The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 19, 1904, Image 7

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la a strong point with
Hood's Sarsaparilla. A
bottle lasts longer and docs
moro good than any other.
It is tho only medicino of
which can truly bo said
lln UtiewTliey Would I'll.
A MimImIii1 Coiigri-smmtn, anya
till) Nl'W IJrleilll l'll-HVIIIli'. niieit ntvn.
ed a IiiiihIwiiih) jmir of Unlit gray
tioimcrit which were much admired
by hlN colored neighbor. Unrorttni
wtely they Iiwh iiid
"Ileie, Charlie." km Id tlii Congress
jiiiii (o it negro nun mil who liml hum
viwled them, "laku tlimo trousers
Itllll clean UlHIII,"
Uluirdn took tlicni Iioiiii nml after
two dnya of careful Inactivity brought
tlii'iu Imtk,
'"Heime inn. kn," he mid, "hut
Vlnlh tn gracious, si Ilku All calit't
If It tlit t spot nut no wity."
"Did you l,ruti Ifi"
Htrtih Itr
"Htuiir Itr
"ViimiIi. Trnr llko Ah Hon, er'r
thing, liut Ah Jes' caln't Kit It out m
"Well, illil you try ammonia?"
"No, whl No, sehl" exclaimed Char
Mr, with a delighted anlekcr. "Alt
tllilu't try Vin on inn ylt, sell, but Ah
know dey'd nil"
Mill MoreUvWeitc-e.
lUyClty, 111., Atigutt H (Kpecial.)
Mr. K. F. Henlay m this city wlds
hi to that published almost
tUlly tint a mutt turn (or ltheuiiiatlimi
U now (hi lorn tlin American xopln anJ
that that euro U D.xltl'a Kidney I'D la.
Mr, Henley hail Arulti Khmimatlam.
lln hat ud Dodd'a Kidney 1'illi. Ho
aya n( tlio rcult:
"Alter suffering for alxUn yrara
with lthruiiiatlmu anil using nuintirotia
medicines (or ItliMimalUm anil inmn
medicine preaorliMil hy doctors, I at
last tiled I)o.ll'i Kidney I'llls with the
mult that I got morn twueiU fror
Ihrin than all tho other nt together.
"IHaM'a Kidney I'illa wiro tho only
thing to glvr, mo ifllef, ami 1 icconi
mend them to nil uflorliiK Iroiu Aculo
Ithniiiuallain la rntir-ctl hy Urlo Add
In the blood. Hrallhy kidneys tako
all the Uric Acltl out ot the tiltxxl.
Dodd'a Kidney Till inako healthy
Catianantt IJflVot,
Vlft Jolui, ilu you know that you
wore In your aleep Ittt night 1
lluiliaiiil Did 17 It mutt liar Iron
when I hail that horrid drrain.
Wife What did )oti dream?
Hliadand I dreamt I wai smoking on
of tboaa cigar you garo ma ou tny birth
I A severe case of Ovarian
Trouble and a terrible operation
avoided. Mrs. Emmons tellf
how she was saved by the usi
of Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable
"Dkah Mnn. I'inkiiauj I am m
plrnnctl with tho rraultn obtained from
Iiytllu Iv. rinlcliiun'rt Youtnl)le
Conipoiiuil that 1 feci It a duty mid
n prlvlWa to wrlto you about It,
" I atilTcrtttl tot moro than flvo yean
with ovarian trouble, cnualtifr nn
tiuploatnnt dlaoliari;o, n (rrcitt Mrrak
noan, and at tintoa a ralntricua would
como onsr mo which no amount ol
medicine, dlot, or cxerclM hrcrned to
correct. Your Vcjrotablo Compound
founil tho weak pot, liowovcr, within
a few wvoliH ntul Havoil ino from
an operation nil my trouble had
dlaappenrcd, uii(l I found mynelf once
moro liealthy and well. Wortla fall to
deaerlbo tho real, true, erateful fcellna
that in In my heart, and I want to tell
every nick and aulTerlnir sinter. Don't
dally with medicines you know notlf
lnf about, but take Lyilln K. Pink
liaiu'H Vegetable Cumpouiul, and
tako my wortl for It. you will be a dif
ferent woman In a abort time." Mits.
