The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 26, 1904, Image 5

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. ' ' .. , j I
All a-r,x6-0 door $,2 wl Uppmiin
it Co',
Imjrinl mlxwl rmlni nl I,lpp-'
iimii Co'. fins t iidjii Miremitlle Cu.
loc per xum1,
I'nliHng wiiva coin ni
Mm. Turn Tiiplell made a v
to I'riiicMUeTWttidBy.
A fine line of move mid rnnfe
Ml I,itiiniin 8t Co s.
A reireihlnK thunder shower ft
ilo ln-i well Imi cvifuhiK.
Dr. J. H, KtMfubem wm out
from l'iuivill Monday evening.
All kind of builder' material at
right jwirwi ai Uend Mercantile Co.
('(MtniflAter A. II. Oram wan a
visitor to I'rlneVillc last Saturday.
ou i an got good prunes at iletid
Mercantile Co. si j jKHiuds foi jjc.
J V Sheridan coHmleted the
Iioum- on bin homestead in iit
thi Week.
Mr und Mr. George A. Steven)
of WiMrr. art rcgisteicxl at Pilot
liiuif Inn.
Hit' reduction in boe l liend
Mexantile Co., to make room for
new k'xkU.
l.ippnmn Xc Co, have a fine line
of glnswarcand chmmutr. Call
and see our stock.
II. H mhell took atrip to the
Squaw vrcek coaulry thi week to
be none few day.
C. A. Stittibtti-rongh w quite ill
the lust of the week but I now
ctHiMdcMbty improved.
Mr I. II. McCaun went out to
Iter hoimste-ed in ly-ia Monday, to
remain a couple of week
Hon F. Steflk, of the Prineville, waa in town rusticating
lor tew dav. returninjj Tuesday.
Mt ami Mr Champ Smith ar
mrd hi town front Prineville ves
ica! ,i wining for a few day vitit
V A. .Veal I now driving the
Ikrtid Friftevfttt tge. Mr. Neal
wu hirmerly on lbe9baniko)'riuc'
julU- line.
The Pilot Butte Dev'eiopweat Co.
this week moved into It new office
litiiMitK' at the comer of Well and
OhiM invt.
Mii.i-ii Cow von Sai.. -I'hst-ili
nun. i cow, $M to $40 each
with riug calf C. U. Alkru,
Me.ulv llrook ranch.
Mr and Mr. C I.. Olsl and
djuliu-r, Miss Jew, of Sinters, were
in I km I S.uurddy ami Sunday vis
itim: mill doing some trading.
J. V. Carter and family moved
into i tic C. J. Cotter house the firrt
of the week, where they will re
main until the Col tor leturn.
Mr. and Mr. Marion Kotsmsu,
of liny Creek, arrived in Bend last
week :tiui Mr. Kottman is emnloyed
thu week at Triplett Bro.'s Wbcr
J. V. Howard, the Silver hake
cuUlmun. waa in Bend Tuesday,
uccinp.iniel by hi ou, John and
I. W . jr. Mr. Howard wo going
to I.uke.
T 1'. McCullister came up from
liU It ml ranch in the Cove mi
Crooked river Tuesday with a load
of tipple and iche, of which he
iiimU ijuuk sales.
Itorgon, of Albany, ami Mr,
lv. Alln. of Salem, passed thtough
Iknd Tuesday on their way back
from testifying hi timber laud
piool ut hakeview.
O'Kau' Officii saloon had its
opening last Saltitday night mid is
now doing regular buslnes. A
howling alley is under construc
tion alongside the suloou.
Mis, Mtirie Reyliurn, of the
Dulles arrived ill Rend Tuesday.
Shi- will take thu iiosiliou of wiles
womun in the drygoods department
ot the Uend Mcicaiitil Co' stole.
Suikel it Sou, maaoiiH, conti act
ors iiml buildurs, will build you any
thing on earth from u stove Hue to
a stone or brick iiinifuou. Leave
order at office of J. M. Unvieiice.
Walter V. Parry, of Sherman
cotiutv, who has been with the D.
I. & P. Co. '8 surveyors all summer,
departed Tuesday morning for Pott
laud to attend hchool the coining
C I foitor mid family Iff i e.irlv
Stiiul.iv iiiouiiiur for their tnp to the
Will.uiK itt valley, crossing the
range by thu McKenzie route.
Mr. mid Mrs. (Jcrnld (iioeaheclc
left this morning for Portland In or
der, that Mrs. (Iroeaheel: tuny have
ntedhul treatinunt for a time.
