i LOCAL BITS Dried nH ill liciul McicimtilcCo. ioc per miml. All kiiiils of hiiildciV iniilcrlitl nt iijilil prict'iut lleml Mercantile Co. You inn nel Rood prune nt Ilend Mctuiuiile Co. al 3 ponixlH lot 25c. llitf reduction in nIiouh til Ileud Meuaulilc Co., to tntike room for new k'hmN. KdIIii C. nml Kd Stone were over Irom their honicfUoiult in the Sand Spruits country thw week. Kowo Knox, of Post, uccoinpiiii icd by Ills two daughters, wim in Bend oil uhhIiiciw Wednesday. A M. Drake mid Clarence flood vvlllie are upending n few days 011 11 Iodine cxciilsiou up the liver. J (;"uacMLf I'rinevillc, ur lived in town life lirst of the week with two wagon loads of ficiKht. The Kev. 'A. W. Comnierford will conduct .services Sunday morn ing and evening in the II. M. hall. M C. Awuiuy icUtmed yester day from a two weeks' visit at Jin gene, riding nerews the range on his roan nun;. M 11x11 Cows j'ou Sai.ii. -l'ir.st-1 la.s link h cows, f35 to $.10 each with spring calf. C. II. Allen, .Meadow lltook ranch. S. M. Bailey, Knuik Foster, of I'riueville. and C. S. Miickie, of l'oitluud, were in town Monday iveiiiui; on their return fioui a trip to Davis litkc. Attorney K. C. Hroiiaugli mid i.tinil, .of Portland, -Mimed through Ilend early in the week 011 their way up the Dewhutes 011 a euinp niK trip of a iiionth. George HroNterhoiis and family, James V. Shuw, Harry Donley, lid llrosterhotiH mid ,ot McCouri were .up the I Wliutet 011 a h.sliiiig trip the first of the wek. The MtMieM Kttu Hunter and Ma bel Hunter closed their hoarding house Sunday and dcuutcd to day for Miss Hun Hunter's home Mead in the Sinters country. Stickel t Sou, masons, contract ors ami builders, will build you any thing on uartli from u .stone Ilim to n Ntone or brick mansion. I.onvc loriiers at oflicc of J, M. Lawrence. Mrs. Iva A. Steadmau, of Tort land, who Hcut two mouths with her sister, Mrs. K. H. Uiley, left on Monday morning's Mage for home. She expect to .spend the winter in lite Hast. Slcidl & Itcd are building a loi ging rond about a mile long over the lull wcftl of their mill. The mill is ex'weted to begin sawing 011 the logs obtained in that locality in .ilxjut two weeks. IIiiK O'Knue, who was granted ,1 saloon license by the county court and has erected a building at the corner of Oregon mid Horn! streets for it, will o-hhi The Oflice s.iloou there tomorow. W. li. (itierin, sr., mid his sou, U l. (iiieriu, .secretary of the I). 1 & 1'. Co., ciime in Tuewlay night, j having driven through from Shan itkn. Secretary Gueriu left this I morning K return to l'ortlaud. IiiNiire your buildings iu the American Fire Insurance Comimiiy. i'f Philadelphia, 11 conservative old company that is thoroughly Anicr 1. 111 in its methods and solid as a lock, J. M. Lawrence, ngent, Mr. and Mrs. Win. King mid family, of I'riueville, passed through town Thursday uuroutc to Crane prairie for an outing. Mr. King is a meml)er of the firm of Klkius & King, the I'riueville hardware mer chants. If. J, Overturf was talking to the 'man running uie piauer 111 me Pilot Butte mill Monday when his trousers leg ciiughl 011 a shaft and nt 'u instant tlie pants ley; was torn off. Overturf did it'ut receive a scratch. "Resolved that Mohammedanism has brouuht more good than evil to the world." is the question to be debated next Wednesday nigln at the Ilend Literary and Debating Society by Mrs. K. F. Hatton jiud Miss Marion Wiest. Dick Vandevcrt, of Vandevcrt Bros., was iu town from the Powell llutte ranch Tuesday. He says crops have been good this suuuuur and Dcsiues otner .my mm gram uiu Vandevcrt ranch will have about l.jQo bushels of rye to harvest. Postmaster W. II, Slants, of Des chutes, writes that