"A OREGON NEWS IW AAA 4JUkAUi ASYLUM NEEDS AN ADDITION. Steady liicrcn.ie of Invnnc Is Crowd inu umioiiia'A CopHciiy. Hilum Tho steady liicronno in llio niiiiiliur of patients nt tint atnto liisnint nayum will nmku necessary tint con dilution of n now i-ottngo nttxt year, Willi room for 100 pnltunta. Hut It n cottiigu, '" coiintriiuttMl nt llio nsy him fnrin, will cost 11 limit flift.OOO nml tlin leglslnlUM' will ImiuUmxI to appro rlnt iiMiiixy for t tint purpose, 'i'lio Krowlng ioiiilnll(in will nlso neci-ssl. tntu tho construction m ii now inning riiotii nt K cunt of III, 000, tint now ml illlloi to Imi lOx-iO not and two stories IiIkIi. 'I'Iiii lnt leglslntuiti appropriated mutiny fur tliu expense of leplaclng n number of wornotit lavatories ami tluit work Iiiin been nltcmlttd to. Otluir old liivntwlen anil nomtr ciinneo lions tin vo become faulty with ngo mid must liu iiiliu'l. To iut tlitfin In good condition will it-itilro mi appro priation of 116,000. Tliu asylum building linn not 1hii painted for many yearn nml because of tlnit fart It In rnphlly allowing tint ifleetn of tlino nml storm. Hiipurln temlout Cnlluenlli will recommend in Ills lilenulnl report Hint thu initio building Imi repnlnted tliroiiKhout, Thin will coul nltoul fl'.'.OOO. All tint permanent Improvements needed nt tlmt liiitlttilltiui will coat In tint neigh borhood of 166,000. At tint reform school, imita ncliool nml blind school only minor repnlrs nml Improvements will Imi necem-nry nml not very heavy appropriation will (hi needed for them. At tin ntnle prle on ninny Improvements hnvo Itoeii ninlu In tlm pnut year without definite nproprlntlou nml not miioh In tho way i( Inrgo Inipnnemolltn will Imi needed nt tlml limtltutlon licit year. Tint Inn', legislature parsed nil net providing Hint tint proceeds of convict labor "lull con dilute ii Ixittitrini-nt fuiiil, which may Ixt exHiided fur repairs nml Improvti inents under tho direction of tlm goier nor. lly virion of this nrl money had In-en exjxnded from time to tlinn nml tho prison propitity linn been put in good condition. ELECTORIAL TICKETS TILCD. republican, Democrats, Prohibit lonlsts and Socialists Take Step. Knlrni Tho presidential olcctorlnl ttckrtn of four polltclal pnrtlen hnva Im-iio lllnl In tho nlllco of Hecnttnry of Mtnto Duiibnr. Tliu pur tlm represent nl mc Republican, Democratic, PrOhl liltlnn nml Socialist, nml It la under ntootl Hint tho l'opulliitn will also llio petitions nominating nu clectnrlnl tick el. John ii. Hlmtli, one of the nomlii oca on tho Democmtlc ticket, resigned, nml hi plnco wn llllcd by tlm ajipolnt inutit of W. H. Ilmnllton by tha statu crnttnl coinmlttri). Tho olt-ctorlnl tickets filed nru na follow : Republican O. II. Dlinlck, James A. Fee, J, N. linrl, A. C. Hough. Democratic Thonina ii. Crnwfonl, John A. Jeffrey, W. II. IMInrd, W. 8. Ilmnllton. Prohibition Italic Ilutlor, I. II. Anion, V. I'. Klmoro, T. H. McDnnlel. HixUlInt H. II Holt, Willlnm llenrd, O. V. Ilnrgcc, J. U. IlttrrliiKton. Coinlna Events. Wnllowa Fair nanoclatlou, Kntcrprlao, Octoliri 3-8. Kmtirn Oregon Dlatrict fnlr, Tint I)nllia, October 3-H. rortlnml lunbytory, Fnlrvlow, Octohor 10. linker County fair, linker City, OotolM-r 11-16. Klmnutli County Agricultural imo elation, Klniuiith I-'aIIh, Octoln-i l'-'-H. On-KOii W. 0. T. U. Htnto convon tlon. rorllnml, OdoUir 1K.