The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 30, 1904, Image 6

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Massachusetts Electric Car
Strikes Dynamite.
Teamster Was on Ills Way to Get
It When the Disaster Occurred
tic Was Arrested.
Molrojo, Mass., Sept 23. An out
ward bound electric ear containing 32
persona was blown to pieces in this city
tonight by ttrlking n 60-pound box of
dynamite tbnt luul fallen off nn ex
press wagon. Six persona vvoio killed
out light, three more died of their in
juries within an hour and 10 others on
the car weio taken to tbo hospitals
Buffering from severe injuries. At least
n score of persons in the Immediate
vicinity of the explosion were' hurt by
dying glass and splinters.
So great was the. force of the oxplo
clou that all but ten feet of the rear
portion of the, car was blown into small
pieces, while windnvj within a radius
of n quarter of a milovvoru shattered.
The immediate vicinity of the uccl
dent presented a fearful spectacle when
those in the neighborhood reached the
scene. Tho ground was strewn with
tegs, arms and other portions of the
bodies of those who had been killtd,
and shrieks and groans came from the
writhing forms of tho injured. The
car contained mostly men on their way
to their homes in this city.
For moie than three hours there was
tho greatest confusion. Thousands of
people rushed about trying to find
relatives and friends, and the hospitals
were besieged. Tho police arrested
Roy Fenton, driver of an express
wagon. Fenton, it was learned, was
carrying two 60-pound boxes of dyna
mi to on his wagon, and did not know
until he reached the express office
that ono of the boxes had dropped off.
Ho hurried back in tho hope of pick
ing it up, but the electric car reached
the box first.
Orcaon Irrlgatlonlsts Enjoy a Day
Near Ontario.
Ontario, Or., Sept. 22. Tho dele
gates to the stato irrigation convention
were the guests of citizens of Onturio
and Malheur county yesterday at a
picnic and banquet at Arcadia, a model
fruit farm owned by tho Kieeel, Shill
ing &. Danllson company. Arcadia is
on the O. S. L. railway, seven miles
cast of Ontario. Eight years ago it was
a barren waste of sagebru'h land; to
day it is one of the most fruitful fac
tions of land in the state, embracing
several hundred acres of alfalfa hay,
acres upon acres of bearing fruit trees
and a dense grove of locust ani maple
trees an ideal place for n picnic.
The delegates and their wives were
taken in carriages supplied by the citi
zens of Ontario and ranchers residing
in the vicinity for a drive among the
farms, covering an area of several
miles, finally ending up at Arcadia,
where the women having chaige of the
banquet hail prepared a feast which
Congressman Williamson said eclipsed
any banquet he had ever attended, not
excepting those of Washington, nnd ex
President Devers declared that it was
far superior to the famous banquet
given to tho delegates of the national
irrigation congress at Ogden last year,
which is known to have cost over f 1,
After inspecting the fruit oichards
of Arcadia, where hundreds of tons of
ripe and growing fruit aro to be found
on the tices, the guests wcro taken
bnok to Ontario, where they all depart
ed on the afternoon trains for home.
The Judges awarded the f 100 loving
rup, offered for the count) muking the
best fruit exhibit, to Malheur county.
Baker county was tho only other com
petitor for this cup.
The experts employed by Commis
sioner Young to pack the fruit exhibit
for shipment to bt. Louis begun work
yesterday afternoon and expect to for
ward it today. A fresh lot of fruit
will Ite sent, as there is plenty as good
and better growing on tho "trees in the
vicinity of Ontario than that plnce.d
on exhibition for the convention.
Rushlna Coal and Oil to Siberia.
New York, Sept. 23, A dispatch
from London to tho Times says:
Business Ib active on steamers with
coal, oil and stores for Russian ac
count. It is clear that urgent meas
ures are being taken to Eecuro supplies
for Siberia and Manchuria before the
winter. Underwriters ore skeptical as
to the weather permitting stearnore
which have still to sail from Europe to
reach Vladivostok. It Is known that un
less largo quantities of nil aro got out
many of tho Eastern Siberian towns
may bo in darkness durirg the winter.
1005 Pair Plans forwarded.
Washington, Sept. 23. Plana or
tho Lewis and Clark buildings were
for wauled to Superintendent Lazarus
today. Bids will bo opened by the
supervising architect in this city Octo
ber 17. Superintendent Lazuras is
expected to have the planb open to bid.
dure tho latter part of the week.
Port Arthur Cannot Much Lonucr
Supply the Russian Ships.