himself and fam ily are having a jiIviihiiiiI outing ut Viifftiitia bay. They will visit Portland after finishing al Kuwait mid lelurii home 11 bout October 1. IM Dorgau was iu Ilend last Sat urday on his way to Lakeview on laud husidess, leiug a witness whose presence was necessary to straighten out a proof taken by A. C. Palmer after he had ceased to be U. S. Coinmissloncr. Charles J. Coltor mid family ex wct to leave for Lane county early the coming week to remain it year or mj. It is understood thnt Mr. Cottor will resign from the school board at a meeting to be held to morrow night and there will also be a vacancy iu the ofiicu of road supervisor for Ilend precinct. Lost From my wagon Sunday Aug. 7, between1 Meadow Brook Farm mid Ileud, one Winchester rillc 40-82 model 18H0 .several shells iu magaduc. One side lever, bieuch loading, "W. W. Greener" shotgun G. K. Ilrowning. Find er will obtain reward by leaving same with O'Neil Hros., I'riueville. . I'M. N. Ilechtel, with his family, who ariived in Ileud recently from Colville, Washington, has Imiight the City Hakery of Weider & Steele, mid also purchased a half interest iu the Ilend Ptirujlttrc Co. building An soon as he can take 'Kisscssiou of the building he will enlarge the bakery and confectionery and install a short order restaurant. S. H. Dorrance, foreman nt the Pilot Hutte sawmill, went Monday to his homestend about 30 miles south of Ilend to care for his hay crop. IS. W. Dorrance, n brother, who is interested in .sawmills at Woodburn ami Ncwberg. arrived in Hend Saturday to examine the country iu this vicinity. He is act ing as foreman at the Pilot Hutte mill during his brother's absence. Furniture Cheap-- About $600 worth of New Furniture will be sold at 10 per cent above cost. First come, first served. Bend Furniture Co. F.V. Avery nml Dr. A. D. Sny der, of Miles, Washington, spent several days iu Ilend examining the segregations of the irrigating com (miiies iu this county. Mr. Avery is stieriiitcmlcut of the govern ment Indian school at Miles, which has about 325 pupils and so em ployes, mid Dr. Snyder is physician there. These gentlemen expect to imtkc a return viit to Ileud within n yenr. The wire rope holding the log boom at the Pilot Hutte mill broke Saturday night mid quite a uumler of the logs were set adrift and floated against the bridge with such force that it was feared they would tear the bridge out. Hut the water soon found a way through the logs and the bridge .settled down to its original position. Few logs jwwed under the bridge and aside from the exjensc of hauling them back to the boom the loss was slight. WANTED S Wages, $2.25 per day Hoard, $1.50 per week FIFTY - TEAMS Si.OO per Dny Deschutes Irrigation & Power. Company HUM) OKUdON TRIPLETT BROS. Barber Shop & Baths Hest of accommodations and work promptly done......... W.M.I. St. BKND OKI-CON A. NALB Contractor - -- - and Builder ISSTIMATISS FURNISHED SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Office at Pilot Blitte Inn Miss Jackie Hrock was out with tt camping party in the mountains last week. Her little niece was dangerously near the campfiru mid Miss Hrock jumped to rescue the child, Injuring the ankle recently sprained so il was advisable for her to return to I'riueville for treatment. She came home Saturday. J. W. Taggart, Charles Shong and J. N. Hunter went up to J. F Taggarl's homestend near Koslntul Sunday, and also examined the tim ber belt to the .southeast. Messrs. Taggart nml Shong started Wed nesday morning 011 their return to Wisconsin, expecting to return to Hend again soon. Mr. Shong has a sawmill near Augusta, Wis. II. R. Lamb, of Sedro-Wooley, Washington, has been iu Hend