-J7. Iiilnml Minpiro 'li'ncliuiB' neaoclutlon, romlluton, Outobor 10.21. Tcnchcrs ure Scarce, l'omllntoii Tliu Pttnilluton public wIiooIh hnvo npeiioil with n largo tn lolliiH-ul In nil tho grniliin. Almost nil tho rootna niu cromlcd ind Snpurln tumliMit K. H. Couklln In looking for null nblo lioutti'M to lollevo tho congontlou. Tlireit new hcIiooI Iioiibob will ho ready for occupancy buforo tho II rut of tho year. At tho precont limit rrnrcely onivlinlf of tlm county auhoola have boon Hiippllod with teacliura. County Ktiporlutundi'iit of Hclioola Frank K. WelloH Ih lielng btmlrgcd dally by ill ritctorn linking for touoliurv. enrollment at Agricultural Collcoc Corvnlllu TIio rcglatrutlon of atu duiita ut tliu Oregon Agi .cultural col logo bruakn nil former rticordn. Tliu onroltment to datu la 400, ngalnat 320 last year. Tho increnao la fit). Tho froBliiiiim chiea la largoy lucrcasod, tho nuinbor registered being 107, or, in eluding Bubfruahinun, "00. Wheat Market. rortland Walln Willa, 800810! blueatom, 86o; valley, 86o Tacoma 'Ulueatem, fiOo; club, 81c. Colfax 01ub,71o) blueatnui, 70c. ft '. ' sfrli "effljiiiiliiaji!! OF INTEREST kAJLAAAAJj CATTLE WILL SIAIIVE. rormcr.i Did Not llolule Crops, and are Short of I'ecii. Halit'ii "Tho iiiifortiimito nlluntlon In which .Wlllumutto viilloy fminura 11 fid thitiniiiilvuH thin year hecmiito of ii Hliortngii of fend for llitlr utork In a eniiho foi regret, upevially nlnce It In entirely iinnrccnwiry. When J. K. Hen in Mild In mi Intel view n few dnyn ngo that rattle will ntnrvn in tho vnlloy thla winter for want of feed ho (old tho plain truth It In h truth wn (Unlike to nckiiowledge, but it ahould tench iin II ll'KKOII," Tli In In mi nmirtlon mado by Director Jninea Wlthyeoii.bo, of tho Oregon ox perlmentiil nlntlou, nt Corvnlllu, uhllo he wna attending tint nlnto fair. "I don't menu that nny largo piopot tlon of vnlley livenli-jk wl.l kIhivo, or that tlmy will dlo becnumi of tint on the nltM'tini of fetd. Wlmt I in cun, nml whnt Mr. Hciiih evidently meant, wna that feed la no K-nrcu Hint many fnrmorN will put tliolr ntock on u-ry abort rntloua, with tliu reault that they will bccoino emaciated and will dlo from (ll'onno or cxpoaiire. Call It what you will, It in aUirvntlou, "Now I refer to thin only hccuuao I want to y mid prove that It la n con (lltlon I lint li nit iiiiiKHTKnry nn It la mi fortmiatu. Thla ban In en a very dry pennon, audi na VVIIIniuutto vnlle) farmer lind no renmin to expect, hut thin duen not excuao their being unpro pmed for It. Our experlenco Hi the ngiiciilturnl college farm ahowa that If ciop wetu rotnted nn they ahould be, tho yield of liny would not hnio heun light, mid npilngTiOHii grain would Imvn produced well, notwltliatndlng tho lack of inln." Ashland roundry Uurncd. Aahlnml Tho Aahlaud Iron work, fotindiy nml mnchlno ahopa hnvo hum ed Involving a !( which mny rinch 110 000. lly haul work tliu detnchid pattern ahop linlldltig wna raved, but the molding, machine ahop mid ofllco building", in which were much vnlun hie machinery, wero badly gutted. Tlm II ro atarted between tha foundry nml the mnchlno rhnp looms, fiom n caiiixi unknown. The company cnrricl Insurance nmoiintinu to 10.600. Tho plant wns kept busy with orders, nml eiuplo)eil n good slnnl force. .State Talr lias Ualancc. Halem While not nil the yrnr'a liuidiirr.il of the alnto bbonnl of ngrlcul ture haa Utn coniludel, Hecrrtnry Wylle A. Moorcn llnda from lilt rvconln that llie atnte fnlr this year came out I'J.oOO to the good. Tho total receipts wero 130,000 of which f 10,000 camo from tho atnto appropriation for agri cultural premiums. Tho fair I ward paid premiums to tho amount of f 10, 600, tint additional f 600 luting taken from mlacdlcnooua recelpla. Work on McKcnrlc Road. Kugone Iteporta from tho eupeiin tendent of tho work on tho McKentle road