Tslngtati, Sept. 24 Several collleis
arrived hem within the Inst ten days.
It Is believed their caruoes am Intend
ed for Port Arthur. Tho British col
lier Foxtnn Hall has transferred her
cat go of Cardiff coal to tho (loiumn
steamer Erica which the local author,
itles would not allow to leave until
given aMurnni'o that no attempt would
bo mivdo to eutei Port Arthur. Tho
Erica sailed at daylight, and Japan Is
given as her destination, but it Is bo
lloved she will ultimately maku for
Port Arthur, wheiu tho Russians aro
offering stupendous inducements for the
delivery of coal.
8. Davidson, an Amrican merchant,
who had a Russian coal contract and
was ordtired to leavo Port Arthur on
February 16 last, is now at Tsingtau.
Ho tolls tho Associated Press corre
spondent that when ho left the coal
supply there was very much depleted.
On account of the Russian warships
having been compelled to keep up full
steam day and night for nearly eight
mouths and tho enormous quantities of
fuel required for tho water condensing
plant, (hero must bi a coal (amino
there now unless muiu ccnl has arrived.
The Japanese have sine thou cut off
the water supply, when thu garrison
would have to depend entirely upon tho
condenser. If a coal famine prevails,
the town must be getting water from
impure water wells, which would also
have to bo served to tho sick and
wounded icoless.
Tracts Withdrawn Will Not Uc Sold
as Soon us Restored.
Washington, Sept. 24. The secre
tary of tho interior has ordered estor
ed to entry n portion of tho lands In
Skagit and Whatcom counties, Wash
igton, that were temorarlly withdrawn
in December, 1002, with a view to en
larging the Washington forest reserve
on tho west side. These lands were
examined by the forestry bureau anil
found unsuitable for forest reserve pur
poses. Some are agilcultuial in chaj
acter, son e grazing lands, but a con
siderable area Is valuable for its tim
ber. Tho reason the timber lands nee
to bo turned back to the public domsiii
is because they aro isolated tracts, lo
cated among lands now in private
ownership, ft would not tie practica
ble to reserve them without reserving
the adjoining private lands, and this
policy Is not favored.
In restoring these lands to entry the
Interior department is adopting a now
po'icy. These and all other lands
hereafter restored to entry will not bo
co mo subject to settlement immediate
ly, but will be advertised for 00 days.
This is to give every one an equal
chance to take up newly opened lands,
and to prevent any ono getting unfair
advantage. This was not done in the
case of tho Blue mountain lands restored
in Oregon, but the rule will hoieafter
apply to all lands eliminated from
withdrawals, as well as lands which
are cut out of established reserves.
Philippines Out i 1, 204,080 as Re.
suit of Pluctuallons In Silver.
Washington, Sept 24. The bureau
of Insular uffairs of tho war depart
ment in its review and final audit of
the finances of the Philippine govern
ment has definitely fixed the low sus
tained by the insular treasury, up to
Juno 30, 1003, due to tho fluctuating
valuo of the silver currencry In general
circulation in tho Islands until a recent
date st 1,204,080.
This l( ss to the insular government
was brought about largely by the fart
that when silver was dear Mexican dol
lars were almost exclusively offered for
payment of government dues, but when
silver was cheap and the Mexicans
ovei valued comparatively little was
offered in payment of dues, nnd credit
ors of tin government sought by every
meanns possible to obtain settement by
the government in Mexican money.
In this way silver money won d be
taken in at a high rate of exchange to
gold and paid out at u much lower rate
than received,
Under the now coinage act, which Is
now In successful operation, Mexican
money is no longer receipable for pub
lic dues.
Rush of Immigrants.
I. Ivor pool, Sept. 24. Tho streets
leifding to tho steerage offices of the
trans-Atlantic steamship companies
were blocked today by thousands of
emigrants, clamoring for a last chance
to get to America for $10, tho reports
that tho rnto war was over being gen
orally believed. Tho White Star lino
Heamei Baltic:, which sailed toduy,
took over 2,000 $10 emigrants and
many wcro left behind for lack of ac
commodation. Tho American line
steamer Morion wus filled up with the
last f 10 batch for Philadelphia.
Population of Uuenos Ayres.
New York, Sept, 24. A municipal
ceiiBiia has just been taken, says a Her
ald dispatch from Buenos Ayios. Tho
exact figures are not yet known, but tho
population of JJuenos Ayres Is estimat
ed at about 1,000,000.
Irrigation Convention Meets
at Ontario.
