u - ' ' II 111 Hill $ l I t f If, KW Timber Land, Act June j, lS;& i t N0TI013 FOR PUBLICATION U. 8. tnuil Office, The Dalits, Oregon, May .. Xottoc I hereby lven that In ranipliaiicc wllh the pravtatotia ot th. ctof lunariM of June I, taja, eutlUed, ' .n. fnrlru m! ol Umber landa tn Ihe states ofCalll null iingim Nevada, and Washington Territot," it. n.l.d toalt the public laud Mate !) Vet nl August i. !. the totawiog-naiued prisons h m mi Nutentbrr to. im, Bled In thta omce their sworn otaltnti-tila, lo-wlt: WllUim ,. UMIm, of rattlaad, (at WotveattaT block) county of .MuHiitnmh. state nf Oregon: sworn statement No. lint, for the purchase) of the hH of sec , ti 17 , r. II , w at. Tnttmas A. Rnthcrrbrd ofrrrtorrf.tort th Kt mut) of Multao nmh.atoM Oregon, mm ststrment Xo itaj. foe the purer e of the wWnwHeeii and i nef arc !, tp 17 , r 11 e. w lu. Tint they will after ptwfto ahow Hint the land vooght U Mttre valuable for ita timber or stone thaa foe agricultural purs s, autl to establish their cUlii to saidland before the Rejrtstrr aal Receiver at The Dalle, Oregon, oa October aft. They nam a wltnssee Thomas A Ruther ford, fir 1. tfl apta, J II V. tIU ami William A Laid taw,oflgctlad, orcywi; C K ttoiitb, of Lamo. ta, Chegem. Aaj' aad alt prtaon claiming adversely the ahow-deacrlbeit lands are regucsted to Ale their rlatm la thta odVee on or before the Hid isthda) of October, tfM IMM MICIIAKL T. MOLAX. Kcgtotcr. Timber Laad, Act June J, K7S. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land OtAec, The Unite. Orctroa, May 14. 1904. XoHe-e ta hereby given that In compliance wllh the MBstahmaof the Act of Congrem of June j. It, entitle! "An act for the sale of Umbel land In the state of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washtneton Territory." aa extended to al' the pubHe land stare by Act of August 4. the MhHTnR tMmed persons hare on AUuat 14, to, filed In this oiSce their sworn taleeoU to-urttt Mkhoell Shelly, of MlnaeaoU, (13m .rand Mreet) county 01 HennetHn, Mate of Mlnnewu. mrora ratenen No. ana, Mr the pnrchav of the aH t sec 11 and HM wJ ofec it, lu i;a, r lae, m. Anthony J Ihrycr. of MlnnmpoUt, im Mlgblaad Arenne) county 01 Uenneytai, tlate o? Mlanraota, wuro atatrateu' No. ni, far the prebae of the V nwi, K and h) V mc 11. In 1; a, r 10 e, w m. That tbey will oafrr proof to how that the lam MMaght i aaorc Talaable for It, timber or Hon. than lor agricultural purpcaea, and to eaUbll! their elalaM to Mid land before the Mefrtater am HMtr at The Dalle, Oregon, on October i IVH- They name an wllnnar Katherine Dwyer Thorn FttHcrald. Mlahaet J Khelly. Anthonv J IHrycr, of Mtaneapothi. MinneMMa; audjohi K Myan, of ITttwrtlle. Oregon. Any ami at) neraona claiming advencty th' abuea deacriiml land are reoucMed to He thei rlalaai la tW omee on or briar Ihe aakt Mat da; of October, 104. ata-oil MICHAKt. T NOLAX. KegMer. Timber Land, Act June j, Itjt. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. Land Omcc. The luallca, Oregon, May U, loat. Xotica b hereby gln that In compliance ttl k mwIiIiiii afthr Act of Coactea of lane X it). entitled. "An act fcrtbc ale of timber land mine nam oi vauiornia, ui vul wat WaoWngton Tertitory." aa eatcmtel to alt th ratblte land ttataa by Act of Augnat 4. , th taBowing'Hained uraam hara on Angurt M. laaj fifed in titia offio thaar awora MatemanU, lo-wu Katlwrlae Dwyer, of h Mahkml Aveanc, MiaaeapoUa. coonty c lleani&, tuteof Mioneaota, ewora Matemen No. aaar. aW the porchae of the arf iK a a,w)Iuwtf and (K awf mc 7. lp 17 a, r M 1 w m. ! Thoaaaa KltagemU, nf VllnaieapnIW. (isr Polk atrart) county of Hen nepta, ttnta of Mianoutn. aworn Maleawnt Xc aapt, far the purchaac of the aM of mc 11, lp 1. .r locvrn. That tbey wilt oarr proof to abow that the lam ought I more valuable lor ita timber or atoo than far agricultural purttoara, and to eaublwl their ctalm to mid land before the Hajlatrr an Mecciecr at The Dallca, Otegoa, on October IPM. They nam aa witntawa KeOMTine Dwyet Tbobum PiUgarald, Mirbael J SheUy, Anlhon J lawyer. ofMhtaoapolia, MiaocaoU; aad Job ItKyan, ofltWville Oregon Any aad all Beraona claiming adocraely th. atnwi dearrltiwd land an rcunrated to ffht thei daian in thla oraca on or before th tald atth da; afOctobar, tpu. aixiu