J Get Rid of Scrofula Timirlisi. ertititltms. Inllamiiintloiu. soro tirm o( the eyelids mid ears, llcnim of tlia lioiirn, rickets, dyspepsia, catarrh, wasting, mn only uma of tlm troiililcn It causes, It In n very nctlvo avll, making havoo of tlia whole njrntcrri. Hood'sSarsaparilla ICrsdlcstrs It, cures nil Iti manifestations, ml builds tip ihn whole system, Accept no substitute. Daimers In 1'nper. It In not a pleasant thought Unit the lirllllmit white note paper which your IiiiihI roHtit upon may have In It tlin llhcr from thr llltliy garment of mine ICgyplUu fi'llah after It linn pit wed through nil the Ntage of decuy until It In mi veil by thr ragpicker from tlm gutter of nn Kgypllau town; imil yet It In it fact tlmt hundreds of ton of Mjoplliui rags nru exported every year Into America to supply our paper mills. At Mnnuhrlm on thn Ithlurt tlm American lniMirlrrH have their rag picking houses, where. Urn nigs are collected fnmi nil over Kurope, the dlsene lufci'led l.evmit not exveptisl. Our best papers nrc made of these rags, ami our common ones of wood pulp. Lesson for Women. Jersey Hliore, I'm., Kept. I'd (Special) "Dodd's Kidney I'llls have done worlds of good (or inn." That' what Mm. 0. II. Karneut of this place lis to say of tlia (irrut American Klilnry Itemedy. "I was laid up slrk," Mr, ilarnrst continue, "unit had not Ih-vii out of Ixsl for five week. Then I legnn to urn Dodd's Kidney Till and now I am o I rti work and go to town without uttering any. I would not tw without Dodd'a Kidney I'llls. I haw wood earuii to praise tlipiu everywhere." Women who suffer should Irani a lcaou from tills, mill that lesson In, "euro tlio kldnya with lodd'a Kldnry I'llla and your atiffeilng will cease. Woman'a health iJejpmln almoil entire. ly on her kidneys. Podd's Klilnry I'llla havn never yet failed to make litaltliy kidneys. Aa rlrlirs and farur foriskr a man we discover lillil to I a fool, liul uoUxly irould Mud It iut lu his pruiprrltr. llru llrs. MolBHtwtll find Mr. WlmU.w'i Hoot tin Iflyrup Id Ul minxljr IuUm (or HmU clilldrcu durlug tha lllilti( t lil. A liOKloal Inrnronop. Mule IU. Who li that strsoe lady, ismniaT Mamma That la Miss (Joodwlu. tb jplillantlirnplat, my desr. Utile lless What Is a plillsnthrnpUtr Mamma It I a word derived fnim ths Grerk Iciilflne "a lnrr of turn." IJttl Ilp Thru I rur all wmnrn lira phllanthropliti, artu't tliry, mamma) CITO l"maiiy imrwt. nanMorrirrmiiiiMt 1 1 1 0 n.f ni.lJr,tu..i,fif Klln'i(litklNm ;i4iorr. Hm1ff frtM9ltsllxrtllki)illikitM lit.U. II. Kilo.. I4il .. AnJiBl. ruil0.liil.l'. 4 KiiiiwUdue and Hipt rlrncr. Hhe- What la n allrut partner? Iltt Did you eirr ilmico with a druf and dumb man? wKd Coluniliua, Ohio, May 19, 1903. fVtmi. fntlr v.ir mtt T w. mitflmr-l I from impure tlood and a general run. down condition of tlio ayatem, I bad no ' appetite, uaa lolnr flesh, and bad an alU l'fl!lB flrll ffaIInf tltat Mfli1n i. a.UA-A. tw.. ...-., aatf, Mtauw MIV illlK' Ic. I lwi;on the me of S . 8. S., nml after tBLIuj:aevrnorelhtbottleatny akin vai cleared of all eruptions and took on n ruddy, healthy How that a mured me that my uiuixi nun occn rcaiorei 10 III nor inal, braltby condition. My appetite wa rcatorcd, aa I could eat anything put lc fore tne, and aa I rrcalned my aptetlto a iiiwruM-iuu wrij'iii, ami inai ' ureilicei inj" vrblcb worried me ao much dlsan. pearcd, und I was once njnlu my oliUelf. I benrtily recotnmend 5. 11. Q. as the beat blood purifier and tonic mode, and Btrone.ly mlvle ita uie to ol I those in need of audi mtdlclue. Victor Btubuins. Cor. llarthman aud Wahlue,tou Avce. Wheeliuj;, wTv., My 33, ,003. My ayatem waa rundown and ray joiuta etched anil named mo considerably. I had lined 8. 