About 200 Dclcnalcs In Attendance
Malheur County lias nit Ex
ceptionally I'lnc fruit Exhibit.
Ontario, Or., Sept. 20. Thu third
annual irrigation convention mot horn
yesterday afternoon, President Hovers,
of Portland, presiding, Rev. David
Sopp pronounced tho invocation, after
which Mayor lackey extended u most
cordial and hearty welcome to the del
egates. President Duvers responded tc
thu welcome.
The convention took a recess after
President Dovers' address until H P. M.
Tho evening session was hold in tho
Cougregatoual church, which was
crowdetl to its rapacity, most all of tho
delegates having arrived on tho delayed
trains since tho afternoon meeting.
After singing "America" Governor
Chamberluiu was introduced as tho
first siicaker of the evening. Tho gov
ernor congratulated thu people of Mal
heur county on tho magnificent fruit
exhibit. Ho said ho hod visltrd St.
Louis nnd viewed the horticultural ex
hlbts (tout nil tho states, Oregon In
eluded, nnd ho could stato, speaking
from personal knowledge on tho subject,
that tho exhibit made by thu icoplo of
Malhour for this convention was finer
In every respect than that of any state
or territory at St. IahiIs. The governor
said ho had wired President Myer, of
tho stato commission, to come over nnd
sreuro and send this exhibit to St.
I onis at once.
The governor then spoke at soma
length in regard to tho Irrigation pro
jects inaugurated under the Caiey act.
Contracts havo been signed and lauds
segregated to tho extent of 120,600
acres and applications are pending for
207,060 acres more, enough to piovldo
homes for 30,000 pcoplo.
H. II. Gates, of Hlllsboro, member
of the state iriigution commission,
spoke of tho proposed Irrigation laws
the commission is preparing and con
gratulated the people of Malheuronbe
ing tho first in Oregon to securo govern
ment aid for Irrigation.
Judge Lowell, of Pendleton, said ho
wanted to live to see tho day when the
line of dumarkatimi brtweon East and
West Oregon would be wi)cd away by
tho hcarttxat of n united people, and
in closing he pave the convention the
-sentiment: "Oregon for Oregon."
E. M. Brannik, of Portland, spoke in
tho interest of the Lewis and Clark fair
and urged tho people to work for and
uld the fair in every way possible.
The esonlng was enlivened by several
songs by Rev. Dr. Sopp.
President Devers, at tho request of
tho local committer, appointed F. W.
Sheffield, Dr. Wlthycoinlm and Pro
fessor F. W. Young to act as judges ol
tho horticultural and Agricultural ex
hibits. The exhibits of fruits mailw by
the fruit growers of Malhuur county
has proved to bo thu most attractive
as well as tho most astonishing teaturo
of tho convention. Nothing to equal
it, nays Governor Chamberlain, Presi
dent Devers, Judge Lowell and others,
has ever Ih-oii seen In Oiegon, All
visitors from other portions of thu slate
Join in this opinion. There are about
200 dolt gates in attendance.
Train Is Ditched.
Junction City, Kun, Sept. 21. The
Pullman section of the eastbouud At
lanta express on tho Union Pacific was
wrecked six miles east of heio shortly
aftor 1 oMosk this afternoon by tho
rails spreading. The train was travel
ing about 40 miles an hour. Three
Pullman cars left thu track and tho one
at thu rear roiled over a 16-foot em
bankment, turning over three times.
There were 32 persons in this car. Six
of them were seriously Injured, and tho
rest received slight but painful Injuries,
Porest Plrcs Spreadlna.
Anaconda, Mont., Sept. 21 Tho for
est fires west of tho city have pro
gressed so far that there is now danger
that tho buildings nt Mountain View
park may bo destroyed, Tho advance
of tho flames Is being watchod closely
by a force of mon employed by the rail
road company. Should tho danger bo
great, a general alarm will be sounded
and a bucket brigade organized. There
Is plenty of water at tho park if it can
bo properly directed. Along Warm
Springs canyon fully a dozen prospect
ors cabins havo been burned.
Reserves Japan Is Culllno Out.
London, Sept. 21. Tho Morning
Post asserts that tho report that Japan
is calling out reserves refers to tho men
not yet summoned to the depots, and
whoso period of servlco In the reserves
bus not expired Thu paper explains
that a Japanese soldier is not exempt
from service until ho passes his 41st
Irrluallonlsts Elect Officers and
Decide on Next Medina.
Ontario, Or., Sept. 21. Tim oc l
day of tho Irrigation convention opened
at tho opera luiuso yesterday wowing
with a huge attendance of dulcgates.