for several days looking nt the land iu this vicinity mid has contracted for rfloo acres for himself nml friends iu 17-1.J. nlxuit 15 miles northeast of here. He left for his home Thurs day morning but will return iu about three weeks and commence improvements. Mr. Lnmb senks iu glowing terms of the situation and quality of soil 011 this tract of laud. He is interested iu the light ami water works plant at Sedro Wooley. Men Wanted To work on the Columbia Southern Irrigation Co.'s works. Also One Blacksmith R Main camp on south side Cliue Duties. Columbia Southern Irrigation Co. C. F. SMITH, SriT. "'ill"T.lll,".,l!f;,"lT'.MH3 FT"."'' Tyi TiiuUr !,ai... Art June j, if , NOTICK l'-OIl ITDMCATION. U. H. Dux! OITtrr. The Dill-., Orrgou, June 14, ij. Notfcr la btirlty glrni Hi I in ceintum with thr mnitUmt of Xhr Art of Cuiiietr.i ur June J. hjt, ririHtat, "An rt fur IhcMlcof HmlirrUiiiU Iu llir UlrarCallfoftiUl Orritwi. NrrniU, mil Wo.hltul"" Tffillury," ritrmlcd to all the iHiMk Uwl Mulct tijr Art or AMru.t 4, ityi. Ihr MluwlHX'Htmt-J pciMHM hitf mrd Iu thU oltttt thrtr awoiH ltf Hirlit.. lu-wll. WchtUuC AwJtrwoy. ofl.tlMMmi, coHHly uf l.lnn, .ltr f Orrsoti, fH .unonit No tM. U March is. tvu. for the HircKK-i)f Ihr l,ut 1 anJ imlh nr arw4 4.lt' 14, rie. w m Ilinnu II. Httllrtl, uf W.lrn, rt 111 of CiixiV. utr of Orrcon; worn uHrwrnl No. ihj. fllnl April II, l4. far Ihr urfiitrtlier) K ri ml H iw)( w 14. Ii 1 . r r. w m Willfll It Wont, iifWmrM. rmiHly of Mihll. Utc of Mlnnr t, iwimi tUUmrnl No , hint Jnury tj, IVV4, for thr tmtclMie uf the I.0U mt 7 aim (H wK f t . t 14 . r ir, it m That they wltlolfcr iwixif lo how that the land ought H mure ralmUe far ll.tlmtwr or done thH fin- airtcullural niri.r. ami to ralalillih Ihrtr claim to mmI lawl Ixfore the County Clnk uf Cruul Cimtity, at rrlucvllW, Unou, on Odic ht 10. 114 They name Mtlnn ItlUtia K Joir, Mriali I. Auilrrway. of Mater, oteiien, jame HuMler Ium-uh N llunlrr ami Hairy Hunter, of Html. (NrguM, Jrmiy Audrrway awl William lleiHlrtekMM of lbanivM. Orec-in , Kotiert Ihnith, of HMm, Oir(Hl. c H IMwaou, l The I Mile, lUtfOH. Mary U Scouicin aiul AvrryO heotiKln, uf mHrrtllr. Oititou, Chailea II IHtater, ltrrii K AlllHfham, Joe A t'.raham, Iwlwin II t.raham and IVriy H Oarta, of hl.trra. Orrnoii Any unit alt ix-cwtia cUIiiiIiik ailverxly the alMVrlearrllw.1 UimU atervfitiealetl to file their etalma tn thl office on urhelotctheMM lotlulay 01 tuucr. ly4 ajo MICIIAKI. T NOI.AN, Keglatrr. Do You Wear Clothes? If so ou will find it to your advantage to buy tliem this month of R. L. SIMPSON, The Office Saloon Choicest brands of 1 WINES and CIGARS Imports and Domestic Best bar service in Crook COUNTY E MEAT, VEGETABLES, GRAIN t'ull vStock of the BUST constantly THE CfTY MARKET MAYi'mr.o liko., i'iioimiiT0K WEST BUILDING Wall Street Tlmlier r,nt, Act June s, lift. NOTICK FOIt JMJJJij.CATJON. V. H. f.and Office, Mkevlevr, Orciion, July r), !'. Notice la lirrrliy kl-tn that Iu compliance with llietitovlalonaiifthe Att of CotiareM or June 1, l7, eiitltlfil. "All net fiirthearcorilinWIiiU In IhrataltaolCallfuriila, OrrK'in, Nr'la, ami WaaliliiKton Terflfiry," a eleinll lo all the jpiilllc lmid aUIra ly Act of Aiiu-t 4, "' Mlllaon J. Kolwtla, of f)raeliiile, wuiily of Crook, Mate of Orricou, haalhlailay filnl In IhU ofMee lil aworn Mate menl No ajr. for Die Hirchaae oflhe IM I tl laud i'! uejf ami urjf ,', cc I, lpa, rye, w III And will offer lrfo'.f lo alww thai the land aoujcht l wore valuaMr for H tlmhtr or aUmr Ihau foraKfleulliiial tiiiriioaea, and lo ralahllah til. claim loaald Inud txlore J. M. Mwrruce. f H CfiminlMloiier. at Ilend, OrK'"' o Satutday, Hie Jid day of Orlolier. l'x4. lie uatuta aa