8. B. beforo and knew what It was, to I purchased nbotilo of Itnnilliavo taken several bottles and the aches aud jwlnsnrofione, my blood has been cleas. cd nml iiit Bencral health built up. I con testify to It ns n blood purifier and touic, 1533 Market St. John C. Stiun. If yon have any nymptoms of ills ordered blood write no aud our physicians will advise you free. Our book on blood and sklu dleeaics sent free. Tlio Swift Spoclflo Company, Atlanta, Go. Ty ci)itrMut mi tiiTi ifAiis.. Hij Ki OmI Cough orup. TMlMllooJ. Um l? Cal In tlm. BoM by drut;UU. fjl pkffiJaiItT.lliIVnrtlaSp H, 'isisy jmmvvrntwnjiMiv! wim ssyjiaaafgj Anionic lint vi'Kumblu proilticta pi. t'Ulliir In .MniliiKiiNcnr In Hi 11 llhroiiH xuli. nIiiiicu UiHMvn iih mllii, which llio nu ll ven wunvu on hniid Iiwiiih Into n va riety of Mhrlt. imeil for ancklii(, for driporlt'H, nml otiiMloimlly for dntw jcimhIk. Under Hi,, numo "nibitniia," n Htrlped nml colonvl vnrloty of LliU mn tiTlitl la aold for ciirtuliia lu tlm Amur I en 11 umrkut. Iteueiilly n now mm hni Iippii found for mllii liber lu U10 innnii fueturo of (iKnrnttn pniK-r, and our consul nt TnmnUivo, Mr. Hunt, suf Keata It inliilit prove vnlunulo for mnk lui: other klikU of pnpor. 'i'lio ralln plant hits loiitf beou crown for ornn inuutal piirponoi lu Kuropeau Knnloiia, Mnn lm Jimt learned how to 'fl from tlm iiinlnrlit-beaiiiiK moitulto, nml now, If ho could, ho would teach pear tree to avoid tlio blliclit-carryliiK honey be.), Kxpi'rliin.'iitH couducteil In Ciillforiila, and recently reported to tlm HoUtnlcnl Hoelety of Amerlivi, In itlnito Unit been art) nctlvo agent lu Um upreml of penr blluht nt Uin perioil wlini the tree ont III bloom. J'wir trii' protoclrl with corerlng, after tho itimloKy of momiutto net, which prevented bee from renelilin; Uielr bloMtom, were unnrf(c1el wltli bllcht. while other nelftlilNirlni; tree not thus protected were badly blighted. Othor houny-aeekliiK Ituecta bealdea bee aUo wirry Infection. Dr. Max Wolf, of Heidelberg, ha photographed n remnrlcaulu nobula In the coimtollntloji Cyugu, whldi, 011 ac count of It ahapo, ho rail Uia "Amer ica nntnila." It Is, tho first time that uoh an object has been named for any of the natural division of the eartli, Dr. Wolfa photograph shows a really atrlklng llkeneas to ati outilna map of North America. The aoftly gtowlug nebula repreJionU U10 form of tha coutiikont aurroundeil by the dark background of the heaven aa by an ocean- The narrowing toward th jutli. tlio huge gap of tut Oulf or Mexico, and Oin graceful curve of the cosst of Central America and the U& uiua ara to be aeen- Prof. Clinrlnj Ilaakervllle, of the University of North Carolina, has dis covered two new chemical elements, allied to thorium, from which the man tle of WulilMich burners art derived, II lias named 0110 of them carollulum, In honor of his Htate, and the other berzallum, after Die name of the great Kwlss chemist, Ilerznllua. I loth the now element aro radio-active, giving off ray that penetrate metal, wood and other aubatnncM, and that ant ca pablu of producing photographic and visible light effect, hike other radio active element, they ara of high at omic weight. Prof. Ilaakervllle ha a boen on tho track of these new ele ment for several years. A fJormnn experimenter describes a singular electric phenomenon exhibited by n glass tuneful of radium bromide. Tho substance had been sealed up In the tube In December, 1003. Hlx months later tlio experimenter was about to open the tube with a file, but aa soon as Uie metal touched tho gbisa the tube was pierced by a brilliant electric spark, accompanied by a sharp sound. It Is thought Uint tlio retention In the tubo of Uie positively charged Alpha particle, which