ahow rapid progress nnd Indlcnto much good to come from tho (U,000 expenditure, hnlf of which wna nppro printed by tho county nnd half raised by aubitciiptlon. Aliendy 16 miles of tho worst part of tho road liavo lnnin put In llrst-claia shape, nnd tho ctow will work nliout n month longer. Coqullle Sawmill Sold. Illverton A company hna purchased tho Coqulllo raw- mill nnd also lVnrt'a conl initio ndjolnlng Coqulllo City. Tho company will mnke oxtenlvo im piovemenlH nt once, It ia said, in both Hie mil) mid tliu nilnu. It la under stood Hint llio mill will start up nt onco for tliu purposu of cutting tlm born for llio new bunker which will be nt onco constructed for tho inliio. Coalbunkcr fur Rlvcrlon. Klvorlon The now coal hunker fot tho llivurton Mining A, Development company ia Hearing completion under tho anpoitialon of tho Mcl.ood Ilroa., who hnvo tliu building contract. Thla hunker linn n rapacity of nbotil 000 toun, having an upper iindu lower coin pititment for shipping and local trade, respectively. Shelves for State Library. Bnlom 8tnto Librarian J. 11. Pu' nnni haa procured four new oak book cares, with bIioIvch on both ehlua, hav iusj n capacity of 1,000 hooka to each ciiau. Tho ensea coat f 1-6 each, Thla addition to tho libriity equlpmunt wna mndo neceaaury by tho nccumulntion of liooka which hnvu been piled up on tliu lloor, tnblea nnd shelved. Teachers Scarce In Linn County. Albany Scliooltonchora nrco aenro in Linn county nnd tliu probabilities nro that Homo echoola in tliu rural districts mny hnvo to rotnnin closod during the year. W'ngua ranging from $30 to 66 nro oflorod, but competent tuachora nru I not to bo found At tho price ' JSlmwvm & tfSSSk, mWHMl DEATH LIST GHOWINO. Six lv -Two Vlcllins of Wreck on Hie Southern Kullroud So I'ar. Knoxvllle, Tun., Kept. 28. Tho dentil list, iin n result of tho fenrful wreck on tha Hon thorn rullwny, near Now Market, hna grown tonight to ii'2, and It will probably exceed 70, as many of tho Injured nro in n serious condit ion and more dentin will occur nt tho hoNpltal. Today there wuro alx death at that Institution. A force of 160 men tolled all day long nt tho scene of tho wreck, J!o foru 2 o'clock tliu track wna clear for through train", but It required many houia to clear the debris. Hinull fragment of bodies wero found today, but It In thought that they be long to bodies already found nnd brought to this city. Onu liltlo baby wna found by the wreckers, but Hint wna nil. Tho cnuiuof tho teiriblu Ionk of life on the henvy enst-bound trnin wna ex plained tixlny. It seems that tliu sec ond roach plowed Its way into n bank In such n milliner tlmt tliu other tarn were jnrumed Into It nml pushed on by thit weight of tliu heavy I'lillmnna wero crushed like egg shells. The physliilniiN nt tho hosidtnl atato tonight Hint of the long Hat of Injured which they have in their care, it ia probable that not moro than four will dlu. Tint complete Hat of injured na given by the rnlltond olllelnla ahowa a total of 102, but thin Included nil per sons who were slightly hurt or scratch ed. PCACC MADC WITH HCDCLS. Uruguayan Government Now Has War Claims to race. Iliienoa Ayrcs, Kept. 28. Confirma tion hna been received hero of the re Iort of the conclusion of peace bet w ten the Uruguayan government and tho revolutionism under General Munoz. In explanation of the government forces surprising tho Insurgent camp, it ap eara that notification of tho recent rupture of pence negotiations waa com munlcated to Fernandez, a revolution my political leader, but not to those under nuns; and up to tho motrent of the