Lauha. Kumons, Walkenrllle, Ont.
SSOOO ferftH If erl,lnt aitv tttttr afW(t
(Mi'itil ctnnot fto4uU.
Don't liotltnto to write to Mrs.
IMnkham If thoro is anything
nbout your olckncss you do not
iiiulorfltanil. No woman over
rotfrotti'd wrltlnff hor anil lio
liaH liulned tboiuttBilH. AuuroM
Lynn, Mosa.
P, N.U.
No. 3J-I904,
ITTIIKM writing t
VY ncnllun tbla
to ad vartliara plaaaa I
B " JJ m$Y- I Zt fDvB
7& fei
I i. i .1
wsxfr"i.'iiK:r. -.
I'lirtulilo lluiMe for lluu".
A MliH'Umiiu who Iiiih tried them,
any of iiiovntilii hoKhtiuiMHi: "I lutvo
luted iiorliihlii lidKlimmrN oim yi'iir, nml
llkt thoiii llratnilo, lifcatiau tlioy ro
iMiMlly clt'iiiifil whi'ii oii wIhIi to
cltsiii tliciu Jiint iiiiivo your pen; hIno,
limy nro clump, They nnt ht-nlthy, lw
i'iiiihi) you en n keep them free from ilia
imihij hy fri'iiiitutt iiiovIiik. They nro a
Knnit kiivit of IhhIiIImk imly n amiill
iiuniitlty lielnn retulrttl, provhlliiK. of
coiirae. that your pen 1 upon dry
KriUiil, Hint la, crotiml where witter
will not atnnd vxceptluK li a very wet
Aa to moili of eotiatmctlon, mine nre
built na followa: They nro 7 fret Ioiir,
(1 feet wide. 40 liichua Illicit In front, .10
Int'liea hlcli In renr. WisithiTboHnJitl
with hnrd phut bonrtla, 10 InchfH wltlt;
oucht to bo toiiKtitil and kciniymI, nl"
thuiiKh "duo nro not. Tho rtKtf la of
10 Inch hnrd plnu IwnnlN, 7 feet louu.
Kiteh pen lima n tlimr .10 luchea hlcli by
U feet whit, with hlnce nnd lump
Inlcli; till-no IdiiKea nnd bnap hitch nre
5 luchea; uo wroiiKht unlla to jiut them
nn. Tint roof of inv lien, whcru there
nre crncka, la battened w(th hnlf-ruund
IHtjilnr plecea, or It enn have tho crncka
covered with ahliiKlea, I enn fatten
door ojten or abut, na 1 dealro.
The framo la mndn of beech Zxi a.
1'lrat. mnko thrtij poata for the front 3S
Inebea hlcli. then threo for renr, 28
Inchea IiIrIi. tbtn 2 for nldca. 33 luchea
lilKh; then four jilwea 7 feet Ioiik
thrtMt of thoae to aunitort the roof nnd
one U) put nlons tho front of tint pen
nt tho bottom to atreiiKthon tho frnmc.
Now, tnko boartla prevloualy anwetl the
rtcht lencUi nnd conatmct two altlea
which nro ojiitotlto to ifleh other, then
couatrurt remnlnliiK aldea, then put on
roof: uao 8-iionny nnlla for weatlier-
bonrtla, nnd amnll aplkea to put fmme
Them nena ran not 1m benten for
elnnllueaa. Iieiilllifuliieaa, anvInK of bed-
tlliiB, nml chenpnuaa. They cott about
$3 each.
Htruwhrrrr Culture.