Timothv llrownhill, of the Mad
ras Pioneer, cuiiiu to Uend with
Pather Hiekvy yesterday and left
this afternoon fot home by wny of
The Bend imign.iiie club ha sent
in nimuid sulncriptious for ,6 peri
islieals nt a tutiil cost (elulibin lutes )
ol pin ss Thwe subsciiptioiin will
wgujjsAW Septemlwr i.
C. Kiiiifuiftitiii tcnreientiiu;
Seller fc Co., and It. Jm.'lson, re
lireaciilmn J . K . CI ill tit. Co., Utlh
ol Portland, wete i-alliug on iid
merch.intH the first of the week.
Hutry Hunter returned lust Sat
urday from his trip to the Willam
ette vullev tot iiibii far the 1). J. A
P. Co He brought over it, leav
ing them ut thu lower ditch camp. ,
Ollwr Johnson comimiu-ed the
election thii week of a two-story
cottage iw feet with a busemcitt.
it will lontuin six rooms It is
situated south of thu McMillan
William C. Koilgcrs, of Hun ne
wel I, Mo , nr ri veil in Itcud this
week and has taken a homestead in
the northwest coruur of this town
ship. His family will come west a
little later.
The Pilot liutte Inn expects in
the near future to erect an annex
14X4K fort containing 19 bedroom
and n sitting room It will be sit
uated aljout so feet south of the
main building.
County Judge and Mrs. W. A.
Bell and the MiMes Maud I)obbs
ami Pearl Vnnderool tsissed
through Uend Tuesday morning
enroute to I heir home, at Prineville
nfter an enjoyable outing at Odell.
Mrs. A M. Drake left this after
noon to visit her brother at Little
Falls, Mum. Mr. Drake will proh
ubly join her thsre a little later and
it is possitile the two families will
spend the winter in liuropc.
Owing to m misunderstanding the
U M. hall wo tented to a theatri
cal company thie wtek and the
Bend Literary ami Debuting Soci
ety postponed it meeting to Mon.
day evening of next week.
Mr. Kjv .I.ovell. daughter-in-law
of Mr. and Mr. C K. Lovell.
and her ulster, Mis Lney ICIliotl,
orrhed in Bend this week from Co
bimbos, Ohio, ami will lie the
gut of Mr. and Mm. Lovell for
a month or two.
IliplUnwerA Smith have bought
the Oliver Thorbjomson timU-r
eluim in the northwest corner of
17-1 1 nnd have a sawmill of 10,000
fret daily capacity nearly ready for
opeiiition. They get water from
the Bull creek ditch.
The Bernard Comedy Company
stnrted for Bend from Prineville last
Wednesday with a frisky buudl
grass team that kicked things to
pius und landed the company in
Ik-ud at 10 p. in rather late for a
tierlormatice that night
(). P. Minor, cashier for the Cen
tral Oregon Banking tk Trust Co ,
arrived last evening from Portland.
The vault door and sale will arrive
today iiml the bunk will begin reg
ular business next Monday. This
week it accepted several thousand
dollats of deposits with the under
standing that it would not be ready
to pay checks until Monday.
Furniture Chcnp--About
$600 worth of
New Furniture will be t
sold at 10 per cent
above cost. First
come, first served.
Band Furniture Co.
Men Wanted
To work on the Columbia 1.1
Southern Irrigation Co.'s jK
i works. Also
! Oe Blacksmith
I Main camp ou houth side
t Chile Hutte.s. A
3 Columbia Southern Irrigation Co. j
j . C. V. SMITH, Suit. I
atmmmmmwT" ." t 1
The new fxnivalitlg outfit of tli'
D I & P. Co. is nn its way in J10111
Shmiiko -a big ilitcher iiudeh-Mi
tor to x run by 18 horsus, itml six
dump wagons to land the othet
Hindi inc.
Insure your building in the
American Kite Insurance Company,
of Philadelphia, a conservative old
company that is thoiotighly Ainei
can 111 its methods and solid as a
rock. J. M. Lawrence, agent.
Charley Brock ami family re-
med last Sunday from a camp-
itiY trip to the mountains. He as
th teport that there wa irregular
it in the transfer of the Lylle su-
Vm to Mr. Cobb was unfounded
and the saloon resumed business
Chutles Warner, father of Mrs
M. J. Morrison, nifiered the fracture
of Isilh I sine of his right teg just
above the ankle Monday afternoon.
