The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 19, 1904, Image 6

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AJfc J Jii1tiJ.AJi.liln1lili..t.l1i itufi ! IiJii tiitut if-iltut
By Robert
Ml H t r -H"H"H"H-t-H"H"H-4"l
Yes; It was, Annlo, though for a time
I couM scarcely believe the evidence of
my own rye. Sho was so white ami
thin, no poorly clad, ami living In such n
den. Truly her aim had set and, as 1
predicted, she was wending her way
home. She cried out at sight of me.
nnd, Instead of giving me a welcome, aha
liiii her faco and moaned. I felt no ani
mosity toward her nowt whatever sho
liad done, oho had been bitterly punish'
ed. I took her In my arms and tried to
comfort her.
"Annie," I said, "ray poor Annie, tell
me what haa happened to you, that 1
find you like thU?"
Wo soon discovered the cause of her
weakness It wan hunger. The poor thine
had spent her lat shilling, and had not
eaten a crust tinco the morning; and,
lied wa not found her, she would have
pent that night starving In the streets,
It was the work of a few moment for
John Uudd to run out ami return with
food. When she came wholly to herself
ngatn. olio looked at me, dreading left 1
nhouM question her again; and I thought
It better to let my questions rent.
"Annie," I said, "do you feel strong
enough to go now? I mutt take you with
me to my rooms. I can't leave you heret"
She was too 111 to otTcr much reslst
ance; no, after I had paid tho few hil
lings that she was owing, we left that
miserable den together Annie, still faint
and rery weak, leaning heavily upon me.
John Uudd had quietly kept In the back
ground, thinking that hU pretence might
nerve to further upset Annie, lie now
aa unobtrusively took his departure, af
ter having whispered In my ear that be
would cat! for us in the morning. I
took his hint, and determined to act upon
The night was very cold, and as we
left the house and passed down the
street, facing the chilly wind, I felt
Annie tremble violently, to I hurries her
along and we soon reached the bouse
where I had taken my rooms. Had I
not crept Into euch good odor through
my acquaintance with honest John Uudd,
I should have been almost afraid to take
Annie Into the house; as It was, I ex
pected a cold greeting; but to my amaze
ment we were received with open arms.
I afterward discovered that John Uudd
tiad been before us, and had prepared
the way for our coming. Ho when the
door was opeued the landlady, who was
a good kind aonl, came forward and al
most took poor Annie In her arms, and
led her, half-fainting, up to tho little
sitting rmm.
I gave her ray bed room that night,
and, rotting inyjelf In a rug, lay down
on the sofa In my little sitting room and
tried to sleep; but It waa Impossible, and
after a while I got up and began to walk
about the room. Annle'a room adjoined
mine; so I could bear that she. too, was
nwako and crying bitterly. In the morn
ing matters were considerably worse;
poor Annie was delirious. Her pale face
was (lushed, her eyes vacant, and she
cried pitifully on someone to come to her.
At 10 o'clock, John Itudd'a wagon
topped at the door; a few moments later
hono-it John himself was lie. ore me. I
took hltn to the bedside and showed Iiltn
my poor cousin, and hU eye filled with
tears as he looked at her. Then we both
went back to the other room.
"Measter Hugh," said John, "what do
'ee mean to daw, sir?"
"I nhalt wait here till Annie gets bet
ter," I fold; "then I shall persuade her
to come I wine, ion will be back again
on Thursday, won'f you?"
"Yes; and mayhap she'll be well
enough by then to come. We'll make her
a bed 1' tho awld wagon and take her
careful, Meatcr Hugh!"
Never In my life had I thougtit so
much of the honest-hearted carrier aa
now, when I saw him shedding tear for
my poor cousin.
When John Uudd came on the Thurs
day, ho found her sitting up In bod, able
to recognize him and talk to him, but Htlll
too weak to walk Into the adjoining room.