MICHAKI. T .VOUX, Kogkter Ttmber Load. Act June j, itr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Omce, The Dalle, Oregon. June it, laa. XoUc la hereby iriren that Ineamidmnc will ta prorWom aflaw Act of Coograaa of June 1 t7t. entiUawVAaact for the ml of Umber land tn the atatt of California, Oregoo. Nevada, an WaaWngton Territory,'' aa caiVaotd to all Im nabllcbMiditataa by act of Angnat 4. , th JbUowinfl-aamad pcraoua ha on ptmbr 1 1 J9. Aloi tn IhU office their aworn vUUnwuu to-iti ' Catbctlac C Cochlin of Madraa, ewtaty of Crook, ataU of Oregon aworn ttaUmeNt Do. jiaa, for the pnrchaM of th K wj. nj. K nwKeKofMC. jj, lp m , r 10 ., w. m. TbonuwJ. Mattoy of Madraa. eounty of Crook, Mate of Oregon kuotn atatemtnt No. iat, far th purchaac of lb mtK nwy, nK awK aad Iota a and jufwe. ji In. mi, r lac., w. m. That they will otter proof to ahow that th land auugbt U more valuable far it timber vi tton than far agricultural purpOM, and cwabliah their cUim to aaid land befor Don I' Noa. 0. a. Commlaaioncr, at hU oftce at Madraa Oregon, am Augvet ay, i4, Tbey nam aa wiuaeaaca Arthur X. Mathtwa oflortwad, Ofgon; Mtchael J. MorrUon, odcll Oregon; Jaw Maya and Tbomaa J. Malloydi Madnui, Oreaun; and Catherine (S. Cocbllu ol Madra( OrogON. Any and all pereona cuimlav the abovc-dca cwnon wau ar requewca in mn inir cwim iu ak nttaa on or before Um aaid aatb day of Aug t. K4. )4-aa, MICIIAJU, T. NOI.AK. Kagktar. Ttniber find, Act Junr j, 17. NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION. U. .S. I.aitU Office, The Dalloa, Oregon. AUKUat II, JM. Xotka n hrby given that In compjiaacc with llic provhfeni) orthe Act of Cmraa of Junes, lava, eulklatl, "An act for the aal wrtlmber landa in the alaloii of California, Oregon, Xrvada, awl Wainlngton Territory," aa rnundwl to all thr jhiUIc land atatoa by Act of Augut 4, i9, Kd Hatvuraou, of Norwich, oauHiy of Mclleury, Ute of Xortb IlakoU, ha on (ecrmber 14. iuj, filed in thU otfice lift aworn Hilrmml No. iya, lor the mr caMviiir Ihe wM uK and wK vtt aecij, tp It a, rue, win. Auil will offer roof to abow that the land aouKht l more valuabk- for ita timber or alone than foroaulvoUuriil purpoaea, and to eoUiMUli hU claim to wil bind Iwfore J. M J,awrcnc, U. H. CouiiNiMiouer, at )il 08V ut llenil, Ore Xn. on the I7tli day of October, vH. lie uaniea as wiiiicmc. iu nriMitrnuiM, ai liert C I.ucs, John C I, Kbler, John MI11, of jikuu, oreieen. Any SihJ all perMMW dalinliig adnraaly the aljoyfrdjaerUd land are ratjumKad to file their alaliiu m lljl .otto OH or before tlicaald. 37th day oTOetewr, 104. I9)3I MICHAKt. T. NOI.AN, kcfililir. CONSOI.IDATKl) NOTICE FOlt PUBLICATION. Ikpntlinciit or Hit Interior, V Mud Oltlcc, LnVcvlew, Otvpin. July , ivm. Nolloe l hrreliy glvtn that tlir Mlonlng iminrtlKtUti h,t-e Rlel notice of tlieti iHlm- llon to nrnv Anal prl In itpnt ol theirclaliiK m I that Mill )rvKf will ! wailt bfibtc .' M I iitrence, 1' S Cinninlaaioner, at hl nlfkr ,11 11 11 1, CrouV onuity, Oieatm, oh Am Knl rf, iau4, m Kalph II. Cithlirttl. II K. No ul, f r the e W ec it and cM tit S mc 4, tp 11 , r ii e. M- hi William Ihante, It. It No. ajtj4, Rr the iK "t U, wf nwK mc as, neh irv wc rr, tp , r 1 e, w m They nmiir the fidimving witnemt lo prove their aoHitauuu retdene hm nmt oilllvattnu ofaaMUml, via. Mleharl S MayAtld, Malph II Caldwrll, f lamamal W.mh U'ltllu hbuiu. raah.Mma T ts.la ami kcaiand. Oregon; John tknmt, of liehutea, Ittnaat J X WATSOX. IHrr. Tlnilxr Mnl, Art June 3, 17. NOTICE VOM PUBIilCATION. V. S. Land Omcc, Lakctltw, Oregoni July jo, 1904. Notice i hrrrhy givtM that in coniillan-e llh the proriiHiitioofthe Art of Congrem of June j irs, entltl-d. 'An act far Ihe aaleof ttmber Vaud in th ataicK ol Calllornia, Oregon. Nevada, ami Washington Tirrttoey," attended t all thr puhlic laud Mate by Act of Augvwt 4, Mlllaon J Hoberl, ufDtvchnlr omuly or Crook, "tale of Oregon, a thia day ('.lot In IhU omce hit iwm idate .aent No jf.17. fiu- the pnrehaM of Ihe I.H 1 ami land e5f nr' and mK mK ik i, Iim. rye. v m. And will nfler proof lo how that the land our hi la niorr valuable for ita timber or Mom ban for aarlciilturalpurpOM. and lo etaMlh nia ctalm foakid land brant J. M Lawrrne. V . Cotanilminni t, at Me ml, Oregon, oh HatHitla) . inr mi nay 01 inonrt, 104. lie nUT n witneme Jowh X Hunter, 1(1 .vaoa w Kooerta. wui itaran, narry i' numer u iieik'nuie. : Any -and all prrma claiming adretty the tbove-dnenbed (anda ar reatnrwed lo Ah tbrii talma In thia oMce on or before Ihe hM Md lay of October, 194 ihui J. X. WATSON, K(Mr. , Timber Land, AM June j. . NOTICE FOR, PUBLICATION. I'. 