He was loading logs on a truck near
the Pilot Butte mill when a hook
came out of a log that was bring
pulled onto the load and the log
tolled against Mr. Warner's leg
Dr. Merrill set the broken bones.
Barber Shop & Baths
Best of accommodations ami
woik promptly done
Wai.i. St. UIvN'D OKKOON
Tlwbtr I.hJ, Art Jc 1. mr.
V S ttnd Oflc, Uilrvkw, atcgoa
AHgiial v, iu.
NoIIot m hcrrby giw llMl Ih mmfHrntm with
tht prl.B f Ihr Art of Cmuitw of June .,
i7S, milllnl. " Ku act for lb aafvof ltmbrluit
In the Main of CallSMHta. ihmom. Nmli, t
Wavhluclpn Tifri'uf ," tuXntOvi la all Uir
mtbltt land StaMa by Act uf ANgnat 4. !. Utr
mHwnu.nmm prrvuna naw una w
iu ItaiauaW ISHr awrM ataUimilU. Uyr
ut Albany, cwaljr of Una. l of tHrmim,
utoru atalrmriat So (SM, Cor Ih pan-knar irflhr
V uf mH. H "H MX. tp t$
a r 9. m.
Jaball fry,
of Albany, coaMy M Una. MMr of Ortfaa,
wtn-n Matmral Sn aa-i, for Ih tturrhaaa orthr
ari, ufn Dr of arc a, mH ofawK atv io.
lp i, , r v. w m
That Ihry will uSVr nranf to ahow I ha I lh land
aoNcht t uumt rauwMr for Ita uabrr or alunr
linn for atraratttiral purpoara, and to
Ihnr rtaln to akl land brfar O B Wardwfll
I S loamlaakuirt at Hllvrr laic, orrgot. n
nalurdtr ta MS 'lay of k-tir. 1904.
Tftry nam aa UMa J N Haatrr , of tr
rhalra. (Wvgon. Iharlni.raraa, of IMtrll, or
(run, J o fry, ( Albany. OrMoaj, Oru Uuat ol
Lave, Uiw. tlr U I'ry, of Albany. Oiaaun
Any ami aU ncrwma rtalatlna adrcratbr (hr
haa SiarrWaiS htnta arr raaaaUd to SMltwlt
ctainM la IhlaaaU aa or nrfora Ih aatd nth day
of itrloarr, i4.
aaAwtS J. N. WATSOr). Mralr.
Do You Wear Clothes?
If so you will find it to your advantage to!
,buy them this mouth of
Tables supjpjied witliall the
Only Llvory llnrn on the Deschutes, run in connection
with the hotel. All stages stop nt the hotel door
The Office Saloon
Choicest brands of
I Imports and Domestic
Best bar service in Crook
lfull Stock t)f the HUST constantly ou baud at lowest living prices
MAYl'lltM) 1IU0S., I'HOfKiUiOKs
Wull Street
Contractor - --
- and Builder
Office at Pilot JJutle Inn
Timbrr tial, Act nr 1. 1"?
V. S rntl OMr, TtM I)alk Orraon,
Joly 1, im.
Kotlcv (a hcraby ) Uatt In eafnllMtwa wltl
Ihr prnvMoa or tic SH Of Ch'fk. rf Jh t
i-7, Mlllld "An act SM- lh aabr xflunlirr land
111 Ihv atatta of California, Uimihi, Nfrnto, an
Waahlaaloa Tarritor," M r(Tnl; iu all th
j. MU land atKtta by act uf Auga.' t, S '.
(Slvc A Watt,
.if Send, roomy of eroflU, atatt oforrnt,aaot
iiitubrTM IV. Slad Ih UiS) lfke b-r awott
iHtamrni So i, tut Ihr puicbnat ol thaat),
i.l aac , ir iv , r 10 r, w m
And will iiftVr louf l ahow (hut Ih law
auHihj la mora valaaraV ftrr tta liiulK-r urate.
lli4H for afru.-iltanM uarnoar. a'l 10 rataMlal
ii 1 dalm in mm land nrforv J M ljnrin. I
-. CommlMlonar, at ha) oOVr at h.hI, OragtM
.hi thr ih day of SaftftaatM r, iyi
kIk Mantra a wtlnaa.w Jobu I Wrt, lranl
Wrat, T J llarahaMM, Kea Wi. .Vthri
ua, Wattaer II POHlurt, Joarf" -v '""', all c
lu-ad, Ortfoti
Any and all jarrmm rtalmlng adwrarh th
abuva-tkacniiail land arr r-nurtrl lo Sl thvt
UatOM In Ihla ofBOt on or brfor? aald 14th da,
A Srptawtwrr, toat.