cannot penetrate glass, and U10 continual encapo of the nega tively charged Iletn particles, which do penetrnto glass, set up a difference In the electric potential Inutile and out side tho tube so great that at last a spark was ablo to pain through the gUas wall. QUEER DOAT8 OF THE ORIENT. rictureaquo Cruft Used by Natives In the Far Kut. To U10 eyes of tho Westerner, un accustomed to U10 wild, viking nature of U10 ocean Uint, Icy cold, gnaws away at hi coast, now and again tout ing upon U10 benches to bones of an oUicr of It victim, tha gliigerbrwid boat of Uie Far lCast seem ijueor In deed. Ono wotuterti how tho dugouts, Um shallow boat wlUi their nulla of matting, the. uusymmetrlcal craft with low bows and groteiniuo overhanging stern, can wcaUier storms, unys tho Montreal Family Hornld. Ami most wondorful of all I Umt wlzurd of Uie soa, U10 flying proa of (J nam, which "UK over tho swelling tlilo" with U10 speed of U10 Hying Deutschlaud, aud on which, It hiiH been atMurttnl, ono may travel to an Ubind ninety mile away, transact one's business and re turn wlillo tho hour hand circle once around U10 dlnl. An ncualntnuco with theao bont convinces 0110 that tho law of U10 survival of U10 Attest hold tmo lu UiIh respect ns lu othors. Tho flying proa Is aptly named, As ono lean Indolently over tho rnll of U10 steamer, dropping nnchor In tho hu ll ro no Islands, glad 01100 moro to boo hind, ono observes In the distance, n triangular Mil. It scorns to bo Hying over U10 water. It quickly draws near, and Is soon to bo attached to a qucor- looklug cruft about thirty foot long, Tho mast Is sot In tho middle of U10 narrow hull, hardly moro Umu two foot vrldo, and at each ond 1 seated a native, with pndillo lu hand, From omt Hlilo protrude piece of Iminlioo, which Niipport nt their ends, eight or leu feet from the bellying sldii of the bout nml pantile! to It, un outrigger, It pointed und, llylug along Just above I Im witter, now nml ngiiln tops the crests of tlio wit vex, throwing up lltllu Jet of spray a It does so. Hkliumlng along with tho llghtnea nml Npeed of nu lco yacht, tho two curious native nn soon far ahead of Um anchored Mlcninur. Then Homethlng txld happens The craft falls away from the wind nllglitly, Uie aall Is swung half way round, and this queer craft 1 coming back along Its track. The bow has become stern, and ho who sat Uiero when tho proa flew past Is now tho lielmsinnn, WlUi wind still abeam, U10 queer vessel scuds past again on U10 other aide of the steamer, revealing an other oddity. This side of Uie hull Is perpendicular and as flat a a board. In Northern India, lu tho shadow of the iinsurmotintiiblo Himalayas, a raft quite the opposite to the flying pron lu speed and airy gracefulness 1 used. It must be slower even than Uie undent bnskctllko coracle of the Welshman. It 1 on Inflated bullock ftklu. Tho natives tin not look exactly like Jolly HacchUHO ns they paddle, their way across the swift Hutlej rlvur astride their uncouth craft. India has, perhaps, as great a variety of small craft as one could find In any coun try. Nearly every port has It peculiar type. Koine of Uie Indian to.its have no masts at all. Much are the river houoe. boat In NorUiern India, which one may charter for VM or 30 a month for a season, Uils sum paying for Uie serv ices of a family of servants to do all Uie work, Including moving Uie boat as often as desired. The servant live In tho rear of the bout, while the re mainder Is occupied by those who arc seeking relief front Uie fervid heat of Uie sun In thl way. Many of Uie Ma layan boat have overhanging galleries at both bow and stem for convenience of operation. Borne have sail of mat ting, suggesting oriental banners as