8 Land Oflke, Lakeview, iaKm. Jutyn,,--. Notice ia hrrrhy given that In anniplbtnce with he praVtai-iiia ul th Act of Congrem ol June 1 -, eiflr-l, "Anact WrthfaaafoftlmberlantU ulhr'Mttai,'C-lrVrn1a l1rgHi Xrvada ant' .VaahMgfu Terrltary. ' a stnded to alt the mbUeland atatea by Act of Augiwt 4, im ' Jacob T Hume, f Mum mnnty uf Crook, Mate of Oregon, h hlailay lilfM in thla oforc hi awtjen atatemenl Iv. i, for Uie pnrchaae of Ihe 4 hw)( 16 nd ch nc H arv ij, tp n . r t e. w m. And wl'l offer proof to ahow that thr 4 ad aought ta more valuable for Ita timber or ton than for agricultural mummc, aad la a ablMi hla claim toaold land before J. M. Law enc. I' ! fummlaatontr. at Heant, Oregon, on aluiaiay. the ith day of October, 104. H aamca aa watntaiei. HMhard King, I'm! lartah. Joarph N Ituulcr, W II llutilnaliead.of end, Oregon Any aad all per mux etatmtac; advtriy the boae -dwcrUud laada are maealed lo nl IhMi laima tn thta utnea on or before th iW ijthda) f October, ipat. iij-om J. X. WATSON, KgMr. Timber Land, Act June J, UnL N'OTICE F0R PUBLICATION. I. 8. Land Omc at IjiVevrnw. Oreaon, Aucwat feiyat. Notice (a hrrrby given that l com pita no with a provtaioaa nf the Act of Congrem of June f '-, enlitltd. "An art for Haeaole of limber land. . th atatra of California. Ureanaa, Nevada, and VatWugton Trrrttory." aa eafended to all the -obHc land atatea by Act td Angnat 4, lv. Harry V Hunter, f Berad, ruonty of Crook, atale of Oregon, baa hi day filed tn thia oAc hi aworti atrmnt to. 115. for tb purcmu of th a) of nwi and H o!. of ;, lp ui.racw in. Aad will olf-r proof to show thai the land ought ia more taluabl for lu Umber or tan naa for axrv ultural uarpoaaa. aad lo mMllaih iadalmloaald land tofom J M Laarrcaa. V Comraltotirr. at hb) orSc at Bead. Crook uaaty. orraoa. on taatorday, th ith day of ctober, 1 '-4 He namra aa witacaa: Joaeah X llaabr, W d W MtVbi ting, of ay ad ladberbs MMWan j nor. aria Btcbard Any andfYtl peraoaa dabalac.adre-Mly the twva -dear id laatto f tmtaa la Mr Ibcti UluM In Itw aV on or bgjfbta Uveaatl sathday .fOrtober, 1904. T !' J. M. iVATtiOK, HrWT. Ttmbr Land, Act June , i7. NOTICE FOR PUBIilCATION. BEAPVBRTiaKMKKT. U H Mad Or, The Dalle, Oregoti. Angtaat 19. loat- Xotle h) hereby given that In compliance with he prorMou of the Act of Congrvas of Jun 1, 7. a tit lad .. " Aa act for I be sal of ttmber land n the atatea of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Afathlugton Territory." aa esMmdad lo all the jubUc land atatra by Act of Augaat 4, lam, htmrr N Wharton, f Kpokaae, rouaty of apoLaae, state of Wajb ntrtmi, haa on July 11 lya. Bird in thla omce nit aworn statement No 940, for Ihe purchaac of h eK nK aad t mc 11, lp it a, r 10 r, arm. And wilt oflVr proof to ahow that the land u-ughi la uiou- valuable for Ita tltubrr or aton ban for agricultural purposes, and to establish hi claim to said land before Ihe Hegiater and 4ccivrr at The Imlla, Oregon, on the aalh layafOctubtr, 19U4. He nainea aa wilHaa John I' llante, Iicy V Whart jii 1, II Talor. of hooka ue. Washiuc um, Itlisaurtto I'ottrr, CharUa A l-ottar, of apringdala, WaaMngton, O loiHdealr, W Mrock, of Bend, Oregon. Any and all person cUimiug adversely th aboae-dracrilied lands are rt-ueatcd to Ale their ctalHW In this uBIae on or bewr th aaid attli day of October , iyu4. MICHAU. T. NOI.AK, HejrWar. Timber Law), Act June j, lM- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. B. Mwl Office, The IMtlea, Orvuon, July 15. IV4- ' Notice ia hereby given that In compliance willi thejirovisioaaufthc Act of CoiiMre-M of June 1, M. eutltled, "An act for thr sale of limber lands u tlie states of California, Oregon, Nevada, anil Waahlngtou Territory," as ratainlnl to all tilt public laud state by Act of Aiiguat 4, ihoi, of Ilend, county of Crook, atatc of Oregon, lias Wl juiic J lyo, nicit in iiim wiikw nn sworn stalrmcnt No is, for the HirclwMof tlieutK iiw iiw)i tic),' and awj nc of