unxeKcted attack by tha gov ernment forces, tho cotntnandera of tho lebul had not been informed that a rurture of negotiation! had taken place. The fact becoming known that the revolutionists wero not -.actively hostile led to the resumption of con ferences, with tho reault tlmt tertna of venc wero ngreed upon. There ia genernl rejoicing hero nnd In Uruguay over tl.o outcome. It ia exM-cted tha claims will bo presented by diplomatic representatives ot foreign governments for dnmiigvs nnd losses to. foreign residents to the amornt of sev einl million dollars, nnd the financial outlook ia, conseqiKntly, gloomy. VESUVIUS VERY VIOLENT. Curious Tourists Kept Dock lrom Danger with Difficulty. Naples, Kept. 28. The eruption of Vesuvius continuea to Increase in force, nnd ia now moro violent than any time alnco 1872. lied hot atones nro hurled ton height of 1,000 feet, falling down tho flanka of tho mountain with a deaf enlng sound. Tho director of the observatory aaya that between 6 o'clock thla morning nnd 0 o'clock this nfternoon hla instill nient registered 1,844 violent explo sions, nnd Hint ono atone thrown out weighed about two tons. I-nvn flowing from tiio crater hna melted the metal of the Funicular railway, nnd destroyed the wooden hutH in which tho guldea live. All vegetation within a indiua of onu mllu of tho crnto ban disappeared. Several enrthqunkcH wero felt today, Soinu of the people In tho surrounding vlllngcn liiwit left their liomea nnd nru ramped in the open nir. Tliu curiosity of tourlHtn to approach tliu volcano ia miicIi that n Imgo number of carbineer guaida hnvo been detailed to prevent them from pret-elng beyond tliu pro scribed limits. Vatican Sends u Courier. Homo. Bent. "R.Tlm vat Iran linn sent to l'arla n special courier with important documents runorted to con cern posslbln negotiations for n Franco v in imii rappronenment, which, ni tboiluh vorv til 111 cult to Hrrnniro. Ih not connldored impossible, na, according to information received by tho holy hoo, rrotmioiu ..ouuot, jnrulKii Mlnlator DulcnsBO. Minister of Publlo Timtrnt'tlnn Chnumlo. Mlnlater of Flnanco llnuvlnr nnd Mlnslfitor of Puhllo Works Mnruo- jcula nto In fnvor of audi nn under standing. Drlnklno Soldiers Start Riots. Berlin, Bopt. 28. Tho Tngoblatt'a Klsclilncl correspondent telegraphs that during tho mobilisation, nntl-Bomitin outbronka occurred in many parti of Boaearnbla owing to Jowiah tradora tell ing drink to tho soldiers. WEEK'S DOINGS Newsy Items Gathered from All Parts of the World. OP INTEREST TO OUR READERS General Review of Important Happen penlrjs Presented In a Brief and Condensed Corm. W. J. Ilrynn la u grandfather. Disease In clniming many Jnpnnero soldlura. Tho hattleahiap Connecticut baa been aticcccNsfully hitinclied. Tho Ituralan cruiser Orel broke a cylinder on her trial trip and will bo dlnyd nix months. Tho main Russian army haa retreat ed from Mukden, leaving only a small force to guard tho rear. Thu Jnpnro o army has captured Da pnaa. Practically no resistance waa offered by the Hussions. A I'uget nound tug fust in from Alas ka, reports having sighted a Husalan gunboat nt Unirnak pats. A dispatch from Constantinople rays Hint thu village of itmncn, Armenia, wna Hid sfenu of n massacru of Armen ians by Kurds. Details nro lacking. Hops have advanced two and t'.iree cents throughout thu Willamette vnl ley nml nt North Ynkimn. Independ ence gro era havu recoled na high an 30 cents. Heavy rains hnvo caused serloua dnmngu to railroads In Western Texas, New Mexico nnd Northern Mexico. Feveral washouts nro reported on the Santa Fe in Now