wllnrMra Joacph . Ilunler, l'.t w(. W HulKTta, Will Marah, Hairy I' Hunter, of D-Khulci, Ornon. Any and all peraont claimlnie aderdy the alKm-deMillit".! land are rKiiojMed to file their claim. In till, ulhre on or before the hW rd day ofocloher, vn, aiOH,ii J. N. WATMIM, Kegl.lcr. CON'SOMOATKIJ NOTICK KOH PUBLICATION. l)eKirtiueiit of the lulcrlor, U. S. Mnd Office, J,akelcw. Oregon. July it, K.4. .Vollce It lierchy riven that the following uamrilaetllcra have filnl nolieea of their Inlen lion lo make final proof In aMpport of tlirlr claim., and that aald proofa will l made liefore J II Ijiwieiice, V H. Coiiiinlaatoner. at hit office at ItriBl, Crook coiinly, Oregon, oil Ail KUt rr, l'4, l Kalph H Caldwell, II It No in, for the e ae'f aec liand cH nef aec4, tpai a, r loe.w 111 William IWtHr, II J! No fjM. frthea awjf ecj, ii!fiiw)f e j, ue ncK aec 17, tp l a, r 10 e, w tn They name the following wllneatea to prore Ihrlreonlluiioua rcaldenee upon and enllWatlon of aald land, vli. Jluhirl S MayCrld, Kalph II Cahlwcll, of Ilend. Oireou; Wllllain imgue. Oeorite T Kly, of Kotland, oirgon; John Slaemorc, of Dcachutca, Oregon. In-art J. N WATW)N, KegUter. Tlmlier Mnd, Art June J, lj. NOTICK KOH l'UHLICATION. Kl'ADVKKTISitMKNT t' S. MtHt Olfier, The lalle. Oregon, July 1. iy4- Nolkr la herclnr glren that In compliance with the ollona or the act of 'Congieat of jHne 1, llt-a. enlltlr.1 "An act for the aale of tlmhcr landa Iu Hie alalrt of California, Orefoii. Nrraita, and Waahlngtun Tenllory," aa ealrnded to all the puMK laud Male by act of Auguat 4, 19, Ollre A Weal, ol Ilend, county of Crook. aUteofOrccon.haaon Octolwr 14, lont, fileil In till, omre her awurn atalrmcutNo lyit.fur the puichaaeof theaeX of aec n tp ly a, r lac, w m And will offer ptoof to ahow that the land aought ItmoreraloaMe for It tlmlier or alnve than for agricultural purouaea, amllo rotaldlth her claim to uk! taml lieforr J M Ijiwrance I' S Commla.loner, at hit ofnee at Hend, iliegon, on the Jtlhday of Keterulier, lv4 hhenamia aa wltneaac John I Weat. I'rank Weal. TO llar.hmall, Krila Wet. latin Alkln aou, Wallace II Dankel. Joacpli N lluHlcr, all of lleml, Oregon. Any and all peraona claiming adrcraely the almrcxtcacribcd Undt are irquratc-1 lo file Ihelr claliut In thla olfice on or before aald 4th day of Heptemlier, iyo4. itl-ajj MICIIAHL T. NOI.AN, KegUter. Timber Land, Act June J, iM. NOTICK FOIt PUBLICATION. V. A. (.and Office, The Dalle. Oregon, July I J, WM- Notice la hereby glren that in compliance with the prortaloua oft lie Act of Ctmgrcw. at June 1. IS7S, entitled. "An act for the aale of timber lamia In the atalranf Callfornhi, Oregon, Nevada, and Wnahlnglnu Terrilory," aa extended to all the public land atatea by Act of Auguat 4. , Arthur I. Ooodwllllc. of Ileud. county of Crook, alate of Oregon, hat oh June JJ. 1904, fileil In thla office hit aworn atatrmenl So. ail, for the (Mirtbaae of the nef nw. uwU nc1 inl iX nekvdttcc 14, tp 1; . r It e. win And will offer urcaif to ahow ihat the land aought la more valuable for Ita tlmlier or atone than for agricultural purpuaea. and to eataMMi hit claim toaaMland before J. M. IinreHce. I'. S Commlaaloner, at hit offWe at Mend. Oregon, on the )oth day of heptember, lyM Ur names wllneatea; joaepli N Hunter, , M Drake. Oeorxc C Sliue Biaun, John II Orritutf, all of Mend. Oregon. Anv and all tiernout dalmlni! ail verve! v the aliore-iearileUaiid arc teueet to file their cUlma In thla oflicc on ur before the aald joth day of hepumber, 1004. jM MICIIAI'.I. T. NOI.AN, KegUter. Prmeville. Oregon HUGH O'KANE. Prop. Ucst brands or Strnh:ht Whiskies on the Market.... HON!) and I.II.I.AKD OI.11 CKOW II l!R.M ITAC.lt CKAI1 OKCIIAKI) IMrOKTUl) W1USKIKS ! j on hand at lowest living prices BEND OREQON Tlinlxr fi ml, Act June j, 1I74. NOTICK KOIl I'UBIjICATION. tf. A, r.nnd Office, The Dalle, Oiegon, June 14. 