I'lm night tiiilus brought lu a huge
contingent from tint West, alsou large
visiting delegation ftom lloiso and In
termediate towns In Idaho. President
Devers presided.
Tho first speaker of tho day was lion
Thomas U. llalley, of Pendleton, iiwin
tier of thu state commission to draft a
stato Irrigation law to bo submitted to
thu legislature this winter. Mr. llall
ey explained that tho commission had
secured tho services of a government lr
ligation attorney, who was an expert
In the matter of litigation law, and ho
had prepared tho dralt of a bill which
would bo taken up by tho state com
mission soon. Ho explained that the
United States government would havo
to 1m a jMirly to all government aided
Irrigation schemes lu this state, hence
tho necessity of having a bill passed
which would meet tho irqulrcmellts of
tho government olllcluls.
'I he chief address of the morning
was delivered by Judge J. II. Itlclmids,
of lloiso, Idaho, on "Tho Homo ami lr
rlgation." Mr. Richards said that tho
noblest typo of manhood and woman
hood ciiiiio from tho homo Ix-autlfuL
Following this lino of thought, Mr.
Richards contended that tho pursuit of
agriculture and hurtlculltiro as n means
of gaining a llvllhood under proper
conditions would piodtuo the best cUm
of citizens, both for the statu and na
tion. Dr., of theatntoagrlcul
tuial college, delivered an Interesting
address on tho rdtirated farmer.
SK'klug of tho government irrigation
project for Malheur county, Mr. Withy
combo said that it had come to his
knowledge that some of thu prominent
ciliieus of this valley wore sacilth Ing
their personal luteiests In older to
further thu government Irrigation
plans. Following out this suggestion,
thu doctor spoke at soma length on co
operation as a factor In Irrigation.
At tho afternoon session tho commit
tee on organization reported the follow
ing olllcers for tho ensuing jear:
President, E. M. Brauiilck, Portland;
first vice president, S. A. Lowell, Pen
dlolon; second vice president, F. W.
.Mutts If, Arcadia; secretary. A. King
Wilson, Portland; treasurer, A. II.
Devers, Portland.
Hon. J, N. Williamson was thu chief
Svaker of the altemoon, Mr. Wil
liamson had to deal with a delicate
subject, and thu ocra house was
crowded to its capacity when hu deliv
ered his address on "Disposition to Bo
Mudo of thu Range Lauds of tho Arid
and Semi-Arid Region." Mr. Wil
liamson spoko with deliberation and
positiveness. After dealing with the
matter In all its phases, hu raid I hat in
Ills opinion individual ownership was
the best means of solving the problem,
provided tho present limit of owner
ship was lomovcd, taking Into consid
eration location, condition and valuu uf
html outside of thu Irrigated area, each
Individual to take what is necessary to
support a family. It Is u question of
climuiic conditions, uiuiuiiu and water
support; an arbitrary rulu will not ap
ply. Ir.i Smith read an addrers prepared
by Senator Mitchell, who was uuubluto
bo present. Addresses wuru delivered
during thu afternoon by Attorney Gen
eral Crawford, President Bruuulck, A,
King Wilson, E. II. I'ncy, government
law clerk, and D. W. Ross, engineer In
charge of tho government reclamation
service In Idaho.
Mr. Ross said that the irrigation pro
jects now under consideration In Idaho
and Oregon If citrrlcd out to completion
would support n population of 300,000
'the convention voted to meet next
year in Portland.
Ills Books In a Muddle.
Washington, Sept. 22 The war de
partment has asked assistance of tho
department of Justice In trying to se
cure thu arrest of Captain Ira Kelthloy,
Philippine constabulary, who bus ills
appeared from the Philippine exhibit
in St. Louis, leaving a reported short
age uf 4,000 In tho funds which had
boon entrusted to him with which to
purchase supplies for the constabulary.
Kelthloy hud u good rccoid up to this
time, having enlisted In the regular
army as n private In May, 1808, in To
peka, Kan.
Illlllnfl Prost at Grand Porhs.
Grand Forks, N. D Kept. 22. Tho
first killing frost of thu season visited
this locality last night. Tho tempera
ture was nt the freezing point anil Ice
was formed on all exposed water. Cut
corn was killed ami lurgo quantity of
lhx, Thoru is still some green wheat,
but this will bo good for nothing but
Russia Meets Views of
aln and America.