Tlnthar Itnt, At June j, r7.
V. S. Land OiTm, The lMlUa Ortgaii,
Jan h. iy4.
Kotlr hrreby Krii that In roiniilinnee tt
the nrwrMona of lh Act of CongrtM f Jaw ;
i7, Htltlrd, "AM act for Ibaaalt ofiiiiiiwrlaiKi
in Ihr-atalcaofCalttorHHi, Omon, Nrvada, an.
Wathlngton Trrrttory," a eafrmlrd to all th
puMk laud aula by Act uf AttKvat 4. iS. Ol
lutUiwIny aamed imtt-cmm have filvl m ihla oSV
1 hdr aurora atalaaicata, lo-wlt .
Arcactaa C. Aadcrway,
of Lcbaaoa, louat- of Uaa, atatr of Ofagm.
worn ataicairal No. ,' Aid Marrh ia. icn
for Ih purthaar of lb t.ota 1 nl ; at! aM t
uf arc 4. Ip u a rur, a
Kmma M.Startrird.
of SMata, county of Crook atata of OracM.
worn aUirmrnt no. tjaj. Sled April 11, isat, nx
Ihr parchaarorthccH mK " :J andwjfawk
re M. tp ' a, r ta , w m.
Watrcn II. Wood,
ofWarrrn, ciotyof Maralmll, a'al of Mlnar
aula, aworn atalcaal No. inv. i.lrl Jnaarv r,
sA, for thr pnrcba of lac 1 n mid ; and )
aw(ofc Ip m. r Mr, H-n
That Ihry wilt oftr proof loilmw that Ih law
'ooahl UHWivrr mlaaMc Sir IU iiml.r or aton
than far cilcultwat pnttiaaaa. ant 1 , ratabIM
Ihrlr oiainia tu aaid land befurr rh C nity Chrrl
if Crook County, at ITturrlU, ttrg 1 . on Oetc
I iu, ivh-
Thry namr a wtlaaa ) liha K Ja
Mrrab K Audrrway, of Statrrn, ui...iti, Jaaw
llualT, Jiiarph N Hooter and llan llnBtr, o
Hand, Orraxia, Jaay Audcrway ...l Wtlllan
llrailrickaun. of Labaaoa, Or.K-,11 H. Iirrt Aooth
fMtrr Oregon. C It Iha'i, ! 1 He la'.lr
rgoa, MaryBncocgta and Ait . Smggti
if Prlnrvillr. tgoa. Chart. II I ' r. Lorn
K Alllagham, Joa A Graham. ! ! .'I Urahau
nd l-rrry M llaria, of Matrr iirrgm
Any aad all tulaona dahalng rn'rcnuAy Um
buTT-drwrilwil HUada arc rauuatd to Sat tacit
clalma la una uaica on or atauratac aaid lata ua)
of October, 1904.
yo7 VIICIIAIII. TSJOIAK. argtttcr.
Prineville, Oregon
duliencies of the season
Pine Rooms and Beds
a naam
HUail O'KANR. Prop. brands of Straight
Whiskies on ttic Market....
1IOKI) ami I.1LI.AKO
Ot.ll CROW
Tlm'.-i I ni'i f J'niei 17
V. H Mini oflkc, Tilt IMIlm, Oregon,
June Hi i4.
Mnlhw ( harah alH that in aowntlaant with
Ihr torbSrma of lb Act of CongtCM v7jwit 1,
i7a. etitnin. n ar mr in aaar m umaaranaaa
In thr alalaa of California. Mrrgoa, .Wtr4S.aad
WaablngWri Tarrnory, aatrahmoad Wjn UM
aaiie laria wta ny Act i Augaat t, ajajhinc
)U'wla-md Mra.mii ha Sled MlatNM
their aworn atnUiiMnw. to-wll
Ahraander M. Orakc.
uf Mrnd, emiuly ut Crwh, atatr of OrgaSt
uuarorm jo. nvr, nirn mmj 1 j, iw, air iwa
orrhaatof thw awj( arhj arc j, wjf sag and
" nN aac a, ip 17 a, r 11 r, w m.