Nothing was said about going away that
day; but I Judged that she would be
able to make the attempt on the follow
ing Monday, the day of the carrier's re
turn. On the Sunday morning, therefore,
when rhe had left her bed room, and aat
in the arm chair by the sluing room fire,
I took her poor thin hand in mine, and
"Annie, my dear, do you feel strong
enough to take a Journey? John Uudd
will bo here to-morrow, and I want to
take you home."
It was pitiful to see her face. "Oh,
Hugh! I can't go!" she cried. "I can't
face father, It would kill me! You go,
und leave me try to forget you have
aecn me, and they will never know,"
"Annie," I said, "the time has come
when you must tell me the whole truth.
When we met in London, you said you
were a married woman. Waa that true,
or faUe?"
"When I told you, I thought It waa
true. He said I waa his wife. Wo went
licforo a sort of lawyer together In Plym
outh, and though I prayed xore to be
wed In church, he said It was the same
thing. Afterwards, when we quarreled,
he told me that the man was In hi pay,
und that It waa no marriage at all. That
waa why I left him, and went out Into
the streets to starve."
"Now, answer me," I cried, "who I
the man? If he is living, he shall make
"Too late, too late!" she cried.
"la he dead?"
"No, Hugh; ho I Jiving!"
"Ills name? Tell me hi name!"
"Hugh, dear, I cannot- at least not
rat. JJut I trusted him, and ha de
I -H -H -H-M MIKHHillf
ceived me. Ho made me swear eo keep
his secret for n time, saying that If folk
know of our marriage It would he hi
ruin. At last, when I could bear sua
poind IK) longer, he toM mo the truth.
With the aid of him that's dead, ho had
deceived me. Wliat slwll 1 do?"
My head whirled; I had a aero struggle
to collect my furious thoughts. At last
I mattered myself, and cried:
"You must come home with me. You
must tell the truth to those that lovo
I shall never forgot that Journey.
Aa wo drow nearer and nearer to St.
Ourlott's, her agitation increased terri
bly; and when at last John pulled up
within a hundred yards of the cottage
gate, she began to cry pitifully, and beg
to bo taken atony. I soothed her as well
as I could, and, having left her In the
van, I walked on to tho cottage to pre
pare tho way for her reception. I en
tered the gate, went softly up to tho
cottage, and looked In at the kitchen
window. It was quite dark outside; but
Inildo the kitchen lights were burning,
and a fire was blazing on tho hearth,
llefore the fire, seated In his arm chair,
was my uncle. Ills faco looked whiter
than ever, hit hair was like snow; on
hi knee he held tho big family lllble,
which he was reading, tracing tho line
with tho forefinger of his right hand.
I looked around the kitchen for another
figure that of my aunt. She was not
there. I hastened back to tho wagon,
lifted out Annie, more dead than alive,
poor child; and half ted, half carried her
to tho kitchen door.
"Go In, Annie," I whispered, "your
father Is there!" Then I opened the
door, and, leaving her on the threshold,
returned to my post of observation at the
window to see what took plsce.
For a moment, Annie swerved and
half tunrne-1, as If about to fly, then shs
laid her hand upon the door and sobbed,
I saw my uncle start nervously and
drop the book upon his knee; then he
rose, and, with a piercing cry of Joy, held
forth bis arms.
What followed I don't know. I rushed
to the kitchen door, and when I reached
It I aaw poor Annie lying half fainting
upon her father's breast.
It was a sight to bring teara to the
eyes of a strong msn. Tho poor old
father white-haired, haggard, trvmbling
like leaf, and feverishly clasping the
child who hsd been the darling of his
days. He looked into her face ha
smoothed back her hair with his wrin
kled hand he murmured her name
while, sobbing and moaning, she clung to
him and entreated his forglvcneas. I
stood looking on, slmost terrified. As I
did so, my aunt brushed past me, snd,
eutering the kitchen, uttered a cry of
The tone of her voice was harsh and
cold, and her face waa stern Indeed. Its
leaning herself from her father's em
brace, my coutan turned to htr mother
with outstretched arms.
"Yes, mother! I have come back!"