Nulluit Will Hold (oiniiuintlcrs (
Ships In t-rnir In IMcscrvc the
' Country's Dlunlty.
Ht. Pelcrshuig, Sept. It) Itimsla
has given her answer to tint American
and British note on thu subject of ion
intbiind of war. Her answer as com
municated to Ambassador llnrdlugn
this afternoon verbally by Foreign Mlri.
Inter Umsdorff. and bears out tho pro.
dictions made on tho subject by Ihn
Associated Pies. The Ambassador
was informed lu effect that, according
to tin decision of tho roiiunlisloii which
has Investigate! tho subject, the gov
eminent hits agreed to view as condi
tionally eonl ralmnd lu character food
.tolls and fuel, and that supplementary
liml ruction had Item Issued to the Itus
shut naval commanders and prliecouits
culling their attention to tho mlslutor
puliation which had Ihii placed upon
the prist regulations.
These Inslrutlonr.SIr Charles Harillgi.
was Informed, mnkn a clear distinction
between tho articles eiiiimeratid In ar
ticle II ol tho Russian price rrgii.atlons
which are susceptible to di al u.o, like
fuel ami foodstulfs, the assumption Ih
Ing that If they ant addressed to private
persons oi firms lu an enemy's port
they nit not intended for warlike uses,
but their Innocent character mny U
subject to suspicion If thu ship's papeis
and tho circumstance am Irregular.
In ifficr, tho now Instruction will
plant the burden of proof that thn hwd
tuffs, etc., nm designed for Iwllguri-nl
purMiso iihiii the captor,
Russia, In Count Ijunsdnrft's rr
sNinsn to Ambassador llanllngn, In
principle meets the vlnws of tho Amer
ican and the British government re
garding foodstuffs and coal and othrr
(uel as bring conditional contraband of
war, distinctly placing thnii In ths
category of article susceptible of ur
both In war and -rc, and as such
only confiscable when consigned to
blockaded orl, or destln.-d fur mill
tary or naval force of thn runny.
Shipment lu tho ordinary coihmi of
trade by private person or firm, rvru
to rnemy's Hrt, may li regarded ss
prima faclo nut contraband, but on thl
Mjnt distinct reservation Is made,
Commission Will Soon Meet In Re
port to the President.
Washington, Srpt. 10 Tho public
lauds commission, consisting of I .and
Commissioner Richards, Gilford Plu
limit ami r. II. Newell, will hold an
curly meeting and outline thn report
which It will submit to thn president
recommending chsiiRes In the various
public land laws. Tint mrml-urs of
the commission havo spent the summer
In tho Wett observing tho ovration of
the land laws, and will soon lit sup
pile) with reMirts from their field rrp
rosentatlves ol!itliig (Hit tho wcakni
es of the present laws. Alter going over
all tho data collected, the comriilrsion
will draft Its reMirl and submit It to
thn president In time to permit him to
lucorixirato thu various rccotnmenda
tlous In his annual message tncnngicss
Tho commission may not be able to
make a final report, but will make the
ono presented as comprehensive as jkv
slide, and will point out tho changes
most needed in tint public land statutes,
including thn necessity for modifies
thin, If not actual repeal, ol tho llrti
land law.
President Roosevelt Is deluding
ukiii this commission for a strong re
port, and tho indications are that ho
will got It, though In aomo Instances
tint commission, while showing thn
weak smts of tho present laws, may
not recommeiiil any definite remedy,
but submit various plan for tho con
sideration of congress. The probabili
ty, however, Is that thoru will I hi no
Important land legislation next winter,
as it is a short session and there Is con.
sldoiuhlo opposition to changing the
existing laws, especially the lieu laud
May Courtuuirtlal Captain.
San Francisco, Sept. 10. Naval offi
cers hero say Captain Berllhsky, com
mander of the cruiser Lena, acted on
his own responsibility in coming to
this port from Vladivostok, They
hold that hu ramu here to nscapu par
tlcipatlon lu the war, and with tin
full expectation of having Ins vessel
dismantled on arrival horu. They
argue t tut t thu Russian government
will ,io obliged to order his court mar
tlal to domonstrato that tho czar had
no Intention of preying on tho com
merce of this coast.
Lurae Lumber Mill Destroyed,
1 Chicago, Sept. 10. A dispatch to
thu ltocord-llerald from Pluu Bluff,
Ark,, says that llio has destroyed tho
Sawyer & Austin plant, out. of tho
largest lumber mills In Arkansas,
Tho loss Is estimated nt hot ween
400,000 and $600,000, fully covored
by Insurance