John S ThoMMoa,
f SffnnyaM, county of Yklaw, atate nf Wfah
ngton aworn atatrmrnt Nu. ru. Ilad May l.
iya4, for the purraaaa of the KJf as at, (a M
. r 10 , w m
Thai Ihry win ofGrr oroof to ahow bU theknd
oaghtiamore raluahtr Air IU riMMT or ffaa
han for agrioitlural parmara. and to caUMiah
brir clalaM to aald land Vfura J. M. tmitmu,
' H Cummiaalonrr. al hb) uflhai M ad, Ore-
on. on Oetolirr 10, im.
Tli'y naai- aa wllnraara- Jaajah X MMtW.
tnhur I. tMdwIlli, ohs UOaattarf aM U
, ilaatar, uf Mend, in-raoa; John Moaa, WitHaai
t fatmita and Alrand SaaHa, of Ski, Ore
.on, Masrm Irftgr, uf fana-hatea, (Mgutl.
Any and all prraona Harmteg Maararlr'tthr
bove-deacrtbrd landa are naaiatad 10 le alarlr
lalnta in thia oflkt mi or twiSra UM Mat MtfceVr
fiKtoher, 1904.
,yi1 MICIIAFI. T. WOJ.AX, KaglattT.
Timbrr luaad, Art Jane J, l7,
lndOfSoratTh thtlte. Ortoa,
J!y at, 1904.
Motlre k hcrebr girea that In oumpHaaca with
he arortahnaa of Ihr aet of CongrrM of JaaVe 1,
y(. eatlOnl "An act (or thr aalc of Itoriatr htada
4 tac atatca of CaiKornla. tlregoa. Wtadaiid
vaafelHgton Trrrilory." aa ralrndad tOMUte
itMlctaad atate by act of Angaat 4, alaa, tac
ittowiag.noojad oeraaa have oa Mar n, M,
led la tbUottot tbrlr aworn aUtcawiMa, io-wMi
Krwtoo H Htowh. -fKcHd.eoaaty
of Crofc. aUU ofOragoa; tarora
tatemewt Mo. t.tti. fur the pinihaei of la al
,w and lu jaadtofaeca, ip 14 a,r at,
John W. Noble,
rarwl. county of uoofc, atate of Oreaaj aarvrn
lalementNO tut tat Ihr aurehaae eflae awK
f aac , ti U a, r 10 , w aa.
That they wltl orr uroof to ahow that Mat htad
ought hi more valaahl tor iu tuahar or Mw
naa far agrkultural uurpwra, aad to tataatiah
heir daiHH to aatd Und brlbte J. M. LawrcWr,
. . S Coeamiaaviaer, at hla uaVae at Send, Ore
on,m October 11, tout
Thr nmmr aa witacMca. Jaaaea lliintar, John
JT Noble, Nrwloa N lirowa. loMUh X Neater,
t Head, Oregun. W.IMaat K Sooth aad Wtl-
utat T ateohrna, of Maura, Oregoa.
iavo aaaaa aa eaeaanjaEi aa a ajf h aa a
all prraona ctalafaag advertatr Ut
'iltrrl laoda are rrqurated to thr Onrtr
la oflke on or Inrlorc the aaJd ttth
Any aad all
iauaa la Ihla
ay of October, iwm).
5-07 MICHAKi. T. KOLA. Meatttor.
Tlaiber Land, Act Jane . t)S.
V. . Laad OSke, Uherhrw, Oeoaam,
Jaljr aJth, iflt.
Xotkc ta hrrrby girca that la coatoantaoa with
ae provtaiona ottbe Act of Coagreai of Jaae 1.
7, eatttled. "An act fr thr aalrof UMbrr taaaa
a lb sun uf Cattfumta, oregoa, Ifevada. aad
ATaahlagtoa Ttrritory," aa cVtradol to all Uk
malic laad atatca by Act of Augaat 4, ,
John M. Mrnlink.
fatcpaea, coonty of Marahall, atate of Minae
ota, haa thia day Sled In thia onVr hla aworn
talrrarat No I7S4. for the parchaae of the ait
K.aeK " Cut J. Ht;,tiii, r loe. w m.
And wttl oafrr proof to ahow that the Und
aght ta vaore aalaabte far rta Umber or atoae
aaa fur akrlcaltaral narpeaea, aad to eatablteh
11a rtarai to aatd
I betbe Um Rawtater aad
V ajtagoa, oa IWday, tfcc
taorrarr at
llr aanaaaaarHaaoia.' Chartat KStorkUnd
teleu I. MlhhahjOa. ItoaareU A Wattaey. George
.lamerr, Joaeft Q Brtahrrhoff. Carrie o MtcL-
-una. Kataei at Bernard, of Saglaad. allbae-
ola; ilaana goyce,
of Oraad Vk, North
Aay and all iieraoaa eUlnlag adwrraely the
, bow eacitbrdjaada arc rruiicaled to Ale their
i-tauaa ia Ihla othet as or brfbrr thr aaid Tth day
jf October, ifaa.