Hut my aunt, with the same stern ex
pression, repulsed her, and the poor girl
fell back with a pitiful moan.
"Hide a bit! Wha brought 'ee? Did
you coom tuck alone?"
"We came home together," I said,
stepping forward.
"I me look at 'ee!" cried my annt,
suddenly approaching her daughter, who
hid her face and sobbed. "What, can't
'ee look your mother in the face? Naw?
Theu away wl' Ve, for you'm na daugh
ter o' mlno!"
My uncle, who had sunk trembling into
a chair, looked up, amazed, as she con
tinued: "1aoc at your father! Iook at the
shame and trouble you'm brought upon
him! A year ago he waa a happy man,
and I were a happy woman; hut now
look at us both now! Hotter to be dead
and buried than to coom back jar, bring
ing rorrow on folk that once held their
heads up wl' tho best!"
I was lost In ajiiaiement at my aunt's
severity; for never for a moment had I
anticipated such a reception. Hitherto,
Indeed, my uncle had seined to take the'
affair most to heart, and It was his atti
tude toward Annie that I had most
"Come, come, aunt," I ald. "You
must not talk to Annie so. There has
been trouble, no doubt; but it Is all over
now, and everything can be explained."
"Whar has she been all this while,
tell me that? She left o' her awn free
will, and she comes back o' her awn
tree will; but till I know what she ha
done, I'll ne'er sit down or break bread
wl' her again."
"I told you how It would be!" cried
Annie, addressing her words to me, but
hUII hiding her face. "Let me go! I
wish I had never come!"
And she made a hurried movement to
ward tho door, ns if to lly, Seeing this,
rny aunt relented a little; though her
manner was still harsh enough. At this
moment, my uncle rose.
"Annie," he raid, "dawn't heed moth
er. She dawn't mean It, my lass she
dawn't mean it! Whato'er you'm done,
thla Is your home, and you are my child
our Utile law." Then, turning to his
wife, he added, "Speak to her, wife!
speak kindly to her! Maybe ahe'll tell 'ee
tdl her trouble."
Ills broken tones, so pleading and piti
ful, melted the mother's heart. With a
wild cry she sank into a chair, the tears
streaming down her face.
"Oh! Annie, Annie! may the Lord for
give 'ee for what you ha' donel"
Suddenly mastsrlng hern If, my cousin
' uncoversfl her face find loked at her
mother. Then, drying her tears, and
speaking with tremulous deteriiilimtlou,
she said:
"I know I have been wicked. I know
I should never have gone away. Hut If
you have suffered, so have 1. I neve
meant to bring trouble upon you ur (ush
er; 1 loved you boh too well for that.
Hut If you can't forgive mo, If your
heart Is still Utter against me, I hnd
I better go away. I 'don't want to bo
trouble or a burden. 1 havu made my
bod, 1 know, and 1 must lie iixm It;
and If I had not met my cousin Hugh
I should never have come home."
, "Toll me tho truth. Annie Petidragon."
said my aunt. "Wha took thee, from
homo? Was It him ns Is lying, dead and
' murdered, In his grave?"
Annlo opened her eyes In wonder. My
tmele start ixl, and then, curious to say,
averted his face, but stood listening.
"I have already asked her that ques
tion," I said; "and she denies It."
I saw my uncle start again. He was
still eagerly listening.
"No, mother," said Annie firmly.
"Naw? Ye were seen together P Fal
mouth; all the folk think the oveh-'er
took 'ee away fro' homo."
alien It Is not true."
My uncle turned; his face, which hnd
been troubled before, now ghawtly be
yond measure.
"Annlo, Annie, my lass!" he crtd.
"Paw n't deny It! Speak the truth, ami
we'll forgive 'eo! it were Meakter John
son ay It were, Annie, say It wercl
HU voice was pleading and full of en-'
treaty. 1 alone of all there, guessed why.
Hut Annie shook her head sadly, as she
"No, father. Him yen speak of was
nothing to me.