sec n, tp 17 a, r 11 e, wm. Aud will unVr tiroof to ahow lliat Die land ou-lit ia more valuable for its timber or atone than for agricultural HirKMa, and to establish his claim to said Unit brfort- J. M Lawrtuce, U. H. Coiiimlasionvr, ul tils office at lleinl, Orrj-ou, on Hie lli day of hiteml,er, i'yu. He naniM wlliira; joacpli N lluuler, A M Drake, George C fit I lit manii, John II Orertitrf, all of lltuil, Oregon. Any and all peraou claiming adversely the ItovtMlinscrlliedJaiHU are riial(Nl to flic tlieir claims in llila office on or before tlic aaki at)i day of l9tteiibr, i$4. '' ju-ui M1CHAUL T. NOLAN, Htgi.ltr, Tlmbtr Land, Act June j, iSjll. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. KHADVHRTIHHMHNT V, 8. Laud twice, The lull, Otvann, him I?, lynt. Notice la htriby alaeii I hat In foinpllatitT wllh thr prmialnnanl the at uf Cmigresa nf June 1. is?i. rntliled 'Ah act hr Hie salt ofiiuilwr lamia it thr aintrs l I'nlll'oiilU, Ongoli. Nrvadn .mil w aahliialiiu icrrtbiry" aa rxlrinlrl lu all ihe fubln- lind ntulM by act uf Auguat 4. IS, Itlla J Heed, of Rrynoldavtlle, iiuiiity nf Jrirtrann, state of lyntiaylvanla. haa on (Mot-er 11 iw, Aled In Hit oRtcc her aworn statement No iro for ihe pur rhaM of Ihe Lota ,1. 4 ami ekj K .' !' If a, r 11 r, m. And will oMVr pmot to show that th land might la tnnre vataabt for Ita tlmtwr or atone than for agricultural purpiasra, and lu ratahllah hrr claim tn said land brfore th Mrgbder and Kr,i-ir of thia otoc at Th Dalb?, orrgoo. on thi i;,lli tbit uf lwUmWt, ivM Hhr name aaultnriasiB Y C Whlttrn, Amu li'aiUhaw. Oliver Peterson, Wuaan A Howe, las m t)lllngr, of ISirtland, Otawuni rt Clark Halt Jraelel Cuttwt, Jinnlr Jrnba. Cain, h ! nka, Clara l IMI, Allan M Hall, of Bruokvillr, l-tniiaylvauia. A n v ami att nrraon ilalmlna adversrlv the iKirMlewrtbdlamlare trqueetedto blr th.-lr ittilmsln thtkoBlcaon or tutor said ijihda) ol ptamber, ivs lit aw MICHAKt. T NOLAX. Mrgtaicr. Timber Land, NOTICE FOH Act June j, ir. PUBLICATION. v a. Land tidtce. Th Itolto, trregrm, Jnn i. iv"l. Notice I hereby given that In comnMancr with the pruvlslon oft he Art of Cimgreea of Jane J, is;, enllllrd "An act for th Mtleof timber landa lu Ihe state of Calllornia H'aahlnilou Territory." innwi. ,.,t.ii ...... aa eatended to all Ihe iiutdlv bind atatea by Act uf Auguat 4, following-named persona have Hied In am 1 this their mian staiemrnla, Ivh It ltd Htnatethmaa. f Deachutra, county of Crook. Kate of Oregon, wtwn statement No ttta. Aleal lauuarv u. tot. for lb pnrehaM uf lh H 9. In if a, r ti , w m liana lohoaou, of Draehulra. county of Crook, atal of Oregon' aworn statement No. st. tied January at iv4. for thr purciuMe of tb HH of arc T, lp m s. r i e, w m. Nicholas f Welder, of IVarhuIra, rounlv of Crook, state of ttregoa, .worn statement No tica. Bled Iwmmwt 14, ini. foe the pnrchaae of Ihe M K ad Lot J and 4 of J. lp 16 a r 11 e. w m. Thai Ihev will oHer pronf toaow that thr land wughl la more valuable lor Ita timber in atone than for agricultural purpoMs. and to establish their rlaima 10 aaid bind belora J. .11 Lawrence f n t.immtaanmrr. at Ma oBice at rtrnd, ore 4011, on iw-ptemlMr UV lam. ' - They name --w4iaei . Oroag Jtmster hous. James n v, ra'l P Btssterhoua, nrv rrt HctUng Nk-liolaa Mot h. IN Hauler K A I'.rlmn, II W Bred, John ntotdl aad rul P Krs mer. of Israehntea, isregoat John Mtoaa aad Kn 4cuc K Retchell. of Water. Oregon Any and atl peraam claiming adversely thr above-deactibed lands arc teiinsiled lo AW thwlr talma in this ogscr on or before the said ith day of September, raat 9 MICIIAKL T NOLAN. Hegtater. Timber Mud, Act Jun J. it. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIO.N'. Ijind OaVc al The Dalle, Oregon June it. iBm Notice I hereby given that In compttaac with the provisions oflbe Act of Congrswa of Jun x. ilTt, entitled, "An act for the mI of timber laao in tb atatm of Calitoenia, Oregon. Nevada, and Waahlagton Territory." aa eatandid to all lis public load atatea by Act ol August 4. lam. He fattowing named itamit haw Ahat ha IM their aivm atajementi, m-nM: f nolarto. eauntv of Malheur, stair of Oceana aworn attrraal No. tn. thai May t. ioh Aw thepunhasrof theMlf swK of sec m. ah) nV nf sec so, aad netf nh of sec ys, lp 14 s, r la w m. Cartytc C Triolet!, f Pcachulra, connly of Crook. Mate of Oregon .sun atatrmrnl No Has. Aleal May 1. iot. aur Ihe pnrt-has of the wh) nw( of sec. . ta ? ' ne, wm. Kva A ateel. of nttd. cunnty of Crook, stair of Oregon, aworn auiicmrui nu 1111, air" may a, 1904, mr in pur chase of ofiwe 4. tp I? s, r 10 , w m. That they will ooVr proof to show that lb taad aoaght I more valuable fur lla Umber or stems thaa for agriruHure! purpoaes, aad to eatabldh their claim to said tend betore J M Lawrence. I' n Commissioner al hla oAVe at Bead, ote goa, on nvptember 1 1. lynt They name as wltnewra William B Booth, Alraander Hmith and John BI'mi, of BsaUra, Oro goa. Masem lfage and II W Bawd, of Dee chute. Oregon, Joaepb N Hunter. John L Kevtrr, Prank r.la-a. T W Tnulell. Ollbarrt Hanaa. luha fttetdl. Prank Mutlerworth and llenr y Twt 01 Bead, Oregon; Charles D Mumbeeg, of Btaatoa, Michigan Any aad atl peroa dalmlatg attevracly the above-described land ar reoucaied lo Air their ctaima ia thU oaf oa or before lb aahl lath day of heptcmber, 194 lh9 MICHAKI, T. NOLAN, Brglater. Timber Land, Act June j, lay. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. HKAIIVKKTIBKMKMT If. 8. Land OBsc. The Halle. Orvgow, Jun it, 1904. Notic i hvrclry given that in compltauc with the provtaioaa ofthc Act of CotujreM of June i. iri, eatitled "An act for the ante of tltubrr taad in the ataUs of California . Oregon, Naaada and WaabliiKtoM Territory," aa cata-uded to all the public land stales by Act of August 4, isyj, Thcophll at. Michel, of Mosul county of Crook, slate of Oregon, haa on optrmhrr J lsy, Aled In Ihi omce hi aworn statement No 1 ino, for Ihe purchaac of th nw it of arc 11, lp lys, r lor. w m. And will oaVr proof to show that tb laud sought is more valuable for lla limber or stoa than fiar agricultural purposes, and lo eatabtiah hi ctalm to said laud before J M. Lawrence, It. B. Commiaaiouer. at hi oaVe at Head, Oregon, oh th 17th day of MpUmber, 1904 II name aa witness Jam Alexander Maaem Lepage, Henry Kath, Octtrg Bate, Jo seph Mitchell: A N Hrcnmrr. W II Ataats, I'reuk Hadsoa, all of Mend. Oregou. Any and all persons claiming ndvoraely th a hove described lawds are rniu4rd lo AW I heir ctalHW In thla olnec oh or before Ihe said tjthilay of Aeldember, 1004. ) MICIIAKL T. NOLAN, KeitMir. DIUMCKT LAND CONgOLIIUTlM) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Dtiartiiient of tlic Interior l,'. B. Mini Office, The Dallra, Oregon. August a., lyat, Wtdicc is hereby uiven that thr following uanied iwreona bar ntral indlc of their Inten tions ta wake woof on their rriretlve desert bind entries before J. J muith. County Clerk, at rrlncvllle, OrK"ii, (" Heplemlier 11. ih lo wit Angl M (tllmiu, .ritUt.H, V... .... .Iu.,1 la... I ., Jn ,fi Mete... . '", "" .- i.mniit.i v,v , for the Mf anil the swK of sect, lp (, r II e, w III. lames I). OIImoii of Bisters, Oregon, desert larnl entry No m, for I1ICCM ii)J. cm bch see , w uwjj nun wm swlf aec 10, ill 16 s, r 1 1 c, w in. They imme the following wllueaaea iBimwe llic complete lrrlftlou ami rrdumatloii 01 aaid lauu: T M 1'ohI, William llarH. J A SItCall, Warren .,!. 1.... .ftltt ra rW.iMti,." ' -llHDt M, ,-, , w,Aw- ou-aiG MICIIAliL T, NOLAN, Ittglalcr. Tlintirr Laud, Act June 3, I), NOTICE FOR PUBIjICATION, It. . Land timer, The llnllea, Orrntiii, June so, 1a, Nolle la Itrreby given lltal III mm pilsner Willi ir imivlai, ma nl In art nf t'liuurras id lllllr 1, Ihr imivlai'inatil I fir net nl t'liugrras id 1ST, riilllli-l "AH a I lor If In tli ntstraof tallftiinls, Maahlnuli.n Tvtillorv." a ia-.a. riitiil.-l "An a. 1 lor the sale nl tiniher landa Oregon. Nrva.ia and a rilendnl to nil the public land atatra by sit nf AHaiiat 4, l lite nllnwliis lamcl Miaous have Bled imhleiUHw their awoin alsltineilla, lonlr William I'inelltn. a, roMiily nf W. stale if Orrgtwi; nent No, mr, M May ti, il, Im rnf Iht Hh)aK ami UM aw of are j William I'inrlltli. ..f Thr IMlle sworn atalrmeMI the rmn-haav lp 11 s, r iv e, m OrwtRe W. MayHer, . of Maynrr county of 1b. Mat of Wisconsin awnrn atmrnienl No $10, Aled May 11. haw, Im Ihe piiuliaM ut Ihe wM Mf and e an (iil"M 14, lp ij a r ia e, HI Herman J heeck, of Hatary, count v uf Uhu, aUtr nf Orrginit aennii amiemeni so ms, nivo npiu 1, iut, i"f Ihr pimlMM