The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 23, 1904, Image 5

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Makes its prcsonco known
by many sWj, glnndular
tumors, bunchos In tho nock,
cutaneous eruptions, in
flamod eyolids, soro ears,
catarrh and wasting diseases.
Hood's Sarsaparillt
Effects permanent cures.
Own Hawaiian Itltadi
Out of tho little Islands of thfl
lluwnllun group containing 70,aW
ncres Id owned by an American nsiiicd
llajr, The principal Industry or the
Island In shcep-rslsliig, rrum which tlio
owner receive a royal Income, Ix
ccptlng Mr, (Ittjr and his wife, who aro
tlio only vrhltn people on tho Islund,
thH Jut In tho wean In peopled hjr 10O
unlives, who am suld to lit "ns black
ua uililtilKht." Tho owner la known an
"King UT," ld bis' slightest wold
lu ti lur anions Lhu subjects of til
, Tim Husband's Definition,
"What Is a cuuutsr-lrritaiit)" asktd
Mr. Hinllhrrs.
"A counter-irritant," replied Htnlttirra.
"la a woman nlio mske Iht rlerk pull
tlowu Tvrllilnc from the Iic1t for
two hour, ml then lm; four cents
worth at hslrpllti."- CUvclsml I'riia.
I'Imi's Curs I a gooit rnush idlcln.
It hsa curcil mill hi and cold for fori
years. At drUKgIiis(23csnt.
Italy's birth rata hn thrunk ta 32.47
per 1,000.
A I'onllah Memorial.
A stone monument, weighing fifty
tons, la being raised In the Hcborflelde,
lirar Zchdenlck, (lennany, on tha apot
where the lJmprror atood when ha kill
ed lila ntir thouiatidth stsg. Tba atoue
bears tht Itiicrlption: "Uur wott Il
lustrious msrgrsve end lord, Rtuperor
William II., stood here on Hept. '.V.
Anno Domini. IbOeJ, when slaying hU
one thousandth ataK of twenty tlnra."
Tho litnpcror la so versatile that If
monuments wero erected to commem
orate als achievement In otlirr Ittira
Ocrtunny would be studded with thou.
Thn plscce where ha wrote hta one
thousandth p)-iu and where ha pslutcd
Ida out thousandth plctura should ba
marked. ,
Uotbcriwlll nnt Mrt. Wlnilow'i Hoolhtng
t'7fui lli Ut ruilr tuUMler Ulr ehlMitu
dutlug lb Ulttlii( period.
Nut M llnina la Natural History.
'Mere's a curious item, Joshua," n
claimed Mm. Ix'inlngtou, spreading out
Ilir lllllvllln Mirror" In bar ample
lap. 'The Nellie K. Williams, of (Hon-rratr-r,
reports that she saw twa
whnlrn a cow and n cnlf, floating alt
Cope Cod thi day Itefore yesterday."
"Well, mn," replied old Mr famine
ton. "what's tho insttcr with thatr
"Why, It'a all right stut tits two
whales, Jo thus, but what bother me la
how tha cow and the calf col 'way out
W ay a man li "mulish" Instead of
likening him to a csmel vheu he gets
bl back ui.
Altoous: Fa.. Inae so. iijo.t.
I wa stllcted with Tctttr in bad shape.
It would aptxar In blotches as large aa say
hand, a jellonish celor, and Kale an.
You can isssgius how offcusWe it wa.
l'or twelve years I was afflicted with this
trouble. At night it waa a rase af scratch
mid many times ao rait at all. Stelae the
i;ood the. medicine waa dolag a friend
who waa taking It far Kcreaaa, I com
menced it, and aa a result the eruption be
i;cm - rt ' up and disappear, and to-day
. am pr. :tlclly a well man. Only two
tiny spot are left on the elbow and shlu,
where once the whale body waa affected.
I have every confidence in the medicine,
and feel sure that In a short time these
two remaining spots will disappear.
8. 8. 8. i certainly great blood puri
fier, and lis done tne a warld of ged,
I run grateful for what it has accotn
IlUhed7 and trait that what I have said
will lead others wh are alaillarly atllct
cd to take the rcaiedy and obtain tho
samo good results that I hare.
135 Hast I'iftU Ave. John I', Iiux.
While washes, aoapn, salve and powders
relieve temporarily, they do not reach the
real cause of the disease. The blood must
Ixs purified before the cure I permanent,
8.3.8. contain no potash, arsenic or win
end of any description, but i guaranteed
purely vegetable.
Bend for our bonk
ou the akin and its
diseases, whloh is
mailed free. Our
physicians will
cheerfully advise
without charge
any who write us
about their case.
Tho Swift Speolflo Cimny, Atlanta, Oa.
' afiHaw ff''-'"Jpc5W
iiuir rirmuiitii ock.
This plclurn rnproient a beautiful
lypo of the Huff Plymouth Ilock fa
in uU, a lirrd of htiffa that baa coma
rnpldly to the front aluce thalr intro
duction only a few yeora ago. In gen
rul conformation and alia they are
Identical with thn llarred Hocks, and
lis iiiM-f ill fowls they have tan iMult
mid doiibtlrM no suporlora, Almoit
uvrryoue I famtllnr with tha Harrtd
l'lyiuoiiLh Hock, and aa this branch
poisrase all the merit of their an
ct'Nlors, we hnrdty think a detailed de
scription (iei-pwiiry. HufTlC! It to aay
that we think the buff branch af thl
to; j u
nt'rr n.TUoiTn noca.
BmI OoiuiU Sjrup, TuiiMOooi. l)t l!J
family ta destined to rank among the
favorite breed for those wae cotublnw
beauty and thn profitable aid of peul
trykeeplnr St. Ixul Ilepubllc.
UIIIIbIiib it Vew Acre.
There are many people la farming
districts posMised of a few acres of
land In fairly good tilth waa da not
know how to utilize them to advan
tage. Hurrounded a they are by large
farm, they have an Idea that there
I not land enough to make anything
out of It. While It la true that local
conditions have much to do wltk what
thl small area can best be used for,
lu a general way It la safe te say that
If the owner will do some Intelligent
studying he ran find a way af making
even a few acrei profitable. Of cur-,
much depends upon the man and his
resources. If one I naturally Inclined
to fruit-growing, knows something
about the business, and I near a fair
ly good market, he ought ta make the
few acre bring htm golden return.
The same with poultry raising. In
other section It might be the beat
plan to turn the email area Into
meadow, particularly If It waa suited
to grass and labor wa high and hay
brought a good price. All thing oust
be considered In atomptlng to make n
small area profitable with crepe, but
It can be done If one will work out
the problem with Intelligence.
Trnilah for Young Hlack,
One of the trouble In feeding stack
la the waste of feed, aud tker sheuld
be some plan on every faraa where
there I a number of brad of sheep or
calves so that the feeding could be
dun at the smallest oable expense
and at the greatest poaelbl savlu.
A trough built in the following inau
ucr will he found a saver of feed.
v- ; Ul. J
r v ... . ity? -jimr tit.
li.. ..n3Jf Ai7"..
stfi.-ore.," vi,-s -z.'-
rier.Di.Ya Tnovaii iron stock.
While It may bn in r do nny length de
sired, ten feet la a good length, and It
ahould lie ilfleen Incite wide and, tho
trough proper, ten lnche deep.
Ktrong end piece are placed In pe
Rltton ao that thn trough rosy be raised
roin thn ground to the dealred height,
the trough proper being placed about
n feot from the top of the side pieces,
and ou the very top of the aide pieces
n atrip of wood Is placed, thus prevent
ing the animal from getting Ita feet
Into the trough or Jumping ever it. A
atrong board la placet! at the end of
each upright aide, close to the ground,
and these board are held In place by
atokea driven on either aide. This plan
holds the entire structure tlriu, so that
the frisky youngsters canuet tip It
The Honey Crop.