Muxico and on all roads trains nro dolayed. Two moro of tho Hillings, Mont., jail breakera have been captured. Unofficial estimate, by Japanese offi cers place the number of their alck and wounded soldiers at 46,000. A Massachusettn justlco lined an at tache of tho British embassy and later found he had exceeded hla authority. Ho hna apologized. United Htates cuafbm officials at fl'oitland believe that neatly 20 per cent of tho Chlneso population of that city are in thla country illegally. Tho Vancouver, I). O., police think Hioy hnvo in custody the lender of the threo men who hold up the Canadian Pacific train near Mission recently. Tho Philippine Islands will not be able to exhibit nt the Lowla and Clark fair unk'BS aid ia given. Too heavy Jan cxpenee at Bt. Louis ia gUcn aa tho reason. A passenger train on the St. Louts A Iron Mountain railway waa derailed 126 miles from Bt. Louis and Injured 36 persona, a number of whom are so badly nurt it ia believed they will die. Iteporta received from near Shang hai say Hint the Boxora are openly dis tributing pnmphleta couched in the same language aa those circulated be fore the rising of 1000. October 17 ia fixed aa the date for tho extermination of all forelgnoa. Tho Chilean training ship General Baguednna ia at Ban Fanclnco. The Japanese are pieparing for a flanking movement against Kuropatkin, Reports from Port Arthur claim that there la plenty of coal foi months yet. Figuiea just published ahow Japan'a financial coditlon to bo in good shape. Largo numbera of Japanese rein forcomenta are being hurried to Muk den. Tho Port Arthur fleet ia expected to make another attempt abortly to co ca po. Senator Hoar ia vory low and hla eon aaya hla death may be expected at any moment. Russia ia likely to ngaln yield to the protest of America and remove cottton from Hie contraband list. Tho steamer Ciusador, from Port land, reported captured by Jnpaneao, haa been released and pioceodcd to Shanghai. President Royea la meeting with mucli opposition in the Colombian sen ato to tho resumption of amicaolo rela tions with the United Btatea. Ruaala will probably domand ot Britain her Intontlons in Thibet. Flro nt tho nothloham, Pa., stool works doatroyod property valuod at $250,000. Tho Gorman nnvr Is to be Incrensod. A forolgn cruiser wna Blghtod SO mlica off Goldon Onto, which mny provo to bo tho Russian vessel Korea. Tho British etonmor CruBador. from Portland to Chlnoso ports with lum bcr. has boon enpturod by Japanese Crulaora. Gonoral Orloff will bo tiuiiBiu.ii.vi from tho Mnnchurlnn army on ac count of hlB blunder at Lino Yang, and mny ovon bo roUrod. Carrie Nation announcos that she Is about to begin nnothor crusado at Wlchtta, Kan., and asks the women of tnat city to Join nor. tt ,. riPTY LIVES LOST. Passenger Trains Meet Head-On In Tennessee. Knoxvllle, Tenn., Hop. 27. Run ning on u roadbed In a auppo.oi'.ly high condition of maintenance, and Jmvlnc about thorn every safeguard known to a modern railroad, two trains on the Southern Railway car rying heavy ll.ta of paaaengers met head-on near Hodges, Tenn., Bonding SO paoplo to death and Injuring 130, several of wham will probably dlo. Homo of tha bodies have not yet been recovered, and many raraaln unidenti fied. This appalling loss af life and maiming of tha living resulted appar ently from Ik disregarding of orders given to tha tw trains to xoset at a station which has for a long tlmo been their regular maeting-point This actloa on tha part of tha engi neer of tha westbound train Is mad more Inexplicable by tha fact that tha accident happens la broad