vf Ihr vH sK artdej tm of arc "1 lp 14 a, 1 lur, w m. Tliat Hi. y will ortrt proof It ahuer that III" taint s.mulil is mine vafuable for ita ilmhtrnr stone than for agilcstltural purposes, and 10 - lalili.li itwlr rlaima lo Mid land btloia Ihr Hia- later unit Neeelvrr, at th llallaa, oregun oa Bepirmbrt ta, 194. Tliey name aa wltnease llrorg WBaynrt, id nayner, Wlwonaln; lieairge M.bli, Mvrlisvl O'Connor. William Prrltcn ami William 11 Mason, of The Dalle. Oregon W M Bwith aad Ateiauilrr nwlih, of Hlstera, Oregon' It t' In .111 dchcrry. of Albany. Oregon, ' W Beech, of Hal M). oregoH. An au.t alt nerauna rUlmlua adirrarlt the arsrrrdrsrrthrdlamls are rvjuralr.l loBlr their cUlmaiulhl oAVrr um or bafofc th bald asth dayof arptemhrr. 1904 ,tt-M MICH A HI. T. NOLAN. Register Tlmlwt Ijind. Act June j.m;. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. l'. B Land Oltuj. The Halt. (Hcgon, July 1. lout Notice ia hereby at that In romailaae wilb lb provlalona wflB lb t nf t'ougrraa d June a. laya, entitled " An act for Ihe Mbioflimbet lead in ihe aisle of California. Oregon. Nevada and Waehingion Terril.sry,'' as esirudrd lo all lb pMlitk: Und saate by ail ut Auauat a, tv. th folkmlng named persona haw ll.d la this oaVe im thta dais their sworn etatemeata. uwtt ChorVr K Tadfotd, of Cam Lake omaly of Cam. mat ul Mlaevahnta. sworn atalemral No ijaja. for the purrhaayol Iheswlt of see 11. tp ijs, r w. w m Huron T Allerton, nf Cars Mke, county of Caaa, Bute ol MiBBevta awoeu auietnenl No uM. bar Ihe pnikhaar of Ihvsws of c , tp. ija, riue.w m Thai Ibey will oaTrr proof to shun thai th land mgNt is naner valuable foe Ita llmbri we alosw than lor agth-nttntal purpoaes and lu ratablish Ihrlt rlalrtM lo M,bJ lamfa before lb BegiMre ami Bfceier al Th Hair Oregon, oalarlutarr i IW4 Thry nam sa ltn mi a t'harte H Tedhwd and Huron T Allerton of Caaa Lake, Minnesota. Mhrhaal O'Connor, William li Mswm and Martin nrouadair nf Tb Halle. Orrajasn; aad Piaak Urouad water of Klma. washingtam. Any aad atl psrsaai claiming adnrrarty the above danbtd land ore reainealsd lo Bb-1 hew dalaas tn thia oatee on or before the aaid wh day uf October, tost lay-am MICIIAKL T NOLAN. Begtater. Ttmber Land, Act June . tara. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. B. Land OAsr, The imll, irregoa. July 11, haw; Matbm s hereby given that In easmptlaac with tb proemtnasof th Act of Omgrres of Jam j. wyd, aUtlml. 'Aa act for the sab of limber toads ia IB date afCaltforata. Orvgoa, Nevada, aad Waahlaaloa Territory." aw adi to att Us pamttc hiad sjaMw by Act of Ant . alas, MaUth Rataata, of Alhaay. coaaty of Liaa. Male of rsregoa. has on Nombe 4. it Ald ia Ifebi afar her w. a' atalemral No 11, for Ihe purchase of the art, awU, swv S sec it lp i s, r we ami Lola 1 and t. aec a. lp 17 s. r is v m And wlU omrr mnuf lo ahow lhal lb land sought is ut taluabl fat Ms timbre or stoat than for agricultural porouars and lo ratahllah ar claim 10 mm land nature j. as iwrvure. I' n L'umsalaaluner at his aV al Read. Ore goa, oa the asth day of swptemlwr, nan). ah names aa wHneaara K C Braadrbarry. lames Coua, (iiaae urn, uf Albany, Oregon. J N Huulrr, of Boad. Oregon Any aad all pa name claiming adverarty the Ahtis-rarritMd taiids are easaneiaia to Bto Ibalr rlaima In that oaVee oa of besWe the said atth day af neutemhst, 1904- IttMai MICHAML T. NOLAN, Regie! Timber Land, Act Jon , ityg. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. B. Und Omt Tb laMaaa, Utamsaj. Jabjr II. lajnt Nolle ta hwreary givea lhal In cusapltaac with tb aroclatani oflae Act of Congee of Jaae . iTt. caUltad "Aa art tor tb aal uf limber (anda ia lb etata of California. Oregon. Nevada aad Waahlagton Tmitory," aa tvrntrd to all tb public tend stele by Act of Auguat 4. iBm, Theodore Lhmaan, of Has. euuBtv of Vt aahinntoa. stale ul Oraann. ha en July , 1904. Aled In this orbec his sworn ttaurmeni no ij7i, tor in pun aaar ui ineawii ney, wH aCK and h( m of act m lp ija, r is a, w m. Aad will oner proof to show that lit land sought Is more valuable for lis limta-t ue stone thou for agricultural purpose, and to establish hia claim to mid land before J JBmllh.Coaa lyCtrrk.st Prinevilta, Oregon, oa th 7lb day of neptember. 