1'M. Notice la hereby glren tlml In roinpllatHe with Iheprorltloiianfthe Act of Cmigrem of June fi 167. entitled, "An act for the aale ol tlmlier land In the atatea of California, Oregon, Nevada, awl Washington Terrilory," a extended to all the mihlkr laud atatea by Act of Augutt 4, 19, the fullnwlu-naiHedperiuahave filwl Inlbltofftec their awurn talcmenla. tn-wlt Aleaamler M iHalte, of Ilend, eounly of Crik. atalr of Oiegoni mttii alatrmrnt No iy, filnl May Ij, $4, fdr thij porchaaeof the aw ae aec ij, vr nK Hd eK "-!( ce 4, tp 17 a, r it e w m. John n Thompaon, (ifHunnyalde, county of Y4kinM, ataleof Wath Ington, aworn atateinent No, nji, filnl May 4, i'4, for the purchaae of tlie ()(!( aec IS, tp 14 , r 10 e, w in. Thatthey wilt offer Jirw,f to ahow that thetand aought la more valuable for lla timber or atone Inaii for agricultural mriva. and t ettaMftli IhetrcUlma toaaid land before J. M. tAUKtti t'. H. Cofumlatftitier, at hit office at Hend, Ore gmi,uti Oetotr 10, iy4. They name iw wltneaaea- Jotepti N Hunter, Arthur I.Ooodwtllle, John II Ofertawf and ft A Hunter, of Ilend, (negou, John ffiott, Wtllam K IbMlh and Ateaander smith, of Stttera, Ore gon, Maxctn l.cl'ajrr, of Ieachute, Oregon. Any ami all tieraona claiming adeerteiy.the above-deacrlbedlaudaate rtrueatl to file their clalma III thit ofrvce on or tefore the W 1Mb. day of October, iy4. ayo7 MICIIAIU. T NOf.AN, Kegltter. Tlmlier Land, Art June J. 187$. NOTICK KOH PUBLICATION. f-and Office at The Dallea, Oregon, July yi, iw. Notice la hereby glren that in eutspManec with Hie pruvlalona of the act of Congrem of June 1, 167a. eiitltlrd "An act for the aale of timber Undt in the atatea of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory, ' aa extended to all the; fiublic land atatea by act of Augu.t 4, l9, the ullowing-nanied pcraona bare ou May rj, vHi filed In thla office their aworn atatctncmi, to-wit j Newton N. Ilrown, of Ilend, county of Crook, atateoi Oregon; aworn atatrnitnt No .t4l. for the purchase of thea ' nw( and Ixita jand 4of arc j, tp 14 a, r lae.wrn. John ve Nd4e, of Ilend, county of Crook, Hate of Oregon; aworn statement No tut, fot the purctMaeef tbciwif ' of aec 1. tp 14 a, r loe. wm That they will offer proof to show that the land aought la more valuable for lit timber or stone than for agricultural purpotea, and ts eatabttttt their clalma to said land before J. M. Ijwrenee, I' h. Commlasioner, at hit office at Ilend, Ore gou, ou October i. ly4 They name aa witneaaea James Ilunler, Jshn W Noble, Newton N Hrown. Jsteptt N Hunter, of Ilend, Oregon. William R Booth and Wil liam T HtcpJient, of Kistera, Oregon. Any and alt persona claiming adversely the abore-deacrilied land arc requeated ts file their, etalma In thit oflice on or before the aald llth day of October, I9?4. af-07 MICIIAIU. T. NOLAN, Kegltter. Timber Land, Act June i. -S. NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. U. 8. Mnd Office, Lakericw, Oregon, July yHh, (904. Notice la hereby glren that in compliance with the provisions oflhe Act of Congreaa of June f. it4. entitled. "An act fur the aale of timber land In the atatea of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," aa extended tn atl the public laud autca by Act o' August 4, lV)3, John II. Merdiuk. of Stephen, county of Marahall, state of Minne sota, bat thit day filed In this oflicc bit aworn tlatemcnt NO. I7S4- for the purchase of the tfj; !f uef awjf , Lot j, tee 7, tp ti a, r to e, w m. And win offer proof to show that the land aought It more valuable for ita timber or atone " than for agricultfiral purpoMS. and to establish his claim to uld land fcfore the Kegltter and Keceiver at LaVevl , Ofegon, on l'rldty, the 7th day ol October. 