Timbrr Land, Act Jaae J, rifS.
V. h. Uad ottcc. Thr IMIat. Oiaaaji.
Jaae at, Mat,
Notice i brrrby gtvra that ia conpttaact with
hr proviaiuna otlhr Act of C agree of Jape ,
il7S,catitlol. A11 act fur thr mU uf UlMborlaaaa
u tac autca 01 kai.hiraia, urrgoa.
A'aahiagton Tmiiury. ' aa catraaw ta aa the
MibtirUnd Maim by Ad of Auanet 4. rtaa, the
luliowiaajMatrd pineal hare Blow Iu thia agate
heir aworn atatcaaeato, to-wit
Perdiaaad W. Heeck.
jf ItaUry.rottBt) of Uaa.aUtc of Oiaaaa: iwora
4alacnl Nu r Sled March at. ifo. toe the
arvhaae of lite acU av-c j. tp tj a. r M , w m.
John P. Stringer.
.1 Albany, ruuuty uf Una atate of Oregon:
m h atalcniciit No iiyt, filed I worm her 7, igoj,
or thr purvhaarof the !,, aw awjif and
ir)( tvti arc to, ip 14 a, r 10 e, w at.
rhat th) wUluafrrunatofhowlhatUMtaar
iitht la mure taluaUx ftr a UMhar or Hoae
han fir agmaUnwl .uraea, aad ta eataHlah
urtr claiaia to aaid Und w (ore ttMOoaatjr Cferk
rcruuLciMitity, ai I riarMltc, urcgeat, as Qcto
rr n, 1904
Thry aaair wiinraara Hrrntaa J Itacl;, of
ilalary. tirmoii, K C llramH hrrry. OT Athany
.)rrg.n, W Jl guuth and Alcsaadsr aJSUh, ol
iatcra, Orc. a J N llautci aud Uarry Hagarr,
of Orachutra, Oregon
Any and all prnone, ctaUal
II pemnu) cUlMlng dtcraely th
oljaad arc raancatad k He taeli
iJ on or Iteftrt thje aaal itUula
.-Uiau ia tnui
A October, :m.
4J7 MICHAKI. T. NOwAX, Hnah.
Timber Unaal. Act Jug Ullgtv
V I.ajidOCTJMllaw.Oraw,
Notice ia hereby glrrfLthal ia oaatiStaaM with
.hrproAiaiuuaortBt- Act of Ooagraii tat Jaaal,
tSTe, entitled. - Aa act m Lh MteofttabcrUada
iu ihr atatca ufCaUlurnu. urrgoa, Nevada, aad
Uaahlugluu TrrriUr,' aa rsuodad to alt the
imbtic kud alatea by Act of AHguat 4. Ia. the
followlna-ManuM prraona hair ou Maya, MA4,
ulett in tnla utbec their tiateaicula, la-witi
John V. Tuggari,
of Auguata, county 01 Kau Clmrr. atate ufWia
cunaln, oin utnuciu No, tfn. for the aur
vliaar of Uir 11 ' ih , ut', uwij and L it I of ace
1.1, tp u, r iw, w iu.
of Augiiala, coimt ol Kjuvlalre, atalrofWu
couaiu, swum aUitcuirut No. ijjj, fur UMpu'
ihuw of the actt ol arv i. I l; ', r 10 c, w Bb
That thr) will uflrr proof to ahow that the tend
nought la inutr talujti r lor ii. ttuilier ur atoue
than for Mgricultural uuruoiwa, and to cktabliati
itirinlatiua toauid lumt lutorr J M. Uaurcuce,
II S. Couuuiaaiouer. at hla oAtcc at lnruJ. Ui-
goii.ou OctulKr 11, 10U4.
They irnine a ltueiwc. Joliu V Tugart
arih 1' Taggart and Juacph N llunlcr, of Iteud,
tirruoii, 1lluim K Sooth and John lllaae, of
kUtcra, Oregon
' Any ami all iieraou eUlmlug Ailetly the
Uive-tlcribcl landa arc rcourrfrtl to Ala thclt
daimaiii tliUoRwe uu or before the lil nth
ilny uf Oetuticr, it, ,
aj-07 MICIIAIU, T. N0I.AN. ReuUter.
The Bulletiu gives the uews,
1 it