1904 He name a witnesses Juscaa N Hunlet, John Moa. A I, Hunter, of Bead, Orrgoo, W M Isuoth, of Hist era. Oregon. Any and all persona etaiming advaracly Ih above dearrihed laada ar rniueated lo Al their claims in Ibis oMc im or brfore Ihe aaid 7th day id Beptembsr, im Im-- MICIIAKL T. NOLAN. Megtotvt Ttnsbcr UHd, AM Jun j, iStg. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. B Mud IMetcc, Th Dalle, Oregoa. jnn it. 194 Nottoe la hereby given that Ih eumpUaaa with tb proviaioaa of the Act of Cimgram of Jaae j, itT. CHtitlsd 'An art fw Ihr mleofllmtwr toads In Ihe atalcs of California, Uiegon, Nevada, aad Washington Triritory," as ealestacd lu alt Ihe unbllc Und slate by Act or Auguat 4, itat, the fotlowlngnsmr.1 peraou have Aled In thta orier tlelr sworn statetMents, to-wil I'.tlnt Orc-uH, of The Dalles, county uf Wasco, slate of Otegwt awutH atatemcHt No ifn Aled Octobrr, )i. ivjoj, far tit purclwa of the 1 hK of sec. 14 and uh neX of sec ij, tp 17 s, r II e, w hi. Margnritc II Dovmlng, nf The IsalUa. county of Waacu, atal of Oreaon, sworn statement No. miN, Atad July 11, loai, for the iHircluMe of tli w)( ul sec. ij, lp ija, r m e, w m. Altered Orcult, of Tlnr Dallea, county of Waacu. state id' Oregon; sworn statement No. wj6, filed July j, io,j, for Ihe purchase uftlirMK mc. is, li ija. r lue, w hi. 'f list tliey will offer Hoof lu ahow that Hi laud sought is inoie valuable for Its limber uf siuti than for agricultural purioaea. nnil lo ratablish IlirlrcUliua to will land la-ftirv J. M liwrcuc U N Commissioner, u Ills ulH.e at llud, Oi. gon, pit Bepteuiliei H ivt, Tliey name aa wltueasre juim Bleidl. Wll ,,.vfn-. j.i.oi mviui, wit I'rank Orcult ami W W Or- iwm i-. ilUWII cull, all of lieu DOWtllllK, ml, Orrgun Any ami all Jietapua claiming (vcratly lite aliol4rW lamia art- rliAU III flt tlieir umiiiijiii una oiuiay vh or iMiut 1119 ilayofBviileniNr, iV4. alM 14H1 I IV; MICIIAKL T. XOI.ANi KtiiWtcr. Ttinlitr Land, Art June y ii NOTICE FOR lMJlllil(?ATU)N. H. H. M Offlcr, Tilt iNille, OitKnu June it, 10.14 Niilirr l linvliy glvelt lhal In rouipllati . ,, 11 lh irilsrnaof III Art .if Chnmrsa 1 , ,,. !':, ritllllxl, All ait im uismii ,u im, 1 lu the slst s.tlCnM.uiila its iiregtui, v, ' aa 1 at. mini Wsaliliialoi. Uuitoiy ihi ic lantl state iiv Aa 01 .muiusi 1. Hi. Iiillnwinc liunii'.l imauiia hair Blv.1 111 tin tlieir aworn aiaiimnila, wit t harlee D llluniluia of Mantim, count!' of Montcalm, i iti ,.1 i can sworn alutcmritl No li, lllaal Ms) , I M 1,1 mi ine imrrnsac ih mc at ns 11.1 -, n act. is, lp 17, r iae, w m, HidinaH W Morrill, of IWjaeliHlr, .outy of Crook, atat if n, , , awntuatatrniiul No, rrSft, Aled Man h 1 Bit Ih part bn-K-ol Ihe noM !a. n mm ., , so H nw ol sec aa, lp if , T II e, s m Ifdwwtd l lfaon, ofrVrarhutc ruunlyaf Cnspk. siale of Oi,, sw.wii Malt mriil No )! BlerfMsi.ti , , 1 be pnrchaae uf Ihe wit of c ,41, lp 1 1 . 1 a m Thai thry altliaBrt priwflo ahow Hi .1 in 1 , amiglil ia uiorr valoabf. lor it tiint- 1 1 1 thaa foi agriealli.rul pnrpiwra, nl to . I lie li cl.,ii...to said land 1 fore J .1 1 ,, V It C.iM.M.i"i.nr, al his oreM al p. u : 1 , AstrHptemlMrt Mlh, IOH They name .. syitaeaac etia II ntr. 1 ttultri worth, id Mmd. Oregon, John "' 1 Bred, Prank I .lam. ae M Imnki I 1. . . Davla. WillMin T Mewart nad I: , Hearhntra, origon, O M i.mrbrll, .1 Minnesota An aad alt mi Mum rUlmina ,!,,.., M.V tvave-elcat-ilbsil Und ar rtutiajr.l i ni rUinia ta IBM uiRti on at Mtur tu a..., day of Bvpttaiiwt, ras. . MICHAHL T. NOLAN. K..1-1 Ttmhet Und, Act Jaae , 179 NOTlCB FOR 1-URMCATIun ,B UridtTaVc, ThcDalUa. .1, , , June ift 1 , i Motto ta heieb glswa thai tat ompi n- liw provtatottanflhe Act uf CamgrrM .( 1...,. , 17. ratlttad "kn act Bat the aaUot ttuii i.i. In ih atal of talifotata, Oregon. N .i ,.t WawBingtoo'lMiiiuv. aa afnd-.t " u i puhtK land Malnley Aal rT Angasi 4 is. Paul p Krarmrr of I war hairs ct.uaty of VtOOk. stair o , u has ou Ista-eiiibtr 14 l-t hb" in H .11 1,1. ssrurn stoltuirut NB n-sf a la p-tr 1... mi, bd aad taad fc nV of srr ip . , , , w m f. Ami will tdbr Btaxd p J,. 11 at ihr 1.1,1 euiwjht is moe eklHald.' It It mt 1., than lot agrtoMllurtt unrp-wa ui 1. . o ,.i( his claim Pi mHt tanaj Uf-nv J M 1 I' B CnsnauuMeoswr. al bra Mb-t i ihu.l ... gutt.oalb Mhday uf aplembi. iv He aamrs as vrtlaroars; H A ..trrln 11 Mead John m.tdl, Nwludas PWai.lv., ll. 1 1-. rhale. orrgua. Aay aad all prraoa rUalaa ..).. ,,.'