Tho iiielhtMl of atntwberry culture
ahown In tho Illustration hna been uc
ccsafttl nml proiltnblo. Tlclit Iron-
bound bnrrela nro
UHtsl with nil but
four of tho hoopa
romoved. lloloa nre
borvtl throuRh the
atnvea nt proper
dl a t n n c o a n a
ahown, phtnta aro
act la tlioao hohm
and tho b n r r o 1 h
tilled with noil to
tho top. Tho nvor-
nt;o yield of brrrlea la over one-lmlf
buahol per Imrnd. Tho Kreatost ndvnnt
iiKoa clulmetl for thlx method nro that
no mulch or cultivation la liecoasary,
tlmt thu berries nro nbvnyH clean ttiid
freo fnun aaml, and am fur moro rend.
Ily picked than when Krowu In tho
vmiinl way. A tllu U placed In tho
center of tho Imrrol na it la filled with
hoII. This pormllH nn oven dlatrlbutlon
of water from top to bottom, nn aunn
danco of which 'should bo supplied nt
all times.
Vorclntf n Bccoitd Crop of Jlerrlcn.
A Vermont fannor reports ruccpsh In
proluclnK n Becond crop of straw
berries hiHt year by cutting off all tho
leaves nnd stoma closo to tho ground
after fruiting tho tlrst crop nnd np
plying n dressing of nltruto of soda.
They blossomed ngnln In September
and producod a crop smaller In amount
than tho first one, but very profltablo.
Tho plan, however, could not bo ex
pected to work woll except lu cool, wet
Am- ( a ViS. fr" ' IMfM
iwTigf -'j f jr- r .tffmttijHA iaa7."ci7m '
-?se&ssw&- hzxct"
IJhIiii tlio !lc Hiirrov.
Tho dlac na n form of mill cultivator
la becoming countHilly niuro popuhir;
hut It liitiat bo uVud right lu he ef
fective. An export with tho disc har
row anya:
I want to say nn onctiiirnglng word
for the iliac harrow. Nnt nil mil It nro
ailnpled for Its use exceedingly atony
hind la IIMIttcd for Its use, nor purhnps
tho heavy, atlcky chiya. Kut upon
loamy wills that nro looao and upon
which aod quickly forms after aefdlng
there is no tool to compare to tho luwvy
disc. It ais'ins a waste of money n
buy tho HHiall light mnrhlnes. Farm
ers often any, "My team Is light, I can
not draw tlioso big Winch dines,
wclglitwL" All right, then you won't
do much biisluess. These small tenuis
always mean poor cultJviilloii upon
theio liitivy sods there must bo given
the draft of three or four horses of
good weight not less than 1,200
pound, t'pon tho machine besides thn
driver mny bv ridded nn extra loud of
stone to put tho discs down nt least
live Inches, nnd If the sod Is nut torn
up go deeper, Tho Held may look un
even when finished, hut n spring tooth
or smoothing harrow will do tho level
lug nnd thu soil will have been thor
oughly mixed nnd tho cultivation If
prolonged for two weeks will approxi
mate tho old-fnshloned summer fallow.
And If carried nlong periodically for
four tn alx weeks It will reduru the
stubborn ipiack grass. Chimp disc
sharpeners are upon tho market costing
not moro tlmn S2"0 to W that will do
the work effectually. These sharp discs
will do moro work with leas weight
nnd somewhat reduced draft.
An Anti-Choker,
The accompanying diagram explains
Itself nml showa a simple method of
relieving the plow of any kind of a
choke. It enn Imj constructed out of
wood or Iron nml adjusted to nny kind
of a pow. If a reversible or hillside
plow la used you must have one on
each side of the b.wnn. One bolt to go
through beam Is rreuiy all that Is re
quired, ns tho rest can be fouml lu any
barnyard, or It (tin bo made of poles
cut lu tho woods. In plowing under
atrnwy manure or nny othor kind of
humus foot), this Is tho most succos.v
ful arrangements we liuvo ever seen.
Hclcncr anil Corn Bilk.
Corn silk has received considerable
attention from our corn scientists. It
la a somewhat unusual manifestation
of nature, the cavity tn be fertilized by
thu pollen sending out this long, silky
messenger to guide the pollen grain to
Its goal. Tho growth anil develop
ment of the silk hours an Important re
lationship to tho crop of corn that Is
to bo harvested. The silk at the butt
of tint ear appears tlrst ami Is the long
est, as It must grow the whole, length
of tho cob to get to the light at alt.