My uncle had turned away, like a
man mortally wounded, am), leaning
against the lintel of the window, was
looking wildly out.
"Dawn't speak to me!" he said;
"dawn't, my lass! I can't Iwar It!"
I thought It time to Interfere; so, gent
ly taking Annie by the hand, I led her to
my aunt, and made them shake bands
and kls oach other. Thus some sort of
reconcilement waa established, and pros
ently the two women, mother and daugh
ter, went upstairs together. Directly we
were alone, my uncle turned ami faced
me. I naw that he Was still greatly skI
tated, and fancied that I guested the
"Hugh, my lad." ho ssld, "I knsw I
can trust 're. Kver sin you was a little
lad. you'm been a'-noat a sen to me."
With the tears standing In my eye.
I wrung his hand. I pitied Idm. with
my whole heart and soul; for Indeed
I loved him like a son.
"Hearken, then, Hugh, my tail. Did
you hear what poor Annie ssld about
hrrsen and the overseer? He It truth,
think 'ee?"
"I think so nay, I sm certain."
He drew his hand across his brow,
where the perspiration stood In beaded
"I think yon'm right, Isd; I dawn't
think my Annie would He. Hut It has
allays bcrn on my mind, d'ye see. that
Jnhtvvm were to blame; and only last
night abed, dreaming like again, I
thought I had my fingers at his throat
am! tried to take tin's life! I
might ha' done It. I might ha' done It."
As he spoke, be raised his voice to a
cry. and a strange mad light, such as I
had never seen there before, be pan to
gather In his eyes.
Terrified at his words, I moved to the
khohefi door, ami closed k qulekly,
"Hush! I'or heaven's wske, don't speak
so loud! Some one may hear you!"
He was quiet In a moment. Subdued
ami gentle, he let me lead him to a chair.
Then our eyes met, and though we ex
changed no word, he saw that I guessed
his secret, and groaning painfully, he
hurled his fare in bin two hands, and
called on Cod to forgive him for bis fJns.
(To r continued.!
Tito Country Town.
It's common to sower at the country
With its qultt streets and its peaceful
Where the little river meanders down
To be lost In the broad, blue sea ao-wr
Aa we who think we sre wise are I ok
In the roaring city that, like the sea,
Has Its ebb and flow, with Its millions
As bubble robbed of Identity,
There's fellowship in the country town,
With Its empty street and Its spread
ing trees,
Where the country rong birds warble
At maid as fair as man ever sees;
Where the wind blows sweet from tho
fields nearby,
Where men know the names which
their nelglibora bear,
Where a man Is uihwt-d when ho'a gone
to lie
With the peaceful ones who have ceas
ed to care.
There are Joys out there In the country
That we of the city may never learn
In the rush for money ami for renown,
Confronting strangers where'er i we
Oh, wasn't God's world serene and fair
In the country town ere we came
And won't It bo sweet to sleep out there,
Far from the city's roar, some day?
Chicago Uecord-Hcrald.
Fortress at n HIkIi Altitude,
Tho Itnllnn Kovornment has Just
erected a fortress on tho great Ohnbor
ton summit, opposlto Hrincnn, for tho
defenHo of tho Slinplon tunncL Thin
fort is 10,000 feet high nml la believed
to bo tho most elevated fortified point
In tho world.
The largest national debt In tho
world Is that of France, -which Is near
ly six billion dollars, or nine times tho
aunurd revenue of the government.
Tho distinct comtMiunila from coal
tnr have Increased from -151 In IHtU
to UW3, nut loss than llirco hundred of
tho present products being dyos,
Tho sotiud-dcuilculng iirningcments
tried on llio Horlln ulovtitod iiilhvny
Include felt under und lit tho sides of
tho ml In, wood-tilled cur whi'olH, steel
und wood ties resting on wind and
cork-lined Hour plunks, rHlls on
deep wooden stringers proved tho must
A now camera of great Importance,
photographing for tho llrst tlmo tho
Interior or buck of tho eyo, is llio pro
rlnetlou of Dr. Wnlthor Thornor, of
Horlln. A tolcsoopo-llko focusing class
gives ruTtirnttf foem under tho mini
Illumination of n Uoroseue Ininp. and
a ttiishllght Ignited by nit electric
spark Impresses tho Imago upon Iho
pluto. Tho picture show tho varia
tions of the eye In honltli and disease,
making It possible now to follow tho
progress of dlsouso step by step.
