ULLETIN It w voi II MUNI), OIUJOON, 1'KIDAY, SJJPT. 23, jopj, 10. 28 THE BEND . Hr ! TO WET NEW- LAND ypper Country IS.xumlned By Engineers. TO KUI'Ojt'i; ON l!!ASItyI.ITY Looking fur ItoiitM from Mountain l.nkM ( Arlil Arena of the I'lnln. Wry good .stories of the progress of Kovttnunl works tovwd til reclnmNlinu.iif large deaert nrvttH in Northern KIhiiihWi mid Lake coimtKjH have conic down the river hi the jififtt few il.iy, one twing ho definite' m to my a practicable loutr lor h ciinnl from Creweut lake o Ave mill towimliiiw in Luke county hail been found. Anotlier continued this Mini Haiti the divide Mutln-aiit of Kanhtud had been found crotmiblu with 1111 irrinnUiiii ct, with three fcl to spare. Thnt was nttniK it down to h jtrrttv fine imlitt mid looked almost uffkinl. Th rtport ht q. int-n yc;r niRu Hi this goverment rcotini)iwMUiiHt fnck ""wtfitli It mmui hkt 1 pirelto biif "rifsmr ' Mnor John T.sirtJr whofcjji, o1hik of thU, exmiuitttiorv mtlin irirt etijciueor for UrKon, came down to lleiul Wcdiiewjiiy d lie ailed to confirm the stories that l jwecciei nun. nc auiuuieu tat lour men kal Ixwu cufcflKcd countiuH lint hu hud no ruaulU or conchmioiiH lo givu out. IIu i to submit the romillrt of IiIh work t! the the licud of 'the reclamation service in Washington, 1'. II. New ell. As to whether any action will be taken uiwu them or whether they nlnill even ! made public remains with the Washington "U thorities. ' !" Ivnxiucor Whistler smilud when told of the report of his work that linjl notion abroad. Hut he would not deny that irritation on n lase K-ale is feasiblu in the up)ercouiitry, nud the fact that the laud is now withdrawn Irnni uiitry tov the gov erumeul opHrlituity for thorough examination witli drawing atectiln tor.s, I'MTON I'UACI! IS SOLD. IE t lor otte time in Rathcrm data I'rcil A. SliuniiioRt the Purchaser for $MU0-1lmotliy Knttcli. l'rod t, HhuiHi11e.1t hart bought the Pelton place at Hij; Meadows,, 15 miles up the Deschutes. It con sIhIm of 200 acres, mostly natural meadow, and the price agreed upon in 52,300. A payment has lceu ulade atid the entire transaction is to lie closed and all payments com- pletod ill 00 day. Jim Pelton. of Klamath Pall, was, owner of the placit. - 'Jiiu in otic 0 he, finest hay ranclwjf qit f C rivgj. Mora' than too tons of wjld ha); were harvest ed there tliU season. Mr. Shun jneat purposes to sw it to timothy and is confident it will Vll(l two tons or more of that liny per ncrc iwrmtf mi rm-lAiiiMtiaii !wwibiliii rcRulaily. Chance citchM oftim i,. i:i.iuitir. Lake and Crook ' Krow wU there. For the ' .sake of variety, mid poubly to. - suit .some parts, of thu much, clover will U' .sown. Other improvements may be made later. M.r. Shuiuiue-st thinks o" putting a Mourn launch on the river at the mucin to use fbiMtuntintrtuid fish? I iujl excursions. There nrc.0 miles of ideal boating and j;ninc is worth tfomn nf(cr. v cnmpiiiK outfit Will lxi niniiitaiued in connection with the boat. foit $5: A I'QSSIDlE wdise 7,000 Acres of Land IN OKftlON I-'ukk to tluwe who will pay fr.nu $S to 515 lr rrc toT Perpetunl WntcnriRht ToTHKQ01,t'MHI. SOUTIHtHN IKRtOATION CiUtl'ANV, Uuds located in the Des chutes Valley, Crook county, Orcein. Water now on laud. Seiul for dw.criptivB puiuplilet B. S. COOK ail Alder St., Portland, Ore,'. I Advertised Letters. j The following is a list of lottors I remaining uncalled-for in the Iiciul jKvtfouico beptcmbor t9,ioai j HmVt, Arthur 1 lU-nrfonl, - 'lIM.N.J. It. llmktrlv, S. (!. Hrwly. M. Ilrtiiimtili, I'.. C. Ilrt.iir lvilicl CitrUiii, A. M.--2 l'. Hell Mim Jl'iiiirhcr, A, I). (is, Il'l, CrMimr, .lirrli"2 DhIiiuth, liriiwt R IRRIGATED LAND We are ready to receive applications forn lare area under the canal of the DESCHUTES IRRIGATION &. POWER COMPANY. This laud is Kastwnrd lind Northward fiom Hend 011 the Kast side of the Deschutes Kiver. Only water is needed to make it fertil. This is now provid ed. Special Inducements to those WHO SIGN ICARLY CONTRACTS. For further information ADDRKSS, DESCHUTES IMPROVEMENT CO. W. H. Gl'MKIN, JK PKI!SIt)HN'P. 0. C. STIUNItMANN. HBCHKrAUV. 11UND - - ORKUUN. .MrtlHl...l. MlrlmttU, l'nl Miwlfv, Jitlni ()HMyfIa 1'idniur, llttr 1'nlint'r, Jim Parker, J. J. Jtif.1, 1'lmx. K.-a. HcyiHililn, Vnltnr Itli'lmnliMiii. Win, ItliotK, l'twil Ml w ItohliliiH, W. .--a IMIlimrH. I'.niwi-. liiw, v. nariev" s lHVV.HiMil.HiCHiiilli, litlio.Miw Mioll, ur. .INIIU Httilt, IVrrv Taylor, .1,1 1. Tiihior, A. I.. PinlvrvMHMl, Khiicr Yanlluivii, llrtrwanl Vnn TaiMN'f, PrentliM Vuiiithii, DuvH Vhi puruii, Carrlo for thoc letters lllill. C'hMrltK i: i Huff, JmmmiIi jHtkf'll, t 1)0 JmiKmhi, II. II, .IhUwii, MiikIi .littkiMiii. M. M. Jiuich. Win. T, t 1.. 