California Is tho loading honey-pro
ducing Stnlo, with over Ufty-tve thou
eund swarms, producing about eno
mid a (juurter million pounds ef heney
nud over sixty thotmitnd pounds of
war. In San Dingo County alone are
nbotit twenty thouiund swarms, val
ued at $50,000, Testis stands nest to
Oullfornla as a producer, followed by
Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina
uud Teuuessco, Tho total product of
tho Untied Btates Is about slsty-two
million pounds of honey and nearly
two million pounds of wax;
Solatia 'VYaeat and I'otataea,
There bars been all sorts of result
with wheat following potatoes, sad
such results bav largely followed
closely in accordance with the fertil
isers used. Naturally, as whest doe
best oa a sol which ha been well
worked snd prspared, following tha
potato trap with wheat offers every
chance far a good crop of the cerual,
but alwsys provided the proper fer
tilisers are applied and In considerable
quantity, for It must be remembered
that the potato crop (ins not left much
of the applied fertiliser for any fol
lowing crop, and second, that the ac
tion of the fertiliser will necessarily
be slower during the season In which
the wheat geta Ita start. In following
pots toes with wheat try thl plsn.
Itske err th potato tops, and with the
harrow level the sell and loosen It to
the depth of twe er three Inches; then
roll the ground snd drill In the seed
with 200 pounds to the acre of some
commercial fertilizer rich In phos
phoric acid. The potato top may b
npread sver the need (ted si a mulch,
and will materially help the wheat
Hather a radical way of doing tlm
work, perhaps, but It hu paid well
with many farmers, hence Is worth a
Vtrmylng Ihe Ifrxlaii VI y.
Wheat growers of long experlenc
are familiar with the plan of sowing
a decey strip of wheat early In tho
sesson to entice the berslan fly. It Is
a gnod plsn to do thl even If there
I no certainty that the enemy may
be waiting far you. A narrow strip
la sown entirely around tho Held In
tended fer wheat, and this Is turned
under t th time the msln crop I to
be aewn. This turning the decoy sir p
of wheat nnder Is s better plsn thnn
plowing s nnmber of deid furnrws !
tween this strip snd the msln field.
The msln crop should be town ss Iste
sa It esn be with safety, whether the
deeny strip Is used or not, for the lster
the turning the less risnger from thu
hesslan fly, near In mind also that
aside from the battle with the bessUa
fly, aueees In wheat-nrowlng ceme
frnm the thorough preparation of the
seed bed. The man who worka on the
plan that the leed bed for wheat can
not he made text good Is the one who
gels the profitable crop. At least this
I the result nn farms that bare been
tilled for a number of years.
Sometimes the hair is not
properly nourished. IfBuffcrn
for food, Btarvcs. Then it
falls out, turns prematurely
gray. Aycr's Hair Vigor Is a
Hair Vigor
hair food. It feeds, nourishes.
The hair stops fallinc, crows
lone and heavy, and oil dan
druff disappears.
"Mf bitr " rnrnln UrrlMf I M rild to eniuu II Hut 4,tr'a lltlr
Vir rtn,Or irr4 tl rallies eS
rxl'lxi lhnliirlroinr ... .
Mas. .11 K W.4MD, Un4lnr. N 3
f I M bolll. J c avail co.
Alt rurtti r !n !
-Z ySSK'K'-'SSSfiv V
TVork la Reins; I.luhtened.
To hear the stesm threaher whUtlc
In the morning sendi a thrill through
the heart nf the old farmer who has
spent so many years working around
the thresher. To the average small boy
It has nothing but delight. To tho
housewife It brings remembrance of
hot times ever the kitchen cook stoVo,
In the psst few yenrs all tho work
has been lightened more or less. Self
feeders, self-messures and wlnd-ntnck
era have tsken swsy n great deal of
the hard work, and now the gasoline
store removes s rival deal of the bur
densome best in the fcltcben.
IPoor Hair
Wanted -Salesmen
To canvas the farmers and
dealers on line of good ov
er) body ncoln. 200 per
month ran earlly bo mado
by good workers. Ho oom
jctitlon. Good caiy sell
ers. Write for particulars
and agency at once.
313 Commercial Elk. Portland, Ore.
A Ixnjr Hlop rorwant.