With the speelul iurpiso of secur
ing more ucetiralo record at automo
bile race tliiiu cull bo obtained with n
Mop-watch, the Mors Company in
l'arla litis constructed nn electric np
pn rut us, which Is wild to give excel
lent results. Two small Imixos, elee
trlcally connected by wire, are placed
one nt tho starting nml the other at
the finishing point. At the start tho
wheels of tho racers touching n win
Mretched across the track cause a nrv
dip to form a dot on a Imud of paper
driven at uniform speed by n chrono
meter. At tho finish tho wheels, In
a similar manner, entise another dot
to be made on the same paper. Hy
measuring the distance between the
dots tho time elapsed Is ascertained.
About n doseu years ago, M. Ittchtrr
showed that tho mysterious fires In
benzlne-clenntng establishments are
duo to electricity, which produce
sparks ns pieces of wool are drawn I
from tho combustible tluld on cool or
dry days, and he found tlwtt the sparks '
could bo prevented by adding magne
sium oleuto -even as little as II.IK! per
cent to the. Itouzluo, The reason of
this remnrknhla effect of tho oloate has
not been understiMHl. It has now been
Investigated by (I. Just at Karlsruhe,
and he tltids that tho conductivity of
tho Im-iizIiio Is very slightly Increased,
this ahaugo lielng auttlclotit to prevent
tho accumulation of dangerous electric
charges. In pure Ih-iizIiio an elei'trodn
kept Its charge for minutes, while In
tho diluted oloate solution It refused
to take any charge.
An Interesting; instance of the man
ner in which insiK'ts sometimes nsslst
tho growth of plants without any in
tention to do no, and while attending
strictly to their own business, Is fur
nished hy tho history of n climbing
plant which grows In the Philippines,
and which hns recently been described
by Professor J. W. Hnrshlterger of
tho University of Pennsylvania. At
an early stage In Its career the plant,
which, like other plants, begin to
Krojv nt tho ground, severs Its connec
tion with tho soil, and thenceforward
lives with Its roots uttiiehed to dead
bamboo canes. It develops. In nihil
tlou to other leaves, certain pitcher
shaped loaves, Into llio cups of which
it sends n second set of roots. A spe
cie of small black nut frequents the
pitchers, and Incidentally enrrles Into
thoin mluttto fragments of decaying
wood and leaf mold, from which the
roots Just mentioned derive it constant
supply of food for the support of the
No IlnUtlnn of Ills.
A thin, nervous looking man stepped
up to the pastor as the latter e-.ime
down from the pulpit.
"You have had n good ileal to say
this morning," ho observed, "about u
feller thut killed a mini mimed Abel,"
"Cortnlnly,'' replied the pastor.
"'Tho Sin of Cain' was tho subject
of my discourse."
"I wish you'd do mo the favor next
Sunday," Huld tho thin man, lu ho mo
excitement, "to tell tho folks thut tho
man you wcro talking about this morn
ing uln't no relation to the lCnne that
keeps a livery stnblo down by tho
mill. I don't want none of my friends
to think that I hud a liiiuil lu that
klllln'. That's nil. Good day!"
A PlBiisltilo Kiuiiso,
UusmoII Sago was talking tho other
day about a dlshouest but plauslblo
"I liavo caught this man," ho mild,
"In a dozen shady transactions, though
ho lias been ready to excuse himself "
Mr. Sngo smiled. Then lie resumed;
"Ho reminds mo of a chap who
hroko a pinto glass window one day,
An soon ns ho hnd broken tho window
ho hurried off ns fast ns ho could go.
Hut tho shopkeeper liad scon iilm, Tho
shopkeeper enmo after him nml
grabbed him by tho collar.
" 'Aim, you hroko my window, didn't
you, eh?" ho suld.
"Yes, am! didn't you seo mo run
nlng homo for tho money to pay for
It?' said tho other."
Feed your hnlr; nourish It;
civo it nomcililni! to live on.
Then It will stop falllnu, and
will crow long mid henvy.
Aycr's I Inlr Vluor Is the only
Hair Vigor
hair food you can buy. For 00
years It has heen dolnu just
what wc claim it will do. It
will not disappoint you.
"Mr fcl it ir .l'ii list tllor
ml Al's llir tft m I.M Urns II l-st
li. if-sti4 imw II it l.Mit.H instai I'.tff
tl.l. t..lM s .l.i.,ll.(.,mi lu Has sll.! lll'S
ftlMtH.I will"! -Mf lialr
Mas. J, II. fists, OwUi4iiSril, 'la.
flMs UIIU.
i-.ll M...
Ail "ruiiiiii
Short Hair
All In lliei Pen,
Sho What Is lbs term applied to nn
who signs aitolkvr person's usiiie to a
lie l'he or ten esrs uiuslljr, I h.
1'Uo's Pure l a rmhI eolirll riiedlcllia.
It lias cured cmisIm ami eohli fur forty
years. At drtiKll." eetus,
Itaoli la Ilia Trade.
The violinist had beona Invited to a
"family dinner," but It proved that
several relatives of his host were pros
rut, and their demands for music wera
most persistent.
The violinist played three times,
and thru, when the applause, after his
third solo had died away, he turned
to his host
"And now, monsieur," h aild.
eagerly, "now It Is that you wilt show
us how you sell i flour lu sn wheat
pit. Can 1 help roll to barrel In, mon
sieur 1"
I 'yiura MTS rt4AJir.MTlY CUHttl
I a -. ros rua rAATKuiAM 1
Urntle Hint.
They were playing tenuis on the old
"Dear me," remarked the young
man, with a far-away look In his eyes,
"wn never hear of old-fashioned visa
ing game any niorv. They have cotto
out of style."
"I don't agree with you." replied the
pretty girl, "any game Is a klstuu
ganie If you supply the klssoa."
CITC "'sssassiijr Car-. Tnnof nrroma
filO nf fttt4r'swt,nh- KliM'iir-t.l(TS
luurr. imI ff '-I lrUIIiliMlltiw-.
lw. M. II. Kit. IM..V Anh SI. l'kU-.l-l!tiU. Ifc
First MeuL ltmhit4t K. Sniper, foor
teenth cavalry, t'. S. A., Is the yuuniJt
ntneer In the army; i.tut ICrnest D.
Peak Is the tallsst. being It fast 4 Inehss.
You Can (1st Allan's I ooMlase I'RIKL
Writs Allen H. (Hmttrd, la II07.N, Y , for a
frsa sniU ol aIIsh's fiai Kta. H eutta
iwrttlNr. tMitswolUn s-hlng fn It mates
ar or llstil itmi stir a nilaln eura for
corns, Imi rowliiztisiU and liuttlans. Allriruc
(Ills Mlill. . lton'1 se-l su r suUtltule.
A Trustless Trust.
Lightly My Ismllsdy evidently be
longs to a Itosnllng house combine.
Slmton -Why do you think so?
Lightly -She doesn't attempt to supply
the wants of llm cilaloinsr.
Little Liver Pills.
Must Boar fJIgnnturo of
it PacSlmlla Wrsppar Ilslaw.
Tar small a -.4 aa aaay
to take as aagaur.
. . CJumjINil wwnwiiumwii
M c7nti I gnvaiy YefsUlfev3Uggg
sssassi JXH- -MJBsjg'sjssB
luiiai-. noia Drurufsl.l
I sss,- -y -awssiapsiw tt -a. r - , , tmMmiummjanujjmjXT '"' i -W