1$ He names at witnetset. Charles K Stockland, Dolelt L MlkkcUon, Kotwelt A Whitney, George llamcry, Joseph O IlrlnkerbofT. Carrie O Mid eltoo, Kalhcl M Deraard. of Iligland, Minne sota; Hauna lloyce, of Grand Forks, North DakoU. Any, and all persona claiming adversely the above-clcacrlbed 'aadf are requested to file their clalma In thit ofller Mor before the said 7th day oroctbbcr, iyo4 W . oJ J N WATSON, Regltter. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1S7S. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. V. 8. LaBd OSce, The Dalles. Oregert, June 14. IVH)' Notice It hereby given that in compliance with the provisions oflhe Act of Coocret of June J, 1&73. entitled, "An act for theaaleof tlmWr lands in the autea of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," at extended to all the public land atatea by Act of August 4,' ?9, the following-named persona hare tiled In thU office their sworu ttalemeuta, towlt: l'erdinand W Seeck, of llattey, county of Linn, ttate of Oregon; twont atatriufHl No. it-e, filed March 14, 191, tar the . purchase of the teK aec J, tp I J t. r toe, w ro. John I'. Mrlngtr, ol Albany, couuty of U1111. atate of Oregen; aworn atatement No. iioi, filed December 7. 9ttl for Hie purchaae of tlie wH twlf, awf( uwK ana 11 e)( twtf tec ju, tp 14 f, r 10 c, w m. . That tlicy will orr jTuof to ahow that the land aought it jnore valuable for ita titular or lenc than for agricultural purpose), and to ttabRth their claimt to mhI Una le(bre the CbubIv Clerk rfCtoolsCUMUty. ut I'riucvtllc, Oregoti, ou Oclo. tier it, IOC4,, They nawr at wttnee. Herman J Seeck, of HalcJ , tlrxsuu. li C MrHiideharry, or Albauy, Oregon- 'VLfi Booth ami Alexander Smith, or Siiters Orecyu, J N Iliintct and Harry lluutcr. of DeKhuta, Oietjou. Any and oil perm eta i ml UK odvertely the atKvc-d.eri,;l'Wr nr-jjcjjiitd to Vc thtit claims in. JVT Qlutv onjwTHe.lUe -Aid lth day of ixnober. im. aj-oj MlCllAKL T. NOLA,.Kcglstcr. TlroXr UnaV AUlue J. ! NOTICK FOR. PUBLICATION. V. S. Land Office. The Dallct, Oregon, June 34. ioa. Notice It hereliy given that In cempliauce with the provision ofine Act of Ceugreat of June A, 187S, entitled, "An act fur the tale of timber lauds In the. Uttt of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," at extended to alt the imblic Uud state by Act of Augutt 4. lSfr, the followinE-iiamcd ticrMma have on May 9. IW. tiled tit thla office tlieir tuoru .tateineuts, to-wit: John W. Taggart. of Augusta, county of HuuCUIrc, state of Wis. couslii; mvuru tluleniciit Nu. M14. for the pur chaae of the nit ucij, lie) nw and I.ot 1 of tec id, tp is ', r to e v in. Nellie Taggart, of Augusta, county ot lluu CUtrc, stale of Wis. cousin, sworn statement Nu, jjaj, for the put chase of the cU olscc is, tp i, r lr. w m. That they v,itl offer proof to ahow that the land aought W mote vuluab'c for it tlmlier or stone than for agricultural nirKs, and to cstablUU iheirctaima to said land before I. M. Lawrence. V 8 Coiiimtloucr, at hit oluceat lltnd, Ort. gou, ou October' 11, 1904- They name at v,Uucci John W Taggart uud Nellie Taggurt, of Augusta, Wisconsin; jo. acph l Taggart ami Joteph N Hunter, of l'.end. Oregon, William K Itoolh and John lllou.of tii.ters, Oregon. Any and all person claiming aihertely the alKixe-tlescrlbetl land are requetrl to file thelt claim In tills otlicc 011 or before the said nth day of October, 1904. nj7 .MICIIAKI, T. NOLAN, KegUter. Th6 Bulletin gives the news, ft ,1 ""$ r r:L:'- taa' aalJ