November, 11
HcnameamlwftneaMra C.-orar Halea ufliva
Oregon. W.IIUm 1 auat. of D.avhulea. Ore
Ku. Jtwepk K Huuur aud Krauk llodaou of
ml, Oeegmf
."? .aJi.U. V"?" ftolRtiRf adveraelj Ike
of November, lya
trie J
, 1 11
Rolr.l I. M
et n
am luii
1. t
.1, HO.
I lUIHk.
tt laiinal I
Aay a,, ' !! p vwma il.i
akoe-l ii'. i.iuUmv 1 ,
datrn in 11 ,1m e eo ot t 1
ofOuii, tf 4
J N wr
Tlrnbai Lnil kn J .
V a. Lamn.rx 1.
Nattoa ia hereby thai 1
the prwiaUm vftti. A,' 1
17. minted -Aa n i-r ii.. .
tatkeauuaofv'ai.f... . . , .
waaajfaioa Tttrttory
by Act -I v...""
alal me a No tai, for thr ,
U a aad a of iij ..
r 9. w m
And witt oAVy pf
Itn 1 1
Timber Land. AM June j, ifija. '
V. . Und Ofilce The Dalle, Oregon,
, ncpMUibcr J,lo4
Nolloc la hereby given thai in mropllnncv with
Ijic iwoviaion of the act of t ..Oklta of Jumr 1
1(7. enllUed "Ail act for the U of limber toad
InlhehUleaof California, OKtou. Nevada ami
ttaauluutou Tetrilur), a etlcmled to all Ihe
Public Laml MdeubyuMt of Augiax 4, !,
Charle A. Bliiohu.iuuvli
of lie nil, rmiuly of Croak, i.ii of Oregon,
flrtuberit, iyr. Iifnl In thla irtfteehi.
tlulemriit No 1144, for the puuba of Ihen'i
nwM.nwn ur'i acl IJ Mitu; X tw .-M. Ip
1 laud
The Bulletin jjivtso tlh
The aahl coiilrtlaut Hatliitr, I11 a proper. nlTlila
. aei lorin lacir
llgeiiec iieraoual er
wii nmiie vhiihih or mauc, 11 1 ntrtity.oiij
11ml dlreclul thui aoch niitlt. Iter fifbejii, ay
And proper puMUatlon. ' . .
vit. filed Auirlbt 1. hrrtil furlli fucO UliUli
how that after ilur ilIHguec iertuual tetvlte of
Oil iioUfe cuiiHot be tuadc, It i litrelty .olUriuT
17 , r lie, w 111
Am) will offer drool to show Ihlil I ha la
mKiu 1 more iaiunuic lor u timber oftt.. Mi
lium for Hgi'icutlural luirpiaur, aud to taldlh
her claim to aalil burn before J M i.awuuu
I' ii. Commlaaioiitr al hu oIKll. io.n.1 ft,-....
oil tile Xlh ilay of November 1904 -
llrliameaawiirirea. Ovid W H Kllev. foiin
I V'rt. Cliarle I CiUior sh.1 I'1u.m. u ii,l..
allcrf)rchulea. Oiegon '
XiVyand all M-rm clelmliig advrtaely lite
aligve-deunlnjil laipla are rviuwled lo die their
'itit Ui jii1 " V' "' ""' ,Ul
&f '' ', yyntwiht -
Get TUt; Bulkliii for' tUt uewa.
au(ti) u aanr refuel-
litaa k-i .iKliarl nj... . .,,
hu rUlii. to mat Uul Uf. .
V 0 to. tmttatiiner. at 1 1 1 .
goo. o ih day .4 S.m, .
II aaate a witn. . Mil .
r'llwood w Raa 11., loaeph '.
frod Marah. all of lwa.1 otoi
Anr ami all twraoo rii.,..
above deevtd toada are irom r.. 1 . 1 ,1
ctatBMtu ihuoaate oa ot b.1-.. ..! .!
of Nov mur. 194.
1 imher lml. Art June 1 .
V h Load ofie,1hc Diu.
Ju..' 1
Notice U hereby given that In ." v '
lha proriafoaaartke Aei of Cook"
life. eMiUaa. "AR act for lhealv.4u,
ialwiat4raf California. ure.b s ,
Waalaaaaj Terrilory ' aa .aUn.'. 1
maMi laml ahMaa by Ad uf Aa.o.t
mWantaa-Bamed peeuaa have on -1
bat ia taiaoaVe llxii n.hii atano.
lohtt W Ttaaa.t
of Aagaata.eoaniy of Keuflaii.
ranilB.ewoen taltu..-al N.. mii ' -efcaaeof
then 1, at. aeK nwh,
a, ip it , 1 iu e w m
of Adguata. eeaaiy ol Ijiui'aire t
roaetp -w.,in aiatvu.ul No. i.v ,
ehaae of Ibr ar't' of a.i ia, p m ,.'.
That Ihr) will nff.-r ptorvf loah.iv. ' .1
Oagkl I mot. wlual,c foi iu in. -'
than f-r aKrk-ulluial putpoat ., ..! t
their claim la aaul Un. U 1.. J :
V 1 Lomuiiuoiie at hia oltut .1 '1
goa, oa Odober 11,1004.
They Mama aa wtlimtei John
ami .Nillic Taggart, of Auauala, V.
veph I' Tajjnait aw JuadT N Hun'
Oregon: William K Booth ami 1- '
BUTor, OregjoR.
Any aad 4AI peeaoa etoimluK a ' -above
iacTht laada aie itu ....I 1
ctobtwia tkiaalan on or UI..1, 11.
njfir Ortutart, Mut
r Timber Land. Art June j, l"
lml office at The lulu.
July 10 ')
Nortec l harebe given Ibht lu mplu
ine prevaatou of the ad of c .,!'... 1
lari. entitled "Ay mt tu it. t ... i,, i
iHtheaUtva of California, orrgon ft.vt
Waahluittrti Teittlory," a l. 11.I..I !
imblkffriu otte by t of Aui t 1 j
o'towiac nan .i Mrauiia lia.e on -m .
foi--! hi thl ofllie their awurn atirn,i m-
, , Newton N lltowu.
of Rend, count v o ciook, vtulv i,rorrN
Maleweui No . mi, lor the puuhu.i- .f
iiTS ami Lot jmid 4of ii- j. Ii 14 . , 1 I '1
' , John W N Mr.
(I'llend, cootilvofciook.aliileor O H
klateiuenl No tvir, for Ihe puuliate . f IV u, r lae, w m.
Tlwl Ihev wlU offer proof in l,.w HmI 11
for 'i 'imb 1
tairitbae. and I
ml lu f irai I M rail
I'. It. LiMUUUaaloliar. al 111 .,H. r l llcid
got), ou Ottaher 11. ion. I
- -.,., ..
.1 luty liatiir a vltiiuee. Jabir lluiitrl
rovvii. M ll
a .. - .T .. -. .
1 iwi inev wm oner pru
ottglil h tnorc eatoable ft
lUan loragticullural tairii
ibirirdaliiMtoaaM Uml
I,' ' "'SB""1! wiiitouy at
hvii. 1 niepru-na, 01 BU'cXt, tfegil.
Any iml ill 07011 rhtimln'r ivV
ah&rvlauWd lauda at, itom . ,41
ciajra; m u i nithif -jhi'-i f mtbrc'tre
uy i ueiott, i.of.
SHrj ftttBUAtlL t, MOLA', r