daylight, and according to tha beat information obtainable he had the order In a lit tle frame in front of htm aa hla en gine rushed by the station, and a mile and a half further on cama upon an eastbound passenger train. The pos sibility exists that the engineer may bare been asleep. The trains were on time, and not making over St milts an hour, yet tno impact as trie roundad a curve and came suddenly upon each other was frightful. Both anginas and tha major portions of both trains were de molished, and why tha ordsra were disregarded or misinterpreted will probably never ba known, as the en gineers of tha two trains wera crush ed, their bod Its remaining for hours under the wreckage of their loco motives. MOVE TOR PEACE. President Roosevelt Will Call Inter national Congress. Washington, BtpL 3. President Roosevelt aanounced thla afternoon that at aa early data ht would ask: the nations of the world to Join la a second congress of Tha Hague for tha mmoUoB of arbltraUoa. The occasion for tha announcement waa the recepUoa by tha President of the delegates to tho Interparliament ary Union, which rocantly held a ses sion at St. Louis. At that aeaslon the following reaolnUoa waa adopted unanimously: "Whereas, Sullghtans. public opinion and tho spirit af modern clv lllzatloa allka demand that controv ersies between nations ba settled la the same manner aa dlsputea, between individuals are settled, that la, by tha Judgment of courts la accordance with recognized principle of law; "This conference request a that tho several governments sand delegate to an international conference to bo convened at a tlm and place to be agreed on by them, for tno considera tion of the following questions; "The negotlaUoa of arbitration treatlea between tha nations repre sented at tha conference to ba con vened. 'The advisability of creating a Con gress of Nations, to convene period ically for the dlsenmlon ot Interna tional questions. "And respectfully and cordially rc- queeta tho President of tha United Btatea to Invite all tha nations to eend representatives to ouch a conference." RUSSIAN QUERY TO OREGON. Governor Asked What Rules Apply to Ships Taking Berth. Balem, Ore,, Sept. 17. The Rua- alaa Consul at Ban Francisco is anx ious to aecuro information regarding the harbor laws, rnlea and regulations In the state of Oregon, and having ap plied In vain to the Port of Portlann Commission and the Board of Pilot Commissioners, ho has addressed Governor Chamberlain upon the sub ject. For the Information of his gov ernment he wishes to know whether there are any state laws or local regu lations governing tha assignment ot vessels to bertha In Oregon harbors, and particularly whether exceptions aro mado In favor of merchant Tea sels flying the American tltis. One ruoltlve CouQht. Butte. Mont. Sept. 17. X Billings epeclal to tha Miner tonight says that one ot the Parkinson brothers, known an the most notorious horaethleves in Eastern Montana, waa captured by the Crow Indian police at tho agoncy this evening, while endeavoring to make his way out ot the country on a. stock train. The nine other fugitives are still at largo. Mosher and Qrndy. tha self-confessed murderers ot Serg eant of Police Hannah, aro armed with Winchesters nnd are headed for the Jackson Hole country, with posses hot on thalr trail. A flght will result when the men aro overtaken. rire at Minnesota University. Minneapolis. Sep. 17. -Tha main bnildlng of tha University of Minne sota, was totally destroyed by Ire to day. tsntatllag a lua of f 1J5.089, tally fasnrad. 1 -, ., i-.i " -v 1? jf (jsiiarjnanjhfc 'i3ht i