., 1 ., ahr ilaarrthed laada ar raaeaTr.l 1- nl 11,,,, claim in thtooaV oa or Mote ea,d ii. u uf npl mbrr. mm. Iij-err MICHAKI, T. NOLAN. B.,i.i.. Ttmbct Laad, Act Jaae 1 is- NOTICB TOR I-UULU'ATION. RKADVKRTIBKMKNT V. a Laad ofBtaat TW DsIIm, (Hetn. June ia is Nt I ta hrrebe artvea that in imoluir 1'. ih, avt of uama of Jaae 1 isra eniiitr,! s.1 .' lb aato of limWr lamia in ihr siatt . ,.l kllM-into Oregoa. Nivada.aad W. soingioii l. riliay." aatslroded taall tint mddlt land sit-s 0 act of Antrnal 4, itat. lkaato A ' a- a. vawBBvaajw taatagwammsj! lagan n id Read, camaty ai LCrosm, Mat ad irr. go lo.. ... lactubrr II. ra, gto to thla ngsre his ai,ia alatruwat N IMIe l.aW RareBase ." In- u'a liU Bawatl dsBmmar mm tmt alsrum A la I II., t .,,, "rr. z . .t-' jttti r. rr.. ". " - WMgr.1 mm n.wv vaoe m Any aad alt amenta rlalarlag i.'iiv 1 abry ataorttbrd laada arc request.-! t Hi o.. . eUtmetniht 4B on ar before mii . ,0..., uf Braaohr. .una. uf avouaabrr. lusa. jl-si MICHAML T NOLAN. Mr(ial. 1 Tlmbtr Laad, Jaa j, 17 NOTICE VQH PUUI.K'ATION. I' B Laad OaVc, Th Dalle irrrgi.n. Jaa ia. ii Nolle ta hetebt dna that in inmrfmin 1 auk th provtsuin ofta Act of twp.a of )...,. . is7. canned Anart fat lbmiu(iirnl ui,.1. In the atolesofCaguWaia.lrrvgoa. Nermla ai Washington Tettsbanr," as ealcmWel to all mr rublu- toad atat in Art of A.ifost 4. KM ihr dluwlna named aataaaa bav aled lo thi. .,m.. Ibair Mtoea atotomtat. lo all lomnh K. BntluA.U of Hay Croth, rouaty of Crook, slat of oteu sworn aitemat No, ti. IM r. iiiai t r, ., 4. bit thr parchaa af Ih o' arts , aH aw), ..1 -. m aw) nwa ui sr. M. lp 17 a, r II t. e III Albert I. I.aru nf Dearhatea. nmnty uf Crunk, atalrol ore.. 11 awotH atatontenl No rut. Ald frluuary m ;. for the patebase uf the ao, H' wh) set, a nl aril an If of ae 15 lp 17 a. r II w m Michael I Miasm of odrll, county uf Kbuaalh. stair of Href n sworn atolemtnl No iih Atad Beptemhn ,1 iv 1 forth purcbaar of the v, TaBd Lla 1 ami 4 of mc 11, lp 1 1, r iv r, w m. That they will uaVr proof lo ahow lhal thr laml sought is mote valuable lot ita HmUi r alone than for agricultural puroosea, aad lore laldtah their rlalta lo avsM bud before J M MsieiHT, 1 n. vasmmisjiBiiir, at ma urn. at heiid orrgon.oaNeplcmhrr Ij. Ivas) Thry name na wllneamai huL !,! inn C l.ua ia ovtd W B Hltay. James h Benhaiu .. seoh N lluutet. Alfred it nri m,i u .1. i. H Caldwell, of Dearbnlr. Otvgou; Arthur K M.lh ews, of lurttond, Otrgon.TMsam l-fsi, I JaaManaaw. af Neml, tMtgou, IVrty li ton. -1 Aay and all hrramaa ataimlua mArmtmri ihr abavc-etasrrtbad hinds at mval4 toAUih.n rtalaia la this otk on at before IB Mld MH day af Bptmhrr, mat 19 MICHAKL T. NOLAN. Ncgiatcr iwtbcr Und, Act Jaad j. !- NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATIO.N. hrUtrVBMTlBsuHHMT V. B. Uml OMmw.TIm Dalles Oregon July 1, ivm4 MiillM l kMl.t, ulu ,!... ,.. ,. .. .,.. Ilwiirovtaiouaofihe Act of Congress uf Juik 1 (...iiiiimi, -.in ci air in aal of llntbrrl.ui'is lu Ihe slates of Csllforula, Oregon, Nevada nn.l naahingtoH Terrilory," as eateuiled lo all tli public land stales by Act of August 4. iaua, ufnislera. county of Cout, stale of orei.011 li . on May iv, 1901, fit,, I H (hia oAtcr Ills a,..i.. stalemeHl No J79, fur lb HrrrhaM or I Mi 1 n-'. awK and w)t Mtf mc m, lp 14 a. r 10 e. w 111 And will olfer proof tu abow that the laud soufe-M Is mote valualde for Its 1 1 in be 1 ot i"u IllMII liar u ctalrssitl nwal a.. i... a 1 ... a .1 ii.li uurtminrx"' .".:. .T'.'ian?-.?"'." " "".. V . 'V " "' isoo "wioi inr (.iiuiiiy V I' I or crook connly nl I'rlnevillr, Oregon, 011 n ,.lr..M".",,l'. wHllaaaca. Jut A Olaliaiil -uui url Well, fliarlM (JulLtra. uf Htsteis. oi.uoii I rrfnevlllc. (lrroi Any mul all lierauut tlulmluir lolvtou-h III' alsti cscribcllmiitaart iiiiioJ,! U nl. Hr eWuis lit llita oifiie on ur befara uhl 7in 'toy (jfmTd , CA. jM.aJ MICIIAIU, T. KOI.AK, UcglaUr ,. IH'I." ' -, - ,mi v a.i.e. inpeM. van i, . ,. utn hto ctalm to aaldtondlmf arc J M l.r ...... 1 4 Cummlssioarr. al hla oAsc .,1 11.11.1 .11.,, ., oa Ihe i-lh day of aaptembrr. htm He name aa aHaeoaea nyie tr H ki'M I In I West. Cbarl J CMior aad Pntenre l .1- mlm if IImAmIm !. 11 t