Mr. Illnks In spite of all Mis I'fne
mlnd's talk alxiut advanced woman and
higher education, alio Is Just as fond or
s est ss sny other old nisld.
Mr. Hlnk Yen, but she spesks of It
ss "s domeMlcflted carnivorwu quadra
ped of th family I'c.ldae and genu F.
lonmuviairwTi posnNs.osr.
Vraltinc tor a CalL
"Whftt did you say that girl was
playing?" said the lrrltablo man.
"One of Chopin's waltxcA.'
"Well, I wish Chopin would send
aronnd snd claim his property."
Washington Star.
a ointrf (kiiooi. or tiik hioiimht
I"I,H1 nnx ' teete-, location, build
Inrfqulpmcnl Uio Kit. bend lur cat
alofii. Turin Opunn Suptombop IK. tOO-4
11,(00 forfeit (Heed with National Hank to
mk(o4 anr latlure on our rL Catalogs
Irt. Writ today,
Keutal Bumtnosa Collage
Tmoomm, WasA.
V. N. U.
Na. M-1904
Cam Ckolcri, IUtr
t4 tkr 4lMiwi,
ll Hl, b, ,'if i.
uln ckKki ftsv.
rrsiiUo Eati;C.Sl. rI
THE0E6T Tbtl-niMluraatcrrrsodaiMlIJca
Knwr.r CrulirWl, " All pn-
un v.fl y1 b.rftcl MU.ra&Jea.
W. UUTUOhS lllllard, Wuh.
Prui.n rcMltrr rocO I. Jl
li nl4 In raulsv poaliri C li.
MIOOIS, Uub, Wub.
FartUs! SJ C Af li. firiliBc. Or.
nulla rllrr tk MtC
l'UUILAKU HKKU CO., 1'artlBBd. Of,,
Uoaat Aftatt.
HEM writing- to drtlsrs ploaaa
maniian inn potior.
Dr. C. Gee Wo
ThU wrndtrfnl lb
doctor U ctuid
trrfti bcu h cart
tp) WllhOUt OpTaV
Uo tfaM ftrvctftu up
to dl. Up rur w lb
ItKsM won) rrfwl Cbw
asvrb. rcsotsv hwlt,
hr 4 TrtoMfj
UjU art nUri un-
kawiwa la) BtMAt tCim
in Una cu.Dlrr Tbmufti ih m f
ibcs4 brml rtmJ1 ihi Umou doctor
know ih art on of ov?r tVA dlffmnt rm
skIIm, b inrcfMirbllj n Is diflVreal
d I . IU rnuBt-t to car cvufh, Mib
Ida, la dc lhrvu rbtmmoVtUm. nnroanM,
iomawh, llvr( tudutjt, ttct bu bndrtjil ot
UttttnoolsU. OisUf nvwjrrsua. C4 vavl
m- htm. rot!ii sjui of lh rUf wriu for
blind and drrular. Mii itmp CUNHU
TAllUS rtiKK XlillKlkM
The C Gcc Wo Chinese Wc&dnc Co.
25J AUf St. ivrlluJ, Oroo.
ronltrj- Pickings.
Clean out the nests and whitewash
It Is better to darken th place se
lected for the nests.
As a rule, hens lenrn to eat eggs by
having them broken In the nest.
Stale bread soaked In milk makes a
good feed far nrwly batched chicken.
Fowls will est a Urge amount of
clover, whether fed green or dried a
fowl that fatten easily should hare
plenty of exercise, unit being fed for
Once chickens are stunted they nev
er regain their vigor, even with tho
most csrefnl feeding.
A mixture of two parts lard and one
psrt kerosene oil will remove the
scabby formation on the legs.
Charred eorn on cobs Is a good way
to feed rhsrcesl to fowls, snd noth
ing is better fer bowel tronbles.
Mske the hens scratch for a llvlnr,
but put grain where scratching will
get it, or the hens will not thrive.
On a fsrm good facilities good innn
sgement snd good markets are more
valuable than the breed ot fowls.
If ths roost proline hens are re
tained snd the worthless ones market
ed, a great Improvement would soon
Agrlenttural Ateiao.