Vet It tloos this and la waving In tho
air catrhlng tho pollen before the tip
silks havo appeared. The butt cavities
or ovaries nro therefore tho tlrst to be
fertilized. It Is generally believed that
the shorter the ear tho moro likely It
Is to bo covered with kernels, as the
longer the ear the later will tho tip
silks bo lu getting out to the light
whore they can be of service. Kor this
reason tho tips of long ears nro fro
intently found, with no kernels on
thorn. The silks did not get out till
aftor the stalks had ceased shedding
pollon. If an ear of corn that is send
ing out silk bo covered with n long
pnpor funnel, tho silk will continue to
grow In length till It bus attained a
length of 20 Inches or more. At tho
Iowa station an ear of corn treated In
this way seemed to despair of getting
pollen and sont out two new ears near
Its tmso; and these two now ears do
volopcd n good mass of slllc. The fall
ing of tho pollon on tho silk Is followed
by tho grains being conveyed to the
ovaries, after tho complotlon of which
work tho silk dies
Cowa Aro l'oor Wnlkera.
Tho cow Is naturally a poor walker,
(lonorally slio walks only when she
must. Sho nover walks or runs for ox
crclso. Rontot lines sho frolics, but only
for n fow moments. Tho dairy cow's
business Is eating, dozing nnd chowlug
her cud. Any cow thnt la compelled
to travel over tho parched and short
cropped pasturo day and night In
search of tho straggling, crisp and
browned blades of grass cannot bo ex
pected to return ovan a small profit.
anti ciioKnn nr.vicr-.
Tho idea that Rheumatism is strictly
n winter disease, that cornea front exposure
or cold, is wrotijr. a fipell of indigestion,
torpidity of tlic Hvor, inactive state of the
kidneys, or sudden cooling of the hotly when
over-hented, bcintf frequent causes of an
attack. Rheumatism is due to nn over-acid
condition of the blood nnd bad circulation.
As it Hows through the body tlio blood
deposits nn acrid corrosive
Fcdimcnt in the joints nnd
.t i at... ..!...' . I nail
IHU.H.IW., hiiu uioLiii.uiui.iuii wor)lt form Tho p4,Q wa- , MtoIU(l j bsosmo
JjroWH Blllfrifisll because of coiupletoly prostrated. Uavlncr board U.S. B. ro
llm rrmstimt nrrilimilntmn COmmondod for Ilhoumatlam, I dooldod to BfTB
tlio constiiiil nccuintiintion u ft trlttl and afler z hliatakoa a fow tottlaa
of ncid impurities, and I wit nolo to bobbin around on crutohet, ana
when the avslein is in such "' "00n ,,atf noutafor thsmntalI.,S.B.U.iar
wneniiie system is in snen jDR.0Uroarooaound and woll. Alltbodlatreiilnr
condition Rlieilnfatism is patna havo left roo, rnrappotttobsarattirnad, ana
liable to como out at nny m happy to bo aBaln ro.torod to prfct boaltb.
time, winter or summer. It,K.W.,WaihtnBton,D.o.
is hastened and provoked
by exposure to cold, damn nir, sudden cooling of the body when over
heated, a bad spelt of indigestion, or anything that is calculated to fur
ther derange nnd depress tlio system ; but these arc only exciting and
not the real catikc of Rheumatism. It is in the blood, and when this
vital fluid becomes overcharged with the acid impurities and is running
riot in thu veins, an attack is sure to come, whether in summer time or
the coltl, bleak days of winter. You arc a slave to pain as long as tho
blood is tainted with acid. Liniments and plasters arc helpful and use
ful, but it takes something more than Tubbing and blistering to drivo
away this demon of pain. S. S. S. goes to the scat of the trouble.
aches vanish, and the longed-for relief comes to the nervous, pain
tortured sufferers. S. S. S. contains no minerals, but is guaranteed
purely vegetable. Write us if in need of medical advice, which is given
without charge. Our book on Rheumatism, telling of the different
forms and varieties of this pain-racking disease, is mailed free.