Uiey hang from Uie masts. Tb Asiatic watermen and Uielr boat are Inseparable, ami In India, Klara and Chin thousands are born, live and die on Uiera. In Hongkong harbor 20,000 live In boata, and In Can ton the number has been estimated at JDOfiOO. Their boata oro arranged In block and lane by Uie auUtorlUos. Bometlmr one sees In a Chinese port a boat which Is peculiar, not because of it appearance, but because of It use. Till Is Uie floating warehouse for Uie storage of U10 curse of tho Chi nese, opium. Among Uie skillful watermen are tha Hawaiian, who, like many of Uie oUi rr Polynesians, have a twat with an outrigger. The play of tho Polynesian center about hi ennoe, and Uiere I said to be no sport In any country which surpasses U10 surf riding of U10 Hawaiian. In Uie Philippine Island may tie seen a narrow loat with two outriggers, one on each side of tho nar row hull. TOOTHPICK HABIT. Ho Prevalent In Clilraun that It AlTonla Clue to diameter. Wo Imvo the drink habit, the card playliiK habit, the tobacco habit In tact, habits Innumerable, but there Is ono habit of which little has been said, although It Is present amouR us. It Is the toothpick habit, and It Is at firmly rooted In thwe who have It as any of tho moro objectionable ones. Obwrve a man coiuIhk down Statu street early In the morning. lie has one of tho little bits of wood In his mouth. Now, hero Is where a little character reading comes In. If he bo of a quick, hlffh strung, nervous tem perament. In a few minutes' time ho will have chewed up one end of It and turned tho other end In his mouth to masticate. This end Is also soon re duced to pulp and n fresh toothpick takes Its place. Ho reaches his place of business or employment, but the toothpick still HtlcItH there, nor doe ho have his mouth free of ono tintl' Ids stock Is entirely exhausted or lie Is tired out. In Uie foViiier case n match Is reported to or a few toothpicks bor rowed from a neighbor, which he will repay when he obtains a freeli stock at the rescauratit whero ho eats his luncheon. Cool, phlegmatic persons will keep a toothpick In Uielr mouths for se cral hours. A man of moody or trou bled mind will lot his toothpick drop listlessly downward; n man with his mind Intent on ono thing will close his teeth on It and It will stick out straight, wlillo a happy-go-lucky per son, or ono with mind free from care, will huvo his toothpick nt nu upward nnglo, or constantly shifting about In tho mouth. I toll you, that hnblt Is a great Index to a man's thoughts and characteristics. The cashier of a leading cafe, whoso desk Is right where tho box of tooth picks Is, Bays Uie. hnblt Is growing to such an extent ns to keop thorn busy tilling tho box anow, "And worst of all," sho remarked, "they seem unablo to break thomselves of tho habit After gating furUvoly around, a man will grab up a handful of toothpicks ami hastily thrust Uiom In his vost pocket with, a guilty look." Chicago Journal. MinnmHMMMaMi Ajjer's For coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma, weak throats, weak lungs, consumption, fake Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Cherry Pectoral Always keep a bottle of it in the house. Wc have been saying this for 60 years, and so have the doctors. " t ! in4 Ayr"i ClitrrT rrtorl In mr fmllf fur rri II l th lit mllrlii In tha world, f know, (or nil threat tu loot trouble " Hut. J. K. HobcbOI. Walthim, Mu. su- w.,l). f-c jiTium, AU driiriixi. r liwll Mum for jThe Lungs Dnlly action of tho bowolala nocoo nry. Aid naturo with Ayer's Pills. .llarrlnK" Kuouess, I'oreljn Visitor I am told that Amir lean marriage are generally happy. Mr. Ootham Oh. perfectly. The bus bstul Is devoted to liiminex, the wife to society, aud