Good feeding Is the forerunner of
The farmer's tram should be one
well sdspted to his requirements.
Liver Is a good food for milk pro
duction because It Is rich In fsts.
Even In summer sufllcient bedding
should be provided to keep the stock
Desirable qualities are fixed In a
herd by a long line of cartful selec
tions and breeding.
The dwarfing of a tree occurs by the
slight disagreement between the scion
and the stock.
Thrift in sheep Is generally secured
when the farmer thinks enough of
them te care for them.
Moss-covered trees will bo much
benefited by scraping and then white
washing with lime and wood ashes.
ill T ... TL!- I the time to write or our ratalnrue We educate
nfll iLimnrrnW fir InlS ou practically (or builneM end get jou a pueillon
when cum
Afternoon, tut KowS,BSKle"fes88
High Grade
thstSrs Machinery
The A. II. Averill Machinery Co.
Writ lac Catalogue aaJ IVkci.
You Can Count Your Chickens Before Ttier -Are
T.ittj fertl tssTou put Into a Chatham Incu
bator (fill coins out a hvallur, sturdy chick That
li the record thn Chatham Incubator baa inaJe Ur
IIm-W and thr Chatham llroedrr will brine them
up letter than tho moit utoihtrly hrn Ihero 1
bf money to lnsle in railing chleien with
Chatham Incubator The (anncr who overlooks
thli branch ot lit builnri U neglecting one ol the
frcalfil profit producing departments othli farm
he racltto Coait li riot irt4uclng enough chlck
rui to lupnljr their own wants. Chicken railing
li profitable
Ol'H OKKKIC We will H you a Chatham In
cubator on lime, It will make many tlnirilti coat
to you ttly the freight. Wlto uie for our
Tnlqu Catalog ami uwiul hints on poultry rait
ing. Coita you nothing Holt now
Pmottlo Coast Agent
cJJJ aai qJ
"sss7 ' KiWVf
XtlSJtV .Vl Jrf '.
jesaL $
Jffe 7 ft
1mm Jv P
H A 11) lilt Tl . siJiafV L I
H a Si Sat MITH J!aTf iS. f
w.'ir twvt.-yv Tmia&s
t'vtf, iwiumiV , J
K! S3.50 & $3 SHOES IK
$5.00 ano 54.00 Custom. Bench Work in all
viie Uin ta vsf I ravnienB
ink rr wrtrtub lamipina,
2,80 Police. Thrce Coles. $2.50 hd
$2. GO. 52.00 and. $1.70. boys, rort
Dress and School Wear.
W. T Douirln untie ami aoll more men's
Sa.AOnml t3.00 tliixathnn nny oilier iiuuiti
farturtr lu tlio norlil. The raon they are
the crtairil re Irr. li llier are mnilu of the bat
Ustlicri, Iult thalr shape, fit belter, wear longer,
aiHlbaie more value than anyother ihoca.
W. 1 Douglai cuurantvoa Ihelr vnlue bv itamiw
liu hu nitina and prlco ou ths bottom. Look far
.. . . T. ..... . . .
li ikko uu auMiiuuc. cwiu uy iuoo uwtier
cicrywtiero. I'uit CWor rVf uttt .jWwutVy.
Herrtoform I havo brn wearing 31. ao
iasm. DurcSutil a oalr of W. L. Dourlai
S3.SO Mhoei. which I haw worn tcorv dav for
ur monthl. The art 10 JU(fi'iicorv I da not
mtmna to return to tntr mor expenuvo snoot."
WM. CRJHT KNOWLES, Mitt. City Jollcfror, PAtfa.
Brockton Lmatlm tha Kan'a Shoo FmmJtlonm of tha World.
w, I naisla . Coroaa Colttkln In I Stnd or Catalog altlng full lit.
hl It to . Vro Colt l couflJ I tlrwtlomt how to orftr bn mall,
to be U Bant fatiat Liathir niJi. VT. I Douglas, Brocliton, Hum.
.i i
i y.m
I.. ..,-JiiiuJ
11 I )