1... i Uinlrlf, Hint Persons calling will please say they are advertised. A. II. Grunt. Postmaster. John I,. Kevcr returned Sunday from an expedition over in the Tumalo country in search of the big-Krizzly that cross'ed the Des chutes last week near the Dutch John bridije. Mr. Kever found plenty evidences of bears, some ol them leaving mighty big tracks too, but none of, the signs were fresh ond there was no trace of the gi gantic creature he was seeking. The bears are now going to fatten in the huckleberry patches. Later most of them wilt come down 011 the edge of the desert again and they will Hot go into winter quar ters until well into December. II. M. Street was up from the Matoles With 11 load of vegetables yesterday. He raises musk and water melons, beans, peas, toma toes, cabbages etc, very successfully. Hut the melon season has now pass ed nnd hereafter Mr. Street will only bring, tomatoes nuil cabbages I to the Bend market. PUSHING THE WORK 200 Men and 100 Tcvitns fStnv Bin ployed. THIS I'OKCB TO IJB DOUBLRD t). I. & P. Co. (hiil It Necessary to Buy 50 TenniK--l!(ulpmcnt ami Supplies Arriving. The Dam .iittes Irrigation & Power Co. now has about 200 men and 100 tenuis at work and is trying to double this force as .soon as possible. 'About 50 Italian lab orers havu beau brought in for work on the upper ditch, and more will probably be engaged. I wenty Americans nra clearing the right of way for that canal. More than 100 men arc at the lower construc tion camp. " Then two engineer L parties arc in the field making a loxgrapucal examination of the fcouutry. The company is getting 50 teams of its o,wii to put 011 the, ' canal work. Half the horses have been bought ii the jiast week. Ifor this pur,poc wild range horse are taken, tug company breaking and providing harnesses for them. A largo number of scrapers and ;reat quantity qf general suppl ies lave tweti rocoved by the company und the freighted nro crowded to bring in more. r ' C. 1J. Ratious hay been appointed to superintend the conntriictibn. of !llll ,WIV (1llt11l ....- .,- ..,v..-.. . accent cliatigcs u no oiucmt roatcr of the company hero nakc F. U. Rowlcc suiKirintetidcnt in stead of assistant general mcuagcr. C. W. Red field chief engineer and V. L. Tompkins cashier with George jones.us liusistant.t DISASTOR DIDN'T HAPPEN, Heavy Rock Pell WlicroQIant Powder Had Just Hccn Removed. Luck or providence appears to have become interested in Jim Ovcrturl". It saved him from being blown to smithereens by a giant nowdor explosion last Monday. One part of the warehouse of the Pilot Huttc company at the mill yard is used for an office. The company is doing some blasting of rock at the edge of the river nearby, where a wing dam is ttttdcr construction. Jim Ovcrturf who has charge of the mill yard, noticed n broken box of giant powder, from which but little had been taken, on the warehouse floor where somebody was likely to stumble against it, and as a measure of safety he set it up on a shelf in plain sight where its dangerous nature would be appar ent to all. A few minutes later as Ovcrturf was sitting in the office an uuusally heavy blast was set off and a rock weighing n- hundred pounds or more sailed into the sky and descended squarely upon the roof of the warehouse. It crashed through that roof and through the floor underneath, precisely in the spot from which the giant powder had been removed n few miiites be fore. Instead of the explosion that would nave wrecked the structute and caused loss of life there is only the insignificant injury to the build ing, because of the providential carefulness of the young man in moving the giant powder at the right time, Mrs. Ray I.ovell and hersistef, Miss IHliot, of Columbus, Ohio, who have been visiting in Bend, attests of Mrs. C. 15. Lovcll. loft yesterday morning for Shauiko, be ing driven out by Harry Hunter. They go to Portland for n short visit and exbect to iouruev through California before returning to their Columbus home. In their short visit here they became quite n part of the community and are as much missed us old residents would be. JOHN CCKC Agricultural Implements Mowers Rakes, Plows, Harrows, Drills, Wagons PHOENIX PAINTS Five-Year Guarantee RUBEROID ROOFING Order it. for-Your New House Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, etc. Glass, Paints, Window Sashes, DOORS, OILS The Bend Mercantile Co. BEND ' OREGON -. ' I itJli . ill ij , i.lkl J rf.4 l l LUMBER -nt- BEND, OREGON The mill of the Pilot Butte Develop ment Company has begun sawing and hereafter will be ready to supply all kinds of surfaced and rough LUMBER and SHINGLES AT REASONABLE PRICES PILOT MITE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY