The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 26, 1904, Image 3

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rlrc (in Mil'tilly Mounloln Supponcil
to tluvc llccu Set lv Campers.
Albany--Tim finest Urea which havo
lawn raging In It to innuutaliin o( Oregon
(or (lin pant ten tnjrn nrn having tint
untial effect on vnllny towns. A nll
u( ninoU, mi thick that tlui nynn burn,
hang over Albany, and tlm ln.rlrou In
narrowed down to a very short dis
tance. Tint mm look llku a (mil of
Urn, Imluir nlniol hidden from view
purl ol tlm lltiui.
Tlm smoke In Albany li pnratlcular
ly bad hecaiiMiol ik Urn In close proxim
ity to tlm clly. Just runt ol Ueomb,
lilch In only about 16 miles from Al
bany, I n lira which has l-n burning
lor several days, nml In doing limntlma
Mo daning. Tlm flrn In on tlm Mile ol
MtOully mountain, which l covers!
with omi of the fluent hodle ol timber
In tlm county. Thorn hil la-ma num.
Ir of (hm In tlmt section (or nonm
time, hut nil wcrti under control ami
lh Iom wan normal. Albany mople
tou'd r largo coluiiiu of smoke, rln
ing (rom lh nldn ol thn mountain cunt
ol l-acomb, nml later caum thn now
tlmt Ml Immcuno ami destructive flm
a swreplng over McCully mountain
with Irrrnlstlhln force, Tlm Urn In
thought tn Imvn hru started by ramlcsa
rampnra, himI thn authorlllrn am Invrn
tlnatlng to m ul tlm hlmim rminut In
fastened nu someone.
bring man PRICE.
Year's Mops Sell Well.
Picking .Soon Brain..
Kalnm Kiel Brothers, hopgrnwnrn
iml dealers, hno reported tlmpurrha
of nil Ulcn of IU03 hop from thn A.
). I.urn Hop company nt 2fi rents.
Till l thn highest irlcn pnlil for niium
tima. HxnaWlnn ol tlm hop situation,
Leonard Krelw Mill that tlm grratent
tauger In tlmt icroMnrn will Ix-gln pick
liiK t"i curly. Hamn urn talking of be.
ginning Niplernlx-i 1, which Mr. Kroh
Myn In fully Mrk too noon.
In tlm lltiltcrvllm, Hubbard, Aurora
ml Hi. Paul dislrlotn In particular tlm
hops urn usually too gc-n, causing a
Iom m weight nml mImi In quality.
Mr Kmh nay that In vlnw ol tlm al
puce of vxrinln thin -anon, there In no
danger In letting thn hupn ri'innln on
tlm vine until tlicy mo ready (or pick-
Exhibits of Stale.
Halotn From Information that han
Imii received hy rVeretary Wylle A.
M'XIIck. ol thr state fair board, It In
(Vlilrnl that tlm ntatn fnlr nnxt month
Mill equal, If tint excel thn splendid
tipoollloua which havo been Imlil hern
lor tlm last live yearn. There am morn
bornn In tralnliiK on l.ono Oak track
sow thmi eer Mum at thin tlmo ol
tlmyrai, .Many timeder ol livestock
who havt nttor Ihh'H Imrn iclor am
uaklriK ftrraiiKumnta to roum with
their hrln, ami tlm livestock ilcparU
dtrnt will Ihi ai K'eat an Attraction an
rr, hpaco in urn main pavilion in
Minr lanlilly taken for ctHinty ami Ren
tral pmmliiui nxhlhltn, ami man)' now
dlipluy will I nerii.
Hop Market In Open.
Kalrm Thomtli 20 lo'.'l rcutrla frru-
I; olfttnxl for contractu for IDOt hopn,
notlilnu of oonneoiieiicn In KiIiik ilour In
thin nmrknt. tlrownra am prcparlnx
tor tlm Imrvent, winch will m-uin '"
rVptiunliei 8 to 10, ami am worrying
vrv llltl.t nluiul nricen. Tlio Imim III
tkln vicinity am In excellent coihIIIIoii,
I Hfrtr an ciiallty In wmccriusl.amiumm
Un Ihii no cliaintu in too cBiiinniwi oi
tbn lirnlmlOil vinlll. Al Jellllall. W'llO
Kill hohln 200 Iwlen of hopnol thn lt03
up, han mluoiHl an oiler ol '.'U,S cutun
pound for tlm lot.
Wheat Crop Ready
R11I..111 UiK-auna niirlnir whcnt In
ttadv to hnrvent. farumra am ImulliiK
llttln Kralu to town now, mid them l
ntlln activity In tho wheal inarKov.
All tlm Ilourli.K' mllln in thin vicinity
HopuyliiK a piomliini of -) centn
bovo tho export iiuotntloiin, ami Imy
tn (or export mo incotlnK "'"K
Pita. I'lrc.i Create Havoc.
Kuruiio A numlMtr of forest (Iim nro
"mHiik tinvoc In Uno county. C
Worntilo iIiiiiiiio linanlrfiiiiy iwon noun
md heavy lowton urn (eared. A larn
Im Ih nrtw liurnliitr In HOIIIO o( till) llll
t tliuhur on tho MoKonxlo rtvor.
Nvcrul llron pmvall.
Harvester Hunts In field.
WttHro Wiilln tho hnrvent crow wore
tdlnnor tho tomhlned harventnr of
"eiiry Howoll, near Wawo, caiiKlit t
'ad hurnwl up complotoly. Tho cauw
'I tho flrola unknown. Ix)h 12.000,
lth no Inaiiranco. Only 11 nill 101
tlwhunt wun buruod.
Wheat Marhct.
rorllnnd Wulla Wiilln. 70O7HCJ
ttttatoiii, HH'.'oj valley, 80c.
lacoma Uluontnin, H3cj ciuo, mo.
Walln Wnlla niuonUmi, 72Q73oi
.""b, 00c.
Iji (Irando Fortyfold,OBo;ciUi,uue.
Albany. 78c.
HOP mln in man cue.
Crop Will He Lnnjc, nml Ouallty Del.
Icr Than Last Year.
Alhftny 1'iodpeclH nro vory bright
for Mini cotinly hopxrowcra thin ycai.
Tlm yield In expected to Ihi fully an
laiKO an that of lant year, and tlm iiial
Ity of tho product much hotter.
Tlm woathor han Imiiii all that hop
111011 could denim, and tlm crop In freo
from vermin l'lckliiK will commiiico
thn hut of thin mouth. Tho priced for
plukiiiK will Ihi tlm nainn an hint year.
Hut fow con true tn (or mi Id ol hopn
Imvn Itviui mado up to thin tlmu. Tho
prevallliiK price (or thono lew fnlea
tlmt Imvn hcen mado In '.'0 to t!l cniita.
Althouuh Krowora havo mndu no effort
to nell tholr hoin iK'foro tho neunou In
fairly 0h.ikI, yet thern drx.n not neetii
lo Imj any dlnionlllon to hold tho crop,
an them wan lant year. Thin In thought
lo Im dun to tho lact that thn nlump In
price lato In tlm neanou lant year
canned a loan ol thounnndn of dollar n to
tlion who worn holdlui (or top prlcen.
Land Patents Held Up.
Albany Word han Ixnin received In
Albany by Kd Dorian, tho limber lo
rator, from thn Interior dnpartment at
Wanhlniilon, I). C, that Albany claim
anlnol timber land In tlm Klamath
and I.ako county illttilcta will have to
wall noma tlmo yet bofom receiving
their pBtcnln. All tho clalmanta havo
proveil up on tholr elnlmn and hold m
colpta (rum tho local laud olllccri, but
MeMrn. Jouen, Krlcknon and Drown,
thn npeclal aitontn rent out by Secretary
Hitchcock, havo recommended that tlm
land Ihi hold up (or further Invt-fttlk-a
lion. Thin In a great illnappolntrnent
to thn holilcrn, who havo waltel (or a
long tlum (or their paWtnta. And tlm
largn numler ol pcotilr In Albany who
havo Umbel clalmn in tho Kantern Ore
Sou dintrlcta havo a connldoraLlo
amuiiut of money tied up In tho laud.
Road lo Aid Three Counties.
Albany County Judgn fcott, of
Marlon county, han UtMi In conference
with County Judgo Ktawarl, of I. Inn
county, regarding tho proiod road to
connect tho Willamette valley with the
i)cnchuten country, In Ciook county,
and thn outcome In very favorable to
tlm road, Hon. John Mlnto, father of
tlm ncheiim and dlncovorer ol tho pana
IhtniiKh which tho, rood will go, la now
at bin mountain homo on tho lino of
tlm road, and will co-oeralo with thn
county judgrn In an effort to aceiirn a
conference with thn Juilgif of Crook
county, to m-o If tlm three counties can
work toiiother and divide tlm expeiinn of
constructing tho road, which will be a
mutual U'lioflt.
Crops In John Day Valley.
Prairie City Tho hay crop In the
John Dav valley in thin year an good an
tibial, on an at nrage. While roiun
atockuieii am complaining over a alight
ly Inferior crop, othora have harvested
a micrlor onn over thofo of previous
yearn, (hsirgo W. Mcllalcy hurventcd
tit tonn of timothy hay (10111 a flve-acre
Kircel ol land. Haying In now well
under way, and in about another week
the hay harvest will nearly In complet
ed, Only a nmall amount of grain la
being grown hem, hut It In of good av
erage quality. Tlm fruit crop in excel
lent, with tlm exception ol n (nw orch
nrdn that wan dnmngod by lato front
and hail storms.
Cove Cherries Oct Prize.
1j (Irande Union county cherries
can led off tlm primal the Ht. I.ouln
fair. C. M ami O. O. Ktackland of
Cove, onn of tho greatest fruit rectloim
In tlm Mate, have received word that
tlmlr Royal Ann cherriea cent In were
given the 100 per cent mark by tlm
Judgen. Oregon han her own way at
the fair in tlm line of i-herrlee, and
those from Union county are connld
omd tho liest. Tlm county han ahlppod
out 110,000 Ikixm ol the best varieties
thin season, besides the big homo con
sumption. Remove Name's Stigma.
Haleni That tlm name of Urn Oregon
Btato Reform achool bo chmiRod to
Oiegon Btato Iudiisiilal Bohool, Ih one
of tho recommendations made In the
biennial report of Htiporlntendent N. 11
Uoiiey. ThU chango la advised be
cause the present iiiiuiu Ih to nmuy n
stigma ol dlsgraco when appliod to
youtliH whoso churactorH nro not
formed. "U Ih not the Intention ol
the Hloto to brand theeo lioya when
what they want Ih encouragement,"
h Huperlntendent I.oonoy.
Sulphite Mill Closed.
Oregon City Having on hand a
largo HtirpluH ol tho iiiIU'b product, Un
crown Paper mills has temporarily
closed dowwn Its Btilphlto mill, throw
Ing out o( employment 40 men. The
wood mllla of both local paper com
panlrB havo Biiipotulod oporutloiiH nlao.
becJiiiBO of thu low bUro of tho river,
iwunim of UiIh moro than 100 men
hnvo been placed out of regular work
temporal ily.
No More Reserves to He Created In
Hie State of Oregon.
Washington, Aug. 17. Tho Interior
department will not t-rooUi nnv mom
forent mnerves In Oregon at thin time
iH-caunti It In afraid in mi uoing 11 wouiu
open up midlesn opportunity for lieu
laud operator)."
Thin Ih tho explanotlon given Uxlay
by an olllclitl who In handling forestry
mniima iimlnr Hecratarv HlU'licock'n
direction. While tho bureau ol for
estry, recommending tho establish
ment ol llluo mountain reserve, ban
carefully diawn Ha boundaries no an to
exclude practically all private hold
lugs, yet If a reeervo ahould be created
oil thi-se lines, the department feara ndi.r lin. ri'Mirvn wan created, uret
numlMirn of njieculalorH would lllo en-
trlen ami aih-gn wmienieni. on 01m
Dm n.m.rvii nrlor to tho time when the
original withdiawal wbb made.
Tlm doiaitment oiiiciam aumii u
would Imi a comiaratlvely eanv thing
for speculalora to brlnc forward wit-
nenson to aw ear iaisoiy an 10 meir u
im. ihIhIiIIhIimI renldunco on thin land,
and it would bo almost Impossible for
the government w secure oviuvnun
ivhli-li wmild liiNtlfv tho relectlon of
theso entries. Once speculators t-stal)-
lished their rlgnt to 1110 reserve ibhub,
11. ..u u i.iilltlral under the law
to retimpilnh thoiii and make lieu nolec-
tinnn 01 more vaiuaiiio minis oinewnuru.
lint." nv ililn olllcial. "an reserves
are not created and land simply re
mains withdrawn irom entry, no wn
r..r iiii x.liwilniin mn Imi creaUsl. and
tlm government In not In danger o( Ion-
Ing by unfair exenangu."
American Minister Will Not Need It,
Now Turhcy Has Yielded.
Constantinople, Aug. 17. A satin
furinrv psiliiiloii of ihu Anmrican school
piestlon han at last arrived. Thin
matter, willed Is tlio rnosi important 01
tin. Aitinricnn ili.mutiils. wan settled by
extending too American schools the
name treatment an that arcortled to the
schools under tho protection of otlier
A M'ttleminl 01 oilier maiiera aueci
Im. Ainiirli-nii Interests in Turkey, of
iwmularv liniiortanco. has also iet'n
effected, and United Ktates Minister
U'lshnmn has telegrapiiea to iw-ar ah-
rnlral Jowett, In commami 01 1110
iinliiwl Hiuten piiunilron sent toKmvrua.
Instructing him to sal u to tho batteries
on land and depart.
The sitting ol lite council 01 minis-
li.ra nt which tlm uttlolllellt Was
agreed upon, wan a long onn, and It
was not until Its cioso uui an agrt-t-m..n
nil riached. Tlm delay ill tho
settlement in Injllevi-d to havo been
causel by the Intervention of the
palaro lunellonarien, wnose policy, in
nnl.r In lulnlll tllll Sllltall's faVOr. COI1-
nUts of combating the rights and privl
lego ol foreign stiujecis.
Japanese Towing Destroyer Report
Stic Could Have Injured Them.
Chefoo, Aug. 17. Tho Russian tor
iumIh IkiuI dinlrover llveahitulni. Ilvlnu
tho Jamiien) Hag, wan sighti-d Hearing
tlm Klllott Inlamle on tne evening 01
An. nmi l-J. Klin waa iRinu- touinl hy a
Japanese torpedo I tout destroyer. A
setNind one acieil aH escort.
The report that tho Japanese Had loft
tlm ltyeshitellil nt souio Chinese port
probably arose fiom tho report brought
hy a junk to tho effect that when pass
ing Yung Ching bay south of Shantung
promontory, bIio saw ono of tho two
Russian di-stroyeis whldi went nahoro
Japanese arriving lmro from Dalny
communicated with the deetroycr es
corting tho Hyeshltolni and they were
informed tlmt n caieful i-xamination of
tlm Ityoshltulni alter her axpture by
tlio Japanese showed that the Russians
had not rendorwl her completely In
elfcctlvo ladoro her capture. A tor
pedo was still in a torpedo tube, Its
propeller only having Ikh-ii removed.
The torivcdo towed by rowboata might
havo been used effectively against tho
Jauaneso. It was also Btated that
while tho breechcH of hut guns hud
Ik-oii unhinged Boveral remained on
lioard. Tlio Japeneso cohbiiI hem
Btutca that IiIh government 1uh no Idea
of returning tho Ityeehitelnl.
Must Take fort.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 17. ThoUoerBo
Giuetto has received tho following dis
patch from ita l.lao Yang correspond
ent: "Twolvo Japant-ee regiments havo
jolt In tho direction of Poit Arthur. It
Is stated on trustworthy authority that
tho mikado Iioh oulered that Port Ar
thur muBt lie taken at uny cost, ovon If
i i...(..KHltiili(H thn hubihiiibIoii of onera-
tloiis in Mauchuila, and It is quite
prolmhlo the main Jupatu-Bo force will
proceed to Port Arthur within a fow
daye. Rain has stopped all ojiera
tlona." Russian Ships Lower flag.
Talng Cliou, Aug. 17. Tho RuBslan
flag hB Jtiet boon pulled down from
tho ImttloHhlp Cwuovitch and the thiee
cruleera which took todigo horo. Tho
Inu-erlni of tho colors was done in tho
I presonco o( tho Gorman governor,
Newsy Items Gathered from All
Parts of the World.
General Review of Important Happen-
pcnlgs Presented In a Drier and
Condensed Eorrn.
The Russian Ilotllc fleet ban called
(or tlm far Kant.
Oonoral Hloornel mado a defiant reply
to the Japanese demand that ho sur
render. The weat ciop In Kaatorn Oregon and
Wamngtou will bo to greatest ever
The Russian ships damaged in the
recent battles can take no further part
In tho war.
Tho Urand Army has elected General
Wllmon Hlackmar, of Massachusetts,
commander In chief.
It Is believed that tho raids of tho
Ittiimtnii Niti&tlrnn will not rvmt nil In
plug moro than $250,000.
Tmttftaitlntisi ma mnm fratfrtrtl ttl a tliAti
iiiuitniiuun miw iiiviw inruinunj mi
over that Russia will agree to tho
American uouniiion 01 coniraoanii 01
Tho Japanese consul general at
Hhanghal has notified tho taotal that a
fleet is coming to seixo tho Russian war
vsiels there.
The Japanese are making a final as
sault on Port Arthur, and reports say
they have already sacrificed 20,000
men. Boveral important positions
have been taken.
Japan has demanded tho surrender
of Port Arthur.
A Gcorpla mob overpowered tho
militia, aeited two negro murderers and
harried them alive.
Great Ilrltaln, in her answer to Rus
sia, contends that foodstuffs cannot be
classed as contraband.
Tho government is experiencing trou
ble In socuring Oregon gold for tho
LcwIb and Clark souvenir gold dollars.
Tho Russian admiralty Is still in tho
dark as to the (ato of Withoeft's ships
not heard from tince the Port Arthur
America deems that Japan was in
the wrong In taking tho Russian toi-jx-do
boat from Chefoo and that the
vessel should be returned.
It is now certain that the Japanco
havo taken impoitant land positions at
Port Aithui, tlm (Ire (rom which com
pelled tho Russian tleet to leave tho
To date tho Russian navy has lost
seven cruisers an ono battleship beside
thoso which havo just taken refuge in
neutral ports and disarmed. Tho Jap
anese have lost one cruiser and ono bat
tlsehip. St. Petersburg expects tho (all ol
Port Arthur nt any moment.
The Malheur Irrigation withdrawal
has been incrt-aecd 1!0,000 acres.
Admiral Togo sowed many mlnea In
the path of tho 1'oit Arthur Qect.
Japan Is laying In gieat quantities of
supplies for 11 winter campaign in Man
churia. Tho Jnpaneso navy Is co-operating
with thu army in tho final assault on
Port Arthur.
Over 300,000 acres of land in Hastern
Oregon In forest reserve withdrawals
havo been testorod to entry.
Great Ilrltaln will reply to Russia
that she cannot conevdo that the
Knight Commander was sunk lawfully.
Tho national oncampment of tho G,
A. R. is being hold In Ronton. It Is
estimated that 50,000 veterans are
Tlio commander of the Japanese fleet
Is repotted to havo notified tho Rus
sian vommaudor of Port Arthur that If
ho sinks tho veeseU lu the harbor the
town will bo shelled with lyddite.
A launch turned turtle nt n Potomac
regatta and ten people were drowned.
Firo at Now York gas tanks caused a
great panic, many people in tleeing for
getting tholr children.
Work on tho Malheur Irrigation pro
ject will commence this (all. The Pa
louso project will bo next.
Tho Russian flagship Czarevitch waa
badly damaged In tho recent battle and
may bo dismantled at Tslng Chou,
Issues with Turkey havo boon Bottled,
thu Btato department scoring a victory.
About 345,000 ucrea of land In Kaat
orn Oregon withdrawn under forest ro
sorvo order will bo reetored to entry.
Tho general attack on Port Arthur is
now on. Twolvo regiments of rein
forcements have been sent tho Japanese
from Lino Yang.
Russia expresses a willingness to
modify rogualtlona regarding contra
band goods providing Great Ilrltaln
will agreo thtcy are binding in future
Port Arthur Engagement Is Shown
by Official Reports.
Bt. Petersburg, Aug. 10. Not nlnco
tho beginning of tho war botwocn Jap
an and Russia has anything so obvious
ly affected Russian spirits as the grad
ual revelation of the extent of tho Port
Arthur squadron's reverses. Details
of Rear Admiral Withoeft's fata) sortio
are not known to tho general public
even at this hour, though the content
of the report of Captain Malousovitch,
Admiral Wlthooft'a chief of elan, toUie
emperor, gradually permeated ofikial
circles in the course of tho day. The
captain's statement was Issued lato to
night In the form of an official report.
Captain Matouaevitch .nakes it clear
that the Port Arthur squadron fought
what probably was tho greatest battlo
of Ironclads since steel replaced wood
In naval construction. Tho effort of
tho Russians to fight their way through
tho Japanese would probably have
been successful had it not been for tho
dlrastcr to tfao battleship Cwievltch,
which compelled the squadron to fight
a second battle, ending In the dispersal
of tho Russian fleet In tho darkness.
The Associated Press learns that tho
awful mortality of the officers of tho
Czarovitch, which was merely stated in
theofflcial roport, is due to the (act
that Admiral Witboeft and moat of his
officers were gathered on tho brldeo
during the action in order to set an ex
ample to and encourage the men, In
stead of remaining in comparative saf
ety in the protection of the conning
tower. A Japanese shell burst beneath
the bridge, wrecking that part of the
ship and killing or wounJing every
officer on duty thereabouts.
One of the most important features
of Captain Matousevitch's dispatch,
aside (rom its grimly brief account of
the battle, is the detailed statement of
the makerp of Rear Admiral Togo's
fleet, which consisted of six battleships,
11 cruisers of various classes and ap
proximately SO torpedo boats.
According to this statement there,
were in line of battle some ships pre
viously reported destroyed. This gives
an indication of Japan's naval force
which Admiral Togo has hitherto con
Russia, so Toklo Believes, Will Not
Be Able to Repair Them.
Toklo, Aug. 10. It is believed
here that the Russians will not bo abla
to repair the five battleships reported
by Admiral Togo to have been damaged
in the recent sea fighting at Port
Arthur. The Japanese land batteries
now command the entrance to the
harbor, and could render this work im
possible. Before tho Russian fleet emerged
from Pert Arthur on August 10 the
Japanese batteries could reach the war
ships there with sheila ar.d the docks
were exposed to a tiro the severity of
which was increasing constantly. It
la doubted If these ships will be able to
go to sea again without first undergo
ing mpalrs, and it Is expected that the
Russians theniselves will destroy them
before Pott Arthur falls.
Mayor of Chicago, However, Will
Not Discuss Trouble Now.
Chicago, Aug. 10. There were fow
developments hi tho packers' strike to
day,' and It is not probable that there
will bo any for several days. A com
mittee of retail dealers will call upon
Mayor Harrison and ask him to act as
mediator in tho strike. Tho mayor de
clines to say what he will do until he
receives tho commtitee, but expressed
himself as anxious to do anything in
his power to end tho strike.
Tho lackers declined to say ibis af
ternoon to Bay whether they would ac
cept tho mediation of the mayor.
They declared that they would, of
course, leceivo him.
Chief of Pollco O'Kell and Polico In
spector Hunt laid formal charges before
the mayor today against JuBtico John
Fitzgerald, who, it is assorted by the
police, has discharged the great major
ity ol the rioters brought before him,
no matter how strong tho evidence
against them.
Women and Children Hurl Missiles.
Now York, Aug. 10. Women and
children today joined in the demon
stiatlon against nonunion men who
havo takeu the places of striking butch
ers and other employes in tho packing
houeoB. From upper windows and
roofa of buildings in tho affected dis
trict, they hurled missies of all sorts
at every luckless meat truck diivor or
beef carrier that passed along the
street. Tho force of polico assigned to
tho packing Iioubo district was largely
incriaewl today.
Earthquake In Chile,
Now York, Aug. 10. A severe earth
quake was felt Thursday at Volenar,
province of Atacama, according to a
Herald dispatch trom Valparaiso,
Chile. It waa preceded by loud eub
torranean noises, Tho earthquako-.
caused much damage, but no fatalities
have been reported, It was aleo felt
at Iqulque and Laaerena,
"4 . t
-iaaafiT ,