A Precedent.
Mlccle I say, old man, I'd Ilka to
hare you put me up at your club.
Wleslea I'd Imj only too xlad, my boy,
bat cr tliey aro very particular who
tbey admit.
MIcKlrs Von don't aayl How Id the
world did you manage to break In.
for Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Beam tho
Blguaturo of
I'rhte Interceded.
"Why did she marry hlm7 lie hasn't
any money.
"I know, but sho has plenty."
"Hut ho hasn't any brains, either."
"True, tot). Hut people kept telling
her how stunning tbey looked together
till alio Just couldn't bear the Idea of
letting hliu get awny," Detroit Tree
Wa ofltr One Hundred Dollan Reward tax
any cote of Catarrh that caunul bo cured by
llalt't Catarrh Cure.
F. J. ciiK.NKY A co., rropa., Toledo, o.
We. the utiUeriltned. hate known i J.
Cheney tor the lait l&yeart, and tlleTO htm
perfoclly honorable In all bunlneu iranuo
(loin and flnanelally able to carry out any ol
llirattunt tnade by their nrut.
Wtir A Tat'AX, Wholesale Drur elttt.Toledo.O.
Waloino. Kixnan A Marvin, tholoae Drue
tti. Toledo, O.
tlaU' Catarrh Cure It taken Internally, act
Intrdtrectly Uon tho bliHxl and inucout tur
tacet ot the jteui. l'tlfe 7c per bolUe.
Sold by all Drug tnu. Tcttlmoutalj free.
llall'i Family Fllli are lb beit.
Horrjr He Hpoke.
Husband IM like to know what en
joyment you tlml in trotting around
from store to store, looking nt and
pricing things you cannot purchase?
Wife 1 know It looks silly, yet there
Is a Kort of melancholy pleasure In
knowing I could have bought them
had I married Tom Coldcash when I
had tho chance. Instead of throwing
myself away on you.
We ran exlraet one or atlyour teeth with
out huttlue a tit. and tul lu new teeth the
I ? jam w
saiuo day It you ilculru.
Our vsti ol erwn
tlmple, ijulek and paltileM.
Kitabllshed tn Portland II years.
The reason wo advertise la to lei you
know wnero we are.
Open cvenlnR till 0 Bundayt from 9 to 12
Phone MM u aw.
DIU W A. t 1st
WISE BROS., Dentists
Write for Cataloguo and Prices
" ijl,,.1 SI IT V Mj '.
sm sm
VpA r mj tfififil tt5
an attack of Solatia Jthoumatlstn In It
enters the circulation, neutralizes and in
ters out of the blood the acid poisons. It
enriches and strengthens the weak, dis
eased blood; the general health improves
under its tonic effect, and when rich, puro
blood begins to circulate through the stiff
joints and sore, tender muscles, pains and
Olret written cuntracU to secure potttlont
for graduate. Then conlrartt ire guaranteed
by a National liana. Write lor catalogue and
j.lan today.
Thmh.rmtii and Hawmlll Mm Nelel 'J ft.
Kndlrwi IJn.n Mllchnl, llrarr C'anru, 4 ply, T
Inch ItelUnc, 2in. IJOfU lucb U. urn m
almrr, inot. Tank l'amnmniHtf. wtth 11(1.1
Inrb Haitlon Iliw, 19 n. lilfHliAtg. Ilw, with no.
ul n0 mralorr, lltLM. lwltliiir, llu ! l'Mkln
at wbolt-ftal pnevs. tlrn.ral arnrj fur !orwiu
HiKkrjr Hir Kmlrr. nln(t mlll.niaualy
WUJN t a Utin. WrlUluruialoo.
200 MEN.
Waeet fJii per day Hoard JI.M per
week WteanntK" per day. Exten
tltre trrlgatton conitructlon. Perma
nent employment for good men and
Deschutes Irrigation and Power
and bttdra work Is
litk. t . WlBU
ioa-z,i r'mn' "TMCTfiSiiS?.
f 'TT-'vgk O