they hardly ever meet hKefiley uouor-morphike-tobacco i. tire iwai ruuvMitniLi vunu; e " rod ruu paahcuiaiu innirtntriNSTmnrrowTLANo,oir, A Oentln Hint. "It Is the little tlimgi," remarked the boarding house landlady, "that annoy us lllfMt." "Yes," rejoined the Irreverent boarder, "these small steaks, for eiample." Por onuirha and colds there Is no better mrxltclno than Piso'a Cure for Consuinp Uon. Price 25 cents. A Ctienp I'unernl. - Housekeeper Pretty specimen you sr to ask for help! The dirt on you Is an Inch thick. Trami Yes, mum; times are werry bard, muni, and funeral expense comes high. I'm lesviu' it on so when my tlmt comes I won't need buryin'. CURE Horses mm 1 GjasltsH DUtrmtxr, I'lok Itye or Indlsrttlon, uiiiuulb ana urc curt for CUKED 34 HOUSES. 1 hr tn oilnc rniMUn IIt towderv U tit ltit mosth and In thai tlm hT rqrvO II nort or Hmm. 14 or lttemir ao4 O of (lirooM Owofh. ILm ITohUji lUoOlct Ut g alMd irrt rwUiloa la ihlm mloo. -tnnl twkncko, Mtuk, M. V. PRICKl AT DEALERS, 30c, BY MAIL, COa FREgt-n rr rrmr-, lUivi lwnk friu Hnnir rv-, St rnt. Minn. rOttlLANII JkKU OUM RUSSELL enginVhs & High Grade WW Machinery Writ for Catalocuo and Prices The A, H, Averiil Machinery Co. poD W. union In tho mi wwiti to W. f. PW 1REATE5T 5M0E MAKER Ask Your iiitLJU 'evrV. .tiivrnTn. fL, www rne xr'i vw M.i.'tsreaKj3w 0RL0StcLrU' r?v I !alia(BkBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBn(fl oaflaSBHHaVsBBLM Br i - JWL LW Bl I H B flsjBBsK saassiBaBBwfnffiBBasrin'lL Wfi fnTJiiiKiaTj Bb nTBfftM Vl tJm mTmj ' It not carried by local i roeers, wrlU Yaahams dt Co., who will advlto wbew obtaluaWs, -"I Positions atinrnntccU. V(" forfeit .lured with Nstlonal Jlunk to make good any failure en our part. Otimni by mall, practically frte. Write today for cststog. Ilcutcl business Collcze, TACOMA. WASH Wanted-Salesmen To canvas tho farmers and denier on line of g'xxN ev erylwly need. 1200 per month ran easily m mailo by food worker. No com. petition. Goo I ciy sell 1 era. Write for partlcularj and agency nt onpe. , SPECIALTY SELLING COMPANY 313 Commercial Bit Portland, Ore. ECOHOMICAL IRRIGATOR No Qt of Operation Phillips Hydraulic Write today for free tilortrated book. COLUMBIA ENGINEERING WORKS Tenth and Johnson Streets POBTUNQ OREG01 V. N. U. No. 40-1904 TTJIIKN wrlllnr toa4TrtlsnpUal mention litis paper. I of HEAVES, COUGH, A ercat BLOOD rt'IiriEl AD CON. all ailments from whicb ncavca ariw. l'orlUnd. Or., Ocul Aisli "3 L. Douglas co ca euirtcc rOR BBBRu'sB vtl. t- -' J ,TPl"f " fi -ifft kjMLfLW. -a v --'riLiri rj i-i?iHl .if MADE. faJJ CmiWCVJ MEN. W. L. DovgJam mrnkmrn mnd molla moro mmti'm S3. BO aUYoea than any othor manufacturer world. Tb mton W. U Doorlu SUO thef ara tba rmii M.ifn m is otia mim or ueir fxrciirM mjmv rm7 fHtitiic aikl suinor wirlnr qrudiU4. If t rouVl tbovr juu Itie diHrrrora twiworn tb tnoe m4 In my tanorv sim! i oiiirr injur anil uo ,iikn-mn. irminrra ntro, you nikir, wnr hkj ikm uitu tiur. r. inirr. uni ionrr. nnkwntw.1 u ... vuuiiu 34. iiiwi T. niurv mou oro 01 KrrKirr loinnwa Tim ion Knj oiimt oo ictin ca tlMtnwlrl UmIij, and wbrtholilc tut UM Jul tonal Juljl,lsu4,fro $6,2G3,040.00. DoofUt rummni thlr TiJn lr Mkmpliie Mi mim I'll,. vu .11. IVflwn. bM. ,( I u BUMIHUHIA kiu ir -tom uewr CTrrywurre. tu iMr AUtuu tkttiM X(iiutrr.. DUerior in i it, comion ami ivenr. MAirrvom IT.Llo.ffaj fi.'4i6ifvr1llaUtwttn w if I a&M.rf (aiAiirri.... IJBJi-r-4iijrwrtJltfmiifi AV. tm Dougtiis usra Corona ColttUIn In til S3.SO s1iim. Corona Colt l cuiicciivd to bo the Uueot l'alrnt leather uirule. iub roa CATiiooca oiYua rciL nrrsccnoss HUW TO 0D T M4IU " W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mmas. Orrwir .ft ... .,,, v. w?it&a a i'.t :i